Internet blocking megaphone. Voluntary blocking of Megafon: how to use the service

There are such situations, you need to know: how to block a MegaFon SIM card. Find out the answer to this question and get useful tips You can in this post. It is important to know how to block a MegaFon SIM card, as this can save a lot of money. The phrase “block a SIM card” can have one of three meanings, in this article I will tell you about each + you will learn what you need to do in order to block a SIM card.

First value— blocking the card if it is lost until it is replaced. How often do you have to deal with the problem of losing a SIM card, because there are so many of them and they are so small. Second meaning— you just don’t need a SIM card. In some cases, you need to block a SIM card if you no longer plan to use it. In this case, we are talking about termination of the contract for the provision of services. cellular communications (by the way, now it’s better to use instead of termination). Third meaning, temporary blocking of the card with subsequent restoration and use. There is another reason why you need to block a number - this is a big subscription fee. For example, You plan not to use the card for some time, you know for sure that after some time you will still need it. In order not to pay a subscription fee for the period when you do not use a SIM card, you can use the “Voluntary blocking” service.

Whatever the reason, we need to know how to block MegaFon’s SIM card if necessary.

Most often, blocking a SIM card is understood as terminating a contract, but I want to point out this: you can terminate a contract only by coming to the office in person, and to the office of the branch where the contract was concluded. That is, if you bought a SIM card in one branch, you will not be able to terminate the contract while in another. If you find yourself in this situation, there are 2 options:

  1. Block through an official representative at the branch. To do this, you will need a notarized power of attorney... in general, it’s a long story, there is no point in wasting time and money because of one SIM card. It's just not practical.
  2. Wait for automatic blocking. Let me clarify that, according to the terms of the contract, non-use of a SIM card for a period of 3-6 months means unilateral termination of the contract by committing implicate actions. In other words, the SIM card lies on the shelf for 3 months, after 90 days from the date of last use, the contract is automatically terminated. IMPORTANT: if the number is not used for a long time, MegaFon (like other operators) can activate the “Number Saving” service. The service is paid. While it is working, the number is not blocked, but it stops working when your balance runs out of money. There is no single cost for this service across Russia; each branch has its own price, but the principle is approximately the same in all regions. Therefore, before you refuse your SIM card, you should

If you do not want to terminate the contract, but simply temporarily block the SIM card, then you can use the following methods:

  1. Through the operator's support service - or come to the communication salon.
  2. Some branches provide for blocking a number if it is lost through an autoinformer on the support service phone number 0500. To use it, you will have to call the long number 88005500500 or simply 0500 from a MegaFon SIM card.
  3. Well, the most interesting and accessible way is through. Using your personal account, you can block your card for up to three months.

Instructions: “How to block a MegaFon SIM card through your personal account.”

That's it, the number is blocked. I would like to warn you that if you lose your SIM card, it is better to immediately contact the operator’s support service, since if you lose your SIM card and do not contact it, you bear financial responsibility for this SIM card. The same methods of blocking a number that are available to you through self-service systems do not block the number 100%; an experienced subscriber can unblock them independently. For example, you blocked a number through the MegaFon Service Guide (personal account), the SIM card is in the possession of a stranger. So, nothing prevents a stranger from unblocking your number via *105#. Therefore, my advice to you: if you lost your SIM card, immediately contact the operator’s support service, and don’t hope “maybe it will blow through.”

Every person should definitely be aware of how to block a MegaFon SIM card. Happens in life different cases To avoid unauthorized use of your number, you must read our recommendations. In all cities, people use the services of this mobile operator. To improve quality, the company creates many favorable tariffs and offers. High-quality service attracts more and more new subscribers.

Features of the service

A person needs to block a MegaFon SIM card in several cases. If your phone is stolen or lost. And also when the subscriber does not need mobile communication services at all.

Do not forget that the company can disable the card at any time. This happens if it is inactive for a long time. A person can personally check the information and verify the transaction performed. To do this, you need to go to your personal account and find all the information there. Note that all subscriber statistics are stored in personal account.

Card blocking methods

How to block a MegaFon number? You can deactivate a SIM card yourself in several ways:

This service is available even to those people who do not have money in their account. But, you can restore the validity of your card only if there are no debts. If the SIM card is lost, the number can be restored with full preservation of options and tariff plan. If a SIM card is found, the subscriber has the right to unblock the number ahead of schedule. This service is paid; 30 rubles are charged per month of the service.

Deactivation by phone

You can call the information service at 8 800 550 05 00 and order deactivation of the card.

And for MegaFon subscribers there is a special number 8 926 111 05 00.

A company employee will definitely ask you to dictate your passport details or contract information.

You can also complete this process by sending a text message with your passport data to 0500.

Deactivation via the Internet

How to disable the MegaFon SIM card on the mobile operator’s website? To do this, you must first register. Then, in your personal account, select the “Block current number” section and specify the necessary parameters. Then click “Block”.

Deactivation at the service center

When a subscriber fails to block a MegaFon SIM card using the above methods, he can visit a service center. Specialists will help you do everything. But, for this you will need an agreement that confirms ownership of this SIM card.

Complete deactivation of the SIM card

All this will help a person turn off the number for the required period of time. How to block a MegaFon SIM card forever? This action can only be performed at a service center. You must have a previously drawn up contract for the ownership of the number with you. After the procedure, restore phone number it won't work.

Each subscriber must have information on how to block a MegaFon number. And in case of emergency, this must be done. Such actions will help protect against the use of your funds.

In Russia there are several mobile operators who provide their services to citizens. The most famous of them are Megafon, Beeline and MTS, which cover almost the entire market. A SIM card in the modern world is not only the ability to make calls and send SMS messages, but also much more. For example, accounts in in social networks, banking applications and much more. That is why, if you lose your phone with a SIM card, you need to block it as soon as possible. Blocking may also be necessary in other situations, for example, when leaving the country for a while. In this article, we will consider how to block SIM cards of the most popular operators in Russia.

How to block a Megafon SIM card

Blocking a Megafon SIM card is a free service, but only for 7 days. If you blocked your card and did not bother to unblock it within 7 days, then for each subsequent day 1 ruble will be debited from your account. It is important to note that you will not be charged for the tariff plan you are using.

There are 3 ways to block a Megafon SIM card: through your personal account on the Internet, by phone, in the company office. Let's consider each of the options.

How to block a Megafon SIM card via the Internet

The Megafon company offers each of its subscribers to monitor basic account information through their personal account on the Internet. Through this very personal account, you can block the SIM card as follows:

How to block a Megafon SIM card over the phone

There are two ways to block a SIM card through the Megafon subscriber service:

How to block a Megafon SIM card in the office

The third way to block a SIM card is to contact the Megafon office. You can contact any Megafon salon, but you must have a passport with you. At the same time, in contrast to the methods described above, when visiting a salon in person, the user has the opportunity not only to temporarily block the SIM card, but also to completely refuse the company’s services forever. If you decide to permanently block your number, it will be impossible to restore it later.

How to block an MTS SIM card

MTS offers two options for blocking a SIM card - temporarily and permanently, let's look at each of them in more detail.

How to temporarily block an MTS SIM card

If you need to block your SIM card for a while, but then intend to restore it and continue using it, you need to activate the “Voluntary blocking” service for your number. When this service is activated, the SIM card becomes completely inoperable, that is, you can only call from it to the number emergency service. In this case, the balance of money in the account is frozen until you decide to unblock the card yourself. If your tariff or connected services have a subscription fee, it will not be charged during the voluntary blocking period.

Important: The “Voluntary blocking” service is valid for free for 2 weeks. Further, a fee of 30 rubles per month will be charged for its use.

To activate the “Voluntary blocking” service and temporarily block an MTS SIM card, you need to do one of the following:

When you need to unlock your SIM card, all you need to do is go to any MTS store or contact the support staff.

How to permanently block an MTS SIM card

If you need to block an MTS SIM card forever, for example, because you no longer want to use the services of an operator or a specific number, this can be done in the following ways:

Please note that if you block your MTS SIM card forever, you will lose your phone number and will no longer be able to restore access to it.

How to block a Beeline SIM card

If you need to block your Beeline SIM card, this can also be done. As is the case with other operators, you can issue a temporary or permanent block; we will consider both options.

How to temporarily block a Beeline SIM card

There are three ways to block a Beeline SIM card for a while:

Important: Beeline varies the cost of temporarily blocking a phone, depending on the tariff. Check with the company’s specialists about the cost of the service specifically for your tariff.

How to permanently block a Beeline SIM card

Beeline excludes the option of permanently blocking a SIM card through the subscriber’s personal account. There are only 2 options left for how to do this:

  • Call the support service and ask the operator to permanently block your SIM card, while confirming that you are its owner;
  • Contact the Beeline office with your passport to have your card blocked forever.

Once the SIM card is blocked forever, there will no longer be an opportunity to restore it and return the number.

Megafon subscribers often face the question of how to block a SIM card. In this article we will look at how to do this by calling the operator, visiting the company’s office or personal account on the official website. We will tell you about the cost of the service and what documents you need to have to connect to it. We will provide information about the procedure for permanent blocking and situations when it occurs automatically. We will also talk about cases in which it is necessary to block a SIM card and methods of unlocking it.

Temporary blocking methods

There are several options self-connection Megafon SIM card suspension services:

  1. Visit the nearest Megafon office.
  2. Personal account on the official website.

Let's consider these methods in more detail.

Call to operator

To call the call center, dial the number on the phone 0500 for Megafon subscribers and 88005500500 for subscribers of other operators. If you are in roaming, use the number to call 89261110500 . After connecting with a specialist, explain to him the essence of the current situation and ask him to disable the SIM card. You will need to confirm that it is registered to you. To do this, dictate your passport details to the consultant. You can pause your phone by sending an SMS message to 0500 , containing the phone number that needs to be disconnected, the last name, first name and patronymic of its owner.

At the Megafon office

You can disable the SIM card by visiting the nearest company communications store. When communicating with an employee, just as when calling the customer support center, state the essence of the problem and your request to disconnect the phone number. Be prepared to present your passport to confirm that the SIM card is registered in your name.

In your personal account on the website

To disable a SIM card via the Internet, you need to use the account on the official Megafon website. To do this, follow a few simple steps:

Now any actions are impossible from this SIM card. When you try to call, the autoinformer will inform you that the number is temporarily out of service. All paid options will also be suspended for the duration of the service.

What documents/data will be required?

To disable the SIM card, you will need the details of the identification document of the owner of the number.

Service cost

Voluntary blocking of a Megafon SIM card is free of charge. The subscription fee is 1 ruble per month. The maximum validity period is 180 days. After this period, the SIM card is automatically activated. From the moment of suspension, the connection fee tariff plan will not be charged. Also, money will not be debited for connected paid services and options. Please note that fees may differ for different tariffs in different regions. You can find prices for Moscow and the Moscow region.

Important: You can activate a SIM card lock regardless of your account status. Disable only if positive.

The procedure for permanently blocking a SIM card

All the options discussed above relate to the so-called voluntary or temporary suspension of the SIM card. It will end as soon as the time for which the option was activated has expired. In order to permanently disable the SIM card, you must terminate the current contract with the operator. To do this, you need to visit the nearest office with an identification document and explain your desire to a company employee.

When the SIM card is blocked automatically

Automatic blocking of a Megafon SIM card occurs in two cases:

  1. The personal account has a negative balance and a financial block occurs.
  2. No paid actions are performed on the card for 3 months. It can be removed within 10 days. Otherwise, the SIM card is no longer serviceable and may be put up for sale to another subscriber.

How to unblock a card

In case of financial blocking of Megafon, to remove it, it is enough to top up your phone balance with the required amount. If the SIM card is voluntarily suspended, it will be activated after the period of time that was specified when connecting to the service has expired. If you want to disconnect it before the specified date, you can use the same methods as when connecting:

  1. Call to the operator's call center.
  2. Visit your nearest customer service office.
  3. LC on the official website.

If the shutdown occurs after a long period of inactivity, then to activate it you must visit the nearest mobile phone store with an identification document. If the card has not been sold to another subscriber during this time, it can be restored.

Let's figure out how to block a Megafon number so that someone else does not gain access to it. Every user mobile phone capable of losing the device. This situation requires immediate blocking of the number to prevent unpleasant consequences. After all, attackers are able to spend the balance or restore access to some services connected to the number. Also, blocking a Megafon card is relevant for subscribers who want to temporarily stop using the services mobile operator.

There are several ways to block. After the procedure, the subscriber is able to independently activate the card back in order to continue receiving telecommunications services. We will look at three common methods to temporarily restrict access to a number.

Basic ways to block a number

The Megafon operator provides clients with several methods for blocking a card. For example, a user can order a temporary block or restrict access if they lose their phone. You can also disable your SIM card permanently.

The procedure can be performed as follows:

    By phone;

    Through your personal account;

    Megafon office.

Block Megafon number by phone

Users are able to block a card by contacting technical support. To do this, dial the number 8 800 550 05 00 from your mobile phone.

Before carrying out the procedure, support staff will ask you to provide confidential information that allows you to identify the user. Usually this is passport data. If you don't go wait for a representative's response contact center– send by number 0500 message, attaching the phone number for blocking with passport data. Specialists will process your application soon

Important! The “blocking upon loss” service is paid. For a month of use you need to pay 30 rubles. Moreover, the subscription fee will be temporarily stopped. Sometimes the cost of the service can vary - for accurate information, visit the operator’s website.

Blocking via the Internet

Users are able to block a card remotely. To do this, log in to the personal section of the site and find the function “ block number" Select the required service period - here you will need to indicate the start and end date of the service. Then press the "Block" key.

If you are not registered in your personal account, you can log in through an agreement with Megafon. After purchasing the card, employees attach the relevant documents containing the secret PUK code. It allows you to log in to the site. Enter your personal phone number as a login, and enter PUK instead of a password.

LockSIMcards in the office

For this method, it is important to visit the company’s representative office. Before providing the service, the operator’s employee will ask the user show identification (passport) to identify the subscriber. Of course, the number must be registered to the applicant. Otherwise, the blocking will not be possible. If the visitor meets the requirements, specialists will be able to block the card in a few minutes. It is important to inform employees that a temporary block is needed. Usually consultants stipulate this point, but there are exceptions.

How to block a number forever

The above guide helps you to block a number temporarily. The user can always restore the SIM card in order to continue receiving telecommunications services.

However, the company offers the possibility of permanent blocking. To do this, visit the nearest representative office of the company and write an application to terminate the contract. Be sure to provide the consultant with a package of documents confirming your identity and ownership of the number. After termination of the contract, the restoration service is not available. If you want to use the services of a mobile operator again, buy a new starter package. Therefore, before the procedure, carefully consider this step.


Temporary blocking Megafon numbers are a very popular service that limits access to the SIM card if the phone is stolen or lost. It ensures the safety of confidential information. The procedure is suitable for users who intend to temporarily abandon cellular communications (for example, going on a business trip).

Permanent blocking terminates the contract with the operator. It is suitable for subscribers who wish to refuse to receive telecommunications services. If you have any questions, you can always contact the company’s support to get timely advice. Specialists are ready to consider any issue.

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