Call the MTS operator in roaming. How to call the MTS operator: toll-free numbers to contact a “live” specialist

Every company that respects itself and its clients has its own 24-hour help center. Of course, MTS is no exception. Each subscriber of this operator can contact a customer support specialist free of charge at any time. By calling the help center you can get an answer to almost any question. The problem is that many simply do not know how to call the MTS operator. There are several numbers to contact a support specialist. All of them are free and available 24 hours a day.
You can call the MTS operator using one of the following numbers:

  • 0890
  • 8 800 250 08 90
  • +7 495 766 01 66 - number for contacting the MTS operator in international roaming;
  • 8 800 250 09 90 - support number for corporate clients;
  • 0 800 400 000 - (free call from any numbers) or 111 (only within the MTS network) - MTS Ukraine contact center;
  • +375 17 237 98 98 - MTS Belarus operator number.

As you can see, the MTS support service provides a fairly large number of numbers. Before calling the MTS operator, we recommend reading this article in full. The fact is that when you call any of the above methods, you will not hear a specialist answer. Initially, you will be taken to an automatic voice menu, then you need to enter a certain combination of numbers and only after that you can ask your question. It is worth noting that you often have to wait a long time for a specialist’s response. We will tell you how to contact the operator faster, and also consider alternative ways to contact support.

How to call MTS Russia operator

MTS provides its services in several countries, for example, in Belarus and Ukraine, but the largest number of clients are in Russia. This is why Russians most often think about how to call an operator on MTS. If you purchased an MTS SIM card in any region of Russia, then the numbers below will help you get advice from a specialist at the MTS help center. Unfortunately, there is no single number that will allow you to contact the operator for free from any number and anywhere in the world. Therefore, you need to know all the help center numbers and their purpose.
Before contacting the operator, you should try to solve the problem yourself, of course, if possible. For example, if you want to know, you can read our separate review. Our website also contains many other useful articles that will help you avoid the need to waste time waiting for an operator to respond. Also, do not forget that the number can be managed through your personal account; by the way, we will return to this issue later, but for now let’s move on to the main topic of the article.

MTS Russia operator numbers:

  • 0890 - only for calls from MTS Russia numbers;
  • 8 800 250 08 90 - multi-channel federal number (you can call from the numbers of any operators and home phone);
  • +7 495 766 01 66 - number for contacting the MTS operator in international roaming.

That is, if you are calling from an MTS number, you can use the short number 0890 to contact the operator , if you need to contact a specialist from a landline or mobile operator, then the number must be appropriate (see number above). If you are abroad, then you need to call +7 495 766 01 66 , this is the only way you can communicate with a help center specialist and not pay for the call.

It is worth noting that despite the difference in numbers, they all allow you to call using a single voice menu, that is, a direct connection with a specialist will not occur immediately. To hear the voice of a living person, you will have to listen to an auto-informer who will tell you which numbers you need to press to contact the operator. In addition, you will have to spend time waiting for the consultant to respond. That is why we recommend that before calling the MTS operator, you try to solve the problem yourself. If you cannot do without the help of a specialist, then use the instructions below to at least reduce the waiting time for a response.

To contact the MTS operator, follow these steps:

  1. Call 0890 , 8 800 250 08 90 or +7 495 766 01 66 (when and which number should be used is indicated above);
  2. After you hear the voice of the autoinformer, press the number 1, then 0;
  3. Select whether you want to evaluate the quality of the operator’s work by clicking on the corresponding number;
  4. Wait for the operator's response. You will be informed of the approximate waiting time.

If the operator does not answer for a long time, you can try to call back later, or use alternative methods of contacting the contact center. Information about current alternative methods is provided at the end of the article.

MTS operator number in Belarus and Ukraine

Mobile operator MTS has a huge customer base. MTS has subscribers not only in Russia, but also in other countries, for example, there are a sufficient number of them in Belarus and Ukraine, therefore, you should tell how to call the MTS operator in these countries.

MTS Belarus operator numbers:

  • 0880 - a toll-free number to contact the operator when you are on the MTS network;
  • +375 17 237 98 98 - a toll-free number that allows you to call the help center from any number, including a landline phone.

By calling the indicated numbers you can manage services, find out your balance and, of course, get expert advice. The operator's response time depends on the network load.

MTS Ukraine operator numbers:

  • 111 - short number for calls from MTS numbers;
  • 0 800 400 000 - number to contact the operator from any phone;
  • +38 050 508 11 11 - help center number when roaming abroad;
  • 555 - a number for quick connection with an operator (cost - 0.47 UAH per call).

As you can see, MTS Ukraine subscribers have the opportunity not to waste time waiting for an operator’s response, but to receive advice immediately, however, the service is paid. Some time ago something similar was in effect in Russia. There was no separate number, however, informing the subscriber of the waiting time, the autoinformer offered to receive advice out of turn for a fee.

Alternative ways to contact the operator

We told you how to call the MTS operator. Now you know all the current numbers. It would seem that we could end here, but there is some problem - waiting for a specialist’s response. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to quickly reach an MTS operator. Sometimes the wait lasts more than 10 minutes. Not everyone has the patience to wait that long. If you don't want to wait, then try to solve the problem using one of the methods below. In addition, you can always solve the problem yourself through your MTS personal account.

You can contact the MTS operator in one of the following ways:

  1. Use the “My MTS” application to ask a question to a help center specialist in chat mode;
  2. Ask your question by email [email protected]. You can ask for an email or call back;
  3. Use the Call Back service. The service is not connected or managed in any way. Usually the autoinformer offers to use it when all the specialists are busy.

The most attractive is the first method, which involves using the “My MTS” application. You can correspond with a consultant through this application completely free of charge.

The use of mobile communications has long been an everyday activity. Even children can now call, send a message, or access the Internet from their phones. But sometimes questions arise that users cannot find answers to. In this case, you need the help of an MTS specialist.

Of course, there are a huge number of questions and answers on the site. If you look hard enough, you can often solve the problem yourself. But sometimes it is necessary for your question to be answered not by a robot, but by a real, live interlocutor. What to do in this case?

Methods of communication with the MTS operator

It would seem that a completely obvious solution to the question “how to call the MTS operator” is to dial the number 0890 and wait for the connection. But reviews from people who tried to call the MTS office show that this is not always easy to do. Their experience shows that if you want to communicate with a live interlocutor, you don’t even have to look in the direction of the short number. You need a “long” number in federal format. There, a living person will answer you 100%, and you won’t have to wait long.

Just don’t try to call there from an MTS number, use any other number, there are many sources claiming that it’s easier to get through using this method. Here is a simple dialing algorithm:

  1. We dial the number 8-800-250-08-90, the phone can be any other than MTS.
  2. We wait a little while a pleasant female voice is heard in the speaker of your device. You don't have to listen to it, just press 1, then 0.
  3. Do you want to evaluate the operator's performance? If you want to spend even more time, then press 1, if you need to solve the issue faster, press 0.
  4. At this stage, nothing else depends on you; you just need to wait for the operator to answer.

If for some reason you cannot call from a SIM card of another mobile operator, you will have to dial through the MTS short number

We call the MTS operator using a short number.

A large number of people leaving reviews on the Internet agree that it is very difficult to reach a live operator using a short number. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to do this, but if you don’t have the opportunity to use another method, you can try.

How to call an MTS operator using a short number? To do this you need to do these simple steps:

  1. Enter the key combination 0890 on your device.
  2. Next, press 5 and 0 successively.
  3. You can put the phone near you, turn on the speakerphone, and go about your business, for example, drink a cup of tea. Sometimes the wait reaches 20-30 minutes or more. But perhaps you will be lucky and get through earlier.

How to call the MTS operator from a landline phone?

Sometimes it is not possible to find a mobile phone from another mobile operator. How to call the MTS operator in this case? This is not scary, since you can get through using a regular landline phone. The method is the same as described earlier, with the number 8-800-250-08-90.

If you need to call the support service while traveling abroad, then you need to use the number +7-495-766-0166. Just be sure to dial the number using the +7 prefix. Such calls will cost significantly more as they occur while roaming.

What to do if you can’t get through to the MTS operator?

What to do if you can’t reach an MTS employee using any of the methods described above? There are several options. All of them are less convenient, take more time and require some effort. Here are other ways to get in touch with MTS representatives:

  1. On the official website of MTS there is a feedback form with which you can leave a request. Through it you can provide your contact details and briefly outline the essence of the issue. Some time after you submit your request, you will be contacted.
  2. Not all questions require specialist help. For example: you can get call details, find out your account balance, find out details about your tariff plan and much more in your personal account at Sometimes this can be even more convenient than calling customer support.
  3. If all the described methods cannot solve your problem, and the call center cannot be reached, you can simply go to the nearest customer service center and resolve all your issues there. Face to face, communicating with a specialist.

Today we can no longer imagine our life without mobile phones. And difficulties or questions regarding the quality of the services provided, phone settings, connecting options and, of course, problems with writing off funds have probably arisen for everyone more than once. Trying to improve the quality of service for their customers, many large cellular companies are actively developing free 24-hour hotlines with automated menus. The only problem is that not everyone can understand the management and quickly resolve their issue, and yet more and more often, when turning to a specialist for advice, it is simply impossible to get through to him. How to call the MTS operator, and most importantly, how to quickly reach him, we will tell you in this article.

And, although at first glance it seems almost impossible to do this, there are still several simple ways to get “live” help in a particular issue.

The MTS Unified Information Service will help us with this. Let's start, perhaps, with the contact center short number 0890, which absolutely every MTS subscriber should know. You can use it to contact the help desk only when using an MTS SIM card.

To get help from a consultant, the automated menu will prompt you to enter the numbers 4 and 3 one after the other, after which you will have to wait for the specialist’s response in the general queue. It is worth noting that sometimes you may need a fair amount of patience to wait for his response, and the wait itself can drag on for quite a long time, up to 1 hour. Calling this number is free.

Tip: You can also contact a specialist by calling the same MTS operator number 0890, only by switching to the automated menu, dial 4, and then 1 - the operator will call you back in 15 minutes. You can also enter 4 and 2 - a specialist will answer you without waiting in a few seconds, but the cost of this service will be 20 rubles, and it includes an unlimited number of calls per day.

Calling from numbers of other operators

The mobile operator MTS has tens of millions of subscribers not only in Russia, but also in the CIS, so the company’s specialists tried to simplify as much as possible the process of providing information on questions of interest to users when they contact the support service by phone. As a rule, most of your questions are now answered by a robot, which, in the first seconds of the conversation, offers information about your tariff, balance, and available services. The same is true with quick key typing, where each number corresponds to a separate section or subsection.

But what if you need to reach a “live” operator? After all, robots often cannot solve the issues that arise and a dialogue with a live specialist is needed who would understand the essence of the problem and tell us how to solve it. If you are faced with such a problem and cannot contact a living person in any way, we offer all possible methods, which are described below.

It is assumed that you have an MTS SIM card, with which the call will be made. You need to call the number 0890, which, as a rule, is known to many network subscribers. But in addition to it, there are two more short and unfamiliar numbers, namely 08460 and 0605. The operator’s website contains information that 0605 is intended only for VIP clients, however, as practice has shown, they answer everyone!

So, here's what you need to do:

  1. Dial any of the numbers listed: 0890, 0605 or 08460;
  2. Wait until the system tells you about all the company's news and offers and as soon as the robot offers to enter keys in the voice menu, press 2 and then 0;
  3. At this stage, the robot will inform you that a specialist will respond within a few minutes. All you have to do is wait the specified time and tell us about your problem.

Call the MTS hotline from any numbers

If you need to urgently solve a problem, you can use the MTS hotline, which is available via a federal toll-free number. The only drawback is that you can only get through from other operators, for example, Tele2, Beeline, Megafon. If you make a call from MTS, you will be notified that this number is not in service.

Follow these steps:

  1. Call the indicated number 8-800-250-0890 (it is completely free). You can call from both mobile and landline. The main thing is that it is not MTS, otherwise you won’t get through;
  2. Ignore messages about quality of service. Just press 1 or 0 ;
  3. At this stage, the robot will tell you how long you will need to wait for a specialist’s response. Wait for the specified time and tell about your problem.

Calling an MTS operator in roaming

Even if you are abroad and the roaming system is in effect, you can also call the MTS support service to be connected to a specialist.

To do this, you need to dial the number +7-495-76-60-166. Calling this number is free, so you don’t have to worry about being charged.

If all the specialists are busy, you will have to wait a while. The system will notify you of the current waiting time.

For corporate clients

For corporate clients, the mobile operator has provided a separate number so as not to overload the main line.

You can only call on the specified federal phone number 8-800-250-0990, but the call is free.

Call the MTS operator in Crimea

Despite the fact that Crimea is now a subject of the Russian Federation, many subscribers still do not understand which number to call to get to an MTS specialist. In fact, all the same rules apply here as for Russia. You can dial the short number 0890, 0605 or 08460. You can also use the federal phone number 8-800-250-0890.

But, if you come to Crimea, but at the same time you have a Ukrainian SIM card, then you will need to call +38-050-508-1111 or the short number 111, since you are abroad. Just keep in mind that calls to these numbers are paid!

Additional ways to communicate with MTS operators

If you need to solve a problem, but you can’t contact a specialist, for example, you are out of coverage area or MTS employees take a very long time to respond due to workload (very often happens on holidays), you can use other communication methods. After all, your main goal is to resolve the problem, clarify the information, so it doesn’t matter in what form it will be provided.

We have prepared for you several alternative ways to contact MTS specialists:

Online chat on the site

You just need to go to the official website and click on the chat icon in the lower right corner. The system will prompt you to log in to your personal account to identify your number.

Contact information and telephone numbers of the MTS subscriber service for residents of all regions of Russia, access to the MTS “Personal Account” and other methods of contacting the operator’s help desk.

Unified toll-free customer support number for MTS operator:

8800 250 0890 /

To obtain personal information, manage services and change the established tariff, please be prepared to provide your passport information to the Hotline employee. Please note that some additional services may be charged according to your operator's tariffs. MTS call center operator?

Single toll-free support number for the MTS group of companies:

8800 250 8 250

This number provides support for MTS cellular communications, MTS Internet and television clients and "". All calls to the number 8 800 250 0890 paid by MTS. Calls to line number 8800 are absolutely free for callers from landline or mobile phones registered in Russia.

Support number for calls from Moscow and abroad:

+7 495 766 0166

When you are in MTS roaming outside of Russia, you can call the operator at +7 495 766 0166 from your mobile phone completely free of charge.

Calls to the contact center landline number +7 495 766 0166 from phones of other cellular operators (including Megafon, Beeline and Tele2) and from local numbers are paid in accordance with the tariffs of the telecom operator. Use this number if you are in international roaming or want to call MTS from a foreign number. Be sure to dial the help desk number in international format from +7 and check the cost of international calls. This is especially important if you are calling from a phone in a hotel room.

The MTS subscriber service provides consultations and support to customers on issues of connecting and disconnecting services (both paid and free), changing the tariff plan, providing account information, blocking a SIM card and other requests. You can contact support 24 hours a day.

MTS subscriber personal account

The MTS group of companies combines three areas: MTS Mobile Communications, and. Each of them has its own separate Personal Account. Please select your personal account depending on which MTS division you are a client of.

Client's personal account available on the official website of the MTS Russia operator. To obtain information about the possibility and procedure for connecting a personal account, with any requests and comments on its operation, please contact the “Mobile Tele Systems” support number 8800 250 0890 or 0890 from mobile MTS.

MTS online customer support

Couldn't quickly get through to the MTS operator help desk? Then contact us through the special feedback section on the MTS website. In this section, you can ask any question of interest, complain, express gratitude, or leave a wish regarding the work of the cellular operator and service in official offices and showrooms. You can also ask any questions regarding the MTS cellular network (claims, services, tariffs) in an email to the official address This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.. The company's specialists will try to answer your request as soon as possible.

MTS subscriber service employees are always available to communicate with subscribers on the most popular social networks: MTS groups In contact with, on Odnoklassniki , V Facebook And Google Plus . You can count on a prompt response through these communication channels with MTS.

Do you prefer to follow the latest news from the MTS operator in a more concise form? In addition to accounts on social networks, MTS maintains an official micro-blog in Twitter where all the latest news and useful information for subscribers are regularly published in a concise form.

Cities in which MTS operates

MTS customer support operates in the following regions and cities of Russia:

Moscow (Moscow) and St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), Republic of Adygea (Maikop), Altai Territory (Barnaul), Amur Region (Blagoveshchensk), Arkhangelsk Region (Arkhangelsk), Astrakhan Region (Astrakhan), Belgorod Region (Belgorod), Bryansk Region (Bryansk), Republic of Buryatia (Ulan-Ude), Vladimir Region (Vladimir), Volgograd Region (Volgograd), Vologda Region (Vologda), Voronezh Region (Voronezh), Republic of Dagestan (Makhachkala), Jewish Autonomous Okrug (Birobidzhan), Trans-Baikal Territory (Chita), Ivanovo Region (Ivanovo), Republic of Ingushetia (Magas), Irkutsk Region (Irkutsk), Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Nalchik), Kaliningrad Region (Kaliningrad), Republic of Kalmykia (Elista), Kaluga Region (Kaluga), Kamchatka Territory (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Cherkessk), Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk), Kemerovo Region (Kemerovo), Kirov Region (Kirov), Komi Republic (Syktyvkar), Kostroma Region (Kostroma), Krasnodar Territory (Krasnodar, Sochi , Novorossiysk), Krasnoyarsk region (Krasnoyarsk), Kurgan region (Kurgan), Kursk region (Kursk), Leningrad region (Vyborg, Luga), Lipetsk region (Lipetsk), Magadan region (Magadan), Republic of Mari El (Yoshkar-Ola) , Republic of Mordovia (Saransk), Moscow region (Odintsovo, Sergiev Posad, Ramenskoye, Lyubertsy, Krasnogorsk, Mytishchi, Shchelkovo), Murmansk region (Murmansk), Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Naryan-Mar), Nizhny Novgorod region (Nizhny Novgorod), Novgorod region ( Veliky Novgorod), Novosibirsk region (Novosibirsk), Omsk region (Omsk), Orenburg region (Orenburg), Oryol region (Oryol), Penza region (Penza), Perm region (Perm), Primorsky region (Vladivostok), Pskov region (Pskov) ), Republic of Altai (Gorno-Altaisk), Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa), Rostov Region (Rostov-on-Don), Ryazan Region (Ryazan), Samara Region (Samara), Saratov Region (Saratov), ​​Sakhalin Region (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ), Sverdlovsk Region (Ekaterinburg), Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (Vladikavkaz), Smolensk Region (Smolensk), Stavropol Territory (Stavropol), Tambov Region (Tambov), Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan), Tver Region (Tver), Tomsk Region ( Tomsk), Tula Region (Tula), Republic of Tyva (Kyzyl), Tyumen Region (Tyumen), Udmurt Republic (Izhevsk), Ulyanovsk Region (Ulyanovsk), Khabarovsk Territory (Khabarovsk), Republic of Khakassia (Abakan), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (Khanty-Mansiysk), Chelyabinsk Region (Chelyabinsk), Chechen Republic (Grozny), Chuvash Republic (Cheboksary), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Anadyr), Republic of Sakha (Yakutsk), Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Salekhard) and Yaroslavl Region (Yaroslavl) .

Additional information on special MTS tariffs and on our website. Subscribers with premium tariffs are served out of turn, on a priority basis.

Changes are possible in contact details, tariffs, addresses of official websites and geography of presence of the mobile operator. Check current reference information by calling the 24-hour Mobile Tele Systems hotline (reference and information service of the telecommunications company) 8800 250 0890 or on the company’s official website Information about multi-channel phone numbers. and links are current as of April 2019.

To control the quality of customer service, all conversations with operators of the MTS subscriber service consultation center are recorded. We ask you to be understanding when recording, as this is necessary to control the quality of customer service. All your additional questions, including “ ” or, for example, “What is the MTS operator number,” will be considered and will receive a prompt response from the MTS support service as well as on the official website of the telecommunications company.

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