How to clean the registry from Kaspersky. How to remove Kaspersky antivirus in different ways

It is often quite difficult to remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus from a computer; for many users this poses a real problem.

You can uninstall as follows: standard means operating system Windows and special programs. Each method has both its advantages and disadvantages. Editing the registry after eliminating the antivirus is mandatory, since traces usually remain in it.

How to remove Kaspersky antivirus

There are various ways to remove the software in question.

Photo: Kaspersky detected and cured malware

The best option is to use the standard procedure carried out by the application included with Kaspersky.

The operation is performed as follows:

  1. press the “Start” button;
  2. find “Control Panel”;
  3. open the “Programs and Features” shortcut - select the required item in the list with the mouse and click “Delete”;

After the process is completed, it is advisable to restart the computer; the operating system will prompt you to do this in a special window.

If possible, it is advisable to reboot immediately after the process is completed.

In this way, erasing is carried out in a standard manner. If it is not possible to uninstall in this way, then it can be done using standard services of the Windows operating system (intended for cleaning the OS), or with all kinds of utilities from third-party manufacturers (there are a very large number of them).

Removal methods

But it often happens that for some reason this is impossible to do.

This situation can arise for a variety of reasons:

  • accidentally erased program files located in Program Files;
  • corrupted uninstall program;
  • installation performed incorrectly.

In all of these or other similar cases, you will need to use third party applications to complete the uninstallation procedure. There is a large number various applications, allowing you to liquidate Kaspersky.

The most convenient and frequently used:

  • regedit, msconfig, explorer - standard Windows utilities;
  • KAV Removal Tool;
  • Unistal Tool.

If required, you can manual mode file manager In Explorer, erase all files, and then clean the OS with the regedit utility. Or use the specialized utility KAV Remover Tool. It is specially written to work with various types of software produced by Kaspersky Lab.

Unistal Tool is universal utility, which allows you to perform both uninstallation and further cleaning of the OS in automatic mode.

Video: Uninstalling Kaspersky

Windows Standard Tools

You can also perform removal using standard utilities present in the operating system. Windows system default.

This can be done by following the procedure:

You can wait a little while cleaning the registry if necessary. Although it is necessary to clear it in order to avoid the occurrence of all kinds of conflicts during system operation.

KAV Removal Tool

Kaspersky Lab implemented quite a long time ago special utility, designed to uninstall any applications from Kaspersky Lab. It's called KAV Removal Tool. This utility can absolutely correctly uninstall not only KAV, but also Internet Security.

The uninstallation procedure itself is performed as follows:

Despite the fact that the utility in question was created by Kaspersky Lab, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the registry after performing KAV removal. You can do this as standard using Windows, and applications from third-party manufacturers.

Cleaning the registry

You can perform standard cleaning Windows service entitled regedit. You must run it as an administrator, since otherwise it will either not start at all, or it will simply be impossible to edit the registry.

After the utility is launched, you must perform the following steps in strict order:

It is advisable to remove all keys added by the application in question. Otherwise, various kinds of conflicts and errors may occur.

Uninstall Tool

One of the simplest utilities, perfect for uninstalling all kinds of applications (including Kaspersky Antivirus), is the Uninstall Tool. It is extremely easy to use and automatically deletes not only all application files, but also keys present in the registry.

To remove Kaspersky Antivirus using the Uninstall Tool, you must perform the following steps:

After this, all that remains is to wait for the uninstallation process to complete.

How to remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus from your computer if you forgot your password

In case of unauthorized use, the antivirus is protected using a special password. And sometimes it happens that the user forgets it. But there is a way out of such a difficult situation. Forgotten password impossible to restore. But it is possible to disable the protection without even knowing it.

To do this, you must perform the following steps in strict order:

  • determine the type of operating system installed on the PC (32/64-bit);
  • from the official Kaspersky Lab website download the archive called “”;
  • using the existing archiver, files from the archive are unpacked;
  • The computer reboots and the OS starts in safe mode(by pressing F8 during the boot process, selecting “Safe Mode”);
  • select the appropriate file from the unpacked archive:
  1. x86 – in 32-bit Windows;
  2. x64 – in 64-bit Windows.

After restarting the PC, the protection will be disabled and you can uninstall Kaspersky Antivirus as usual. Or use some specialized utility.

The process of uninstalling Kaspersky Lab products is not difficult if it is carried out normally using the standard uninstallation procedure. Some difficulties sometimes arise when various errors and conflicts arise. But if you have enough free time and patience, you can easily overcome these troubles.

When performing uninstallation, you should be as careful as possible. Since if editing is carried out manually, then in no case should you delete entries in the registry whose purpose is not known. This may cause the operating system to malfunction.

When uninstalling Kaspersky Lab products, you must carry out all operations in accordance with the instructions of the software manufacturer.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus gives the computer user not only powerful protection for his system, but also a lot of problems, often associated with the slow operation of the system or with the desired reinstallation of the antivirus. Let's say you want to uninstall Kaspersky and install another antivirus, but simply uninstalling it is not enough. Kaspersky is registered in the registry and does not allow the new antivirus to work stably. In this article, we will look at how to completely get rid of the program so that it does not interfere with the operation of other antivirus services and programs.

You will need

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Registry, Uninstall Tool


  • Open Start and go to Control Panel. Select the "Add or Remove Programs" section. Find Kaspersky Anti-Virus in the list of programs and click “Uninstall”. You will be given three options: change, restore and delete. Choose the third.
  • Uninstallation is the first step to removing antivirus from your computer. After that, go to Start again and select Search. Enter keywords- “kaspersky”, “kav” and try to find them. Delete any residual files found manually.
  • And finally, the time has come to delete all entries about Kaspersky from the registry. This will also have to be done manually. Go to Start > Run and type regedit. The Registry Editor will open. Be careful not to delete necessary system files.
  • In the Registry Editor, click the Edit tab > Find and enter the same search keywords that you used in the search for hard drive. Delete each line found, and then press “F3” (Search next). Clear the registry of entries about Kaspersky Anti-Virus until the search tells you that there are no more objects.
  • If you do not want to perform all these steps manually, install an uninstallation program (for example, the Uninstall Tool), which, in addition to the usual removal of the program, eliminates entries about it in the system registry.
  • Exists great amount various antivirus programs. Sometimes the user is not satisfied with one of them, and he wants to get rid of it. One of the most popular antiviruses is a product from Kaspersky. If you delete it using standard operating system tools, that is, through the control panel, various types of errors may occur, and, in addition, a lot of information will most likely remain on the computer. unnecessary files. What about Windows 7 and other OS versions? Methods for this will be discussed next.


    First of all, you need to remember that you cannot remove any programs from your computer by sending a folder from Program Files to the Trash. This is especially true for antiviruses. Such an action will more than likely lead to extremely negative consequences. It may come to the point that you will have to completely reinstall the operating system.

    Removal using standard OS tools

    How to remove Kaspersky from Windows 7? You need to right-click on the antivirus icon in the “Taskbar” and select “Exit” from the context menu. After this, you need to go to the “Control Panel”, find the “Programs and Features” item in it. On the list installed programs Antivirus will also be present. All you have to do is click on the delete button and follow the instructions of the "Wizard"

    Note: in the Windows 8 operating system, you do not need to go to the Control Panel for this purpose. Just open on home screen list with all programs, right-click on the antivirus program icon, and then select “Uninstall” from the menu that appears at the bottom. Further actions are exactly the same - just follow the instructions of the uninstallation program.

    Removing an antivirus using a special utility

    If for some reason you were unable to get rid of the antivirus program, then the first thing you need to do is download the official utility to remove Kaspersky. This program is called KAV Remove Tool. It can be downloaded for free from the official website.

    After it is downloaded, you need to open the archive and run the executable file located in it. This program designed specifically to remove all versions antivirus products"Kaspersky Lab". After launching it, the user will have to accept the license agreement. A utility window will open with the following options:

    • An antivirus program will be automatically detected for removal. You can simply select it and uninstall it.
    • In a situation where they have already tried to remove the antivirus before, but it was not possible to do it completely, the user will see a text that says that no products were detected, and to force removal, you need to select the one you need from the list. Here you need to indicate exactly the antivirus tool that was installed, and then click on the “Delete” button.
    • After the program finishes, a message will be displayed indicating that the uninstallation operation was completed successfully and the computer requires a restart.

    Now the question of how to remove Kaspersky from Windows 7 using a special utility has been resolved.

    Complete antivirus removal using third-party programs

    The instructions above discussed only official methods for removing an antivirus program, but in cases where all of the above methods did not solve the problem, it makes sense to use third-party utilities to uninstall programs from your computer. How to remove Kaspersky from Windows 7 using such programs?

    One such utility is Crystalidea Uninstall Tool. The Russian-language version is on the official website, from where it can be downloaded.

    The “Uninstall Wizard” in this program will tell you how to correctly remove Kaspersky and any other programs from your computer forcibly. In this case, there are such work options as:

    • Removing programs without using standard operating system tools.
    • Removing all residual files of the program after uninstalling it through the "Control Panel".

    The utility allows you to remove:

    • Registry entries that relate to this program.
    • Temporary files that remain in system folders.
    • Shortcuts located in the "Taskbar", context menus, on the "Desktop".
    • Services.

    Thus, if the question arises of how to remove Kaspersky from Windows 7 when other methods have not helped, the Uninstall Tool and the like are an excellent tool. They work flawlessly for the most part.


    As you can see, uninstalling the antivirus is not such a serious problem. Having understood the instructions, can any user do this, even completely? Using the operating system, official tool and third party programs. Which method to choose is up to the user to decide. But if you have little experience with a computer, then third-party utilities are the best choice.

    When working with personal computer It may be necessary to remove Kaspersky antivirus or KIS 2014 from it, for example, in order to reinstall free antivirus Kaspersky Yandex version. To do this you need to completely uninstall old program. However, you need to know exactly how to remove Kaspersky (full or Yandex version, KIS 2014...) from your computer. To begin with, you can try to remove the antivirus using standard OS tools via account computer user, or go into safe mode and try to remove the antivirus from there. But it is not always possible to remove the product from the computer in this way. Often, standard methods fail to remove not only this, but also other versions of the antivirus, for example, Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) 2014.

    In such a situation, the user needs to quickly figure out how to remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus from the computer in order to install new, full-fledged OS protection.

    Removing an antivirus using the Uninstall Tool

    In this program, you can remove all rooted software from your computer (including the registry). After launching the utility, you need to select from the list of programs, for example, KIS 2014, right-click on it and select “Uninstall”. Then, to remove the antivirus from the registry, you must select “Remove from registry.” Using this utility it is easy to remove KIS 2014 and Yandex version, but there are other removal methods.

    Removal using KAVRemover

    The algorithm for uninstalling Kaspersky remains the same:

    1. you need to correctly remove Kaspersky Yandex antivirus or another selected version;
    2. clean the system registry.

    To remove Kaspersky, use the KAVRemover utility developed by Kaspersky Lab. Because when uninstalling using standard Windows tools through the control panel Kaspersky antivirus is not completely or partially removed, it is better to use this utility right away.

    To completely remove the antivirus, you must first download the archive from the website and unpack it, or immediately download the executable file kavremover.exe.

    Next, you should launch kavremover.exe by double-clicking on it with the mouse. Then you need to confirm License agreement, by clicking the “I agree” button, in the Kaspersky Lab Products Remover window enter security code, which will appear in the picture above the input line. If the image is not clear, you can refresh it by clicking on the button located to the right of it.

    In the “Detected” menu, you must select the Kaspersky program that is installed on your computer and click “Uninstall”. You can only remove several Kaspersky products one by one. Removal usually takes some time. You need to wait for a message to appear stating that the program uninstallation was completed successfully and click “OK”. Then you need to restart your computer.

    Removing antivirus from your computer using Windows Safe Mode

    Sometimes it is advised to switch to safe mode when using the KAVRemover utility Windows operation. To do this, during the reboot, press the F8 key several times in a row and select safe boot mode. In safe mode, the user has full access to protected files and data in the registry. You need to run the file kavremover.exe, agree to the license clauses, click “OK”, enter the captcha, select the one antivirus program, which needs to be eliminated, for example, KIS 2014 and click “Delete”. Next, you need to wait until the utility finishes cleaning the PC from the files of the program to be deleted. After this, Kaspersky antivirus will be removed from the computer.

    Cleaning the registry from Kaspersky Yandex and KIS 2014

    Sometimes you need to additionally clean the registry from KIS 2014 or Yandex version. Although the description of the utility states that it removes the product completely, some files still remain on the system. If you need to reinstall Kaspersky Yandex version, cleaning the registry is mandatory.

    You need to launch the registry editor. To do this, go to the Start menu, Run, write the command Regedit in the window and go to the editor. In the editor you need to delete two registry branches:

    You can also go to the “Edit” menu, select “Find”, in the window that opens, look for files whose name is related to the name of the antivirus, for example, “kaspersky”. The name must be entered into the search bar and click “Find Next”. If the entry found relates to an antivirus, it must be deleted. To continue the search, press F3. The procedure is repeated until a zero result is shown.

    After this, the antivirus will be completely removed from the user's computer.

    If, when uninstalling Yandex or KIS 2014, or any other version of this antivirus program, the user encounters a problem that he cannot solve on his own, he can contact Kaspersky Lab Technical Support Service. The My Kaspersky service is used for this. The request must describe the problem in detail, preferably providing screenshots and a utility report.

    It is often quite difficult to remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus from a computer; for many users this poses a real problem.

    Uninstallation can be carried out using standard Windows operating system tools or special programs. Each method has both its advantages and disadvantages. Editing the registry after eliminating the antivirus is mandatory, since traces usually remain in it.

    How to remove Kaspersky antivirus

    There are various ways to remove the software in question.

    The best option is to use the standard procedure carried out by the application included with Kaspersky.

    The operation is performed as follows:

    1. press the “Start” button;
    2. find “Control Panel”;
    3. open the “Programs and Features” shortcut - select the required item in the list with the mouse and click “Delete”;

    After the process is completed, it is advisable to restart the computer; the operating system will prompt you to do this in a special window.

    If possible, it is advisable to reboot immediately after the process is completed.

    In this way, erasing is carried out in a standard manner. If it is not possible to uninstall in this way, then it can be done using standard services of the Windows operating system (intended for cleaning the OS), or with all kinds of utilities from third-party manufacturers (there are a very large number of them).

    Removal methods

    But it often happens that for some reason this is impossible to do.

    This situation can arise for a variety of reasons:

    • accidentally erased program files located in Program Files;
    • corrupted uninstall program;
    • installation performed incorrectly.

    In all of these or other similar cases, you will need to use third-party applications to complete the uninstallation procedure. There are a large number of different applications that allow you to eliminate Kaspersky.

    The most convenient and frequently used:

    • regedit, msconfig, explorer - standard Windows utilities;
    • KAV Removal Tool;
    • Unistal Tool.

    If necessary, you can manually erase all files using the File Explorer file manager, and then clean the OS using the regedit utility. Or use the specialized utility KAV Remover Tool. It is specially written to work with various types of software produced by Kaspersky Lab.

    Unistal Tool is a universal utility that allows you to perform both uninstallation and further cleaning of the OS automatically.

    Video: Uninstalling Kaspersky

    Windows Standard Tools

    You can also perform removal using standard utilities present in the Windows operating system by default.

    This can be done by following the procedure:

    You can wait a little while cleaning the registry if necessary. Although it is necessary to clear it in order to avoid the occurrence of all kinds of conflicts during system operation.

    KAV Removal Tool

    Kaspersky Lab has long ago implemented a special utility designed to uninstall any applications from Kaspersky Lab. It's called KAV Removal Tool. This utility can absolutely correctly uninstall not only KAV, but also Internet Security.

    The uninstallation procedure itself is performed as follows:

    Despite the fact that the utility in question was created by Kaspersky Lab, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the registry after performing KAV removal. This can be done using standard Windows tools or applications from third-party manufacturers.

    Cleaning the registry

    You can perform cleaning using a standard Windows service called regedit. You must run it as an administrator, since otherwise it will either not start at all, or it will simply be impossible to edit the registry.

    After the utility is launched, you must perform the following steps in strict order:

    It is advisable to remove all keys added by the application in question. Otherwise, various kinds of conflicts and errors may occur.

    Uninstall Tool

    One of the simplest utilities, perfect for uninstalling all kinds of applications (including Kaspersky Antivirus), is the Uninstall Tool. It is extremely easy to use and automatically deletes not only all application files, but also keys present in the registry.

    To remove Kaspersky Antivirus using the Uninstall Tool, you must perform the following steps:

    After this, all that remains is to wait for the uninstallation process to complete.

    How to remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus from your computer if you forgot your password

    In case of unauthorized use, the antivirus is protected using a special password. And sometimes it happens that the user forgets it. But there is a way out of such a difficult situation. A forgotten password cannot be recovered. But it is possible to disable the protection without even knowing it.

    To do this, you must perform the following steps in strict order:

    • determine the type of operating system installed on the PC (32/64-bit);
    • from the official Kaspersky Lab website download the archive called “”;
    • using the existing archiver, files from the archive are unpacked;
    • the computer reboots and the OS starts in safe mode (by pressing F8 during the boot process, selecting “Safe Mode”);
    • select the appropriate file from the unpacked archive:
    1. x86 – in 32-bit Windows;
    2. x64 – in 64-bit Windows.

    After restarting the PC, the protection will be disabled and you can uninstall Kaspersky Antivirus as usual. Or use some specialized utility.

    The process of uninstalling Kaspersky Lab products is not difficult if it is carried out normally using the standard uninstallation procedure. Some difficulties sometimes arise when various errors and conflicts arise. But if you have enough free time and patience, you can easily overcome these troubles.

    When performing uninstallation, you should be as careful as possible. Since if editing is carried out manually, then in no case should you delete entries in the registry whose purpose is not known. This may cause the operating system to malfunction.

    When uninstalling Kaspersky Lab products, you must carry out all operations in accordance with the instructions of the software manufacturer.


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