How to roll back the iOS version on iPhone, iPad. How to roll back the iOS version on iPhone, iPad How to roll back from iOS 9

Attention! In this article I use screenshots from iPod Touch, but this does not play a significant role. These instructions are equally relevant for iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.

Rollback iOS firmware (Downgrade iOS)– installation more old version firmware. Previously, rolling back firmware to older systems was difficult, but more likely. To do this, the user had to save SHSH certificates (a digital signature unique for each device).

In this case, we are rolling back iOS 9 to iOS 8. These two systems support: iPad 2, iPad Mini 1, iPhone 4s, iPod Touch 5G and newer devices in the line. Rollback is possible for all these devices exclusively on iOS 8.4(as of July 12, 2015) even with saved SHSH.

Now the general case. As a rule, a rollback to an older firmware version is possible:

a) if the previous firmware is still considered current. For example, the whole world is currently testing iOS 9 Public Beta. Official version iOS 9 will be released in the fall. This means that until this moment the user has the opportunity to flash his device to the officially current iOS 8.4.

b) if new official firmware just came out. For example, after the official release of iOS 9, the user will have from 1 to 7 days (maybe a little more) to change his mind and roll back. At some point, Apple suddenly stops signing old firmware and then a rollback is impossible or significantly difficult.

The rollback instructions in this case are identical to the firmware via recovery.

Step 1. Download the firmware from your device, which you can roll back to.

Step 2. Disable the function: “Find iPad, iPhone or iPod” (depending on your device). Settings->iCloud.

If you do not do this, then iTunes will not allow you to update the firmware. After flashing, do not forget to enable the option back.

Step 2. We connect the device to the computer via a cable. Go to iTunes and select the device. We look for the “Restore” button and press while holding down the Alt-Option key (in OS X) or Shift (in Windows).

In a new window, select the downloaded firmware. Then in the window that appears, click “Restore” and the recovery/rollback process begins.

This must be remembered!

The device will be restored to factory settings. That is, before starting the system, you will have to configure it again (you must at least know the password for the Wi-Fi network).

You can roll a backup copy onto an older firmware only if you still have a backup copy made specifically on old firmware. This is also why it is recommended to save the backup copy on computer.

Happy rollback everyone! :) If you have any questions, additions or problems, write comments.

It is possible to roll back to previous version operating system, for which jailbreak tools are available. Apple traditionally leaves this option for a short time after the release of a new OS. A day after the update was released, the company is still issuing certificates for iOS 8.4.

Released on August 13, iOS 8.4.1 is a technical update aimed at eliminating bugs in the previous version. The problem is that in addition to troubleshooting Apple Music This release closes vulnerabilities that are necessary for the operation of the TaiG jailbreak utility. Anyone hoping to use Cydia in the future should install iOS 8.4 as soon as possible.

Right now, owners of iPhone and iPad with iOS 8.4.1 have the opportunity to perform a downgrade procedure - rollback to the previous stable version of the OS. We are talking only about iOS 8.4 - Apple issues digital signatures for it. It is worth remembering that the situation can change at any moment.


  • iPhone or iPad with iOS 8.4.1 operating system.
  • iOS 8.4 IPSW file.
  • iTunes 12 for Mac or Windows.

How to downgrade firmware from iOS 8.4.1 to iOS 8.4:

Step 1: Download iOS 8.4 firmware file in IPSW format from this link.

Step 2: Make sure you are using the latest version of iTunes. You can download iTunes 12.2.2 on this page.

Step 3: Back up the information on your device. This can be done by going to settings in iCloud -> Backup–> Create a backup copy, or by connecting your iPhone or iPad to your computer and saving the backup using iTunes.

Step 4: Disable Touch ID/Password in the main settings section.

Step 5: Disable the Find My iPhone service in Settings -> iCloud.

Step 6: Connect to iPhone computer or iPad with iOS 8.4.1 installed.

Step 7: Launch iTunes and select the icon of your gadget in the top panel of the program.

Step 8: Hold Shift on your keyboard (or Alt on OS X) and click the “Restore” button.

Step 9: In the program window, specify the iOS 8.4 firmware file for your iPhone or iPad.

Step 10: Wait for the procedure to complete, the OS recovery process will take 5 to 10 minutes. You can now use your device with iOS 8.4.

Now, after switching to iOS 8.4, you can jailbreak according to the instructions (for Windows) or (for Mac).

After updating to a new version of iOS, you may notice that you do not like the firmware. In this case, there is an excellent solution - roll back the software to the optimal version, in your opinion. That is, if you updated to, for example, IOS 10, then you can easily install it on your iOS device 8 using the instructions below.

When is it necessary to rollback iOS?

The reasons for installing an older version of the operating system may be the following circumstances:

  • With new firmware versions, the design changes, and not all users may like the new design.
  • The most common reason is the appearance of freezes and glitches. Such problems happen for two reasons: either a new version of the firmware has become available to users in a too crude form, with errors in the code and shortcomings, or the device that was updated has become outdated for the loads created by new version IOS.

Please note that it is not possible to roll back any device to any version; you can view detailed information about which device to which firmware version can be rolled back to on the following website - All data is located in table format.

How to roll back iOS to a specific version on an Apple device

Before you begin the process, you need to prepare the following things:

  • iTunes installed on your computer and updated to the latest version.
  • Your chosen version downloaded to an easily accessible folder software, having the IPSW format. You can download it from trusted websites that distribute IOS firmware for free, for example, using the following link - Download the firmware strictly for your device model, otherwise problems will arise during installation.
  • A USB adapter that will connect your device to your computer.

If you have met all the above conditions, then the next step is to prepare the device itself for the rollback process.

Saving important data

Please note that when you roll back your device, all data, applications and media files from it are permanently erased, so it’s worth taking care of them. There is an option that allows you to delete files from the device, it will be discussed later in the article, but it is no less stable. You can save everything you need using a backup copy created as follows:

Disable password

Another important point is to disable the password and Touch ID, if it is supported and enabled on your device.

Deactivating Find My iPhone

Before any actions with the device’s firmware, you must disable the “Find iPhone” function, since, otherwise, iTunes simply will not allow you to perform any actions:

Firmware rollback

If all previous preparatory work has been carried out, then you can begin the rollback itself. It doesn't matter which device you're downgrading from, or from which version of iOS you're downgrading to.

  1. Connect the device to the computer using a USB adapter.
  2. Log in to the system.
  3. Go to your device's settings by clicking on the icon that looks like a phone or tablet.
  4. Hold down the Shift button on your keyboard if you're using Windows, or the Option button if you're using Mac OS. Without releasing the key, click on the “Restore” button.
  5. A window with folders will open; you need to specify the path to the firmware that you downloaded earlier.
  6. Wait while iTunes extracts the software from the firmware and installs it. The process can last from five minutes to half an hour, do not disconnect the device from the computer or interrupt the process with any actions, otherwise the device may enter endless recovery mode.

Rollback without data loss

This rollback option also exists; it allows you to rollback without losing the data on the device. To do this, in point 4 of the “Rolling Back Firmware” section, you need to click on the “Restore” button and the “Update” button. All other steps are completely the same. The only thing worth considering is that performing a full recovery, that is, resetting the system and installing it from scratch, is safer, since the chance that any elements will remain from the previous version is much lower.

Video tutorial: How to downgrade iOS version

Third party rollback programs

If for some reason the iTunes method does not suit you, then you can use the third-party program RedSnow. It is distributed free of charge for both Windows and Mac OS on the official website of the developer -

  1. After downloading and opening the program, select the Extras section.
  2. Click on the Even More button.
  3. In the menu that opens, go to the Restore block.
  4. Click the IPSW button to specify the path to the previously downloaded firmware.
  5. The notification that appears will ask you whether to cancel the modem upgrade or not. Click on the “Yes” option.
  6. A window will open in which you will be warned that the device will now need to be put into recovery mode, close it.
  7. Connect the device to the computer using a USB adapter and enter it into DFU Mode. How to do this is described step by step in the program itself.
  8. If you have not previously performed such rollback operations with this program, then click on the Remote button so that it will automatically find the necessary hashes on its servers.
  9. Done, now all you have to do is wait for the process to finish. The device will automatically update to the version you downloaded and turn on, after which you will have to go through the initial setup process.

Is it possible to roll back individual applications?

If the purpose of your system rollback is to install older versions of applications, then you should not carry it out, since there is a better option - use special program App Admin. You can download it directly from App Store for free. Thanks to this application, you can view all available versions of applications installed on your phone and roll back to them. To use the program, just select the applications to roll back and enter the unique version number to which you want to roll back the selected application.

So, installing an older version of the software is possible on all devices from Apple, but you can’t roll back to any version, but only to those that have the SHSH signature. The process can be done via official application iTunes and via third party programs. The main thing is to download the correct firmware version and not interrupt the update process until it is fully completed.

On iPhone and iPad, many users had a desire to roll back to the previous, faster and more stable firmware. Even though Apple covered the possibility of a rollback, folk craftsmen concocted a utility OdysseusOTA2, which brings back the ability to downgrade on some iOS devices. On what devices is this possible, what is needed for this and how to do it - read in this material.

Rollback to iOS 8.4.1. is only possible because Apple is still signing OTAblobs for iOS 8.4.1. A prerequisite for downgrade is the presence of .

Unfortunately, the utility OdysseusOTA2 allows you to rollback not on all iOS devices. The lucky ones are the owners of iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 4s, iPad 3 and iPad 2, who can downgrade from iOS 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2 to iOS 8.4.1 without having certificates. Also OdysseusOTA2 allows users of these iPhones and iPads to upgrade from iOS 7 to iOS 8.4.1.

How to rollback (downgrade) from iOS 9-9.0.2 to iOS 8.4.1 using the OdysseusOTA2 utility

1 . for your device model. Place the firmware file on your desktop.

2 . Download the downgrade utility OdysseusOTA2 from here.

3 . Open " Terminal" and enter the following commands sequentially:

cd to the directory
cd odysseusOTA2
cd macos

After each of them press the key Return(Enter).

Attention! Examples of all commands are in the file “README.txt”, which is located in the “odysseusOTA2” folder.

./ipsw ~/Desktop/.ipsw custom_downgrade.ipsw -bbupdate

where instead of  indicate the name of the firmware, for example:

./ipsw ~/Desktop/iPhone5,2_8.4.1_12H321_Restore.ipsw custom_downgrade.ipsw -bbupdate

Wait for the process to complete (the message “ Done»).
5 . Download SHSH Blobs by entering the following command in Terminal:

./idevicerestore -t custom_downgrade.ipsw

6 . Unpack pwnediBSS by entering the following command in Terminal:

./xpwntool `unzip -j custom_downgrade.ipsw ‘Firmware/dfu/iBSS*’ | awk ‘/inflating/(print $2)’` pwnediBSS

7 . Open Cydia on your iPhone or iPad.

8 . Go to the section " Search».

9 . In the search bar enter " OpenSSH", select the utility and click the " Install».

10 . Click on the button " Return to Cydia».
11 . Connect your iPhone or iPad to the same network as your Mac.
12 . Open SettingsWiFi→ select active connection to the network and remember the IP address.

13 . IN " Terminal» enter the following command, thanks to which the received files will be copied to the iPhone or iPad:

scp pwnediBSS ../kloader root@IP_OF_DEVICE:

where instead of IP_OF_DEVICE

scp pwnediBSS ../kloader [email protected]:

Attention! After entering the IP address, do not forget to include a colon!

14 . Confirm your actions by entering the command "Yes".
15 . For password enter "alpine"(without quotes).
16 . IN " Terminal» open a new tab and enter the following command:

ssh root@IP_OF_DEVICE

where instead of IP_OF_DEVICE enter the IP address of your device, for example:

ssh [email protected]

17 . To message "Terminal" ~root# enter the following command:

./kloader pwnediBSS

18 . When iPhone display or the iPad turns black, close it "Terminal" current tab with ssh session.
19 . Enter the following command in the main window "Terminal":

./idevicerestore -w ./custom_downgrade.ipsw

Wait for the process to complete, during which your iPhone or iPad will restart several times. At the end of the process, a window with the initial setup of iOS 8.4.1 will appear.


It is possible to roll back to a previous version of the operating system. Apple traditionally leaves this option for a short time after the release of each new OS. A day after the update was released, the company is still issuing certificates for iOS 8.4.1.

Released September 16 iOS update 9 is a major software release with a large list of changes and improvements. However, many iPhone and iPad owners report problems with their devices. The failures began at the stage of downloading the update, when people could not receive the promised distribution due to the unavailability of Apple services.

Owners of iOS devices complain about incorrect operation Wi-Fi, missing menu items in settings, graphic artifacts when displaying the interface, freezing of the operating system. Among the innovations in iOS 9 are improved power consumption algorithms, but in reality, the gadgets’ battery loses charge too rapidly.

Probably, subsequent updates to iOS 9 will fix these problems, but until then, it makes sense to perform a downgrade procedure - rollback to iOS 8 firmware. We are only talking about version iOS 8.4.1 - Apple still issues digital signatures for it. It is worth remembering that the situation can change at any moment.


  • iPhone or iPad running iOS 9.0.
  • iOS 8.4.1 firmware file in IPSW format.
  • iTunes 12.3 for Mac or Windows.

How to downgrade from iOS 9.0 to iOS 8.4.1:

Step 1: Download iOS 8.4.1 IPSW file from this link.

Step 2: Check that you have installed latest version iTunes. You can download iTunes 12.3.

Step 3: Make a backup of the data on the device. This can be done by going to iCloud settings -> Backup -> Create a backup, or by connecting your iPhone or iPad to your computer and saving a backup using iTunes.

Step 4: Disable Touch ID/Password in the main settings section.

Step 5: Turn off Find My iPhone in Settings -> iCloud.

Step 6: Connect your iPhone or iPad with iOS 9.0 on board to your computer.

Step 7: Open iTunes and select the icon of your gadget in the top bar of the program.

Step 8: Hold Shift on your keyboard (or Alt on OS X) and click the “Restore” button.

Step 9: In the program window, specify the iOS 8.4.1 firmware file downloaded in step 1.

Step 10: Wait for the procedure to complete, the OS recovery process will take some time. You can now use your device with iOS 8.4.1.

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