How to call an ambulance from your home phone. How to call an ambulance? Emergency call

Everyone knows how to call medical help from a landline phone, but many don’t even think about how to do it from a mobile phone. But situations are different and sometimes it becomes necessary to call an ambulance right from the street. The Beeline company has provided for everything in this case too and has created simple numbers that can be used in emergency situations.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

For several years now, a common system of emergency numbers has been in place for all operators. Now, to call an ambulance from your cell phone, you can call back the number

which is relevant for all Russian operators without exception mobile communications.

Unified emergency telephone numbers

  • – to contact the police;
  • – for communication with the fire department;
  • - to call an ambulance.
  • – to call the gas service.

Remember that promptly called service will help avoid serious consequences and even save a person’s life.

Calling an ambulance via 112

This number is useful in any emergency situation, not just for connecting to medical assistance. If the subscriber suddenly forgot the ambulance number or simply could not get through, they should dial , and the operator will redirect the call to the desired service.

You can call this number even when:

1. Zero balance;
2. Blocked or missing SIM card;
3. Stay anywhere in the Russian Federation.

Telephone numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile phone

The most efficient option for calling an ambulance is to call the service directly. For this, each mobile operator has its own numbers.

Before dialing an ambulance number in Moscow, make sure you can give the address and exact location of the patient.

The capital has implemented a multi-channel communication system, and if the other end doesn’t answer the phone right away, it means that all dispatchers are busy and your call has been queued. Remain calm, the first available employee will definitely answer you. There is no need to hang up and call back - your call will again be put at the end of the queue.

During a conversation with the dispatcher you must:

  • provide the phone number from which the call is made or to which you can call back later
  • indicate the number of patients
  • describe what happened - what made you call an ambulance
  • name the address: street, house, building, apartment, entrance, floor, intercom
  • inform who and where will meet the team of doctors
  • say who is calling - a relative, a stranger or yourself
  • state the age and gender of the patient, his last name

As children, we were all forced to memorize emergency numbers so that in the event of an emergency we could immediately call an ambulance, fire brigade, police or gas service. But times are changing, and today people use landline phones less and less; they have been replaced by so-called mobile phones. And still the majority of subscribers mobile operators(MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2) do not know how to call an ambulance with mobile phone.

In this review you will find emergency phone numbers for cell phones that are current for 2019 in Russia. Here is their list:

  • 101 – Ministry of Emergency Situations or fire service;
  • 102 – police (former police);
  • 103 – ambulance;
  • 104 – emergency gas service.

These numbers are valid for both landline and mobile phones.

And in order to respond to certain situations in a timely manner, quickly find the necessary information and learn how to manage your number directly from your phone, we have prepared special reviews for subscribers different operators. Here you will find an article that contains information; there is a separate review for MTS subscribers. A separate review covers.

GSM standard supported single number emergency telephone number, by calling which you can report your problem. Here you can call on any issue related to an emergency situation: to call an ambulance, the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This number is available not only in Russia, but also in European countries.

112 is a rescue telephone number, analogous to 911 - valid in all regions of Russia.

By calling this number, you will be taken to the nearest branch of the Unified Duty Dispatch Service. That is, if you are in Moscow, then by dialing number 112 you will get to the Moscow branch, in Tyumen - to the Tyumen branch.

The EDDS operator will take your call and, having determined the nature of the problem, will send a request to the appropriate service. Emergency call 112 is the same for all operators mobile networks, and calling it is free for you. You can make a call even if you have no money on your balance, the SIM card is blocked or it is not in your phone at all.

But do not forget that you should not call this number just like that, because the people on the other end of the line are solving real problems of other citizens.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

Often we don't remember how to call an ambulance from our mobile phone. And therefore, it is better to take care of obtaining this information in advance than to look for these treasured numbers on the Internet at a critical moment. It is best to write down the ambulance number in phone book so that it is always at your fingertips. Each operator provides its own short number phone for an emergency call to the ambulance and it is free for you. Therefore, we will provide phone numbers for each operator:

  • Megafon – 103
  • MTS – 103
  • Beeline – 103
  • Tele2 – 103

As you can see, the numbers are based on the number "03", which we all know well. A 1 has been added to it, thanks to which numbers can be easily dialed on any mobile phone (many handsets recognize two-digit numbers as commands, preventing dialing).

How to call the police from a mobile phone

If you find yourself in a situation in which you need immediate police assistance, you can use one phone emergency services or call the short number that you see below opposite your operator. Calls to these numbers are free for you.

  • Megafon – 102
  • MTS – 102
  • Beeline – 102
  • Tele2 – 102

All numbers are based on the standard "02" number for landline telephones, so they will be very easy for you to remember.

How to call firefighters (EMERCOM) from a mobile phone

If, God forbid, you have a fire and you don’t know how to call firefighters from your mobile phone, then it’s best to use the single number 112. You can also call the number that is located below opposite your operator cellular communications. The call will be free.

  • Megafon – 101
  • MTS – 101
  • Beeline – 101
  • Tele2 – 101

To remember, add one to the standard number 01 - you get the fire department number for a cell phone.

How to call an emergency gas service from a mobile phone

If you find a gas leak in an apartment or anywhere else, immediately call 112 and notify the dispatcher about it. Or you can call the gas service directly at the number provided below opposite your mobile network operator.

  • Megafon – 104
  • MTS – 104
  • Beeline – 104
  • Tele2 – 104

Just like all other emergency numbers, this one is based on the generally accepted number “04” with the number “1” substituted.

Why can’t you dial 01, 02, 03, 04 from a mobile phone?

The answer to this question is quite simple: all because Cell Phones They do not support calls to two-digit numbers. You can only call at least three-digit numbers. Previously, numbers were appended with an asterisk symbol - for example, “*03”. Today in Russia there is a single numbering system, accessible from both landline and mobile phones.

Calls to emergency numbers are free, they are available even with a zero or negative balance.

Today almost everyone has a mobile phone. It is often used as not only a means of communication, but also a multimedia center, entertainment device or player. In view of this, many have already begun to forget that it can be an assistant in an emergency situation. Of course, one smartphone will be of little use. But with its help, in any situation, you can make a call to call the relevant special services, who are always ready to help at the first call. Among them is emergency medical care, which will be discussed.

Previously, you could call an ambulance using the simple number “03,” which everyone, young and old, knew. But time passes, and technology develops along with it. Since modern gadgets do not allow calls to numbers with less than three digits, I had to look for options. Landline telephones in your room have received an additional unit, and now you can call the ambulance station by calling “103”. By the way, this also applies to other services. So, a call to the Ministry of Emergency Situations can be made at “101”, to the police – “102”, and to the emergency gas service – “104”. This information may be useful if your cell phone is dead and there is a pay phone or any establishment with a landline telephone nearby. Mobile operators were unable to come to a single standard, and this is what came of it. How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone in this case?

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

If in the case of a crime it is possible to survive the loss of some thing, although it will be unpleasant, then in case of health problems you should definitely not delay calling the emergency service. In order not to think about how to call the emergency room if necessary, add the following list of numbers to your contacts in advance:

  • 030 – for Tele2;
  • 030 – for MTS;
  • 030 – for Megafon;
  • 003 – for Beeline.

When calling an ambulance, you should remember that in critical situations even seconds can play a role. By remembering or writing down these numbers, you will be able to help yourself or passers-by at the right time, and thus do a good deed. All calls to these numbers are not charged by the operator, so you can safely call an ambulance from your mobile without worrying about the balance of money in your account. Even with a minus balance, the call will still be made, and you will be able to seek timely help. When calling, try to describe as accurately as possible where you are and what symptoms the patient is experiencing. This will determine the urgency of the call and prepare the most qualified team to solve the problem.

Alternative service

How can you call an ambulance from a mobile phone if, for example, it is locked? There is also a control room in the country that combines the responsibilities of all intelligence services. You can reach her using the single number “112”. Its advantage is that you can make a call using it, bypassing any obstacles. In all modern phones, you can quickly dial “112” even with complete locking, including the fingerprint method. In addition, the call will go through even if the smartphone or phone does not have a SIM card at all. The main thing is to be within the signal reception radius of at least one of the operators at the time of the call.

When you call this service, you can tell the dispatcher about the problem, and he will either answer the call himself or forward your call in the appropriate direction. The advantage of the service is that you don’t have to remember several different numbers. But at the same time, such a call will take a little longer. Therefore, it is still worth adding them to the phone book in order to, if necessary, reduce the time before the team leaves as much as possible.

The number “112” can be especially useful if you need to make a call to the scene of a car accident. Often after it, the help of all common special services is needed - police, ambulance and rescuers. When you call this dispatch service, information about the incident will be immediately sent to all relevant posts, which can reduce the waiting period and help save someone’s life.

In any emergency situation, it is better to have special numbers. services at hand. To do this, write down your contacts in your phone book. You just have to remember that for mobile communications the combinations of numbers differ from those so familiar to many: 02, 03, etc. In this article we will look at how to call an ambulance from Megafon and get qualified help.

Short ambulance number for mobile communications

To call an ambulance by phone with a Megafon SIM card, use the short number 103. This is a single dispatch center for all ambulance stations. Call distribution takes into account the towers on which the subscriber's telephone number is marked. Thus, outgoing call will get to the station closest to the user’s location, which means the carriage will arrive quite quickly.

Attention! An ambulance call is provided to all subscribers of the operator free of charge.

How to make an emergency call

In cases where, for any reason, phone number there is no connection to the network or it is blocked, you can call an ambulance from Megafon through a single service number for communication with all services - 112. To connect to the desired service, enter 3.

For reference! 112 is a single number for notifying specialized services about an incident or threat to the life or health of a citizen, which operates throughout the Russian Federation. You can even make a call from mobile device, which does not have a SIM card installed.

The resource is provided to all phone owners free of charge and allows you to contact any necessary department without remembering unnecessary combinations.

When to call

An ambulance is a structure that allows you to quickly provide qualified medical care when there is a threat to the life and health of any person. Employees should be called:

  • when symptoms of a severe illness appear in the subscriber or his relatives;
  • increase in body temperature to a critical level and lack of response to antipyretic drugs;
  • prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, including changes in the condition of the skin (blue spots or excessive pallor);
  • loss of consciousness of a person nearby;
  • bleeding;
  • life-threatening injuries caused by road accidents, emergencies, domestic negligence and others;
  • limb fractures;
  • fire, collapse of buildings and structures, even if the presence of victims and their number are unknown;
  • symptoms of influenza and other acute diseases;
  • for thermal or chemical burns;
  • the onset of labor in a woman;
  • atypical difficulty breathing, suffocation;
  • sudden acute pain, regardless of location;
  • condition bordering on death;
  • the occurrence of death, to attest to the fact.

When calling an ambulance, you should be prepared to answer the dispatcher’s questions regarding data about the patient (if this is a stranger, you need to indicate as much information as possible, based on the data that can be obtained from him, from documents or by appearance). Based on the information received, the operator will direct the carriage, following the established queue rules.


It’s not difficult to call an ambulance on Megafon; the main thing is not to panic in an emergency situation, to keep yourself in control and the entire environment under control, especially when it comes to helping children or victims of a serious incident where there is a threat to life. The more balanced you can act and answer the operator’s questions more specifically, the greater the chance of a prompt response from civil servants.

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