Disable password after sleep mode. Disable the password prompt on wakeup in Windows

In order to protect the personal data of the computer user, the Windows 10 operating system, by default, during installation, sets the ability to log in to the account only using a password. The password is set when Windows setup or taken from the account Microsoft records, if during activation operating system The computer is connected to the Internet. While such security measures on laptops are necessary because portable computers may end up away from home, on stationary home computers system units there is almost never a need for them. In this instruction, we will tell you how to disable the password when logging into Windows 10 and resuming the computer from sleep mode.

Remove password activation when the computer wakes from sleep mode

Computer sleep mode allows you to save energy and preserve the reserves of the computer's hardware, which gets the opportunity to rest. In the power settings, the user can choose how long after the Windows operating system goes into sleep mode if there is no activity. Many people do not configure this setting, and after 5 minutes the computer goes into sleep mode. Upon exiting, you are required to enter a password, but this option can be easily disabled.

In order to remove the password when the computer wakes from sleep mode, you must:

That’s it, after this your computer running the Windows 10 operating system will stop regularly asking for a password when you are away for a long time.

How to disable login password in Windows 10

In Windows 10, there are two ways to disable the password when loading the operating system. One of them is safe - it is performed in the usual settings. The second one forces you to delve into the registry, and we recommend using it only if the first method, for some reason, could not be used.

Experienced computer users who have mastered previous versions of the operating system can easily disable the password in Windows 10 on their own. This process practically no different from how it happened in Windows 8 or Windows Vista. For those who do not remember the process of deactivating the password when turning on the computer, we offer detailed instructions:

That's all, after this, when loading the operating system Windows systems no password will be required. To enable it again, just return to this menu, check the box and re-enter the password or create a new key.

  1. Enter the registry using the Regedit command in the “Run” line. To do this, press the Windows key combination + R and then enter the regedit command.
  2. Now you need to go to the section where the parameters that you need to edit are located:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon

After completing all the steps described above, close Registry Editor and restart your computer. At booting Windows The password will no longer be required.

Large enterprises are very concerned about their safety. Therefore, they are taught to handle pirated copies of Windows correctly. The local admin will not tolerate logging into Windows 10 without entering a password, so he teaches everyone to patiently press Win + L. Moreover, he will add to these intricacies the requirement to type the combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, so that life does not seem like honey. All this can be set (as an administrator) through netplwiz. But at home, most of the population dreams of how to remove the Windows 10 password and never see it again.

Typically, an administrator password is not set. In XP it was strict with this, and it was impossible to enter some commands, but the top ten began to look at people much more softly. Entering a password is annoying. We have no secrets, and everyone who needs it will steal data through the network. Fortunately, there are many loopholes for this if you know the right one HTTP request protocol. Access to all our data is open to hackers, and they constantly demonstrate this by hacking even government websites. And they do it without a password. So why do we need to break our fingers once again when loading?


This is one of the most popular tools.

The changes will take effect after a reboot.

Coming out of sleep

When you wake up, a password entry window appears.

Other users

We just learned how to remove the password from Windows computer 10, but not everyone may like the fact that the operational launch leads directly to the admin. First of all, the admin himself may not like this. How can I change this? Log in to the already familiar netplwiz. And select the user on whose behalf the system will log in, without requiring a password at login. After this, you need to uncheck the checkbox indicated on the screen.

All that remains is to click Apply. The system will require the password of the account under which it will log in in the future. The changes will take effect after a reboot. Removing (disabling) password entry is done from the same snap-in. For all accounts except the admin account. This ensures that you automatically sign in to Windows 10 when the need arises. To make it easier to log in, enter a hint, this is a mandatory requirement. It will appear and remind you of the necessary information in emergency situations.

Ctrl + Alt + Del

Microsoft believes that it is more difficult to hack a system over a network if you force the user to press Ctrl + Alt + Del every time. Probably, while this window is loading, a significant amount of time will pass, and the hacker will not have time to go through all the options. This operation can be required to be performed by everyone from the same master. Let's open the second tab.

This is the option we need. Shake everyone's nerves to their health.


Sometimes you need to solve more complex problems than those discussed above. To do this, use a snap-in called from the Control Panel. You can go there in many ways, for example, from the Start menu. Find the System folder and look inside.

Find the Power Options folder in the Hardware and Sound section.

We are interested in the link Configuring sleep mode, click it and select Change advanced power settings. A window will appear showing the most different settings. In particular, they allow you to enable the Hibernation mode, which is not available by default in the tenth version. If the system has a password, then an option will appear to disable its request when exiting sleep mode.


The instructions describe several ways to remove the password when logging into Windows 10 when you turn on the computer, as well as separately when exiting sleep mode. This can be done not only using the account settings in the control panel, but also using the registry editor, power settings (in order to disable the password request when leaving sleep), or free programs to enable automatic login, or you can simply remove the password user - all these options are detailed below.

In order to follow the steps below and enable automatic sign-in in Windows 10, your account must have administrator rights (usually the default on home computers). At the end of the article there is also a video instruction that clearly shows the first of the described methods. See also: , (if you forgot it).

There is another way to do the above - use the registry editor for this, but keep in mind that in this case your password will be stored in open form as one of the values Windows registry, so anyone can view it. Note: a similar method will also be discussed below, but with password encryption (using Sysinternals Autologon).

To get started, launch the Windows 10 Registry Editor by clicking Windows keys+R, enter regedit and press Enter.

Go to the registry key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

To enable automatic sign-in for a domain, Microsoft account, or local account Windows entries 10, follow these steps:

  1. Change the value AutoAdminLogon(double click on this value on the right) to 1.
  2. Change the value DefaultDomainName to domain name or name local computer(can be viewed in the properties of “This PC”). If this value does not exist, you can create it (Right mouse button - New - String parameter).
  3. Change if necessary DefaultUserName to a different login, or leave the current user.
  4. Create a string parameter DefaultPassword and specify the account password as the value.

After this, you can close the registry editor and restart the computer - logging in under the selected user should occur without prompting for a login and password.

How to disable the password when waking from sleep mode

You may also need to remove the request Windows password 10 when the computer or laptop wakes up from sleep. For this, the system provides a separate setting, which is located in (click on the notification icon) All parameters - Accounts- Login options. The same option can be changed using the Registry Editor or Local Editor. group policy, which will be shown below.

In the “Login required” section (some computers or laptops may not have such a section), set “Never” and after that, when you wake up from sleep, the computer will not ask for your password again.

There is another way to disable the password request in this scenario - use the “Power Options” item in the Control Panel. To do this, opposite the scheme currently used, click “Configure power supply scheme”, and in the next window - “Change additional power settings”.

In the window additional parameters Click on “Change settings that are currently unavailable”, and then change the “Require password on wakeup” value to “No”. Apply the settings you have made. Not on all systems you will find such an item in the power settings; if it is missing, skip this step.

How to disable the password prompt when waking from sleep in Registry Editor or Local Group Policy Editor

Besides Windows settings 10, you can disable the password request when the system exits sleep or hibernation mode by changing the corresponding system parameters in the registry. There are two ways to do this.

For Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise the most in a simple way will use the Local Group Policy Editor:

After applying the settings, the password will no longer be requested when exiting sleep mode.

In Windows 10 Home, there is no Local Group Policy editor, but you can do the same using the Registry Editor:

That's it, you won't be asked for a password after Windows 10 wakes up.

How to enable automatic login in Windows 10 using Autologon for Windows

Another simple way to disable entering a password when logging into Windows 10, and do it automatically - free program Autologon for Windows, which was previously available on the official Microsoft Sysinternals website, and now only on third-party sites (but it’s easy to find the utility on the Internet).

If for some reason the methods to disable the login password described above did not work for you, you can safely try this option; in any case, there will definitely not be anything malicious in it and most likely it will work. All that is required after launching the program is to agree to the terms of use, and then enter the current login and password (and the domain, if you are working in a domain, for a home user it is usually not necessary; the program can automatically substitute the computer name) and click the Enable button.

You will see information that automatic login is enabled, as well as a message that the login information is encrypted in the registry (i.e., this is essentially the second method of this guide, but more secure). Done - the next time you reboot or turn on your computer or laptop, you will not need to enter a password.

In the future, if you need to re-enable the Windows 10 password request, run Autologon again and click the “Disable” button to disable automatic login.

How to completely remove a Windows 10 user password (remove password)

If you use a local account on your computer (see), then you can completely remove (remove) the password for your user, then you won’t have to enter it, even if you lock the computer with the Win+L keys. To do this, follow these steps.

There are several ways to do this, one of them and probably the easiest is using the command line:

After executing the last command, the user's password will be removed and there will be no need to enter it to log into Windows 10.

Video instruction

Additional Information

Judging by the comments, many Windows users 10 are faced with the fact that even after disabling the password request in all ways, it is sometimes requested after the computer or laptop has not been used for some time. And most often the reason for this was that the screensaver was turned on with the option “Start at the login screen”.

To disable this option, press the Win+R keys and enter (copy) the following into the Run window:

Control desk.cpl,@screensaver

Press Enter. In the screensaver settings window that opens, uncheck “Start at login screen” or disable the screensaver altogether (if the active screensaver is “Blank Screen,” then this is also an enabled screensaver; the option to disable it looks like “No”).

And one more thing: in the latest versions of Windows 10, the “Dynamic locking” function has appeared, the settings of which are located in Settings - Accounts - Sign-in options.

If the feature is enabled, then Windows 10 can be locked with a password when, for example, you leave the computer with a smartphone paired with it (or turn off Bluetooth on it).

One last thing: for some users, after using the first method of disabling the login password, two identical users appear on the login screen and a password is required. This usually happens when using a Microsoft account, Possible Solution described in the instructions.

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