The sensor does not work on the iPhone: what to do? The sensor on the iPhone does not work: reasons, diagnostics, repair. iPhone 5, the sensor presses itself.

And millions of users immediately rushed to update their iPhone, iPad and iPod. And after 20–30 minutes, Apple started receiving angry reviews, like:

  • The system is slow!
  • My iPhone has turned into a snail.
  • It's impossible to work with iOS 10!
  • Everything is buggy and slow, I’m rolling back!
  • Apple - №%"№%!!

Don't rush to conclusions. Your iPhone can perform much better than it did with iOS 10 on board. Faster, smoother, more productive. Just listen to the following tips:

1. Installed? Wait a couple of hours

Right after iOS installations 10, the device heats up terribly, the interface is drawn with obvious delays, there are bugs and slowdowns everywhere. Calmly! No matter how strange it may sound, this is how it should be.

The newly installed operating system needs time to create a photo cache, Spotlight search, and optimize applications. And this process can take from a couple of minutes to several hours. It all depends solely on how much information is stored on your iOS device.

How to speed up: After installing iOS 10, connect your device to charger and leave it alone for several hours. It is best to leave this process overnight. In the morning you will find that your iPhone has simply begun to fly, and there will be no trace of glitches and bugs.

2. Turn on “Reduce Motion”

The parallax effect and beautiful animation that accompanies the icons on the desktop when you look at the screen from different angles, tilting the device - all this somewhat affects the performance of not the most recent iOS devices.

How to speed up: Open up Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Reduce Motion And turn it on the corresponding slider opposite the item Reduce movement.

3. Turn off visual effects and transparency

Another decoration of the system - transparency, also negatively affects the performance of a gadget with iOS 10 on board. Windows, icons and menu elements look beautiful, but you can live without this beauty, giving preference to speed.

How to speed up: Open up Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Increase contrast and feel free to turn on the two sliders opposite the items Reducing contrast And Darkening colors.

4. Disable Content Update

Even when your iPhone rests peacefully in your pants pocket or bag, installed applications continue to actively interact with the Internet connection. Data is updated, additional information is loaded and the smartphone is in a constantly loaded state.

How to speed up: Open up Settings -> General -> Content Update and turn off the slider next to the item Content Update.

5. Free up memory

iOS 10 (and any operating system) cannot work stably and quickly if your device only has a few megabytes of free space.

How to speed up: Delete photos, videos, a couple of boring applications or games, don’t forget to empty the folder Recently Deleted from the application Photo. Make sure you have at least 1 GB of free memory on your iOS device.

6. Express acceleration

There is an option that will speed up your smartphone in just a few seconds. We wrote about this method in detail, but just in case we will repeat it.

How to speed up: Unlock your device. Press and hold the Power key until the shutdown menu appears (slider labeled Switch off). Press the Home key and release Power. Hold Home until the desktop opens again. Boost has been successfully activated.

Every year, manufacturers release dozens of new smartphone models. Some as distinctive feature others can boast of their low cost, others with high performance, others with ergonomic design, others with excellent energy-saving characteristics, a powerful battery and shock resistance. But none of these devices can be 100% protected from breakdowns of various types. One of these troubles is the spontaneous activation of the touchscreen, which is usually typical for Chinese budget smartphone models. Why the sensor on the phone is pressed by itself and how to deal with this problem, you will learn from the article.

Incorrect operation of the touchscreen is not the most pleasant thing, but the problem can be fixed

What are the reasons behind the spontaneous operation of the touchscreen?

Conventionally, the reasons why the sensor itself is pressed can be divided into two categories:

  • Software failure - occurs due to software errors ( software) smartphone;
  • Hardware failure - errors associated with damage to the component parts of the device.

Depending on the model of your smartphone and the circumstances under which the screen malfunctioned, you can be more or less likely to say which of the above failures caused this problem. Thus, in Chinese budget models (according to statistics, most often in Alcatel and Xiaomi), the incorrect functioning of the touchscreen occurs as a result of low-quality assembly of the device and a cheap resistive display, which, as is known, is vulnerable to the accumulation of static charge on its surface. Dropping a smartphone or pressing hard on its screen can also cause problems with the operation of the touchscreen.

However, there is no need to despair. Before claiming that screen operation errors arose due to hardware damage, you should try to fix this problem using software methods. Let's take a closer look at them.

How to eliminate spontaneous sensor activation programmatically

So, let's look at several ways to solve this problem on our own.

Method 1: Reset your smartphone to factory settings

Depending on the smartphone model, restoring the “default” operating parameters is performed in a certain section of the settings. However, the path to them is the same for most devices; only the names of these blocks differ. Therefore, let’s look at how to reset the settings to factory defaults, using the Philips S326 smartphone as an example.

Method 2: Screen Calibration

Re-calibration of the touchscreen may be necessary not only in the event of a software failure, after which the sensor on the smartphone clicks on its own. After a mobile device falls from a height, falls into water, replaces the display, etc., calibration must be carried out - this can help in most of the cases listed here. Let's consider two methods that allow us to carry out this procedure.

Screen calibration using standard tools built into the smartphone

In those device models that have the ability to determine the tilt angle of the touchscreen as standard functionality, you can calibrate it without using special utilities. For this:

  1. Go to the “Settings” section of our device;
  2. In the “Display”, “Screen” or “Special Features” block, find the “Calibration” item and click on it;
  3. The next window suggests, as a rule, to place the phone on a flat surface and start the calibration procedure, then your device will automatically adjust the optimal touch angle and complete it.

Using the special application “Touchgreen Calibration”

This method is suitable for those whose smartphone models do not have built-in tools for screen calibration. The application compares favorably with similar ones, first of all, due to its ease of use, as well as the very high accuracy of determining the angle of the sensor.

  1. So, to calibrate the screen using Touchscreen Calibration, you need:
  2. Download the application from the link at Google Play— ;
  3. After installation, we launch the program, in the start window we see the inscription “Calibrate” framed in a blue background, you need to click on it;
Click on “Calibrate” to begin the touchscreen calibration process

The calibration procedure begins, during which you will be asked to adjust the screen angle in six various modes touches, we go through each of them;

Do not forget that the smartphone must be on a flat surface all this time for the calibration to be as accurate as possible.

When finished, you will be prompted to reboot your device for the changes to take effect.

Here click “Ok” and reboot the device for the changes to take effect


If the methods described above did not help you fix sensor clicks, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware of your smartphone. There are several hardware reasons due to which the touchscreen may operate spontaneously:

  • Resistive display - this type screens differ from capacitive screens in that they are a layer of glass on which a flexible membrane is applied; as a result, such a touchscreen quickly wears out;
  • Poor quality of double-sided tape - Chinese manufacturers, and some service centers Those who repair displays by replacing them like to save on double-sided tape, which is used to fix the screen inside the case. As a result, the touchscreen does not work properly.

For the above reasons, it is better to entrust the matter to a specialist than to try to repair the screen yourself. If you still want to do it yourself, I recommend viewing these guides on touchscreen repair:

Some lucky iPhone owners sometimes have to deal with a rather unpleasant problem - the sensor on the iPhone 5S is glitchy. There can be many manifestations and reasons too. But, not the point, it’s more important to know what to do now.

Sometimes you can get by on your own, but in others it’s especially difficult cases You can't do it without a trip to a repair shop. Therefore, in order to decide whether to take the device for repair or heroically save it yourself, you need to figure out what the problem is and what caused it.

So, the main signs of problems in touch screen iPhone:

  • The screen does not respond to touch or only responds in certain areas. This may happen all the time or only occasionally;
  • The response to touch occurs with a delay;
  • The smartphone begins to live its own life: read Chinese blogs, call the Prince of Monaco, and also send vulgar SMS to friends, family and boss;
  • Each manifestation has its own reasons, and, naturally, in order to troubleshoot, it is necessary to find out why it happened.

Why doesn't the touch screen work?

If the sensor does not respond to touch at all, this is likely due to mechanical damage, for example, due to a fall. This can also be caused by water penetrating inside the housing.

But it is possible that the problem lies with the OS, especially if the screen is only partially not working. The cause of the glitch operating system It may turn out to be a simple failure/temporary freeze or an incorrect update.

Also, a certain program, usually downloaded from an unknown source, can cause a sensor to be disabled or malfunction. And it doesn’t have to be “bad” - it just may be incompatible with current version axis or, in general, be outlawed by Apple developers.

If the iPhone 6 or 5c suddenly acquired artificial intelligence, and the “rebellion of the machines” took serious turns, then this is probably the work of a virus. Previously, no infection for mobile devices did not exist, but those days are long gone. Often this is the Autoclicker virus.

If the screen module has already been replaced, it is possible that it was installed incorrectly, something was damaged in the process, or it itself is of poor quality. There is no option - to take it back to the would-be master.

What else can affect the screen's performance?

  • The screen matrix malfunctioned;
  • One of the device parts has broken down, for example, the corresponding microcircuit;
  • Internal contamination and resulting short circuit

In the latter cases, you cannot do without professional help, but in other cases there is a chance to cope on your own.

What to do if the sensor on your iPhone is not working properly?

The very first step that works is to reboot the device. This applies to any electronics. In the case of an iPhone, you need to hold the Home and Power buttons for 10-15 seconds. After this, the device will reboot, and perhaps everything will start working.

If it doesn’t help, then more radical methods will be required - full return to factory settings or rollback latest updates. In this case, all data will be cleared, so you should make a backup on your computer before starting this procedure.

Also, it is possible that dirt has gotten under the protective film of the screen, especially if it is glued poorly. Then you need to remove it, wipe it and stick a new one.

Sometimes, after a fall, microcracks appear on the protective glass, and air and moisture enter the space between the glass and the screen. An oxide film appears on the touchscreen, and it stops responding to commands or does it poorly. There are no options here - the glass is removed, the screen is wiped and a new protective surface is installed.

It could also be the bumper, which sometimes runs over the screen. Therefore, if everything works fine without it, the protective accessory needs to be replaced with a more suitable one.

As already mentioned, the operation of the axis can be affected by a certain program. For example, the Zillow application leads to similar consequences, especially on the iPhone 5S.

And finally, smartphones do not have a cooling system, so when the processor overheats, for example, on a hot summer day, a protection will be triggered that disables the control functionality. Here you just need to turn off the device and let it cool a little.

How to prevent it?

If all else fails, you will have to go to the nearest workshop. And there they will either make, probably, expensive repairs, or offer to replace the device with a new one.

Therefore, it is better to follow simple rules that will significantly reduce the risks of such breakdowns.

To do this you need:

1 Protect your smartphone from moisture. Do not leave it near containers of water, use it in a bathhouse or while fishing (in any case, be extremely careful), and also do not talk through it in the snow or rain (moisture will inevitably get into the case or under the screen protection). This is where a headset comes in handy. 2 Needless to say, it is highly undesirable to drop it. For additional protection It’s better to carry your favorite toy in a case, even if it doesn’t look very nice. 3 Not all bumpers and protective films perform their functions, and sometimes produce the opposite effect. A low-quality film gets underneath dirt, which scratches the sensor, and an unsuitable bumper itself will wear out the body, and sometimes even interfere with the operation of the screen. 4 You cannot carry the device without a case in your pocket along with metal objects: keys, change, key fobs, etc.


In some cases, the suggested tips help, but it is safe to say that if the sensor has started to work intermittently, then this will probably continue in the future.

Many users, after replacing the display module, complain about the not entirely adequate behavior of the touchscreen of their iPhone: it works intermittently and often freezes without visible reasons. To understand why this happens, you first need to identify the characteristic symptoms.

The most common manifestations of incorrect functioning of the sensor on the iPhone:

Completely or partially ignores touch in certain areas and does not respond to it

Ignores absolutely all touches

Reacts to presses with a delay, regardless of the area of ​​touch

The display (including the sensor) each lives its own life: text is typed without user interaction, applications are opened and closed in offline mode, pages of documents are not flipped through correctly.

Such glitches usually occur for the following reasons:

Failure in the software control of the touchscreen interface. Force reboot devices or resetting all errors via iTunes will help eliminate software glitch and return the sensor to service.

A protective cover or bumper can provoke such a reaction. Remove the accessory and check the functionality of the sensor again.

A by-product of poor quality repairs. You should think about going to a proper service for repairing Apple equipment.

The third reason, in our opinion, is the most common. In pursuit of cheap repairs, you turned to incompetent specialists, and as a result, after replacement iPhone screen The sensor is faulty.

Some users are new Apple smartphones— iPhone 6s and 6s Plus — faced an unexpected problem: at times the display stops responding to touches.

Usually the display does not freeze forever, but for 5-10 seconds, but this is still not very pleasant. In this short instruction we will tell you how to solve this problem. Let us warn you right away - the instructions are largely intended for less experienced users.

Note that the reasons for the sensor freezing in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus displays have not yet been fully clarified. We only know that the problem is not related to the operation of any specific application and occurs spontaneously. And not all users of new Apple smartphones encounter it.

One more warning. If you have the problem described above, first check that the screen of your smartphone is clean. If the screen glass is very dirty, this may affect the sensitivity of the sensor.

If the display is sparkling clean, but still freezes periodically, try the following steps.

Do a hard reset on your iPhone

To do this, press and hold the Power button and the Home button at the same time. Keep these buttons pressed until the Apple logo appears on the screen. Hard reboot Using a smartphone usually helps get rid of display freezes and at the same time other errors in the operation of the device.

Restore iPhone from a computer backup

If the previous step did not solve the display freezing problem, try restoring your iPhone from backup copy on the computer. If you haven't created a backup yet, we'll tell you how to do it.

To restore your iPhone from a backup, connect it to your computer, launch iTunes and in the device window, click the “Restore from Backup” button. Then select the backup you created.

Reset iPhone to factory settings

This is the most radical measure on our list. You should resort to it only if all the previous steps did not help. After resetting all settings, all content from the iPhone will be deleted, be sure to keep this in mind. For reset iPhone To return to factory settings, you need to open “Settings”, select “General”, then “Reset” and click “Erase content and settings”. After this, confirm your intention to reset again. iPhone settings. The device will be restored to new condition - try using it in this form and observe the behavior of the touch screen.

Usually one of the above actions helps to cope with the problem of the sensor “freezing” iPhone display 6s/6s Plus. If the problem cannot be solved, you will have to contact the service.

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