The dcim iPhone folder is not displayed. Why can't I see photos from my iPhone on my computer?

Your OS recognizes your iPhone just like a digital camera and can copy images from it just like it can from a memory card.

This is how it is done on Mac:

  • After establishing a connection using a cable and after 5 seconds, as a rule, the standard “Image Capture” application automatically launches. If this does not happen, you can open it manually (located in the program section);
  • All images will be presented in the window of this utility that opens. At the same time, copying them is quite simple: you need to select the ones you need and move them to a specific folder.

On Windows it's a little different:

  • We connect the gadget to the computer. Literally after 5 seconds you will see a pop-up startup window on the screen. If this does not happen, then you need to go to “My Computer” and open the iPhone as a Portable device (for Windows 7) or as a camera if you have WinXP;
  • Next, open the storage of the iPhone itself, after which we go to the DCIM folder. Its contents usually consist of two or three folders containing photos and video files;
  • We find our photos and copy those that need to be transferred to the computer;
  • Paste it into a folder previously created on the PC. Once you've finished importing your files, you can unplug the cord from your computer.

Note. The first time you connect your iPhone to your computer, a message will appear on the iPhone screen asking: “Trust this device?” Of course, if you want to transfer photos, you need to select the “trust” option.

If you still can't import photos to your computer or your computer doesn't recognize your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch as a camera, follow these steps.

Transferring Images via iCloud

Check if you can use iCloud Photo Library or My Photo Stream

If you turned on iCloud Photo Library on Mac computer and iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, your photos may already be on your computer.

You can go to and open the Photos app to browse your entire library and select photos to import. If you haven't turned on iCloud Photo Library, try using the iCloud Photo Library feature to access photos on your computer. My photo stream.

If you're not using iCloud Photo Library or My Photo Stream, try the following:

  • Check connections and update software.
  • Try importing photos using a different Apple USB cable.
  • If import still fails, update your software.
  • Download latest version iTunes.
  • Try importing photos again.

How to transfer photos from iPhone to computer via wifi?

In addition to connecting via wire, transferring photos can also be done via wireless connection. Before starting the transfer, you will need to synchronize via Wi-Fi.

From computer First you need to connect your device using a cable and open iTunes. On the left side of the window, in the “Devices” block, you need to select an iPhone or iPad for synchronization. In the “Overview” tab in the “Parameters” block, you will need to check the box next to “Sync. devices via Wi-Fi." Now the gadget will automatically synchronize when it is on the same network with a computer on which iTunes is installed.

From phone synchronization can be started through the device settings. To do this, in the “General” menu you will need to select “Sync with iTunes over Wi-Fi.” The presence of synchronization is indicated by an icon in the phone tray. The device now appears as connected. Consequently, all actions on it can be performed in the same way as when connecting using a regular cable - twisted pair.

Try using a different computer

If the camera doesn't appear in Device Manager, check that your iOS device is working properly by connecting it to another computer. If on another computer iOS device is recognized as a camera, contact Microsoft or other Windows support on your computer for assistance.

Apple iOS 7 doesn't trust my computer. Problems transferring photos from iPhone

There is a cruel way if all attempts to enter the password have been exhausted and there is no computer that your iPhone “trusts”.

  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer using the USB cable that comes with the standard kit.
  2. Among all devices will appear Apple iPhone, Personal Computer recognizes it as a digital camera.
  3. To access the Lockdown folder, launch the Finder program on Mac OS. In others operating systems Calling the trust window on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch is also done by clearing the Lockdown folder on the computer.
  4. After “trust” on the computer, iTunes sees the iPhone.
  5. You must wait until the computer detects your digital camera. Then you need to go into the device, select photos, copy them to the clipboard and move them to a folder on your computer. Using iTunes, you can transfer not only photos to your computer, but also music, ringtones, videos and much more. First, you need to connect your iPhone to your computer with a USD cable. When your computer beeps to indicate that a new device has been found, you should open iTunes.
  6. If your iPhone is configured Email, then the photos can be sent via e-mail, and then transferred to a computer. You can transfer photos without connecting a USB cable to your computer; this is easy to do through a shared folder in the Yandex.Disk cloud service.

Importing photos using cloud services

An excellent alternative to the second method, because by using auxiliary cloud services, you can quickly transfer a large number of photos from your iPhone to your computer. For this you need good internet connection, as well as having a registered account in one or more services: Yandex.Disk, DropBox, Cloud Mail.Ru. If you have a small number of images, even email will do.

The algorithm of actions is very simple:

  • transfer photos from your iPhone to a file hosting service;
  • then download the downloaded files from a file hosting service, but only through a computer.

As you can see, copying photos from iPhone to computer is absolutely easy. Once you've got your hands full, you can transfer your footage in less than 5 minutes.

Hi all!

After I wrote several lessons about the iPhone, I began to get asked the following question more and more often: Sergey, why doesn’t the computer see the iPhone?. It’s one thing when you were asked about it once, but another thing when this question comes up regularly! I decided to look into this issue and, as it turned out, the reasons for this may be very different and, naturally, the approach to solving this problem may also be different.

I have collected 10 tips that I want to tell you about here. Let's get down to business right away!

Reinstall drivers on USB

One proven way to solve this problem is to reinstall USB drivers for iPhone. We need through device Manager remove them and then reinstall them.

First of all with via USB cable connect to iPhone computer. Next, go to Properties of the Computer section and open device Manager.

In the window that opens, find the USB Controllers section or it may also be a section Portable devices. Open it and look for Apple Mobile Device USB. You need to right-click on it and select Delete.

In the confirmation window, check the box " Remove driver programs for this device" and click OK.

Old, bad, no required driver will be deleted!

Now disconnect from computer USB iPhone cable and plug it in again. The driver will be installed again, as indicated by the following window:

Also on the iPhone we should be asked for permission to give the computer access to photos and videos. Naturally, click Allow.

In most cases, when the computer does not see the iPhone, this method will solve the problem. But if this doesn't help you, then let's try other tips!

Update chipset drivers (USB)

Every computer has a motherboard and chipsets installed on it. So these chipsets are responsible for connecting to the computer various devices. For normal operation of chipsets, drivers are also needed. In some cases, drivers begin to work unstably. Most often this can happen if from some.

It happens that the computer not only does not see the iPhone, it cannot detect any other phones or flash drives at all. This is exactly what happened to me on old Windows. Updating the drivers for the chipset helped.

What to do in this situation?

First option. First, open the website and click on the green Download button to download the DevID agend program for quick installation and update of drivers.

When installing, uncheck the boxes to avoid installing unnecessary ones.

After starting the program, you can click Start Search and the program will scan the equipment and offer to update old drivers.

It would be good if there is a fresh version of the driver for the chipset. In this case, it will be updated. But if not, then try the following steps.

1.2 Download and install the chipset

The second option is to download the drivers yourself and install them. Depending on your motherboard, it could be an Intel chipset or an AMD chipset. Let's look at the installation using chipsets from Intel as an example.

On the official Intel website, at this link: you can download the program for chipsets. Press the blue button Chipset.

1.3 Auto-selection of Intel drivers

Third option. You can also have Intel select the drivers needed for our system. For this they have on their website special utility, which will scan our equipment and install the necessary programs.

Click "Trust this computer"

Please note that when we connect our phone to the computer, a request appears on the screen where we must allow access to settings and data. Just click Trust.

Connect to another USB connector

Try changing the USB connector. Especially if you insert the cable from the iPhone to the connectors on the front panel system unit. Try connecting the cable to one of those connectors on the back of the system unit. These connectors are directly soldered into motherboard, and they work as cool as possible!

Reinstall iTunes

I hope you know that in order to fully manage your iPhone on a computer, we need iTunes programs for Windows. If it doesn't work well for you, you need to reinstall it. Or you can just update.

Download the latest version and install over the old one. The program will be updated.

Restart Apple Mobile Device Service

Before performing this step, be sure to disconnect your iPhone from your computer and close iTunes. Now we need to restart Apple services. Because you never know, they suddenly become stupid.

Open the search bar by pressing the hot keys WIN+Q and enter Services in the search bar.

We launch the found program and find the Apple Mobile Device Service. Open it by double clicking the mouse.

We stop the service.

Now you need to make sure that the startup type is Automatic and then restart this service.

Open the computer section and find the iPhone

After updating iTunes and restarting the Apple service, the computer should definitely now see the iPhone. Open the Computer section and find your phone here.

In my case it is at the very top, but yours may be at the bottom. Be careful, what if the computer sees the iPhone, but you’re just not paying attention to it here!

Connect iPhone to another computer

If you connect your iPhone to another computer, you will immediately be able to understand where to dig next. If another computer sees the iPhone, then the problem is most likely on the side of your computer, which does not see the phone. If other computers or laptops don’t see the iPhone, then there’s definitely something wrong with the USB cable or with the phone itself! To be on the safe side, I would connect the phone to two different computers, on which different systems are installed.


If none of the methods described above solved the problem and the laptop or computer still does not see the iPhone, then something has broken in the device itself. I think that the power connector into which the cable is inserted has simply failed.

Try, test and I hope everything works out for you.

Why doesn't the computer see photos via the USB cable on an iPhone and got the best answer

Answer from Wise[guru]
Select another viewer on your computer. That is, an image viewer.
So what am I talking about? There may be a format that the Windows viewer on the phone cannot read and a more advanced program is needed.

Answer from Eugene M[newbie]
1. If iTunes sees “iPhone” but Explorer doesn’t, then you need to go to iTunes - Account- Authorization - Authorize this computer. After that disconnect usb cable and reconnect the iPhone.
2. If iTunes does not see the “iPhone”, then here is the solution: link
3. But this is a non-trivial solution to the problem, but it only helped me.

Answer from Natasha Nikitina[newbie]
It will help you resolve this issue. Carefully, if you read everything, be sure to identify the reason. Many options and ways to solve them are described there. I just don’t know what exactly you have, so there’s no way to help you here. By the way, I also had this problem on my iPhone. It’s a pity that I didn’t come across this article then.

Sometimes it may happen that all the photos in a certain folder, gallery or from iCloud are not visible on the iPhone - they are not available either on the “Albums” tab or on the “Photos” tab.

Fortunately, invisible graphic files in iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and so on, are not deleted from the phone’s memory by default, but are only hidden sometimes as a result for a completely unknown reason.

Apple programmers and other application developers should not be excluded from emerging problems.

Many programs, such as Facebook, Twitter or Keynote, do not give access to all the photos in your device's memory, but only to albums.

One solution is to create an album of old photos that you want to be able to access across multiple apps.

If you want to see all your photos in your gallery, go to Settings and then Photos & Camera.

There, turn off the option " General access to the photo" and "general overview...." — all graphic files should return to the right place.

Help with missing iPhone photos in gallery and iCloud

If you can't find all your images, the tips below should help you. Photos may have been accidentally deleted and are now in the Recently Deleted folder.

Go to Photos > Albums > Recently Deleted. If you see any missing ones, you can move them back to the “All Photos” album. To do this, click “Select”, click on the photo and click Restore.

iCloud stores all your pictures securely, but if you don't see them, check your settings.

Go to Settings > [Your Name] > iCloud or Settings > iCloud (depending on iOS version).

Click Photos. Turn on iCloud feature. Sign in using the same Apple ID.

How to show invisible photos on iPhone

If you hide your pictures, they will only appear in the hidden album. You can undo hidden pictures from the covered album.

Open the Photos app and go to the Albums tab. Click Hidden Album. Select the photo you want to open. Click Show.

Additional information on iPhone photography

If you add a photo to a selected album and then delete it from the Photos app, it will be deleted from all places—including the album.

If you click and hold the camera icon in an iMessage to take a quick self-portrait, the photo will remain in your iMessage.

It will not be transferred to the application. You can add this selfie to your collection by saving it from your iMessage.

iPhone users may experience certain technical problems. For example, when connecting a smartphone to computer equipment. There may be several reasons for this. Next, we’ll take a closer look at why the computer doesn’t see photos from the iPhone and what to do about it?

You need to know that photos can be automatically copied to your computer if it is running iCloud Photo Library. It allows you to automatically transfer photos from one device to another. Therefore, you need to open this program to check if you can download photos from your iPhone. In addition, you can send photos to computer equipment using the “my photo stream” function.

Check for updates.

You need to remember that all programs that work with iPhones require regular updates, including iTunes. In this case, the update must be carried out both on the phone and on computer equipment. Only after this can various manipulations be carried out.

Try again.

After all the updates have been completed, you should try again to transfer the photos from your phone to your computer. Next you need to try the following:

— First you need to take a new photo and prepare it for import.

— On a computer using a Mac, you should try the “image capture” function.

- If this is Windows 8, then you need to select the “import photos” function in the “portable devices” menu.

Also on topic: How to use iPhone 6?

— For Windows 7, you need to select a similar function in the “portable devices” menu.

We use another computer.

Most users are interested in the question: why doesn’t the computer see photos from the iPhone and what to do about it? You can try another computer. Quite often problems can arise specifically with computer equipment or cables, so it’s worth trying all available options.

— You definitely need to contact support if another computer recognizes your iPhone as a camera.

- You can try updating software and restart your computer.

Windows 8, 7 and XP.

To transfer photos to your computer in this case, you need to follow these steps:

— First of all, you need to install iTunes. In addition, you also need to periodically update the program.

- After this, you need to select the “image import” function.

- To find all imported images you just need to click on the device icon. After this, the DCIM disk folder should open, where all received images from the iPhone will be stored. After this you can do different actions with photos.

Transfer photos using iTunes.

Using iTunes, you can transfer photos from your iPhone to your computer. Wherein this program Doesn't work with photos. To do this, you need to download iPhoto to your computer. In this case, the program works in automatic mode and is loaded with the computer. To transfer an image, you just need to select the “import images” function. In addition, you can transfer both all and individual photos. After this you need to save the photos to the desired folder. Additionally, after moving photos to your computer on your iPhone, you can free up additional space by deleting the images.

Also on topic: What breaks most often on an iPhone?

How to transfer photos from iPhone to computer via Wi-Fi?

For those who do not have a special cable to connect the iPhone to computer equipment, there is also a wireless connection with using Wi-Fi. In addition, it should be noted that experts recommend using only original cables to connect iPhones. Otherwise, problems and failures may occur.

To connect wirelessly, you first need to synchronize your iPhone and computer using Wi-Fi. To do this you need to do the following:

— First of all, we connect the iPhone to the computer using original cable. After this you need to run iTunes program.

— Then you need to check the box next to “synchronization” in the “parameters” block.

— After this, the computer will automatically synchronize with the iPhone. You can also synchronize by phone by going to the “basic” menu. An icon should appear on the phone, which will indicate the presence of synchronization.

— After successful synchronization, you can proceed to various actions, including importing the image to your computer from your iPhone. If problems arise, it is better to contact service center, where they can answer all the important questions.

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