Passwords for creating a battle net account. How to start playing WoW is an online gaming platform from the famous gaming corporation Bizzard Entertainment. By creating an account in it, the user can play the company’s games online on proprietary Battlenet servers: Diablo, StarCraft, WarCraft, Heros of the Storm. And also pay for various game services and buy various attributes, armor, artifacts for the game character in the online store. The site has its own client for PC.

This article will show you how to register for different ways, how to log in to this site and restore access to it, as well as how to use your personal profile.

Standard account creation

1. Go to offsite in your browser -

2. Click the “Create Record” button.

3. Indicate your country of residence, first and last name.

4. Then enter your current e-mail and password 2 times.

Note. When entering a key, pay attention to its stability rating. It appears on the right side of the field. The best option is “strong”.

5. Select any security question you like from the drop-down list. And in the next field, type the answer to it. Come up with a unique and at the same time easy to remember answer so that it is difficult for strangers to guess.

6. Enter your age.

7. If you would like to receive service news by email, check the box “Receive by email…. "

8. Near the window “By clicking the “Create account...” button” you must check the box to create a profile.

9. Click the “Create an account...” button. "

The service also provides a mode for registering an account by parents for a child. To use it, at the top of the registration field, in the line “if you are creating... for your child...”, click the link “here”.

IN registration form You must provide the child’s personal information, as well as the parent’s email to control the account.

Client installation

Upon completion of registration, the site will offer you to download the game client. To use it:

1. On the “Record creation is complete” page, click the “Download...” link.

2. Right-click on the downloaded installer. In the context menu, select the “Run as...” command.

3. In the “Allow...?” panel Click the “Yes” button.

4. Make sure that the installer settings are set to Russian. Click Continue.

5. In the new panel, if you need to change the installation path, click “Change”. Check the "Create..." box if you want to place a client shortcut on your desktop. Click Continue again.

6. Wait until the download is complete.


Logging into the service is performed in the usual way: by providing credentials.

In the upper right corner, open the “Account” menu and click “Login.”

Or on the main page, under the inscription “Join ...”, click the “Login” link.

In the panel that appears, enter the email specified in the registration form and password. Click on the “Authorization” button.

A similar procedure must be performed after starting the client.

Alternative registration method

The site allows you to create an account through your Facebook profile. To use this option, do the following:

3. In the new window, click “Continue as...”.

4. Select the connection option “Create a entry...”.

5. Check the box “By pressing the button...” and the box “Receive by mail...” if you want to activate the newsletter by e-mail.

6. Click “Create an account”.

7. On the “Record creation complete” page, click “Next”.

8.To increase the level of profile security, additionally enter your password, e-mail, security question and answer twice.

Email confirmation

If, when logging into your account, you see the message “Email…. has not been verified yet", go to your Mailbox(listed in the profile), find the letter from Battlenet and click the link in it.

If you cannot find a message with a verification link in your inbox, send a second request. In the warning window, follow the link “Request a control message...”.

Access recovery

If for some reason you cannot log in to the site, do this:

2. On the page “Can’t log in?” indicate the reason why you lost access to your account.

Accordingly, if you need to reset your password, click on the “I forgot my password” block.

Answer the security question.

Enter the captcha (code in the picture) and click “Next”.

Follow the service instructions to complete access restoration.

Account deleting

You cannot delete your account on using the standard options. If you have questions about profile deactivation, please contact the site's technical support.

Account Options

There are three main panels on the profile page:

Enjoy exciting gaming battles on!

Would you like to play World of Warcraft, but don't know where to start? Want to know how to create an account, whether you need to pay money to play the game and if so, how much exactly? What can I do to get help from more experienced players? I will try to answer all these questions briefly and without going into unnecessary details.

Play World of Warcraft on official servers is free (but with significant restrictions), you just need to create a account and attach a WoW account to it. You can play for an unlimited time, but you will only be able to level up to level 20, and you will not be able to exchange items with other players or trade at the auction. In addition to those listed, there are some other restrictions. To play the full game you need to buy several add-ons and pay a subscription fee. At the time of writing, all keys at once on the official website cost 857,649 rubles. The package includes a free month of the game. The subscription fee is 299, 329 or 359 rubles per month, depending on how many months you pay for at once. The author has not considered prices for time cards.

If you decide to try the game, first of all, be patient. First you need to install the game client. You can probably find it on torrents, but it's easier to download it from after creating it account. Create a account. It is important to provide your real information for the security of your account. All your manipulations with your WoW account (purchase of keys, subscription fee and much more) you will conduct through your account.
We are downloading the client, and while it is downloading, let's try to prepare as much as possible.

Promotion "Invite a Friend"

So, first, let's clarify one point. If you've been invited to play by a friend, are starting to play with someone else, or would like to have the support of an experienced player from the very beginning, then the best solution will take advantage of the "Invite a Friend" promotion. As part of this promotion, you can link a new account to an existing one, get the opportunity to upgrade your character faster and some other temporary bonuses. Many experienced players offer their help in the form of advice, gold, and even joint leveling for new players, in exchange for bonuses from this promotion. You just need to provide your e-mail to such a player, follow the sent link and register an account. Beware of fakes! The link should look like this: ""

If you start playing with one of your friends and both of you do not have an account created, this does not prevent you from finding a more experienced player, creating your account using the link they sent, and attaching your friend’s account to yours. Then you will be able to take advantage of both the bonuses of the attached account and the bonuses of the inviting party.

You can find suggestions from experienced players on the game’s official forum:

Look for topics like "I invite you to jointly upgrade/upgrade with x3"

Even if you have not yet decided whether you will pay for the game, it would be better to play it safe and provide yourself with a mentor;)

Create an account.

Create a World of Warcraft account. There are 2 ways:

  1. Receive an invitation from a friend using the "Invite a Friend" service, follow the link, log into your account and attach the starting version of the game.
  2. Visit page
I highly recommend reading more about creating an account. Pay attention to account types and region.

And, you must have a account

Below you can find instructions for creating it.

1. Go to and in the upper right corner click “Account” -> “Login”.

2. In the window that opens, select "Create a Free Account".

3. After this, a form will appear in which you will need to indicate the following information: country of residence, first name, last name, email address (twice), password (twice), security question and answer, as well as age. After filling out all the fields, click the "Create a Free Account" button.

4. Your account is registered! All that remains is to confirm it via email.

5. Click "Continue". Now go to the email you provided during registration. There you will find a letter with the title " Account Email Verification - Action Required" (be sure to check your Spam folder, the letter may end up there by mistake). Follow the long link inside the letter:

6. Your account has been confirmed.

Now you can buy games on the site and run them through Playkey.

On startup Games World of Warcraft: Legion and Overwatch through the service you must enter the authorization data of the account that you registered according to these instructions.

Blizzard recently began testing the client. This program will provide a number of unique features for those who play Blizzard games. At the moment, not all functions of the application are implemented. But the main features are already available. What has not yet been completed has been replaced by mock-ups and will appear in the near future.

So what is the client? This is a replacement launcher for all Blizzard games. The client performs updates, downloads games, and so on. In short, it does everything any good launcher should do. But in the client you get the opportunity to update any game without having to use multiple similar programs for each individual game. It's quite convenient. At this stage of testing, chat with friends is available. And it doesn’t matter which game you are in and which your friends are in. You can always write to them in chat. You can also view all the news from Blizzard in this program. In the future, it is planned to add a games and add-ons store, a player forum and user profiles. But at the moment this is only in theory. Don't forget that the announcement is still a long way off, so a lot can still change.

Key Features and Functions

  • launcher for all Blizzard games;
  • updating, launching games and much more in one program;
  • convenient chat;
  • constant updates of news from Blizzard;
  • nice graphical interface.

What's new in this version? (18.11.2016)

  • The microphone signal strength indicator is now only displayed if the user is using voice chat or performing a microphone test;
  • You can now enable or disable the input device (microphone) in the program settings. With the microphone disabled, you can connect to channels and listen to participants;
  • users whose microphone is muted are marked in the list with a special icon;
  • fixed reset parameters automatic update when starting the game from a shortcut on the desktop.

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