BlueStacks how to change the language on the android emulator. How to change the language in BlueStacks to English Bluestacks how to enable English

One of the most common problems that you may encounter in the emulator is changing the keyboard layout. Please note that if you are using a Russian-language operating system, then only the Russian layout will be displayed in the program. To further use the emulator, you will also need the English input language, since the login information for your account on the service Google Play are entered in this language.

But, as we all know, there are no hopeless situations! To quickly and easily add English to your keyboard layout, read below detailed instructions and follow the instructions carefully.

Remember! You will not be able to change the layout language after installing BlueStacks if you have a Russian-language OS, since, as we have already said, the language layout takes over the system language, that is, Russian. In this case, change the language without additional settings impossible, the only way out may be screen keyboard, which is extremely inconvenient to use when working with the BlueStacks emulator.

BlueStacks – change input language

Enter Settings to add a new language to the program’s language layout, as well as configure switching between English and Russian input languages.

The need to change the language after installing Bluestacks is a common problem among novice users. The peculiarity of the program is that it uses the operating system language. Therefore, if you had Russian enabled by default, switching to the English layout may not be an entirely obvious task.

How to change the language layout in BlueStacks?

In fact, there is nothing complicated in our task. Changing the language will take no more than a couple of minutes, the main thing is to know the sequence of actions:

  • launch Bluestacks on your device;
  • first of all, go to the menu (click on the gear icon, if it is not on the screen, open the “All Apps” section and find it there);
  • Inside we look for the sub-item “Change keyboard settings” and click on it;
  • go to the “Physical keyboard” line, select the one you need (in our case it is listed as AT Translated Set 2 keyboard, if it doesn’t work for you, just go back and specify another one);
  • in the window that opens, click on the line “Customize layout”;
  • in the list we look for the language that we want to add;
  • mark it with a checkmark in the checkbox on the right (don’t forget to check if Russian is checked);
  • the changes have already taken effect - exit the settings and try switching the layout using the hot keys Ctlr+Space.

For everything to work correctly the first time, it is advisable to have the latest version of the emulator. Try to follow the releases on the official website and update in a timely manner software. The easiest way to understand how to change the layout is to watch a comprehensive video instruction on this matter.

Many BlueStacks users are faced with the problem of changing the keyboard layout language. Using the Russian language in your operating system by default will allow you to use it within the application, including in the keyboard layout. In order to use English or any other language in the keyboard layout in addition to Russian, you will need to add it in the application settings. In this step by step instructions with photos you will learn how to change the language (Russian and English) in the BlueStacks emulator.

Step 1

How to change the keyboard layout language in BlueStacks

Start by launching the program by double-clicking on the shortcut with the left mouse button.

Step 2

Click the “Settings” button, which is shown as a gear, and select the “Settings” line in the list that opens.

Step 3

In the "Personal Information" block, click "Language and Input".

Step 4

Now in the “Physical Keyboard” block, click on the “AT Translated Set 2 keyboard” item.

Step 5

At this stage, click the line “Customize keyboard layouts”.

Step 6

The next step is to check the boxes next to the selected language. When choosing the English language, put a checkmark next to the item “English (USA, international).

Step 7

Leave a mark in the “Russian” line. Having selected the necessary languages, we return to the settings menu by clicking the arrow (number 2 in the photo example).

Step 8

To switch between languages ​​in the keyboard layout, you must press the key combination “CTRL+Space”.

Step 9

How to change Bluestacks program language from Russian to English

Let's consider the possibility of changing the program language from Russian to English. To do this, click on the gear and in the window that opens, select “Settings”.

Step 10

In the “Personal information” block, select “Change language”.

Step 11

Now select “English” from the list and left-click on the line. The program language has been changed to English.

Step 12

How to change Bluestacks program language from English to Russian

Now I will show you how to change the language of the BlueStacks application from English to Russian. Going to the settings item to change the program language is the same as in the method of changing the language from Russian to English. Then in the “Personal” block, click the “Change language” line.

Step 13

Now select “Russian” from the list of languages ​​and click on the line with the selected language with the left mouse button. The program language has been changed from English to Russian. If the information helped you, click Thank you!

Video: how to change language in bluestacks instructions

Use the full potential of your smartphone on your computer, adapting the capabilities of Android systems to Windows or MacOS. Emulator BlueStacks is a tool that has already been duly appreciated all over the world. The application is distinguished from its analogues by its high productivity, intuitive menu and rich selection of settings. Even the first time you launch it, you can easily understand how to write in English, Russian and other languages ​​in BlueStacks, using on-screen input methods or a desktop keyboard on a personal computer.

Features of the Android emulator BlueStacks App Player

When you need a free mobile platform emulator, you'll definitely think about BlueStacks App Player. With its help, every user of multifunctional gadgets will be able to display big screen favorite games and applications previously created for Android devices on your laptop.

It should be noted that none of the known analogues can compare in productivity with BlueStacks. The program supports the launch of more than 86% of games, as well as 96% of applications from Play Market. In addition, the software synchronizes with any user's Google account. This function allows you to perform any actions in installed applications simultaneously on various devices, without fear of losing important data or saves, as is the case with games.

Another significant advantage of the emulator is its support for the most popular platforms – Windows and MacOS. The software works equally well under both operating systems, allowing you to use the full potential of Android applications.

Instructions for changing the input language in BlueStacks

The question of how to set the Russian language in BlueStacks is often asked by emulator users. Solving this problem does not require special skills and abilities. Just use the following instructions:

  1. Make active any field where you need to enter text. In our case, this is the Login section when logging into your account.
  2. Click on the keyboard image that appears at the bottom right.
  3. Be sure to set the switch to the Off position. This will allow you to use not only an on-screen keyboard, but also a hardware keyboard.
  4. Select "Configure input methods."

  5. In the settings window that opens, select the keyboard settings by clicking on the corresponding icon.

  6. Click on the “Input languages” section.

  7. When setting up the program for the first time, the “System language” column will be checked. Uncheck it - this will open access to other languages.

  8. Select Russian, English or any other language you will use.

This completes setting up languages ​​in the emulator. Now you can type text using a convenient screen or fixed keyboard.

If you need to write in English when logging into your account

In BlueStacks, every user who has installed the software on their computer can write in English when logging into their account. One of the most simple methods changing the language when entering any data is to refer to the keyboard icon, which was mentioned in the setup instructions. After activating the field for entering a request, a menu will appear with the languages ​​you have selected in the “Input languages” section.

Changing the input language using hotkeys

If you want to change the input language using a fixed keyboard in BlueStacks, be prepared for the fact that the standard Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift key combinations do not work. To change the language, the program provides another combination - Ctrl + Space. Just a couple of days of use - and you will be able to enter into BlueStacks as easily as you normally would on a PC. operating system Windows or MacOS.


Having figured out how to change the language to English in BlueStacks, you need to learn about copying data using a desktop computer keyboard. You can use the usual combination of Ctrl+C (for copying) and Ctrl+V (for pasting). If you operate only on-screen input methods, you should remember that copying can be done by simply selecting text with a left mouse click, and pasting by long pressing the left button in the appropriate area of ​​the screen (where you would like to place the copied information).

Setting the Layout Switch

The problem that every second user of the popular emulator faces is an error when changing the language. Many people don’t know what to do if BlueStacks doesn’t write in English. The reason may be additional software. For example, the program Punto Switcher conflicts with the emulator settings, having a negative impact on the performance of the application while typing. Therefore, before making global changes or reinstalling the program, make sure that other software on the computer does not conflict with the emulator.

How to change Bluestacks input language: Video

You downloaded Bluestacks, everything is great, but the problem is that there is no English for input, and in the settings there are several options for changing either the language or the layout... so that you don’t have to search for a long time, I suggest using this little instruction

But what is this Bluestacks even for? Imagine that you have a smartphone and you would like to upgrade it as much as possible with programs, that is, so that it is functional but there are no programs that do not work correctly. If you install programs on a smartphone, test them and then delete them if you don’t like it, then this is not very correct, since after removal some garbage will remain. And with each removal there will be more and more of it. What should I do? This is where Bluestacks comes to the rescue - it is an Android emulator, you can test programs and games, select the best ones and then install them on your real smartphone or tablet. This is more convenient, especially since you will do all this on your computer (I mean testing)! If you're interested, here I wrote instructions on how to...

The program is free, although after some time it asks for $2 per month or that you agree to install some applications, in general, if anything, it doesn’t cost that much, you can buy it

So, to change the language, click on this button:

In the list of settings we find Language and input:

Now click on the button opposite AT Translated Set 2 keyboard:

The message Select keyboard layout will pop up and you will see that there is only Russian, click configure to fix this.

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