What exactly does a SEO specialist do? Who is an SEO specialist?

The rapid development of the Internet and increased competition between the sites of various companies have led to the emergence of a new type of activity - SEO (from the English Search engine optimization) - search engine optimization. And the people who started doing this began to be called “SEO specialists.”

SEO specialist (other names - optimizer, SEO specialist) is a profession that is not taught in higher educational institutions and does not issue diplomas in it. But this is a profession that you can get on your own, or learn in courses, seminars or from a private specialist.

What exactly do SEOs or optimizers do? I would highlight the following points:

1. working with texts- compiling the semantic core of the site, choosing keywords for promotion;
2. external optimization- purchasing links, articles, exchanging links, registering in catalogs and social bookmarks, receiving links in other ways;
3. internal optimization- editing the code of web pages, working with titles (title) and headings (h1, h2, h2 ...) and other tags, inserting keywords, linking, creating “friendly links” (friendly URL, in Russian - CNC), working with the robots.txt file, blocking certain parts of web pages from indexing, etc.;
4. analysis of statistics and changes in site positions for various queries in search engines.

To perform these tasks, SEO specialists must know:

Search engine algorithms;
- search ranking factors for websites;
- programming languages ​​html, php, css standard, etc.;

And be able to:

Work in different content management systems (CMS);
- work in various SEO services and programs;
- compose texts for references;
- work with statistics.

As you can see, there are many different ways, methods, and techniques to bring your website to the top. And different optimizers use them differently, each with their own style of work and specializing in something specific. Of course, there are also station wagons. Trying to systematize all the diversity of SEOs, I developed my own system of classification.

So, SEO specialists can be classified according to different criteria:

1. depending on their working methods:

- "white" SEOs - use only legal methods, permitted and recommended by search engines (for example, writing interesting and unique texts, obtaining "natural" hyperlinks, creating sites that are attractive primarily to people, and not to search engines)
- "black" SEOs - are engaged in deceiving search engine algorithms using spam, cloaking, doorways, artificially increasing the number of necessary keywords in the text, etc. If the search engine algorithm detects this, the site may be prohibited from indexing, or in other words - banned. You can also get banned based on someone’s complaint. Therefore, the use of “black” methods is a rather slippery path to website promotion.
- “gray” SEOs are a cross between black and white optimizers. They use semi-legal methods, trying to make sites like for people, but they can slightly abuse the number of keywords, they also buy links and articles, thus manipulating search engine results. If everything is done correctly and in moderation, there may not be sanctions from search engines. And you can “get in”.

2. depending on the specifics of their work:

SEO specialists who work for hire and promote the websites of their company or its clients;
- SEO specialists who work independently, promoting their clients’ websites;
- SEOs who promote their own websites in order to make money on them.

3. depending on the types of optimization that SEO specialists do:

SEO specialists involved in internal optimization;
- SEO specialists involved in external optimization.

Although most SEOs must navigate both external and internal optimization. And such narrow specialization can occur in companies where there are many specialists and a clear division of labor. Then everyone is engaged in their own specific area of ​​​​work.

I also found an interesting classification on this site, where all SEOs are divided into SEO snipers, SEO hunters, and SEO poachers.

Currently, such a profession as an optimizer or SEO does not exist at the official level, although their work is extremely relevant today. He cannot say that it is illegal, just that the position of such a specialist may be called differently, for example, programmer, although in most cases this does not correspond to the nature of his work. But the Internet is developing, and along with it, business on the Internet, so it is quite possible that such a profession will one day become official.

There are many websites and blogs constantly appearing on the Internet. This type of income is very popular, and therefore many decide to open this particular business. Creating your own website is not a problem now, but over time, users stop doing it. The point is that it needs to be actively developed. And this requires knowledge in the field of SEO. Who are SEOs and what work do they do?

Features of the profession

SEOnik comes from the word website promotion in search engines, for example, Yandex and Google. It turns out that this work is required for all network resources. Who are SEOs? These are professionals or amateurs who perform website promotion. To do this, they use proven techniques that are required for the popularity of the resource.

A private SEO specialist can work not only with personal sites, but also with others. If a specialist sees the promise of a resource, then he acquires it. With extensive experience, an employee can have an excellent income. If the owner does not understand the intricacies of SEO or does not have the time, then he hires a professional.

Principles of website promotion

If a website has been created, then for successful development it must have visitors. Traffic and profit depend on them. The subject of the resource can be commercial and entertainment. The first type is easier to monetize. But in any case, visitors are required, because profit depends on them. Even entertainment topics generate income if at least 100 people visit it.

The SEO specialist’s job is to bring articles to the TOP of search engines. If the resource ranks among 10 sites, then there will be excellent traffic. When the site is located on other pages, it is unlikely to be popular. Therefore, if a professional SEO specialist takes on the job, the site will not be worse.

Promotion methods

Who are SEO specialists and where do they work? Professionals can carry out their activities both at home and in the office. There are 3 options for promoting a resource:

  • white;
  • gray;
  • black.

White hat methods are common. This requires writing natural texts and purchasing advertising. With such work, the site is unlikely to become popular, but over time it still becomes visited. Significant outlays of money are required. The technique is more suitable for article writers, since the quality of articles is taken into account. This takes into account the activity of visitors who like, repost, and comment.

White methods are practically not suitable for commercial sites; it is better to promote them using gray methods. These include links. There are many methods, and all of them are considered effective. The site is quickly becoming popular.

For black methods, mass insertion of keys into texts is used. The article and the background take on the same color; the text is not visible to people, but is noticeable to systems. The site ranks among the most visited and therefore generates income.

There are 2 types and external. Each type has its own characteristics.

Internal optimization

This type of work is needed to improve the site, improve ranking factors that affect search positions. To fully understand this work, you should familiarize yourself with a large amount of information.

On-page optimization is very important as it affects the success of the project. The work includes:

  • compilation;
  • adjustment of the internal structure;
  • removal of technical errors;
  • improving resource usability;
  • work with text;
  • implementation;
  • other types of work to improve the site.

It is important that the resource is user-friendly. They must find the information they came for. That is why different methods of improving the resource are used.

External optimization

This work involves performing the actions necessary to obtain links to the site. It can be expanded using free and paid methods. For this there are exchanges such as gogetlinks or rotapost. Links can be temporary or eternal.

First, you can start with free methods, for example, by registering in the profiles of trust sites, posting articles on resources. The link mass should be increased gradually. In SEO there are such concepts as natural and unnatural links. They are used to determine search engines, so it is important to be careful when purchasing links.

There are also comprehensive promotion systems that have everything you need to optimize your website. Their advantages are that there is no need to work with different services. It is enough to use one resource, and everything will be under control.

One of the popular systems is SeoPult. The resource has an add-on for link exchanges to purchase high-quality links. There are also many tools needed to perform an audit of a personal resource and purchase content. All these functions are necessary for the quality work of a webmaster.

How to become a professional?

If it is clear who SEO specialists are, then you should familiarize yourself with the requirements for the profession. This requires knowledge and skills. To become an SEO, you also need experience. To acquire these qualities, you should familiarize yourself with useful information. Moreover, you can use not only books, but also the Internet.

There are many resources where you can find a lot of interesting information about promotion. It usually takes several years to learn all the intricacies of the profession. Even a former SEO specialist has theoretical and practical knowledge.

Qualities of a SEO

It is important for every owner that his website reaches the TOP. This guarantees excellent traffic to the target audience, as well as income. The SEO optimizer does the work of inserting key phrases, meta tags, and headings. It also intelligently adjusts the section to other pages on the site.

Finding a good SEO specialist is not so easy. It is advisable to focus on what he should be able to do:

  • website and text analysis;
  • competition analysis;
  • compilation;
  • compiling meta tags;
  • text correction;
  • selection of effective promotion methods;
  • working with search engines;
  • selection of external links;
  • article promotion;
  • position monitoring;
  • work on the basics of web analytics and web marketing.

SEO portfolio

The best SEO is white. Such a specialist uses high-quality content and proven methods to promote a website. The owner does not risk his resource, since a ban from Yandex or Google will not be imposed. Such a specialist does not use low-quality methods that do not bring results. To work with a real professional, you need to choose the right one:

  • you should ask to see the portfolio and evaluate its quality;
  • you need to get contact information, and also talk about ways of working, you can ask questions.

After these two stages, it will be clear who can be trusted with the work. A white hat SEO specialist optimizes the site’s content, after which it reaches the TOP. If this work is successfully completed, then purchasing links is not required. All this is needed for quality promotion.

Promoting a resource is a necessary step, so it is important to choose a professional for this work. You should pay attention not only to the portfolio, but also to reviews. The execution of the work must be discussed in detail. A real specialist will provide contact information and also tell you in detail about the implementation of the promotion. When a knowledgeable person takes on the job, the resource will quickly become popular.

Let's figure out who and how influences the site's achievement of the top. By site we mean a commercial SDL. It is quite obvious to me that a SEO specialist, without being an Internet marketer, is simply no longer able to independently achieve serious results in a competitive niche. Website ranking depends on a large number of factors. The main groups of these factors are: textual, internal, reference, behavioral, commercial, social.

To successfully work with all these groups, you need a whole team of real professionals. And the SEO specialist’s contribution to working with these factors is no longer so great (I indicated my version of the contribution to working with this or that group of factors directly from the SEO specialist in the table).

Why did I arrange the percentages this way?

1. Internal. It is clear here that almost all internal optimization falls on the shoulders of the SEO specialist. Only a small influence can be exerted by marketers and usability experts when organizing the site structure, as well as by developers when choosing a CMS, and maybe the customer when choosing hosting.
The SEO specialist does 90%.

2. References. More and more work on creating a high-quality natural link profile falls on the shoulders of other specialists. SERM, crowd marketing and guest blogging work great without the participation of a SEO specialist. Links purchased through exchanges and aggregators are not always needed and in very small quantities. The SEO specialist gets more work on monitoring and analytics of the anchor list and link mass.
Let it be 20%.

3. Text. The maximum that depends on the optimizer (in modern realities) in this matter is the preparation of the correct cluster of key and closely related words for the article. Everything else depends on the copywriter: how useful and unique (in terms of added value) the content will be.
The SEO gets 15%.

4. Behavioral. All on-host PFs are an indicator of the convenience of the site and the quality of the content, which means the work of Internet marketers, usability specialists, designers, content managers and developers. The most that an SEO optimizer should do is an attractive snippet.
No more than 10%.

5. Commercial. Standard things about delivery, terms of purchase, payment, details, guarantee, etc. understandable even to most website owners. Yes, of course, when analyzing competitors, an SEO specialist can highlight some important commercial points for the topic, but in general, this is the job of a marketer.
5% is a stretch.

6. Social. I think that few people will argue with this - this is the job of an SMM person.
Without the participation of a SEO specialist – 0%.

There is also a geographical reference, of course, but here, too, there is little that an SEO specialist can do.

point 5 - has influence for Yandex, and only in Moscow, and in competitive niches in St. Petersburg.

point 6 – it also has no direct influence, everything that SMM brings for ranking is measured by several understandable metrics (non-search traffic, its behavioral graph, sometimes dilution of the anchor list, growth of trust due to an increase in brand queries)

If you take into account, for example, this diagram for Yandex:

it turns out that the success of bringing a site to the top depends directly on the work of the SEO specialist by only 15-20%. How do you like these numbers?

I think that if you do more, then you are no longer just an SEO, but also a marketer. So is it worth continuing to sell your services as SEO? Or should we call them by other words (for example, web marketing, online marketing, internet marketing) and get big money for the same work?

If to grow your positions you:
- attract targeted inorganic traffic to the site;
- carry out regular website improvements based on research and A/B tests;
- working on your reputation;
- lead groups on social media. networks;
- prepare viral content (texts, infographics, videos);
- doing something else

and continue to sell your services as SEO, then you clearly underestimate your work.

I would really like to know the opinion of SEO specialists. Please indicate your option in the comments to this article - put percentages next to each of the groups of factors:


And if it’s not difficult (needed for targeting results), indicate how much you work in SEO. I hope to see many well-reasoned options and an interesting discussion. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion and +3000xp to karma!

The tips below are created to help website owners act as effective search engine optimization clients, get results and avoid mistakes.

The main goal of search engine optimization is to increase search conversions

Optimizer tasks:

  • Identify the main tasks and needs of customers;
  • Create or customize the site structure to suit your needs;
  • Conduct a technical audit of the site, correct errors;
  • Improve the site's presentation in search by improving titles, descriptions and snippets;
  • Adjust marketing tools to ensure conversions: page content, calculators.

Who is an SEO specialist?

The neologism SEO comes from search engine optimizer. A SEO specialist is a search engine optimization expert.

SEO optimization is a method of increasing website traffic that appeared almost immediately after the launch of the largest search engines.

A search engine optimizer is required for any business represented on the Internet, if the business is planning development and not conducting an experiment or testing a hypothesis. In case of testing a hypothesis, it is enough to use pay per click (PPC) from a specialist.

An SEO specialist is needed in an online project starting from the website creation stage. Professional search engine optimizers are difficult to find, since an expert must understand many areas of website development, for example, semantics, analytics, programming.

There is a training service on the market, but there is no training. An expert is expensive.

The optimal solution to the issue of search engine optimization is as follows:

  1. Studying search engine optimization at the task level;
  2. Selecting a search engine optimizer or boutique agency based on selection;
  3. Tracking key performance indicators.
Website promotion in search results depends on competition in search results for promoted phrases.

If competition is low, start working and add results entry level Can be a business owner, or almost any person. The main thing is to choose effective tools. It is enough to use basic services.


If it's SEO, it should be removed. Because SEO is the worst kind of spam. I see no point in providing a server to destroy the connectivity of the network space. Well, our rules prohibit this kaka. That is, if you are sure that this is SEO, the shit should be deleted immediately. Because SEO has devoured the English-language blogosphere almost entirely, and now it will gobble up this one too. If you don’t fuck them preventively, and tenfold for every movement.

- Misha Verbitsky

Non-indexable links

If you want to put a link to an unwanted resource in your blog, then add to the tag a attribute rel=nofollow. Thus, with this link you will not raise the rating of an unwanted site. There were times when Google did not take into account the no-follow and included the link in the link ranking.

Famous Anti-SEOs

  • Artemy Lebedev. By the way, in time immemorial Tatyanych was going to create an SEO department in his Studio. But apparently it didn’t work out, and he began to hate SEO.

see also

  • child porn free download Ilham Zyulkorneev naked Anton Ryzhenkov wet pussies children download QIP
  • How to get to the Yandex Top get blog promotion Top Yandex LJ post get
  • Standalone blog open how to open standalone blog WordPress setup download WordPress
  • Advertising, sale of banners, links, doorways, website promotion
  • Spam, mailings, social networks, forums
  • Making money on the Internet, it’s real and simple! No scammers! Info 100%!


  • Google removed the BMW website from search results for using doorways (then returned it in exchange for refusing to use them)
  • A little copy-paste-trolling of the Armenian SEO specialist. Private
  • Hell in its purest form. The same goes for the links on the page.


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