How to find out who is using your wifi. How to check your home Wi-Fi for an unauthorized connection? View devices connected to wifi

How I came up with a new article in which I will tell you how to see who is connected to my WiFi (or your network)…

I hope since you have already reached this topic, you know how to get to the router, and if not, you can look in my article, where I described it in detail.

Models and brands of routers may differ in this regard, let’s turn on the logic)))

How to find out how many devices are connected to my WiFi

When you log into the router, you need to select your home network. Let's look here first. For me this is the device tab, in most cases the name is connected clients.

Here I display clients connected to my network. To speed up the connection of a device to your network, and the connection becomes 2 times faster, you need to click on the required device, check the box to remember the IP address and click register device.

You can also add a description. Now your device has its own address and when connecting, the router will always give out the same IP address, which will significantly speed up the connection and make it clear who is connected to you.

Now go to the Wi-Fi tab.

Here I have the access list tab. You may have connected clients. We look at what devices are connected and see, for example, that some bastard has connected to you, put a tick in front of unknown device select block and apply. All! Traffic and speed are intact!

And also, by registering the devices, connecting to the router is much faster! This is how we found out who is connected to your router.

Who is connected to my wifi router - program

There is another way to find out who is connected to our Wi-Fi using the program. True, it will show who is connected to our network in general. But there is no other way.

When launched, the program will begin scanning the network.

Devices will appear on the network. These are all devices that are connected both via wire and Wi-Fi, but there is no other way to view it through the program. Therefore, here you need to analyze which device is from your apartment and which is not)))

This is how you can find out on TP-link

Like this on D-link

I recently wrote an article in which I talked about how to view a list of connected devices via Wi-Fi. In this article we will look at all connected devices to your Wi-Fi on D-Link routers. I will show you using the example of the D-link DIR-615 model, which we configured in . If you wrote in the search something like “how to see who is connected to my wi-fi,” then you hardly need to explain what’s what and why it’s needed. But, for those who are not in the know, I’ll quickly describe everything in a few words.

Here you have a router (in our case D-Link). He distributes Wi-Fi. Your network is most likely under a password, and no one else will connect to it except you. But at one point the question arises: “what if someone hacked my network and connected to it?” There may be other reasons why you may need a list of connected devices to wireless network, but in most cases, everything happens something like this.

What you can find out about the connected device:

  • MAC address
  • Device name (computer name)
  • Assigned IP address
  • Connection time
  • The number of bytes sent and received.

It is possible to disable required device directly in the router settings. You can also block the desired device, but I will write about this in the next article.

We look at the list of devices connected via Wi-Fi on D-Link

Go to the settings of your D-Link. It's very easy to do. In the browser we type the address and specify the username and password. The default is admin and admin. If you changed them, please indicate yours. You can.

To view all Wi-Fi connected devices, in the settings D-Link router there is a special page. Go to the tab WiFi - List of Wi-Fi clients.

You will see a list containing all currently connected devices.

To update the list, click the button Update. It's a pity that the device name is not displayed in the list. But, this information is displayed on the DHCP page. To view this information, go to the tab Status - DHCP. But, devices that are also connected via a network cable will be displayed there.

There is another page in the settings that very coolly displays information about almost the entire router, including connected devices. Just go to the settings tab Monitoring.

It displays detailed information about all connected devices, Internet connections, Wi-Fi settings network, firewall status, etc.

To forcefully disconnect the desired device from the router, then on the tab WiFi - List of Wi-Fi clients just select the device you need (you will have to navigate by MAC address, or check the MAC address with the name on the DHCP tab) and click on the button Disconnect.

Wireless WiFi network Nowadays there is one in almost every home. With its help it is very convenient to connect to the network and the Internet not only mobile devices, but also ordinary desktop computers. But, abandoning wires entails a decrease in the level of security. If you use WiFi, then to your home network Any device can connect if it is within the coverage area of ​​the access point. In this regard, many users are interested in how to find out who is using my WiFi. If you are also concerned about this issue, then this article should help you.

Method No. 1. How to find out who is using WiFi through the router’s web interface.

The easiest and most obvious way to find out who is using WiFi is to go to the router’s web interface and look at the list of connected computers. To do this, open any browser and enter into the address bar of the browser. If you don't know what IP address your router has, then try first, and then Typically, routers use one of these IP addresses.

After entering the IP address, a form for entering your login and password should appear on the screen. Enter the login and password for your router into it and press the enter key. If you do not know your login/password or have other problems logging into the web interface. Then, you can familiarize yourself with ours.

Once you have entered the web interface, you need to find the settings section with a list of connected computers. Depending on your router model, this list may be located in different places.

For example, on ASUS routers The list of connected computers is located in the “System Log – Wireless Log” section. In the Russian version of the web interface, this section is called “System Log - Wireless Communications”.

In this section of the web interface you can view a list of clients that use your WiFi, as well as see their MAC addresses. In order to find out IP addresses, you need to go to the “DHCP leases” or “DHCP Address Lease” tab in the Russian interface.

Method No. 1. How to find out who is using WiFi using the Wireless Network Watcher program.

You can also view a list of computers connected to the network using the Wireless Network Watcher program. This program is completely free and you can . The principle of operation of the Wireless Network Watcher program is very simple. She scans local network and displays all found computers in a list. It should be noted that, despite its name, the program displays all computers connected to the network, and not just those connected via WiFi. However, it is great for

In order to use the program, you just need to launch it on one of the computers that is connected to the network via cable, and wait until it scans the network.

Once you receive a list of computers connected to your network, you can easily find out who is using your WiFi. Other people's computers and devices can be identified by MAC addresses or device names (Device Name).

Most users who have deployed Wi-Fi network, it is password protected. But this does not mean that no one can hack it and use the Internet.

If the Internet, which is distributed via Wi-Fi, has become work slowly, you need to check - maybe someone is brazenly stealing traffic. Almost any modern router allows you to do this. In this article we will look at how to find out the users who are connected to the router.

Let us immediately note that it will only be possible to find out number of connected devices, but who exactly uses the traffic and where it is located cannot be found out.

What you need to find out who is connected to WiFi

First of all, you need to log into the router management console. This is done very simply - enterip-address device into the address bar of any browser on any device connected to the router, be it a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. On the page that opens, enter login and password and we get to the management console.

If practically no settings have been changed on the router, then the address will be or (these addresses are most often used on such devices), in turn, the password and login are adminAndadmin respectively.

If the above data does not apply, you can look on the box or on the bottom panel of the router. Usually they write there the data that is used to log in by default.

If this does not help you enter the settings, then the parameters have been changed. Then you will have to remember what exactly changed. If this is not possible, then the only option left is reset device to factory settings.

Determining who is connected to the TP-Link router

The manufacturer TP-Link places information about connected clients in the Wireless mode. Open in additional tabs Wireless statistics and look at clients who use wireless Internet.

Checking the list of clients on Asus devices

On Asus, things are a little different. First of all, you should click on Network map, which is located on the left. There will be a circle at the bottom, under which you can see the inscription Clients.

Now all connections to the router at the moment will be displayed on the right side of the screen - their IP address and device names.

It is worth noting that even if the interface is slightly different from what is located in the screenshot, the opening principle will not change.

Checking the d-link router

On d-link routers, you first need to open Advanced settings(the menu item is located in the lower right corner). Now we are looking for the selected area Status, where you need to click on the double arrow on the right until the inscription appears in the center Clients.

Now let's look at the list of clients. Most likely, you won’t be able to figure out who exactly is connected to the router by looking at the address. But you can simply count how many devices are currently connected to the router. If the actual number and the number of connections do not match, then it is worth taking measures to secure your network.

What to do if someone is using Wi-Fi

If someone is using your wireless connection, there is only one thing you can do - Change password for connection. You should set a complex combination of letters and numbers to avoid a similar situation in the future.

There is a more exotic option. Some routers allow you to configure access via MAC address. In this case, only those devices that are allowed access will be able to connect to Wi-Fi. But this method has several disadvantages:

  1. Difficulty setting up. The procedure itself should not cause difficulties, but to drive everything mac addresses of all devices is a fairly lengthy procedure.
  2. Support. Not all routers support this feature.
  3. Difficulty connecting. With this connection method, you cannot simply give the password to a friend. Now you will need to go to the management console and add its mac address to the list of allowed ones, otherwise the Internet will not appear on the device.

Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine any home without Wi-Fi. Wireless networks give us access from a wide variety of gadgets, without the need for cables and additional accessories. But it is worth remembering that the signal from Wi-Fi router goes beyond the boundaries of the home. There will always be people who will definitely take advantage of the opportunity and start not only using your Internet completely free of charge, but also causing a lot of inconvenience. How can I find out who is connected to my Wi-Fi?

The first “symptoms” of third-party connections

Internet routers (routers) are now found in almost every apartment where there is access to the global network. These devices provide online access to the most various devices- laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones and many others. But if your router’s signal extends beyond your home, there will definitely be those who will try to take advantage of the opportunity free internet. You can determine that third-party gadgets are connected to Wi-Fi by the following signs:

  • The speed of your Internet connection drops significantly, until the channel is completely clogged;
  • router settings are changed without your knowledge;
  • in the list of devices you see third-party gadgets whose MAC addresses you do not know;
  • The WAN (wireless network) indicator transmits and receives data while you do not have any device connected to the router.

The main sign, as a rule, is the first point, since the more people use a wireless connection, the more the throughput of both the router and the provider decreases. Based on this sign, we can conclude that someone is using your Wi-Fi.

How to check Wi-Fi for third-party users?

We have decided on the symptoms and now it’s time to figure out how to find out which devices are unauthorized, as well as who has gained access to your router in the first place. The easiest way is to use the device admin panel:

  • make sure that the router is connected to the computer and open any browser convenient for you;
  • enter or in the address bar (the address of the admin panel may differ depending on the router model, and all the necessary information can be found either in the instructions or on the bottom of the device);
  • after this, a login/password entry window will appear in front of you, where you need to enter the necessary credentials, except for users of the dd-wrt firmware, where the confirmation window pops up only after navigating through the tabs;
  • Here we go to the tab " Wireless connections"(wireless) and select the item "Network Statistics" (Wireless Statistic).

Here you can see a list of devices connected to your wireless network. Using it, you can track uninvited guests and also limit their access to the router.

You can also view how many connections are currently active and how many devices are using the router on the DHCP Clients List tab, if there is one in the admin panel. Plus, here you will get more detailed information- MAC addresses and assigned IP, which will greatly facilitate the search for other people's devices.

Disconnecting unwanted guests from the router

Now you know how to see who is surfing your Internet without your knowledge, and it’s time to take action. And the most correct solution would be to forcibly disconnect unscrupulous users from the network. To do this you need:

  • go to the admin panel of the router;
  • go to the tab “Wireless” – “Security” (Wireless Security);
  • check if encryption is enabled, and if not, select WPA2-PSK from the drop-down list;
  • Next, in the field below, set a password - at least 8 characters, and for greater reliability, mix letters with numbers of different registers;
  • Click the Save button.

As a rule, on the same tab you will find a setting for the number of clients that can connect, but you need to change this parameter if a certain number of devices are always connected to the wireless network. After installing the protection, the router will reboot and all unauthorized devices will be disabled.

If you already had a password, and strangers managed to hack it, you need to disable each client manually, but first you need to determine which MAC addresses belong to your computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.

Go to the DHCP Clients List tab and disable all suspicious gadgets, change the password to a more complex one and reboot the router. If you accidentally turn off one of your gadgets, don’t worry - just allow the connection in the router’s admin panel.

Protecting your Internet from interference

To prevent third parties from connecting to your wireless network in the future, you need to take care to ensure the maximum level of security. This is done as follows:

  • go to the router settings;
  • copy the MAC addresses of all your devices that are connected to the router;
  • find the Wireless MAC Filtering item;
  • add the previously copied addresses here.

After making changes, save the settings and reboot the router through the admin panel. Such protection will be useful not only at home, but also in office environments, since you will only allow connections to devices with certain MAC addresses. But the disadvantage of maximum protection is that you will have to allow access to each new device manually, which with a high turnover of gadgets, for example, service center, not very convenient.

Step-by-step video instructions:

Programs for monitoring Wi-Fi activity

Despite the fact that you can perform all operations to disconnect and connect new users through the standard control panel of the router, this is not always convenient, since you will have to check network activity quite often, and the software shell does not have notification capabilities. But you can find software on the Internet that will allow you to view the list of clients without having to go to the admin panel:

  1. Network Watcher is a simple utility that scans a network and displays all devices connected to it. Users will be able to check the computer name, MAC address, Internet protocol and network card details.
  2. WiFi Guard - has all the same capabilities as Network Watcher, but can also notify the owner of suspicious activity.
  3. NETGEAR Genie is a more advanced tool, as it allows you to get information not only about wireless connections, but also a network map. With its help, users will be able to manage the router and all connections, and if a child often works at the computer, you will be glad to see the Parental Control feature.

Wireless networks open up many opportunities for users, but do not forget that in the absence of the necessary level of security, a complete stranger can connect to them. This will not only lead to certain inconveniences, such as a drop in speed, but may also lead to the loss of confidential data. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that no one else uses your Wi-Fi without your knowledge.


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