Set the Windows 8 interface language to Russian. Adding Russian language

In the current situation with exchange rates, some are seriously thinking about buying mobile devices Abroad. It is for such users that this article is intended, which will help you understand how to Russify Windows 8.

About the conditions

The ability to install a kind of crack for Windows 8 is not available in all its versions. This can only be done on 4 of the five editions.

As is clear from the name, the Windows 8 Single Language version does not provide for changing the system language. This means that if you choose this edition, you should initially take the device with the Russian version operating system. If you try to change the system language in this version, the operating system will issue a warning: “Unavailable in this edition of Windows.”


So we get to the description of the actions themselves. So, let's begin.

  1. First of all, move the cursor to the lower left corner and go to the analogue of the “Start” button. Find “Control Panel” here and click on it with the mouse.
  2. A window will appear on the screen containing almost all the basic system settings. Having found the block called “Clock, Language and Region”, look for the line “Add a language” and click on it.
  3. Let's follow the link and in the main part of the window we find a button with a name that is similar to the link used before - “Add a language”. It is located above the current system language indicator.
  4. After the transition, we will be presented with a list of all languages ​​supported by the system. They will be placed in alphabetical order, so finding Russian will not be difficult. His icon will read “Russian,” but he will be signed as “Russian.” Select it with the cursor and press the “Add” button.
  5. When you press the button, you will return to the previous menu, with the only difference being that under the main language an additional language will now be visible - Russian. In the right central part of its block there will be the inscription “Options”, which must be activated by clicking.
  6. Going to the settings tab, look for the inscription “ Download and install language pack”, which will be highlighted in blue, and to the left of it will be a small shield divided into 4 quarters, colored blue and yellow in a checkerboard pattern. We activate the inscription, after which a request to confirm the change “User Account Control” will pop up, where you just need to click “Yes”.

  7. The Windows 8 bootloader will appear, showing the progress of the operation. Wait until it's finished and click "Close" in the lower right corner.
  8. Go to “Options” again and in the same block click on “Make this the primary language”.
  9. All you have to do is confirm your actions and log out of the system so that the settings can take effect. To do this, all you have to do is click “Log off now”.
  10. After this, all that remains is to log into the system under your user and enjoy the fact that the Russification of Windows 8 was successfully completed. Even without waiting for the operating system to completely load, you will see that the inscriptions have been Russified.

Often it is simply necessary change the language of Windows 8.1 OS to Russian or any other. An example of such a need would be a situation with a laptop or hybrid tablet recently purchased abroad running this OS. After all, very often the default language of such devices is set to the language of the country of origin: Polish, English.

And here the question arises: “How Russify Windows 8.1 on one's own?"
It should be noted that changing the language of all menus has become much easier. There is no longer any need to re-install the Russian version 8 or download a separate MUI package, as for Windows XP or the seventh version of the OS.

You can read how to install Windows 8 yourself from a flash drive.

Let's begin.
Open the settings. To do this, press the key combination “Win ​​+ C” in sequence. Or go to the menu - Settings - Control Panel - Add language.

In the window that opens, click – Add a language.

In this menu, look for the Russian language, select it and click the Add button.

We now have Russian in the Change Your Language Preferences menu. Click Options.

Then Download and install language pack. The download will begin and installing Russian language for Windows 8.1.

After installation, close the window. For correct Russification, you need to return to Options opposite the Russian language pack and click “Make this the primary language”.

Now users often complain that when they buy a computer with Windows 8 pre-installed, it has an English interface by default. Few people ideally know technical English - hence the difficulties in using the operating system.

In this guide, we will explain to you how to manually change the language Windows systems 8 .

Adding a language to Windows 8

We need to move on to setting up the system language settings. To do this, follow these steps.

Find the "Start" button, right-click on it, and in the context menu, click " Control Panel".

Here we find the “Clock, Language and Region” block, and click the “Add a Language” button. We have added a picture with the Russian interface for you to make it easier to navigate.

A list will be presented in the window that opens installed languages systems. In your case there will be no Russian. We need to add it.

Click the "Add language" button.

A list of language packs available for installation on Windows 8 will appear. You need to scroll the list below, find the Russian language, select it and click the "Add" button.

Configuring additional parameters

Here in the first block" Override for Windows display language" (override Windows language...), we click the line "Apply language setting..." (apply language settings to the welcome screen...) - as in the picture below.

An additional options window will open. Here we click the button "Change system language" (change system language).

Here we must select Russian from the list.

After clicking the "Ok" button, you will be prompted to reboot the system for the changes to take effect. Do it.

Download a language pack

After the computer starts, we again go to the Windows 8 language settings control panel.

Now we select the “Russian” language pack installed in the previous step, and click the “options” button.

In the window that opens, we press the button " Download and install language pack" (download and install the language pack).

After installation, you need to designate the downloaded language pack as the main one that will be used in Windows 8. To do this, click the " Make this the primary language" (assign this language as the main language).

Now all you have to do is restart your computer. The next time you turn on the operating system language will be Russian.

Video for the article:


Don't worry if you got a version of Windows 8 with an English interface. As you can see, changing the main language of the system is not at all difficult. But do not forget that there must be an active Internet connection to be able to download the language pack.

On our website you can download.

We offer you the latest version.

Allows you to create backups system and individual files.

Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

In Windows 8 and Windows RT, Microsoft developers tried to make it as easy as possible to use the operating system in conjunction with various languages. You can now add the desired keyboard layout or change the system interface language from a single “Language” panel. How to do this is discussed further in detailed instructions with screenshots.

1. First, open the “Add language” panel (Add language in English). Windows versions 8), you can simply enter this phrase on home screen and in the search go to the “Options” section.

2. In the window that opens, you need to click on the “Add language” button, and then select the one you need in the list (for a quick search, just enter the first letter of the name) and click on the “Add” button.

3. Thus, we have already added the desired keyboard layout; priority can be selected by simply highlighting the language and moving in the list using the “Up” and “Down” buttons. Application language and interface parts will be selected according to priority.

4. To completely translate the operating system interface, you need to click on the “Options” link next to the desired language, and then on the “Download and install language pack” link.

5. After completing the procedure for downloading and installing the package, a reboot will be required. This procedure can be done for each of the languages ​​used, and then quickly switch the system interface language simple movement in the spine up or down.

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