The firewall is blocking the connection. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Check your internet connection or firewall settings

A firewall, or so-called firewall, is designed to scan and filter information from the network, and knowing how to configure the Windows 7 firewall is simply necessary.

If any unauthorized security activity occurs personal computer, making it vulnerable to attacks by hackers and various virus programs - the firewall stops them.

If you remember how to configure the Windows XP firewall, you can easily cope with the seven. First of all, you need to launch the control panel using the “Start” button, usually located in the lower left corner of the monitor screen.

In the window that opens, in order to configure the firewall, we need to select the “system and security” sub-item, and if you have a different version of Windows 7, immediately go to the “Windows Firewall” tab.
Provided that you have already installed an antivirus, simply disable the Windows 7 firewall, and if you haven’t installed it yet, feel free to turn it on, it will protect your system from all sorts of troubles, such as viruses and hackers, as it will lower . In order for the firewall to work at the settings recommended by Microsoft, you need to operate the “Turn Windows Firewall on/off” menu item.

On the next tab, in fact, you can enable or disable protection.

To enable it, simply mark the items highlighted in the screenshot and click OK.

It also happens that the firewall blocks the operation of some programs or applications; to do this, you need to ask it to “make an exception for you.” Let's go back one step and go to the tab marked with a red frame in the screenshot:

Here we put a checkmark next to each program that we want to add to the exceptions.

If you want to work in Windows 7 in enhanced security conditions, you will need to additionally configure a firewall, as Microsoft requires this. Let’s go back a step and click on the “Advanced Settings” tab.

In the window that opens, additional parameters are configured, such as connection rules (you can create your own) and a domain profile.

So we have configured the firewall operating system Windows 7, and if you still have any questions, I will be glad to answer them. Just use the comments to the article for this.

9 comments to “How to configure the Windows 7 firewall”

  1. Victor

    Cannot delete homegroup because the firewall is not configured correctly. IN automatic mode can't be fixed, but it can't be done manually.

  2. Albert

    I have home laptop hp elitebook 8570p I installed Google via Mozilla Firefox52 in the Allow programs to communicate through windows firewall section I need to correctly tick 44 programs but I don’t know how to do this, maybe they are completely superfluous, here they are typing 1.Wireless portable devices 2.Windows remote management 3 .Windows peer to peer collaboration foundation4.Windows media player network sharing service(internet)5.Windows media player network sharing service6.Windows media player(tick I need it)7.Windows management instrumentation(wmi)8.Windows firewall remote management9 .Windows communication foundation10.Windows collaboration computer name registration service11.tcpsvcs system12.tcpsvcs system13.SNMP trap14.Secure socket tunneling protocol15.Routing and remote access16.Remote volume management17.Remote service management18.Remote scheduled tasks management19.Remote event log management20.Remote desktop-remoteFX21.Remote desktop22.Remote assistance23.Performance logs and alerts24.Networking-timestamp request(ICMPv4-in)25.Networking-router solicitation(ICMPv4-in)26.Networking-redirect(ICMPv6-in)27.Networking-redirect (ICMPv4-in)28.Networking-address mask request(ICMPv4-in)29.Network discovery30.Netlogon service31.Mywifidhcpdns32.Media center extenders33.Key management service34.iSCSI service35.Homegroup36.Firefox(c/program files/mozilla firefox) the checkbox is needed37.File and printer sharing38.Distributed transaction coordinator39.Core networking40.Connect to a network projector41.Branchcache-peer discovery(uses WSD)42.Branchcache-hosted cache server(uses HTTPS)43.Branchcache-hosted cache client(uses HTTPS)44.Branchcache-content retrieval(uses HTTP)

  3. Andrey

    When trying to log out Mailbox in the search engine Yandex or it turns on that the page or object is unavailable. Switching on succeeds after several attempts

  4. Boris

    I have Windows 7. The “Disable PCAR advanced logging” window started to pop up. It does not work. Help me solve the problem.

  5. Allama

    Can't connect to Skype when firewall is on

  6. John

Firewall, which can also be called firewall (Windowsfirewall), used to control access to the network. If we are talking about local network, then it can restrict access or filter packets sent to the network from the Internet. In the case of a separate computer, it deals request filtering programs to the network. In this case, unwanted and dangerous connections should be blocked, but here everything depends on the rules entered. Windows has a built-in utility that operates according to given rules, however, it also allows users to add their own to better protect personal information. At the same time, it has an increased security mode, which will be discussed here.

How to run a firewall in advanced security mode

To begin, the user will need to get into control Panel, after which you need to find the Windows Firewall section. In this section you can see whether it is enabled at all and what parameters it has. If it is disabled, then it should be transferred to active mode. After this, in the left menu you should select the additional parameters section.

This will allow you to move on to more detailed settings applications.

Basic features and settings

Here you can immediately see three network profiles. Each of them is responsible for interaction within its own type of network.

The type of network is usually determined by the user himself. When you first connect to new network, the system asks him what type it is. To configure profiles, click on Firewall Properties, which will allow you to go to the settings for each specific profile.

Creating rules for programs

Most modern utilities work via the Internet or, at a minimum, receive information and updates through it. However, this may not only be useful programs, but also unwanted. Or the user does not want his software to be updated because he likes the current version better or works better. Rules for the interaction of programs and the Internet can be created through a firewall; how this is done will be written in this section. To call up the menu in which you need to create a rule, the easiest way is to press win+r and enter wf.msc.

To begin, the user should right-click on the rules for incoming connections and select “ Create a rule" Next, a section will open where you should open the section “ For programs».

In the next window you will have to indicate the program on which the user wants to impose restrictions. You can also choose here All programs, if such a rule should apply to all installed software.

The next window allows you to select the action that will be applied to the utility:

  • Allow connection. This will allow all connections for this program that match general settings firewall.
  • Allow secure connection . Characteristic of this security mode, it opens connections if they contradict previously entered rules, as well as for those protected by the IPSec protocol.
  • Block connection. If you select this option, the program will not be able to connect. The firewall will block all attempts.

In the next window, the user will have to select the profile to which this rule will apply, and on the last page you need to enter its name. It is better to enter informative names so that later you do not have to search for the desired rule among hundreds of names consisting of a random set of letters.

Port rules

At the very beginning, in the Type section you can select the item for ports, in this case the setup will follow a slightly different path. The protocol will have choosetcp(most of the information on the global network is transmitted over it, guarantees delivery) or udp. Here you will need to specify either a specific port number or select all local ports. You can look up what port is responsible for on the Internet, so as not to block something important as an experiment.

In the action window everything is exactly the same, you need to select the one that the user needs. The profile and name are also no different from the previous section.

Built-in rules

At the stage of selecting a rule, you can click on the Predefined checkbox. This section contains the rules that were introduced into the system by the developers. Naturally, they receive many reports daily, it also works Feedback with users so they know what might be needed in a given situation. That's why you should first look for the rule you need here before creating it yourself.

In the drop-down menu, the user will need select action which he wants to accomplish. In this case, after clicking the next button, he will be taken to a page with rules that the system offers to use to solve the problem that has arisen. Here you should choose the ones you need and discard the unnecessary ones.

In the next window, you will need to select the action that needs to be performed for each of the selected items - block or allow.

How to create a rule for a system service

First, you'll need to create a new custom rule. The program selection window will be slightly different from the standard one, but here you can select the section that is responsible for system services. After the user clicks on it, you should select the service for which you will create a rule.

Next, in the protocols and ports section, you can configure necessary actions or leave everything unchanged. Everything in the region also remains standard. In the actions section, you will again need to allow or block the connection. The profile and name are at the discretion of the user.

Create a rule for a third-party protocol

In case the user needs to create a restriction for another protocol, this can also be done here. It started the same, all that remains is to choose Custom type. Further, if the restriction is set for all utilities, all that remains is to select all programs; if not, then only a specific one. In the port selection section, you will need to select the required protocol.

The list contains only the most common protocols. If the user has not found his one, he needs to select “ Tune", after which it will open full list, which presents about 140 positions.

The scope can be left unchanged, but in the actions section you need to specify the required action for this protocol. The profile and name are chosen at the discretion of the user. All you have to do is click ready and call it a day.

Settings for selected IPs only

In case the user needs to block certain addresses, it is necessary to create rule for outgoing connections. You should select Custom as the type. To block a remote connection to the desktop, you should specify as a program C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe. It is better to choose the most common TCP as the channel; most of the information exchange is carried out through it. It is best to leave everything in the ports tab. Next, the Area section will open, where the range of addresses is configured. If you leave a checkmark on all addresses, then all outgoing traffic will be filtered. All that remains is to choose Specified IP addresses, here you can enter a single address, specify an entire subnet, or specify a range. The user needs to select the required option and specify the addresses.

The remaining blocks are filled in similarly to the previous sections.

Why is the firewall blocking the internet?

If the user's Internet connection is lost or network traffic has stopped, the reason may be an incorrect configuration of the built-in firewall or the one installed with the antivirus. For check should be disabled both, and check if the network has appeared. If yes, then the reason may be that the user configured a firewall and prevented the device from communicating. The same thing could happen with the antivirus. You should check both utilities, paying special attention to the rules you created yourself. Also, you should not ignore the recently introduced restrictions. It's worth removing or disabling them and checking the network again.

At this point, the setup can be considered complete, but if the user has not found answers on how to block a specific program or process, then it is worth looking for information about which specific protocol or service is responsible for them, and then setting up restrictions for them.

Good afternoon, dear readers, Denis Trishkin is with you.
More than ten years ago, Microsoft introduced Windows XP SP 2 to the public. In this operating system, curious users immediately noticed a new application to protect their computer from malware. I was one of the people.

Today I would like to tell you what Windows Firewall is, what its main functions are and all the information related to it. After all, this is probably interesting not only to me.

Many users want to know what a firewall is in Windows, also called a Firewall.

If your computer is not protected, criminals can gain access to your personal information. This occurs through malicious software code (known as a virus) that can not only crash the system, but also completely destroy files. The service was created specifically to block such actions.

Please note that protection must always be used, regardless of the type of connection to " world wide web"(modem, cable, satellite).


Each network has a specific port that allows this or that information to get into the computer or back into the virtual space. The presence of such channels directly depends on the type of traffic received or sent.

If there is no request from the computer to send any data, the firewall blocks the port before it reaches the workstation. Sometimes installing some software, including online games, can open access to some gateways, which will reduce the level of security.

How do I know if there is a firewall?( )

All have a built-in standard protection program Windows versions, starting with XP SP 2. To check availability, you need to go to the “Control Panel”, and then select Firewall or Security Center. In the new OS from Microsoft, the “Firewall” item is placed separately.

How to check functionality on different versions of Windows?( )

System protection can be enabled, like many other programs in this shell. You need to do the following:

To test the firewall on new Microsoft operating systems you need to:

Setting up the application( )

In addition to new programs, the list must include all standard applications and add-ons installed with the OS.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to add existing collateral to the exceptions. To do this you need to select " Change settings», « Allow another program» and click on the appropriate one. If it’s not in the list, the “” button will help. Review».


What to do if there is no built-in protection?( )

Some versions of operating systems do not have a built-in Firewall. To protect your work machine from malware, you must install it. For this purpose, software or hardware firewalls are used.


These include many wireless access points and routers that provide the desired level of security to home networks. This type can also be used for work purposes. The only thing that changes is the scale of the equipment, which allows it to serve more users.


This type of protection is perfect for personal computers. For the most part, it is developed by other manufacturers. These mainly include so-called antiviruses, which, in addition to file protection, also offer traffic security. There are often many other additional functions. The most famous of them can be safely called Kaspersky and NOD. These are paid programs that are considered more effective than others.

Unfortunately, they also consume a lot of computer resources, causing other software to run slower. But if you choose whether they are needed or not, you can safely say yes. Considering the simply incredible number of different viruses, add “ infection"Without these programs there are many ways.

Do I need to install additional programs?( )

Firewall itself cannot protect the system 100%. At the same time, the software performs key functions. Therefore, first of all, it is installed (or simply turned on), and then additional measures are taken. These may consist of a system update or antivirus installation.

Using a firewall within the same network( )

Increasingly, today, computer users connect not only to the Internet, but also to networks consisting of several devices. And it’s not clear whether you need to enable the firewall on one device or on all of them at once.

The specialists developing this software said that the program needs to be used not only on all machines on the network, but also to check that it covers every connection.


The main thing is that the firewall should always work unless a third-party program is used. This will keep your computer safe. At the same time, in 95% of cases, assembly with standard parameters will save you. If a third-party program is present, the regular firewall will most likely be disabled automatically. This is provided to avoid conflicts within the system.

In addition to the regular Firewall, the operating system has an additional Firewall - Windows Firewall in enhanced security mode. Essentially this is the same person. Their only difference is that the first one provides the user with rather limited options for setting up Firewall rules. But these features are more than enough for the main crowd of users, most of whom have never even seen this one. For example, the functionality of a regular Firewall is also perfect. But for more sophisticated users who need more flexible settings for Firewall rules, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security was created.

How to Open Windows Firewall with Advanced Security

To do this, you can use one of several methods. I will describe three of them:

  1. It’s stupid to type the name of this tool into the search.
  2. Follow the path Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Firewall and press the button Extra options.
  3. Open the MMC console and add there necessary tool. Then run it from there.

Many people also ask the question “How to disable the Firewall in Advanced Security Mode.” So, as I already said, these two tools are the same person, only their functionality differs. Therefore, it would be correct to ask the following question: “How to disable Windows Firewall.” And to do this, in the Windows Firewall window you will need the Turn Windows Firewall on or off button.

Features of Windows Firewall with Advanced Security

Windows Firewall with Advanced Security allows you to create the following rules:

  1. Separately configure rules for both incoming and outgoing traffic.
  2. Create Firewall rules based on different protocols and ports.
  3. Configure rules for data exchange with the network for services. Let me remind you that Windows Firewall only allows you to configure rules for applications.
  4. The created rules can only apply to specific IP addresses on the network.
  5. It is possible to pass only authorized traffic.
  6. Configure connection security rules.

How to create a Firewall rule based on incoming or outgoing traffic?

To create a Firewall rule for incoming traffic only, or for outgoing traffic only, you need to open Windows Firewall in Advanced Security mode. In the window that opens, you will see several nodes in the console tree. The nodes we need are named Rules for incoming connections And Rules for outgoing connection, respectively. When you right-click on one of these nodes, a context menu will appear. We will be interested in the first command with the name Create a rule. After clicking this button, you will be taken to the window for creating a rule, which you must create yourself, based on your desires. Here you will be asked to specify the type of binding of the rule being created, including:

  • For the program
  • For port
  • Predetermined
  • Customizable
Creating a rule for a program (application)

You can allow or disable network communication for a specific application if you get to the window where we stopped in the previous paragraph. After which you need to select the item For the program. In the next window you must select either all programs or a specific one.

Create a Firewall Rule for a Port

The process for creating a rule for a port is identical to the process for creating a rule for an application. The only difference is that in this case you need to select the second item with the name For port. This rule allows you to open or close a port for the TCP or UDP protocol. Therefore, in the next window you need to select the protocol and port for which you are going to create a rule.

Activating predefined Windows Firewall rules

IN Windows already By default, several dozen rules have been created that can be used quite often by both the user and the operating system. To see and activate these rules, you must select the third item - Predetermined. These rules are not activated by default, but they can be activated at any time. These rules will come in handy when the user wants to use some Windows function, for example, or use . To activate these functions, the user will have to perform certain actions (the description of which is not included in this article). When setting up these functions, the operating system will send a signal to the Windows Firewall that it is necessary to activate a package of predefined rules. Which is what will happen. In case of failure, or on personal initiative, the user can do this manually.

Custom Firewall Rules

And finally, the most sophisticated rules: customizable ones. An item with exactly this name must be selected in order to be able to configure a rule for a specific application that will use a specific port, and limit the application of this rule to certain ones. That is, the user will have the most complete access to create rules, which is what Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is famous for.

Allow or deny connections and select network types

The four methods listed above for creating and binding a Firewall rule do not end where I described them. After the steps that will be performed for each of the described methods, you need to select two additional settings:

  1. Allow or deny communication for the selected rule type.
  2. Select network types() for which the selected rules will apply.

In the first window, you need to either allow traffic completely, allow only secure traffic, or completely block traffic. In the second and last window, you need to check the boxes next to the three types of networks. A check mark next to the network will mean that this rule will be applied in this type networks.

This is such wonderful functionality that the operating system provides its users Windows system in the form of an equally excellent tool called Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.

The firewall is, although useful, a standard program. But to a greater extent, only Microsoft developers think so! I won’t argue, in a small way it helps to protect the computer a little from unwanted launches of various kinds of programs that carry some kind of danger. But it does much more harm than good. And if you came to this page, you probably verified this for yourself.

The main task of a firewall is to protect your computer from unwanted launches of additional software, which we noted earlier. But everything would be fine if it didn’t block the necessary software, and especially the Internet! Yes, yes, you heard right! And such problems happen quite often.

Internet problem solution

Solve the problem due to which the blocking occurs network connection quite easy, but you will have to spend some precious time and effort following these steps:

Treat this stage with understanding. An antivirus is necessary on a computer no matter what. Since there is a lot of unsafe material on the Internet. Antivirus will also replace the firewall in the future.

  1. Disable the firewall;

After installing the antivirus, you should disable the firewall. In this case, its necessity is canceled. For the reason, alternative protection.

  1. Stopping firewall-related services;

The fact is that when the standard operating system defender is stopped, its services are not always disabled. And in exactly the same mode they continue to fulfill their purpose. Which leads to a recurrence of the problem. Therefore, be sure to open the services and double-check whether the defender services are enabled. If there are, deactivate them.

This is the final stage for every serious procedure related to computer software. Don't ignore this step! Make sure to restart your computer.

We did all the above but nothing helped. And the problem repeats itself again and again! The possibility of such software behavior cannot be ruled out. Moreover, if it is pirated, some kind of clumsy assembly, then in most cases it will be so! You can get out of this situation in the following ways:

  1. Add a connection to the exclusion list;

Not always, but sometimes it helps to resolve this issue by adding your connection to the exclusion list. That being said, after you do this, turn Windows Defender on and off immediately.

One of the surest ways out of any situation is to use licensed software. The fact is that the original OS works much more stable, lasts longer and does not have as many bugs as pirated OSs. In addition, you can use new updates with peace of mind without fear that your system will crash.

  1. Search and remove potentially unwanted software.

And the final way to fix Internet connection blocking is to search for and remove potentially unwanted programs. It seems like there is no connection between additional software and the network, but that was not the case. Virus software often works in hidden mode, that is, whatever the user sees. During this time, malicious files may be downloading. As a result, the OS defender reacts and bans the Internet.

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