Error "Invalid image" when running any file. "Invalid image" error when running any file. Windows 7 incorrect image.

Windows users, after installing applications, especially older versions, may encounter a system failure window indicating that “The faulty image is not designed to run under Windows control or contains an error". Despite the scary inscription in the window, the problem is completely solvable; it is unlikely that you will need to interrupt the operating system.

What causes the window to appear?

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. The first is installing programs or updates. For example, MSVCP(xxx) in System32 means one of the Visual C++ packages. This situation often occurs if the required components were not installed on the PC, but after installing the game they appeared. Because programs often come with built-in libraries for their stable operation. Then the operating system and its components are updated. Required file changes its version, and, accordingly, is not suitable for running the application.

The second reason lies in banal damage to system files, differences in bit depth, problems in the registry (LogonUI.exe), or the wrong executable is launched. In this case, the file we need simply cannot be read. And finally, it’s worth mentioning malware that can autorun virus processes that are blocked by the system.


Let’s start fixing the “Wrong image” problem in its various situations. Try installing the right application later version or update it - this will save you from unnecessary manipulations. If no malicious software was detected on the computer, then we’ll start by restoring Visual C++ packages. What is needed for this?

If after this the error remains, then perform the same procedure for .NET Framework . At the moment, version 4.5 is current for the seven, and 4.6 for Windows 10.

Is the window still popping out? Then we do the opposite. First, we establish which package the file, the path to which is indicated in the description of the failure, belongs to. The easiest way is to use the Internet for these purposes. The following list of actions looks like this.

  1. We remove the entire package via "Programs and Features".
  2. Run the installation file with the game and reinstall it. You can find the library we need separately in the image and initiate the launch from there; the last option is to download it from the Internet, naturally observing the bit depth.
  3. Disable automatic update operating systems.

Alternatively, you can roll back OS updates by returning to an earlier configuration. Files on your hard drive will not be affected by this. The described method, in fact, is an effective way to fix it. If it didn’t help, and the reason was not in the libraries, then we try a different approach.

System Restore

First, we need to go through the standard procedure for cleaning the operating system.

Now we activate the diagnostic and self-healing mechanism of the operating system.

If messages about access denial appear in the log, then reboot the PC, and at startup select Safe mode , performing the same operation. In this mode, you can also additionally scan disks with an antivirus.

Of course you can call Recovery Wizard directly through the Control Panel or when starting Windows, but the self-diagnosis procedure allows you to see the causes and results of the work clearly thanks to the logs. After recovery, you can try the first method again.

Wrong Logonui.exe image - fixing it

A striking example of such a failure is the “LogonUI.exe” system error. The solution to this problem is somewhat different from the one given above. Yes, you will need to run a self-healing tool, but if it does not help, then you will have to dig deeper.

  1. Open the registry by pressing the Windows and R keys. Enter the word in the line: regedit.
  2. To avoid remembering a long path, start the search by pressing the key Ctrl+F. In the line we enter: rasplap.
  3. If the first file has a value other than “Default”, then remove it.

They brought the laptop with Win7 on board. The problem is that when starting any exe, an error appears:

"False Image"

Path to some dll (in our case vksaver3.dll)

The file is either not designed to run under Windows or contains an error. Blah blah blah.

Solution: open the registry editor (Start - Run, regedit). We start the search (Edit - Find), enter “AppInit_DLLs”, find this variable, its value will contain the dll indicated by the error, clear it. Reboot. Everything is working.

How I found the solution: I couldn’t google the method, I had to think for myself. The thought helped.

I opened the registry editor, entered the name of the dll that the error complains about, one value was found in the “AppInit_DLLs” variable, cleared it, and it worked.

The AppInit_DLLs value is located in the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

All DLLs specified in this parameter are loaded per Microsoft Windows applications running in the current session log.

Some Windows errors 7 are striking in the discrepancy between the text of the message and the reasons for which they were caused. Imagine, you have installed a fresh version of “Seven” on your computer and are about to start working or having fun, when a system message window pops up in front of your eyes with text containing the phrase “Wrong image” and obscure explanations below.

Moreover, this does not happen at all while working with certain images, for example, disk images containing games, but when launching a regular file. In addition to the above message, the bug text contains a link to the name of some DLL library like vksaver3.dll or the like. This behavior of the system can confuse everyone.

Apparently, Windows believes that the required file is not intended to be executed in the Windows operating environment and stops the application loading process. What to do in this case? After all, this problem is of the most unpleasant nature, and several programs using this library may not start at once. There is a way to fix the bug, and we will tell you about it, but for now we will give a visual illustration:

In this case, the standard “Calculator” application does not launch, but is sent in the direction of a library called mscorwks.dll from the .NET framework package. It’s hard to imagine that the developers of the world’s most famous framework filled their dlls with errors and threw them into the market in this form. Therefore, the issue is in Windows itself.

Fixing the problem

The recipe for solving the problem is simple and will not take you much time. Follow these instructions:

After this, restart your computer (just in case!) and try again to launch the application that caused the crash earlier.

Few things are as annoying as not being able to stick to your routine without interruptions. The LogonUI.exe error appears when you think Windows has finally loaded and is ready to use. But, don't worry. We are here to help you fix this error.

LogonUI.exe error

The computer starts and Windows loads. But when booting Windows, the system lags and shows the LogonUI.exe error.

Cause of LogonUI.exe error

This issue may occur if the LogonUI.exe file has been renamed, moved, or modified.

How to fix LogonUI.exe error when booting Windows

Below are some ways to resolve the LogonUI.exe error:

What is LogonUI.exe?

LogonUI.exe is a program in Windows. This causes the login screen to appear when Windows starts.

Uninstall or disable antivirus and security software (temporarily)

Antivirus and security software can sometimes interfere with normal Windows work. Disabling it may then help the LogonUI.exe function again. You can do this by contacting command line.

This can be done by forcing Windows to start automatically. Read on to find out how to do this.

Use automatic startup at boot

You can run automatic repair, forcing the computer to shut down every time it reaches the Windows logo. Press and hold the power button on the computer until the computer turns off. Do this 4 - 5 times.

You should see the Automatic Repair Options screen.

Command line access

On the Automatic Repair screen, select Advanced Options, Troubleshoot, Advanced Options, and finally Command Prompt.

Run DISM command to fix LogonUI.exe

Command Prompt should open with a black screen and white text on it. Enter the following command:

  1. Dism / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth
  2. And press Enter.
  3. The DISM command should find and fix any corrupted file.

Uninstalling security programs

If you have third-party login software installed on your computer, issues associated with it may be causing this issue. Since deletion software is not possible using normal means, you need to remove it using the command line.

Start your computer in Automatic Startup Repair mode and access the Command Prompt as described above. After that, enter the following command:

  • ren “C:\Program Files” “Program Files-old”
  • press Enter
  • ren “C:\Program Files (x86)” “Program Files (x86)-old”
  • press Enter
  • Wait for the installation to complete, even if the program shows some errors, just restart your computer.

Now open drive C and remove -old from these folders:

Program Files

Program Files(x86)

Also, be sure to remove any suspicious program security that could be causing this problem.

If you still have any questions on the topic “How to fix the LogonUI.exe error when loading Windows,” you can write them in the comment form on our website.

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