Online store on umi cms is simple and clear. Online store on umi cms is simple and clear Images and CSS styles

UMI.CMS is positioned as a “new generation website management system.” The official website greets us with the joyful message that more than 86,000 licenses have been issued, but it is worth noting that all types of licenses are considered here, not only paid, but also free. So, for example, I needed to obtain more than a dozen free licenses, and since all licenses are tied to a domain, when transferring sites to working domains, the license must be obtained again.

On the main page of the official website it is written that UMI.CMS is used by more than 10,000 sites and a list of large sites that use this system. The first site on this list is the Skolkovo site, which has already moved from UMI.CMS to ASP (this has already been written about on Habré). The second site on this list is the Svyaznoy site, it is not clear which site is meant, but the official site works on Bitrix, and not on UMI.CMS. The same goes for the Moscow government website, although the official UMI.CMS website states that they work specifically on this CMS.

Source home page The official website of UMI.CMS pleases us with the following layout:
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It’s good that the site is not laid out in tables, like, for example, the official CMS DLE website.

In the SEO settings, you can specify a prefix for the Title tag, although it is more appropriate to specify a suffix rather than a prefix. Automatic generation of description and keywords tags is also not supported. By default, you cannot create CNCs using addresses like system modules (for example, news, catalog, etc.), as a result, pages with the names news1, catalog 1 appear on the site (although it is possible to enable support for such CNCs, but the documentation strongly recommends don't do this). CNC in UMI.CMS is generated automatically, but by default the underscore “_” is used as a separator between words, although the recommended character is the hyphen “-” (there is an option to enable the use of a hyphen, but it is hidden very deeply and is configured in config.ini ).

IN latest versions UMI.CMS has built-in support for the MegaIndex service in the settings SEO module You can specify your account details for this service. By default, there is data from UMI - login and password hidden behind asterisks. This password can be easily observed (for example, through the Web Developer extension for Firefox). As a result, you can get into your UMI account on the MegaIndex website, where there is a list of sites that have used this function on their site. The report data shows keywords, site positions and other information.

Security UMI.CMS has a "safe web application" certificate, although, for example, when using tpl templates (which are still very popular and used on many sites) when inserting html code(including iframe) in the fields “Title”, “Field H1”, “Field meta DESCRIPTIONS”, “Field TITLE”, “Field meta KEYWORDS” it is not processed in any way and is displayed on the page as is, i.e. It’s very easy to break the entire site if you only have access to editing materials. In addition, the Javacode is also not processed in any way, i.e. alert("XSS"); works great.

When using an xslt template, javascripts only work if they are inserted into text editor(which is also enough to cause trouble).

Updates Updates are a sore subject for many CMSs. In UMI.CMS, for example, when updating old version The new one may lose some modules that were in the previous version of the system, i.e. In addition to paid updates (and updates are paid), you will need to pay extra for the modules that were missing during the update.
There were also cases that new version new errors appear that were not present in previous versions, and technical support itself recommends restoring the site from a backup made before the update. Development The system files are found in the classes folder, most of the functions and classes in them are not documented in any way (there are comments in only 82 files out of 786 ), i.e. It will not be possible to deeply understand UMI.CMS without spending a lot of time.

All yours additional functions in UMI.CMS should be written in custom.php files, which should be placed in system folders. Over time, the custom.php file grows with its functions, and accordingly, problems arise with enabling/disabling individual functions and transferring them between projects.

There is very little additional functionality (paid or free) available for UMI.CMS. Of the additional paid modules, there are only

We train you to work in the UMI-CMS admin panel

Transferring a website to UMI CMS

Online store on umi cms is simple and clear

An ideal basis for a future website Perhaps the most common question for Internet users is, for what purpose do you need a website? Of course, having your own resource is an opportunity to promote your own products or services, share interesting information and the fruits of your own creativity with thousands of users. However, site is different from site to site, and the quality of implementation of a particular resource directly determines its traffic and user response. What to choose for the basis of the site: template solutions on free sites, home-written engines from single programmers, or searching for something of the highest quality, reliable, and most importantly, convenient and functional? Such an optimal option could be a site management system - a convenient and universal solution that is not limited in expanding functionality and high-quality visual design. The essence of use similar systems lies in the fact that the user receives a ready-made basis for the site, which allows him to radically change the design and structure, add sections, headings, catalogs, all kinds of plugins and improvements, without changing the very basis of the system. One of the most popular domestic systems is UMI CMS, which has proven itself among users, developers and web resource optimizers.

Absolutely all materials (texts, photographs, videos) are entered onto the site through a content management system. For simplicity and brevity, we call this system the admin system. To start editing any page, you must go to site management. The Nubex website builder provides two ways to enter the site administration.

Method No. 1. Login to site management through the main service control panel

This method is available to the site administrator and is the main one. Its advantage is that when logging in, the administrator sees the status of the site, and in case of any problems (the site is turned off or does not open, does not work Domain name, incorrect site settings, etc.), the system will reflect their reasons and allow the administrator to take appropriate measures. Also, when using this method, the administrator can manage all of his sites (if there are several of them) using only one login.

How to log in to site administration

To log in to the service management system, click “Log in”

You will be taken to the login page of the main service control panel. Here is her direct address:

In field " Email» enter your email address that was used when registering or creating the site.

In the “password” field, enter your password. If you do not remember your password, you can use the password recovery link.

If profiles were linked to your registration form in in social networks VKontakte or Facebook, you can log in by clicking on the logo of the social network.

After logging into the service control panel, you will find yourself on the main screen, where you will see a list of all your sites. Opposite each site there is a “manage” button: by clicking on it, you will go to the site management system.

Method number 2. Login to the site administration system

This method is used to provide access to site management to individual employees who receive limited rights to manage the site, but do not have the ability to manage some services (site payment, financial information, domain management, etc.).

Open your website in a browser and find its domain name in the address bar. For example, http://site.

Current for version 18 85081

Module file location

Basic facts related to the location of module files relative to the site root:

Note 1. $module_name – the name of the module should not coincide with modules already existing in the system. List of reserved names: news, content, catalog, data, autoupdate, comments, blogs, faq, filemanager, forum, vote, webforms, etc

Note 2. $template_name is the name of the template file. By default this file is called default.

Note 3. $skin_name is the code name of the skin. Starting from version 2.8.*, the system uses the mac skin – Butterfly. Starting from version 2.14.*, the Modern skin is used by default.

PHP code

The PHP code of the module is located in the /classes/components/($module_name)/ directory

Admin skin templates

XSLT template for the admin panel skin /styles/skins/($skin_name) /

FRONT-END templates

FRONT-END module templates. The template engine is connected by file extension. There are three file extension options: tpl, xsl, phtml

TPL template engine

The files are located in /templates/template_name /tpls/($module_name)/($template_name).tpl The entry point is the template from the folder /templates/module_name /tpls/content/($template_name).tpl associated with a specific page in the administrative panel.

XSLT template engine

template_name /xslt/ . Any file can be an entry point. There are currently no rules by which files in this folder are organized.

PHP template engine

All template files are located in the /templates/template_name /php/ folder. Any file can be an entry point. There are currently no rules by which files in this folder are organized.

Images and CSS Styles

Images and CSS styles related to a specific module should be placed in the following folders:

  • CSS files in the folder styles/skins/modern/design/css/($module_name).css
  • IMG files used in the administrative panel are placed in the folder of the corresponding skin /images/cms/admin/($skin_name) / inside this folder the skin’s own rules apply.
Module icons

The module must have icons of certain sizes for each skin. We set the base name for the icon in the installer file ($INFO["ico"]).

  • Skin "Butterfly" - icons for this skin are located in the folder ~/images/cms/admin/mac/icons For this skin, the base name for the icon is ignored. The icon should bear the name of the module, the icon type is transparent png
    • ~/images/cms/admin/mac/icons/small/($module_name).png - icon 42x30 px
    • ~/images/cms/admin/mac/icons/medium/($module_name).png - icon 64x64 px
    • ~/images/cms/admin/mac/icons/big/($module_name).png - icon 95x95 px
  • Skin "Modern" - icons for this skin are located in the folder ~/images/cms/admin/modern/icon For this skin, the base name for the icon is ignored. The icon should bear the name of the module, the icon type is transparent png
Icons of elements in the site structure

Each skin has its own set of icons for elements displayed in the “site structure” tree. The saving grace is that the paths are the same for everyone:

  • ~/images/cms/admin/mac /tree/ico_($module_name) _($method_name).gif

As a reference, the corresponding file is loaded from the ~/man/ folder, for example, for the page admin/content/seo/ in Russian, the file /man/ru/content/seo.html will be loaded by default

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