How to delete a virus folder that cannot be deleted. Certified devices for guaranteed destruction of information

Everyone has unnecessary files that they then delete, but what to do if folder is not deleted. There is a problem in which the OS does not allow you to get rid of an unnecessary folder or writes that the file is open and cannot be erased.

Causes of the problem

You need to understand why the folder is not deleted:

  1. The antivirus application was blocking the data. If the antivirus considers the file infected or does not trust it, the program quarantines suspicious data and offers to disinfect the code. If treatment is delayed, the antivirus simply blocks the user from all access to data.
  2. The folder is used by other programs. You need to remember if there is software that can use this file. If there is, close the applications and delete the file. If that doesn’t work, go to “Task Manager” and check to see if the application is active.
  3. To clear a folder, administrator rights are required. If you are running under an account with limited privileges, log out and log back in with administrator rights and try to get rid of the folder again.
  4. The file is being used by someone on the local network. Wait for it to finish and clean up.
  5. The OS uses the data. Restart or try clearing data in security mode.

How to delete a folder that won't delete

When deleting a folder, the system gives us a window in which it writes the reason for the rejection of the uninstallation. There are different arguments, but one of them is that the data is involved, you will have to make it free before uninstalling it.

We do the following:

  1. In Windows 7 and XP, press Ctrl + Alt + Del, and in Windows 8 and Windows 10, Windows + X. Go to the “Task Manager”.
  2. We look through the processes and find an application that can potentially use the folder.
  3. We delete the file itself.
  4. When the file is used by the explorer.exe process, launch the console with administrator rights, cancel the task by entering the full_path_to_the_file for cleaning in the del line.

To return to the desktop, you can do this: launch explorer.exe, to do this in the task manager, select “File”, “New task” and “explorer.exe”.

Removing a locked file via bootable media

If a folder on your computer cannot be deleted, there is another method to get rid of it. You must run from a LiveCD or Windows recovery flash drive. When using the disk, we can use both the graphical interface and the console.

The first step is to get an idea of ​​the directories on the disk using the dir command, then use del path_to_file.

When using a flash drive or disk, press Shift + F10 to enter the console. Select “Restore system”, the link is in the installation program.

It is best to always check the drive letter from which the folder is being deleted, as they do not always match those displayed in the system.

A program for deleting folders that cannot be deleted – Unlocker

Folder not being deleted from desktop? - the Unlocker utility was created precisely for such a case. The application is free, it helps to detect all processes and locked files, and makes it possible to delete data. In the utility, you can rename files and extensions, as well as move a locked file.

Removing an unnecessary file is easy:

  1. Install the program.
  2. RMB click on the file.
  3. Select "Unlocker".
  4. Click delete and confirm by clicking “OK”

When a folder is locked, another window appears. In it, first click on “Unblock all”, and then “Delete”.

The folder is not deleted, what should I do?

We try to delete using the file manager - Total Commander. This manager allows you to bypass some restrictions.

We perform the removal:

  1. Load the FAR manager or Total Commander.
  2. After installation, look for the folder in the list.
  3. Click Delete.

The advantage of the manager is the detection of hidden and encrypted data. If the folder is not deleted, open it in the manager and look for hidden files; they are the ones that are interfering. To correct the situation, go to “Task Manager” - “Processes” - find the file - click “End Process”. After this we delete the section.

Delete using autoload

So, open “Start”, click “Run”. Enter msconfig and click OK. “System Setup” will be displayed. Go to “Startup” and find a file that is not removed.

If you don’t find the folder in this list, click “Disable all” - “Apply”, “Close”. A notification will appear that the changes will take effect after a restart. We reboot and try to delete the folder.

Removal using short names

Another method is to use a short name, because it may contain invalid characters. We go to the folder, to find out what the short name should look like, enter the command DIR /X or DIR /X /N, it will show all the files with their short names. A short name allows 8 characters per name and 3 characters per extension.

Press DEL to clear the folder by short name.

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If you don’t know how to delete a folder that cannot be deleted, then our material will help you figure it out.

Everyone periodically deals with “undeletable” folders on their PC.

It is stupid to blame anyone for this, even the system that tells us that a given directory is currently occupied by some process.

As a result, all liquidation manipulations end in fiasco. Let's get to the main topic: how to delete a folder that cannot be deleted on windows 7 (win8)?

There are 5 options to solve the problem:

  • System check;
  • Viruses;
  • Folder settings;
  • Third party utilities.
  • Let's try to figure out the situation.


    So, you intend to delete the ill-fated directory, but the system claims that it cannot do this for one reason or another. The main reason is that files in the folder are being used by some application or process that is currently running.

    The example shows that it is not possible to liquidate the “screenshots” folder, since one or more files are currently being used by one of the Windows programs. Since most people don’t know which one it is, they have no choice but to restart the machine.

    Click “Start” (1), then click on the small square (2) next to the “shutdown” button. Select the item with reboot (3).

    System check

    If you do not want to restart, but decide to get to the bottom of the truth, check if the application currently running is in the folder.

    Let's say you decide to get rid of Skype for some reason, not by uninstalling, but by barbarously deleting the folder in which all the contents of the program are located. Let's consider this option.

    First, let's open the folder. We follow the path: Drive C – Program Files – Skype.

    We see this picture.

    And this is what the system produces if you press “Delete” on the keyboard.

    Firstly, the program is running, so the ability to uninstall is blocked by the system. Secondly, it “hangs” in the task manager, namely in processes.

    You need to close the program and, just in case, “kill” the process so that the notification does not appear again.

    Exit Skype, then press Ctrl+Alt+Delete (task manager) and select the program. After that, click on the “end process” button.

    A window will appear confirming your intentions. Click again to complete. Now you know how to delete a folder that cannot be deleted on Windows 8 and other versions of the OS.

    Note! The above procedure is equally useful for all such cases, not just for Skype.


    In some cases, deleting a directory is impossible for the simple reason that potentially unwanted software has entered the PC, i.e. viruses. In addition to the Internet, they can get to your computer via a flash drive.

    How to delete a folder that is not deleted from the flash drive? That's right, by preliminary scanning with an antivirus.

    Open the antivirus and scan the drive. Then we try to delete the folder. If that doesn't work, you'll have to format the flash drive.

    Note! Remember, after formatting, all data, folders and files stored on the flash memory will be deleted.

    The procedure is as follows. Right-click on the drive and select “format”.

    Before us is a menu with settings.

    1. Flash drive capacity;
    2. File system;
    3. Volume label (drive name);
    4. Formatting method;
    5. Start the process.

    The main focus is on the file system. FAT 32 should be selected by default. This way, the contents of the drive can be “read” by any PC. You can give any name, since it does not affect any parameter.

    But for better formatting, it’s better to uncheck the “quick cleaning” box. Click “start” and wait.

    Folder Settings

    This technique is good for network directories. In other words, several PCs are combined into a single subnet. The administrator creates one or more public folders where various information can be dumped. To prevent anyone from accidentally deleting it, it sets access rights.

    This is done as follows. First, open the folder properties with the right button.

    Go to the “security” section and click “advanced”.

    We select a group or user whose rights we are cutting.

    We select the group again, and now we configure the access level.

    If you check the two boxes related to deletion, a user over the network will not be able to delete either the folder or its contents.

    After this, you can easily get rid of the application, since we “killed” it.

    In this simple way, you can clean your system of other programs, applications and folders.

    It’s impossible to say that this method is designed for the lazy. In any case, you will need to know the location where the folder is stored. On the other hand, all programs are initially installed in the Programm Files folder.

    How to delete a folder that is not deleted from the desktop and other places on the PC? By following our advice, you can easily get rid of various software that is stored in directories. The latter, in turn, can be easily and naturally eliminated.

    Important! The system will never “swear” if the list of files located in the folder is not used anywhere at a given time. Whether it's a set of photos, movies or music. If you do not use the file, but for some inexplicable reason you cannot clean your computer, then the contents of the directory are simply infected with a virus. Just in case, scan your system for unwanted software and be careful when downloading something from the Internet.

    In all other cases, the culprit is simple negligence and unwillingness to read the message in the dialog box, which clearly explains the reason for the impossibility of deleting the folder.

    Good afternoon, dear readers! In the process of working at a computer, many of us, I think, have to face such a situation when folder is not deleted or any specific file. Moreover, in some cases, in response to a request to delete a folder or file, the operating system notifies us that the file being deleted is currently being used by one or another program, so the operation of deleting this file is impossible.

    What to do if a folder or file is not deleted? We will find out how we can delete a non-deletable file in today’s article.

    So, the file that you want to delete from your computer is not deleted in any way, and instead of the usual appearance of a dialog box about deleting the file, the system displays an error. Errors can be very different, for example, this file is blocked or occupied by another application, or the disk is write-protected, full, etc. It is clear that if the open file is in an active state, for example a Microsoft Word document, in this case you must first close this document and then proceed to delete this file.

    But what if a folder or the same file is not deleted even after all applications are closed, which may prevent it from being deleted? That's when you start to wonder why I can't delete the file? Moreover, in some cases it happens that it is not possible to delete a file as a result of the fact that the user himself blocked the file due to his incorrect actions.

    Eventually, over time, a number of such files accumulate on your computer and take up free space on your hard drive. In this case, the free space limit decreases, the operating system begins to slow down, and this in turn leads to various types of errors, as a result, your computer may one day display the message: “The operating system cannot start due to a missing or corrupted file " Well, then everything goes according to the scenario, I think you can guess - this is reinstalling the system, installing programs, losing important information, searching and restoring.

    In general, it’s an extra headache, but do you need it? I think that, of course not. Therefore, my advice to you, friends, is to take care of your computer and avoid clutter on your hard drive. Save a lot of time, money, nerves and increase the life of your computer. By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that if your computer is currently slowing down, and unexpected failures are occurring in your work, then I recommend that you read the article.

    The folder is not deleted

    So, I suggest you consider a step-by-step algorithm of actions if a folder or file on your computer is not deleted. Let's say I can't delete a file from my computer, a notification appears saying that this file is being used by some application. The first thing I have to check is whether the file is actually being used by any program?

    How to check this, you probably ask! It’s very simple, we just need to open the task manager and look in the processes tab for the presence of the file to be deleted.

    You can find out more about the task manager in the article “”, I explained in sufficient detail what and why everything is there, so I recommend that you read the article to refresh your knowledge.

    Well, if the file is present in the processes tab, then you should first close it and later you can delete it. If the file cannot be closed, that is, the open file is frozen and does not respond to user commands, which is a very common situation. In this case, it is recommended to simply end the process of such a file by clicking “End Process”.

    It should be added that it is not always possible to delete a file by completing the process, since the folder itself can store encrypted documents according to the initially set parameters. In this case, you will need to uncheck the “encrypt data” option. It is extremely rare to encounter situations where a folder is not deleted for the simple reason that its name matches the system folder.

    In general, of course, if you still cannot delete a folder, then I recommend that you scan your computer for viruses, because viruses can cause the folder being deleted to be blocked. Here is an example of an article on how to scan your computer for viruses.

    Because it may be that your account simply does not allow you to delete or edit data on your computer. In this case, you should either log in under an administrator account and then delete the file or folder, or simply expand the rights of your account. If such concepts as “Account” and “Administrator” are a dense forest for you, then in this case be sure to read my article “” for a complete understanding of the account.

    In the “Security” tab, click “Advanced” and in the window that opens, in the “Current permissions” tab, make sure there are no checkboxes in the Read and Execute items.

    Here are some tips that you can do to delete a folder or file without installing special programs. But of course, there are situations when the methods discussed above do not allow you to simply delete a folder or file.

    There are various programs and utilities that allow you to delete locked folders and files; in addition, thanks to such programs you can easily move and rename files that should be deleted. One of these free utilities is called Unlocker.

    Let's look at how to work with it. First you need to download this utility by clicking on the following link In the page that opens, select your version of the operating system and click on download from the official website.

    After the utility is successfully downloaded to your computer, proceed with its installation. During the installation process of the utility, you will need to read the license agreement. I also recommend that you select the “Advanced” installation section by unchecking all the boxes.

    At the next installation step, the utility will by default indicate the installation path to the program folder; you just need to click “Next”.

    To complete the installation, check the “Embed into Explorer” and “Check for updates” checkboxes.

    That's all the utility is installed. Let's imagine that there is no way on our computer folder is not deleted. Open the folder path and right-click on the non-deletable folder.

    In the context menu that appears, click “Unlocker”. Select “Delete” and click “OK”.

    The entire object was successfully deleted. If the process is active during the deletion process, a corresponding window will open in which you will first need to unlock the file and then proceed to delete it.

    It should be noted that this utility is an excellent solution in the fight against folders or files that cannot be deleted.

    Concluding today’s article, I believe that now if in your daily work at the computer a folder or file is not deleted for some reason, then this utility will do an excellent job of the task. That's all for me! See you all in the next article, where we will find out =>

    Typically, deleting files and folders is quick and painless, except for Windows warning messages that protect you from accidentally pressing a button. But in some cases, the system refuses to perform an action, citing the impossibility of executing the command. It's time to figure out the reasons for such errors.

    In what cases may it be necessary to delete “undeletable” folders or files?

    Windows 7 may refuse to delete files or folders for several reasons:

    • damage. Physical or software failure, virus operation;
    • usage. The file is used by a running application or the system itself;
    • lack of rights. The user account does not have sufficient permissions to delete.

    Possible solutions

    1. If the problem is a software glitch, it may be enough to restart the computer.
    2. When using a file in another application, you need to determine which program is using it and close it. In some cases, you may also need to access the Windows Task Manager to stop background processes such as torrent clients.

      Sometimes the system refuses to delete even seemingly empty folders. This may be due to File Explorer settings not to show hidden files. In other words, the folders only appear empty; they contain information that is hidden from the user. Therefore, you should first make sure that these directories really do not contain information. Otherwise, you can unintentionally erase important data and disrupt the stability of the system.

    3. If files and folders are visible, but they are not deleted due to the lack of rights of the account under which the system was logged in, you can do one of the following:
      • use another entry. Restarting the system as a user with administrative rights is the easiest and most painless option. In this case, the OS settings do not change, and after carrying out all the necessary manipulations, you can return to the previous account;
      • get your license. You can increase the level of rights of the current account. However, this method reduces the computer’s security not only from careless user actions, but also from malware. The virus will cause much more damage to the PC if it entered as an administrator;
      • turn to third-party applications. There are utilities that specialize in forcibly deleting information, including protected information.

    Uninstall by granting administrator rights

    A user with normal rights can create, erase and modify most files and folders, but does not have access to modify system information, which serves to protect against unintentional and careless actions. The administrator account has no restrictions, within which you can regulate the operation of the entire system.

    The best solution is to use the two entries alternately. User - for everyday work, administrator - for setting up the system.

    Only an administrator can grant superuser rights to a regular account. Therefore, the following methods are only suitable if such an opportunity exists.

    Through system settings

    1. Press the Win key or the on-screen Start button. In the search bar located at the very bottom of the list that opens, enter the query “User Accounts”.
    2. We go to the active line located at the top of the list of search results and open a window with the heading “Making changes to the user account.” Click on “Manage another account” in the central part.
    3. By clicking on the tab, we will be taken to a window with a list of all accounts created by the system. We select the one to which we want to give administrative rights and change its type to “Administrator”.
    4. Click on the “Change account type” button. Rights granted.

    Via command line

    Using the command line requires some experience, but allows you to perform many operations faster. In order to call the desired window, we will again use the search bar.

    Disabling TrustedInstaller

    In fact, Windows 7 has a user with even greater rights than any administrator. To protect critical components, the system creates a TrustedInstaller account, which is assigned exclusive access rights to certain files.

    If a user, even with administrative rights, tries to delete protected information, the system will refuse him and show a window with the message: “Request permission from TrustedInstaller to change this file.”

    To bypass the protection, you must manually grant access to the desired file to administrators, after which you will be able to delete it.

    1. In Explorer, select the file that you want to delete and right-click on it.
    2. In the context menu that opens, select “Properties”.
    3. Then go to the “Security” tab.
    4. Click on the “Advanced” button.
    5. In the “Advanced Security Settings” window, go to the “Owner” tab.
    6. Click the “Change” on-screen button.
    7. Windows 7 will offer several options to change the owner of a file. Immediately select the “Administrators” group and click “OK”.
    8. We read the message that appears recognizing our rights and describing the necessary actions for them to come into force, and then click “OK”.
    9. We repeat the previous steps. We need to clarify our powers.
    10. Click the “Change” button and select the added “Administrators” group.
    11. We put a checkmark on “Full access”, automatically receiving marks on all other items.
    12. Click the “Apply” button, giving all accounts with administrative rights the ability to edit this file.

    The same mechanism can be used to edit or move important files or folders. In this case, it is necessary to return all settings to their original state after completion of work, otherwise Windows 7 may begin to become unstable.

    By editing the Startup list

    An executable application can prevent the file from being deleted. If it is launched deliberately, it is enough to shut it down, and in some cases it is also useful to restart the computer. But programs that automatically start when Windows 7 starts will again end up in RAM and prevent you from deleting the necessary information. Therefore, you need to exclude them from the Startup list.

    If we have correctly identified the application that is interfering with our task, the file will be deleted without problems. If another program interfered, you can repeat the process for it or use Windows restart in safe mode.

    Via Safe Mode

    If a folder or file is not deleted due to a third-party application or malware, you can restart your computer in safe mode and thereby bypass the restriction.

    Safe mode in Windows 7 involves minimal loading of system components.

    The advantage of this method is that there is no need to leave the Windows 7 shell. The disadvantages include the fact that to reboot in normal mode, you will have to repeat the same steps, only this time disable safe mode.

    In order to boot the system once in safe mode, you can use another method.

    Having loaded using any of the listed methods, we find “stubborn” files using “Explorer” and delete them.

    Using the command line

    You can bypass the deletion ban using a low-level tool that is already a little familiar to us - the command line.

    After the window loads, you must enter the required command.

    Commands for forcibly deleting root directories and files - table

    When using the command line to delete files or directories, keep the following in mind:

    1. The information is erased irrevocably, that is, it cannot be restored from the Recycle Bin.
    2. It is necessary to accurately, without errors and completely enter the name of the files to be deleted, including the extension and full path.

    Through file managers

    Most file managers have built-in capabilities for deleting protected files and folders.

    For example, when working with the popular file manager Total Commander, to delete a file, just select it and press the F8 function key. The application will definitely clarify whether the user is confident in his actions.

    Total Commander easily copes with most protected files and folders, limiting itself to just one more request to the user. But some information is beyond his capabilities, in which case it is better to use specialized applications.

    Removal using third-party programs

    If the need to delete protected files and folders arises regularly, it makes sense to install on your computer one of the applications that specialize in unlocking and destroying information.


    A simple and convenient Unlocker program is automatically added to the context menu, which opens when you right-click on the file name.

    An additional advantage of the application is the ability to see why a file is blocked and what process is using it.

    It is likely that it is not at all necessary to use a “hard” removal; sometimes it is better to return to Windows 7, close the interfering program, and then erase the unlocked file. But you can do without this by simply selecting the “Delete” option.

    The lock prevents not only deleting, but also simple operations such as moving a file or renaming it. Unlocker can help with this too.


    Another application with similar functionality is Lockhunter. This utility is even built into the Explorer context menu and can delete those files and folders that Unlocker cannot do.

    The program interface is more similar to classic Windows, the main information is collected in one window, and the main operations are presented in the form of large buttons.

    Although Lockhunter does not support the Russian language, the simplicity of the interface and free distribution make it very popular.

    The program's wide capabilities can become a serious problem if used carelessly. Lockhunter can easily delete system files, thereby disrupting the performance of Windows 7.

    The Fileassassin program works in a slightly different style:

    The use of several special utilities with similar functionality can be justified by the fact that they have different operating algorithms. Files that one program could not delete can be erased by another.

    System Restore

    The mechanism of “rolling back” the system using backup points is a universal means of restoring the functionality of Windows 7 in the event of serious failures.

    The system restores its “old” state by erasing additionally installed programs and settings, so as a last resort, you can use this radical remedy for those files and folders that cannot be erased.

    A prerequisite for this method is the availability of suitable backup recovery points. It should be taken into account that some malware intentionally corrupts such files, so it is better to transfer such data to external media.

    1. Launch the recovery utility. To do this, type “System Restore” in the search bar and press Enter.
    2. The window that appears is more informational than functional, so click the “Next” on-screen button.
    3. Select the one you need from the list of recovery points and click “Next”.

      Don't forget to save your working files to external media before restoring your system, otherwise they may be lost.

    4. Once again, we make sure that this is the date to which we want to “downgrade” Windows 7, and click the “Finish” on-screen button.

    Using a different operating system

    All restrictions and access settings are important only when running a specific copy of Windows 7. From an external point of view, both the system itself and the files carefully protected by it are ordinary records on the hard drive. Therefore, all unnecessary information can be deleted by gaining access to the drive without starting the “main” Windows 7:

    1. By downloading another copy of Windows 7 located on a second physical disk.
    2. By running another operating system, such as Linux.
    3. Using a bootable USB flash drive or “life disk”.
    4. By physically removing the hard drive and connecting it as external storage to another computer.

    This method will also be useful in combating some particularly stubborn viruses that penetrate RAM and block antivirus programs. By booting from external media, you can disinfect your computer without allowing malicious applications to start running.

    If you don’t have your own bootable USB flash drive, you can download it from antivirus software developer sites, for example, DrWeb or Nod 32.

    The disadvantages of this method are a consequence of its effectiveness - you can accidentally delete critical files and folders, disrupting the operation of Windows.

    other methods

    If the information that refuses to be deleted is located on an external storage device (SD card, flash drive or external hard drive), then you can solve the problem using a device with a mobile operating system, for example, Android. Some nuances:

    1. The SD card can be inserted into the appropriate slot on your smartphone or tablet.
    2. To connect a flash drive you need support for OTG technology and a suitable adapter.
    3. To work with external hard drives, Android devices typically need to download additional apps and also have enough current to power the drive.

    Before looking for ways to delete system-protected information, you should make sure that such a step will not harm the performance of Windows 7. It may be worth creating an additional restore point to minimize the negative consequences.

    In addition, you should first use the safest methods and only if they are ineffective, move on to more “rough” ones:

    1. User Tools. Find and disable programs and processes that are using the files you need. Restart your PC.
    2. Windows Tools. Edit the Startup list, use safe startup mode if necessary.
    3. Access settings. Gain administrative rights or access to account files.
    4. Command line. Use system commands for low-level removal.
    5. Third party applications. Use file managers or specialized programs.
    6. System Restore. Use a backup restore point to roll back Windows 7.
    7. External OS. Boot the operating system from external media or another computer.

    How to delete protected folders and files without additional programs - video

    System protections for critical information are often used by malware for their own purposes, so you need to be able to bypass restrictions and delete damaged files. Fortunately, quite effective applications have been created for these purposes, including free ones.

    While working at a computer, a huge amount of unnecessary information accumulates, which reduces the performance of the PC by clogging up the RAM. It needs to be removed. Quite often, due to an operating system failure, a virus attack, the presence of hidden or system files, access blocking and a number of other reasons, when deleting an object, a message appears that the folder is not being deleted. What to do in this case? There are several ways to help solve this problem.

    Restarting the computer

    An operating system crash is often the reason why an empty folder is not deleted. In this case, a normal computer restart is enough - and the object can be deleted. If rebooting does not help, you will need:

    Start your computer in safe mode.
    . Delete the problematic folder.
    . Return to normal mode.

    Deleting folders involved in one of the running processes

    If a folder or the file it contains is involved in any system process or used by an application, it cannot be deleted. First of all, you will need to stop the process and only then try to delete the directory again.

    To do this you need to follow these steps:

    Open the task manager using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc.
    . Switch to the Processes tab.
    . Find the required file in the list that opens.
    . Select it with the mouse.
    . Click on the “End process” button.
    . Delete the folder via the context menu or the Delete key.

    How to delete a protected folder using the standard method

    In some cases, the folder is protected and the user must have administrator rights to delete it. To do this you need:

    Shut down your computer.
    . Turn on PC.
    . Login as administrator.
    . Delete the folder in the usual way.

    Unlocker utility and its capabilities

    If this method does not help solve the problem of how to delete an unremovable folder, then you will need to install the additional Unlocker utility. This is a convenient program for deleting various objects, occupies a small amount of hard disk memory and has an easy-to-use interface. Moreover, it is completely free.

    You can unlock and delete a folder using this utility as follows:

    • Download the utility to your computer.
    • Perform the standard software installation procedure, after which the program icon will appear in the system tray and in the context menu.
    • Select the folder to be deleted.
    • Right-click on it.
    • Select Unlocker from the pop-up menu.
    • A program window will open.
    • At the bottom of the list of actions, select the line “Delete”.
    • If the folder is blocked by some process (it will be displayed in the program window), first click on the “Unblock” or “Unblock all” line, and then apply the “Delete” action.

    Unlocker may not always be able to remove an item immediately. In this case, a message will be displayed that the action will be performed the next time the system boots.

    Deleting a folder via the command line

    If a folder with a system name is not deleted, the command line can help. First you need to run the CMD program:

    • Click on the “Start” button.
    • Find the Run dialog box using the main menu search bar.
    • Launch the Run program.
    • In the “Open” line, enter the CMD command.
    • Launch the command line by pressing the Enter button.

    To delete folders, use the command “RD \\.\Drive C or D:\Path\Folder Name”.

    Sometimes when using this command you may be asked why the folder is not deleted. For an object with a long name, you must find out its short name before deleting it. You can do this as follows:

    • Go to the drive where the undeletable folder is located using the command: cd /d drive name:\.
    • Get a list of short names of objects contained on the disk: dir /x /n.
    • Find the short name of the desired folder.
    • Delete a directory using the delete command.

    Terminating the explorer.exe process

    Sometimes in order to solve the problem of how to delete an unremovable folder, you need to stop the explorer.exe process. To do this you need:

    • Leave the command line open.
    • Launch the task manager by selecting this action from the pop-up menu on the system tray.
    • In the “Processes” tab, find all processes named explorer.exe.
    • Stop them by clicking on the “End process” button.
    • If everything is done correctly, the desktop will be cleared of icons, the taskbar, and only the open command line window will remain.

    After this, you can begin deleting the object via the command line. The explorer command will help return the desktop to its previous state, which should be entered into the command line and press Enter. You can also restore your desktop by simply restarting your computer.

    Program for deleting folders FileASSASSIN

    The FileASSASSIN utility will help you delete any object, including those occupied by some process or application. The principle of operation is similar to the Unlocker program. To use this utility, you must:

    • Download and install it on your computer.
    • After installation, the program is integrated into Explorer and becomes available in the context menu.
    • To delete a folder, right-click on it.
    • Find the FileASSASSIN item in the menu.
    • Select a deletion method from the list provided.
    • Click on the “Run” button.

    Removing undeletable objects using LockHunter

    The LockHunter utility allows you to clear your computer's memory of unnecessary objects and solve the problem of how to delete an undeletable folder. Unlike other similar software, it is equipped with functionality that can protect the operating system and user data from inappropriate use. In addition, deleted objects are stored in the system recycle bin for some time, and if deleted by mistake, they can always be restored.

    The LockHunter program works as follows:

    • After installation, you need to launch the utility by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop.
    • The main program window will open.
    • Find the button in the form of an ellipsis and click on it.
    • In the window that appears, select the desired folder.
    • The program will show the process that is preventing the object from being deleted.
    • Click on the button with the red cross.
    • The process will be completed.
    • Delete the folder in the usual way.

    Restoring access to a folder

    Sometimes the reason why a folder is not deleted is because access to it is closed. You can restore access to the desired object as follows:

    • Change access rights settings - to do this, you first need to go to the “My Computer” section.
    • In the top menu, click on the “Service” subsection.
    • Find the “Folder Options” block and open it.
    • In the “View” tab, uncheck the checkbox next to the line “Use simple file sharing (recommended).”
    • Click the “Ok” button.
    • Then right-click on the folder you want to delete.
    • In the function menu, select “Sharing and Security”.
    • Switch to the "Security" tab.
    • If a warning appears about the lack of rights, click the “Ok” button.
    • In the “Security” tab at the bottom, click on the “Advanced” button.
    • In the additional settings window, find the “Owner” tab.
    • Select the desired account from the list.
    • Check the box next to the line “Replace owner of subcontainers and objects.”
    • Click the “Apply” button.
    • A warning about the change of ownership will appear.
    • Allow changes to be made by clicking on the “Yes” button.
    • Go to the “Permissions” tab.
    • Click on the line “Change permissions”.
    • In the window that opens, select the owner account and click the “Change” button.
    • Check the box next to “Full access” and click the “Ok” button.
    • In the next window, check the boxes next to the lines “Add permissions inherited from parent objects” and “Replace all permissions of a child object with permissions inherited from this object.”
    • Confirm the changes with the “Ok” button.
    • Close all windows.
    • Delete a folder using the “Delete” function in the context menu or the Delete key.

    Deleting an object using a bat file command

    If the folder that appears again is not deleted, you need to create a bat file and destroy the directory by running it. This will require the following steps:

    • Right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop.
    • In the pop-up menu, select the “Create” function and the “Text document” item.
    • Open the document.
    • Enter the command into it: RMDIR /S/Q Path to a folder like C:\folder name.
    • In the top menu, go to the “File” section.
    • Click on the “Save As” line.
    • Set the file name to “1.bat” and click the “Save” button.
    • Run the created bat file and the folder will be deleted.

    Using the Total Commander file manager

    You can permanently delete a folder using the Total Commander program. To do this you need:

    • Launch file manager.
    • Select a folder that cannot be deleted.
    • Press the “F8” key.
    • In the message that appears, click on the “Delete” button.

    Folder not being deleted? What to do? There are many ways to solve this problem. The choice of deletion method depends on the type of folder and the reasons that prevent you from clearing your computer of unnecessary objects.

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