How to find out the bios version. How to determine the BIOS version? How to find out the BIOS version in Windows

Check which BIOS version your computer is using and install it as quickly and safely as possible new version The BIOS for the motherboard is quite simple. If you need to update your computer's BIOS, be very careful! If your PC freezes or loses power during the process, BIOS firmware or UEFI may be corrupted. This will make your computer unmanageable - it will become a “brick”.

Restart your computer and pay attention to the version

The "traditional" way to check the BIOS version on your computer is to monitor the version symbol that appears on the screen when your computer boots.
Here's how to do it: Restart your computer if it's working well enough to do this. If not, manually turn off the power and then start the computer. Pay close attention to how your computer starts and pay attention to the BIOS version shown on the screen.

Tip 1: Some computers, especially those made by large manufacturers, show a computer logo screen instead of the POST results, which contains the BIOS version number. Pressing Esc or Tab usually removes the logo screen and shows the necessary information behind it.

Tip 2: If the POST results screen disappears too quickly, try pressing the Pause key on your keyboard. Most motherboards pause the boot process, allowing enough time for the BIOS version number to be read.

Write down the BIOS version number as shown on the screen. It's not always 100% clear which of the given strings of letters and numbers on the screen is the version number, so make a note of everything.

Advice. Take a photo! If you are lucky enough to pause the upload process on the POST results screen, take a photo from your phone. This will give you a screenshot and you can view the version at any time.

Run the BIOS update program

Updating the BIOS is not done manually. In most cases, you will use a special BIOS update tool supplied by your computer or motherboard manufacturer to complete this task.

More often than not, this tool will clearly show the current version that is installed, even if you are not ready to update the BIOS or are not sure that you need it. Tool BIOS updates can only be used to check the current version.

First, you need to find online support for your computer or motherboard manufacturer, and then download and run the tool. There is no need to update anything, so skip these later steps in the instructions.

Note. This method works when your computer won't start and only if the BIOS updater for your motherboard is bootable. In other words, if the BIOS updater only comes from Windows, you will have to stick with the first method.

Using Microsoft System Information (MSINFO32)

An easier way to check the BIOS version running on your computer's motherboard is with a program called Microsoft System Information. Not only does this method not require you to restart your computer, it's already included in Windows, meaning there's nothing to download or install. Here's how to check the BIOS version using Microsoft System Information:

In the Run window or search box, enter the following:


The System Information window will appear on the screen.
Click System Information if it is not already highlighted.
On the right in the “Item” column, find the entry “BIOS Version / Date”.

Note. You may also need to know who made your motherboard and what model it is. You will find these values ​​in the base elements “Main Board Model” and “Main Board Name”.

Make a note of the BIOS version as reported here. You can also export the results of this report via File > Export in the System Information menu. Microsoft System Information is a great tool, but it doesn't always tell you the BIOS version number.

Using third party software

If Microsoft System Information doesn't give you the BIOS version information, there are several system information tools you can try, and many of them are much more thorough than MSINFO32.
Download AIDA64 Extreme - a shareware system information tool for Windows.

Note. There are some really good tools out there, but AIDA64 Extreme is my favorite. It's shareware and shows more information about your computer than similar tools. You can download it from here:

Install and run AIDA64 Extreme. Wait while the program scans your computer. This usually takes from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the speed of your computer.

Select Computer > Motherboard > BIOS from the left menu. Please note the version listed in the BIOS subcategory on the right. This is the BIOS version you have installed.

BIOS is present by default in all electronic computers, as it is the basic system for input/output and user interaction with the device. Despite this, BIOS versions and developers may differ, so to correctly update or solve problems, you will need to know the version and developer name.

There are three main methods to find out the BIOS version and developer:

  • Using the BIOS itself;
  • Through standard means Windows;
  • Using third party software.

If you decide to use a third-party program to display data about the BIOS and the system as a whole, then study the reviews about it to be sure that the information displayed is correct.

Method 1: AIDA64

- this is third party software solution, which allows you to find out the characteristics of the hardware and software components of the computer. The software is distributed on a paid basis, but has a limited (30 days) demo period, which will allow the user to study the functionality without any restrictions. The program has been almost completely translated into Russian.

Finding out the BIOS version in AIDA64 is easy - just follow these step-by-step instructions:

Method 2: CPU-Z

is also a program for viewing the characteristics of hardware and software components, but, unlike AIDA64, it is distributed completely free of charge, has less functionality, and a simpler interface.

The instructions that will allow you to find out the current BIOS version using CPU-Z look like this:

Method 3: Speccy

is a program from a trusted developer who has released another famous cleaner program - . The software has a fairly simple and pleasant interface, there is a translation into Russian, as well as free version a program whose functionality will be sufficient to view the BIOS version.

Method 4: Windows Tools

You can find out the current BIOS version using standard OS tools without downloading any additional programs. However, it may look a little more complicated. Check out this step-by-step guide:

  1. Most of the information about the hardware and software components of the PC is available for viewing in the window "System Information". To open it, it is best to use the window "Run", which is called by key combinations Win+R. Write the msinfo32 command in the line.
  2. A window will open "System Information". In the left menu, go to the section of the same name (it should usually open by default).
  3. Now find the item there "BIOS version". It will contain the developer, version and release date (all in the same order).

Method 5: System Registry

This method may be suitable for those users who, for some reason, do not display BIOS information in "System Information". It is recommended to only find out about the current version and developer of the BIOS in this way. experienced users PC, as there is a risk of accidentally damaging files/folders important to the system.

The step-by-step instructions look like this:

Method 6: through the BIOS itself

This is the most proven method, but it requires restarting the computer and entering the BIOS interface. For an inexperienced PC user, this may be a little difficult, since the entire interface is English language, and the ability to control using the mouse is not available in most versions.

Use these instructions:

Method 7: When PC Boots

This method is the simplest of all those described. On many computers, when loading, a screen appears for a few seconds where it may be written important information about the components of the computer, as well as the BIOS version. When booting your computer, pay attention to the following points "BIOS version", "BIOS data" And "BIOS ID".

Since this screen appears for only a couple of seconds, in order to have time to remember the BIOS data, press the key Pause Break. This information will remain on the screen. To continue booting your PC, press this key again.

If no data appears when loading, which is typical for many modern computers and motherboards, then you will have to press the key F9. After this, basic information should appear. It is worth remembering that on some computers, instead of F9 you need to press another function key.

Even an inexperienced PC user can find out the BIOS version, since most of the described methods do not require any specific knowledge.

As you know, the primary BIOS input/output system, which is responsible for controlling and storing information about all the hardware components of a computer or laptop, is one of the main components of a PC. But sometimes it is extremely necessary to solve the problem of how to find out the BIOS version. What is it for? Take, for example, a situation where a firmware update is required, which may be due to the inoperability of the newly installed equipment or even to critical operating system errors. It’s worth immediately warning all novice users that installing new firmware primary system is not a safe matter, therefore all issues related to such actions will not be considered in detail.

How to find out the BIOS version of the motherboard through the primary system settings?

To begin with, we can offer the simplest and most effective way to obtain information of interest to the user on the primary system, which many users who are not familiar with the specifics operating systems Windows is successfully used.

When you turn on your computer or laptop, you must use the keys or combinations thereof designed to enter BIOS settings, after which in the parameters (usually on the Main tab) you need to find an information block with a name like BIOS Information (sometimes it can be System Information). Here the current firmware version and release date will be indicated.

How to find out the BIOS version in Windows: system information

But it was, so to speak, a classic method, and not the most convenient. Agree that rebooting the system while programs are running or public documents Few people will want to. The problem of how to find out which BIOS version is installed on a computer system can be solved in Windows itself, as they say, without leaving the cash register.

To do this, you need to call the “Run” console and enter the msinfo32 command in it, after which the information section will open, where the version of the current firmware with the release date will be indicated in the information window on the right.

Using the Command Line

Another solution to the question of how to find out the BIOS version is to use the most common command line, which can be launched from the same execution console by entering the cmd combination in the command field.

In the window that appears, you need to enter the command wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion and press the enter key, after which the firmware version will be displayed on the screen. And don’t be surprised if the value consists of just one letter and number. This is the same version.

ASUS: subtleties of obtaining information for devices

You can also find out the ASUS BIOS version through the command line in the same way. However, it is precisely for the systems of this developer that you can use a command specially provided for this, so to speak, “hardwired” into the primary input/output system itself.

In the console you need to enter the abbreviation SYSTEMINFO and press the enter key, after which detailed information on the device will be displayed on the screen, including the BIOS information that interests us.

Actions in the system registry

Third party utilities

Finally, the problem of how to find out the BIOS version can be solved by using third-party information utilities. One of the most interesting programs can be called Piriform Speecy, which is portable and does not require installation on a computer.

Simply launch the application and go to the Motherboard tab, where comprehensive information about the board and its main characteristics will be presented, including version data and the manufacturer of the primary I/O system.

Actually, you shouldn’t limit yourself to using only this application. You can use such popular programs as CPU-Z or AIDA64 with equal success. They will provide exactly the same information on all components of the motherboard as in the utility described above.

What should you not do?

In principle, any of the proposed solutions is completely simple and produces almost the same information. The most complete information block is contained in the system information and in third party programs, specifically oriented towards this, therefore it is recommended to use just such methods of obtaining the necessary information. But some, if I may say so, “minds” are beginning to unscrew system unit or worse - a laptop, trying to see the version of the primary system on the chip markings. Here you should clearly understand that it is simply impossible to find any information on the version of the firmware itself there.

Finally, although it was said that such issues will not be considered, there are several recommendations regarding updating the firmware. We will not describe the process itself, but as good advice we can recommend downloading the firmware exclusively from the manufacturer’s official website. In the case of laptops, you can conduct online testing on the official resource and download the firmware specifically for your device, and then make a replacement. And during the installation process you need to be extremely careful, because if there is a sudden power outage or an incomplete installation, the entire primary system can, as they say, “fly”, which will only lead to the fact that you will then have to change not only the BIOS chip, but also the entire motherboard. So keep that in mind.

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