How to register with seosprint and earn good money. Quick registration for seosprint Help with registration for seosprint

Hello dear friends, in this article I want to tell you how you can create a multi-account on any box, be it SeoSprint, Vip-Prom, WmMail, Seo-Fast and others. It doesn’t matter what kind of axle box it is; you can create a multi-account on absolutely any one! And the most important thing about this is that you will not be noticed, that is, you can not only create a multi-account, but also use it, earn money on it and withdraw money from it. It turns out that you can create a whole network of accounts and make money on each one, increasing your income by N - the number of times, where N is the number of your multi-accounts. If someone doesn’t know the meaning of the word multi-account, then let’s figure out what it is and what it’s used with.

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A multi-account is an account that a user creates on one project more than once. Simply put, if you have several accounts on one site, then you will be a multi-account owner. As for the boxes, multi-accounts are prohibited there and they are blocked (banned). But they are blocked only if you are noticed; if you do it and you are not noticed, then you can use it against the rules of the system.

Although there is a ban on multi-accounts on axleboxes, it is 100% impossible to track users, so by following all the precautions that will follow, you can create a multi-account on any axlebox without any problems, and not even one multi-account, but many.

If you use the site, how regular user, then you are unlikely to succeed when creating a multi-account, but it is worth using a little special software ( software), as the system will no longer be able to recognize your computer and block it for violating the rules. The system will think that it is some other person who is registering and logging into the box.

These methods can be applied to any box, be it SeoSprint, Vip-Prom, WmMail, Seo-Fast and others. If even these axleboxes cannot track you, and they have been in business for a long time, since the first appearance of axleboxes on the RuNet, then others will not be able to.

Why do you need a multi-account?

Many who are interested in how to create a multi-account on a box know why this is necessary, but for those who are just starting to work on a box, I will tell you why multi-accounts are needed, so if you know, then scroll to the next point, where we will move on directly to the creation of multi-accounts.

So why do we need multi-accounts on axleboxes? Yes, everything is very simple, they are needed in order to increase your income. A compelling argument for learning how to create them? I think yes! Therefore, let's look at the basic schemes for how to make money on multi-accounts.

How you can make money on multi-accounts:

  • First way making money on multi-accounts is the most primitive. The axle boxes have a referral program. Its essence is that you can attract a user to a project and receive a percentage of his income, while the user himself does not lose anything from this. This way, you can have a main account and create referrals for yourself, work on the accounts of these referrals, and then withdraw money from these accounts. But at the same time, you will have a nice bonus when additional interest from your work appears on your main account, you’ll agree that it’s not bad. But this is the least profitable method and it requires a lot of investment in terms of your personal time. Speaking in simple language The efficiency of this method is very low, but it has its place.
  • Second way The way to earn money on multi-accounts is to perform the same tasks, and in some cases, send the same reports to the advertiser. Yes, this violates the rules of the system, but the authors of large tasks cannot keep track of everything and we can deceive them. We need to complete the task once, after which we simply need to send reports from other accounts at different time intervals. The main thing is not right away, because it will be noticeable and the administration will complain about you. It also happens that they make a word of the day on the site, but it won’t be difficult for us to go in and double-check it, since we don’t need to do the rest of the work.
  • Third way is that to make money on multi-accounts, people use a fair or a referral exchange. That is, a multi-account is created, which is registered as your referral to the main account, then they start working from this account and receive royalties to the main account for attracting a user. Further, when a multi-account has good user statistics on clicks per day, tasks and letters, it is put up for sale, and for quite a lot of money. And it is almost impossible to distinguish between a really good referral and a multi-account created with the aim of selling it. As a result, you get all the advantages of the previous methods at once: you collect referral fees, you get money from your account, and then you also sell it and get money for selling it. After which you can continue to create new account and again develop it according to the same scheme. Moreover, you can maintain not one account, but several at once in order to put a lot of them up for sale at once.

How to calculate a multi-account on axleboxes?

Each box has its own algorithm, but in general they are all similar, since there is a fixed number of parameters by which the user can be identified. Essentially, they all use the same parameters, they just each have their own priorities for using them. And if you know what parameters are responsible for determining a multi-account, then it will not be difficult for you to make sure that you are not identified. I want to warn you right away that the list of parameters that influence will be large, so get ready to stretch your eyes. Or you can go to the end of the article and watch the video. It's also long, but listening to it doesn't mean reading it. But back to the topic, now I will tell you all the parameters that are responsible for identifying a multi-account on the axle box.

  1. IP - address. The simplest thing is to monitor your IP address so that it does not overlap in your network of multi-accounts. But it is not the main one for multi-account calculation. The thing is that many providers have a dynamic IP address. Thus, the provider has a large list of available IP addresses, but it is less than the number of users. When you connect to the Internet, you are given a random IP address, just reboot the modem and it will change. Purely theoretically, it could happen that completely unrelated users can intersect with IP addresses, but it’s better for you not to intersect so that there are no unnecessary questions for you.
  2. Browser. Also an important thing, if you create a multi-account, you should stock up different browsers, that is, so that each account has its own, since this parameter is determined on the server side. And you can establish a connection between multi-accounts if you use one browser.
  3. Flash, java, etc. Thanks to the advent of HTML 5, it is now possible to calculate a multi-account by the presence in your Flash browser and java. Because HTML 5 allows you to see some data through them. Therefore, turn them off immediately.
  4. Cache and browser cockie. This is the most common reason for blocking on axleboxes for a multi-account. The fact is that coockie records authorization data on sites, and just by looking at the fact that there has already been authorization, but for a different account, you will get blocked automatically. Therefore, always clean the browser used to work with multi-accounts.
  5. OS and resolution. Permission and operating system, this data is visible in the logs of access to the site, from what operating system, also from what browser and with what resolution they visited. It is recommended to change the resolution when working with multi-accounts; this will give you some uniqueness in the eyes of the algorithm. It’s the same with the operating system, you can use different ones, but it’s not necessary, if you have a popular operating system, then there’s nothing wrong with it.
  6. WMID. If you use WebMoney as payment system, then you need to register your own wallet for each multi-account. It’s the same with other payment systems, be it Yandex Money or some other. wallets and identifiers must be different, this is where many people fail.
  7. Address Email . Actually, like WMID, your Email address must be different, each account has its own individual one. Moreover, they should not be similar, they should be completely different. If they are the same, then at the slightest suspicion you will be checked and identified.
  8. Login, password, personal data. Here, I think, too, everything is simple and clear, that there are no identical passwords, you should not make similar logins, changing the numbers in them, or fill out personal information in the same way in your account. All this data should be used differently, otherwise you risk being noticed.

How to register a multi-account

There are several options for how you can create a multi-account on the box. I will tell you about 2 methods, one very briefly, since I don’t use it and it will just be a theory. I will tell you in detail about the second one, which I actively use. So what are these methods:

  • Using the TOP browser and registering through a proxy.
  • Cleaning up your computer and changing the information transmitted by the browser.

Both methods have a right to exist, since both the first and the second allow you to register a multi-account on the box and not get blocked. But the second method is closer to me, since it does not require special installation of additional software and complex configuration, it is much simpler and may even be somewhat more effective. Let's now look at each of the methods.

Registering a multi-account through the TOR browser.

Probably many have heard about such a wonderful browser as TOR. It allows you to get into the Dark Net and also provides you with complete anonymity and confidentiality when surfing the network. It is for this reason that we will use it for registration.

First of all, you need to download the TOP browser and install it. After which, he will prompt you to select security settings, where you must select the maximum so that the browser does not store any personal information. And then you can work through this browser and register accounts on SeoSprint and other boxes.

There are some difficulties when using this browser:

  1. TOP does not fit well with Google's captcha and you may have some problems when logging in; it may take a long time to refresh the page. This makes it somewhat difficult to log into your account.
  2. In order to create a multi-account, you need maximum settings security, which means that the browser does not store any information; as a result, you will have to write passwords in a separate document; you will not be able to save them in the browser.
  3. Recently, the administration of SeoSprint and other bookstores has been looking with suspicion at accounts that are logged in with a proxy; perhaps they will keep an eye on the actions of your account.

But in general, you won’t have any problems with registration, many people work through TOP and they are not blocked. But maybe it’s a matter of time, or maybe the bookstore administration will have no choice but to accept it, because at the moment there are no methods to combat the TOP browser.

The operating principle of the browser is to use onion routing; more simply, a network of proxy servers is used, this technology allows you to create a channel for network connection, protected from eavesdropping. For more clarity, take a look at the picture and you will understand how a connection is established through the TOP browser.

Although the symbols in the picture are in English, everything is quite clear, but I will explain. You make a request from your computer to open a website. Your request is sent to one proxy server, and this first proxy, the request is forwarded to the second, then to the third, and then the third proxy server accesses the site, after which it forwards the information to the second, the second to the first, and the first to you. Moreover, there may not necessarily be a network of three computers. The chain can be much more complex. Moreover, the data is transmitted in encrypted form. That is, the browser, in principle, gives you anonymity from special services, and creating a multi-account with it is generally a trifle.

Registering a multi-account without third-party software.

I won’t drag it out too much here, but I’ll try to describe it briefly, but clearly, for those who are tired of reading, scroll down, there’s a video where I’ll talk about this method, you can listen and watch.

First of all, pay attention to the point above. All the parameters of your computer are written there, by which your account can be blocked. Therefore, we take and strictly follow them. First of all, we check your IP address, whether it is static or dynamic. You need to go to and look at your IP address there, then reboot the modem and look at it again. If it’s different, then you have a dynamic IP and you can follow further, but if not, then use the better method with TOP or buy a proxy. On the 2ip website, you will see this frame where your computer data will be.

Next, you need to get different browsers so that you have access from different ones, and not from one. This will give you some uniqueness when logging into multi-accounts. That is, use your own personal browser for each account. If you need a lot, then split up several accounts for each browser.

You can install a lot of things: Opera, Crome, IE, Safari, and even Edge. Nowadays there are a lot of browsers, so it won’t be difficult for you to install a large number of them.

After this, an important thing that needs to be done every time after a session on the axlebox. The fact is that enough personal information is written to your browser to identify you and even monitor your interests; many advertising platforms are guided by your preferences. Where do they know them from? Correctly from your browser, since it contains a lot of public information.

In order to clear all this information in your browser, after each session on the box, log out of your account, close the box tab and press Ctrl + Shift + Delete. This is very important point, if you don’t do this, then the next time you log in, you can get an automatic blocking with a 99% probability. This action is mandatory. After clicking, this window will pop up, in which we put all the checkboxes, select cleaning for all time and clean.

And now there are little things left. First, create a multi-account for each personal mail and so that they are not similar in name. Because they also calculate by similar names. Use unrelated addresses.

Also create your own WMID for each account, that is, you need to create new WebMoney accounts. You can use Yandex Money, no matter, the accounts must be different so that the identifiers do not overlap. This is also very important.

Do not use the same passwords on the axleboxes; they can also easily identify you. Make different or random ones and write them down in Text Document. Then the administration’s chances of identifying you will decrease.

And if possible, before logging into your account, change the screen resolution. This will reduce suspicions and people may think that the login was made from another computer.

If you use all these methods together, then no one will ever figure out your network of accounts on the boxes.

Here's a small list of booksellers where you can make good money by creating multi-accounts, since there is a lot of work on them. So go ahead and register, here you won’t need to create dozens of accounts, 4-5 will be easy for you. But if you use autoclickers, you can do more, see for yourself according to your capabilities.

— The oldest and largest bookstore in RuNet, which pays in rubles.

— The second book from the SeoSprint team, which pays in dollars.

— The oldest mailer and task service in RuNet, paying in dollars.

— A large bookstore, a competitor of SeoSprint, which pays in rubles.

All these boxes have a lot of advertising on which you can earn money, and by creating multiple accounts and sending identical reports on tasks, you will simply increase your income. They also have referral exchanges where you can try to sell your multi-account when you have good artist statistics.

This is where I want to finish this material, I hope I helped you create multi-accounts on SeoSprint, Vip-Prom, WmMail, Seo-Fast and other boxes. If something is not clear to you, then watch this video, here I show in detail what and how to install and how to create multi-accounts. I hope I was able to explain it clearly important information, if it helped you, be sure to comment and subscribe to my blog and youtube channel, and that’s all for me, see you soon.

On this page I will tell you how to register on Seosprint. Be sure that you will be paid all the money you earned, I say this with confidence, since I myself have already withdrawn more than one thousand rubles from here! By the way, this site has already paid out more than 200,000,000 (two hundred million rubles), the amount is really impressive!

How to register on Seosprint - step-by-step instructions.

First of all, take care of where you will withdraw all the money you earn. There are several ways to do this, but in my opinion the best and most reliable option is Webmoney; you must have your own electronic wallet in this system. Read about this in the article Creating a wallet takes no more than 5-10 minutes. If you already have an electronic wallet, then start registering on Seosprint and start earning money.

Look detailed instructions upon registration to ensure everything is done as it should.

1. Go to the site

On home page press the green button "Registration" . Next, enter your name, e-mail, numbers from the picture and click on the button "Continue" . Please note that it will no longer be possible to change the email address, please indicate your work email.

2. Next, this screen will appear in front of you, this is the completion of registration. Below you will see a small test, read the rules (there are not many of them quickly). Then answer simple questions and click on the register button.

3. The last window, your data for accessing the site is indicated here, you need to remember them, or even better, write them down somewhere. You will need an email and password to log into your account, and a PIN code to change settings and confirm the withdrawal of money. is a mailing site. Provides the opportunity for registered users to receive money for viewing letters from advertisers, visiting sites with advertising, registering on web projects, publishing comments and watching videos on Youtube.

In addition, the owner account through the Seosprint service, you can promote and promote your website to the TOP of popular ones search engines(Google, Yandex, Bing, etc.), attract visitors.

Conclusion Money and replenishment of the account in the Seosprint profile is carried out through the payment systems WebMoney, Yandex.Money, PerfectMoney, Payeer (at the user's choice).


To register on Seosprint, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the mailer (, click the “Registration” button.

2. Fill out the form that opens:

  • "What is your name?": your name (you can use a pseudonym);
  • “Specify... e-mail”: enter the address of a valid mailbox(do not use temporary email!);
  • "… mobile number": indicate a telephone number with an international code (for the Russian Federation - “+7”, for Ukraine - “+380”);
  • "Your referrer ID"- ID of the user who invited you to work on the site.

Note. After registering with an ID, you will be in the referral network of the specified user, that is, you will be his referrer. For invited referrals, the site system awards cash bonuses to the referrer (without deduction from the salary of network participants). In turn, the referrer encourages his referrals (for example, he organizes competitions, the winners receive cash bonuses to their account).

3. Enter the captcha: retype the symbolic code from the picture in the bottom field.

4. On the “Complete Registration” page, check your profile. If you registered without a referrer ID, the message “You came on your own...” will be displayed in the bottom line.

5. Hold down the “Ctrl” key and left-click on the “Project Rules...” and “Terms and Conditions...” icons. The documents will open in new tabs. Please read them carefully.

6. Return to the original tab. To complete your registration on Seosprint, answer the security questions. Click to turn on the buttons next to the correct answers.

The screenshot shows the correct answers

7. Click "Register".

After creating an account, the service will send you an SMS message to your phone with a password to enter the site and a PIN code to perform payment transactions (deposits/withdrawals). Write them down or save them to a separate text file.


1. Click on the “Login” button on the main page of the mailer.

2. Enter the specified registration form email address and password from SMS.

4. Click on the box next to the inscription “I am not a robot.”

5. In the window that appears, complete the task: click on the pictures according to the specified attribute and click “Confirm”.

In this case, it was necessary to mark the images where there were cookies.

6. If the task was completed correctly, a green check mark will appear next to “I am not a robot.” Click “Login”.

Fast start


Tasks for earning money are located in the “Earn” block (at the top of the left column):

  • "Site surfing"- visiting advertisers’ sites: you must wait until the timer ends and enter the captcha (select the answer to the arithmetic example in the button bar); after these actions, the agreed amount is credited to the account;
  • “Reading letters”: open the advertiser’s letter, read the text; select the correct answer to the security question (based on the content of the letter);
  • "Passing tests": read the instructions, answer the questions, click the “Send report” button;
  • "Completing the task": carry out various instructions from advertisers described in tasks (registration, clicking on advertising, subscribing, adding to a group, liking, etc.)

Registration of payment details

1. In the “Personal Account” panel, click the “My Personal Data” section.

2. In the “Payment Details” block, indicate the account number in the field of the payment system used.

Attention! For WebMoney, you need to specify the ruble wallet number and WMID (identifier).

3. After entering the details in the very last block “... personal PIN code”, by clicking on the buttons (you cannot manually use the keyboard!), enter your PIN code from the received SMS message from Seosprint.

Good luck making money on the Internet!

Now I want to show you the entire registration process in this project so that no one else has any questions.
So, in order to register:

2) Click on the "Registration" button

3) Next, in the form that appears, indicate our name, email address, our real phone number and enter the code from the picture. Click "Continue".
Attention! The phone number must be indicated in international format. For example, for Russia the number will look like this +79034567890 Be sure to indicate active phone number, since an SMS with our password will be sent to it (it's free). The same goes for your email address.

4) After this, we carefully read the project rules and answer security questions.

If we did everything correctly, we should see the following message:

5) Congratulations! Registration is completed. Be sure to save password and PIN code. We will need a PIN code to edit personal data in your account! Now we need to enter our Personal Area using the password received via SMS:

6) After we log into our account for the first time, the first thing we should do is change our status from “Passerby” to “Worker”. To do this, click on the word “Passerby” next to your avatar in the upper right corner:

7) On the page that appears, fill out the personal information, indicate the number of our wallet (it is enough to indicate at least one wallet from those offered), enter the PIN code and click “Save changes”

If everything was done correctly, a message will appear that our data has been successfully saved:

We refresh the page and see that our status has changed to “Working” and we have been awarded 1 rating point.

Hooray! Now our account is completely ready to go! In order to find out how to make money most effectively on the SEOsprint project, I advise you to read the relevant articles in the section

Hello, dear readers of the site. In this article I will talk in detail about how to register on SEOsprint and start making money on this resource.

Read the article carefully. All registration steps are described and illustrated in detail.

Registration on SEOsprint

So, how do you register with SEOsprint? To begin registering on this site, go to it by clicking on the banner below.

In the upper right corner of the window that opens, click on the “Registration” button. A new user registration form will appear in front of you. You must fill it out and click on the “Continue” button.

When filling out the new user registration form, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • in the field “What is your name?” you can enter a name in both Russian and English
  • You cannot change the entered e-mail after registration.
  • You need to indicate a real phone number, as it will be needed to receive the login password
  • There is no need to fill in the “Your referrer ID” field, it will be filled in automatically by the system
  • in step 4, be sure to enter the verification code to confirm that you are not a robot
  • To proceed to the next stage of registration on SEOsprint, click on the “Continue” button

Be sure to read the rules of the SEOsprint project! This is necessary to complete registration and for successful work on the project!

You can see the correct answers to the control test questions.

To complete registration, click on the “Register” button. The site administration will thank you for registering for Seosprint and will send you a password and pin code to your email address specified earlier.

Be sure to save your registration data (email, password and pin code). Write them down, as they will not be sent by email again!

You can now log into your account on the SEOsprint website. To do this, enter the email address and password received in the SMS message into the input fields and click on the “Login” button.

In order to fully work for Seosprint, you must have a working status. A separate article has been written about that.

You may be tempted to cheat Seosprint. For example, by registering for the project again from the same computer or using an autoclicker program.

Remember that any fraud on your part will be stopped by the site administration. The punishment may be account blocking with loss of the rating achieved on the project and money on the balance.

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