Translator plugin for safari. Which Safari extensions to install on Mac

ReTranslator- a fresh application for iPad, which is a Safari extension for quick access to the translation service Google Translate. In other words, ReTranslator allows you to translate browser pages in just one click. Since extensions for the Safari browser only appeared in iOS 8, it is not surprising that ReTranslator's compatibility requirements include this version of the operating system.

(guide for working with ReTranslator)

How to set up ReTranslator

1. Install the ReTranslator application on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.
2. Open any website in the Safari browser.
3. Click on the square with an arrow icon (1) and then on the icon with the inscription “More” (2).

(Safari browser extensions)

4. A list of options will appear in which you need to find the “Translate” option (3) and enable it. Elements in the form of three stripes (4) allow you to move options. You can move the "Translate" option higher for greater ease of use.

(ReTranslator option for translation)

How to use ReTranslator

1. On the desired site, click on the familiar square with an arrow icon (5) and select the RE - Translate icon (6).

(page is not yet translated)

2. Select the translation direction.

(direction of transfer)

3. We get the result.

(page, translated into Russian)

And here is the translation of our favorite blog website From Russian into English.

(website page translated into English)

Conclusions: ReTranslator is an excellent application that greatly simplifies the work with translating content located on web pages of foreign sites.

Microsoft and Yandex have released decent translator applications that, among other things, can quickly and conveniently translate web pages in Safari to iPhone and iPad. We will tell you how to do this in this material.

How to translate web pages in Safari on iPhone and iPad using Microsoft Translator

Unlike Google tool, which places a large banner at the top of the translated site and not only breaks the page layout, but also disables all active elements such as links, Microsoft Translator does not change at all appearance pages. It simply changes the source language to the target language. Everything looks much nicer in this case, and the user can go to the next page instead of clicking the “Back” button.

1. To use Microsoft Translator in Safari on iPad and iPhone, .

2. Launch the application, go to Settings and select the default translation language.

4. Click the More button, activate the translator extension and click Finish.

5. To translate, click the Microsoft Translator icon.

A progress counter will appear at the top of the page. The text on the already loaded page will be translated into the default language selected in the application settings.

Another big benefit of Microsoft Translator is the ability to stay in reading mode in the Safari browser.

How to translate website pages in Safari on iPhone and iPad using Yandex.Translate

2. Select the translation direction at the top of the application.

4. Click the More button, activate the Yandex.Translator extension and click Finish. Immediately after this, you can start working with the new function.

5. Select the “Translator” menu item.

If the translation does not work this way, use the Yandex.Translator application interface. To do this, copy the link of the page that needs to be translated and paste it into the translation field, indicating the direction of translation.

At the moment, the Yandex.Translator program database includes about a hundred languages ​​with the ability to translate offline. In order to use the application without connecting to the Internet, you simply need to download the data package to the gadget and activate the corresponding option in the utility settings.

Yandex.Translator can also read text from images and automatically translate it. The text recognition function from photographs and pictures is available only for eleven languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, English, German and others.

Based on materials from yablyk

It seems to me that every Mac user eventually comes to the Safari browser. It's unavoidable.

Yes, sometimes it is not as convenient as Chrome, cannot adapt to the user as much as Firefox, and cannot boast of a built-in VPN like Opera.

But the Apple browser has undoubted advantages - it operates as smoothly as possible and is very gentle on the MacBook’s battery charge. These are the reasons that were key for me in switching from Chrome.

The first thing after the replacement, of course, was to start collecting the necessary extensions for Safari. And here I will share a list of those without which the browser does not seem complete to me.

PiPifier- “Picture in Picture” for everyone

A convenient extension for Safari that allows you to conveniently use the “Picture in Picture” mode for absolutely all videos on the web based on HTML5 - it doesn’t matter whether the web page developer initially provided this feature or not.

With PiPifier you can launch absolutely any video on YouTube or other video storage in the form of a small window on top of any other applications and watch recordings at the same time as you work.

Many Internet resources already support the “Picture in Picture” mode, but even on YouTube without this extension, many videos do not want to switch to it.

By the way, PiPifier does not use its own, but the native “Picture in Picture” mode, which is built into macOS. Therefore, it runs as smoothly as possible.

Download from Mac App Store(for free)

Translate- Website Translator

I think that not a single active Internet user can do without this extension for Safari on Mac. And it will especially appeal to those who at least occasionally read websites in English and other languages.

This is a banal translator that uses the Google engine and, according to my personal observations, is not inferior, and sometimes even superior, to the built-in one in Chrome.

I didn’t go into the details, but some sites either limit the ability to translate into other languages ​​programmatically, or Chrome simply cannot cope with the complexity of their “architecture”.

This is not so important, because the Translate extension copes with this task more often.

(for free)

NoMoreiTunes- no forced launch of iTunes

Unlike Chrome, Opera or Firefox, Safari absolutely loves to take you to the same iTunes when you follow links in App Store.

I don't think this makes any sense. And this is especially annoying when you open several applications for viewing at once, and Tuna does not provide the ability to work with tabs.

NoMoreiTunes prevents this from happening. Instead, the extension displays a small message at the top of the page notifying you that it's blocked and prompting you to go to iTunes if needed.

I believe that the developers of the extension did what the guys from Apple should have initially included in their algorithms - a more civilized proposal to move on to content in branded applications.

Download on the developer's website(for free)

Save to Pocket- save the data in “Pocket”

Literally translated from English Pocket is “Pocket”. And this name suits this service perfectly, because it will allow you to upload almost any information that may be useful in the future.

Working with the service is integrated into many different applications on many platforms - it is also available as an extension for the Safari browser.

When you add information to Pocket using one button, it is transferred to the application of the same name and downloaded for offline viewing.

And in the future, you can read some article or news, read the instructions, or use almost any other content without the Internet. It’s just a pity that you won’t be able to save videos from YouTube this way, even if you want to.

Download from Safari Extensions Gallery(for free)

As it turns out, many of the extensions we previously used with Safari are no longer relevant at the beginning of 2018 - they were immediately removed from my browser after a short test.

So far I have left only five add-ons in order to maintain some balance between speed and energy efficiency, as well as the usefulness of the browser.

Be sure to write your useful finds in the world of extensions for Safari on Mac in the comments. If at least 4-5 smart people gather, we will definitely make another thematic issue of the application digest.

Microsoft and Yandex have released decent translator applications that, among other things, can quickly and conveniently translate web pages in Safari to iPhone and iPad. We will tell you how to do this in this material.

In contact with

How to translate web pages in Safari on iPhone and iPad using Microsoft Translator

Unlike Google's tool, which places a large banner at the top of the translated site and not only breaks the page layout but also disables all active elements such as links, Microsoft Translator does not change the appearance of the page at all. It simply changes the source language to the target language. Everything looks much nicer in this case, and the user can go to the next page instead of clicking the “Back” button.

1. To use Microsoft Translator in Safari on iPad and iPhone, install the app from the App Store.

2. Launch the application, go to Settings and select the default translation language.

4. Press the button More, activate the translator extension and click Ready.

5. To make a transfer, click the icon Microsoft Translator.

A progress counter will appear at the top of the page. The text on the already loaded page will be translated into the default language selected in the application settings.

Another big advantage Microsoft Translator is the ability not to exit reading mode in the Safari browser.

How to translate website pages in Safari on iPhone and iPad using Yandex.Translate

2. Select the translation direction at the top of the application.

4. Press the button More, activate the extension Yandex.Translator and press Ready. Immediately after this, you can start working with the new function.

5. Select a menu item "Translator".

If the translation does not work this way, use the Yandex.Translator application interface. To do this, copy the link of the page that needs to be translated and paste it into the translation field, indicating the direction of translation.

At the moment, the Yandex.Translator program database includes about a hundred languages ​​with the ability to translate offline. In order to use the application without connecting to the Internet, you simply need to download the data package to the gadget and activate the corresponding option in the utility settings.

Yandex.Translator can also read text from images and automatically translate it. The text recognition function from photographs and pictures is available only for eleven languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, English, German and others.

ReTranslator is an extension (installed as a separate application) for the standard web browser in iOS Safari. The only task that, I must say, the program copes well with is translating web pages from one language to another. Online translations of web pages have been available for a long time. Another thing is that using such translators with mobile device very uncomfortable. With ReTranslator, translating web pages into a language you know is a matter of just a few taps. The extension is a kind of gateway that provides redirection between the source web document (web page) and its translated version. ReTranslator uses 2 online translators: Google Translate and Bing Translate. The first one works much better, because... and develops faster and started first.

The choice of a translator, as well as the choice of the language from which to translate and into which to translate, is carried out directly in Safari; there is no need to jump between windows of different applications. In order for the online translation function to become available, after installing ReTranslator in Safari, you must enable the corresponding extension. After the web page to be translated is fully loaded, in the “Share” context menu, just select “Translate” and on the page for selecting a translator and languages, determine the direction of translation and confirm the choice. In addition to the translation function, ReTranslator stores history (available on the translation direction selection page), you can always return to the desired page and repeat the translation with one tap. Resetting the history and restoring the translation direction (from which language to which) is carried out in the ReTranslator application window on the iPhone or iPad desktop. Also available in the application window is a brief (nothing else is offered) guide to using the program. Take the time to read the information in 4 steps to avoid possible difficulties in activating the translation function and its operation. The application is available in the App Store at a price of 59 rubles. Not much if you need it not only for fun, but also for professional activities. And it’s expensive if you resort to translating web pages once or twice a year. In any case, ReTranslator offers previously unavailable functionality, but let’s face it, not everyone will find it useful. You never know when fate will take you by surprise.

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