iPhone 6 turns on and turns off immediately. IPhone turns on and turns off immediately: how to restore your smartphone

Apple products famous for its high quality and reliability. However, problems arise with them too. Often, iPhone owners whose smartphones turn off spontaneously turn to service centers.

Phones may turn off randomly, without any obvious signs of battery drain, while using apps or even during a call. There are several reasons for this: we can talk about both software and hardware defects mobile device. How to solve the problem of iPhone turning off spontaneously?

1. Hard reset your iPhone

Help solve the problem with iPhone turning off spontaneously hard reboot device, which resets temporary data. To do a hard reset, you need to press and hold the top power button and the home button at the same time. You need to hold them together until the Apple logo or a graphic message about the battery charge appears on the display.

2. Connect iPhone to adapter

Some users find it helpful to connect the phone to a power adapter. The smartphone turns on, is fully charged and continues to work as before. If the failure continues after some time, there is a possibility that the battery is failing.

3. Restore iPhone

In a situation where the iPhone turns off spontaneously, returning the gadget to its original state will help - reset operating system. The operation is quite simple and can be done on the gadget itself. Execute iPhone cleaning and iPad can be done using the phone itself, namely, from the Reset section in the main iOS menu. There are different reset options available here. MacDigger talked about this in more detail.

If none of the above methods helped you, most likely this is a serious hardware defect. To determine the problem, you must contact service center, where experienced craftsmen can carry out repairs.

Modern smartphones have taken a strong place in our lives. With their help, we call our colleagues and friends, correspond, play, communicate in social networks, i.e. We do our usual and everyday actions. But if the iPhone turns off by itself, then you can forget about normal operation of the phone.

If you are on this page, then this situation is very familiar to you. Do not rush to get upset, because the masters of our service center are able to solve problems of any level of complexity. In today's article, we will look at various situations in which the iPhone began to turn off on its own, and also describe a number of actions that can solve this problem.

Why does my iPhone turn off by itself?

The situation when the iPhone turns off is quite unpleasant. This can happen at the most inopportune moment - business negotiations or a conversation with a loved one. In any case, the person will experience a lot of unpleasant emotions.

The reasons for an iPhone turning off spontaneously can be different. One of the most common among them is malfunction battery. It may occur in the following cases:

  • The smartphone fell from a fairly high height, as a result of which the battery contacts were disconnected. The peculiarity of this situation is that the contacts have not broken off, so the smartphone can work normally, but when some kind of shake occurs (for example, when pulled out of a pocket), the contacts move away and shutdown occurs.
  • Non-original battery. When replacing a failed battery with a cheaper non-original battery, the device spontaneously turns off. This happens due to insufficient capacity of a low-quality battery. In this case, the iPhone turns off during a call, while surfing the Internet and any other activities that require a lot of energy.
  • Natural wear and tear of the battery. The battery is consumables, the average service life of which is about two years.

The situation is completely different when the iPhone turns off in the cold. Here we are not talking about a malfunction of the battery, but about a banal discrepancy in temperature conditions. Apple gadgets are not at all adapted for use in subzero ambient temperatures, so this is a completely ordinary situation.

Why does my iPhone turn off when the battery is charged?

When you look at the charge level of your phone, you already have an idea of ​​how long it will last. But it often happens that the iPhone turns off at 80 percent, i.e. in an almost fully charged state. The situation is quite unexpected and extremely unpleasant.

There are several reasons why the iPhone started to turn off when the battery is charged:

  • The charge indicator is faulty. The device may show false information regarding the charging percentage (it shows 50-60%, but in fact the gadget may be almost completely discharged). The situation is resolved by first completely discharging the battery, and then fully charging the battery.
  • Software problems that can be resolved by rolling back to factory settings. Before this you need to do backup copy data.
  • The charge controller is faulty.

The last reason requires a separate explanation. The iPhone has a special chip in its design that controls the voltage supplied during charging. Mains voltage alternating current, first passes through this very chip (power controller), only after which it enters the battery. If it breaks down, the phone spontaneously turns off while charging, which is a protective reaction of the gadget system that prevents the negative impact of voltage surges on the battery.

iPhone only works when connected to charger

If the iPhone turns off without charging (there is no such problem when connecting a Lightning cable), then the problem is also in the battery or power controller. Only detailed diagnostics of the device will help to find out the exact cause. As a rule, if a smartphone turns off without a charger, then the battery is broken.

Many users are interested in why the iPhone turns off during a conversation? Based on our practice, this happens for several reasons:

  • Some applications crash.
  • System malfunctions.
  • Moisture getting inside the case.
  • Battery failure.
  • Shocks, falls and other mechanical damage.
  • Failure of the processor or other internal components.
  • If you are talking in the cold, this can lead to even a fully charged iPhone turning off spontaneously.

What to do if your iPhone keeps turning off?

Today we looked at the main reasons why the iPhone keeps turning off. In fact, this is a very broad topic, so it is difficult to cover all possible situations that could affect the device turning off spontaneously.

If standard manipulations, such as rebooting, iOS updates and resetting the settings did not help, then the only expedient solution to this problem is to contact a specialized service center for help.

The Fix-me company offers you services to solve this problem. If your smartphone starts to turn off frequently, then bring it to us for diagnostics. Upon completion, the exact cause of the malfunction will be clear, as well as how to eliminate it. Please note that diagnostics will be absolutely free for you, even if you refuse repairs from our service.

The iPhone turned off and will not turn on - a problem that every owner of smartphones faces at least once in their life. Apple. Below we will look at all the most common reasons why a smartphone does not want to turn on. I will not touch on the reasons related to the hardware problems of the iPhone, since this is work for service centers and it will be unrealistic for an untrained user to fix it at home.

How to turn on iPhone

Before we begin to directly determine the reasons why the iPhone does not turn on, we will check 2 points that are not directly related to any malfunctions.

  1. If your phone turns off due to low battery, it may take some time to turn it back on. Keep your smartphone on charge for at least 15 minutes - this will be enough for the battery to charge required charge. Try turning it on. Doesn't turn on? Read on.
  2. If you are sure that the battery charge is sufficient, but the iPhone still does not turn on, the reason may be that the firmware freezes or the smartphone goes into save mode. In this case, a hard reboot of the smartphone will help us.
  • For all models except iPhone 7, simultaneously press and hold the power and home buttons for about 20 seconds.
  • For iPhone 7, you will need to simultaneously hold down the power and volume down buttons for the same 20 seconds.

In the best case, the phone will turn on and you can continue to use it as usual. If it doesn't help, read on.

Software malfunction

And although Apple devices are rightfully considered more reliable than smartphones from other manufacturers, they are also susceptible to crashes, freezes and other software errors. The causes of such malfunctions are usually:

  • A large number of simultaneously running applications.
  • Hacking firmware using jailbreak
  • Errors during device update
  • Magnetic storms, gypsy curse and other unknown reasons...

A radical way to solve problems related to iPhone software is to flash the firmware via iTunes in DFU mode. In this case, we will need a computer and a USB cable (it is better to use the original one).

It should be understood that during the firmware update, all data from your phone will be deleted, so it is recommended to periodically create backup copies and this applies not only to iPhones.

  • Download and install the iTunes app
  • Run installed application and connect iPhone to computer
  • Press the Home and Power buttons at the same time, count to 10 and release the power button. Hold the Home button until iTunes says your iPhone is connected in recovery mode
  • In the window that appears, you need to click the “Restore iPhone” button and confirm again in the new window.

Restoring in DFU mode is the maximum that an untrained user can do on his own. If this method does not help, then most likely the smartphone malfunction is due to hardware problems.

Hardware malfunction

If none of the methods described above helped you, with a high degree of probability we can say that the problem is in the hardware of the smartphone. There may be several reasons:

  • Natural wear and tear of electronic components
  • If water or other conductive liquids get inside the device
  • Battery fault
  • Malfunction caused by the use of non-original accessories - Charger, cable
  • Damage to smartphone connectors

Do not try to disassemble the iPhone yourself, even if you suspect a specific problem. Unskilled intervention can end disastrously for your iPhone; entrust this work to professionals.

The iPhone turns off and does not turn on - contact a service center; attempting to repair it yourself will only aggravate the situation and increase the cost of further repairs.

The phenomenon where the iPhone 4s turns off by itself haunts many followers of the famous brand. There are several logical explanations for this problem.

Reasons why iPhone 4s turns off without permission:

  • software failures. It is especially common for iPhone 4s to turn off and on while charging or just like that, if the device has a software version installed that is in testing mode;
  • In winter, it happens that the iPhone 4s turns off at 50 percent. The explanation for this is the detrimental effect of low temperature on the battery;
  • The most common reason that the iPhone 4s hangs on the apple and turns off is technical problems. In more detail, the power controller is failing or the battery has expired. In the latter case, the battery will need to be replaced.

If iPhone 4s turns off when incoming call and after checking the battery, it was determined that the maximum number of recharge cycles had already been completed and it needed to be replaced. You can purchase an original part at a service center that sells spare parts for failed devices. Or order a high-quality replica battery.

How to fix the problem yourself.

  1. If the reason lies in software errors, then you can return the original version of the software through a special iTunes program. Before resetting the firmware, you must make a backup copy of your data so as not to lose important information.
  2. If your iPhone 4s turns off and won't turn on, try the following steps - leave the device alone for a while, enough to completely discharge the battery. Then connect the charger - be sure to be original! If the problem happened while walking in the cold, then you need to let the phone “warm up” at room temperature.
  3. Often the problem can be solved by simply performing a “hard” restart. To do this, you need to hold down two keys at once - Home and Power. The time of holding the buttons is at least 10 seconds. After startup, the device begins to work smoothly.

These simple manipulations will help get rid of the problem, the iPhone 4s turns off at 20 percent and does not turn on, without contacting a service center and without necessarily disassembling the device.

Alexander Grishin

Owners of Apple gadgets may encounter a common problem: spontaneous shutdown of the device. In this article we will try to figure out why the iPhone turns on and off immediately while charging, and what to do about it. There may be several reasons:

1. Incorrect use of the battery

Spontaneous shutdown of the iPhone while charging may occur due to a “dying” battery. If your device is several years old, then this is quite normal and the solution to the problem is to replace the battery with a new one. But if you've been using your phone for less than a year, such as an iPhone 6, then there's a chance that you're not charging it correctly. Read our recommendations and, perhaps, you will understand that the battery has been used incorrectly all this time, which led to its early failure and, as a result, the iPhone turning off.

In addition, many users of Apple devices very often neglect the rules for using gadgets, using them for iPhone charger from iPad. Despite the similarity of the connectors, current is supplied different ways. This may adversely affect the functionality of both devices.

2. Weak and unstable charging source

The battery can be charged not only at home, but also in a car, garage or country house. Charging in such places may damage your device due to unstable power supply. In addition, it may simply be ineffective. We recommend that you charge your iPhone only in places with a stable current and then most likely there will be no problems with it turning on and off immediately.

3. Hardware malfunction

The reason for spontaneous shutdown may lie in the breakdown of any component of the device. For example, if the gadget has been subjected to some kind of mechanical impact (shock, water getting under the case, etc.), then the board may be damaged or the contact responsible for the “connection” of the battery with the smartphone has come loose.

In rare cases, problems with the board may occur due to a software glitch. As a rule, they occur after attempts to install applications bypassing the iStore or activating dubious software.

In the case of a hardware malfunction, it is not recommended to fix the problem yourself, but to take the smartphone to a specialized service. In case of problems with the software, you need to update iOS and reinstall software. If it doesn't help, try resetting the settings.

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