Which Twitter client should I install on my Android smartphone? Choosing the best Twitter client for Android The best Twitter clients for Android.

The Android platform is natively well integrated with various social services. Many phone manufacturers are building support for Twitter and Facebook right into the base software of smartphones. For example, in HTC shell Sense already has the HTC Peep app. However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to the default programs; fortunately, the Android Market has a good selection of alternative twitter clients from different developers. We would like to introduce you to the most interesting of them.



Developer TrustPort




The design of the official Twitter client is simple and clear. When you click on a tweet, it opens in a separate window where you can reply to it, forward the message, add it to your favorites, or send the text to any other application. There is a separate tab for working with contact lists.

There are minimal settings: you can only change the font size. For photo hosting, integration is available only with Twitpic and Yfrog.

An interesting feature that is only available here is the synchronization of Twitter contacts with real people from the smartphone’s address book. Thanks to this, you can view the user's latest status or access his profile directly from the address book.

Plume 2.64

Plume 2.64

Free/22 UAH (Premium version)

Developer LevelUp Studio




Plume, formerly known as Touiteur, is one of the most comfortable and simple applications for those who only need Twitter. The simple and intuitive interface is captivating here.

The submenu for each message is available directly from the general feed - which is convenient. There is also a wide range of settings: you can highlight tweets from specific users in a separate color so as not to miss them in the general stream. There is support for geotagging with the option to display a mini-map for each tweet.

Seesmic 1.7.2

Seesmic 1.7.2

Developer Seesmic




The creators of this application probably decided to embrace the immensity. In one interface, you can read not only Twitter posts, but also Facebook and Google Buzz status updates. Some will find this approach convenient, while others will prefer to separate these flows so as not to drown in a sea of ​​information. The program itself has a simple and intuitive interface. There are not many settings, but everything you need is there. A sufficient number of options for choosing photo and video hosting services, as well as URL shortening. Conveniently, the Translate function is available in the separate message window, which will translate any tweet into Russian.



Developer TweetDeck Inc




Many people are already familiar with this program, available as an application for Google Chrome. If you have already worked with it on a PC, then setup will take very little time - the system saves data about your accounts and allows you to use them on any platform. In addition to Twitter, you can also connect Facebook, Google Buzz and Foursquare from social networks in TweetDeck. Unfortunately, the settings here are minimal: you can only change the text size. But there is a convenient function that displays a list of friends on the map. Supports the ability to add multiple Twitter accounts.

UberSocial 7.0.0 (TWIDROYD)

UberSocial 7.0.0 (TWIDROYD)

Developers UberMedia/PostUp




This is one of the very first Twitter clients for Android, Current version already the seventh. The current owner of the application is UberMedia, whose programs today account for about 20% of all publications on Twitter.

Almost everything is customizable: fonts, colors, cover. The program has a separate DealBox window (a discount aggregator like Groupon is not supported in Ukraine), there is a special tab with the main Daily Juice news, and many other functions.

You can choose from five URL shortening services, as many photo storage services, and four for video. Typing completion works for both usernames (put @ and the first letter, and the client will offer a list of your friends' nicknames) and hash tags (those that start with #).

This is perhaps the most functional application presented, but there are both pros and cons. Of course, you can disable all unused options, but most users will simply be put off by the control strip, consisting of 11 (!) buttons.


Thanks to the variety of applications, everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. If you need maximum functionality and the ability to fine-tune, try UberSocial. Do you want to post to all social networks at the same time? Your choice is TweetDeck and Seesmic. Looking for simple and convenient application only for Twitter? Use the official client or Plume.

TweetCaster for Twitter (Client for Twitter) free program for Android with a beautiful design and great capabilities. User-friendly interface, high speed, perfectly optimized for working on tablets, has a widget for displaying the information you need on the desktop and quick access to the application, can simultaneously send information to Twitter and Facebook, supports working with several accounts at once, has replaceable design themes, it is possible to change colors and fonts - and this is not all the features of TweetCaster for Twitter.

  • Search Party - smart search across all tweets. And it's smart because you can sort the results by your feed, by all tweets, or by people.
  • Smartlist - if you have more than 20 subscribers, then your news feed begins to turn into a real hell. With this feature, you can split your friends list into several smaller lists (for example, family, friends, celebrities and politics).
  • Photo Effect - this filter allows you to add simple effects to your photos, which is much better than posting raw photos.
  • Speak Tweet - a function that allows you to quickly speak a new tweet using a proprietary Google service. The Russian language, of course, is supported and recognized.
  • The Enchanced Widget is two customizable widgets, one of which shows the latest tweets with a swipe option, and the second allows you to quickly send a new tweet. Both widgets are easily resized.
  • Smart Filtres - this feature allows you to select posts by time, as well as sort them by content, for example, display only tweets with photos or videos.

Download TweetCaster for Twitter for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: OneLouder Apps
Platform: Android (Varies by device)
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Status: Pro (Full version)
Root: Not needed

Twitter is a member of the prestigious “top 2” along with Facebook as the most popular social networks in the world. It has hundreds of millions of daily users and many rely on it to get the latest news and trends. The site has its controversy from time to time. However, there’s no other social network that shows you things in chronological order so you can see the latest stuff happening now. If you’re looking for a great Twitter experience, look no further. Twitter made some changes to its APIs back in August. However, it wasn’t nearly as big of a deal as everyone thought. Anyway, here are the best Twitter apps for Android!

Price: $2.99


Fenix ​​2 is the sequel to one of the most popular Twitter apps. Fenix ​​2 adds a bit of refinement along with other stuff compared to the first one. That"s good news because the first one isn"t available in Google Play anymore. It supports multiple accounts, a mute system, a great design, and more. There are even some customization options for your main screen. It works quite well even if it is a little newer than most of the more mature Twitter apps. It's also inexpensive, although there is no free version to try first.


Price: Free


Hashtag Users is a different type of Twitter app. This one focuses more on account management rather than tweeting and browsing like most Twitter apps. Users can check out their followers, hashtag performance, trending topics, and other such metrics. It"s not quite on the level that a business would use. However, it"s certainly more than you would see in a normal Twitter app. It"s entertaining to use and it might actually help out a bit if you"re surfing for followers and trending topics.


Price: Free / $19.99+ per month


Hootsuite is one of the original Twitter apps that also tracks multiple social networks at once. With this one, you can check your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and various other accounts all from one central hub. It’s a little confusing to get into at first but it’s a breeze to use once you learn your way around. You can post to multiple networks at once, get notifications for Facebook and Twitter when people mention you (or a specific hashtag), and there’s a lot more here. This one requires a subscription for the full list of features. However, only businesses and similar entities would need something like that.



Price: Free / $4.99


Plume for Twitter has been around for a long, long time and was one of the first really good Twitter apps for Android. It has been updated over the years and now sports a UI that’s based on Material Design which looks quite good. Other features include multiple account support, customization options, integration with Facebook, bit.ly support for shorter URLs, and more. It has its fair share of bugs. It"s also one of the more bloated options. The pro version works exactly like the free version just without the advertising.



Price: Free / $2.99-$10.00


Talon for Twitter is one of the more popular Twitter apps. It was also among the first with Material Design. Since then, it’s settled in as being one of the best Twitter apps available right now. It has a fantastic user interface, support for two accounts, Android Wear support, night mode, and even a native YouTube player so you don’t have to leave the app. There’s no free version of this app so do be sure to test it out inside of the refund time to make sure you like it! It"s definitely one of the best Twitter apps.


Price: Free / Up to $3.99


Twidere for Twitter is one of the relatively newer Twitter apps that tries to keep things secure, lightweight, and simple. It uses Material Design which looks pretty good and it has your usual features such as tweet expansion (larger than 280 characters) via t.co, and more. It’s free, open source, and comes with about as many security procedures in place as you can possibly have with a Twitter app. There are also several configuration and customization options to make it act as you want. The pro version adds a few additional features.


Price: Free / $4.99


TweetCaster is one of the most popular Twitter apps on the list and also one of the original alternative Twitter apps to hit the Play Store. It has been updated frequently over the last several years and includes one of the longest lists of features available today. You can manage multiple accounts, post to Facebook, mute posts, add photo effects to shared content, check out your Twitter stats, apply themes, and a lot more. It really can do quite a bit but that means it also falls into the territory of being bloated so beware of that. The paid version remove advertising.


Price: Free / $4.99


TwitPane is one of the more lightweight and customizable Twitter apps. Its claim to fame is the ability to only show the tabs that you want to see. That way, you can remove the stuff you don"t want and keep only the stuff you do. Additionally, the free version of the app (ad supported) gives you support for three accounts while the paid version does five. It doesn"t look overly special, but the design is simple and solid. The free version is ad supported. The paid version removes the ads and adds a few additional features. It's surprisingly good.

Greetings to all readers website. A new work week has begun. This means that it’s time for the next release of our Android application digest. Today I will talk about third-party Twitter clients.

Twitter first appeared in 2006. But then it was only a research and development project of Odeo for internal use. His main task was to answer the question - “What are you doing now?”

In 2007, the service became public and since then its popularity has only grown. By and large, Twitter has become a kind of analogue of SMS communication. Today, millions of people around the world share news, talk about their affairs and plans, or simply communicate, trying to compress all this information into 140 characters.

As for third-party clients for this service, Twitter is now doing its best to “drag” everyone into official application. But many fans of "chirping" social network still remain loyal to third-party clients, some of which I will talk about in this review.

So in this episode Big review participate: plume,Carbon


Plume appeared on Google Play for quite some time, and many users consider this application to be one of the best third-party Twitter clients for Android. Developers from the LevelUp studio were able to combine a convenient interface and many additional functions, which expand the capabilities of the application.

In addition to reading feeds and creating new tweets, this client can display replies to your tweets, can work with multiple accounts, can mute some Twitter users, has a feature for previewing pictures and auto-filling hashtags and usernames. Also using Plume you will be able to send photos to Twitter, Twitpic, Plixi, Yfrog, Posterous, MobyPicture, MyPict.me.

True, most of the extensive set of available functions are available only in the full version of this client, which will cost you $5.

Plume for Twitter Plume Premium for Twitter

appeared on the virtual shelves of the Google application store last fall. However, this did not stop it from earning fame as one of the most flexible Twitter clients for Android.

If you wish, you can even customize the color of the links in the widget. This client also has an unusual interface and many additional functions that make interacting with the social network easier. For example, it has a built-in preview of photos and videos, can scale images, allows you to view recent tweets, and can do geotagging.

The only drawback was the lack of smoothness of the interface. Sometimes movements up and down the tape occur with slight jerks.


Probably one of the most famous long-term construction workers, who managed to change three target platforms and, in the end, got to the green robot. Talking about an app called Carbon appeared in the middle of last year. However, this Twitter client will appear on Google Play only in February.

Many were expecting a local revolution, but so far the application has minor stability problems. Otherwise, the client looks both beautiful and functional.

By using Carbon you can view your feed, notifications, photos, and retweets. A nice addition to the standard set of functions will be support for multiple profiles, as well as a built-in filter that will help filter out unwanted content.

is one of the oldest third-party Twitter clients for Android. This application appeared back in 2010, and by the standards mobile programs It's time for him to retire. But the developers continue to support and develop TweetCaster. Last update came out at the end of March.

In addition to standard functions, it has a built-in browser and a function that will allow you to view all tweets made not far from your current location. Another interesting feature of this application is the “My Stats” tab. This feature will allow you to get organized account information.

As for the interface, in my opinion, it is both simple and convenient. Although some users call it too simple and tasteless. But this is a matter of taste.

TweetCaster TweetCaster Pro

– appeared on Google Play quite recently. However, despite this, a large Russian-speaking community has already formed around the newcomer. In my opinion, this is primarily due to the fact that a Russian-speaking developer is working on this, who listens to users.

But besides this, it has a simple and immediately understandable concept. The application looks very simple. Thanks to this principle, the application runs very smoothly and quickly.

It is also worth noting the convenient mechanism for working with images. Initially, only small thumbnails are displayed in the feed, which not only do not take up much space, but also fit very well into the interface. In addition, you can add multiple images to tweets at once.

But with all its advantages, it still has several disadvantages. From time to time the application crashes with errors. But, judging by reviews online, not everyone has this problem.

  1. navigation menu or icon profile
  2. Click Profile.
  3. Click Edit profile.
  4. Make the necessary changes and click Save.
  5. Learn how to manage multiple Twitter accounts using the app.

Changing your account settings

  1. The top menu displays an icon navigation menu or icon profile. Click the icon you see.
  2. Click .
  3. Scroll through the menu and select the setting you want to view or change.

Reduce the amount of data used

You can reduce the amount of data transferred when using Twitter by turning on data saving mode. Decide which media files to download in real time to save bandwidth.

  1. The top menu displays an icon navigation menu or icon profile. Click the icon you see.
  2. Click Settings and privacy.
  3. In chapter General click data usage.
  4. Click on the switch next to Traffic saving to enable this feature.

In this mode, images are downloaded in lower quality and videos do not play automatically. To view the image in high quality when data saving mode is enabled, click the icon More and select Download in high quality.

Posting and deleting tweets

Posting a Tweet

  1. Click the Tweet icon.
  2. Enter your message and click the button Tweet.
  3. A notification will appear in the device's status bar and disappear when the tweet is successfully sent.

Saving a draft tweet

  1. To save a draft tweet, click X in the tweet window.
  2. You will be prompted to save your draft. To access your saved drafts, go to your profile page and click the overflow and then select Drafts.
  3. You can also access drafts by opening the tweet window and clicking the draft. This icon only appears if you have drafts.

Post a photo or GIF in a tweet

  1. Read the article about posting photos or GIFs on Twitter.
  2. Read the article about sending photos using private messages.

Posting a video in a tweet

  1. Read this article about posting and viewing videos on Twitter. (To use the video sharing feature, you must have an OS Android versions 4.1 or later.)

Posting a reply

  1. Find the tweet you want to reply to.
  2. Click the icon Answer .
  3. The Tweet window will appear. Enter your message and click Answer to publish it.

Publication of a mention

  1. Enter your message in the tweet field.
  2. When addressing a particular user, enter the symbol @ before his username.
  3. Click Tweet to post a tweet.
  4. Read more about replies and mentions.

Including location information in a tweet

  1. Click the icon locations to add your location to your tweet.
  2. Find out more about usage

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