Check installed directx. How to see which DirectX is installed on your computer

The Windows operating system has a rather complex structure, which only its developers can understand. For proper operation of all its components in applications and games that require serious resources, developers from the Microsoft studio release a special set of tools - DirectX. It is a mistake to think that this is just a program that users need.

In fact, DirectX is a set of tools that is supported by Microsoft for developers. It is impossible to program complex applications and games for Windows without DirectX. It must also be installed on the end user's computer of the developed program or game so that Windows can interact with it. DirectX tools are regularly improved and new versions are released. That is why it is important for the user to know which DirectX is installed on the computer, and whether it needs to be updated to work with a modern game.

How to find out which DirectX is installed

Define DirectX version on a computer under Windows control very simple, all you need is:

  1. Press the Windows + R combination on your keyboard to open the “Run” line;
  2. You will need to enter the dxdiag command in it;
  3. This will open a system information window called “DirectX Diagnostic Tools”. On the “System” tab at the bottom you can see a column indicating which DirectX is installed on the computer.

Important: You can install any version of DirectX on your computer. However, there is an important nuance: if it is not supported by hardware, then the Windows system will not be able to work with it. Then the operating system selects the highest supported version of DirectX as active, and it is this version that is displayed in the diagnostic menu, information about which is given above.

How to determine DirectX version using third-party programs

In addition to the built-in operating system utilities that allow you to determine the version of DirectX on your computer third party applications. At the same time, they are able to provide much more information than the dxdiag command mentioned above.

A convenient computer diagnostic tool is the AIDA64 application. His free version can be downloaded from the official website of the developers. This program allows you to find out information about all computer components, as well as about the software component.

In the left menu of the application you can see a separate DirectX item. It contains information in three subsections: files, video, sound:

AIDA64 is not the only diagnostic program for your computer. You can find many of its analogues on the Internet, both paid and free.

Why DirectX 12 does not work on Windows 10

One of the features of the Windows 10 operating system, which Microsoft is actively promoting, is games. The new version of the operating system at a “close to hardware level” works with games that are developed on DirectX 12. This allows players on low-power computers to run projects that require high performance.

However, some Windows 10 users may discover when checking that they have DirectX 11 or 11.2 installed, and not the modern DirectX 12. In such a situation, there is no need to download DirectX 12 from the official Microsoft website and install it on your computer, since this will not help. This version drivers are initially available in Windows 10, and the solution to the problem should be sought in another plane.

If you see DirectX 11.2 instead of DirectX 12 on Windows 10, this is due to:

It is important to note that a more recent DirectX on a computer does not replace previous versions. That is, if an application or game requires DirectX 8,9 or 10 to run, and later versions are installed on your computer, you must download the “old” driver.

DirectX - a set of libraries and software, which are used to solve problems related to the release of applications and games for the operating system Windows system. Each OS version has a certain generation of this software installed, which corresponds to the capabilities of the installed video card. Each subsequent release of the API package includes all legacy libraries, so you don't have to install all the releases in a row - just install the latest package. Let's see how you can check DirectX on Windows 7 different ways.

Standard means

Windows operating systems have a special built-in feature that allows you to view information about the system, screen, sound and input devices. Get access to this application can be done in two ways: using a command in the "Run" window or by launching an executable file. Let's consider both options.

In order to check DirectX on Windows 7, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Run application. This can be done using the Start menu and the item of the same name in it, or through the Win+R key combination.
  2. In the window that opens, enter the dxdiag command and click OK to run the right application.
  3. After some time spent collecting information, you will see a window with statistics and
  4. On the first tab "System" there is a line "DirectX Version". Opposite it you will see the number of the current software version that is installed on the computer.
  5. However, the version that appears in the first tab is not necessarily the one supported by your video card. To find information about supported libraries, you need to open the Display tab.
  6. Pay attention to the "Drivers" section and the DDI line for Direct3D. Opposite this item is the generation number of the API package that is supported by your video card.

Now you know how to check DirectX on Windows 7 in two directions - the one that is installed on the computer, and the one that is supported by the graphics accelerator of your computer.

Second standard option

You can launch it in other ways. Firstly, you can open system partition hard drive and go to the Windows and System32 directory. In the list of all files, find dxdiag.exe and open it.

Secondly, the user can use the search in the Start menu. To do this, open the menu and enter the name of the executive file. Once it appears in the list of matches found, run it. By all means, you can run the application and check the DirectX version on Windows 7. Also, the described options are suitable for all subsequent versions of the operating system, up to 10.

Third party programs

If you are not satisfied standard remedy check, then you can use a third-party utility to check information about the system and equipment. For example, one of such programs is the popular AIDA64. You can download for free trial version and view the DirectX version on Windows 7 through it.

You need to run the program and select “Operating system” in the main directory with partitions. In it, find the line with the name of the software, opposite which will be written installed version.

To understand which version is supported by your video card, find the DirectX section and open the "Video" tab. Then find the line "Hardware support". Opposite it, you can check DirectX on Windows 7, which is supported by your graphics accelerator.

Users are often perplexed as to why this or that game does not start on their computer. This happens even to those users who purchased a powerful “machine” with high performance. Why can’t you install games with maximum requirements? The reason for this may be an outdated edition of DirectX, which is not able to support certain technologies. If you want to find out the DirectX version and resolve the issue of launching a particular game, read on!

An outdated utility creates a problem when launching games

What is DirectX?

We are talking about a tool that contains multimedia technology packages necessary for various applications. In other words, this is a collection of functions necessary for solving various problems with gaming, multimedia and some other data, developed for Windows OS.

DirectX is commonly used for writing games. The program provides functions that process graphics and audio streams. In addition, without it, the computer will not be able to process information that is transmitted from joysticks, mice, keyboards, etc. There is no need to pay for it, it is available on the official Microsoft resource.

Version check

Checking the build is needed to understand whether DirectX is actually to blame for the game not working. Interestingly, updated editions of the program are often included with the game, but there are exceptions.

So, how do you find out which DirectX is installed? The most trivial way is to use built-in tools. The procedure looks like this:

  • press Win+R;
  • enter in the dxdiag field;
  • press Enter.

The system will launch a diagnostic tool that contains everything about DirectX, including information about its type. The number is indicated at the bottom of the “System” tab. This manipulation is suitable for any Microsoft OS.

In fact, different versions of Windows also support different versions of DirectX. Windows up to version 7 required DirectX 9c to be installed separately, and this library was almost always included with games on disc. In Windows 7, 8 and 10, DirectX is already included in the system and nothing needs to be installed.

Which option will be used on the computer is determined by the system based on the capabilities of the video card, although in Windows 7 and 8 the maximum you can count on is DirectX 11, and in the “ten” version 12 is used, which provides all modern graphics capabilities.

For backward compatibility, however, it is advisable to install DirectX 9c on new versions of Windows. This will allow you to easily run old games that were released before the appearance of version 4 shaders and a whole generation of video cards that support them.

There is another method that allows you to figure out what version of the program is used on your PC. We're talking about the parameters of your video card. For example, everything you need about DirectX is in the information about the NVidia card.

There are also a lot of utilities on the Internet that collect all information about the system (including software versions).

Of course, it is advisable to have the latest, 12th version of DirectX on your PC. It will allow you to enjoy the most advanced realistic graphics in modern games. But there are problems here - this requires not only installing a fresh Windows version 10, but also have a video card that supports DirectX 12.

The fact is that the graphics processor itself supports a limited set of commands, so it only works with the version of DirectX that was current at the time of its development, as well as older ones. New video cards, combined with an appropriate system, can show all their capabilities.

On the other hand, Windows 7 and 8 will not be able to use DirectX 12, even if the appropriate video card is installed - they only support version 11.

Therefore, the information that the system displays only tells us which maximum possible version of DirectX is currently running on the current combination of operating system and video card. You can find on the Internet or read in the instructions for your video card what maximum version of DirectX it supports. You might want to upgrade to Windows 10 if your graphics card supports version 12.

Game developers also take into account that they will be launched on computers of a wide variety of configurations. Therefore, they provide the choice of DirectX and different graphics options in the settings. In addition, the library itself is backward compatible and if new versions are not supported, then older ones are used, the graphics will simply not be as realistic.

The higher the DirectX version, the better for games. For most other applications, this is practically indifferent, since they do not access this library when running. Only a few that use the video card's capabilities to the maximum are sensitive to this parameter - for example, 3D graphics editors such as 3D Studio Max.


Became often faced with all sorts of misconceptions on the topic DirectX. For example, users try to install DirectX of some implausible versions, download something incomprehensible from some “left” sites, etc., ultimately getting all sorts of errors in Windows work and games.

I’ll deal with all this in this article, trying to dot all the i’s in the matter of DirectX gaming technology.

What is DirectX

To figure out what is truth and what is fiction, let’s first find out what DirectX is? Wikipedia tells us:

DirectX(from English direct- direct, immediate) is a set of APIs designed to solve problems related to programming under Microsoft Windows. Most widely used in writing computer games. … Often, updated versions of DirectX are bundled with game applications.

More in simple words: DirectX is a “layer” between the video card and games, allowing you to fully realize all the computing power of your computer to render beautiful graphics.

I remember how in 2003 I was happy with the believable reflections in car windows and puddles on the road in the game Need for Speed: Underground, when I installed a video card supporting DirectX 9 into my computer. Of course, the matter is not limited to reflections alone, but first things first.

How do DirectX versions differ?

Technologies are progressing quite quickly. Each new version of DirectX allows programmers to add some new effect to the game, and optimize old ones.

I think the most obvious difference between the capabilities of DirectX different versions will show this video:

Pay attention to the beautiful effects of flying snow from under the wheels of the car and soft shadows in DirectX 11 version (left). On the right is the much older ninth. In principle, effects such as soft shadows and snow from under the wheels can be implemented using DirectX 9 technology, but the drop in performance will be noticeable - in the “nine” there is neither optimization nor competent implementation of such effects.

The second example is the game Crysis 2:

It is believed that the higher the DirectX version, the better the picture. But you shouldn’t expect a miracle - often the changes are not noticeable. In my opinion, the main reason for such a small difference in image quality is that games are now developed simultaneously for game consoles Xbox, Sony PlayStation and PC. Compared to modern personal computers, consoles are weak in terms of performance and supported technologies. As a result, we play games on the computer, the graphics of which have remained at the level of the year the consoles were released, admiring the blurry textures and simplified effects. Yes, there are games developed or modified for PC, but there are only a few of them.

A typical example of cross-platform is the game Skyrim:

The difference in graphics between Playstation 3 and Xbox360 lies in the details: on PS3 there is little water dripping somewhere, on Xbox 360 shadows do not react to flickering light sources. On a PC (identified as “Windows” in the video), there are no such problems, plus objects at long distances are visible, but there are no other improvements. Later the developers released a set of textures high definition for the PC version of the game, but this did not significantly improve the graphics.

So that you can see what kind of graphics a computer can produce - an example of a game designed to use all the capabilities of a video card and processor:

Do you see the difference? Beautiful lighting, clear textures, smooth movements. This level of detail would be unattainable using legacy DirectX 9 technologies - there are too many objects in the frame at the same time. There are also many effects that are implemented using video cards that support DirectX 10 at a minimum.

Features of the Crysis 3 graphics engine:

Contrary to what some users think, DirectX doesn't improve graphics in games, but only give a chance the programmer to make the game more beautiful. If the game was developed for DirectX 9, then the presence of DirectX 10 version won't change anything. It all depends not only on the capabilities of the video card, but also on the technology support of the game. If you combine everything, you get a simply wonderful game in terms of graphics.

Different Windows and DirectX versions

DirectX is essentially a set of files - software libraries. If they are not in system folders, then the games, at best, will be displayed without effects, at worst, they will not start, giving an error (when starting the game, the error “d3dx9_42.dll not found” appears, where the numbers may be different).

A minimum set of these files is already present in just installed Windows. Depending on the version of the operating system, there will be a different set of files, which means support for different versions of DirectX (information from here):

  • Windows XP SP2 - DirectX 9.0c
  • Windows Vista- DirectX 10
  • Windows Vista SP1 - DirectX 10.1
  • Windows Vista SP2 - DirectX 11
  • Windows 7 - DirectX 11.1
  • Windows 8 - DirectX 11.1
  • Windows 8.1 - DirectX 11.2
  • Windows 10 - DirectX 12

Previous versions included. Those. Windows 10 has support for version 12, DirectX 11.2, 11.1, 11, 10.1, 10, 9 and below.

How to install a complete set of DirectX files will be described in the text.

DirectX video card support of different versions

How newer video card, the higher version of DirectX it supports. All previous versions will also be supported. That is, old games using DirectX 7/8/9 should theoretically work fine. In practice, operating system support becomes a limitation. Games developed for Windows 95/98/ME often crash on newer OSes; the video card has absolutely nothing to do with it.

At the same time, you need to understand that it also depends on Windows which DX will work. Games that require Direct 12 will not run on Win7/8, much less XP. The video card itself will work in ancient systems, it’s just that modern API functions will not be available. Thus, with a video card that supports DirectX 12, you will not be able to play modern games in Windows XP - only those running through DirectX 9 and lower will launch.

How can I find out which version of DirectX my video card and Windows support?

Video card

You can find information about which version of DirectX your video card supports on the official page of the manufacturer’s website and in any online store. For example, in Yandex.Market. However, in general, all video cards released after 2015 support version 12. Although there are nuances with DX12, more on that below.


Finding out which version Windows supports is more difficult because a lot depends on the updates you have installed. If you have Windows 10, then it definitely has the latest version of the API. For all other OSes the algorithm is as follows:

1. Make sure you have all Windows updates installed (Start - All Programs - Windows Update - Search for Updates - Install).

2. Optional: Update your video card driver to the latest version:

There is no other way to switch the version if the game does not provide it. Think for yourself - the developers wrote the game code using commands for a specific version. It is impossible to simply replace commands with others.

All parties must support a certain version of DirectX: the video card, the operating system and the game.

Thus, the question “which DirectX is better to play on” is meaningless - what does the hardware, OS and uses game, then it will be.

Do I need to install DirectX from the Microsoft website? What does this give?

Briefly: you can, but it won’t change the DirectX version!

If you want games to run normally, be sure to install all updates from Windows Update because it is from there that Windows gets the latest versions of libraries. Confirmation from Microsoft.

On the website of Microsoft, which developed DirectX, you can download the DirectX installer. Actually it's Not DirectX installer, but only an installer program that will download from the Internet and install new versions of DirectX software libraries. Despite the numbers 9, 10, 10.1, etc., DirectX also has internal numbering, which is related to updates. That is, corrections and improvements are possible within versions.

Windows 7, 8 and 10 these libraries, in general, Not needed, because the required updates come through the Update Center. But if some old (2005-2010) game using DirectX 9 does not start for you, try installing that same installer. Maybe it will help.

D3DX9_ 24 .dll -D3DX9_ 43 .DLL
D3DX10. DLL - D3DX10_ 43 .DLL
D3DCompiler_33.dll - D3DCompiler_43.DLL

To check what the installer installed, I downloaded the DirectX offline installer, which is needed to install DirectX updates on computers without the Internet:

Judging by the dates, at the time of writing this post, DirectX component updates were released on April 18, 2011 (update 01/29/2016: now everything comes through the Update Center in other packages).

The downloaded program is essentially a self-extracting archive. Let's open it with the 7-zip archiver:

Pay attention to the file names - the installer contains both files related to DirectX 9 (d3dx9_31, d3dx9_32, d3dx9_33, etc.) and DirectX 10 (d3dx10_35, d3dx10_40, etc.). Each version is updated - new versions of .dll libraries are released, new ones are added.

Let me remind you once again: this is not an update of DirectX from version to version. This update of software library versions has nothing to do with the numbering 9, 10, 10.1, 11, 11.1. You will not be able to upgrade your DirectX installation this way.

After installation, new libraries will be added and old ones will be updated, which will allow those games that report a missing error to launch d3dx*. So you can try to install it.

Where to download DirectX?

Just install updates via Update Center!

Do not download DirectX from any sites it is forbidden! You risk getting viruses!

DirectX components are updated via Windows Update. This is the only way you can get DirectX support 10.1 And 11 on Windows Vista, 11.1 on Windows 7.

Microsoft DirectX is included as a component in Windows operating systems. You can update DirectX with the latest service pack or other updates through Windows Update.

If I download and install DirectX on Windows XP, will DirectX 11 appear there?

Will not appear. DirectX 10, 11 and later versions on There will never be Windows XP. I could go on and on about this topic, but I’ll just say this: Windows XP owners, get over it - this OS has long ceased to be a “gaming” OS. Many modern games do not support Windows XP. Even Microsoft has officially given up on it.

It is worth noting that there is a DirectX 10 build for Windows XP made by craftsmen. In essence, this is just a set of software libraries, not adding DirectX 10 effects, but only allowing some games to run without errors in XP if the “DirectX 10” mode is enabled in their settings. In any case, this set of libraries is highly likely to cause glitches in the operating system, so you should never install such a division.

How to install DirectX version 11.1 on Windows 7?

With the advent of Windows 10, this question is more relevant than ever. There is support for DirectX 11 .1 already exists initially. Windows 7 comes pre-installed with 11 . Support for the new version of DirectX will come in Center Windows Updates (Start - All Programs - Windows Update). The update is called KB2670838.

So update Windows through Update Center. This also applies to Windows 8.

DirectX 12

There are a lot of rumors circulating around DirectX 12. I'll try to dot all the i's.

Windows 7, 8 and DirectX 12

No. No and no again! DirectX 12 on Windows 7 and 8 Not will. Theoretically, this can be done if video card manufacturers and Microsoft cooperate. In practice - alas. Version 12 is the prerogative of Win10.

Many older video cards partially support DirectX 12

Manufacturer representatives AMD video cards and nVidia stated that video cards that support DirectX 11 will also support DirectX 12. This turned out to be marketing deceit. The advantage of DirectX 12 over 11 is a multiple increase in performance due to optimization of work with video card components (memory, video processor). The hardware of video cards released in the DirectX 11 era and earlier is not adapted for DirectX 12, so the main feature of the new version of the API - graphics acceleration - will not work.

That is, modern games that require version 12 of the graphics API to work will run with such video cards. But the graphics quality will have to be turned down to minimum to get a more or less decent frame rate.

There are three levels of support for the new graphics API by older video cards: Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. Tier 3 is the most complete support for the standard. And it is perhaps the closest to what DX12 is. You can play modern games with them at minimum graphics settings quite comfortably.

Intel ValleyView2 HD Graphics

Intel HD Graphics 2500

Intel HD Graphics 4000

And newer.

AMD Radeon HD 5xxx

AMD Radeon HD 6xxx

AMD Radeon HD 7xxxG, M and D series

AMD Radeon HD 8xxxG

And newer.

It seems like everyone should.

Intel HD Graphics 4400

Intel HD Graphics 4600

Intel HD Graphics 5000

Intel Iris Graphics 5100

Intel Iris Pro Graphics 5200

NVIDIA GeForce GT 430

NVIDIA GeForce GT 440

NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460

NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 520

NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580

NVIDIA GeForce 610M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 610

NVIDIA GeForce GT 620M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 620

NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 630

NVIDIA GeForce GT 635M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 640

NVIDIA GeForce GT 730

And newer.

Intel- No.

AMD- No.

NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680

NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti

NVIDIA GeForce 840M



NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980

And newer.

Intel- No.

AMD Radeon HD 7750

AMD Radeon HD 7770

AMD Radeon HD 7850

AMD Radeon HD 7870

AMD Radeon HD 7950

AMD Radeon HD 7970

AMD Radeon R4 Graphics

AMD Radeon HD 8600

AMD Radeon HD 8800

AMD Radeon R7 200

AMD Radeon R9 200

AMD Radeon R9 390X

And newer.

But nVidia does not yet have video cards with full support for DirectX 12.

Update from March 3, 2018: has already. All modern ones support version 12.

Please note that after 2015, support for version 12 of the API has improved; now you do not need to know about Tier levels.

Feature levels

As the owner of an AMD Radeon HD7950, I would like to be glad that it definitely has DX12 support, but it doesn’t work. The fact is that Microsoft has gone further and introduced additional feature levels (“Feature levels”). If Tier levels are an indicator for buyers, then Feature levels are intended for developers and report on what features of the new version of the API are fully supported by the video card processor.

Feature level 11.0- support for DirectX11 video card and the “Resource Binding” function from Tier 1. Representatives of such video cards: Nvidia GeForce GTX 400/500/600/700.

Feature level 11.1- DirectX 11 .1 and support for many functions that I will not list here (why?). Representatives:

  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 745/750;
  • AMD Radeon HD series 7700-7900/8500-8900, Rx 240-280;
  • Intel HD Graphics 4200-5200, 5300-6300;

Feature level 12.0- support for some Tier 1 and Tier 2 features. Representatives: AMD Radeon HD 7790/8770, Rx 260/285/290 and newer.

Feature level 12.1- full support for Tier 1, hardware support for all DirectX 12 features.

Thus, none of the video cards released before 2015 fully support DirectX 12. Some of the features are implemented at the software level, so the same game using DX 11 and DX 12 will not receive a noticeable performance increase when switching to new version API.

Bottom line

The speed of programs greatly depends on the level of access to the computer hardware. This is especially true for games. DX 12 provides features that developers should not neglect. Unfortunately, in practice they are not always fully used. Therefore, GTA V, released on PC in 2015, looks better and produces more frames per second on the same hardware than Watch Dogs 2, which was released a year and a half later, with similar gameplay.

DirectX, like any other software, requires periodic updates. Why is it so important not to neglect them? How to determine the product version on your computer?

What is DirectX and what is it for?

DirectX is a set of APIs (various functions, constants, etc.), designed to solve various problems associated with programming on Microsoft Windows. Direct is often bundled with computer games and is mainly used by gamers.

DirectX is free application, which is freely available on the official Microsoft website.

The program ensures interaction between the video card and the game: it directs all the computing power of the computer to high-quality graphics. Thanks to DirectX, users can enjoy beautiful landscapes, well-drawn characters and detail in games.

DirectX allows computer game creators to improve graphics

DirectX does not improve graphics, it only gives developers the opportunity to make the picture more beautiful. If a game was written for version 9, then installing 10 will not change anything, but a game developed for 11 will look worse in 10.

How to Check Current DirectX Version on Windows 7 PC

DirectX is one of the programs installed by default on the operating system. Each has its own version.

operating system DirectX version
Windows XP SP2DirectX 9.0c
Windows VistaDirectX 10
Windows Vista SP1DirectX 10.1
Windows Vista SP2DirectX 11
Windows 7DirectX 11.1
Windows 8DirectX 11.1
Windows 8.1DirectX 11.2
Windows 10DirectX 12

But there may be differences when updating the system. How to find out the DirectX version on a computer running Windows 7?

If Windows could not find the dxdiag command, then version 5.0 or earlier is installed on the computer, in which case install latest version DirectX via Windows Update.

How to find out the DirectX version (video)

DirectX is software built into the Windows operating system that affects graphics in computer games. If you want to enjoy realistic landscapes with well-drawn details, we recommend regularly updating the product to the latest version.

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