How to clear your browser's temporary cache data. Everything you need to know about browser cache

Hello friends! In this article I want to tell you how to clear the browser cache not only on your own, but also on the user’s side. To speed up work time and reduce the load on the server, WordPress caches the software part of the site. On the user side, the browser does approximately the same job. It caches pages that the user has already opened so that they load faster.


How to clear your browser cache: 7 ways

Clearing the browser cache simply means erasing temporary documents and files from the memory of the PC itself. As a rule, these files are saved by the browser after browsing pages on the Internet.

Browser copies absolutely all pages which the user has ever visited, viewed pictures, videos, audio files.

All such documents are stored in the folder “ Program files" It is possible to erase them not only through the browser, but also by using special applications cleaners.

Why do you need to clear your browser cache?

A procedure such as clearing the cache is simply necessary in order to improve the performance of the device. If you do not delete files of this type for a long time, they will accumulate great amount, which in turn will clog the computer and slow down its operation.

Also, after clearing the cache, the user will be able to see Latest updates pages he visits. This will happen because the browser will stop loading site images from its memory, but will take them directly from the network server. This is why it is so important for site owners to clear the cache not only for themselves, but also for users, because this is an opportunity to provide site visitors with all the updates.

The note: Here I wrote an article, external files, use it.

In addition, you simply need to periodically clear the cache if other users have access to the computer. The fact is that it is easy to view personal data or images in the cache. It is worth noting that if you open pages in incognito mode, no data will be saved. Any browser immediately erases the history and cache for this browsing mode.

Update style document in WordPress blog can be done as follows:

  1. To edit, open the “header.php” file.
  2. In the text, find the following code:
  3. Change it to this template:

The numbers after the question mark can be anything. With each change in style, they simply need to be replaced with new ones.

As soon as the operation is completed, visitors will begin to see all updates on the resource from their browser. If this does not happen, you will have to clear the cache. This update method is simply a life hack that was invented abroad. And it may not always work.

Clearing the browser cache

There are cases when a website page does not load completely, has a crooked layout, or after making changes to the design they are not displayed. The reason lies in the version of the site located in the cache, since it differs from the one stored on the Internet server.

In this case, there is no need to clear the client cache completely. In most browsers, you simply need to press the F5 button or the F5+ctr key combination to reset the temporary file of the exact site on which the actions were performed.

There are two ways to completely clear your browser cache:

  1. With help special programs cleaners.
  2. Delete temporary files from a specific browser yourself.

Computer performance applications delete all files, regardless of the date they were saved. But manual erasing makes it possible to delete documents from a specific browser and choose how long to save them.

Here the user decides which method to choose. But it is recommended to delete everything, since if you use several browsers, the cleaning process will take longer. But completely erasing everything unnecessary will only benefit the performance of the device.

How to clear your browser cache using a third-party program

A popular cleaner among many users is CCleaner. Deleting temporary files in this application looks like this:

  1. First you need install the application from the official website.
  2. After, install and open the program.
  3. The main window will open, in which the entire process of cleaning your computer from debris takes place.
  4. But before clicking the “Cleanup” button, you need to check the required browsers in the left pane of the window. By default, all browsers are already marked there, but if only some need to be cleared, you need to check this.
  5. Click on the “ Cleaning”.
  6. Wait until the end of the process. The program will show exactly how many files were deleted.

It is worth understanding that when deleting temporary files from browsers, you need to close all clients. Otherwise, the program itself will urgently ask you to close them to clear them; if you do not do this, the application will skip the cache of the active browser.

Check the box to clear temporary files in the browser cache and delete them.

The user can also choose what exactly to delete from the browser’s memory and the time period of the saved files.

Click on the “ Delete” to erase temporary files.

This window is also called up by a keyboard shortcut similar to the one for the Google Chrome browser.

Clearing the Opera browser cache is done as follows:

  1. The client needs to be launched.
  2. Go to settings or call them with the key combination Alt+P.
  3. Go to advanced settings and switch to clear history.

Near the line “ Disk cache” Click on the button to clear.

It is worth noting that clearing the cache in different versions of this browser may vary slightly. But basically the process follows a similar pattern.

Scroll through the options to the item about clearing history. Click on the file selection button.

The cache in Yandex browser is cleared as follows:

  1. You need to open a browser.
  2. There are three stripes on the top panel that you need to click on. This action will bring up the “” menu.
  3. Go to Extra options and select “ Clear the history”.
  4. Select a time period.
  5. Check the box to delete temporary files.
  6. Click on the “ Clear”.

It is worth noting that deleting the cache immediately after visiting a resource may be unsafe, as the risk of personal data falling into the hands of attackers increases. Especially if pages of unprotected resources were opened. It is recommended to visit unfamiliar sites in incognito mode. Then there will be no need to clear browser data.


Clearing the browser cache is a fairly easy task that any user can do. But despite this, many people encounter computer performance problems precisely because of a clogged cache.

To promptly delete temporary files, you must use third party applications, which can clear the cache at specified intervals. This will allow you to always see updates on sites and prevent your computer from overloading.

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When using browsers, data from the web pages you visit is cached (if caching is enabled on the site). Thesedata is saved in a special folderon the disk of your PC. And when you go to the site for the second time, the browser checks the content of the site and displays the changed information, and takes all the other information from the cache folder. This is necessary anduseful for reducing the load on the site server(since the browser does not make a request to the server every time you open the site, but simply uses the saved cache data), and of coursefor better site loading. But it happens that cached files take up a lot of memory, or because of the cache, the content of the site is displayed incorrectly (since the content is pulled from the cache). In this case, you need to clear the cache.

In this article we will look at how to clear the cache in:

Google Chrome

1 .Launch the Google Chrome browser.

2. Click on the three dots (upper right corner), after the window pops up, click – ‘History’.

3 . Select – ‘Clear history’.

4. Next, you can specify the time range for which you want to delete the cache and select the elements that you want to clear. And click – ‘Delete data’.

5 .You can also select – ‘Advanced settings’ and more precisely specify the elements that need to be cleared. And click – ‘Delete data’.

Internet Explorer

Hot keys (for one page) for OS Windows – Crtl + F5. To open a window immediately to clear the cache – Ctrl + Shift + Del.
1 .Go to the Internet Explorer browser, select the element – ​​‘Service’.

2. And immediately click on the ‘Security’ menu.

3 .In the pop-up window, in the list provided, select the function – ‘Delete browser history’.

4 .The last step is to check the box next to the item: ‘Temporary Internet and website files’.

Mozilla Firefox

Hot keys (for one page) OS Windows – Crtl+F5, for Mac OS X – Cmd+R. To immediately open a window to clear the cache, use Ctrl + Shift + Del.
1. Let's go to Firefox browser and open the ‘Journal’ menu.

2. Select the item – ‘Security’.

4. To delete the cache, select ‘Delete data’.

5 .Select the data that you want to delete and click on ‘Delete’. After which a window will pop up for you to confirm the data clearing, just to complete the deletion, click on ‘Delete now’.

Hot keys (for one page) OS Windows – Crtl+F5, for Mac OS X – Cmd+R. To immediately open a window to clear the cache, use Ctrl + Shift + Del.

1 .Go to the Opera browser and click on the ‘History’ icon.

3 .In the open window, check the items from which you want to delete data and click on the ‘Delete data’ button.

4. To view the list of files in more detail, select ‘Advanced’, check the required items and also click on ‘Delete data’.

In Safari, clearing the cache is quick and easy.

Hot keys for OS Windows – Crtl+R, for Mac OS X – Cmd+Alt+E.

1 .Open the Safari browser and click on the gear. In the open window, select ‘Reset Safari’.

2 .Tick the box next to ‘Delete all website data’ or select other options. To complete the process, click on the ‘Reset’ button.

Now let's move on to deleting cache on smartphones.

Clearing cache on Android OS

(the interface is taken as an example Samsung phone j530).

Depending on the browser, the removal will be almost the same as for a PC. For clarity, we will consider it for the frequently used Google Chrome browser.
1 .Launch the browser on your phone, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select – ‘History’.

2. After opening the window, click on ‘Clear history’.

3 .Similarly, select the time range, click the checkboxes opposite the elements whose content you want to delete, and finally click on the button – ‘Delete data’.’

on iOS

1. Open the ‘Settings’ menu, then click on the item – ‘Safari’.

2. And go to ‘Clear history and website data’.

3. The last step is to click on ‘Clear. history and data'.

It is very convenient to clear the cache (for one page) using a hotkey combination (see table below). This method saves a lot of time.

After clearing the cache, you may notice that sites take longer to load than usual. This happens because the browser needs to cache again static content. A repeated visit to this site, taking into account the cache, will be significantly accelerated. If sites load consistently slowly, there is most likely a problem with the Hosting. Is it time to change hosting? We will be glad to see you as a client. We will transfer your sites to high-speed ones SSD drives fast and absolutely free O.

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What is browser cache– this is the place where files from the pages you view on the Internet are stored. When you visit any website, your browser makes a copy of the files of the Internet resource you viewed on your computer. This is done so that the next time you visit, the page loads much faster.

Clearing the browser cache should be done regularly, but if you don’t do this and over time you begin to notice a decrease in free space on your local disk, or the desired site is simply not displayed correctly, then getting rid of the junk in the cache is inevitable.

Cleaning temporary files in browsers is an irreplaceable and useful thing; if you clean out all the junk in your browser regularly, you will eventually get a stable Internet browser.

In this article I would like to show how to clear the browser cache in the most common Internet browsers. Below is a list of how to properly delete the cache in your browser, select the necessary instructions, and begin the “rejuvenation” process:

How to clear Google Chrome browser cache

Chrome is perhaps the most popular browser today; it has won its fans with its speed and stability, plus the integration of Google services, which is very convenient. In Google Chrome, click on the settings menu

In the right corner of the screen, select – “History and recent tabs” – “History”, or click "Ctrl+H"

In the window that opens, click - "Clear the history"

In the next window, you need to select what needs to be cleared. Choose "During all this time", then put a tick "Images and other files stored in the cache", and click clear history. The simple idea is that if you do not uncheck the other boxes, your browsing history, race history, etc. will be cleared.

The cleaning of temporary browser files will begin, this will take some time, it all depends on the intensity and time of use of your browser, you will have to wait a little. When finished, simply close the settings window.

How to clear the cache in Mozilla

IN Mozilla browser Firefox also has no problem deleting the cache. To clear the cache in firefox, press the “Menu” button() in the right corner of the browser, then "Magazine" then click "Delete history" or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Del.

Here is the Mozila Firefox cache clearing window. Choose Delete everything" And Clear cache", the remaining checkboxes need to be unchecked. After this, click – "Delete now"

The mozilla browser cache has been cleared.

How to clear Yandex browser cache

Yandex browser is gaining popularity among Internet users. The principle of clearing the browser cache from Yandex is a little similar to clearing it in Chrome, and all because it runs on the “engine” from Google Chrome, but it is modified and has its fans. But modified. I personally don't use it myself. Z go to “Menu” choose "Story" and onwards "Story Manager" or simply press the key combination “Ctrl+H”

In the window that opens, click on the button "Clear the history…"

We get to the window that opens, where you need to select "During all this time" And "files saved in cache", then press the button "Clear the history"

That's the whole trick.

How to clear Internet Explorer browser cache

A less popular browser in everyday use, but nevertheless the browser is actively used. Clearing the cache in Internet Explorer is easy. Click on the little gear in the upper right corner (
), Further "Internet Options"

In the tab "Are common" press the button "Delete"

A window will open with a review history in which you need to select – “Temporary Internet and website files”, the remaining checkboxes need to be unchecked, and click on the “Delete” button

The browser today is the most popular application running most of the time on all computers. In order to load and display pages of Internet sites faster, all popular Internet browsers use caching.

Browser cache- These are temporary files from the Internet that are stored on your computer for a certain period of time. Browsers use it to avoid loading images, scripts, style files, etc. each time the page of one site is updated, thereby significantly speeding up the loading speed of Internet sites you frequently visit.

But in addition to the fact that cache files speed up the loading of sites, they can also often take up a significant amount of space on your hard drive (this is especially noticeable if you have a small SSD), and sometimes even interfere with the work with some sites whose content is updated frequently, so how, instead of downloading new data from the server, the browser loads outdated data from its cache.

To solve the problems described above you need clear browser cache. This is a fairly simple task, but finding the right item in your browser settings can sometimes be quite difficult, especially for a novice computer user.

It's about how to clear the cache in popular browsers (Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge and even Internet Explorer) We will tell you in detail and with pictures in this article.

Due to the fact that we have tried to describe the process in as much detail as possible clear cache memory For all popular browsers, this article turned out to be quite lengthy. To quickly jump to the instructions for your browser, use the table of contents.

A browser from the well-known global giant of the IT industry - Google, called Google Chrome, is today the most popular browser in the Russian segment of the Internet (which is confirmed by data from visitors to our site), and we will start with it.

Although not often, many of us need to clear our browser cache to get new data from a website and clear old data on our computer. We will tell you in detail and point by point how to do this in Google Chrome in the instructions below. It's not difficult at all, you just need to go a little deeper into your browser settings.

Clearing cache in Chrome

This is all. As a result of your actions, all data stored in the cache will be cleared.

As you can see, clearing the cache in Chrome is quite simple. You will not lose any data or browser history if you do not check the last box next to other items, you don’t have to worry about it.

Yandex Browser - product Russian company Yandex is based on the Chromium browser, like Google Chrome, so the process of clearing the cache in them is almost identical, with the exception of some cosmetic changes made by the Yandex Browser developers in the settings menu.

Yandex will tell you in detail and point by point how to clear the cache in your browser in a simple and clear instructions below.

Clearing the cache in Yandex

That's all. After a few seconds, your browser cache will be cleared. If you don’t check any other boxes, then you don’t have to worry about losing any data; only the cache will be cleared, and cookies, passwords, and other data will be saved.

In the most popular browser on Mac OS - Apple's Safari browser, by default there is no option in the settings to clear cached files, but this function is quite easily enabled in additional settings browser.

In order to clear the cache in Safari, regardless of whether you have Mac OS or Windows, just enable developer mode once, and in the future this task will be solved in exactly two mouse clicks. Read more in the instructions below.

Clearing cache in Safari

  1. Open your browser settings by clicking on its name in the upper left corner of the screen and selecting the item with the name in the drop-down menu "Settings...".

  2. In the window that opens, find the tab "Extras", to do this, click on the symbol ">>" in its upper right part, open it.

  3. At the very bottom of the window that opens, check the box next to "Show Develop menu in menu bar" and close settings.

  4. Now in the top menu Safari browser an additional tab has appeared "Development". You can clear the cache there. To do this, find and click the item in the drop-down menu of this tab "Clear caches".

This is all. Safari will not show any additional dialog boxes; a couple of seconds after clicking the clear cache option, everything will be ready. Having turned on the developer mode once, you don’t have to turn it off, it doesn’t interfere at all, and operations such as clearing the cache, styles, images, etc. you will perform faster.

The Firefox browser (or Firefox in common parlance) from Mozilla is also quite popular among our users, we will not ignore it either. The process of clearing cached files in Mozilla is slightly different from the same action in other browsers, it is even a little simpler. So if you don’t know how to clear the cache in Mozilla Firefox, then detailed instructions below is written just for you.

Clearing cache in Mozilla Firefox

After a few seconds, your browser cache will be cleared. If you have not checked other boxes in the last paragraph, no data other than cached files will be affected.

The Opera browser takes an honorable fifth place in the browser popularity ranking, and the percentage of its users in Russia is twice the world average (it became so popular in our country largely thanks to mobile version- Opera mini with a turbo mode that allows you to save traffic), so we couldn’t ignore it either.

If you are a happy user of this browser, but do not know how to clear its cache, our detailed instructions with pictures and a description of the entire process will definitely help you in this matter.

Clearing cache in Opera

As a result of your actions, the Opera cache will be completely cleared, and other files (cookies, download history, etc.) will not be affected, unless you checked the appropriate boxes in the last paragraph.

A new browser from Microsoft, which replaced its immortal brother Internet Explorer - the Edge browser. It is quite closely integrated into operating system, and the task of clearing the cache in it is somewhat reminiscent of making settings in Windows, but in fact it is solved very simply.

Clearing the cache in Microsoft Edge is no more difficult than in any other browser, and the clearing process itself is more visual; in addition, Edge even reports the successful completion of deleting the cache with a separate message.

Clear cache in Microsoft Edge

  1. Open the Edge browser menu by clicking on the three dots icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. In the settings column that opens on the right, find the item called “Clear browsing data” and click the button with the text under it "Choose what you want to clean".
  3. Check the box "Cached data and files" and press the button "Clear" under him.

  4. After a few seconds, you will see a message indicating that clearing cached data in Edge browser completed successfully.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and clear. During the cleaning process, you can see a progress indicator, and upon completion, a pop-up notification for a few seconds will inform you that the work of deleting the cache has been completed.

From all sides, morally and physically outdated, but still used and loved by many, the browser from Microsoft is Internet Explorer. Fortunately, the small portion of visitors to our site (based on visitor statistics) who still use it work at one of the latest versions- Internet Explorer 8, 10, or 11.

However, in order to clear the cache in IE of any version, the algorithm of your actions will be the same, and the instructions below will help in any case, even if you have more than early version browser (for example Internet Explorer 6).

Clearing the cache in Explorer

  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select the item from the drop-down menu "Browser Options".

  2. In the tab "Are common"(it will open by default) find the line "Browser Log" and click the button below it "Delete...".

  3. In the window that opens, check the box next to the item "Temporary Internet and Website Files" and click the button below "Delete".

  4. As a result, at the bottom of the page you will see a message stating that the browser cache has been successfully cleared.

As you can see from the information above, the task of clearing the cache in any modern browser is solved quite quickly and simply; you just need to figure out how to do it once and you shouldn’t have any difficulties in the future.

The essence of the problem

You’ve probably already encountered the fact that when the design or content on a website was changed (information was replaced), then you go to the page and see the same thing there as it was, no changes, although the programmer reported that the work had been done.

You have already visited this page before, so now you don’t see current version page, but a cache copy of it, which is stored for the purpose of faster delivery upon user request.

The problem is solved by clearing the cache, which allows you to load the page onto your computer or smartphone in an up-to-date state, with all the latest changes.

What is a site cache

A site’s cache is a collection of objects most frequently used in the process: images, html templates, js, css files, as well as the results of queries to the site’s database.

The process of putting resource objects into the cache is called site caching. The cache has its own shelf life, usually no more than a month, after which all files are downloaded from the server again.

Caching works to increase the speed of loading site pages by users in situations where typical data can not be downloaded from the original source (from hosting), but can be loaded faster from a saved cache (history). That is, caching allows you to avoid downloading the same files several times, which significantly speeds up the speed of working with the site.

Why is caching needed?

The main purpose of a site cache, like any other, is to speed up the operation of a web resource, program, service and other products that use it.

The increase in performance is achieved due to the fact that retrieving data from the cache takes much less time than requesting it from direct storage.

In addition, before data is placed in the cache, it is often processed, compressed, and reduced in size, which further increases the speed of operation.

Applications interact with the cache according to the following scheme:

  1. the first time data is requested, it is cached;
  2. when called again, they are already taken from the cache, and not from the source;

If the cache is empty or the data is considered out of date, then it is requested along the direct path and this algorithm is repeated.

The site cache storage time settings are stored in the configuration files of the web servers and the resource itself.

Types of caching

There are two types of caching, server and client (depending on the capabilities of the hosting and the site itself), sometimes these two types of caching are used together.

Server site caching

At this type caching files are stored on the server side (hosting). For this, the caching mechanism inherent in the platform of your resource (CMS, framework, etc.) is used.

In this case, as a rule, static HTML pages and query results are cached in the database. In this case, the site cache can be stored either in the form of separate files or placed in random access memory your remote server.

Some high-load projects even allocate a separate server to store the site cache.

The site caching settings in this case are located in the code and special configuration files of your resource.

Client site caching

In this case, the site cache is stored on the client side, i.e. this is your users' web browser cache through which they access the resource (i.e. in the browser).

The browser cache stores exclusively static files (those that do not change during operation) - these are css, js and media files (images, videos, etc.).

But these are not cache settings on the hosting itself, as you might think at first. That is, the hosting itself does not create a cache of sites on the Internet, but simply tells clients’ web browsers how they need to cache.

Now the most interesting part is how to reset the site cache?

  • How to reset the cache to view changes made to the site - open the site and the desired pages, simply click the refresh button in the browser window or press the F5 button on the keyboard.
  • If the first option does not help, then there is a universal method: while on the site page (in any browser), press the Ctrl+F5 key combination on the keyboard - this means an absolute reset of the cache and a complete download of the site files again. We recommend this method to your clients if they have problems with the project cache. A very simple and effective method, in rare cases it may not help, and then we use the following options.
  • Another cache option occurs when using special plugins and modules for a CMS (content management system, engine, for example WordPress, Bitrix, OprnCart, etc.) - usually such a cache is reset in the browser using the Ctrl+F5 key combination. If you use such plugins on your website (the plugins for each control system are completely different and there are quite a few of them), you need to reset the project cache as a whole, then this is done from the site’s admin panel (for each plugin and engine this is done differently, the developer must explain how to do this in a specific case). It’s not difficult, literally in two or three mouse clicks you can get to the desired button in the admin panel and press it.
  • There is complex caching at the server level; when using it, in rare cases, the Ctrl+F5 key combination may not be enough, full reset cache in the browser or in the site's admin panel, in this case, you need to ask the developer to reset the cache at the server and hosting level (this happens very rarely).

We will also tell you how to clear the cache in the most popular browsers

Clearing the cache in the Opera browser

Press the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F12. A window will open in which we find a tab with advanced settings, then open the “History” section, select “clear” next to the “cache” item and click “Ok”.

Clearing the cache in the Google Chrome browser and other varieties of Chromium

Let's use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Delete, which will open the history clearing window. In it we will need to check the box next to the inscription: “Clear cache” and select the time period for which we will clear the cache. Most often, it is enough to select cleaning for all time. Then we confirm the deletion? by clicking the corresponding button - “Delete data”

Clearing cache in Mozilla Firefox browser

Here all the actions are very similar to the previous browser. Again, press the combination Ctrl+Shift+Delete, then in the window that opens, select the “Delete” tab, and then select the “All” item. Finally, you need to check the box next to “Cache” and click on the “Clear Now” button.

Removing cache in Yandex browser

A very similar procedure as in the above-mentioned Chrome. We need to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Delete, in the dialog box that opens, we need to check the checkbox next to the “Clear cache” item, select for how long we want to erase and click “Clear history”.

Clearing the cache in Internet Explorer

We find the “Service” tab, in which we select “Internet Options”.

A window will open in which you will find the “General” tab. We find the browsing history in it and click the “Delete” button there.

A new window will open, in it we find the item “Temporary Internet files” and click “Delete files”, after which we confirm the deletion again.

Conclusions and generalizations

You now know how to clear the cache of a specific website page or the entire browser!

Caching is ensuring the speed of the site, speeding up the loading of the site and its pages, and is a very useful and effective tool.

Problems that may be minimal with the cache include the following:

  • changes are not displayed on the site;
  • The site page and objects on it are not displayed correctly.
  • Sometimes there may be problems with the site's shopping cart (forms feedback, online calculators), I can’t place a new order with the client, send a message to the site administrator, or calculate the order in the calculator.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that on most modern website engines and hostings, the cache is configured and reset very easily, without the use of special knowledge. That is, just press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F5 while on the desired page of the site.

Publications on the topic