Modern translation of the bible mvk. Bible online

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 The land was desolate, there was nothing on the earth. Darkness hid the ocean, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

3 And then God said, “Let there be light!” and the light shone.

4 God saw the light and knew it was good. Then God separated the light from the darkness.

5 And He called the light day, and the darkness night. And there was evening, and then there was morning. It was day one.

6 Then God said, “Let there be something to divide the waters in the middle!”

7 And God created the air and divided the water in the middle. Some of the water was above the air, and some was under the air.

8 God called the air heaven. And there was evening, and then there was morning. It was day two.

9 Then God said, “Let the waters under the sky close together so that there may be dry land.” And it was so.

10 God called the dry land earth, and the closed waters he called seas. And God saw that it was good.

11 And then God said: “Let grass, grain, and fruit trees grow on the earth. Fruit trees will bear fruit with seeds, and each plant will produce its own seeds according to what kind of plant it is. Let these plants be on the earth." And it became so.

12 Grass, grain, and trees grew on the ground, bearing fruits and seeds. Each plant produced its own seeds according to what kind of plant it was. And God saw that it was good.

13 And there was evening, and then there was morning. It was day three.

14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the sky. They will separate the days from the nights, serve for special signs and indicate the times for sacred meetings. And they will also serve to indicate days and years.

15 These lights will be in the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.

16 And God created two great lights: one greater light to rule over the day, and another lesser light to rule over the night. God also created the stars

17 And he placed all these lights in the heavens to shine on the earth.

18 He placed these lights in the heavens to rule over day and night and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.

19 And there was evening, and then there was morning. It was day four.

20 Then God said, “Let the water be filled with a multitude of living creatures, and let birds fly in the air above the earth.”

21 And God created sea monsters, created every living thing that moves in the sea. There are many different animals in the sea, and they were all created by God! God also created all kinds of birds that fly in the sky. And God saw that it was good.

22 God blessed these animals and commanded them to multiply and fill the seas. God commanded the birds on land to produce a great multitude of birds.

23 And there was evening, and then there was morning. It was day five.

24 Then God said: “Let the earth give birth to many living creatures, many different animals, and let there be large animals and small creeping animals of every kind, and let these animals give birth to other animals.” And it was so.

25 And God created all kinds of animals: wild animals, domestic animals, and every small creeping thing. And God saw that it was good.

26 Then God said: “Now let us create man.” Let us create people in our image and likeness. They will have dominion over all the fish in the sea and over all the birds in the sky, they will have dominion over all the large animals and over all the small creatures that crawl on the earth.” .

27 And God created people in His own image and likeness, created men and women, blessed them and said to them:

28 “Have children so that the number of people will multiply. Fill the land and own it. Have dominion over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, have dominion over every living creature that moves on the earth."

29 God said, “I give you all the grain and all the fruit trees that bear fruit with seeds. Grains and fruits will be your food.

30 I also give the animals all green plants. All the animals on earth, all the birds in the sky and all the creeping things on earth will feed on them." And so it was.

31 God looked at everything He had created and saw that it was all very good. And there was evening, and then there was morning. It was day six.

Thank God that God found me when I was still 12 years old, a lot of time has passed, but I thank Him for saving me from hell and death and now, with the help of His word, the Holy Scriptures, I can strengthen my inner man and renew your mind.

Previously, there were no computers or telephones, the Bible was read only in printed editions, thank God for progress and for our free time, when you can be content with not only one translation of the Bible, but also other, more modern ones.

I really liked the MyBible program.

It can be downloaded both from the developer’s website and from Google Play. But I downloaded directly from the developer’s website.

After you have downloaded the program, you need to fill the program with modules (Bible, dictionaries, articles)

You can do this in two ways:

1) In the program itself, by clicking the button in the upper right corner, in the form three dots. It will open before you "Main menu" where you have to select the button "Modules". The program will start downloading them.

Modules will be loaded:

Then we select by scrolling up or down from what is offered to us "Russian Bible Translations" and press the button on the left in the form of a circle with an arrow.

A complete set of Bibles of different translations will be revealed to us, select the one you need by touching it and press the down arrow button at the top.

And the file will start downloading. You will see this on the right side, kilobytes will be downloaded in the form of numbers, I marked it with a circle, and when the file is downloaded, a check mark will appear on the right side, I showed it with an arrow.

Over time, the modules will be updated, then instead of the arrow, you will click the circle of arrows and the updated module will load.

2) Second method, go to the Mybible website, find the section "Modules" and download the required one, then put it on your phone on Device storage. I have a Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 Duos (S7272), MyBible folder. And that’s it, when you open it, you will see the Bible.

I also downloaded modules from the List to my phone "Daily Readings" file "From Faith to Faith Victory Calendar" by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, "Reading Plans" file "Golden Verse"

When you open the program, they will immediately appear on your screen.

We select “Daily Readings” and our screen splits into two parts, the first, the Bible test itself, the second is the Copelands’ article:

On the left side, by clicking on the button with the abbreviation in the second part of SKEP-ch, this is the name of the “Module”, all reading modules will open for you, which you can safely select.

By clicking the button in the middle, you can always select a reading date.

It's the same with the golden verse. In my story about this program, I will try to reveal to you the most basic details, but the rest you can figure out for yourself without difficulty.

Let's get back to reading the BIBLE.

In order for you to select the place from which you want to read, you need to click the button in the top panel; it will be in the very middle where the abbreviation “Book title, chapter and verse” is indicated.

Next, you will see a menu of all the books of the Bible, select the one you need

then a menu with chapters will open, also select the one you need

Finally, select the desired verse

Agree, this is very convenient!!!

If you have downloaded a lot of Bible translations, then you can always safely change them; to do this, click the button with the abbreviation in the upper left corner

The entire list of Bibles will open in front of you, by touching which of them you will go to the one you need.

There is a very convenient thing that allows you to look at the same passage of Scripture in different translations without switching anywhere; to do this, you need to click on the button in the top panel in the form of two stripes and the window in front of you will split into two parts.

Next, if you want to view a passage of Scripture in all translations at once, you need to click the button in the form of a Bible with a cross

That's it, this Scripture is opening before you in all Translations. Tell me, it’s really cool!!!

Next, you liked a verse in the Bible and you want to highlight it, highlight it with a certain color, so that later, when reading the Word of God, you can turn your attention to it again. To do this, you need to highlight this verse with your finger, and then click the check mark in the upper left corner with plus

Then press the brush

then on the right side select the color you want

1 Woe to the city of murderers, which is full of lies, stolen goods and murderers of numerous victims!

2 You hear the sounds of whips, the sound of wheels, galloping horses and the roar of chariots rushing by!

3 The cavalry rushes, swords sparkle, spears shine! Many dead, piles of corpses that cannot be counted! People trip over corpses.

4 All this happened because of Nineveh. She's like a harlot who never has enough. She sold herself to many countries and enslaved peoples with her sorcery.

5 “I am against you,” says the Almighty Lord. - [I will humiliate you and take away your people]. Like a man who lifts your dress up to your head and reveals your naked body. I will show your nakedness to the nations, and other kingdoms will see your shame.

6 I will pelt you with all this abomination, I will disgrace you and make you the laughing stock of people.

7 Everyone who sees you will rush away and say: “Nineveh is ruined! Who will have pity on it?” Where can I find a comforter for her?"

8 Are you better than No-Amon, who stands on the Nile River and is surrounded by water? The river was his protection, the water served as his wall.

9 Ethiopia and Egypt gave No-Ammon great power. He was supported by Sudan and Libya.

10 But No-Ammon was subdued and captured. On its streets, soldiers beat small children to death. They cast lots as to who would take noble people as slaves, and they all were chained.

11 So you too, Nineveh, you too will fall like a drunkard! And you will try to hide, and you will seek protection from the enemy.

12 All your fortifications are like fig trees with ripe fruit. When they are shaken, they fall directly into the eater's mouth. He eats them, and they are no more!

13 [Nineveh], your people are like women, and the enemy is ready to capture them. The gates of your country are wide open to the enemy, the fire has destroyed their wooden bolts.

14 Collect water and stock it up for the duration of the siege, strengthen your fortresses! Take clay to make more bricks! Knead the clay! Prepare your molds and fire your bricks!

15 But no matter what you do, the fire will still destroy you completely! The sword will kill you, and your country will look like it has been devastated by hordes of locusts. Nineveh! You have grown and become like caterpillars or a swarm of locusts.

16 You multiplied the number of your merchants until they were as few as the stars in the sky, but like locusts they destroyed the country and flew away.

17 Your guard is also like locusts; your officials are like a swarm of locusts that land on stone walls on a cold day. When the stones heat up from the sun, it flies away, and no one knows where.

18 King of Assyria, your shepherds have fallen asleep, your nobles are resting. Your people are scattered on the mountains, and there is no one who can gather them and bring them back.

19 Nineveh, you have received a mortal wound that cannot be healed. Everyone who hears the news about you will applaud your fall, for they have all experienced your cruelty!

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