Modern methods of searching and recruiting personnel. Job search resources Job search engines

01/26/2016 at 22:02 · Pavlofox · 36 040

The best sites for finding a job

Before to find Good work, you had to buy specialized newspapers, read advertisements on poles or doors of the institution, and stand in line at the employment center. But with the advent of the Internet in every home, the need for the above vanity has disappeared. Now companies interested in the influx of new people post advertisements for available vacancies on certain thematic resources. There are many of them, and choosing the best one is difficult. That's why we've put together a list to help you find the best job search sites.


Hh .ru or Headhunter provides unlimited opportunities for the employer and the applicant. The site contains several hundred thousand vacancies and tens of millions of resumes. The resource periodically publishes current news from the labor market and interesting information about planned advanced training courses. People who find it difficult to write a correct resume can be helped by an online employee who can advise on all important issues. The site's wide functionality makes it one of the best resources for finding a job.


More than 200,000 vacancies for future workers, online help on all questions of interest, current reviews from the labor market and salary ratings updated every six months make the resource one of the best job search sites. Job vacancies are posted by both Russian and international employers. And useful articles on specialized topics will allow you not only to find a job, but also to improve your professional skills.


About 200,000 vacancies and more than 3,000,000 resumes can be found on this site. The resource distinguishes itself from its competitors by the ability to use the mobile version of the site and its official app. By downloading the program, you will be able to track updated data on both job searches and job offers. Anyone can find vacancies on the resource, which is considered one of the best job search sites: students, general workers, specialists, etc. On you will never see spam ads clogging your news feed, because the resource has a special filter to cut out information of dubious quality.


A site considered one of the oldest and best in RuNet. It appeared in 1996 and during this time gained an ideal reputation. Any resident of Russia or the CIS countries can find a job to their liking by choosing from 100,000 offers. Beginners will find up-to-date information on how to properly write a resume and pass an interview. Each submitted vacancy or resume is manually processed by moderators.


One of the best job search sites for people of any level of specialization. In a short time and without unnecessary nerves, both a nanny and a manager of any level can find a vacancy they like. The resource will be an ideal find for students, because there is a whole section for them: work without experience, with a good salary and a flexible schedule. The most current news from the labor market is published in the feed on home page site.


The partner of this resource is the well-known magazine “Work and Salary”. Job seekers will find more than 50,000 job postings from across the country. Daily site traffic is 100,000 people. Hourly added vacancies, current latest news from the labor market, analytics from leading experts put Zarplata .ru in the middle of the ranking of the best job search sites. All advertisements are manually checked.


The site, which has been around since 2000, offers job seekers more than 170,000 vacancies. The resource has a simple and intuitive interface, convenient search, internal mail for dialogue with the employer, the ability to save favorite vacancies. A huge database of job sectors and an accurate geographic base make this site one of the best for job searches. Here you will never come across fraudulent advertisements: the site’s creators promptly remove all dubious information.


The most popular site for finding remote work on the Internet. Copywriters, web designers, photographers, proofreaders, editors, and programmers work here. An ideal resource for part-time work for students or mothers on maternity leave who have any of the listed skills. For people who hate getting up early in the morning and being reprimanded by their boss, this resource, considered one of the best for finding a job online, will be a real find. You just need to create an account, register in the electronic payment system... and start working. People who don’t know how to plan their time will find it easy and simple to get a job here, because the resource has a special counter that counts down the deadline until the order is submitted. As the rating increases, the freelancer's salary increases.


Another site for freelancers and clients. It provides a lot of opportunities for comfortable work, because the main motto of the site is professionalism. The resource, which ranks second in the ranking of the best job search sites, allows the user to link an account and documents necessary for the work of an individual entrepreneur to his account.


The leader in our ranking of job search sites is More than half a million vacancies are presented here for the applicant, and 300,000 resumes for the employer. All a potential employee needs to do is create an account, fill it out correctly, place a photo there and post a resume. Then add the ad to the database and wait for the future employer to respond to it. One of the disadvantages of Avito is that there are a lot of scammers on it, so be careful.

What else to see:

Staffing shortages are forcing HR managers to be creative in finding employees. Traditional methods of finding employees are no longer enough, because there is a real “war” for personnel. Let's consider modern personnel search channels with which you can expand your arsenal.

Announcements, leaflets, billboards.

Posting advertisements with a list of open vacancies for an organization is an effective and low-budget means. The maximum return can be obtained by constantly posting advertisements and periodically updating the list of vacancies. To avoid trouble, use specially designated areas for this. Recently, many companies have appeared that provide services for posting information on glass stands located next to residential buildings, in entrances and in elevators.

Distributing leaflets and advertisements on the streets and throughout mailboxes residential buildings now more often leads to a negative effect. City residents are already tired of paper waste on the street and in their hallways. And the effectiveness of reaching the target audience is extremely low.

For mass recruitment of employees, it is possible to place advertisements on the back of rent receipts. To do this, you should contact the city’s housing and communal services.

Advertising billboards installed on important transport arteries of the city, road intersections, roadsides, sidewalks, and public transport stops are good because they provide a constant return at a one-time cost. If you have a constant need for certain categories of employees, it is advisable to make an appropriate billboard and place it on the side of the road near the enterprise.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in the shortest possible time (searching for sellers in connection with the opening of a new store or general workers in connection with the expansion of production).
Flaws: narrow territorial coverage, suitable mainly for searching for lower-level personnel. Careful selection of candidates is required to eliminate the risk of hiring applicants with “problems.”

Print media and newspapers free advertisements of regional significance.

Placing advertisements about vacancies in news newspapers or in specialized print publications for job searches (newspapers “Work for You”, “Vacancies”, magazine “Work and Salary”, etc., which are distributed in your region).

As a rule, placement in newspapers from organizations is paid, discuss the most convenient conditions for you ( tariff plan). If you do not have the financial means to pay for advertising services, then use newspapers for free advertisements.

Advertisements in print media are more suitable for selecting low-skilled personnel and candidates in the older age category because they do not have access to the Internet.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in the shortest possible time from groups without access to the Internet, and also almost the only way to select specialists from the older age group.
Flaws: Many in this category still do not know how to write a resume and are afraid to undergo interviews. Here the emphasis is on telephone interviewing, and then an invitation to a face-to-face meeting.

Advertising on television and radio.

Placing advertisements on radio and television in big cities is a rather expensive way to find personnel, but in the provinces placing such information on local radio and television broadcasting studios does not cost that much, where this method has already established itself as one of the fastest and most effective.

Advantages: effective for closing massive positions in the shortest possible time.
Flaws: high cost of advertising on television, low efficiency of the ticker.

Internet resources for personnel selection.

The most common method is to publish vacancies in specialized job search portals (for example,, hh. ru, superjob. ru, rabota. ru, etc.).

You register on the portal on behalf of the organization following the proposed instructions. After confirming your registration, you begin posting vacancies. It is recommended to first compile the entire list of vacancies in a separate document. Indicate the name of the position, responsibilities, requirements for work experience and education of the applicant, write down the conditions under which you are offering the job (salary, schedule, place of work, etc.), as well as telephone numbers or addresses Email. And then copy it into the form on the website.

The second way is to analyze applicants’ resumes on employment sites. When using this method, the selection scheme for applicants is as follows. First, the most suitable candidates are selected based on formal criteria (whether their qualifications meet the stated requirements or not), an initial interview is conducted by phone, and based on the results they are invited to an in-person interview.

Advantages: Notifying a wide range of interested applicants about vacancies. Complete structured information from applicants. Education, experience, achievements, personal qualities - simplifies the selection and narrows the number of candidates.

Flaws: Recently, portals and job search sites have been introducing paid services for organizations. This is either a fee for registering an enterprise in the system, or a fee for removing the limit on the number of posted vacancies, or paid access to a bank of applicants’ resumes. You can select a specialist of any level, but the search time may take a long time.

Social media.

To date social media is a relevant tool used to establish valuable connections and find employees of all categories. Nowadays, through social networks, HR managers check a potential candidate even before the interview. First of all, employers study the interests and hobbies of the candidate, look at his photos and professional contacts, and check the accuracy of the information from the resume. Pay attention to materials that may compromise the applicant.

For this type of recruiting on social networks, the organization must have its own account (group). The account (group) must contain information about the organization, news, press releases, information about services or products. In general, to be alive and regularly filled.

If an HR manager is looking for employees on social networks from his personal profile, then the information and photographs on the page must strictly correspond to the goals (photos in a work environment, information about membership in professional associations, publications in the media, etc.), otherwise the employee’s profile can damage the reputation of your organization.
The most popular resources in Russia are Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, My Circle, etc.

The main options for finding candidates using social networks:

1. Post information in your group and wait for responses.
2. Make mass mailing about vacancies for group subscribers.
3. Social networks exist great amount groups that unite users based on different characteristics. The recruiter just has to choose the right group to search for potential candidates. Professional groups, interests, age groups, etc.
4. Professional social networks, LinkedIn, etc. Very suitable for searching for candidates for key and top positions. In these networks, users provide information about their education, work experience, professional achievements and qualities.

Advantages: the number of social network users is growing rapidly, and given that a large number are dissatisfied with their current jobs, the flow of people interested in the vacancy will be consistently high. By offering better working conditions, it is possible to quickly fill vacancies from service personnel to specialists high level. This method is one of the cheapest and fastest.
Flaws: a large flow of people “interested” in the vacancy, but who do not meet the requirements set out in the vacancy. To minimize it, you need to set clear requirements for job applicants, as well as describe your working conditions and bonuses.

Corporate website.

Your corporate website is the face of the company, and the staff is its content. Therefore, your website must have a “Vacancies” or “Career in the company” section.

The section should contain a welcoming speech from the head of the personnel department, information about corporate values, employee success stories and career growth, etc. And most importantly, a section about open vacancies and recruitment to the personnel reserve.

It is necessary to technically organize the ability to send a resume from the site to a vacancy you like or a general one to the reserve. Here you are free to arrange everything according to your taste. Develop a resume form for further automated processing, only the information you need and nothing extra. And also through the corporate website you can organize online professional testing for the initial screening of candidates for filling a vacancy.

Advantages: the applicant who submitted an application from the site is interested in the vacancy and work in your company.
Flaws: as usual, low traffic to the corporate website. Vacancies must be updated periodically.

Cooperation with educational institutions.

When looking for personnel, many companies choose to cooperate with educational institutions. Nowadays, universities willingly cooperate with enterprises due to the fact that the criterion for assessing the effectiveness of a university is the percentage of graduates who are employed. You can talk about this issue with the rector or vice-rector for educational work of the university.

The most common option is to post information about vacancies in the educational buildings of specialized universities, on the university website, or in the university newspaper.

A more effective way to attract the attention of students and graduates is to hold a company presentation within the walls of the educational institution.

Concluding agreements on sending students for practical training in the organization. You can talk to the university management and recommend the most gifted and responsible students.

A more promising option for the future– concluding agreements for targeted training of students in specialized specialties. What do you get as a result:
organizing a competition among applicants for targeted places;
more in-depth study of subjects by students in your profile;
attracting the best graduates of specialized educational institutions;
formation of sustainable professional interest of students in working at the enterprise;
formation and strengthening of a positive image of your organization as an employer among the student audience.
completing all types of internships at your enterprise, getting to know the enterprise.

Young employees turn out to be generators of various ideas for the organization, as well as a source of information about the latest scientific developments. At the same time, the costs of paying trainees are usually much lower than the costs of salaries of specialists working full-time at the enterprise.

Advantages: relative cheapness and high loyalty of “grown” employees. Identifying and attracting creatively and professionally active youth. In addition, in this way an important social task is solved - helping young people find employment.

Flaws: The method is focused mainly on closing initial positions.

Head hunting. Hunting for professionals.

Organizations that need key or rare specialists on the market cannot do without headhunting. All kinds of trainings, exhibitions, seminars, specialized websites and communities are quite effective for establishing professional contacts. A recruiter needs to be able to easily enter any professional “get-together”; this speeds up the process of reaching the right candidates.

You can also engage in “poaching” personnel from competitors - all means are good in war. For example, send a meeting invitation via social networks. The main thing is maintaining confidentiality, because many are in no hurry to leave their place of work or position, and are also afraid of compromising themselves.

At the meeting, it is necessary to outline the advantages of changing jobs and special conditions for the specialist (higher pay, employment without a probationary period, corporate events, etc.). If you refuse, ask to recommend your colleagues who have the appropriate professional characteristics and may be in search.

Advantages: Direct access to candidates who meet the company's requirements.
Flaws: high price, limited possibility of use for ethical reasons, lack of motivation on the part of candidates to change jobs.

Recruitment agencies.

One of the most modern methods of personnel selection, which has recently become increasingly attractive for companies, is the technology of personnel selection through recruiting agencies.
Such organizations shoulder all the work, and the employer can only dictate his own terms and sort through the candidates found by the agency. The success of the selection in this case largely depends on the correctness of the candidate’s profile and on the accuracy of the agency manager’s understanding of the formulated requirements, and, of course, on his professionalism and integrity.

Sometimes it is more effective to contact agencies that specifically specialize in searching for employees of a certain level (top management, managers and directors, or vice versa workers and lower personnel) or in recruiting personnel for a profession of a certain focus (engineers, IT specialists). In any case, no matter which agency you contact, you should understand that their services are usually paid and they are not cheap.

Advantages: providing candidates who meet the company's requirements.
Flaws: high price.

During the recruitment process, you should constantly analyze which search sources are most effective. The necessary information can be obtained from telephone call statistics and data from questionnaires and resumes filled out by applicants. Based on its results, a decision is made on the appropriateness of a particular method. For example, for applicants applying for low-paid jobs that do not require high professional qualifications, the most popular source of information is street advertisements, followed by newspaper advertising in second place in effectiveness. Candidates for more prestigious and highly paid (“top”) vacancies receive the necessary information on the Internet or through professional connections.

Online job searching has become so popular over the past decade that even the most old-fashioned employers are using this method to find new employees. The number of vacancies has increased significantly, and with it the number of job search sites. The number of visitors to the most popular of them reaches more than five hundred thousand people. Now many of these resources, in addition to standard services, provide additional ones. These are training courses, all kinds of articles on employment topics, statistical observations and other useful products.

Websites for “classic” job search are made according to the same principle. There are two main sections: the first is vacancies coming from employers; the second is resumes written by applicants. On large job portals, employers are required to confirm their official status to avoid fraud. For applicants, there are special electronic forms that help you quickly fill out the required fields and upload a photo. Such resumes are often complete and can be printed if necessary.

List of leading sites in this direction:


Separately, we can highlight the large ad exchange It has a separate section called “Work”. The advantage of such a site is a large number of vacancies, as well as their relevance. The downside is the lack of ability to verify a potential employer.

Websites for freelancers

A freelancer is a specialist who is able to perform work on a temporary basis, at a time and place convenient for him, while working for several customers at the same time.

To make it more convenient for freelancers and clients to find each other, special exchanges have been created. Such services allow users to post tasks with a specified level of difficulty, deadlines and payment. And potential performers provide information about their skills and earn a reputation by correctly completing orders.

Popular sites for finding remote work include:



Rating of job search sites in Moscow

Internet resources for finding work in the capital differ little from all-Russian sites. The only difference is the narrower geographical scope. Their advantage is that you can find a vacancy in your or a neighboring area of ​​residence.

List of job search sites in Moscow:


The given ratings of sites for finding work on the Internet are only part of a huge number of such resources. There are a large number of regional job search exchanges, and it is also worth noting specialized portals for searching for vacancies in certain industries.

A modern person has many opportunities to find a job. The main thing in this matter is to adequately assess your own strengths, be persistent and beware of scammers.

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Whatever path you choose, our selection will be useful in any case.

Best sites to look for work abroad


One of the largest job search engines in the world. Statistics: over 1 million resumes and about 63 million applicants monthly.

One of the most popular message boards in the world. Here you can search not only for vacancies, but also for housing, things, acquaintances, etc.

One of the largest job search engines (in 2010 it surpassed in popularity in the USA), represented in 50 countries and available in 28 languages.

One of the main job search portals in the UK.

Job vacancies are published here both for those who have a work permit in the EU and for future candidates.

Smart Abroad: grants, vacancies, business

Actually, from the name of the public it is already clear what the resource is about. Here you can find not only work, but also opportunities to receive grants for study or information about various awards for young entrepreneurs and scientists.

“BBBB are vacancies in the most exotic and interesting corners of the planet. BBBB are responsible projects with meaning, where work means caring for nature and caring for the world,” write the creators of the project.

The capabilities of the resource, originally created for finding a place to stay overnight while traveling, are actually much wider. There are separate groups here where vacancies abroad are published and where you can find both permanent and temporary, well-paid and seasonal work. You should look for vacancies in groups by country or, for example,.

“It is difficult to find a job in Germany without knowing German, but in Berlin it is possible. It all depends on the field and profile of the candidate: if we are talking about a startup, then it is possible without German, in some more conservative areas it is more difficult to get a job without knowing the language. In In Munich and Hamburg you can also meet a lot of guys who speak German well,” say local IT specialists.

The two main sites for finding a job in Germany are Stepstone and Experteer.

Startup resources.

By date ▼ ▲

By name ▼ ▲

By popularity ▼ ▲

By difficulty level ▼

On the website, all current vacancies are distributed by category and city. Here you can get acquainted with the most in-demand professions and study the labor market. Large list free seats is waiting for young specialists in the field of trade and sales, education, science, medicine and pharmacology. If you are a creative person and are used to performing tasks while sitting at home, pay attention to suggestions for designers, content managers, editors and IT specialists.

The largest database of current resumes and vacancies on the Internet. Here you will find a good selection of enterprises and companies that are ready to employ people on favorable terms. Thanks to a convenient menu, a fast search system and a catalog of professions, finding among thousands of offers the one that suits you will not be difficult. The portal has prepared a lot for visitors useful information related to getting a job and career growth. It is possible to subscribe to the newsletter by registering on the website

Are you hoping to find the best job sites?! You don’t need to go far or spend a lot of time to do this. All you need to do is visit this site and start searching for vacancies. On a universal Internet resource, you can learn about various types of part-time work and receive free offers with decent income for all family members. In the “Post Advertisements” section, every company owner or aspiring businessman can publish news about recruiting personnel for their team.

On this site it is possible to find proven and serious organizations that have managed to establish themselves on the positive side in the modern employment market. Any schedule workplace close to home, career growth, the opportunity to undergo a paid internship - all this awaits you at [email protected]. The portal has prepared special offers for applicants and university graduates for remote and shift work without interrupting their studies and not requiring investment. Read articles and share comments.

Interested in job search sites? Then take a look here. This online resource presents more than 10 thousand vacancies and the same number of profiles of applicants of various professional categories. Are you thinking of learning a new profession? The site will tell you about educational institutions that recruit for courses and trainings. Don't know how to write a resume? See instructions and requirements for describing your skills. If you have any questions, you can ask them to the portal managers online.

Need job search sites? One of these is “Job”. On this Internet resource you can appreciate all the convenience of an advanced or standard search for companies, enterprises and professions. A correctly formulated request will save time and make the task easier. Looking for remote employment vacancies? Indicate your requirements in the blank lines and within a few seconds you will receive a response. Also get acquainted with the rating of demand for professions and study the labor market.

Need job search sites? Go to “HeadHunter” and search for the required vacancy. Here you can find more than 250 thousand different vacancies, about ten million current job seeker profiles, the most reliable employers, as well as advice on successful employment and much more. Read comments about companies and firms on the resource. Need help creating your resume? Talk to paid services portal and specialists will do everything for you, observing the requirements and wishes of clients.

A reputable site where you can find any type of income in Russia. Information about enterprises and large holdings, personal data, information for students and graduates of higher educational institutions is updated every day. In the “Salary Reviews” section, find out what specialty is in demand today and how much an employer is willing to pay for a job well done. Don't know where to start on your path to employment? The portal will teach you how to write a resume correctly.

Here you can find qualified employees and find your dream job. The site is filled with thousands of vacancies and will tell you about each employer and his reputation. Find out the latest news about the labor market on the portal and see the rating of in-demand professions. For newcomers, this online resource will help you write a resume correctly. Filling out and publishing applicant profiles is a free service and does not require registration. The “Agency Directory” section contains the addresses of recruitment firms.


On the pages of the Internet resource you can find vacancies and resumes operating in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition to the standard list of employers, the portal offers all unemployed people a catalog with trainings and courses for training, retraining of personnel and teaching foreign languages. If you think that your specialty is outdated and is no longer in demand in the labor market, the site will help you choose an educational institution where you will master one of the in-demand professions today.

The online resource has a simple menu format, convenient distribution of vacancies by category, and a fast search system. Even if you are looking for a job for the first time, you will find it easy and simple here. Do you want to get a job in your specialty? Choose the section with its name and get acquainted with the offers of employers. Are you still a student, but have a desire to learn how to earn money? The site has prepared interesting options with a flexible schedule and without deep knowledge in certain areas.

This Internet portal provides everyone with the opportunity to get an education, learn a foreign language and find a job in Kyiv or another city in Ukraine. There is not only a description of well-known companies that need qualified employees, but also a list of prestigious universities. If you have become a certified specialist and need employment, the portal has prepared for you full instructions on finding an employer and will talk about the main points in the process of writing a resume.

We present to your attention the project of urban employment centers in Ukraine. With its help, every employer and job seeker can post their suggestions and wishes, including data with an expanded version of information, completely free of charge. If you need full access to all data posted on the site, register and fill out the user form. In the “Legislation” section, study the norms and procedures for official employment, get acquainted with job descriptions.

Work in Ukraine, press centers, enterprise services, search ABC, information for employment of foreigners, as well as changes in the current labor code of the country and other types of data can be found here. Registered visitors can take advantage of free consultations and resolve controversial issues that have arisen in relations with the employer. In chapter " Electronic services» get acquainted with trends in the labor market and find out about ongoing trainings and courses.

The Internet portal allows you to immediately save in personal account favorite options and offers from employers. For those who are constantly on the move and who do not have time to sit at a computer, the portal has been developed mobile version, where you can also search for vacancies, send your resume, arrange interviews and read the latest labor market news. Here is a rating of popular vacancies in your city and the phone numbers of contact centers.

Visit the virtual assistant to find a suitable place of work. The resource allows you to quickly search for a company or enterprise for ideal employment. The portal has an automatic selection of vacancies and a fast search system. If you haven’t found a suitable job and are not interested in anything, you can register on the website and subscribe to the latest offers. Read useful articles on the design and correct composition of a resume.

The Internet portal provides a number of information and other types of tools, service packages that can help job seekers find a job, and also allow employers to employ qualified office employees. Get acquainted with trends in the labor market on the site and find out the rating of popular professions for today. Those wishing to undergo retraining or improve their level of professionalism - read about training centers, trainings and enrollment in courses.

A multifunctional Internet service that allows you to carry out quick selection resumes, candidates and suitable vacancies. Posting personal data and searching for qualified employees is a completely free service. On the site you can read useful articles about how to pass an interview and leave a good impression, and whether it is worth filling out a portfolio creatively. In the Abroad section, find out where to go to study in Europe and where to find a job.

The Jobrapido website will allow you to find out about existing jobs in the world, country, city and region. All resource data is collected from third sources, and is also published by company managers through the “Add a vacancy” form. There is a convenient interface and a search menu, so you can easily get acquainted with vacancies in the field of activity you need. If you are not interested in anything, leave your contact information and resume on the portal and wait for a response from employers, and write comments on the forum.

The catalog offers you to view the best online resources for job search:,,,, and others. Each site is accompanied by short description, which gives an idea of ​​opportunities and prospects, helping to search for vacancies faster and better. Almost every portal has a forum where you can read opinions about employers. In the “My Sites” section, add the ones you like and monitor their content and updates.

We present to your attention a rating of the most popular online resources for finding work in Ukraine. Read the opinions of professionals about effective methods employment, clones, aggregators and satellites. In their articles, specialists will teach you how to choose the right vacancy and post well-written resumes. Learn to pass interviews without worry and clearly formulate your thoughts. Leave comments and share tips with portal guests.

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