Quickly turn on your Windows 7 computer. Speed ​​up your computer: how to increase PC performance

The Windows 7 operating system has many advantages, but its speed leaves much to be desired. The same XP operating system is faster. There are many reasons why the system performance has become slower. This article was written so that everyone can learn how to speed up Windows 7.

Removing unnecessary external effects

Right-click on the “My Computer” tab and select “Properties”. Then in additional system properties select “Advanced”. Then, in the information provided, select “ Performance" (or " Performance«).

We are interested in the “Special Effects” tab. In the selected list, uncheck the boxes of unused funds. After that, don’t forget to click “OK” and .

Now let's talk about how to speed up the startup of Windows 7. This short tutorial will help you reduce the boot time of the operating system. First, we need to display the “Run” window, to do this:

  • after that enter “msconfig”;
  • press the Enter button.

A window with operating system parameters will appear. The “Boot” tab will display “Timeout.” Most often it is set to 30. For those who have one operating system installed, we can recommend setting it to zero.

Check the box next to the “No GUI Boot” button. Now click the “Advanced Options” button. After that, in the appropriate window, select the quantity on the computer. Then click the “OK” button. Click the “Apply” button, and then “OK” again.

Many people don’t know how to speed up their work windows computer 7. There is another way to speed up the operation of a new operating system - removing unwanted programs from automatic switching on. The fact is that a number of programs and applications that you install are downloaded automatically without your knowledge. Windows will speed up if you perform a few simple manipulations.

For this:

  • press Windows Key + R buttons;
  • type “msconfig” in the “Run” window;
  • open the “Startup” tab (automatic download);
  • uncheck unused applications.

Attention! Don't touch system services.

Speeding up the Internet

Naturally, everyone would like to know how to speed up the Internet in Windows 7. Yes, there are no special tools that would speed up the Internet. But all the actions discussed in this brief overview, affect the acceleration of all system parameters.

Another way to speed up your system is to remove system sounds that you don't need. Again, type the “Run” command, select “mmsys.cpl” in the window that appears, then press Enter. Then go to the “Sound” tab and select “No sounds” from the list that appears.

Even though Windows 7 is much more responsive than its predecessor, Vista, its default settings are far from optimal. However, when speeding up the work of the “seven”, it is necessary to take into account that some changes made to its settings lead to a deterioration in the functionality and appearance of the system. Your task is to choose a configuration that will provide you with the optimal balance between performance, functionality and appearance. Next, we will look at several ways to speed up the operation of a number of Windows 7 systems, as well as a number of its utilities.

Windows 7: system boot optimization

It is known that the greatest irritation for the user is the long loading of the operating system. Despite the fact that the "seven" is optimized by the developers in such a way that it loads 10-20 seconds faster than Vista, users always strive to make it even faster. Multi-core processors allow you to speed up system loading even more, for which you need to perform a number of settings. Open the msconfig utility by typing its name in the Start menu bar. In the window that opens, we need the Download tab, where we need to click on the Advanced options button. Check the box next to Number of processors and select the maximum number of your cores from the drop-down menu. After you click OK to save the settings, reboot the system, and you will see how much faster Windows 7 boot has become. To speed up the system boot, you should also take into account that its speed directly depends on the number of processes and applications launched at startup Windows. Therefore, opening the msconfig utility again, let's go to its other Startup tab. Many Windows applications are registered in the system startup without the user noticing. When there are too many such programs, downloading begins to slow down significantly. Therefore, carefully analyze the list of applications presented in the startup tab and uncheck all programs that you do not need. Ideally, you should leave a checkmark next to the name of your antivirus only. Speed ​​up in the same way loading Windows This will allow you to disable all unnecessary services that slow down not only startup, but also operation. We will look at disabling them below.

Optimizing services in Windows 7

Throughout the Windows OS family there are many services designed to interact with internal hardware, drivers and some system options. Many third-party programs also add their own services to the system. Working in the background, many services significantly reduce system performance without improving its functionality at all. Moreover, a number Windows services 7 is detrimental to overall system security. Such services, first of all, include the default Remote Registry, which allows an attacker to make any changes to the system. There are two ways to open the service management utility: go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services or enter services.msc in the Start menu bar. After launch this application A window will open in front of you with a list of all services. To disable a particular service, you need to left-click on it, after which a window will open. Click the Stop button to stop the service and change the startup type to Disabled to prevent it from being enabled again the next time you start the system. After that, click Apply and OK, the service will no longer interfere with your computer. When working with the list of services, you should be especially careful, since disabling the desired process can lead to a partial loss of system functionality: certain equipment or applications may stop working. If you have made changes to the properties of several dozen services at the same time, it will not be easy to find the right service required for a particular program to work. Below we provide a list of services that can be disabled on almost any computer, be it a single machine or part of local network.
  • The remote registry allows remote users to make changes to the system registry. For security reasons, this service should be disabled.
  • Offline Files is responsible for implementing the Offline Files API. Not needed by the vast majority of users. Turn it off.
  • The Tablet PC Input Service is required for pen and similar input devices to work on tablets. Turn it off.
  • Registration Service Windows errors is responsible for maintaining the system error log. If, when problems arise with your PC, you are in the habit of analyzing log entries to identify the causes of errors, leave the service startup type at Auto. If you are almost never interested in what is recorded in the system log, you can disable the service.
  • IPsec key modules for key exchange... - provides IKE key management and authenticated IP functionality. Turn it off.
  • Client for tracking changed connections. The service monitors file associations within the NTFS system. Once disabled, your computer will run faster.
  • Windows Search necessary for indexing files on the computer in order to ensure search functionality. If you do not use the system's built-in search, you can disable the service.
  • Parental Control. This service was introduced into Windows 7 from the Vista version and is needed only for compatibility with it. Turn it off.
On most home PCs that are not part of the local network, you can disable some other services.
  • IPSec Policy Agent. Almost never used on a home PC. Turn it off.
  • KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator. If you read the description of the service, it becomes clear that it is not recommended to start it unless you are sure that you need it. Turn it off.
  • IP Ancillary Service. Not used on a home computer. Turn it off.
  • Print Manager. If you do not use the printer, disable this service. If you print documents occasionally, try setting the startup to Manual. If printing does not work in this case, change the startup type to Auto. Whether your printer will work or not with the Manual startup type depends only on its drivers.
  • A secondary login is required to run processes as a different user. Disabled for security reasons.
  • Fax machine. We disable it if you do not send or receive faxes.
  • Windows Defender protects against spyware. You can disable it if you plan to install an alternative security system on your system.
  • Windows Firewall. Can be disabled if you have installed a third-party firewall on your system.
  • Smart Card Removal Policy. If you don't use smart cards, you don't need the service.
  • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service. If you do not use iSCSI devices, you can set the service startup type to Manual.
  • SSDP discovery is required for devices that use the SSDP protocol. Can be disabled.
  • Adaptive brightness control is only necessary for PC owners with a built-in light sensor to automatically adjust monitor brightness.
  • A computer browser is required to discover working machines on the local network. A single computer does not need the service. Turn it off.
  • Server. The service is required only for computers used for organization public access to files or printer. Turn it off.
  • Bluetooth support service. Disable if you don't have Bluetooth.
You should not disable all services at once. It’s better to disable them two or three at a time, and then reboot the system. If your computer and other equipment will work normally, disable the following services. Otherwise, you may be faced with the fact that you will not understand which service is disabled and prevents the computer from working properly.

Reducing shutdown time: Windows 7 optimization

The system shutdown time can also be reduced, but this can only be done using a somewhat barbaric method - reducing the time that is given to the process to complete running programs. If the system does not have time to complete their work, they will be stopped forcibly. Open the registry again and find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control branch there. Find the WaitToKillServiceTimeout parameter there and change its value from 12000 to 2000.

ReadyBoost function

Windows 7 has an option to use flash drives in addition to RAM for data caching. This allows you to speed up data read and write operations and also increases system performance. To use the ReadyBoost option, you must have USB drives or flash cards connected to a PC using a card reader. Insert the drive into USB port computer and in the Autorun window, select Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost. Specify the space limit available for use. To save the settings, click the Apply and OK buttons. After that on USB storage device The ReadyBoost.sfcache file will be created. Under no circumstances remove the flash drive from the computer!

Optimizing your hard drive in Windows 7

This function is valid in the Windows family of systems, starting with version XP, it is also available in the “seven”, however, if in XP this option was enabled by default, in Windows you must enable it yourself. Right-click on the My Computer icon and open Device Manager. Find Disk devices in the list, right-click on the HDD name and select Properties. A window will appear where we need the Policy tab. Check the box next to “Disable buffer clearing...”. Here in the Device Manager we find the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers branch in the list, where in the properties of all ATA channels in the Additional parameters tab, check the box next to the Enable DMA item.

Speed ​​up copying and moving files

One of the new options in Windows 7 is remote differential compression, which is designed to calculate the differences between two objects, which reduces the amount of data transferred, but requires more calculation time. You can disable this option in the Windows Components utility. Find the Programs and Features icon in Control Panel and open Turn Windows features on or off from the list on the left. Next to the item Remote differential compression, uncheck the box.

Disabling driver signature verification

This setting will significantly reduce the time required to install drivers. Use the Start menu to find the gpedit.msc utility. Then, in User Configuration, go to Administrative Templates -> System -> Driver Installation. Click Digital signature of device drivers and in the window that opens, select Disable, click Apply and OK.

Speed ​​up thumbnail viewing

To increase the speed of viewing thumbnails, make the necessary settings in the registry. Open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Mouse branch. Change the MouseHoverTime setting to 100 or lower.

Speed ​​up the Start menu

When you open the Start menu, the system spends some time determining and highlighting recently installed programs. If you do not need this option, you can disable it, reducing the time it takes to open the menu. Right-click on the Start button and select Properties from the menu that appears. In the Menu tab, click the Configure button. In the window that appears with a list of settings, uncheck the “Highlight recently installed programs” item. There is a short pause before the Start menu opens, which can be reduced by changing the corresponding registry setting. To do this, first launch the registry by entering the word regedit in the Start menu bar and pressing Enter. In the registry editor that opens, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Desktop key and change the value of the MenuShowDelay key from 400 to 50. After this, the pause when opening the menu will be noticeably shortened.

Disable unnecessary visual effects

If your computer has a not very powerful graphics card or uses a graphics solution built into the motherboard for graphics, Aero visual effects may cause a noticeable performance hit. Owners of inexpensive laptops, mainly intended for office work, face this problem especially often. In the Control Panel, click on the System icon and in the window that opens, select Advanced system settings. A window will appear in front of you where you should go to the Advanced tab. Click the Settings button under Performance. A window will open with a list of special effects, many of which significantly affect system performance. You have to configure the system to ensure the optimal balance between appearance and performance. On weak computers You can turn off all effects by selecting “Get the best performance.” By making the “Special Effects” item active, you can independently choose which effects you need. Most users prefer not to disable the “Smooth out irregularities in screen fonts” option.

How to speed up laptop startup yourself? - Simple enough. For this, there are at least 6 methods, which, in fact, will be discussed.

It is worth noting right away that they are all programmatic in nature, and desired result could be much worse. Extreme measures, but in 100% of cases guaranteeing not only an increase in download speed, but also the operation of the device as a whole, are:
for planks of larger volume;
As a result of this, it is possible to achieve fast loading OS on a laptop, resource-intensive applications, as well as accelerated compression of folders by an archiver.
SSD installation disk instead of HDD.
An effective addition to the above replacement, which ultimately increases the speed of reading/writing data.

How to speed up laptop startup with a few simple solutions

Disk defragmentation is necessary to combine files on the hard drive in order to gain more relevant access to them. It is worth considering that if defragmentation was carried out a long time ago, then the speed of completing the task may be small and will take considerable time.
Ultimately, those files that were scattered on the disk are placed in strict order, which makes it possible to significantly speed up the OS's access to them.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • My computer;
  • properties;
  • service;
  • defragmentation.

Clear startup list

This will reduce the number of programs that launch along with the OS, as well as immediately after the desktop appears. This is done as follows:

  • Start.
  • Execute.
  • Type the command “MSConfig”.

In the tab that opens, you can either selectively disable programs by unchecking the box next to them, or comprehensively.

Perform optimization

It consists in removing “garbage” from hard drive. The latter means unnecessary files and folders that may have remained after improper removal of applications. It is recommended to optimize once every two months. Any third party will do for this. free program, for example: jv16 PowerTools, CCleaner, etc. The latter does an excellent job of cleaning according to the established parameters. Also provides the ability to fix registry errors in a few clicks.

Disable file indexing

It's very easy to do. Just go to computer properties and select the “General” tab. On it, at the very bottom, uncheck the appropriate item.
What does this give? – First of all, it disables the creation of a directory, which simplifies the search for files. Secondly, the system loads a little faster, as does the computer itself.

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I've already told you several times how to speed up Windows startup, but all my advice boiled down to startup optimization programs when the operating system starts.

Today I want to declassify another way to speed up this process. By the way, you don’t need to install anything - we’ll quickly launch Windows using the utility built into the system.

The description of accelerating the start of the system will be very short, because there is nothing complicated in this procedure.

A little theory. 99% of users today have multi-core processors installed in their computers.

But for some strange reason, the “stupid” Windows operating system does not know about this. It does not use all these cores at startup!


Speed ​​up Windows startup

Let's force Windows to use all processor cores during its startup process. This will split it into several threads and speed it up a little.

So, click on the “Start” button in the taskbar, go to “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Run” and enter in the field...

Read also on the website:

(you can copy and paste from here)

Is it even easier to launch this utility...

...enter (or paste the previously copied name of the utility) directly into the Windows search...

Click on the search result that appears and get into the program...

Go to the “Download” tab and click on “Advanced options...”...

Now all that remains is to check the “Number of processors:” box and specify the maximum value.

Although I indicated “Maximum memory:” in the screenshot, I DO NOT ADVISE touching this value at all - users had a lot of problems because of its change (they complained in the comments).

How many cores are in your processor will be shown in “Number of processors:”. For example, on my weak laptop, as you can see, it showed only two cores, but on my wife’s computer - 4. I’m generally silent about my son’s super-computer - all 8 cores popped up.

Now click “Ok” and go to the previous window, where you just have to click on “Apply”. We agree with the warning and restart the computer.

If you noticed, I also checked the “Without GUI” checkbox and changed the timeout from 30 to 3 seconds (it doesn’t give less). Checking “No GUI” means disabling all animations when Windows boots.

Any inscriptions will not flash when the system starts - there will just be a black screen. This also slightly speeds up the startup process, but there is a downside to the coin.

If scanning and error correction starts at startup (for example, after a sudden power outage to the computer), then you will not understand what is happening, why the system does not start within a few minutes.

You will start to panic, poke at the restart and power buttons... then hysteria, heart attack... and blame me for all this. 🙂

If you are not sure that you are a brave hacker, leave the “No GUI” checkbox unchecked.

Another little bit of system startup acceleration

You can also speed up the startup of Windows a little by following the path: “Start” button on the taskbar - “Control Panel” - “System” - “Advanced system settings” - “Start and Recovery” (Settings) ...

...and uncheck "Display a list of operating systems:" ...

Such a quick launch of Windows in 2 clicks. To new useful computer programs and.

If at first, after buying our first computer or laptop, we are glad that it works at all, then over time we begin to get annoyed by the long loading time - sometimes it just drives us crazy.

If you find statements on the Internet that loading (launching) the operating windows systems 7 can be accelerated several times - don’t believe it.

This would mean that your computer would boot instantly - this does not happen. operating system Windows 7 is initially configured to start quickly, although some improvements can be made.

Even if they are insignificant, the speed will still increase a little - there will be less irritation.

Boot Windows 7 faster

Please note here that we will be speeding up the launcher loading time, not the overall performance of the computer.

The “msconfig” utility will help us with this. To do this, insert “msconfig” (without quotes) into the search (there is a special line at the very bottom).

The utility will appear at the very top - click. A window will open in which you can make changes to the Windows 7 boot to speed up.

There are three options you should pay attention to: download, startup, and advanced options.

In startup, uncheck all applications that you do not constantly need. That's all.

The operation of the computer itself can also be significantly accelerated, only this is another topic, here we are talking exclusively about acceleration start windows 7. Good luck!

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