Is there a keyboard backlight on an asus laptop. How to turn on, turn off and change the color of the backlight on a laptop keyboard? Multi-color rainbow backlighting of a regular keyboard

Often users touch phones They resort to the idea that they cannot see the keys at all either in sunny weather or at night, which is why use becomes less convenient. Fortunately, modern smartphones allow you to avoid such situations by having a feature such as backlit keys on the internal keyboard, i.e., the “Menu”, “Home” and “Back” buttons.

Xiaomi manufacturers also took care of their consumers and began adding the key backlight function to new models of their smartphones.

If this option is very important for the buyer, you should immediately inquire about its availability, since it is not available on all phones. Manufacturers do not consider it necessary to indicate this point on the packaging and in the main characteristics, so you should contact a consultant directly or check it yourself in the store by visiting the settings.

What is an indicator light

A light indicator (LED) is an LED built into a smartphone, which, depending on the settings for any “event” (notifications, calls, SMS) or standard functions, blinks in a certain color, even when the screen is off, notifying the user about something.

Most commonly used colors indicator light:

  • Yellow color - shows the operation of the energy saving mode, which occurs during synchronization, background application processes, connecting to Wi-Fi, automatic updates and GPS. Also notifies you of the average battery level when the phone is charging.
  • Green color - indicates that the battery charge is almost at the maximum level, and you can already use the phone;
  • Red color - notifies that the battery charge is at a minimum level or, when the phone is turned off, it is completely absent. When the smartphone passes this minimum threshold while charging, the indicator changes color from red to yellow.

How to visually recognize whether the keys are backlit or not

Visually, phones with backlit keys are no different from phones without it, so it is impossible to determine its presence just by looking at the gadget.

You can immediately understand whether this function is present or not only if it is automatic or already enabled.

No backlit keys

In the list of models below, backlit keys are missing, most likely due to the fact that the brand simply decided not to add this option.

Phones that definitely do not have backlit keys:

  • Xiaomi Redmi 3Sinexpensive smartphone with a powerful battery, which no longer occupies the highest position in the top of the presented models;
  • Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro– a more popular model of Xiaomi phones, in which features such as Touch ID on the front panel and an AMOLED display are beginning to appear, but nevertheless, the manufacturer decided to omit the key backlight function;
  • Xiaomi Redmi 4A– a convenient gadget from a number budget smartphones, but endowed with no small amount useful functions Xiaomi, with the exception of the backlight we need;
  • Xiaomi Redmi 4– a “balanced” phone showing a good price-quality ratio;
  • Xiaomi Redmi 4x– an inexpensive but interesting model, also not equipped with a backlight function;
  • Xiaomi Redmi 5a– again, a good price-quality ratio, but the status of “state employees” makes it clear that you shouldn’t expect much;
  • Xiaomi models smartphones released even earlier.

Availability of backlight function

And the models presented in this list are convenient and comfortable to use in any lighting.

Phones with backlit keys:

  • Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro– a smartphone at an affordable price, with a beautiful design and, in addition, excellent content;
  • Mi A1– a model from the line, the main feature of which is the absence MIUI firmware, which indicates some updates and the presence of new functions;
  • Mi 5– convenient form, good performance and, of course, the presence of a key backlight function.

Not all are included in the list Xiaomi phones, equipped with a backlight function, so you should check in more detail in the store or directly with the seller.

From the above we can conclude that the price category does not in any way affect the presence or absence of this detail.

How to turn on key backlighting on Xiaomi smartphones

Having dealt with the lists and making sure that your model is endowed with the ability to highlight keys, let’s figure out how to do this.

To turn on the key backlight, you need to do the following steps:

  • Go to “Settings”;
  • Scroll down the page and select the “Advanced” or “Advanced Settings” section;
  • In this section we find the line “Keys” or “Indicator light” and go;

  • Move the slider next to the word “Backlight”;
  • If necessary, select the time for the keys to glow after the last press, which varies from 1 to 20 seconds, or click “Always” and let the keys glow constantly.

Unfortunately, the manufacturer did not provide the “Night Only” or “Day Only” options, which could have been more practical.

In the key illumination section you can also find the “Turn on while charging” option, which, when turned on, will show whether the phone is charging and how much it has already been charged, which can be recognized by the color of the indicator: red – low charge, yellow – medium, green – almost charged and ready to use.

Depending on the phone model, the indicator light settings can be standard or advanced, which allows you to more precisely adjust this function.

How to enable/disable the indicator light for a specific application

To do this, go to “Settings”, go to “All applications”, select required applications and click "Notifications". At the bottom of the page is the “Light Signal” option, which you can turn on or off as desired.

Changing the color in the light signal settings for a specific application is not possible.

Cons of using backlit keys

Despite all the convenience of using a phone with backlit keys, it wastes a lot of energy and the smartphone quickly runs out of charge, which may be inappropriate. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the “Always” option, but rather turn on the glow only when necessary, and then turn it off.

Setting up key backlighting on Xiaomi smartphones – frequently asked questions

Is it possible to change the color of the glow, and how to do it? For example, replace white with green, etc.

Standard color indicator lights are white, but in some models Xiaomi smartphones You can choose a different color. Options such as “Notification Color” (social networks, applications), “Call Color” (calls) and “Message Color” are available.

To do this, you also need to go to the “Keys” or “Indicator Light” section, select one of the three fields above, and then select the desired color. Available colors: blue, red, yellow, green, cyan, white, purple.

Some users are not satisfied with the colors presented by the brand. In this case Play Market offers several applications (for example, Light Flow Legacy) that allow you to diversify this palette with new shades.

Is it possible to adjust the saturation of the glow, and how to do it?

The intensity of the indicator light can be changed in the advanced key backlight settings, but most models do not have this option.

Does backlit keys affect Internet speed or the performance of the phone in general?

Key backlighting does not in any way affect the speed of the Internet or the operation of the device, with the exception of a faster decrease in battery level, as mentioned above.

Is it possible that the key backlight is damaged or incorrect work and why?

The operation of the light indicator may be disrupted due to a defect in the screen matrix or damage to the light sensor; this may be affected by sudden temperature changes or shocks - the backlight may not work well or not turn on at all. This question should be addressed to service center.

Besides the internal keyboard, are the external control keys backlit?

No, only the internal keyboard is backlit.

What to do if the backlight does not turn on?

When the indicator light function is enabled in the settings, but does not actually work, try to “revive” it by turning it off in the settings and restarting the phone. If this does not help, you need to either update the firmware or contact service.

Video instruction

Owners of Lenovo laptops regularly face the problem of how to turn on the keyboard backlight on a Lenovo laptop.

In the store, the seller praised the model and, as the main advantage, pointed out the backlight function, but the brain lost information about how this function is turned on in the process Windows installations and drivers.

According to the instructions, there is a function, but there is no special button. And after digging through the entire system, I couldn’t find startup commands anywhere - neither in the task manager, nor in the laptop’s energy management settings. What should I do? How to launch the vaunted backlight?

Where is the backlight hidden?

The crowning achievement of IT technology is the laptop. It combines compactness, comfort and performance. Manufacturers manage to fit maximum capabilities into this tiny car.

As consumer needs grow, the number and importance of tasks assigned to developers increases. What this all boils down to is that there is not enough space for buttons on laptops.

Conclusion - we need to make sure that when the same button is pressed, different actions. The “Functions” button – Fn (in the lower left corner of the panel) helps to implement this idea. With its help, laptop keyboards significantly reduced their area and got rid of button blocks.

At the same time, searching for the required key takes a lot of time from the user - having received a brand new laptop, the user spends several months getting used to the new arrangement, hitting the “arrow” instead of Shift or slash instead of Enter.

The answer to the question “how to turn on the backlight” is actually simple - use the “function” + “space” key combination. The first clamp - the backlight turned on. Second clamp - the backlight is turned off.

Note! Not all Lenovo laptop models have the ability to backlight the keyboard. If the combination does not work, it means the function is not supported. There are no other launch options.

There's no point in banging on the keyboard trying to play a Beethoven symphony. It is impossible to enable the function using a command in the system - the launch must be carried out exclusively mechanically.

Does my laptop have a backlight?

The easiest way to determine whether backlighting is supported is to look at the instructions. If there is no “native” one, find a description of the model on the Internet. A simpler, but not scientific, method is to look at the space bar.

At the left end of the key there should be something similar to a flashlight - a horizontal strip, and “rays” lined up in a semicircle above it. If the space is pristinely clean, without a hint of an erased character, the keyboard is unremarkable and there is no point in terrorizing the system.

It is important not to get confused and press the “function” button first. If the spacebar is pressed first, the effect will not be achieved.

Why do you need backlighting?

It is worth noting that the backlight function is very appropriate and practical. Laptops are designed to be used everywhere. Everywhere - on a train, on a bus, in a country house, under a blanket, in nature and other places far from an outlet with a chandelier.

In such conditions, even a person with 100% vision has difficulty hitting the right keys. You have to fish out USB flashlights from the depths of your bag or suffer with regular ones. A USB flashlight drains the battery, which is unprofitable in the absence of an outlet.

A standard flashlight is simply inconvenient to use - due to your busy hands, you have to hold it in your teeth, wrap it around branches, etc. Keyboard backlight is ideal.

Compared to a USB flashlight, the battery drains significantly less, both hands are free, the beam of light does not hit neighbors on the bus or train in the eyes, which means you can work in peace.


The Lenovo keyboard has the following properties:

  • The backlight on Lenovo models is very soft. It doesn’t hit the eyes, doesn’t create a glow, and doesn’t even illuminate the floor of the room. It is enough just enough to ensure clear visibility of the keys;
  • Each key is illuminated: along the perimeter, which allows you to see the contours and not smudge, as well as images on the button itself - numbers, letters, symbols;
  • battery saving and soft lighting are provided by LED lamps used in lighting;
  • When you turn off the computer, the backlight goes out, but turns on when you start it. Complete shutdown only occurs when using a key combination. On the one hand, this is good - in poor visibility conditions you won’t have to randomly poke the keys. On the other hand, energy consumption;
  • When the screen fades out, the backlight does not turn off.

Keyboard backlighting is good, but it's important for its lucky owners to constantly remember that it drains the battery. If the laptop does not work from a power outlet and it is difficult to find one, it is not recommended to use the blessings of civilization carelessly.

It’s better to constantly turn it on/off than to see a dying monitor and the message “the battery is low” a second before the document is automatically saved.

Why doesn't the backlight turn on?

Option two:

  1. the key is not pressed.

Most often, the problem lies in the “gap”. This is a very long key. If you press on the edge, it may not work due to its mechanical structure. In this case, the problem can be solved simply - click on the middle. The mechanics must work. Another option is when the keyboard is damaged - it is spilled with tea, jam, etc. In such a situation, the key does not work either due to mechanical sticking of parts or due to damage to the electronic elements of the system. If your laptop is damaged, there is a direct route to the workshop;

  1. The wrong keys are pressed.

Very often, users, in a hurry or through inattention, press adjacent keys, for example, Contral + C. Contral is located to the left of Function, and C is above the end of Space. It is enough to be more attentive and pay close attention to the “fingering”. The keyboard does not support the backlight function. In this case, there are no options for solving the “problem”.

Not available on laptop

Backlighting, in most cases, accompanies serious models and is not found in the simplest versions. This is justified, at a minimum, by the fact that developers do not want to waste time and effort on building a “lighting” system in cheap models. This is financially unprofitable and technically impractical.

The “lighting” system requires a certain financial investment in the machine. Expensive models more than cover these costs. Simple models, due to their cost, are not able to cover the cost of lighting, and making them more expensive due to a set of flashlights is unprofitable - that’s why they are designed to be budget-friendly.

In addition, the simplest laptops do not have powerful batteries that can hold a charge for a long time. Backlighting requires energy from the battery, which powerful models are able to implement thanks to the capabilities initially built into them.

Lenovo models are accompanied by the glory of very “thoughtful” laptops. However, if you look at a more expensive model, with a powerful video card, a decent processor and RAM within 8 GB, “thoughtfulness” will not be particularly bothered. Perhaps the machine will be tasked with independently assembling and launching a spaceship into space.

Backlighting is a very beautiful and effective way to make your laptop unique and inimitable. Unfortunately, not all laptops use such a device. Still, I would like every portable PC to have this wonderful feature. In view of the popularity of such a hobby as upgrading, many ordinary users of computer equipment also decide to play the “Crazy Hands” program and begin to customize their own tool from Apple, Asus or Aser according to their own “patterns”. But this does not always work out successfully. Even installing the backlight in the keyboard is quite a troublesome and difficult task. And, nevertheless, it is quite possible to decorate your laptop with LEDs that glow in the dark. So how do you turn on the keyboard backlight? Experts have already answered all these questions.

Firstly, you should figure out whether the laptop really does not have a backlight, or is it simply turned off? This is usually checked extremely in a simple way: press the Fn key, as well as another additional one (which one specifically can be found in the instructions). It is also believed that the number of keys in a combination depends directly on the laptop model - in some there are two keys, in others there are three. You can even visually determine the required key combination, according to computer experts. Typically, manufacturers put symbols with explanations on the so-called additional keys. As a rule, these keys refer to the row F1 – F12. You can simply press any keys in the F1-F12 row together with Fn. By the way, you can look for a pattern on a key with a backlit keyboard symbol.

It should be borne in mind that when you press any combination of such keys, you can use completely different options, for example, turning off the screen, as well as going into sleep mode. But you don’t need to be too careful - to cancel the changes, just press the same combination of selected keys again. If the combination is correct, the lower part of each keyboard button will blink with LEDs. Some models have blue backlighting, while others have red or greenish backlighting. In the event that the pictures on the keys are not applied or do not allow you to figure out the desired combination, but the user knows for sure that the laptop keyboard backlight should work, you can try several combination options. Fn + F6 or Fn + right arrow will help turn on the backlight, as well as Fn + spacebar or Fn + F5.

This is what you should do, as stated in the paragraph above, if the laptop is initially equipped with a function such as backlighting. But it often happens that there are no LEDs at all that would create the backlight. How to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop yourself? There are several options for a high-quality upgrade, which the experts of the CHIP magazine advise to put into practice. To create an autonomous backlight on a laptop, you should purchase several useful little things in stores such as Radio Components. To make such a backlight, you will need two extreme contacts - left and right, a resistor and the required number of LEDs, which everyone will determine for themselves. All this will need to be put into practice in the form of a lighting system. But how to turn on the keyboard backlight on an asus laptop?

Many people are interested in the question of how to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop if it was not there initially. This applies to Asus products. In this case, you can completely independently make external lighting of excellent quality. To do this, it is recommended to use +5 V electrical power from a stationary portable USB connector, several white, blue, red or green LEDs. In the connector, two extreme contacts are needed to perform work, usually left and right. Since the LED supply voltage is approximately 3 V, an uninterruptedly operating resistor is needed, on which those extra 1.5 V will be extinguished. If any doubts arise during operation, you will need to consult with an experienced specialist in upgrading computer equipment.

Next, work continues with an additional resistor. If the LED current is 0.2 A, the resistance of the additional resistor should be set to 75 Ohms. Now we need to test the future autonomous backlight. If the brightness of one LED is not enough for full operation, then you should connect another one in parallel to the main one, which will be equipped with the same resistor. It is imperative to monitor the current consumed by the LEDs, because its strong difference from 20 mA will negatively affect the service life of each LED.

Now your DIY laptop backlight is absolutely ready! you can install it on your laptop and start working with backlit keys. Yes, it’s not always possible to make a high-quality upgrade with your own hands. But backlighting is one of the easiest ways to make your laptop even more beautiful. In any case, the backlight, powered by a stationary current, is a great feature, especially if you have to print in the dark.

They are equipped with a backlit keyboard, which can sometimes be present only around the perimeter of the buttons, and sometimes also involves backlit letters.

This is quite convenient when working in low light conditions, but by default this function is often turned off.

Therefore, this article will talk about how to turn on the backlighting of the keyboard keys on a laptop.



While backlighting is a handy option for night-time work when the light from the screen creates glare on the buttons rather than illuminating them, it isn't available on all laptops.

In particular, this option is not available on older models, as well as on economy class devices from this brand.

Therefore, if all the instructions below for turning on the backlight did not help, it is possible that such a function simply does not exist on your device.

Backlighting is not always convenient. For example, in the case where the buttons are smooth and glossy initially (or have become so as a result of rubbing during long-term use), the backlight can interfere, as it will create additional glare on the keys, and as a result, the images of the letters will become indistinguishable.

Exceptions are cases when the letters also light up and when the backlight is optimally balanced in power.

Advice! Look at the buttons on your laptop. If the images of the letters on them are translucent, then your device almost certainly has a backlight.

Also, right next to the keys you can sometimes see LEDs, and they are clearly visible if the button is removed.

How to turn on the backlight?

If you are sure that your computer has a keyboard backlight, but it is disabled by default, then you need to force it on.

You should also do this in case of a common problem when the backlight, which was functioning properly during the last session of working on the computer, does not turn on again when the computer wakes up from sleep or when it is turned on again.

Normally, the backlight should automatically turn off when the computer goes to sleep or hibernate and turn on when starting a new work session.

Method 1

Find the Fn key on your keyboard.

This is an additional key that does not perform almost any functions on its own when typing, but you can use it to turn on the keyboard backlight.

This key is designed for this and some other auxiliary purposes, so the backlight should turn on when you press it once during a session with the computer (the process being performed is not important, the main thing is that the computer is turned on and not “sleeping”).

If after this the backlight does not turn on, it is possible that the this device This function is not included in this button.

In this case, you will have to use other methods below.

Method 2

It is logical to assume that if the Fn button does not perform such a function, then some other button or a combination of them can perform it, since the keyboard backlight is almost always turned on using hot keys.

At the same time, no pattern was found in their distribution.– it is not possible to predict which combination of hot keys the manufacturer intended for this function, as this may vary from model to model.

Must try Some of the most common options:

  • Press all additional F keys one by one, starting with F1 and ending with F. At the same time, it is important to remember that each such key has a specific function, so the initial computer settings may change slightly. You can usually return them to their original state using another additional key or pressing the same key again;
  • Try holding down the Fn key and pressing all the F keys without stopping holding it down. In this case, one of the combinations should work.

Before you start looking for the right key combination experimentally, carefully inspect the keyboard.

It is possible that some button has an image of a keyboard, then you won’t have to experiment.

It will be enough to press it or hold it in combination with the Fn key.

But if no keyboard shortcut also helps, then it is likely that a feature such as keyboard backlight is simply missing on your device.

Method 3

There are other, less common options, but it is possible that they will work in your case. These are the following methods:

1 Simultaneously hold down the Fn And spacebar;

2 Simultaneously press Fn button and a button Left, if it doesn’t work, then without releasing the first key, release the key Left and hold down the button Right.

If these methods do not work, then your device does not have such a function, since there are no other ways to activate the backlight.

It cannot be turned on by changing the settings in operating system(for example, via Control Panel), and also no special programs to activate it.

<Рис. 5 Светильник для клавиатуры>

In addition, there is a specific problem specific to .

The ports on them are extremely inconveniently located, and most of them are located on the back edge of the device, that is, behind the screen.

The leg of the lamp, most often, is not so long.

Please keep in mind that one port provides a voltage of 5 volts, which is enough for one LED, but one LED will not be enough to illuminate the entire keyboard.

Therefore, you will have to occupy several ports, which is also very inconvenient.

The article describes how to turn on and off the keyboard backlight of an ASUS laptop.


Most old-style laptops do not have a backlit keyboard, which is a big disadvantage, since in the dark, users have to look for a brighter place to do full work.

How to turn on or off the keyboard backlight on ASUS laptop

But now in many new laptops you can find keyboard backlighting, although not all owners of these mobile computers can figure out how to turn on such lighting. Therefore, in this review we will talk about how to turn on and off the keyboard backlight on laptops, for example, from the company " Asus».

How to turn on and off the keyboard backlight on Asus laptops?

To learn how to turn on the backlight on your laptop keyboard, read our instructions more carefully. Laptop users have most likely already mastered the keyboards of their mobile computers and, for example, know where the key is located on them Fn.

True, not every one of them knows what exactly this key is for. Key Fn on laptop keyboards, when pressed together with other keys, it serves to execute any commands: turn the keyboard on or off, turn off the monitor, change the keyboard layout, turn on/off the sound.

To turn the backlight on and off, this key in combination with others can also work. The whole point is that you must know which key combinations should be typed on your laptop model to carry out certain commands. All such information can be read in the laptop instructions (if you don’t have one, you need to visit the official website of the laptop manufacturer and download the instructions there).

But if suddenly the method described above does not work, for example, you cannot find a manual for using the keyboard of your laptop, then we will resort to finding the correct way to turn on/off the keyboard backlight on laptops from “ Asus».

How to turn on/off the keyboard backlight on Asus laptops if there are no instructions?

The first thing we will need to do is select a key combination that could work in this case. Try pressing all the top buttons from F1 before F12. By the way, on the additional keys you can see various designations, indicating that a particular key is intended for a specific operation: adjusting the sound, adjusting the brightness and other functions of the laptop. It is absolutely possible that turning on the keyboard backlight will be located somewhere here.

So, if you don't know how to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop " Asus", don't be afraid to experiment a little. Hold down the key Fn and press one by one the keys from the top row, as well as any other keys that are additional. For greater accuracy, look for a keyboard pattern on the secondary keys, which usually indicates the backlight on/off feature.

By the way, during your experiment you can also “run into” the wrong key combination and, for example, turn off the monitor. Don't panic in this case. Just type the same combination again, returning everything to its place, and do the same in the future.

How to turn on/off the keyboard backlight on an ASUS laptop

Now let's look at cases when you don't have any pointers on the keys, you don't know which combination to type, and nothing works out for you. Then we will act using other methods, trying to find the right option. To do this, press the key again Fn and together with it, alternately click on F5, arrow keys And spacebar.

If none of the above methods helped you, then most likely your laptop does not have a keyboard backlight function, or some keys simply do not function. You can of course buy new laptop, or take the old one to the workshop, but if you have financial problems, then we will resort to the method of alternative keyboard backlighting.

How to backlight a laptop keyboard in alternative ways?

You can also illuminate laptop (or computer) keyboards at night using external devices, for example, using LEDs.

How to turn on/off the keyboard backlight on an ASUS laptop

LEDs need to be connected to USB connectors, of which laptops have several. And it's best to use at least a couple of LEDs on both sides of the keyboard to ensure optimal lighting.

By the way, LEDs do not have to be connected to different USB ports. It was experimentally verified that to one connector laptop usb You can connect up to 25 diodes, so you still have a large supply. True, you need to be able to create a parallel connection, and if you cannot do this, then you will have to turn to the help of specialists.

Video: Backlit keyboard of ASUS N56JK laptop

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