Install 2 versions of 1c on server 8.3. Parallel launch of several 1C:Enterprise servers of different versions on one computer

Installing the technology platform and application solution on a local computer or laptop is simple and straightforward. To do this, you need to purchase a licensed version of one of the configurations, which includes an installation disk with step-by-step installation wizards for the platform and the user program itself.

Installing the technology platform and configuration on a local disk

Since not a single 1C application solution can work without its own engine - the platform - installation on a local computer is divided into two fundamental steps:

A step-by-step guide on how to install 1C is described in detail in the documentation attached to each licensed version of a standard or industry configuration. Following his instructions exactly will allow you to complete the installation yourself and without difficulty.

Installing 1C:Enterprise server on MSSQL

To understand what is described below, two concepts need to be clarified:

  • client - a personal computer or software, a network unit that generates requests to the server in order to receive or process any data;
  • server – a powerful computer with significant production capabilities or software that generates responses to client requests.

Client-server architecture involves the interaction of a client application with an information database server through a special application - the 1C: Enterprise server.

Installing MSSQL on a server machine is described in many manuals with possible variability depending on the SQL version and the version of the server operating system. In general, you can install 1C on a server by following the step-by-step steps:

  1. On your existing distribution, you must run the setup.exe installation file (to continue, you will need the Microsoft.NET Framework and the Windows Installer):
  2. Several options for further development of events are offered: initial installation, modification of already installed components, updating or searching for them. At this stage, the program checks compliance with the minimum MSSQL operating system requirements:
  3. You must enter the product key you received when you purchased the licensed program. After carefully and thoughtfully reading the license agreement in English, you must indicate your consent by checking the box:

    The transition to the next step is carried out by clicking the Next button.

  4. When you click the Install button, you are offered many settings, the checkboxes of which can be checked as needed: you can select everything (Select All) or only the most necessary (DatabaseEngineServices, ClientToolsConnectivity, ManagementToolBasic with the inclusion of subordinate components):
  5. It is recommended to leave the settings in the subsequent steps as default; click the Next button:
  6. Directories are selected for storing user data (SQL 1C database), logs, temporary files and information base backup files (backups).
  7. The next step adds the current user, who will have system administrator rights (the “Add Current User” button):
  8. The settings on subsequent pages remain default unless the situation requires otherwise. When you click the Install button, the installation process itself starts: the color line shows the dynamics of the procedure being performed. After the installation is successfully completed, a corresponding message will be displayed and all that remains is to close the installer by clicking the Close button.

If installing a server part with so many settings seems quite complicated, then you should contact your local network system administrator to complete it.

Installing the 1C:Enterprise technology platform on a server

Installing the platform configuration required for operation, in fact, is not much different from the usual one, with the only exception that at a certain step you need to select the installation of the components: “1C:Enterprise Server” and “1C:Enterprise Server Administration”:

On subsequent pages of the installer, you must select the default interface language, select an existing one, or create a new user for identification when starting the service. Connection security is guaranteed by entering a password and confirming it.

When you click on the “Install” button, the process of installing the 1C:Enterprise technology platform on the server will start:

In the future, you will be asked to install a protection driver if you purchase a product with a hardware key or activate a software license. If the 1C:Enterprise 8 technology platform is successfully installed, a system message will be issued.

Creating an infobase on a SQL server

Creating a new infobase in the launch window is no different from creating a database on a local computer, right up to the moment you select its location. For the server you need to select:

Next, you should fill in all the necessary fields for setting up the information base parameters: name of the database and its name in the server cluster, IP of the 1C:Enterprise server cluster and database server, type of database management system (DBMS), etc.:

Proceeding through the following steps with the default settings left, the final action will be to create a SQL infobase on the server.

Installing the client program

To enable users to work with the SQL information database, it is necessary to connect it correctly on client stations. The sequence of such connection:

If the settings for creating an infobase on the 1C:Enterprise server have been correctly specified and the 1C client configuration has been completed correctly, when you start the program from the client workstation, a connection to the server machine will be made.

This article contains information about the 1C installation procedure in the client-server version.

Installation of the 1C platform is described in our other article - “1C Administration”, in the “1C Installation” section. Installing on a server is almost exactly the same as installing on a local computer, with only one difference. In the server version, when selecting components to install, you must select “1C:Enterprise Server” and “1C:Enterprise Server Administration”.

Install 1C on client computers from which connections to the server will be made.

Installation on client computers is no different from the method described earlier in the article “1C Administration”.

Create an infobase in SQL.

Creating an information base in SQL is also very similar to creating a database in the file version. The difference is that at the stage of selecting the information base location type, you must select “On the 1C:Enterprise server”.

In the “Server cluster” item, specify the name (or better yet, the IP address) of the server on which you installed SQL.

In the “Infobase name” section, specify any name you want to give to the database.

DBMS type – SQL.

The database user and his password are the same superuser mentioned above during the installation of MS SQL.

Leave the date offset as default.

It is necessary to check the “Create a database if it does not exist” option and click “Next”.

Now the database has been successfully created on the SQL server and added to the list of available databases. Below in the picture you can see the result of the work done.

It is worth noting that the created database is still empty. This is a framework, a place allocated in SQL for your information base. In order to load your database into this framework, you need to use the Upload/Load information base tools. The Upload/Download procedure is also described in our other article “1C Administration”.

In order to bring the system to an ideal state in the future, it will be necessary to configure a “maintenance plan” for the created database. A maintenance plan is a set of procedures that SQL will perform regularly on a given schedule. For example, it will regularly make backups and delete temporary files. Working with SQL is beyond the scope of this article and will be described in one of the following.

In this article we will look at the process of launching and configuring the parallel operation of several 1C:Enterprise servers of different versions (relevant for versions 8.1 , 8.2 And 8.3 ) on one computer. In this example, the 1C:Enterprise server 8.3 will be launched while the server version 8.2 is running, but the article will be relevant for other similar situations, for example, when starting the 1C:Enterprise server version 8.1 while the server version 8.3 is running or running two servers of different bitness .

1. Statement of the problem

Let's assume there is a working server "1C:Enterprise" version 8.2 . Moreover, the server agent is launched as a service and the standard server agent startup parameters are selected, i.e.:

  • 1540
  • 1541
  • 1560:1591
  • These clusters are located in the directory: " C:\Program Files\1cv82\srvinfo"
  • The service is started as a local user USR1CV8

Let's launch and configure the 1C:Enterprise version server to work on the same physical computer 8.3 .

2. Installation of the 1C:Enterprise server part version 8.3

We start the installation of the 1C:Enterprise server (I wrote in detail about installing the 1C:Enterprise server), select the components for installation:

  • Components for accessing 1C:Enterprise 8 servers
  • Server 1C:Enterprise 8

And at the same time, remember the installation directory of the “1C:Enterprise” files (in this case - “ C:\Program Files\1cv8\»).

We install the “1C:Enterprise” server not as a service, but as an application, i.e. we remove the flag “ Install 1C:Enterprise 8 server as a Windows service" during installation.

3. Registration of the 1C:Enterprise server version 8.3

Now let’s manually register the new 1C:Enterprise server as a Windows service with changed parameters. To do this, use the command line or program Windows PowerShell. You can launch PowerShell by running the command powershell(to do this, press the key combination Win + R, in the window that appears " Execute" (Run) enter the command name in the field " Open"(Open) and press " OK") or by clicking on the corresponding shortcut in the taskbar.

In the Windows PowerShell console that opens, for the convenience of entering further commands, let's go to the directory bin directory with installed 1C:Enterprise files (directory from step 1) by running the command

Cd "C:\Program Files\1cv8\\bin"

If the 1C:Enterprise server version 8.3 was installed previously as a service, you must delete the existing server registration. To do this you need to run the command

.\ragent.exe -rmsrvc

You also need to delete all files in the cluster registry directory from the previous installation of the 1C:Enterprise server. By default this is the directory C:\Program Files\1cv8\srvinfo.

Now you can proceed to registering a new 1C:Enterprise server agent service. Because the default ports ( 1540 , 1541 , 1560-1690 ) are already occupied by the 1C:Enterprise server service version 8.2, it is necessary to use alternative ports, for example 2540 , 2541 and range 2560-2591 . To register a server with these parameters, run the command

.\ragent.exe -instsrvc -port 2540 -regport 2541 -range 2560:2591 -usr .\USR1CV8 -pwd UsrPass8 -d "C:\Program Files\1cv8\srvinfo"

(you can read more about the 1C:Enterprise server agent launch parameters in the article)

This example registers a server with the following parameter values:

  • Server agent network port number - 2540
  • Cluster manager network port number - 2541
  • Port range for dynamic selection - 2560:2591
  • The service is started as a local user − USR1CV8
  • The password of the user on behalf of which the service is running is UsrPass8
  • Cluster registry data is located in the directory "C:\Program Files\1cv8\srvinfo"
  • If you need to enable debugging on the server, you need to add the parameter to the startup line - debug

Well, let’s immediately start the service by running the command

.\ragent.exe -start

Let's go to Windows services and see that the required service with the name appears in the list 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Server Agent (x86-64). The service is running, and the service startup uses the parameters you just entered.

And if we go to the directory with the cluster registry files, we will see that the corresponding files have appeared there.

5. Adding the 1C:Enterprise server version 8.3 to the server administration console

To administer the 1C:Enterprise server, use the 1C:Enterprise server administration console. You can open the administration console of the required version from the subdirectory common directory with installed files of the 1C:Enterprise program (not necessarily this computer - the console can be installed separately on any computer on the network) by running the snap-in 1CV8 Server (x86-64).msc.

In the 1C:Enterprise server administration console, right-click in the settings tree on the “ Central 1C:Enterprise 8.3 servers", select the item " Create» — « Central server 1C:Enterprise 8.3».

In the parameters window for the central 1C:Enterprise server that appears, specify:

  • Protocol - tcp
  • Name - the name of the computer on which the 1C:Enterprise server is running
  • IP port — network port number of the server agent, in this case 2540
  • Description - arbitrary description of the central 1C:Enterprise server

Click " OK» to save the entered parameters.

After which the newly installed 1C:Enterprise server version 8.3 will be available for administration through this snap-in.

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Client-server version of work- one of the options for operating the 1C:Enterprise 8 system.

The client-server version of the work is intended for use in workgroups or on an enterprise scale. It is implemented based on a three-tier client-server architecture.

The client-server architecture divides the entire working system into three different parts that interact with each other in a certain way:

The program running for the user (client application) interacts with the 1C:Enterprise 8 server cluster, and the cluster, if necessary, accesses the database server.

In this case, the physical cluster of 1C:Enterprise 8 servers and the database server can be located either on the same computer or on different ones. This allows the administrator to distribute the load between servers if necessary.

Using a 1C:Enterprise 8 server cluster allows you to concentrate the most extensive data processing operations on it. For example, when executing even very complex queries, the program running for the user will receive only the selection it needs, and all intermediate processing will be performed on the server. Typically, increasing the capacity of a server cluster is much easier than upgrading the entire fleet of client machines.

Another important aspect of using a 3-tier architecture is ease of administration and streamlining user access to the information base. In this option, the user does not need to be aware of the physical location of the configuration or database. All access is carried out through a cluster of 1C:Enterprise 8 servers. When accessing a particular infobase, the user must specify only the cluster name and the infobase name, and the system requests the user name and password, respectively.

1C:Enterprise 8 uses the capabilities of a database management system to efficiently retrieve information:

  • the query mechanism is focused on maximizing the use of the DBMS to perform calculations and generate reports,
  • viewing large dynamic lists is ensured without performing a large number of database calls; at the same time, the user is provided with effective search capabilities, as well as selection and sorting settings.

Deploying the client-server option and administering it is quite simple. For example, the creation of a database is carried out directly during the launch of the configurator (the same as for the file version).

Client Applications

Working in a client-server version is possible either directly with the cluster or through a web server. Moreover, in the case of direct connection to the cluster, the thick client and thin client use the TCP/IP protocol. When connecting via a web server, the thin client and web client use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.

Server cluster

The 1C:Enterprise 8 server cluster is the main component of the platform, ensuring interaction between users and the database management system in a client-server mode. The presence of a cluster allows you to ensure uninterrupted, fault-tolerant, competitive operation of a large number of users with large information databases.

Database server

The following can be used as a database server:

Server cluster administration

The platform includes a set of various tools that allow the administrator to manage the composition of the cluster, information databases and user connections.

Performing basic functionality on the server

All work with application objects, reading and writing the database is performed only on the server. The functionality of forms and command interface is also implemented on the server.

The server prepares form data, arranges elements, and records form data after changes. The client displays a form already prepared on the server, enters data and calls the server to record the entered data and other necessary actions.

Similarly, the command interface is formed on the server and displayed on the client. Also, reports are generated entirely on the server and displayed on the client.

At the same time, the platform mechanisms are focused on minimizing the amount of data transferred to the client computer. For example, data from lists, tabular sections and reports is not transferred from the server immediately, but as the user views it.

The server runs:

  • Database queries
  • Data recording,
  • Carrying out documents,
  • Various calculations
  • Performing processing,
  • Generation of reports,
  • Preparing forms for display.

Runs on the client:

  • Receiving and opening forms,
  • Form display,
  • “Communication” with the user (warnings, questions...),
  • Small calculations in forms that require a quick response (for example, multiplying price by quantity),
  • Working with local files,
  • Working with commercial equipment.

Using the built-in language on the client

You can manage the functionality of forms not only on the server, but also on the client. The client supports the built-in language. It is used in cases where it is necessary to carry out calculations related to the form displayed on the screen, for example, to quickly (without contacting the server) calculate the amount of a document line based on price and quantity; ask the user a question and process the answer; read a file from the computer's file system and send it to the server.

However, the operation of the built-in language on the client is supported to a strictly limited extent. Client procedures in modules are explicitly separated from server procedures, and they use a limited composition of the object model of the built-in language.

Direct work with the database is not allowed on the client. Working directly with application objects is not allowed; for example, such types of built-in language as DirectoryObject.<имя> . Requests are not allowed. If you need to call actions with data in client code, you need to call server procedures that will already access the data.

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