The update failed. Error: We were unable to configure Windows updates

Having trouble updating Chrome on your computer? You are probably seeing one of the following messages:

  • The update failed. Updates have been disabled by the administrator.
  • The update failed (error 3 or 11). An error occurred while checking for updates: the update server is unavailable.
  • The update failed (error 4 or 10). An error occurred while checking for updates: the update check failed.
  • The update failed (error 7 or 12). An error occurred while checking for updates: download error.
  • Google Chrome will no longer be updated on this computer because support for Windows XP and Windows Vista has ended.
  • Updates for Google Chrome may not be available.
  • Other messages saying "Update failed."

Use the tips below.

Download Chrome again

Your computer may be missing some files. Follow these steps:

Can't complete these steps? Contact your administrator to complete the Chrome update.

Check your antivirus, firewall, and parental control settings

Follow these steps:

  • Make sure that the update checker is allowed to access the Internet.
  • Make sure that and are not blocked.

Restart your computer

The update installation may not have been completed. Restart your computer and update Chrome again.

Check for malware

Unwanted software may interfere with the installation of Chrome updates.


Remove suspicious programs, including those that you did not install. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open Finder.
  2. On the left select Programs.
  3. Find programs that seem unfamiliar to you, then do one of the following:
    • Double click Delete or Uninstaller and follow the onscreen instructions.
    • If you don't see these buttons, drag the app icon from your Applications folder to the Trash.
  4. Empty the Trash.

Suspicious programs

Below are some applications that can change your computer settings and cause problems.

  • BrowseFox
  • PullUpdate
  • Vitruvian
  • V-Bates
  • SearchProtect
  • SupTab
  • MySearchDial
  • SaveSense
  • Price Meter
  • Sputnik/Guard
  • Conduit Toolbars, Community Alerts & ValueApps
  • Wajam
  • Multiplug
  • Shopper Pro
  • Stormwatch
  • SmartBar
  • Dealply
  • SmartWeb
  • MySearch123
  • AdPea
  • Etranslator
  • CouponMarvel
  • PriceFountain
  • Techsnab
  • Colisi
  • BrApp
  • LuckyTab
  • OneCall
  • Crossrider
  • Eorezo
  • Consumer Input
  • Content Defender
  • Movie Dea

Make sure your device meets system requirements

Chrome does not work on the following legacy platforms:

  • Windows XP;
  • Windows Vista;
  • Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8.


You will need:

  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later.
  • Intel Pentium 4 or later processor with SSE2 support.

The device is no longer supported

If you're using a modern version of the OS and still see the error "Google Chrome will no longer be updated on this computer because support for Windows XP and Windows Vista has ended" or Chrome won't launch normally, turn off Compatibility Mode.

Let's take it in order. When updating Windows services, identification for the license is carried out. In the case of a pirated version, the check does not complete successfully and an error appears.

The reason may also be user actions. Have you seen messages on the taskbar about updates or when you turn off your computer? There also appears a message that the update is in progress, for example, 47%. It’s a bit of a lengthy process, and it often requires resources. And when you turn off the computer, the screen does not go dark, and the OS informs you that you should not try to turn off the computer, do not pull the cord from the outlet...

Unfortunately, many users, due to their inattention or stupidity in combination with other character traits, harm the OS, doing everything exactly the opposite. Now let's look at tips for eliminating this violation...

Failures of this type are characterized by 2 main reasons:

  • A pirated version of Windows is installed on the PC;
  • User's carelessness or negligence

Method 1:

When you try to install updates, the OS notifies you that it is impossible to configure these updates and that you are canceling the changes. The PC reboots, again updates unsuccessfully, the process repeats, repeats again, and repeats again, the evil user pulls the cord plug from the socket or presses the button on the system unit to reboot in the hope of changing something, since the computer does not turn off after Windows 7 shuts down There is no point in doing this, because the work is not completed!

You need to wait for the next reboot, or you can do it using Reset. On the laptop, press the power button. While loading BIOS click F8 to open the OS boot menu. In the menu that appears, find the launch option Safe mode and start the system.

Because Since most services are inactive in safe mode, the update download service will stop working. After loading the OS, click on the checkbox on the taskbar. Now you need to open the column My computer .

Select the local OS drive on which Windows was installed. If you have several of them, and you have no idea which OS they are on, then go through them ( of course, with a glance! the local disk with the OS is marked with a flag ), there should be a folder called Windows:

A window will open in front of you with long and strange folder names. You will need to look by date and delete the latest ones, see the picture:

If you have difficulty deleting the latest update releases, then select all existing folders and delete them. Now reboot the OS and try to enable updates, but if you own a pirated version, then updates must be disabled to avoid a repeat crash.

Of course, the screenshot with the checkboxes highlighted and updates enabled (with a green picture) shows what to do with the licensed program. Well, where everything is disabled and the checkboxes are unchecked (accordingly, the picture is red) - an option for pirated OS releases.

Reboot your PC again and look at the changes.

Method 2:

If you are not lucky enough to solve the problem, then there is this option, it is also effective and quite affordable.

You also press F8 at startup, but now select the download option Safe Mode with Command Line Support , don't get confused. This is what it looks like, you type in it msconfig, click on Enter . The command will be executed and the window will open:

Now, a system configuration window has appeared, now go to the service and look for the system recovery line. Windows 7 failed to configure updates

Press it's ready. After the changes have been made, also proceed to updates, and then you can decide whether to do them automatically or refuse altogether. If you forgot something, all this is indicated in the 1st method, do not forget to also check the boxes. Again, reboot your PC.

Please leave your comments via social networks. Tell us which method helped you. What else would you like to see on this site? Feel free to post your thoughts, this will help other visitors and the administration.

The Windows 10 operating system requires constant updates to function properly. With each new patch, Microsoft improves the system in terms of security and also adds new features to it. But Windows updates do not always go smoothly, and sometimes users have to deal with errors. After downloading an operating system update, the computer must traditionally be rebooted for it to install and take effect. However, during the installation of updates after a reboot, the user may encounter one of the following errors:

Both of these errors make it clear that something went wrong during the system update process. In this article, we will look at what to do if these errors occur and how to fix them.

What to do if Windows Update can't complete

When a Windows update fails to complete, the user sees a message on the screen that changes made to the system will be rolled back. You just need to wait until the computer returns the system to the state it was in before installing the latest update.

However, it often happens that the message “We were unable to configure Windows updates” hangs for a long time or appears even after the computer automatically restarts. In such a situation, turn off the computer only as a last resort. It is recommended to wait until all changes are canceled. This may require more than one, not two, or even three system reboots. Sometimes undoing changes can take several hours.

Please note: The duration of undoing changes depends on many parameters, but, first of all, on the speed of the hard drive and the amount of information on it. For example, on laptops with slow hard drives, undoing a Windows update can take 5 hours or more.

How to complete a Windows update if an error occurs

It is not recommended to leave your computer without updating - this may cause errors in the future when trying to run applications, reduces the level of security and can lead to various problems. There are several options for what to do if you cannot configure Windows update, and we will discuss them below.

Delete the Windows 10 update cache

The first thing you need to try if you can’t configure Windows update is to clear the SoftwareDistribution folder, in which the operating system update cache accumulates, or delete the contents from it. Depending on the “behavior” of the computer, this will have to be done in different ways.

After performing the steps described above in the first or second way, make sure in the system settings that Windows downloads and installs the update without errors. Next, restart your computer for the update to be applied. Please note: If no more errors occur, you can delete the SoftwareDistribution.old folder, which contains an unnecessary update cache.

Checking your computer with diagnostic tools

If the method described above does not help fix the problem that is preventing you from completing a Windows update, you can try using the operating system's built-in diagnostic utilities. As with the solution to the problem above, the steps will depend on whether or not you can boot Windows.

If the computer finishes undoing the changes and allows the system to boot

If your computer does not complete undoing changes and keeps restarting

  1. Open the command line using a bootable USB flash drive (the detailed process of how to do this is described above in the instructions for deleting the update cache);
  2. Write and apply the following command to reboot your computer in safe mode: bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal
  3. Once your computer is restarted in Safe Mode, run the commands to launch diagnostic tools through the command line. To do this, write in the command line one by one: msdt /id BitsDiagnostic msdt /id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic
  4. Next, enter the command to disable safe mode: bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot
  5. After a reboot, the “We were unable to complete updates” error should no longer bother you.

Checking user profiles

Another reason for the “Update could not be completed” error on Windows 10 is a problem in the registry with user profiles. It can be eliminated in two ways. The simplest one is to do . A more complex option involves making changes to the registry yourself as follows:

Important: Before you begin deleting or changing registry settings, we recommend.

Other ways to fix the “We were unable to configure updates” error

If none of the methods above help fix the error that occurs when you try to install Windows updates, you can try the following steps.

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