There is no memory on the iPhone although there is nothing. Where does memory go on iPhone? How to free up memory on iPhone

Best ways Free up memory on iPhone!

One of the most common problems among iPhone and iPad users is lack of space. Owners of mobile devices with a memory capacity of 8, 16 and 32 GB are especially affected, many of whom have to constantly monitor the state of the memory, delete supposedly unnecessary applications and put up with the fact that photos and videos must be moved to the computer. If you are also familiar with the problem of running out of space on your iPhone and iPad, then this material can really help you out. In it we collected 45 in various ways freeing up memory on Apple mobile devices.

The material is designed for various iPhone and iPad users. In one article, we have collected both quite obvious and traditional methods of clearing the memory of iOS devices, as well as secret methods that many even experienced owners of Apple equipment do not know about.

1. Reboot your device regularly

The most in a simple way freeing up space in iPhone memory and iPad is a normal reboot. It not only provides a performance boost, but also removes the iOS cache, which grows daily after almost every action you take. You can verify the benefits of reboots in iTunes. The ill-fated “Other” section, which represents all the “garbage” stored on the device, in some cases takes up several gigabytes. A reboot, alas, does not completely clear the cache, but nevertheless reduces it.

It is recommended to restart your iPhone or iPad at least once a week. If you use your mobile device especially actively, constantly downloading applications and working with them, then it is advisable to reboot daily.

2. Perform a forced reboot

A forced reboot also helps in the fight against full iPhone and iPad memory. During its execution with mobile device All temporary files that can take up a lot of space are deleted. A “hard” reboot will especially help users who have not done it for a very long time (or never at all). In order to complete forced reboot iPhone or iPad needs to hold down the buttons at the same time Nutrition And Home(Volume Down button on iPhone 7/7 Plus) and hold them until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

3. Remove unused apps and games

And one more very obvious way to free up memory. Quite often many users have quite a lot of installed software on their iPhone and iPad. unnecessary applications and games that have not been used for a long time. Go through the pages of the main screen, open old folders and delete everything unnecessary from the device. Despite its simplicity, this method is one of the most effective, since users sometimes simply forget that this or that application is installed on their device.

4. Delete files in applications

Make sure that in applications, both native and third-party, there are no unnecessary files. We are talking about videos, movies, PDFs, documents, presentations and other types of files that have been moved to or created by applications. You need to delete such files directly from the applications in which they were created. Please note that memory space may not be freed immediately after deletion. Sometimes apps get moved deleted files into special temporary folders that are cleared after a few days.

5. Start updating iOS via iTunes

Updating your iPhone or iPad wirelessly is an extremely convenient process. However, to free up the device's memory as much as possible, it is recommended to install firmware via iTunes. When downloading updates over the air, a lot of temporary files are created and saved on the device. Some of them remain in the memory of the iPhone or iPad even after the installation of iOS is completed.

If you install the update via iTunes, the firmware is unpacked on the computer. Temporary files thus do not reach the mobile device.

6. Remove downloaded iOS updates

Users do not always want to switch to the current version of iOS. Meanwhile, the firmware is downloaded to the iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi by default and is stored in the device’s memory, awaiting installation. Latest iOS versions have a size of more than 2 GB, which you can free up on your device.

To remove downloaded iOS updates, you need to go to the " Settings» → « Basic» → «» and press « Control" In chapter " Storage" Next, you should find the firmware saved on the device, select it and delete it.

7. Prevent wireless downloads of iOS updates

To prevent new versions of iOS from being downloaded to your device in the future and you don’t have to constantly monitor them, over-the-air updates can be disabled. To do this you need to go to this link(or this URL - from iPhone or iPad and install the suggested profile tvOS 10 Beta Software Profile, and then reboot the device.

It is important to note that after installing the profile, updates will no longer be received on your iPhone or iPad. If you later want to install a new version of iOS, the tvOS 10 Beta Software Profile will initially need to be deleted in the “ Settings» → « Basic» → « Profile».

8. Delete old voicemail

iPhones and iPads that have been used for a long time may contain a large number of old voice messages. All of them, of course, take up valuable space in the device’s memory, so it is recommended to delete unnecessary voicemails. To do this, go to the application " Telephone» → « Autoresponder", highlight messages and press " Delete" Then you must go to “ Telephone» → « Deleted messages " and press the button " clear all" Only after confirmation of deletion of old voice messages will finally disappear from memory.

9. Delete Message Attachments

Attachments in messages in the application of the same name can be a similar burden in the memory of an iPhone or iPad. To deal with them, run the application " Messages", open any dialog and click the " More details", located in the upper right corner. After that, long-press on any attachment until a pop-up menu appears. In it, select the item “ More", mark all unnecessary attachments and click on the trash icon to remove attachments from the device.

10. Set a time limit for storing audio and video messages

Once opened, audio and video messages arriving on your device are automatically moved to the device’s memory. By default, they are stored there for an unlimited amount of time, which creates an additional load on the storage as a whole. On the menu " Settings» → « Messages» you can set the time automatic deletion audio and video messages by specifying it in the “ Expires" in sections " Audio messages" And " Video messages" respectively.

11. Limit how long messages are stored

The Messages app can be optimized in another way. You can set a limit on how long messages are stored in the device memory. To do this, go to the menu " Settings» → « Messages» → « Leave messages" and select " 30 days».

Please note that after setting this option, all text messages will be deleted from the device memory forever 30 days after receipt. If you care about the history of your correspondence, then it is better to ignore this method and move on to others.

12. Turn off Photo Stream

My Photo Stream lets you share photos and videos across your iOS devices. This feature is extremely convenient, but if your iPhone or iPad is sorely lacking free space, it's better to turn it off. To do this, go to the menu " Settings» → « Photo and Camera" and turn the switch " Upload to My Photo Stream» to the inactive position.

13. Turn off iCloud Photo Sharing

There's another one in the Photos app useful feature, which is best disabled to free up space on your mobile device. This " General access to iCloud photos" - an opportunity that allows you to create shared albums with other users and subscribe to already created albums. The downside of the function for iPhone and iPad memory is that all photos from albums to which you subscribe are automatically sent to storage, where they begin to take up space. In order to disable the function, you need to go to the menu “ Settings» → « Photo and Camera" and move the switch " iCloud Photo Sharing» to the inactive position.

14. Use iCloud Photo Library the right way

iCloud Photo Library allows you to store copies of photos and videos from your device in the cloud. iCloud storage. Most users use the function, however, not all of them enable the option to optimize the storage of their mobile devices. But thanks to it, you can free up to several gigabytes on your iPhone or iPad, depending on how large the device’s media file collection is.

The function works extremely simply. When activated, optimized copies of photos and videos are saved on iPhone and iPad, and the originals are sent to cloud storage. Viewing media files from the device, however, is possible in full quality. When accessing a photo (or video), it is downloaded from the “cloud”, of course, with active connection to the Internet. You can enable the storage optimization function in the menu " Settings» → « Photo and Camera».

15. Store photos and videos in the cloud

If all your photos and videos won't fit into your basic iCloud storage, use third party services. Services such as Yandex.Disk, Dropbox, Flickr, Google Drive and others provide extremely capacious cloud storage completely free of charge. Upload media files from your iPhone and iPad to them, thereby freeing up clogged memory. Please note that before deleting photos and videos from the device, you must make sure that they are completely copied to cloud storage.

16. Delete photos and videos correctly

One of the most effective ways Free up iPhone or iPad memory - delete old or unnecessary photos and videos. The deletion process itself is very simple - you just need to go to the application " Photo", select the photo or video that you want to delete and click on the trash can icon. However, immediately after this, the files will still remain on the device and will take up space.

For the right complete removal photos and videos after moving them to the trash, go to the “ Albums", select album " Recently Deleted" and press " delete everything" Only after confirming the deletion will the pictures and videos completely disappear from the device.

17. Disable saving original HDR photos

When taking HDR photos, the Camera app in automatic mode saves regular versions of photos, which is why the size of each photo is almost doubled. Disable the " Leave the original" on the menu " Settings» → « Photo and Camera"and when shooting HDR images, the originals will no longer be saved.

18. Delete the contents of the Videos app

Quite often, users forget to delete watched content from the Videos app. But it is films, TV series and other various videos that are often responsible for memory overflow. To remove old unnecessary videos just go to the standard application " Video", click " Change" and pressing the button " X“Erase everything unnecessary from your memory.

19. Delete podcasts you've listened to

It is recommended to keep an even closer eye on the Podcasts app. New episodes of podcasts you subscribe to are automatically added to your device. Therefore, if they are not deleted for a long time, they can begin to take up a lot of memory space. Podcasts in the application of the same name are deleted. Near an old or unnecessary podcast, you need to click on the icon in the form of three dots, and then select “ Delete downloaded object».

20. Activate the option to automatically delete listened podcasts

If manually deleting podcasts doesn't appeal to you, you can turn on the option to automatically delete played podcasts in the app's settings. To do this, go to the menu " Settings» → « Podcasts" and activate the switch " Delete played».

21. Remove unnecessary content from iBooks

The content of the standard iOS reader, iBooks, can also take up an impressive share of the iPhone or iPad's storage. They especially like to take up valuable megabytes various magazines and documents in PDF format, as well as books with advanced features, such as embedded audio or video content. Make sure iBooks is free of excess weight. Launch the application, click " Change", select the books you want to erase from your device and delete them.

22. Go to Apple Music

For some users, the biggest space hog on their iPhone and iPad is not apps or photos, but music. But the need for manual loading There is no music on a mobile device via iTunes for a long time. Music streaming service Apple Music allows you to listen to any music directly via the Internet, without resorting to downloading songs directly into the memory of your iPhone or iPad (although there is such an option).

A subscription to Apple Music is paid (RUB 169 per month), but for the first three months Apple allows you to use the service absolutely free. For this not very large amount you get access to tens of millions of songs, personal selections, thematic radio stations and more. music content. In order to start using Apple Music, you just need to go to the application " Music» and begin the registration process.

23. Delete the Mail app cache

Even if you delete all emails and their attachments from the default Mail app, it still takes up a lot of space on your iPhone or iPad. The problem is the application cache, which in some cases can grow to several gigabytes. To check how much space the Mail app takes up on your device, just go to the " Settings» → « Basic» → « Using storage and iCloud" and press " Control" In chapter " Storage».

You can only delete the Mail application cache in a special way. To do this, you need to delete the application from the device, and then install it from App Store. This simple operation, which literally takes a minute to complete, clears the entire cache and frees up valuable storage space on your iPhone or iPad. Before deleting Mail, be sure to remember your email details. account. You will have to authorize again.

24. Clear Safari Reading List Cache

If you use Safari's Reading List, a feature that lets you access saved articles and web pages without an internet connection, each page takes up a lot of space. And if you get carried away with filling out the list, then the size of this very reading list can turn out to be more than impressive.

Luckily, deleting Safari's Reading List cache is a matter of seconds. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Using storage and iCloud" and select " Control" In chapter " Storage" In the list that opens, find Safari, click " Change" and delete the reading list files.

25. Clear Safari Cache

In addition to the reading list cache, you can also delete temporary files of the browser itself. This includes your browsing history, search queries and other various information. You can clear the Safari cache from the menu " Settings» → Safari → « Clear history and website data».

26. Delete application cache

And one more method based on deleting temporary files, this time created by applications and games. Almost every application saves the data it needs on the device for later use. And everything would be fine, but the size of these temporary files can be hundreds of megabytes.

Unfortunately, there is no way to clear the application cache all at once. Therefore, everything will have to be done manually. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Using storage and iCloud" and select " Control" In chapter " Storage" You will see a list of applications and games that are installed on the device. Go through the list, clearing the application cache where possible.

27. Reinstall large apps and games

Reinstalling large applications and games that have been in use for a long time is a great way to free up space on your iPhone and iPad. The catch lies in the same temporary files, whose volume grows larger over time. This method is also pleasant for its simplicity. All you need to do is delete the application and immediately download it from the App Store.

28. Reinstall social networking apps

Applications are worth highlighting as a separate item. social networks. They are the ones that create the largest number of temporary files, especially if applications are actively used. In most cases, this is true - social networking applications are launched by users several times a day.

So, delete Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte and others mobile clients social networks, and then install them again. Free space in the memory of your iPhone or iPad will increase, and most likely significantly.

29. Download a big app

This method is a lifeline for those users whose iPhone and iPad have almost no space left. The essence of the method is to load large application or games on a device with almost full memory. iOS, seeing that the downloaded application does not have enough space, will begin on its own, very effectively, to delete unnecessary temporary files that cannot be reached using standard methods.

Before downloading, it is important to find out how much free memory is on your device. The fact is that the size of the downloaded application or game must exceed the amount of space remaining on the device. There are plenty of big apps and games in the App Store, for example FIFA 16 Ultimate Team or Hearthstone. After successfully installing the cleaner application, it, of course, needs to be removed.

Also note that if there is very little space in the memory of the iPhone or iPad, then large applications will not start downloading to the device. In this case, try downloading and then uninstalling a smaller application.

30. Use special utilities

Third party developers have created great amount utilities for cleaning garbage from iPhone and iPad. Many of them, for example, PhoneExpander, PhoneClean and others, really do their job, sometimes freeing up several gigabytes on Apple mobile devices. These utilities are usually very easy to use. You just need to launch the program and start cleaning temporary files.

31. Set up your device as new

If any of your attempts to free up memory on the iPhone and iPad are unsuccessful, you should resort to a radical method - a complete reset and setting up the device as new. To perform a reset on an iPhone or iPad, go to the " Settings» → « Basic» → « Reset" and select " Erase content and settings».

We warn you that resetting means deleting all files and settings from your mobile device. Therefore, before starting the procedure, be sure to make sure that a backup copy of your current data has been created in iTunes or iCloud.

32. Remove high quality voices

Every iPhone and iPad comes with high-quality voices by default for the Speak-to-Speak accessibility feature. If you don't use this feature, you can delete the votes, thereby freeing up several hundred megabytes.

To remove high quality voices, go to the " Settings» → « Basic» - « Universal access» - « Speech» - « Vote» - « Russian» - Milena, click " Change" and delete the voice " Milena (improved)».

33. Clear Siri Cache

Siri users can free up a small amount of storage space on their iPhone or iPad by clearing the cache voice assistant. To do this, you just need to turn off and then immediately turn on Siri.

34. Install iOS 12

Since iOS 10 Apple company significantly reduced the size of its mobile operating system. The reason for starting work in this direction was feedback from users who were dissatisfied with the fact that iOS 9 takes up too much space in the memory of the iPhone and iPad. So, if everything is really bad with free space on your mobile device, one of the solutions could be to install current version iOS 12.

35. Don't forget to sync your device with iTunes

At iPhone sync or iPad with iTunes, logs with previously recorded errors are transferred from the device to the computer. After transfer from gadgets, they are deleted, as a result of which memory space is also freed up. The most noticeable effect of syncing with iTunes will be noticed by users who have not connected their mobile device to a computer for a very long time (or never).

And 10 more ways in one line:

36. Remove all duplicates, blurry photos and screenshots from the Photos app. The easiest way to do this is in the web version of the application on

37. Save panoramic photos to high resolution on your computer or in cloud storage, and then delete them from your mobile device.

38. Export or delete photos from dedicated photography apps that don't save files to " Photo", for example, VSCO or Camera+.

39. Limit background activity installed applications on the menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Content Update».

41. Turn off automatic download applications, music, books and various updates in the " Settings» - App Store, iTunes Store.

42. Disable unused system languages ​​in the menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Language and region».

43. Remove unused automatic text replacement options from the menu Settings » → « Basic» → « Keyboard» → « Replacing text».

44. Select a lower video recording resolution from the " Settings» → « Photo and Camera» → « Video recording" For example, instead of 4K, choose 1080p.

45. Remove unnecessary third-party keyboard languages ​​and third party keyboards on the menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Keyboard» → « Keyboards».

We hope that with the listed methods to clear iPhone and iPad memory, you will be able to make the experience of using your mobile device much better. Do you know any other method for freeing memory? Feel free to share your methods in the comments!

Yes, this is the most banal, but at the same time the most effective step. Look at your device. Do you really think you need all those games or apps that you launch once a year? Surely most of them can be removed without any consequences. And if remote application You will still need it; it can be easily restored from the cloud.

You've probably noticed that some applications begin to take up too much space over time. Most often this applies to instant messengers, and cloud services. This happens due to data caching. There are applications that allow you to clear the cache, but the easiest way is to simply reinstall the application from scratch.

Don't be put off by the app's name: in addition to battery information, it does a great job of cleaning up all sorts of junk. On the Junk tab, you can clear the cache and delete temporary application files, freeing up free disk space. In addition, Battery Doctor can release RAM, including through a widget or quick launch icon on the desktop. This should be useful for game lovers.

And finally, the most troublesome, but at the same time effective method. A complete memory wipe and factory reset will return your iOS device to its original state, but, of course, you will lose all your data. Therefore, before starting the procedure, be sure to do backup copy in iTunes or iCloud. After that, go to “Settings” → “General” → “Reset” and click “Erase all content and settings.” Then all that remains is to restore your device from a backup copy (or better yet, set it up as new and download all the applications again).

That seems to be all. If you know any additional ways to clear space in the memory of iOS devices, tell us about them in the comments.

Exit new version iOS is always an event - new features, new emoji, troubleshooting! - but the joy can quickly fade if your iPhone does not have enough free memory to update. If you are trying to install an update directly on your iPhone by wireless network but most of the memory in your phone is occupied - you may see a message about low memory and the update procedure will be cancelled.

But that doesn't mean you can't upgrade.

Here are some tips that will come in handy in such a situation.

What happens during the iOS update installation process?

When you update your iPhone to latest version wirelessly, new software loaded from Apple servers straight to your phone. This means that you will need the appropriate amount of free memory on your phone for this update. But that’s not all, you will need more memory: during the installation process, temporary files are created and old and unused ones are deleted. If you do not have all the required free memory, you will not be able to install updates.

But these days this is not such a big problem thanks to the huge memory capacity of some iPhone models, but if you don't have the best new phone or a model with 32 GB of memory or even less - then you may have a similar problem.

Installation via iTunes

One very simple way to get around this problem is to not update over-the-air. Use iTunes instead. Of course, installing an update over a wireless network is quick and easy, but if you also synchronize your iPhone with a computer, try this method and your problem will be solved.

This method works because the update is downloaded to your computer and then only the necessary files are installed on your phone. iTunes program smart enough to know your phone model and memory capacity and collect the files needed to install the update.

Here's what to do:

  1. Connect your iPhone to the computer you are syncing it with using USB cable
  2. Launch iTunes if it doesn't launch automatically
  3. Click on the iPhone icon in the top left corner, just below the playback control buttons
  4. A window should appear indicating the availability iOS updates. If the window does not appear, click the button Check for Update in the Summary field in iTunes
  5. Click the button Download and Update in the window that appears. The installation process will begin and in a few minutes your iPhone will be updated, regardless of the amount of free memory on it.

Find out how much memory apps are taking up and remove them

To solve the problem of low free memory, Apple has built several smart tools into the update process. Since iOS 9, when this issue first appeared, the company has been trying to carefully remove some downloaded content from your apps to free up memory. After the update is completed this content downloaded again so you don't lose anything.

But in some cases this procedure does not work. Then it is best for you to delete data from your iPhone. Here are some tips to help you decide what data to delete.

There's a tool built into iOS that allows you to see how much memory is being used by each app on your phone. This is exactly the place to start when deleting apps.

To access this tool:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click General
  3. Click Storage & iCloud Usage
  4. In the window Storage click Manage Storage.

You'll see a list of all the apps installed on your phone, sorted by size from largest to smallest. What's convenient is that you can delete applications directly from this screen. Simply highlight the app you want to remove, then click the button Delete App on the next screen.

Remove apps then install

  • Remove apps you don't use - You may have games or other applications installed that you no longer use. Now is the time to delete them and free up memory. Some games can take up 1 GB or more, so deleting them will free up a lot of memory.
  • Clear deleted voice messages - Voice messages may remain on your phone even after they are deleted. "Deleting" them actually moves the messages to the Trash, which is emptied periodically rather than immediately. Your phone may have dozens of messages taking up memory. To permanently remove them, go to the menu Phone, press the button Voicemail, press Deleted Messages and then Clear All.
  • Clear deleted photos - Like voice messages, deleted photos remain on your phone for about 30 days before they are finally cleared. This is very convenient in a situation where you mistakenly delete a photo and want to get it back, but not in a situation where you need free memory. You can permanently delete photos by opening the Photos app, then tap AlbumsRecently Deleted, press Select, mark each photo you want to delete (a blue mark will appear on the selected photos) and then click Delete.
  • If you use the functionHDR, delete regular photos - If you take HDR photos with your iPhone, your gallery will have two copies of each photo: a normal one and an HDR one. There is no point in keeping both. Delete regular photos in the Photos app (their quality is poorer) and then clear the deleted photos.
  • Delete podcast episodes - Podcasts that have been downloaded but not listened to can take up a lot of memory. I listen to podcasts almost every day and even then I still have 2 GB of unlistened ones - that's how much memory they take up on my phone. Delete episodes to free up memory and re-download them after updating. It is better to delete recent episodes; old ones may no longer be available for re-download.
  • Use the photo gallery iniCloud - iCloud Photo Library allows you to store your photos in your iCloud cloud storage rather than on your device. This is a great way to save photos without taking up your phone's memory. You can start using this service in two steps. First, turn on the iCloud Photo Library service by clicking Settings, then iCloud, then Photos and moving the slider iCloud Photo Library to the ON position. Secondly, click Optimize Phone Storage. This way, you'll upload your full-resolution photos and videos to iCloud cloud storage, leaving only lower-resolution copies that take up less space on your phone. You can always download full resolution versions from iCloud later if you wish.

Using these memory-freeing tactics, you can clear more than enough space to install an iOS update. Try installing the update again, and once completed, you will be able to re-download the removed content.

The method that doesn't work: removing built-in applications

In iOS 10, Apple added the ability to delete apps built into your iPhone. Seems like a great way to clear memory, doesn't it? But that's not true. Although this feature claims to remove built-in apps, it actually just hides them. For this reason, deleting them will not free up your device's memory. But these applications don't actually take up that much memory, so uninstalling them won't help much anyway.

When iPhone memory is worth its weight in gold, every megabyte counts.

Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer, launch it and go to the “Browse” menu of your device. At the bottom of the program screen you will see a memory status indicator on which the contents of your device are sorted into categories: “Audio”, “Video”, “Photos”, “Programs”, “Books”, “Documents and Data”, and “Other” "

For example, I have no questions about what iTunes means by “Audio”, “Video” or “Photos”, but what is included in “Other” is a mystery.

iPhone and iPad Storage Content Types

How to clear “Other” on iPhone by erasing content and settings?

  1. Transfer Contacts, Notes, Calendar and Reminders to .
  2. Transfer Music, Videos and Photos to your computer using, for example.
  3. Go to “Settings -> General -> Reset” and click on the “Erase content and settings” button.

The steps described above are only temporary measures that still need to be repeated periodically, for example, after each iOS update. And don’t be confused by the “Other” section in iTunes, since iOS manages it automatically and will delete temporary files when necessary. Plus, you can always clean your iPhone manually using PhoneClean - it's like cleaning your house, only faster.

Young users mobile technology sometimes I can’t imagine how the owners cell phones Previously, 10-20 MB of internal memory was enough. Rapid technological progress forces us to measure the memory of gadgets in completely different categories - iPhone owners don’t even have time to blink an eye when their 16 built-in gigabytes (!) are full. Android owners rub their palms gloatingly: they are able to expand memory using a flash card, which is not possible with the iPhone.

Fortunately, you can quickly clear the memory of an Apple device, without even resorting to deleting data - we’ll tell you about the most effective methods.

Typically, a Phone user begins to think about how to free up the gadget's memory, Not just - it doesn't have enough free space to update operating system or download a popular application from the AppStore. Let's say, an update to iOS 8 weighs from 0.9 to 1.1 GB (depending on the device) - about 7 “free” gigabytes are needed to download a new “OS” via Wi-Fi. Owners of 8 GB gadgets do not have access to any other method of updating except iTunes– but even those who are luckier with memory have to begin a large-scale “cleaning” of the gallery.

You can check how much memory is required to update iOS by following the path “ Settings» — « Basic» — « Software Update" If there is “nowhere to update,” the gadget will report that “ Latest software installed", and will clarify which version is on the smartphone. If there are available updates, you will see the following information on the screen:

note: iPhone 4 is not updated to iOS 8 because it has only one core, and for normal functioning of this version at least two are needed.Version 7.1.2 is the limit for iPhone 4 . 4S you can update to iOS 8, however, judging by the reviews, it is better not to do this - the gadget begins to freeze.

Knowing how much memory is required for the update, you can calculate how many gigabytes are missing. To find out which applications will have the greatest effect by removing them, follow the path “ Settings» — « Basic» — « Statistics" You will be taken to " Storage»:

The example shows that more than half of the occupied memory (and a little less than a third of the total) is devoted to music - a user who wants to “update” should start with parsing the playlist.

How to clean your iPhone of junk: 7 effective ways

Deleting music and photos is an effective, but still the most banal way to clear your memory. There are others:

Clear Safari browser history

Deleting your browsing history and “cleaning” cookies are operations with which you should start “cleaning” your iPhone. To clean your browser, follow the instructions:

Step 1. Follow the path " Settings» — « Safari" and look for the items " Clear the history" And " Delete cookies and data».

Step 2. Click " Clear the history» and confirm the operation.

Step 3. Click " Delete cookies and data" and also confirm. Let us clarify that cookie- This text files, making the use of the browser more convenient and personalized. It is thanks to cookies that we, for example, have access to auto-filling of logins and passwords. However, for the sake of correct operation of the gadget cookies You can also donate.

Step 4. In submenu Safari go to " Add-ons", then - in " Site data" If the data is null (as in the image below), you can be sure that the browser is cleared.

The more actively an iPhone user surfs the Internet, the more memory can be freed by simply clearing the browser.

Listed operations on performance Safari will not be reflected in any way.

Deactivating Photo Stream

Meaning " Photostream"is as follows: when activated, all photos taken on the user's iPhone are sent to iCloud over Wi-Fi - therefore, the user's friends can view and comment on his pictures without social networks and MMS messages (of course, only with the permission of the account owner). The technology is quite useful, however, many owners of Apple gadgets are not even aware of its existence - at the same time, the program “eats” megabytes of memory.

You can disable it like this:

Step 1. Follow the path " Settings» — « iCloud» — « Photo».

Step 2. Deactivate the toggle switch opposite " My photo stream».

Deleting messages

It's hard to believe, but text messages can take up several gigabytes of memory. When “cleaning”, special attention should be paid to correspondence iMessage such messages are free, so they often contain not only text, but also music, video, and other media content. iOS 8 allows you to set up automatic message deletion- do it like this:

Step 1. Follow the path " Settings» — « Messages" and in the block " Message history" Press " Leave messages».

Step 2. Select the most suitable SMS storage period. There are only three options: month, year and indefinite storage.

The default is always " Indefinitely" Change to " 1 year“—you definitely won’t notice the difference.

There is no need to worry about the safety of important or dear messages: they can always be restored from backup copies in iTunes.

Disabling auto-updates for podcasts

With the release of iOS 8, the application for listening to podcasts also became part of the iPhone system, which means also started to take up memory. Users very rarely return to listening to old podcasts, however, they sometimes don’t even think about deleting them. But in vain - one podcast weighs on average 25 MB, and on an iPhone there can be hundreds of them!

Disable auto-update and downloading of podcasts like this:

Step 1. Go to " Settings" and find the subsection " Podcasts».

Step 2. In this subsection in the block “ Podcast default settings» turn off « Downloading issues" and activate the slider opposite " Delete playback.».

"Cleaning" the cache

Even if the application itself is lightweight, it can accumulate an impressive amount of data over the entire period of use. How to clarify the statistics was discussed at the beginning of the article - you can check the cache in the same way: in “ Storage» Click on the application you are interested in.

Using the example application " In contact with“We see that the program itself weighs only 23 MB, and another 18 MB is occupied by various documents and data.

There are three ways to clean your iPhone from such “garbage”:

Method No. 1. Uninstall the application and install it again.

Method No. 2. Do full reset– go “ Settings» — « Basic» — « Reset" and press " Erase content and settings."

Using this method, you will not only remove the “garbage” accumulated by applications, but also lose all media content, so before you start resetting, take the trouble to make a backup copy of your data.

Method No. 3. Clear the cache in the settings of the program itself. Not all applications provide this opportunity, but, for example, Tweetbot, whose temporary files take up a lot of space, leaves the user no other choice - clearing the cache of this program can only be done through the " Reset Account Cash" in settings.

Using special applications

In the AppStore you can download a wonderful utility called Battery Doctor. The main function of this program is to care for the smartphone’s battery, however, it can also free up memory from unnecessary junk without any problems. Launch the program and in the “ Junk" (garbage) press " Clean Up Cache»:

This will run the test, which will take a few minutes:

Battery Doctor will automatically find temporary files and clear disk space. At the end of the work, the program will inform you that there are no more “junk” files and recommend checking it as often as possible.

Battery Doctor is not the only program of this kind; if this software does not suit you for some reason, try using the Chinese utility Tongbu or desktop Phone app Clean.

Smartphone restaurant

You can also check the amount of “garbage” on your iPhone using iTunes - go to the device section and pay attention to the scale below:

Hover over " Other"(yellow part) - this is data in the cache, unfinished downloads, saved browser pages.

The example shows that “junk” files take up 554 MB of 8 total GB- a very impressive share; the same space could be occupied by 5 music albums of your favorite artists.

This method of cleaning the system does not pose a threat to notes, calendars, SMS messages that were stored on the device, but multimedia files will be deleted.


The measures listed in the article need to be applied on an ongoing basis, and not just once - it is especially important to know how to clear the cache on an iPhone and browser history Safari. At the same time, owners of Apple equipment should remember that The procedures and instructions described will not help if the user himself tends to mindlessly install everything from the AppStore and upload it to “ Music» albums that will never be listened to.

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