Setting up 1s 8 trade management. How to set up retail sales

For the convenience of users and speeding up the process of filling out the initial parameters of the information base, the Trade Management configuration version 11.1 has a built-in processing Assistant for filling out settings and directories.

You can open it from the Administration section if, in the Initial Filling section, follow the Initial Filling link:

The Initial Filling window will open in a new tab, in which you can perform operations to initially fill out the information base, enter initial balances, and also transfer data from other systems already used for accounting:

The most convenient way to enter primary information into the database is to use the Assistant for filling out settings and directories, which is intended for entering initial settings and filling out directories, as well as setting up accounting parameters.

All settings are grouped into 4 sections:

  • Basic settings;
  • Setting up subsystems that use item accounting;
  • Access limitation;
  • Entering initial balances.

Step 1. Basic Settings

The section asks you to fill out information on the following points:

  • Information about the organization;
  • Setting up a cash register;
  • Setting up a bank account;
  • Company structure;

For the convenience of monitoring the filling of the 1C UT 11.1 database, it is possible to set marks at the completed stages:

Some parameters are set by default, but can be edited:

In the Organizations section, parameters such as the ability to maintain records for several organizations, the use of divisions, internal transfers of goods, the need to control product balances, as well as separate operations for regulated and management accounting are configured:

In the Currencies section, the value of regulated and management accounting currencies is set (the default is the ruble), as well as the possibility of using several currencies to reflect transactions:

In the Cash section, it is indicated whether the following parameters are used: several cash registers and bank accounts at the enterprise, applications for spending funds, payment by payment cards, loan and deposit agreements, powers of attorney for receiving inventory items:

Here you can also choose how payment documents will be grouped in the database - in a general journal or in separate journals by type of document.

Information about the organization

If in the previous section the Multiple organizations option was selected in the settings, the link will change its name to Organizations and when you click on it, the Organizations directory will open, which will store information about all created organizations:

By clicking the Create button, you can select the desired type of organization from the drop-down list - legal entity or individual entrepreneur:

Setting up a cash register

If the possibility of maintaining currency accounting has been established, then the list of cash registers will also display information about the currency used by this cash register:

You can add a cash register by clicking the Create cash register button. The Organization Cash Desk (Creation) window will open:

  • The Organization and Name fields are required;
  • If only one organization maintains records in the system, then the Organization field will be filled in automatically:

Cash registers can be grouped according to the organization's cash books. To create a new cash book, you must click on the Create cash book button. The Cash Book (Creation) window will open:

Setting up a bank account

To create a new bank account, you need to click on the Create button. The Organizational Bank Account (Creation) window will open. It is necessary to fill in the Organization and Account Number fields. The name will be generated automatically:

Information to fill out is grouped into tabs:

  • The bank where the account is opened;
  • Setting up printing of payment orders;
  • Setting up an exchange with a bank.

On the Bank in which the account is opened tab, fill in the information about the bank through which non-cash payments are made. When you enter information in the BIC field, the remaining information about the bank will be filled in automatically:

On the Settings for printing payment orders tab, you can change the text of the organization's name, which will be displayed in the Payer field, configure the option to display the month (by default - as a day) and display the payment amount:

On the Bank Exchange Settings tab, you need to fill in information about the banking program through which the database will interact with the bank system, as well as specify the data download and upload files, if the exchange option needs to be enabled:

Company structure

The left part of the form is intended to display the created divisions by hierarchy, the right - for users who belong to the selected division.

To add a new division, you must click on the Create button. The Department (Creation) window opens. It is necessary to fill out the Name field:

A user is added by clicking the Create button. The User (create) window will open:

Users can be combined into groups. Clicking on the Access Groups link will open a directory designed to include users performing similar functions in the program into groups, and also allow you to configure rights and restrictions for them:

Click the Create button to open the Access group (creation) window:

It is necessary to fill in the Name field and in the Profile field select a value from the provided profiles in the 1C UT 11.1 program or create a new one:

In the Participants tabular section, you must indicate those users who will belong to the group being created. To do this, you need to use the Select button and in the Select access group members window that opens, move the required users to the Selected users and groups column (if the User groups option was checked):

Step 2. Setting up subsystems that use item accounting

The section includes assistants for setting up inventory accounting, purchasing, as well as marketing and sales.

In the Item Settings Assistant, you need to sequentially make settings for item accounting, its types and groups, as well as warehouses by clicking on the appropriate links:

The Purchasing Assistant consists of sections:

  • Basic settings:

Marketing and Sales Assistant includes sections:

  • Basic settings:

  • Pricing:

  • Marketing events:

  • Transaction management and CRM:

  • Sales management:

  • Retail assortment management:

How to create a new item in 1C UT 11, how to make it easier for the user to enter a new item and minimize the number of mistakes that users can make when adding a new item to the information base - see our video lesson:

Step 3. Setting up access restrictions

Step 4. Entering opening balances

  • The left tabular part contains a hierarchical list of transaction types for which it is possible to enter documents to register initial balances for the organization.
  • The right tabular part displays all registered documents:

To register a new document, you need to click on the Create button. The Enter opening balances (creation) window will open:

Here you need to select the required operation. Clicking the Select button will open a form for creating a new document for entering initial balances for the selected operation:

It is necessary to select an organization and fill in the information on the entered transaction in the tabular section. Their composition varies depending on the type of operation chosen.

This article discusses the software 1C platform 8.3 edition (configuration) - Trade Management 11.1. We analyze the moment of installation and configuration for work.


OS: Windows 7 x64

Software: 1C Enterprise 8.x: Trade Management 11.1.x.x

We go to the 1C website -, click on the program update link.

Enter the login/password received when registering the product and click “Login”.

We go down the list and find the configuration of the “Trade Management, Edition 11” program that interests us, click on the link and go to the configuration distributions.

Select the latest available version from the list. For me it was version and click on the link.

Select “Full distribution” and in the next window “Download distribution”

Download the file to a convenient location.

The next step is to download the distribution kit of the 1C Enterprise 8.x platform.

Let's go to the initial list with configuration templates.

To get you need to install technology platform 8.3 with version no lower than

We find “Technology platform 8.3” in the list.

Follow the link and select

In the list, select “Technological platform 1C:Enterprise for Windows”. Next, “download distribution”.

On a personal computer, in the folder where the 1C distribution kit (or ITS disk) is saved, find “setup.exe”, double-click the mouse, launch it.

The installer will launch.

Select the necessary components to work in file mode. In this option we chose:

  • 1C: Enterprise
  • 1C: Enterprise – Thin Client
  • 1C: Enterprise - thin client, file version

Select the interface language – Russian. In some cases, the English version of Windows builds may be installed by default.

At this stage, you will install the protection system (protection driver). This is necessary if you have a physical security key (USB) installed. The 1C company currently provides an option for entering a serial key (without using USB). In this case, let there be USB! Install the protection driver (do not uncheck the box). In any case, the infobase will not start without a USB key or without a license number.

The installation wizard will launch.

Now, the program can be opened using a new shortcut on the desktop - 1C Enterprise or Start->All programs->1C Enterprise->1C Enterprise.

When you first launch the program, you will be prompted to add a new or existing infobase to the list; click “Yes.”

If you don’t have your own infobase yet, then select the first item – “Create a new infobase”, otherwise the second – “Add an existing infobase to the list”.

Creating a new information base

Let's create a new information base.

Select the version of the configuration template and click next.

Enter the desired name for the new infobase and select the method of its placement: server/local. In this case, we will select the item “On this computer or on a computer on the local network.” Click “Next”.

We indicate the desired path for placing the information base on the hard drive or on a remote computer on the local network.

Leave it as is and click “Finish”.

After adding a new infobase is completed, it will appear in the list of available infobases.

Now, when you launch 1C Enterprise, yours will be present in the list of information bases.

This completes the installation and initial configuration of the 1C Enterprise program. Click the “Enterprise” button, the application will launch and ask you to log in. Select “Fedorov (administrator)” (full rights) from the list and click “OK” without entering any password.

The program will start loading.

The program will load with a window displaying information about the latest configuration updates.

Let's see what version of the current program we have installed by clicking on the button with an exclamation mark in the upper right corner of the program window.

At this stage, the initial installation and configuration of the program is completed.

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This lesson shows how to set up the program in terms of accounting for retail sales, setting up a cashier's workplace and retail equipment.

basic settings

Let's start with the basic settings - I'll show you where retail sales accounting is enabled:

We set the attribute to record retail sales, set the storage period for deferred and archived receipts, configure what to do with receipts after the end of a shift (you can archive them, or you can immediately delete them). If you use gift certificates, check the appropriate box. If you have several stores (or several cash registers in one store, enable the use of several cash register cash registers):

If you plan to accept payments by bank cards, you need to enable the appropriate setting:

If you have several retail outlets, you need to enable the use of multiple warehouses:

If you plan to issue discount cards to customers and accrue bonuses on them, enable the appropriate settings in the CRM and marketing section:

Now let’s set the sign of using commercial equipment:

If we use Offline equipment (a cash register into which data from a file with the remaining inventory is first loaded, and then a retail sales report is loaded into the database, also through a file), we set up the use of exchange with such equipment:

Now you need to create a warehouse for a retail store; the main settings are highlighted in red:

The retail type of price must be selected - the price of the item of this particular type will be inserted into the cash register receipts. Well, accordingly, you need to set item prices for this type.

For each cash register used in the organization, enter a directory element KKM cash registers:

Create a new cash register:

The cash register card indicates the organization from which sales are made, the type of cash register, warehouse, as well as the serial and registration number of the equipment. For correct exchange with enterprise accounting 3.0, it makes sense to select a division:

The cash desk in the program can be of 3 types:

Fiscal registrar- cash register connected to a computer and 1C. When a check is punched in the program at the cash register, a check is printed; when a shift is closed, a report with cancellation (Z-report) is printed in the program at the cash register.

KKM offline- a cash register into which information about product balances is loaded daily (the file is generated in the program), and at the end a file is generated in this cash register, which is then loaded into the program (based on it, retail sales reports are created in UT).

Autonomous cash register- a cash register that is not connected to the PC and the program and does not support offline exchange mode. When working with such a cash register, sales data is entered manually by users (a Retail Sales Report document is created).

To demonstrate how to work with a cash register of the offline type, let’s create another cash register (this time you don’t need to select a warehouse):

For each user of the program, you can set up sales rules - set, if necessary, restrictions on the use of manual discounts, and also set up rights in the cashier’s workplace:

On the first tab, the application of manual discounts is configured:

On the second - powers in the cashier’s workplace (RMK):

Connected equipment

Now you need to configure the equipment connected to the program (since I actually don’t have any equipment, I’ll install the emulator, and you’ll see where and how this is done in principle):

We go to the list of connected equipment:

In the workplace that opens, select the type of equipment (Fiscal recorders) and add a new device:

In the equipment card, I select the emulator (in your real case, you need to select the driver that corresponds to your specific model of fiscal machine). Please note that the connected equipment is tied to a specific workplace:

We will also create a device with the offline cash register type. Let's select the version of the exchange format and set the download and upload directories for exchange files:

If necessary, a barcode scanner and acquiring terminal are immediately connected:

Now we just need to configure the workplace:

In the RMK card we can set up hot keys for various actions (a handy thing that can significantly speed up the customer service process:

In the hotkey settings, we can not only assign convenient key combinations to various actions, but also add different nomenclature to Fast goods(for ease of selection, add here the products that are sold most often, for example, T-shirt bags):

If personal sales of sales floor managers are used (revenue is analyzed by manager), then in addition to the cashier, you also need to select a manager as a seller.

On the first tab of the table of used equipment, add the created fiscal registrar emulator:

If necessary, an acquiring terminal is added here.

Comments (3)

Arslan 2018-09-25 09:17:30

Why is the cash register indicated on the Cash register tab in RMK Settings? Answer

Dmitry Medvedkov 2018-09-28 11:47:38

On this tab, the user needs to add a cash register of the organization from which sales will be made, and select equipment with the “Cash register with data transfer” type. After this, in the documents Incoming cash order and Outgoing cash order (when registering a return), using the cash register specified in the cash register settings, the Punch check command will be available, with which you can punch a check on a cash register and transfer the data to the OFD in accordance with Federal Law No. 54-FZ. Answer

Yuliya 2019-04-22 16:07:26

Is it possible to set a custom price for retail sales? Those. have the Nomenclature “product on sale” and for it at the checkout, be able to set an arbitrary price for the cashier. Answer

Payment details Cost, licensing, use by multiple users Product cost - 0 rubles. The number of jobs is unlimited. No additional licensing required. What are the payment options? You can pay with a bank card (Visa, Mastercard or Mir), Yandex wallet, or send the TIN of your organization for issuing an invoice (from an individual entrepreneur). When paying from a legal entity, closing documents are provided if necessary. Is payment on the site safe? Payment by credit card or through a Yandex wallet on this site is absolutely safe. The site has an SSL certificate - a unique digital signature for reliable protection during data transfer. How to receive the file after payment? After payment, you will automatically receive an email within one minute with a link to download the product (you indicate your address when paying).

Technical issues How to add a product to the database? You can implement the product yourself by viewing the instructions. If you have any difficulty with this, I can help. Contact me and we will set up a specific time for communication. If the development does not start (or works incorrectly) In this case, first of all, check the instructions to see if you connected the development correctly. If the check did not yield anything, make a screenshot of the error and send it to me by mail indicating the name of the development. At your choice, I can either correct the error and send you a new version of the file, or return the money. If the development breaks after the update, you will need to contact me, tell me the number of the new release of your configuration and the name of the development you purchased. After that, I will send an adapted version of the file by mail. Is it possible to improve the development on my own? Yes, you can. The source code is open and available for any modification, there are no restrictions. Are there changes to the configuration? No, the implementation of the development does not change the database configuration in any way and will not affect subsequent updates. Is there a demo version? No, I cannot provide demo access to development.

Other issues Sales of developments after hours/holidays/weekends Sales on the website are carried out automatically around the clock, seven days a week, holidays and lunch breaks. Are developments updated? Some developments are updated and improved from time to time. When products are updated, you will receive email notifications detailing the changes and a download link (free). You also have the opportunity to send your wishes for improvements. Are closing documents provided? When paying by invoice, a certificate of completion of work with a stamp and signature is provided (scanned and/or original by Russian Post, upon request). Refund of funds Money for the purchase of website developments is returned immediately in full in the following cases:

  • the development does not start or works with errors in your database, and you refuse to adapt it,
  • the development does not correspond to the functionality stated in the description.

Having a problem with payment?

Payment on the site works based on the Yandex payment service. If it doesn’t work for you, I can assume that you are not in Russia, and Yandex does not work in your country (or is unstable).

What to do?

You can make payment in alternative ways:

  • Sberbank card: 4276 3000 2875 5851
  • Yandex wallet: 410011805420743

In the payment note, be sure to indicate the product ID 500 and your email address, where I will then send a link to download the development.

    After installing the Trade Management 11 configuration and adding a new database to the list of information bases of the 1C program, you should first launch the configurator and create new users there and assign them rights: Administration → Users → Add. In the window for creating a new user, assign him a name, set a password, and on the “Other” tab, check the available roles (Figure 1).

Figure 1. – Creating a new infobase user

    If you immediately start the application in 1C:Enterprise mode (Figure 2), the program itself will offer to create a new user Administrator with full rights.

Figure 2. – Launching the application in 1C:Enterprise mode

    When users have been created, the application is launched in 1C:Enterprise mode and the user sees the program desktop in front of him, he can begin setting up and filling out the information base. Setting up the program and accounting parameters is done on the Administration tab, where on the left there is a list of sections for various accounting settings (Figure 3).

Figure 3. – Sections of infobase settings

    The next step is to fill in the regulatory reference information. Data about organizations, contractors is entered into the database, a list of items is filled out, etc. Most reference books can be accessed on the Regulatory and reference information tab (Figure 4).

Figure 4. – Information base directories

    For each organization, you must indicate the taxation system by opening the organization’s card and clicking on the Taxation system link (Figure 5).

Figure 5. – Taxation system of the organization

    Configuration Trade Management 11 has a built-in assistant for filling out settings and reference books, which can make the task a little easier for a novice user of the 1C program (Figure 6). You can launch it on the Administration tab → Initial filling → Assistant for filling settings and directories.

Figure 6. – Assistant for filling out settings and directories

    Now you can begin entering initial balances, that is, filling the database with information about the organization’s warehouse balances, cash balances, and other things, at the time of starting accounting in the information base. Administration → Initial filling → Entering initial balances → Adding a new document (Figure 7).

Figure 7. – Document for entering initial balances

    When the program is configured and the database is filled with reference information, you can begin entering documentation to reflect the business transactions of the organization.

1C: Trade Management 11.3 offers a modern interface with flexible settings and a large number of tools for trading organizations. Compared to earlier versions, many things are implemented here that previously had to be completed independently. So, for example, in UT 11.3 it is possible to work with discounts and bonuses (including cumulative ones), solutions for monitoring and managing warehouse balances, purchases and many other functions have been thought out. The program provides everything to solve most enterprise problems through built-in components. Let's look at how to start working with 1C this version, if you already have a ready-made database, or you decide to create a new one. The principle of operation for the stationary version and the rented 1C online is the same.

After installing the program or gaining access to the database on a remote desktop, you need to launch it (double-click on the 1C shortcut). A dialog box opens asking you to add an infobase:

To add a database, you must agree, after which the program will offer to create a new database or load existing data:

A new database will be created when you select the first item; if you already have a database copied to your hard drive or in cloud storage, then select the second item. When you select it, a window opens in which you need to specify the name of the database and the path to the data files:

After entering the information, click the “Next” button, the program will offer to configure the launch parameters, here you can agree with the default settings. After confirming the settings, the created database will appear in the list of databases available for use. It can be launched by double-clicking or using the “1C:Enterprise” button:

In the future, you can add new databases and edit existing ones using the appropriate buttons. When starting, you will be required to enter your username and password. If a password has not been set, the program will prompt you to create a new password.

The logic for grouping the 1C:UT 11.3 interface differs from version 10.3. Elements are distributed according to their occurrence in certain business processes. It's quite simple to understand:

The “Main” tab contains the basic elements that are used most often:

The remaining tabs contain items that relate to a specific process. The most important points are highlighted in bold.

To improve the usability of the program, you can create your own list of frequently used elements. This is done by adding an item to the “Favorites” section.

You need to click on the star next to the name of the item, after which the item will appear in the list, and you won’t have to waste time switching the toolbar:

Working with goods and services begins with creating elements in the item reference book. The directory is located on the “Master data and administration” tab:

When you select an item, a list of items opens; if the database is new, then the list is empty. You need to add elements here. It is convenient to enter item elements into item groups, so first create the necessary groups. There can be as many of them as you like; the program allows you to distribute them hierarchically; one group can include several subgroups. Adding a new group occurs by clicking the “Create Group” button. In the form that opens, enter the name and indicate which group the newly created group belongs to:

The creation of the group is confirmed by the “Save and close” button, after which the element appears in the list:

All the necessary groups are added in the same way. After they are created, you can begin adding items to these groups. The group to which this item should belong is selected. A new product/service is added using the “Create” button. A form opens in which you need to enter data about the item:

First, fill in the fields:

    Type of item – indicates what type the item belongs to: product or service, the value is selected from the list;

    Working name – the name of the element that will be displayed in the database, as it is more convenient to search for it during work (internal name);

    Print name – what the element will be called in official documents;

    Article – a unique alphanumeric factory designation of an element.

This data is enough to create an element; in the future, you can adjust and expand the information for each item. Clicking on the “Record and close” button will add the item to the directory. The remaining elements are filled in in the same way.

It is important to understand that creating an item in the directory does not in any way affect the state of warehouse balances. In order for a product to be listed in the warehouse, it must be capitalized.

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