How to install remix OS on your computer. How to install Remix OS on your computer

After two months of public testing operating system Remix OS 2.0 has entered the beta stage, which means that it is now modified for Android computers can be officially installed next to Windows on one PC. Jide released special utility, with which you can conveniently and very easily install Remix OS 2.0 as a second system next to Windows.

Summer 2016 Remix OS 3.0 released. Read more about it on Trashbox: Let us remind you that Remix OS 2.0 is a special Android version with adaptation for computers and laptops. This fork received a typical desktop interface with multi-windows and a status bar at the bottom.

Installation next to Windows

Along with the release of the beta version, Jide added the ability to install Remix OS 2.0 next to Windows directly from under the system using the same utility for creating a bootable USB drive.
  • 64 bits (UEFI + Legacy BIOS) - direct link + torrent.
  • 32 bits (Legacy BIOS) - torrent.
Thus, now the instructions for installing Remix OS 2.0 next to Windows (versions from 7 to 10 are supported) with dual boot look like this (without a flash drive):
  1. Download the latest versions of Remix OS 2.0 images from the official website or via torrent (links above).
  2. Unpack the downloaded archive into a folder convenient for you.
  3. Run the utility and instead of USB Drive, select “Hard Drive” in the lower drop-down list. On the right, select the partition on which Remix OS 2.0 will be installed. Be sure to select the one on which Windows is installed.
  • Click on the “Browse” button and select the iso image that was in the unpacked archive.
  • Click on the “OK” button. The installation should begin.
  • After installation is complete, the utility will prompt you to restart your computer.
  • After rebooting, a dual boot menu should appear - Windows and Remix OS.
  • After selecting Remix OS 2.0, you should wait 15–20 minutes, during which the system will create an 8 GB virtual disk for work. The time for this operation depends on the power of your computer.

    How to remove Remix OS 2.0 from your computer

    Removing a system from a computer is even easier than installing it. All you need to do is run the same utility. Remix OS Installation Tool.exe, which will immediately determine that the OS is already installed and offer to remove it if necessary. The process takes a few minutes, and the bootloader will also be cleared.

    There is also alternative way Removing Remix OS 2.0 from your computer:

    Developers from Jide have done a lot of work on the new beta version of Remix OS 2.0. First of all, it is worth noting that now the version of Remix OS for computers is updated via the OTA protocol in the same way as the version of this system for tablets and mini-PCs from Jide. That is, all OS users now receive over-the-air updates with new features.

    There is official support for 32-bit computers and the UEFI boot loader. More than 50 critical bugs have been fixed. As described above, the beta version of Remix OS 2.0 can now be installed on a computer next to Windows with dual boot support.

    Other changes:

    • Improved support Intel processors(Linux kernel updated to version 4.4).
    • Supports more data - up to 64 GB on USB.
    • Increased download speed from USB.
    • Fixed a bug with displaying the battery indicator for laptops.
    • Supports 1080p displays in the YouTube and Netflix apps.
    • A pre-installed application with a terminal for developers.
    • System images now support EFI and Legacy BIOS.

    How to activate built-in Google Play

    Some time after the release of the beta version of Remix OS 2.0, built-in Google services, including the Play Store catalog. The developers hid them in the system for release in future updates.

    How to activate built-in Google services:

    1. Launch a root terminal (you can use Alt+F1) and enter the command pm disable com.jide.apppolicy
    2. This command disables the JideAppPolicy application, which blocks Google's built-in services. Next enter the command pm list packages -d
    3. This command will display a list of blocked applications.
    4. Find among them, And and then enter the commands pm enable<имя пакета> twice separately (or as many times as you like).
    5. To move to graphical interface press the combination Alt+F7.
    6. After this, it is advisable to force stop and clear the data in the settings. Google applications Play Store, Google Play services and Google Services Framework.
    7. After this, reboot the system and the applications should work.
    Subsequent updates to Remix OS 2.0 may return the restrictions back, so it is recommended to disable the installation of automatic updates using the command pm disable com.jide.autoupdater in the terminal.

    How to install Google Play on Remix OS? What applications work well with this system? All this useful information can be found in our

    Remix OS is one of the simple solutions for getting a full-fledged Android system, a kind of combined OS. Many users, even those who have Android tablets, would like to try this operating system on a regular desktop computer. Alas, you won’t be able to simply install Android on your computer, since desktop processors have a completely different architecture. True, there are modified versions of Android that are compatible with Intel x86 processors, but using them on a PC is not very convenient, and they are updated extremely rarely.

    Since interest in “non-traditional” Android installations persists, more and more developers are making attempts to finally transfer Android to desktop computers. Perhaps the most successful and promising in this regard is the project of the Jide Corporation - Remix OS - an operating system based on Android-x86, optimized to work on desktop computers, laptops and tablets Remix Mini.

    Being, in fact, the same Android, Remix OS at the same time is somewhat reminiscent of Windows and Linux at the same time. The operating system supports receiving updates, multitasking and working with multiple windows, using the mouse and key combinations similar to Windows, in particular Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V; it has similar in Windows panel tasks, notification panel and Start menu, and access to the Internet is possible both via Wi-Fi and via the Ethernet port. Design ideas for the settings panel and built-in file manager clearly borrowed from Linux. Well, the best part is that you can run almost any software on it. Android applications.

    Running Remix OS on VirtualBox

    You can install Remix OS not only on hardware, but also on virtual machine. First of all, go to the developer’s website and download the distribution kit with the system. For installation on a virtual machine, the Legacy BIOS 32-bit edition is best suited, while the UEFI Boot & Legacy BIOS 64-bit is better suited for desktops with a 64-bit architecture.

    When creating a virtual machine, select Linux type, Other Linux version (32-bit), volume random access memory allocate at least 1 GB, disk size – within 20-25 GB.

    After the virtual machine is created, launch it and specify the path to the Remix OS installation ISO image.

    As soon as the system boot menu appears in the VirtualBox window, select the most suitable installation mode in it.

    The default mode “Resident mode” is better to choose if you are going to use Remix OS on an ongoing basis. In this case, all data and settings will be saved after the end of each session. If you select Guest mode, the system will boot as a Live CD, and the settings made to it will be reset each time you boot.

    Note: when selecting guest mode, press the Tab key, then the spacebar and enter vga=791 (see screenshot). To start the installation, press Enter.

    Installation is performed in automatic mode. It lasts about 20-30 minutes, and all this time you will see a flickering program logo on the screen.

    Upon completion, you will be asked to select the interface language. The initial choice is small, only English and two Asian languages ​​are available, but this does not matter - you can select Russian in the settings of the system itself.

    Yes, by default, only arrow keys are used for control; to enable the mouse, select View -> Mouse Integration in the main menu of the virtual machine, not forgetting, however, about the host hotkey.

    Installing Remix OS on your hard drive

    There are several ways to install and run Remix OS on a PC, but we propose to consider only one for now, using a bootable ISO image and the EasyBCD program. IN in this example an additional OS is installed next to Windows as a second operating system. So, you will need an installation image with Remix OS, the EasyBCD program (will do free version) and a separate partition on the hard drive, formatted in FAT32 and having a size of at least 10 GB.

    Using any archiver, unpack the ISO image into the created partition and run the EasyBCD program. When starting, the utility will prompt you to select a language - select Russian from the list and click “Go”.

    Select “Add entry” from the menu panel, in the “Removable external media” section select the ISO tab, enter Remix OS in the “Name” field, and enter the path to the previously downloaded file in the “Path” field boot image ISO and click the bottom "Add" button.

    When the image is defragmented, select the “Restart computer” option from the EasyBCD “Tools” menu.

    The next start will greet you with a boot menu, in which you will see two entries with the ability to select an OS.

    After selecting Remix OS, the installation process of the operating system will begin.

    Note: Before installing Remix OS on a computer with UEFI BIOS, do not forget to turn off .

    First impressions of using Remix OS

    The work of the Jide Corporation developers is certainly worthy of all praise, but you shouldn’t expect anything special from Remix OS. At least for now. There are no complaints about the graphical shell, especially considering that the OS is presented only in a beta version, but I would like to see the file manager approximately the same as in Windows. The main drawback of the system is the lack of a built-in application catalog, which is why programs have to be downloaded through a browser and installed manually from APK files. However, with a little effort, you can install the Google Play store on the system.

    Google Play integration

    First of all, go to the “Security” section of the settings and allow the installation of applications from unknown sources.

    Download the special utility GMSInstaller from the XDA forum, install it and run it.

    You will see a window with two buttons. Click “One-click to install Google Services” and wait until the files are downloaded and installed, then go to the system settings, find the Google Play Services and Google Services Framework components there and clear their cache one by one.

    After restarting the operating system, the Google Play store should appear in the list of applications.


    Remix OS official page:

    Today you will learn how to create a virtual machine for Remix OS in VirtualBox and install this operating system.

    Remix OS is distributed free of charge for 32/64-bit configurations. You can download it from the official website.

    Stage 2: Create a virtual machine

    To run Remix OS, you need to create a virtual machine (VM), which acts as a PC isolated from your main operating system. Launch VirtualBox Manager to set parameters for the future VM.

    Stage 3: Setting up the virtual machine

    If you wish, you can slightly customize the created machine and increase its performance.

    Step 4: Install Remix OS

    When everything is prepared for installing the operating system, you can proceed to the final stage.

    1. Click on your OS on the left side of VirtualBox Manager and click on the button "Run" located on the toolbar.

    2. The machine will start working, and for further use it will ask you to specify the OS image to begin the installation. Click on the folder icon and through Explorer select the downloaded Remix OS image.

    3. Perform all further installation steps using the key Enter and an up-down and left-right arrow.

    4. The system will prompt you to select a startup type:
      • Resident mode- mode for the installed operating system;
      • Guest mode- guest mode, in which the session will not be saved.

      To install Remix OS, you must have a dedicated Resident mode. Press the key Tab- a line with launch parameters will appear under the block with the mode selection.

    5. Erase the text to the word "quiet", as shown in the screenshot below. Please note that there must be a space after the word.

    6. Add the parameter "INSTALL=1" and press Enter.

    7. You will be prompted to create a partition on the virtual hard disk where Remix OS will be installed in the future. Select an item "Create/Modify partitions".

    8. To the question: "Do you want to use GPT?" answer "No".

    9. The utility will be launched cfdisk, dealing with drive partitions. Here and further, all buttons will be located at the bottom of the window. Select "New" to create a partition for installing the OS.

    10. This section should be made the main one. To do this, assign it as "Primary".

    11. If you are creating one partition (you don’t want to divide the virtual HDD into several volumes), then leave the number of megabytes that the utility set in advance. You allocated this volume yourself when creating the virtual machine.

    12. To make the disk bootable and the system can start from it, select the option "Bootable".

      The window will remain the same, and in the table you can see that the main partition (sda1) is marked as "Boot".

    13. You don't need to configure any further settings, so select "Write" to save the settings and move to the next window.

    14. You will be asked for confirmation to create a partition on the disk. Write the word "yes", if you agree. The word itself does not fit entirely on the screen, but it is written without problems.

    15. The recording process will begin, please wait.

    16. We created the main and only partition for installing the OS on it. Select "Quit".

    17. You will be taken back to the installer interface. Now select the created partition sda1, where Remix OS will be installed in the future.

    18. At the section formatting suggestion, select file system "ext4"- it is commonly used on Linux based systems.

    19. A notification will appear stating that formatting will delete all data from this drive, and you will be asked if you are sure of your actions. Select "Yes".

    20. When asked if you want to install the GRUB bootloader, answer "Yes".

    21. Another question will appear: "You want to set the /system directory as read-write (editable)". Click "Yes".

    22. The installation of Remix OS will begin.

    23. Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to continue downloading or reboot. Choose the option that is convenient for you - usually no reboot is required.

    24. The first OS boot will begin and may take several minutes.

    25. A welcome window will appear.

    26. The system will prompt you to select a language. In total, only 2 languages ​​are available - English and Chinese in two variations. In the future, you can change the language to Russian within the OS itself.

    27. Accept the terms of the user agreement by clicking "Agree".

    28. The step with Wi-Fi setup. Select an icon «+» in the top right corner to add Wi-Fi network, or click "Skip" to skip this step.

    29. Press the key Enter.

    30. You will be prompted to install various popular applications. A cursor has already appeared in this interface, but it can be inconvenient to use - to move it within the system, you will need to hold down the left mouse button.

      The selected applications will be displayed and you can install them by clicking on the button "Install". Or you can skip this step and click "Finish".

    31. When prompted to activate Google Play services, leave a checkmark if you agree, or uncheck it, and then click "Next".

    This completes the setup, and you are taken to the Remix OS operating system desktop.

    How to launch Remix OS after installation

    After you turn off the Remix OS virtual machine and turn it on again, the installation window will again appear instead of the GRUB boot loader. To boot this OS in normal mode in the future, do the following:

    After saving the settings, you can launch Remix OS and work with the GRUB boot loader.

    Despite the fact that Remix OS has an interface similar to Windows, its functionality is not much different from Android. Unfortunately, as of July 2017, Remix OS will no longer be updated and supported by developers, so you should not wait for updates and support for this system.

    Remix OS 3.0 system requirements:

    Download links for Remix OS 3.0:
    • Remix OS 3.0.102 64-bit ( torrent, mirrors).
    • Remix OS 3.0.102 32-bit ( torrent, mirrors).

    Installation next to Windows

    The easiest way to install Remix OS 3.0 on a computer is to use the official utility for those who already have modern Windows on their computer. You perform all operations with your computer at your own peril and risk.

    How to install:

    1. First, download the image you need from the link above (preferably by torrent). Unpack the downloaded archive into a folder on your computer.
  • In the “Type” column, leave “Hard disk”. In the “Media” column, by default, drive C or any other drive where your Windows is installed is selected. It's better to leave it as is. Click “OK”, select the preferred disk size for Remix OS and confirm the choice.
  • We wait for the installation to complete and reboot the computer. The program will immediately prompt you to restart your computer, which is what you need to do.
  • During a reboot, the computer will not immediately launch Windows, but will first offer you a choice between it and Remix OS.
  • The installation was successful.
  • Installation on a flash drive

    The developers also provide the opportunity to create a downloadable flash drive with Remix OS 3.0, which works like a LiveCD.

    How to do it:

    1. As in the previous instructions, download the image you need from the link above (preferably by torrent). Unpack the downloaded archive into a folder on your computer.
    2. Find and run the Remix_OS_for_PC_Installation_Tool.exe file.
    3. In the ISO File column, click on the “Browse” button and select the iso image file that is located in the same folder.
    4. In the “Type” column, select “ USB device", and in the "Media" section - the label of the desired USB drive. Click “OK” and wait for the installation to complete. Reboot the computer.
  • During the first seconds of booting your computer, press the button to bring up the alternative boot menu (F12 on Dell, F9 on HP, F12 on Lenovo, Option Key on Mac).
  • In the window that appears, select your flash drive.
  • A menu will appear with two items - Resident Mode and Guest Mode. The first one stores the work data, but the second one does not. Launch the one you need.

  • Thus, you have created a LiveUSB flash drive with the Remix OS 3.0 operating system.
  • You can install the system on your computer directly from a flash drive:
    1. In the menu with two items Resident and Guest Mode, do not select any, but instead press the Tab button.
    2. Erase all the text that appears and enter the command /kernel initrd=/initrd.img root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 INSTALL=1 DEBUG=
    3. The installation program for a typical Linux distribution will start, where you need to select a partition and carry out a few more simple manipulations.
    4. As a result, Remix OS will be installed along with the Grub bootloader - it can also be used next to Windows.

    How to remove Remix OS 3.0 from your computer

    The Remix OS 3.0 operating system is very easy to remove from your computer if you installed it from Windows. It is enough to run the same utility that performed the installation. It will detect the system on the disk and offer to remove it.

    Geektimes has written repeatedly about Remix OS, a desktop OS based on Android. On March 1, a beta version of this operating system appeared, which is already quite possible to deal with. Generally speaking, this is a customized version of Android that looks and works like a full-fledged operating system for personal computer. It was first released in 2015, with minimal support for multiple devices. In January, the alpha version of Remix OS was released, the developers made it available to everyone, opening the ability to boot the system from a USB drive.

    The beta version introduced dual-boot, with the ability to switch between two operating systems - Remix OS itself and Windows. You can install the operating system as follows: HDD, and on SSD, which ensures fairly high performance of the platform. Currently, the Remix OS installer for PC supports Windows 7 and later versions of this OS. A version for Mac should be available soon. If you're tired of the OS, removing it is even easier than installing it.

    Updates now come regularly, over-the-air update support is built-in. There are other news including a move to Linux kernel 4.4 for better compatibility with newer processors, support for 1080p video from YouTube and Netflix, work with USB drives volume up to 64 GB and so on.

    What's missing? Play Store support. Since Remix OS is not certified by Google, there is no default access to the market. But you can add it, more on that below. First, let's talk about installing Remix OS itself.

    Don't want to install Remix OS on an SSD or hard drive? No problem. You can work with the operating system directly from USB flash drives, making it bootable. But still, the performance of the OS in this case will be lower than if you put it on an HDD or SSD.

    How to install Remix OS on HDD or SSD

    1. First we download latest version OS from here. There are 32-bit and 64-bit builds for the respective PCs.

    2. Unpack the archive and get three files: a text file with instructions, an installer and an ISO, a disk image.

    3. Run Remix OS Installation Tool.exe and check that the installation location is correct (drive letter, etc.).

    4. Click Next and select the disk image that was just downloaded. It will be something like Remix OS for PC_x86_64-B2016xxxxxx.iso.

    5. Start the installation and wait a few minutes until a message appears indicating that you need to restart the PC to complete the installation.

    The next step will take 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the performance of your PC. Remix OS creates its own 8 GB download area and installs the OS into this area.

    8. Once everything is ready, Remix OS will boot for the first time and you can get started.

    9. If you need to return to Windows, select the shutdown icon, then the reboot option. After that, instead of Remix OS on the selection screen, click on Windows.

    How to install Play Store?

    Everything is simple here. Here is a video describing the entire process:

    Is it possible to get more than 8 GB?

    The official Remix OS installer for PC takes 8 GB for its needs. This is enough for installation various applications, which you may need for work or entertainment.

    But if you suddenly need more space, you can add it.

    How to remove Remix OS

    If suddenly something went wrong, or you just want to remove Remix OS, this can be done very quickly.

    Initially, we launch the installer again. It shows that the system is already installed on the PC and suggests uninstalling Remix OS. We agree, and after a few seconds the OS is removed.

    You can work not with the installer, but remove everything manually. Select the file manager in the address bar C:\Remix OS\, and run the file UninstallRemixOS.exe file. Then everything happens automatically.

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