Rules for searching information in Yandex. How to properly search for information in Yandex? Search for documents that do not contain a specified word

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For those who spend a lot of time on the Internet, the expression “search query” is familiar. However, it is also known that it is not always possible to find the required resource based on the entered query. But gradually, by selecting several word forms, it is possible to achieve the desired result. This means that there must be a certain search algorithm that is characteristic of different search engines. And such an algorithm really exists. But in order for it to be used effectively, you need to figure out how to use the search engine correctly.

How does a search engine work?

First of all, to achieve an effective search, you need to understand that a request to a search engine is a set of words in a certain sequence. It is entered in a special browser line. However, you need to know that there are so-called stop words that are not considered by the search engine. The category of such words includes interjections and prepositions.

Moreover, the search algorithm in both the Google and Yandex systems works in such a way that in the search results the entered words will appear without a specific sequence. So it turns out that by entering a phrase, for example, “apply and get a loan for a car,” the search engine will only consider the words “apply, get, loan, car,” and they may look in different sequences.

For example, “car, loan, issue, receive.” In addition, these words can be recognized in different cases and declensions. As a result, a search may return sites where the following word forms are found: “credit, registration, receive, auto.” Although they may be different depending on the order of words, but still, with this approach it is sometimes difficult to quickly find the necessary information.

What additional characters are entered into the search engine?

But to organize the search in the form in which the words were entered, you can put an exclamation mark (!) in front of the phrase.

If you need to find words by synonyms, you need to enter the “~” sign in front of the searched word.

The operative word inurl, placed without a space before the search word, will allow you to find the specified word only in the page address, while the remaining words of the entered phrase will be searched throughout the entire text of this page.

In some situations, it is useful to use a minus sign (-), which allows you to avoid too much cluttering of words during a direct search.

But the plus sign search rules in search engines are interpreted differently by different search engines. For example, in Yandex this indicates the priority of a given word. For example, in the request “apply for and receive a loan for + car”, special emphasis during the search will be placed on the word “car”. In Google, this location of the plus means that additional words must be included in the search procedure: “apply for + and get a loan for a car,” the search will also consider the conjunction “and.”

Vertical line "|" corresponds to the meaning of the word “or”. That is, the meaning of “apply and | receive a loan for a car” will be perceived as “apply or receive.”

In order to understand how to use a search engine, you must keep in mind that the search system provides for entering correct queries, distinguished by:

Navigation queries – designed to search for a place on the Internet (a specific company website)

Informative requests - help to find specific information at different addresses.

Transactional requests – confirming the intention to perform something (downloading, subscribing, etc.).

Fuzzy queries are general terms with a wide range of interpretation, such as “cinema”, “video”.

That is, to achieve the desired search result, you must enter the correct data, taking into account the entered characters, and then the search engine will provide the necessary information immediately.

The Yandex search engine also has advanced search capabilities and advanced operators. Yandex has a very good coverage of Russian-language sites, so if the target site is in Russian, then at the stage of collecting information it makes sense to use Yandex as well.

The syntax of queries in Yandex differs from Google: the operators are called differently and the logic of their work is different, there are no analogues of some Google operators at all, and some, on the contrary, are unique only to Yandex.

Perhaps the main difference between Yandex search is its own index, with a huge coverage of sites in Russian. As well as their own algorithms for determining relevance (how well a page matches a search query) and ranking (how high a page should be in search results).

And although search operators in Yandex work differently than in Google, they are quite flexible for composing complex queries based on several criteria. I will show several examples of Yandex dorks, with the help of which you can find passwords and other information that is very interesting for a pentester.

So, let's get acquainted with advanced Yandex search techniques, which in any case will be useful to anyone who is looking for something on the Internet (that is, everyone) - even if you are not involved in open source investigations.

Yandex query language for advanced search

Single word search

Yandex searches not only by the exact form of the word, but also by its various forms (singular-plural, various cases, various verb forms, etc.). This is not indicated in the help, but it is obvious that the search is also performed using synonyms of the word

Search by phrase

Searches for pages containing all the words from the phrase. As for individual words, the search is performed using various word forms, synonyms

For example, request

Cheap flights

Finds pages containing the phrases “cheap air tickets”, “cheap air tickets”, “search for cheap air tickets” and others.

Search for a word in a given form

If you do not want different forms of a word or its synonyms to be used when searching, then put an exclamation mark ( ! ):

Cheap flights

! within one request.

In fact, the search results still contain documents with synonyms - perhaps this operator does not always work or other factors are at play.

Important words in the search query

cheap +get there +suvarnabhumi +sukumvit

An unusual concept - a search will be performed for documents that necessarily contain a highlighted plus sign ( + ) word. It is permissible to use multiple operators + in one request.

Those. The given search query will certainly find pages containing the words “get there”, “suvarnabhumi”, “sukumvit” and, possibly, the word “cheap”.

Search by exact quote

Just like Google, you can search for pages that contain the exact quote. To do this, place it in quotation marks.

"safely store your funds in baht"

Pages (documents) will be found that contain all the words of the search query, exactly in the sequence and in the exact form as they appear in the query itself.

Search by citation with missing word(s)

One operator * matches one missing word.

You can only use this when searching for an exact quote - i.e. inside double quotes.

"it's easy to get a fish out of a pond"

True, sometimes Yandex mocks:

In general, I still don’t remember what exactly the word is...

Search query with alternatives

SVO | DME | tractor

You can search for pages that contain any word from the query - this is also called logical OR. To do this, use the operator indicated by the pipe symbol ( | ). Operators are separated from words by spaces.

It is permissible to use multiple operators | in one request.

Let me remind you that in Google you can use the OR operator or also use a pipe.

Search for any of the phrases

"Large Hadron Collider" | "funny cats"

You can use OR ( | ) along with searching for exactly matching phrases.

This will find pages containing the phrase "Large Hadron Collider" as well as pages containing the phrase "funny cats."

Using parentheses for grouping

training (java | PHP)

By default, logical OR splits the search query into two parts - what comes before the operator and what comes after it.

Those. request

Java training | PHP

would cause the search engine to search for pages with the phrase "java training" and pages with the phrase "PHP". But if we want to find pages with the phrase "learn java" and pages with the phrase "learn PHP", then we need to use parentheses to separate the required part from the alternative part.

Search for documents that do not contain a specified word

treatment of appendicitis - independently

When searching for a phrase of several words, you can specify those words that should not appear on the pages found. Those. The search results will contain those documents that contain the search term, but without the unwanted word.

The negation operator uses the minus sign ( ). Only the word preceded by the operator is excluded. In this case, the excluded word should be placed at the end of the search query.

It is acceptable to use multiple minus operators ( ) in one request.

Apparently, the minus only works with search words, but does not work with operators, which will be discussed later.

Advanced Operators

You can refine your search query using data related to service information about pages. For example, you can limit your search by:

  • file type
  • to the host
  • page language

The syntax for refining a search using these parameters is called “ document operators».

Search mime:pdf

When using operators where the hostname is specified as a parameter ( url, host And rhost), you should indicate the main mirror of the site. For example,

Search for pages located at a given address (URL)

To search at a specific page address, use the operator url: with the following syntax:

Url:full URL


The case of letters in the address is not taken into account.

To find all documents whose addresses begin with a given value, add the symbol at the end of the URL * .

The URL in the request should be enclosed in quotes if it contains one of the following characters:

Please note that the request:

Vulnerability sql injection url:site

It won't find anything! To search the entire site, use an asterisk:

SQL injection vulnerability url:site/*

Parameter url: is intended primarily for searching in certain sections of the site, for example:

SQL injection vulnerability url:site/?cat=*

The phrase “SQL injection vulnerability” will be searched only on pages like site/?cat=(categories).

To search the entire target host, use one of the following options.

Search all subdomains and pages of a specified site


Site:Site URL

SQL injection vulnerability site:site

Documents containing the phrase “sql injection vulnerability” and posted on subdomains and pages of the site will be found.

Search for pages hosted on a given host


Host: hostname in the format www.second-level domain

Identical to operator url: with the given hostname.


Documents containing the word “sqli” and hosted on the host (one of the subdomains of the website) will be found.

Another option for searching for pages on a specific subdomain is to use the operator rhost:

Identical to operator host:, but the hostname is written in reverse order: first the top-level domain, then the second-level domain, etc.

To search all subdomains of a given domain, put the symbol at the end of the URL * .


Rhost: hostname in the format top-level domain.second-level domain.www

Wildcard option:

Rhost: hostname in the format top-level domain.second-level domain.*

Example, output of all pages of the subdomain:

Show all pages of any subdomains starting with the letter a:


Search by specific domain zones


Domain:domain zone

Information security labs domain:edu

The phrase " information security labs» only on domain zone websites edu.

Search by file type


Mime:file type

Search for documents in a given file type. The following file types are supported:

Foreign passport form mime:doc

Documents will be found in the format doc containing the words " questionnaire" And " international passport».

You can specify multiple search extensions at once, but be sure to combine them with a logical OR ( | ): (mime:pdf | mime:doc | mime:docx)

Search by pages in a given language


Lang: language

Languages ​​supported:

  • Russian (ru)
  • Ukrainian (uk)
  • Belarusian (be)
  • English (en)
  • French (fr)
  • German (de)
  • Kazakh (kk)
  • Tatar (tt)
  • Turkish (tr)

Passport lang:en

Documents in English containing the word “passport” will be found.

Search by date and date range

But in this, Yandex search has definitely outperformed Google - Google has a very vague search for document modification dates, practically, we can say that it doesn’t exist, because the results are strange.

You can search pages based on the date they were last modified.

Search options by date

The page change corresponds to the specified date:


The page change is in the range:


The page change is before or after the specified date (<, <=, >, >=):


The page was modified in part:


Note. The year of change must be indicated. Month and day can be replaced with a symbol * .

Examples where the word “festival” is searched in documents for which the modification date corresponds to 10/10/2014:

Festival date:20141010

The change date is between 10/10/2014 and 11/10/2014 inclusive:

Festival date:20141010..20141110

Date of change later than 11/10/2014:

Festival date:>20141110

Date of change corresponds to 2014:

Festival date:2014**

Let's say I want to find out which pages of the website changed between June 10, 2018 and July 10, 2018:

Site:site date:20180610..20180710

I want to find any documents on any website that contain the exact phrase "Alexey Miloserdov" and that were changed between July 5, 2018 and July 10, 2018:

"Alexey Miloserdov" date:20180705..20180710

Just one document with the address

By the way, you can see what other student works are there:

Search by title

You can search by title of web pages. But in Yandex this is implemented a little unusually - you can search OR by title OR by document, but not both at the same time.

To search by page title, you can use the advanced search form:

Or add to the address of the search results page &zone=title

Perhaps there is a special operator so that the URI does not need to be changed, but I did not find information about this. An analogy suggests itself zone:title, but in my opinion it doesn't work.

If you know something about this, write in the comments.

Search by exact form of a word

We have already covered this issue - if the search phrase is placed in quotation marks, then the pages are searched for an exact match. Otherwise, all forms and synonyms of words are searched.

If you want to search by exact forms of words, but their order is not important to you and the words do not have to form one phrase, then, in theory, you can put each word in quotation marks. Another option is to edit the URI. If there wordforms=all, then a search is performed across all forms, and if wordforms=exact- then exact matches are searched.

Yandex dorks?

Yandex search can certainly be useful for researchers based on open sources. Including when searching for leaks.

What about search in Yandex for hackers and pentesters? Although the Yandex query language is less flexible, you can still find a variety of sensitive information and files through Yandex that are not intended for public access.

Brute force subdomains one letter at a time

Search for admin and authentication pages

"Login" url:."ru/admin"

When using search engines, many people do not think about their advanced functionality. You just need to enter the desired query into the search bar and you will be presented with a list of sites with answers. Search engine mechanisms are constantly being improved and expanded, but it still takes quite a lot of time to find some things. This article will discuss the main features that will simplify this process and make it more convenient.

Searching for information in Yandex

In some cases, you need to find a phrase in the form that you type into the search bar. To do this, just add quotes before the beginning of the query and at the end.

By adding an exclamation mark before each word, Yandex will search for information in the case and number that you entered.

This will make the search more accurate.

A situation may arise when you forget a certain word in a quote. In order for the search engine to immediately display the desired result, it is enough to enclose the phrase in quotation marks and put an asterisk in place of the missing word.

Yandex itself will substitute the required value. Although if the phrase is quite popular, then this operator is not needed, the answer will already be displayed in the search.

A situation may arise when the search engine is required to select one or another meaning for a word. In this case, you need to use only the listed options. For example, to search for an apartment, when you only need to look at one-room apartments and studios. To solve this problem, use a vertical slash.

This will allow you to search only for the answers you need.

A common situation is when you need to find an answer to a query, but all the words must be within one sentence. The solution to this problem is to use the ampersand (&).

We insert it after the words that must be within one sentence and start the search.

When the need arises to get an answer to a question, Yandex does not always provide the necessary information. In this case, you can supplement the query with a plus sign, then it will search only those pages that contain this word.

The number of words with a plus sign is unlimited.

Using the minus sign, you can remove unnecessary words from the search. For example, you can use this feature to remove commercial queries from the search.

As a result, this word will not be included in the search.

This can be done using Yandex advanced search or using the site operator. Just enter the desired query and add the operator site:site name after it.

The search will be performed only on the specified resource.

Sometimes you need to find information that is presented in the form of documents. The problem becomes that there are quite a lot of file extensions. To search only the desired format, use the mime operator.

By typing a query in English into the search bar, you can see search results that contain only English-language sites. To solve this problem, the lang operator will help.

To display only Russian-language sites, you need to use the ru attribute; for other languages, operators will correspond to their codes in Yandex.

Sometimes you want to display data that was published only today or on a specific date. To solve this problem, Yandex has the date operator.

Please note that the date must be entered in year month number format, without spaces.

Useful tricks from Yandex

The browser search bar can be used not only to search for information, but also for other useful things.

Just enter the desired algebraic expression into the search bar, and the system will display its solution as a result.

With the help of Yandex, you can always transfer money from one currency to another.

The search engine allows you to determine the exact time in your region (depending on IP) and anywhere in the world.

Enter the query “My ip” into the search bar and it will be displayed in the search results.

Perhaps these are the most interesting and useful functions that will simplify search in Yandex and make it more convenient. If you know any other search secrets, share them in the comments.

Now it has become commonplace to “punch through the address” through Yandex. Fast. Comfortable.

But when it comes to finding something similar on a given topic or something interesting “to read,” then for the vast majority of users simplicity disappears, and you can forget about “quickly”.

Yandex is just a search engine, program, not a person. There is no need to endow him with omnipotence: they say, everything will be found, just tell him.

No matter how hard its developers try, no one on the planet has yet succeeded in creating artificial intelligence. Take this fact into account and do not try to ask Yandex “human questions”. This doesn't make much sense - he won't understand.

It is better to search in Yandex using phrases
consisting of two or three words.

Once you receive the results, wait to click immediately. Take a quick look at the suggested links. Rate: is this exactly what you are looking for?

If the query contains one or two common words, then the result will most likely contain links to completely different sites, both in topic and quality. The search engine tries to offer all possible options that the search phrase implies. That's why it turns out to be a mess.

Let's say you search for "red roses" in Yandex.

Then in the results you will see sites talking about the symbolic meaning of red roses or about a famous telenovela, or online stores selling flowers. Everything is in one heap, which you are asked to rake yourself. (Which I don’t recommend doing.)

In such cases, it is better to clarify the request. Let's look at how this is done.

First, know:

Yandex generates the result taking into account
geographical region in which
the user is located.

In most cases it is really convenient. But what should we do, for example, if we want to order delivery of roses to a friend living in Ufa, but we ourselves are in Murmansk? This mode will interfere.

You can search in Yandex without taking into account the region using the advanced search form -

Buttons for changing the region in Yandex.

The form is convenient to use for a one-time operation. If you are making a series of requests, first set the region using the link in the upper right corner.

Secondly, before searching in Yandex:

decide what exactly you want to find:
links to sites or an answer to a specific question.

With the first option, everything seems to be clear. We entered the words, got the result, then we began to methodically explore the proposed sites. Familiar, but long.

The second option is not so obvious. By the way, many (the same 85%) do not know about it.

Look, Yandex visits per month almost all sites Runet, even not particularly well-known and little-visited, and downloads all the pages somewhere to itself (to a dimensionless hard drive). When you enter a query, then Yandex searches not on websites, but in its own pages that have already been downloaded, on that same dimensionless disk, or, as experts say, in the cache.

What does this mean?

But the fact that you can get the answer immediately in the search results, quickly and without crawling sites.

For example, we want to know the year the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood was built. Just enter the query “savior on blood” and the results will be:

"The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (architect A. Parland) was built by order of Alexander III and the decision of the Synod in 1907 on the site of the tragic death of Emperor Alexander II."

Got a response?

This is a simple example. For complex ones, knowledge of special commands and dexterity will be required. I’ll help with the first, the second will come with experience.

So, Yandex commands for searching:

  1. If needed search for the entire phrase, put it in quotation marks. (By default, the search words can be anywhere on the page or absent altogether, and quotation marks force Yandex to search specifically for the phrase.)

Example: "red roses"

  1. If the search words must be in the same sentence and it is assumed that there may be other words between them, then we insert the ampersand symbol.

Example: red & rose

  1. If you need to withdraw pages that necessarily contain some word, then add it to the request and put a plus sign in front of it.

Example: "red roses" +Ufa +prices

The plus sign is convenient to use when you need to search taking into account a preposition; by default, the preposition can be ignored.

Example: “red roses” + in Ufa

  1. If you put two tildes and a space before a word, then Pages containing this word will be removed from the results.

Example: "red roses" +Ufa +prices ~~ Russia ~~ wholesale

  1. If the word has synonyms or other words that are similar in meaning, then they can be listed through a vertical bar, with the entire listing framed in parentheses.

Example: "red roses" +Ufa +(prices | cost) ~~ (Russia | wholesale | wholesale)

In this example, the result will be pages containing “Ufa” and one of the words “price” or “cost”, while none of them should contain: “Russia”, “wholesale”, “wholesale”.

The entire list can be viewed in the Yandex help or in the memo; a link to it is in the advanced search form.

Hello everyone!

Any more or less large site has many pages and a lot of content, in which it is not so easy to find what you need. Because of this, it suffers greatly and, as a result, visitors simply leave. You can solve this problem by searching the site via Yandex or Google.

In addition to the fact that such a search allows visitors to find the answer to their question, it also helps the webmaster. The fact is that creating a search for a website is not an easy task, because it is essentially a program that searches for the desired content based on a user’s request, which means the webmaster needs to have knowledge in programming or hire a third-party specialist to implement the idea.

How do site searches from Yandex or Google work?

This solution can only be implemented if your site is in the search engine index. After all, the search is carried out not by the content of the site, but exclusively by the index, that is, by the pages of your site that are in the index. That's why .

Of course, fresh pages will not be displayed in search results and you will need to wait until the robot indexes them.

In order to install a search from Yandex, you need to go to this page, here you can familiarize yourself with all the possibilities, and click on the “Install search” button:

Creating a search is carried out in 5 simple steps:

  1. Search area;
  2. Search form;
  3. Searching results;
  4. Search check;
  5. Code to embed on the site;

Search area

At this step, you need to specify which web resource to search on. You can specify one or several sites at once. Filtering is also installed here - we can protect users from “adult” content. Well, let’s give the search a name.

Search form

Here we are already setting up the appearance of the search. We can choose the background color, the color of the search line, and indicate the inscription in the line. In general, adjust the search string to the design of our site:

searching results

The third step is to configure the search results. There are two options: display the results on the Yandex page (redirects to another page), or on a specific page of the site. In my opinion, the second option is preferable.

In addition, you can customize the appearance of the results: specify the background color, link color, domain color. You can also choose whether pages will be sorted by date or by relevance. In almost all cases, it is recommended to select sorting by relevance, because this way the user can quickly find what he needs, even if the material was written a year ago.

Search check

Here we already check the search operation:

This is roughly how the search results for the Context-UP website via Yandex would be displayed. To be honest, I’m thinking about using this solution on my website, since what’s implemented at the moment doesn’t quite suit me, and probably you too.

In the last, fifth step, you will receive two codes to insert into the site: the first for the search form, and the second for the results.

Additionally, you can set up refinements and search suggestions.

How to search a site using Google?

In principle, everything is a little simpler here: we indicate a link to the site and receive the code. However, you can naturally make the necessary settings:

Once you have done everything you need with the search, click on the “Save and get code” button. Copy the code and paste it within the tag to the right place where the search will be displayed.

Well, that’s all for me, dear friends!

I hope this material helped you in solving your problem. If it helped, then share the link on social networks. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

See you later!

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