How to clean the memory of an Android Samsung phone - freeing up space for new applications and games. How to clean the internal memory of an Android phone How to clean the storage system in a smartphone

Smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system are actively used RAM devices. Some firmware and shells allow you to clean it standard means, for others you have to use third-party software. The more RAM is free, the faster the device itself works. In addition, users often clog the internal storage by not leaving free space(games, videos, photos, etc.) and forgetting about the need to clean. As a result, performance problems, system errors, random reboots and freezes occur. In this article you will learn how to clean an Android phone, what tools to use and why to do it.

First, let's look at the types of internal memory that affect the phone's performance. Mobile devices, like computers, use two types of memory: RAM and ROM.

  • RAM)– a random access memory device that stores data only while the device is in direct operation. Running games, browser tabs, running applications - all these processes consume part of the RAM;
  • ROM (ROM)- permanent storage device. The memory stores all data until you delete it yourself. This category includes all files on the hard drive, application cache and the like.

When both types of memory run out, the device begins to slow down and malfunction. To eliminate it, you need to clear the RAM and ROM of “garbage”.

Cleaning methods

You can use all the cleaning methods presented absolutely free. Choose the appropriate method depending on your device manufacturer and version operating system.

You can clean up unnecessary files using the following methods:

  • Using built-in functionality;
  • Third-party software for a mobile device;
  • Via a personal computer.

We will also understand methods for clearing caches and viruses using special programs.

In many modern devices Samsung, Lenovo, Fly, Meizu, etc. (regardless of the manufacturer and country of manufacture), you can check the status of the RAM like this:

  1. Click on the system key (it can be located on the left or right). In the window that opens, you will see a list of all active applications (1), the amount of filled RAM (2) and the ability to clear it (3).
  1. Click on the cross, after which all RAM occupied by applications will be cleared. System memory used by the OS cannot be cleared.

How to clean manually?

If you do not want to resort to third-party programs, or you do not have free space for installation, then you can clean it manually. After all the procedures are completed, the phone will work much faster:

  • clearing browser and application caches;
  • deleting messages;
  • removing old and unnecessary applications;
  • cleaning files saved on the phone (photos, videos, etc.).

All steps will take longer than cleaning with an app, but the results will be much better.

Application cache

First, let's figure out what a cache is in a phone. The cache is an intermediate buffer with information that may be requested in the near future. Because of this, time is saved on calculating tasks and solving problems, and accordingly, the performance of the device increases. The file cache accumulates, storing information for each installed and used application. If clogged, you need to free the entire cache.

To do this, follow the presented algorithm:

  1. Open your device's settings menu.
  1. Find the section in the settings.
  1. In the manager that opens, you can see information on cache memory, system and third party applications. Sort the list of all programs by size.
  1. Open one of the programs. In a new window you can "Erase all data"(deletes stored information on the hard drive) and . Click on the second button.

This procedure must be repeated with all installed applications to completely clear the cache memory.

How to remove "garbage" in the browser?

  1. Go to the browser you are using and open the side menu. Select item from the menu.
  1. In the window that opens, click on .
  1. Set the settings that suit you (what to delete, for what period of time, etc.) and click on .

Cleaning is discussed using an example Google Chrome, since it is one of the standard browsers on the Android operating system. In other browsers the procedure differs slightly.

Deleting messages

This item will not be mandatory if we are talking about a relatively new device. A tablet or phone used for several years stores several thousand, or even tens of thousands of messages. Over time, their number (including MMS with multimedia data) may take up some space on the internal memory. You can completely delete messages like this:

  1. Click on the messages icon in the menu or on the desktop, hold one of the messages with your finger and select .
  1. Take action.

Uninstalling apps

If you cannot install new programs or games, then the phone's permanent memory is full. To clean you must remove unnecessary programs through the Android menu.

If your device has firmware without a full menu (for example, Xiaomi phones or Meizu), then you need to delete applications directly on the desktop. To do this, hold your finger on the required icon and drag it to the trash can at the top of the screen.

If your Android shell requires a full menu (for example, Samsung Galaxy or Sony Xperia), then deleting it from the desktop will only lead to the disappearance of the shortcut. For complete removal you need to go to the menu and also hold down on the application icon, then move it to the trash.

Deleting files

Get rid of trash from internal storage possible using a standard file manager. Since the interface on each phone is different, let's look at cleaning files using the convenient ES Explorer.

  1. Login to Android Play Market, enter the name of the application in the search bar and click on the information page.
  1. Launch ES File Explorer and check out the initial tips. At the top of the screen there is information about the occupied/free space on the internal memory (1), a button for analyzing the need for cleaning (2). Click the button "Cleaning" (3).
  1. After this, the program will analyze the unnecessary information and provide you with a list. At the bottom of the screen, click .
  1. Now go to the side menu. Go to subsection (1) and then click on "Device" (2).
  1. A window will open in front of you with all the folders on the built-in storage. Here you can check their contents and remove anything unnecessary. To do this, hold down the file for 2 seconds, then click on in the bottom panel of the pop-up menu. You can clear the SD card in the same way.
  1. Through ES Explorer you can also clean libraries with images, music, etc. To do this, go to the menu again, select a subsection and go to the desired tab (3):
  1. To empty the trash on Android, go to the section through the menu:
  1. Be sure to check availability hidden files, which can occupy a significant volume. To do this, turn on the item in the menu, then go to the folder again and check for their presence.

We figured out how to manually remove excess debris using an ES conductor. Now let's move on to using other software.

What programs should I use?

Through third-party software you are in automatic mode You can clear RAM and ROM of unnecessary data, thereby speeding up your phone. Use the following programs:

  • SD Main;

With their help, you can free up space, clean up RAM and protect your phone from viruses. In addition, each of the utilities is suitable for different smartphones– from modern to devices on older versions of Android. This will become clear later. All applications are installed in the same way as ES Explorer - you can find instructions above.

On the main screen you will find the following tools:

  1. Garbage – cleans the device of unnecessary files after scanning (advertising, outdated applications, system cache, etc.).
  1. Antivirus – will scan your device for malicious software and files. The functionality includes a social network protector, checking the memory card, galleries, and blocking applications.
  1. Boost your phone – the tool scans for optimization needs running processes.
  1. Cooler – optimizes the operation of running processes to reduce the processor temperature.

SD Main

After the scan is completed, you will receive detailed information about each of the sections: garbage, system, applications and databases. Afterwards, you can clean each of them separately by clicking on the trash can, or run a full cleaning. SD Main also has built-in file manager, in which you can personally manage files on the internal memory and microSD:

handy tool for one-click cleaning. Upon entry, the program immediately scans the system and offers to perform cleaning in the following form:

The Deep Clean button starts a deep scan. When the process is complete, click « Clear":

This application will be an excellent alternative for those who own old smartphones (for example, the Fly model or Samsung Duos from 5-6 years ago). For such devices, the simple Mobile Boost assistant is suitable as it supports older versions of the Android OS.

To clean, simply launch the application and press the button « Clear":

How to clean your phone via computer (via USB)

The last option for removing unnecessary files from the phone’s internal memory is connecting to a computer. To do this you will need a miniUSB cable. Connect your device to your computer and follow these steps:

  1. On your phone, select an action.

Does it need to be cleaned?

How do you know if your phone/tablet needs this procedure? The first indirect sign is a decrease in productivity. If the technical side of the phone is fully functional, then the problem is precisely the clutter of the RAM and ROM.

You can also verify this using built-in applications. On different devices this can be done in different ways. Each device has a standard file manager, where the size of all files on the internal memory is indicated. Knowing the total ROM capacity on the phone, it is easy to understand when the internal storage is completely full.

Now you know how to clean your phone via a computer, via USB, how to view memory usage statistics, how to delete the cache using standard and third party programs. At least one of the methods will definitely be suitable for you, so you can bring your device to full functionality and serviceability!

Video instruction

You can also watch a thematic video.

The article shows in detail how to free up phone memory. Describes cleaning methods for beginners, advanced and experienced users android. General recommendations for expansion are given disk space and maintaining storage in optimal condition.

Methods to clear memory

The following methods of clearing memory are distinguished:

  1. Built-in cache clearing.
  2. Programs for automatic deletion temporary and user data.
  3. Manual cleaning.
  4. Optimization of internal space.

Each method is focused on the knowledge and capabilities of users. Therefore, the available methods in our article are arranged in increasing complexity. Let's start with the simplest...

Clearing memory using built-in Android tools

In Android, a general basic analysis of the occupied internal memory space is available. Detailed analysis is offered only by third-party applications, for example, . But a basic analysis is enough to find out what memory is being used for.

In Android version 5.0, a graph appeared with the calculation of cache - temporary data. Such files appear while using applications. The more frequently and more actively programs are used, the more cache accumulates. For some users, the volume of temporary files is 500 – 2500 MB.

To clear the cache, do the following:

Main advantages

  1. Simple and easy way cleaning temporary files.
  2. Ability to free up to 3 GB of disk space.

Main disadvantages

  1. There is no information on the type of files being deleted.
  2. Deleting duplicates or other unused files is not available.

Clearing phone memory using third-party applications

Third-party apps offer in-depth analysis and advanced memory cleaning. For example, the application can clear the cache, as in the previous method. And also delete applications and look for duplicate files. The program offers manual and automatic cleaning methods. This allows you to mark and delete more “unnecessary” files at once.

Some similar programs analyze application usage time. Unused or rarely used applications are suggested to be deleted.

If available, system applications can be deleted or frozen. Also move it to a memory card, which is important for large games.

Such applications work on the same principle.:

  1. After launch, you are prompted to click on the analysis button.
  2. The application scans the memory and in the report indicates the files recommended for deletion.
  3. Cleaning is done with one button.

Cleaning phone memory using SD Main app

Main advantages

  1. Clean up unnecessary files in 2-3 touches.
  2. Advanced search for unnecessary files, duplicates and empty folders.
  3. Identify unused and rarely used applications.

Main disadvantages

  1. It is advisable to preview the files being deleted.
  2. Some features are only available in paid versions of the program.
  3. To remove or freeze system applications need root.

Manually clearing smartphone memory

Manual cleaning is the best and safest way to remove unnecessary files. The procedure is long and monotonous, since it is necessary to check the attachments of each folder separately. File handling skills are important Android system, as well as an understanding of what he is responsible for specific file. In this case, the probability of accidental deletion is noticeably lower important information, compared to automatic cleaning.

For manual cleaning you will need one, preferably with the “occupied space analyzer” function. The same one will do. Big choice file managers, see our applications.

Algorithm of actions:

Main advantages

  1. Low probability of accidentally deleting important files.
  2. Detailed analysis and cleaning of unnecessary information.
  3. The minimum requirements for applications are a regular file manager.

Main disadvantages

  1. A long and monotonous process.

Optimizing interior space

  1. unused games and applications.
  2. Replace some programs with lighter versions.
  3. Use external storage for offline maps, music, photos.
  4. If the design does not provide for installation of a memory card or the second slot is occupied SIM card, turn on automatic download files in cloud storage. Optimal cloud drive look in this collection.
  5. At presence of root rights, large games on a memory card. If you don't have root and you don't play often, keep extra files on your memory card. Before the game, copy the data folder to the desired directory of the internal storage, and when the game is finished, delete the folder.
  6. Specify in your browser the folder to save files on your external storage device. In which browser this function is supported, see our.
  7. internal section with external storage, if there is not enough memory.
  8. Check the system. It will help you choose the optimal program.

Resetting your phone

The last, radical way to clean Android. Resetting will delete all data on the internal drive, including most viruses. It will also return applications and system settings to their original state. After complete cleaning, it is enough to reconfigure the system. In addition, changes made with using root right , read in a separate article.

Resetting your phone

Why regularly clear memory on Android

Internal memory is used by default for most tasks. Here is an incomplete list of such tasks.

In modern smartphones, the average amount of permanent memory (ROM) is about 16 GB, but there are also models with a capacity of only 8 GB or 256 GB. But regardless of the device you use, you notice that over time the memory begins to run out, as it fills up with all sorts of junk. Is it possible to clean it?

Initially, out of the indicated 16 GB of ROM, you will only have 11-13 GB free, since the operating system itself takes up some space, plus, it can be supplied with specialized applications from the manufacturer. Some of the latter can be removed without causing much harm to the phone.

With time of using a smartphone, the memory quickly begins to “melt”. Here are the main sources that absorb it:

  • Applications you have downloaded. After purchasing and turning on your smartphone, you will probably download several applications from the Play Market or third-party sources. However, many applications do not take up as much space as they might seem at first glance;
  • Photos, videos and audio recordings taken or uploaded. The percentage of fullness of the device’s permanent memory depends in this case on how much media content you download/produce using your smartphone;
  • Application data. The apps themselves may weigh little, but over time they accumulate various data (most of it important for operation), increasing their share of the device's memory. For example, you downloaded a browser that initially weighed 1 MB, and two months later it began to weigh about 20 MB;
  • Various system junk. It accumulates in approximately the same way as in Windows. The more you use the OS, the more junk and broken files begin to clog the device’s memory;
  • Residual data after downloading content from the Internet or transmitting it via Bluetooth. Can be classified as a type of junk file;
  • Old versions of applications. When updating an application in Play Market Android creates a backup copy of it old version so that you can rollback.

Method 1: Transfer data to SD card

SD cards can significantly expand the memory of your device. Now you can find small copies (about the size of a mini-SIM), but with a capacity of 64 GB. Most often they store media content and documents. It is not recommended to transfer applications (especially system ones) to the SD card.

This method is not suitable for those users whose smartphone does not support SD cards or artificial memory expansion. If you are one of them, then use these instructions to transfer data from the permanent memory of your smartphone to an SD card:

If you do not have the opportunity to use an SD card, then you can use various cloud Internet storages as an analogue. It’s easier to work with them, and besides, they provide a certain amount of memory for free (about 10 GB on average), but you will need to pay for an SD card. However, they have a significant disadvantage - you can work with files that are saved in the cloud only if the device is connected to the Internet.

If you want all the photos, audio and video recordings you take to be saved directly to the SD card, then you need to do the following manipulations in the device settings:

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. There select the item "Memory".
  3. Find and click on "Default memory". From the list that appears, select the SD card currently inserted into the device.

Method 2: Disable automatic Play Market updates

Most applications downloaded on Android can be updated in background from Wi-Fi networks. Not only can new versions weigh more than old ones, but older versions are also saved on the device in case of failures. If you disable automatic application updates through the Play Market, you will be able to update only those applications that you consider necessary yourself.

You can disable automatic updates in the Play Market by following these instructions:

However, some applications from the Play Market can bypass this blocking if the update is very significant (according to the developers). To completely disable any updates, you will have to go into the settings of the OS itself. The instructions look like this:

You should not trust third-party applications that promise to disable all updates on Android, as at best they will simply perform the setup described above, and at worst they can harm your device.

Thanks to the shutdown automatic updates you can not only save memory on your device, but also Internet traffic.

Method 3: Cleaning up system junk

Since Android produces various system garbage, which over time greatly clutters up the memory, it needs to be cleaned regularly. Fortunately, there is a solution for this special applications, as well as some smartphone manufacturers make a special add-on to the operating system that allows you to delete junk files directly from the system.

Let's first consider how to clean the system if your manufacturer has already made the necessary add-on to the system (relevant for Xiaomi devices). Instructions:

If you do not have a specialized add-on for cleaning your smartphone from various debris, then as an analogue you can download a cleaner application from the Play Market. The instructions will be discussed using an example mobile version CCleaner:

Unfortunately, not all applications for cleaning junk files on Android can boast of being highly effective, since most of them only pretend to delete something.

Method 4: Factory reset

It is used extremely rarely and only in emergency situations, as it entails the complete removal of all user data on the device (only standard applications remain). If you decide to use this method, it is recommended to transfer all the necessary data to another device or to the cloud.

Freeing up some space on your phone's internal storage isn't that hard. As a last resort, you can use either SD cards or cloud services.

Many owners of Android devices face the problem of full memory.

Like user files Not much saved, but the drive is still full. There are several reasons for this problem - consider each of them.

But first, a note for novice users. The largest amounts of memory are usually occupied by videos. We recommend going to the “Gallery” and checking your smartphone for unnecessary materials. Unused videos, downloaded movies, video clippings - all this accumulates in the file system and takes up memory. Delete unnecessary videos, photos and other data downloaded from WhatsApp or other apps and instant messengers. They are saved in separate folder, located in DCIM.

Clearing phone cache

First of all, you need to clear the cache on your Android smartphone. There are several cleaning methods. Let's start with the basic settings:

  1. Open your smartphone's settings.
  2. Go to the “Memory” or “Storage” section.
  3. Select the “Cache Data” section and click the “Delete Cache” button.
  4. Next, click “OK” to complete the cleanup.

Also, the cache memory on Android is cleared through (which recently). Here is a cleaning method using the CCleaner utility as an example (the program is available in Google Play). After installing it, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Go to the application, select the “Clear cache and memory” option and click on the “Analysis” button.
  2. Once the system scan is complete, check the “Cache” option and select “Clear.”
  3. Cache, temporary files and other garbage are automatically deleted from the phone.

If you have any questions, be sure to study for more details. Note that one of the most effective methods for clearing cache memory is in.

Cleaning up unnecessary files

Large amounts of unwanted data most often accumulate in download or messenger folders, as well as in the hidden .thumbnails directive. We recommend a thorough analysis file system. The disk analyzer DiskUsage, which is also downloaded from Google Play, is suitable for this operation.

After installation, go to the program and select the “Memory Card” option. All data that is on the device is collected here. Select unnecessary file and delete it. To do this, go to the menu in the upper corner of the screen and click the “Delete” button.

DiskUsage is suitable for individually deleting files and analyzing disk space, but the application is inconvenient for mass cleaning of the system. Also, you won’t be able to view media files here - for this it is recommended to use some kind of explorer or.

Deleting files from the hidden folder.thumbnails

Located in the DCIM folder - in the gallery where photos and videos are stored. Thumbnails stores thumbnails of media files so that the smartphone can load thumbnail tiles faster in the future. Over time, several gigabytes of thumbnails accumulate, especially if the owner of the device likes to take pictures or shoot videos.

For example, one of the editorial office’s smartphones stores 500 photos. The size of the thumbnails.thumbnails folder is 1 GB. This space can be easily freed up.

Since the .thumbnails directive is hidden by default, you won’t be able to access it through the gallery. To diagnose and delete thumbnails, it is recommended to download the Total Comander application. Next you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the installed Total Comander application and find the .thumbnails folder there (it is located in the DCIM folder).
  2. Under the list of saved thumbnails in the lower left corner of the screen there is a “Select” button - click it.
  3. Then click on the cross at the bottom of the panel to delete existing thumbnails.

The only drawback to this operation is that now the thumbnails will load a little slower. After clearing the .thumbnails folder, the device will start creating new thumbnails again. To prevent this, you will need to block the creation of thumbnails.

How can I block thumbnail creation?

To avoid permanently deleting the contents of the .thumbnails folder, follow these steps:

  • Delete the .thumbnails folder and connect your smartphone to your PC.
  • On your computer, create an empty text file and give it a name .thumbnails(make sure the folder name is correct).
  • Next, this file is transferred to the phone in the DCIM folder.

Saving thumbnails will now stop because the system will not be able to create a new directive .thumbnails, since a folder with the same name already exists in the gadget. If for some reason this method did not work, follow the same steps, but instead .thumbnails, indicate empty text file Name .nomedia.

Memory card

Logical and most simple solution If you don't have enough memory, you can buy a memory card (if your smartphone has a corresponding slot). When installing microSD on some devices, you will need to activate it, because by default the phone will continue to save files to the internal memory. Go to the “Memory/Storage” section and place a marker next to the “Memory Card” option.

It should be noted that in smartphones with fresh Android versions It is possible to combine internal storage with a memory card. In such cases, the smartphone itself will offer to make a connection after installing the card.


The most radical method of solving all systemic problems is to completely format or reset the gadget to . This method is recommended for use in cases where simple ways solutions to the problem did not bring the desired result.

To return your smartphone to factory settings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to settings and select the “Backup and reset” option.
  2. There are two options here: a reset without data loss and a reset together with a full format of the drive. Choose the second option.
  3. Next, click “Reset settings” and wait for the procedure to complete.


Memory problems vary, and so do their solutions. Start diagnosing your system by performing the simplest steps and removing unnecessary games, applications, photos, videos and other files. Don't forget to add a memory card, clear cache and folder .thumbnails. If this doesn't help, try

Active users of Android mobile devices often encounter a situation where a fast and responsive device begins to “slow down” - it takes a long time to open installed applications, pages load slowly in the browser, the gallery freezes before opening, etc. This may be caused by accumulated “garbage”, which interferes with the operation of programs.

We will look at how to solve the problem of clearing memory using the example of Samsung mobile devices.

Cleaning Android to default using the system menu (using the example of Samsung Galaxy S2)

Let's first prepare the phone for work.

As a result of the procedure, all data will be deleted from the phone, therefore, before proceeding with the corresponding manipulations, you need to do backups all important information for you - contacts, photographs, programs, etc.

Check the condition of the battery, if necessary, charge to maximum values.

Now turn off your gadget completely.

With the device turned off, you need to simultaneously press three buttons - the volume key to increase (up), the device power button and physical button(“home”) located at the bottom below the display, as shown in the still image below:

The phone will start to boot, but in reset mode:

In the menu that opens, use the volume rocker to select “ wipe data/factory reset»:

By pressing the power button, we confirm the action, after which a submenu will open, in which (also using the volume up or down key) select the line “ Yes — delete all user data", press the power button, which in this case activates the reset process.

Now, when the menu appears, select the line “ Reboot system now"(don't forget to confirm the action with the power button):

After the manipulations have been performed, absolutely all information will be deleted from the smartphone (tablet), and along with it what is called “system garbage”, the device will return to the “as from a store” state, will automatically reboot, and we will only have to return the saved data.

Clearing memory in Samsung phones through the engineering menu

This option does not exist on all Samsung devices. You can find out by performing all the necessary actions for which “superuser” (ROOT) rights are not needed. So what we need to do:

On your smartphone, enter the code in the dialing line engineering menu *#9900# and press the call button:

In the window that opens, select the item “ Delete dumpstate/logcat»:

If this item does not appear, then due to the lack of a function in your device, you will have to use another method.

How to clear random access memory (RAM) on Android using the task manager (using the example of Samsung Galaxy S4)

A fairly simple way to clear memory is to use the built-in task manager. What actions should we take:

Press the physical Home button located in the center at the bottom of the device and hold it for a couple of seconds to open the task manager. Then, click on the virtual button in the lower right corner to close all applications, after that, click on the button in the lower left corner, which activates the deep cleaning process:

In the window that opens, a system message will appear indicating what will be deleted as a result of the procedure. All you have to do is click on the “Clear memory” button:

How to clear Samsung phone memory using special software (ES Explorer)

In order to apply this method, we will need (or another file manager) and . Since in this case we will work with system files, it’s worth reminding right away that rash actions can lead to sad consequences when your phone can be used not for its intended purpose, but, for example, as a cool stand for a cup of coffee, or whatever your imagination can tell you.

Now watch the video

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