Unsigned add-ons. Why does the Mozilla Firefox browser prohibit the installation of Yandex elements and other extensions?

Mozilla Firefox sometimes (or often) stalls - for example, it prohibits the installation of some extensions that, in its opinion, are harmful and prohibited for installation. They say this is all for our protection: “The add-on could not be loaded due to a connection error.” Or - “Firefox has blocked the request to install software from this site.”

What should I do!? if I’m used to some kind of extension and can’t live without it otherwise... and I don’t give a damn about all these front-line squabbles of developers and their peculiar readings of certificates...

Well... let's install the usual add-on... ...consider, for example, the case when the Firefox browser prohibits installation of Yandex elements ( Below is a link to a post that talks about how to add Yandex bookmarks to Firefox 55.0.2).

...one day we decide to install an add-on to the Mozilla Firefox browser, Yandex elements... At the beginning of the installation, everything seems great!

But closer to the end, the following warning window appears:

"The add-on could not be loaded..."

Who is to blame... What to do...

Firefox has blocked the request to install software from this site

I don’t know in which versions this problem with prohibitions on installing extensions and components started. I don’t delve into these duels of incorrect certificates; it is they and their inconsistency that lead to the block.

And it’s pointless to comprehend the incomprehensible, because it’s possible to quickly get confused in dates and topics, and besides, it’s difficult to calculate and predict what kind of pike the opposite developers will throw at each other next time.

Personally, in order to avoid all these inconsistencies... I use the Firefox browser and its . If possible, I pass on some updates: well, at least I always prepare for them.

The wonderful MozBackup program helps a lot with this, which can save all personal browser data - passwords, extensions, bookmarks, etc. ... and regulate them, of course.

So: as mentioned above, I don’t remember the version of the browser in which the ban hitch was first discovered, and since I don’t remember (and none of the mere mortals remember), it means there is no exact elixir!! however, I’ll show you a couple of options for free installation of selected add-ons: (one of them will definitely work - I got into trouble with the second one))

to disable Firefox's PROHIBITION from installing extensions -

let's do this:

Let's use the hidden settings of the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Enter the following monogram in the address bar of your browser:

...and click “Enter”

Important: when you go to these “hidden” settings, the browser displays such a funny window in which it warns you to be careful - be careful!

As you understand, you need to promise to be attentive.

Then we will be taken to the browser’s holy of holies - the technical settings feed:

...then, in the “search” on the settings ribbon (it’s somewhere at the top), we’ll write down the following phrase:

Attention: it may make sense, if you have it set to false, change it to true - experimentation is everything!

As an addition to the material, for those users who are thinking of taming a computer and being on “YOU” with it:

Among programmers (and in general, you may remember from computer science lessons) such simple logical values ​​(concepts, if you want) as TRUE - meaning true and FALSE - meaning false. If simply “truth” is permission, and “false” is, accordingly, prohibition.

And in some cases of programming languages, the value “true” is legally coded 1, and the value “false” is 0.

Logical data type, or Boolean type, or Boolean type (from the English Boolean or logical data type) in honor of George Boole (which is very logical)) - a mathematician and logician was like that.

But this is true, slightly touching on the topic...

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So, after we have signed up)) - we restart... the browser, I mean...

It should work!

If the browser did not obey the order (remember: “forbid the ban”) - to hell with it. Although this shouldn’t be the case: I’ll tell you about the subtleties in the next article so that we can get closer to the topic...

The second option - now it will definitely work... Let's do this: and learn...

how to install Firefox browser extensions using a saved file

Suppose you need to attach Yandnex elements to your browser (all other extensions are installed in the same way).

Go to the official installation page - if necessary, here is the link //element.yandex.ru/?from=wizard___one

Photo below: hover the cursor over “Install”... press the right mouse button, and in the drop-down menu select “Save as...”

We specify the folder to save, and in a minute the following file will arrive to you:


Half the battle is done!

In the Firefox browser menu “Tools”, select “Add-ons”.

On the page that opens, on the left - in the vertical menu, click “Services”.

Instant..! ...and the eye sees:

...what - on the page that opens in the upper right corner there is a “gear” icon, click on this gear (these are settings), and in the menu window that pops up, select the option “Install from file...”

Well, I think you guessed it.

You need to specify the path (folder) in which the valuable extension file is saved.

A minute... and the add-on is installed. Note - without any touching prohibitions and godly concern for us sinners...

And we... continue: move on to the next article about how...

And... - subscribe, there is a lot of useful information ahead for easy work according to the rules of the optimal Internet!

!..by subscribing to site updates -
... let's part with ignorance..!

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The 43rd version of Mozilla Firefox on the Stable and Beta channels blocks the installation of unsigned extensions.

To cancel signature verification for extensions, you can change the settings:

  • In the address bar, enter about:config and go to the page;
  • Click the "I promise I'll be careful" button on the warning page;
  • In the "Search" field, enter the name of the parameter: xpinstall.signatures.require ;
  • find it in the list and double click on it so that the value "true" changes to "false"

Disabling signature verification via custom scripts

In Firefox 48 for the Stable and Beta channels, Mozilla has removed the xpinstall.signatures.require setting. On the Dev, Nightly and ESR channels, as well as in the Firefox Unbranded build, which is a stable version, the option is still available.

All extensions presented in the main Mozilla repositories are signed, unlike extensions from third-party sources.

Today there are many extensions provided by applications on the Github and Bitbucket development platforms, as well as older extensions that are no longer supported by developers and cannot be signed. All of them cannot be installed in Firefox Stable or Beta using standard means.

This method involves creating two files in the main directory where Firefox is launched.

1. config.js file

1.1. Create a text file;
1.2. Paste the code into it:

try (
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm", ())
catch(ex) ()

1.3. Rename it to "config.js". Make sure it's called config.js and not config.js.txt;
1.4. Move it to the directory with Firefox installed:

  • Windows - " C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\" or " C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\";
  • Linux - " /usr/lib/firefox-<версия> " or " /usr/lib64/firefox-<версия> ";
  • OSX - "/Applications/Firefox.app/ ".

These are the default Firefox installation directories. They may vary depending on your installation settings or Linux distribution. It is important that the file is in the root directory of the program.

2. File config-prefs.js

2.1. Create a second text file;
2.2. Paste the code into it:

pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);
pref("general.config.filename", "config.js");

2.3. Rename to config-prefs.js;
2.4. Move to " <корневая директория Firefox>\defaults\pref\"
For example " C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\pref\";
2.5 Restart Firefox.

You can now install signed and unsigned extensions in Firefox Stable or Beta.

What happens?

The code in the config.js file loads one of the Firefox configuration files and removes the information from the "Signed_Types" constant in that file. This constant specifies the types of add-ons and extensions that must be signed for installation.

Some extensions, such as themes, do not need to be signed. This way, the code clears the constant of all types of additions, so installing any of them does not require a signature.

The code in the second file tells Firefox to load the config.js file when it starts.

It’s strange that it’s so simple, considering that mandatory signing of extensions is used to increase security.

In general, it's easy! Therefore, let's disable the Mozilla Firefox browser's ban on installing add-ons (the feature of bans befell users with the release of extreme versions of the browser)), and also enable multiprocessing and multiprocessing.

Well, let's continue the last article - it talked about the possibilities of bypassing Firefox extensions/add-ons.

Today the topic is a little more complicated, so get ready: you will need to create a couple of script files for the firefox application and place them in the root of the kernel, and also fix a few other things in the hidden settings of the Firefox browser. In general, it will be very interesting and, more importantly, useful!

To get started, let's disable the browser from checking add-ons (more details in the article, link above).

Let's create the following script file with the JS extension: name config.js (for those who find it difficult to write down files, you can simply download them at the end of the article and put them on their shelves in the firefox file folder).

And the files are created in this way: open the Windows text editor - a regular notepad and write the following lines into its body (can be copied).

Here is the content of the first file:

// disable the ban on installing add-ons try ( Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm", ()).eval("SIGNED_TYPES.clear()"); ) catch(ex) ()

We go along the following path:

C:Program Files\Mozilla Firefox

....and drop the created file into the directory.

Let's write the following js file: with the name - config-prefs.js

// disable the prohibition of installing add-ons (file in conjunction with config.js) pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0); pref("general.config.filename", "config.js");

In the Firefox core, we also master this path to the pref folder in order to throw the created file there:

From: Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\pref

That's all!! The ban on checking and installing add-ons in the Firefox browser is over!

And now, as in the old halcyon times, you can easily install add-ons - without any “contrived” prohibitions from the Fire developers - in the usual and familiar mode for us.

However, as always, this knowledge is not enough for us!!

Let's connect (or turn on, as you wish)

Multiprocessing (multiprocessing) is..! although, I think, it is unnecessary to interpret in detail - the meaning of the concept is logical and clear, moreover, it has a philosophical cartoon component of the high-speed operation of Firefox browser tabs, about which in more detail in the next article. Be sure to subscribe:

In order for multiprocessing to work, enabling the appropriate data processing logic will not be difficult - we will use the hidden browser settings (which, by the way, will be useful for testing the work done).

In the address bar of the browser (not in the query line, but the one at the very top of the browser window), copy and write the following monogram:


...press “Enter”...


at this stage of the transition to the hidden browser settings, a logical warning will appear to the user (that is, us) about caution!!

We agree to be careful!

Now we need to create a new logical line that will be added to similar existing lines (settings) of Fire...

Right mouse button... select “Logical” - then write down the logic option itself in the window:


...the next modal window will immediately appear, in which you need to select the entity true

It's done!

You can restart your browser and look at the result of the work you personally did.

like an epilogue...

After restarting the firefox browser, we again enter the following address in the address bar:


The browser settings summary page will open, and in the column “Multi-process windows” (or multi-process...) it will be written “Allowed by the user” or “Enabled by the user”, that is, by you, dear comrade))


...those who use the translator (add-on) Google Translator for Firefox and its option to translate selected text need to know!! — this translation method may be disabled!

The full translation of the page (which does not always work correctly) will function as usual, but the “selected text” option will not!

But in order to use the option settings to the fullest, without glitches... I recommend setting up the browser correctly, for example - !

And as soon as we enjoy the result of the check, let’s figure it out as a bonus to this article:

How to enable multiprocessor mode in Firefox

We enable multiprocessor (or multiprocessor) mode in Firefox - it may come in handy for someone!!

By the way, there will be more details in the next article, so don’t forget to subscribe!!

Let's visit the address again:

In the address bar for searching settings, enter the following:


As soon as the search result for a logical string appears, everything is great! Move the cursors along the line to the right and change the set false to true

Changing values ​​is simple: click on the phrase false a couple of times and it instantly changes to true.

And here is a useful video about setting up the equally useful MozBackup program, which helps in a wonderful way: passwords, extensions, bookmarks, add-ons, etc.

It is very useful when reinstalling a browser or OS - within a minute the usual functionality of the browser is restored.

In general, it eliminates the routine of user settings.

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Before you place additional extensions on your official Internet portal, " addons.mozilla.org» all developments are necessarily checked for compliance with strict criteria that meet all safety requirements. If the check yields positive results, Mozilla technical support specialists sign the verified applications with their unique digital signature. This procedure gives applications the right to be installed in the user's web browser. Extensions can be placed on other network resources, but they must also meet all Firefox security and privacy requirements, otherwise they will not be able to receive appropriate permission to be placed on the Internet under the sign of a Mozilla Foundation partner.

About digitally signing extensions

Simply put, the presence of a digital signature guarantees the secure operation of the extension, and therefore the browser. All your personal information when using this extension will not fall into third hands and will be completely safe.

Absolutely all add-ons whose work is aimed at increasing the capabilities of an Internet search engine must have a signature. The exceptions are extensions that change the appearance of the toolbar and various language packs.

How to disable add-on checking

If you neglect the security of your web browser and still want to use unsigned extensions, then there is, in my opinion, a fairly simple way to disable Firefox add-on checking.

First, download and install a slightly different version of the Internet search engine Mozilla Firefox. Such as "Developer Edition" or "Nightly", they allow you to bypass the requirements for signing additional extensions. Now you will need to change the configuration setting slightly.

To do this, launch your browser and type “about:config” in the search bar, without quotes, and press the “Enter” button or on the auxiliary line the word “Visit”;

Then a window will open, information in which warns about possible risks, click on the “I accept the risk” button;

In the window that opens, find the “xpinstall.signatures.required” parameter (or simply copy and paste it into the search bar);

Right-click on the parameter and select “Switch” (or you can double-click with the left mouse button).

Once you change this setting in the configuration settings, you will be able to install extensions that have not passed Firefox's security checks.

You can also install other unofficial versions of the Mozilla Firefox browser, which will also allow you to change the settings for checking plug-in signatures.

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