What breaks in a computer. Diagnostics of the computer for faults

You need to monitor your computer. Since the better you “take care” of him, the longer he will live with you. If you are reading this article, then most likely you are very responsible about your hardware.
Well, we will try to analyze the most basic reasons why computers break down.

1) Overheating of components

The first and probably the most common reason is overheating of components. The reason for this may be that the cooling system in our system unit is not designed correctly (you can read about checking the temperature of components in the article). Because of this, overheating occurs, components wear out faster or burn out. Fans are used to prevent this, but let's not forget. That every year video cards and processors become more and more powerful, because of this, additional fans are installed on them. And you also need to pay attention to them, let’s take a closer look at our important components


I think everyone sees that the processors have large pieces of hardware, and they have a fan installed on them. These pieces of iron are called radiators. A layer of thermal paste is spread between the heatsink and the processor (you can read about it in the article)
The essence of this thermal paste is that when the processor heats up, it transfers the temperature to our radiator using this paste, and the fan installed on it cools it.
It is usually recommended to change the thermal paste once a year, but if you see that the temperature is not increasing, there is no need to flatter you once again, it is better to just remove the dust from everywhere and that’s enough.

Video card and power supply

Fans are also installed inside the Power Supply to prevent it from overheating, since it is essentially what supplies our PC with current.
The latest video cards are equipped with 1 to 2 fans, which should be periodically cleaned of dust so that our video card does not overheat.
You can view the temperature using a special AMD utility (you can read more in the article).

2) Constant voltage drops

Everyone probably had their lights turned off and there were energy surges. All this leads to a large release of energy into your PC, and if you have a not very expensive power supply installed, then there is a high chance that after the Nth jump in energy, something will burn out. Also, if your power cord comes off and sometimes sparks, and you keep touching it with your foot, then soon the computer may simply not turn on. Usually after such nuances it starts to smell like something is burning. Here you should immediately replace the cord if you do not want to buy new parts in the future.
To prevent this from happening, buy a good extension cord, or best of all, an uninterruptible power supply.

An uninterruptible unit is a thing that will protect you not only from voltage surges, but will also allow the computer to work for about half an hour during a power outage.

3. Thunderstorm

There is, of course, a situational nuance here. I think when you were little or vice versa, you told your children during a thunderstorm to turn off the TVs and PCs. And then suddenly lightning will strike and everything will burn. Such nuances were, of course, very rare. So it’s better to play it safe than to get mad and indignant about why someone is so unlucky.

4. “Crooked hands” of the collector

Many people say that they are labor (professional) assemblers. Many people like to manually rebuild their PC, replacing old components with new ones. But here's the problem. Well, for example. You bought a new video card, gave it to our “professional assembler”, he stuck it not in PCI Express x16, but somehow in Pci 1, or damaged it when he inserted it, since there are latches that hold it (there have been cases). It is almost 100% that after a short service life, it will wear out and you will have to buy a new one.

I looked at the statistics, they write that such breakdowns occur very often.

So insert it carefully and carefully, or better yet, ask a person who does this on a daily basis.

5. Equipment wear and tear

So you think why the progress of the same video cards or processors does not stand still? As a rule, developers try to improve and make the component more powerful. Because when we use our components for 2 years, 10 years, they slowly begin to wear out and fail. Everything is sad here, you just have to replace this component.

6. Mechanical impact

Here I can even give a bitter example that happened to me. I had a laptop I5 hard 1TP, I was playing games, the computer got very hot. And you know, when you lose, you often get angry, so I banged my dolls on the table, and then I accidentally hit my laptop. At this moment, the hard drive was very hot and with a strong impact, I got a blue screen of death, and my hard drive went into bad blocks. In other words, it simply became faulty.

The point is, if you drop a laptop/PC or hit it, all this can lead to disconnection of cables, failure of components, and so on.

Be careful. You shouldn’t drop your system unit/monitor/laptop again. Otherwise you will have to shell out quite a bit of money.


There are many reasons why a computer can become faulty, but I have listed the main ones. Try to follow all the rules and your computer will serve you very well and will work for a long time.
If you encounter causes of malfunction that are not covered in this article, write calmly, I will try to help and offer options for eliminating them.
Thanks everyone and good luck

Computers have become a part of our daily lives, and when a computer breaks down, some people panic. The work is worth it, the coursework won’t be written on time, you won’t be able to communicate with your family on Skype, not to mention playing games.

Computers are becoming more and more advanced from year to year, but why do they actually break down?

  1. Failure to comply with computer operating conditions.

Few people read the instructions for using the computer, which leads to overheating or even short circuiting.

  1. Incorrect computer assembly.

The computer has never turned on, but is it already broken? A common reason for contacting a computer service. Inept actions to assemble a computer lead to damage to the contact tracks of the motherboard, processor, overflow of thermal paste, and much more. You should trust the computer assembly to professionals.

  1. Children.

It's a big mistake for parents to let their children access the computer. And not only because they can remove any program, but it is also very dangerous, since the computer is under electrical voltage. A computer that burns out due to a child spilling liquid on it is a very common case.

  1. Mechanical damage.

What do you do when your computer freezes or becomes slow? Reboot or maybe take it to service. There is a category of people who are not ready to put up with such a computer and begin to literally destroy it physically. Everyone has seen that old video where the man in the office is unhappy with his computer and breaks it in a fit of rage.

  1. Manufacturer defect.

At the beginning of the article, we cited the fact that computers have become more advanced and, accordingly, the percentage of defects has become significantly lower. For serious computer components, the warranty usually ranges from 2 to 3 years. During this time, the computer becomes obsolete with the release of new, more powerful components and, accordingly, if you want the computer to remain at the same or higher level in power, then they need to be changed.

To summarize, we can say that most computer breakdowns involve the human factor. If you want your computer to always be in good working order and work quickly, then contact the service that does it for help.

Major computer failures:

  • stopped loading;
  • stopped turning on;
  • the monitor does not work;
  • keyboard and mouse do not work;
  • the computer makes strange sounds when operating;
  • works slowly;

Stages of computer repair.

  1. Computer diagnostics.
  2. Troubleshooting by soldering, replacing components, configuring software, replacing connecting wires, etc.
  3. Assembling the computer and returning it to the owner.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of computer malfunctions.

Computer stopped booting

If the computer starts when you press the Power button, but Windows does not load, there is most likely a software problem, namely:

  • deleted Windows system file.
  • installed an incompatible program.
  • “caught” a virus on the Internet.

The complexity of this type of malfunction is easy and the problem is solved within 30-40 minutes.

The computer stopped turning on

Causes of malfunction:

  1. Failure of computer components (video card, RAM, processor, power supply, motherboard).
  2. Failure of connecting wires.
  3. Failure of controllers, resistors, etc.

The complexity of this type of malfunction is determined only after the computer has been diagnosed by a technician. Computer repair price in Yekaterinburg depends on the complexity.

Monitor doesn't work

Causes of computer monitor malfunction:

  • The monitor does not turn on, the power indicator does not light up
  • Power indicator blinks, no picture
  • Power indicator is on - no image, backlight is on
  • The monitor backlight does not light up or goes out after a few minutes of operation
  • Screen brightness decreases and a reddish tint appears
  • Stripes on the screen
  • Image or color distortion
  • The monitor does not display an image from the computer, it displays messages

Simple check:

  1. Disconnect all wires from the monitor
  2. Connect only the power cable
  3. The monitor should turn on. “No Signal” appears on the screen
    After some time, the monitor goes into energy saving mode (the power indicator changes color, the picture disappears)

In this case, the monitor is most likely working properly. Of course, there are exceptions.

You can also check the health of the monitor by connecting it to another computer.

If the monitor is not working, you should contact our service for diagnostics and repair.

Keyboard and mouse not working

The most common reasons are:

  • removing drivers.
  • filling with liquid.
  • The keyboard “does not obey” and behaves unpredictably.
  • The mouse pointer does not work when Windows boots.
  • The mouse doesn't respond well when we move the mouse.

The simplest solution is, of course, to replace it with a new keyboard and mouse. If you bought new components, but they also do not work, then you need to carry out diagnostics. Or carry it out, but it depends on the cause of the breakdown.

Filling the computer with liquid

First steps after flooding your computer:

  1. Turn off the computer from the network.
  2. Wipe away any visible traces of liquid with a soft cloth.
  3. Do not try to dry out the computer and leave it turned off for a couple of days.
  4. Urgently call computer service and report your problem.

When filled with liquid, computer chips are damaged and begin to oxidize. If you leave your computer to dry, the situation will only get worse and we are unlikely to be able to help you.

The computer makes strange noises when operating

The main reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Computer dustiness, i.e. the accumulated layer of dust interferes with the normal operation of the fans.
  2. Failure of the “foot” of the hard drive, which moves while reading data from the magnetic disk inside.
  3. Damage to fans that provide cooling.

In any case, computer diagnostics are necessary.

Computer running slowly

Main reasons:

  1. The software load on the computer does not match its characteristics. Try removing programs that create a lot of load.
  2. A large number of viruses.
  3. Dustiness of the computer system unit.

In the modern world, the computer is increasingly entering our lives and becoming an integral part of it. Both at work and at home. More and more often we spend our time on it: working, listening to music, reading books, watching videos. What to do if your computer is broken? Before you panic, think about whether you were the reason for this?

Any equipment breaks down at some point, and everything that breaks can be fixed. You have a choice:

  • contact a specialist if you have little or no knowledge of computers;
  • try to figure out the problem yourself.

Advice: if a PC that is under warranty fails, give preference to having it repaired at a service center.

What to do if your computer breaks down

Let's consider several options for independent actions. So, if your computer breaks down, repairs at home will look like this:

  • First of all, we check the presence of power in the system unit and monitor. The cord may be poorly inserted into the system unit or into the outlet. We disconnect/connect it and start the computer again.
  • We check whether the surge protector is plugged into the socket and whether its switch light is on. We connect the system unit through another surge protector or directly into an outlet to avoid damage to the surge protector.
  • Power supplies of modern models may have a button responsible for turning the computer on or off. Let's try to turn on the computer again after we switch the button to a different position. In conclusion, pay attention to whether the cable on the monitor has come loose.

Let's define the wording - “the computer does not turn on” or “does not start”. If it does not make noise, the lights on the system unit do not light up and the display does not turn on, this means the computer does not turn on. If you can hear the system unit fans operating, the monitor and system unit indicators blink, but the operating system does not load, and therefore the computer does not start. Let's continue examining the PC:

  1. Let's check the hard drive and processor. To do this, open the cover of the computer system unit. We check the hard drive connectors - they must be tightly inserted into the connectors.
  2. Remove the processor cooler. We press the start button and place our hand on the radiator. If the processor is running, the heatsink will start to heat up. The reason is most likely not in him. We check whether the cooler is spinning, otherwise, to avoid burning the processor, the system will quickly turn off. In addition, we check all fastenings.
  3. We clean the computer from dust. Poor heat transfer is a consequence of the processor overheating due to a large amount of accumulated dust, as a result of which the computer does not turn on. We clean computer parts thoroughly and very carefully. Pay attention to the hard drive, motherboard, processor and RAM.

Replacement of some components

If you still solve the problem yourself, and none of the above helps, then:

  • We recommend trying to replace the power supply. Often a power supply failure is the reason the computer does not turn on. Voltage surges, load changes (components have been changed, but the power supply has not) or irregular cleaning can lead to malfunctions of the power supply.
  • The next step that is recommended to be taken if the computer fails to work is to clear the RAM. It usually becomes dirty with dust and just needs to be cleaned. This is quite easy to do. We remove the RAM board from the connectors and use a regular school eraser to carefully go over the contacts on both sides. We clean it over a piece of newspaper or a trash can.
  • Dust lodged in the nest itself also worsens contact - vacuum it.


If all of the above steps do not help, there are two more options left:

  1. The most reasonable thing in this situation would be to visit a service center. The specialist will diagnose the computer failure, clean it and solve the problem. It is better to entrust your computer to a proven service that has positive reviews.
  2. A more conservative intervention, if the computer simply does not start, is a possible reinstallation of the operating system. In this case, take into account the nuances of the complete loss of information on drive C. But the question of whether the computer could have broken down or whether it was a failure in the operating system will remain unresolved.

The computer beeps and won't turn on

Permanent or short-term most likely indicates a breakdown of some component.

Each squeak reports a specific problem, so they are different:

  • Most often it happens that the breakdown is in the power supply. The system signals this in three different ways: there are no beeps at all; many short signals; continuous long.
  • If the monitor is not connected, you will hear two short beeps.
  • The problem is in the video system if one long beep is heard and the monitor screen is blank.
  • Problems with the motherboard are indicated by three long beeps or 1 long and 1 short beep.
  • In case of a problem with the video card, the system will give either 1 long and 3 short beeps, or 1 long and already 2 short beeps.
  • Well, if you hear 1 short squeak at the beginning of the start, this indicates a successful launch of the components and the computer as a whole.

In custody

As it turned out, if a computer breaks down, does not turn on or does not boot, then this happens for two reasons: problems with the software or a breakdown of the insides of the computer itself. We hope the sequence of actions in the article will help you get your computer back up and running.

Any computer owner sooner or later faces such a problem - the hard drive is broken. In order to minimize the risk of data loss, you should make it a rule to duplicate all important information on another medium. You also need to know that before a breakdown, certain malfunctions appear in the PC, which are harbingers of the death of the storage device.

Signs of a hard drive failure

It is possible to determine that it is the hard drive that has failed if the computer is not operating correctly by looking at certain signs. How to understand that the hard drive is broken:

  • The appearance of a blue screen while the PC is working or loading indicates that the media is broken. The system cannot read the bad sectors and Windows stops working or reboots. This results in the loss of unsaved information.
  • If strange noises appear during PC operation, reminiscent of a clattering sound, then the head unit on the hard drive may have broken. In this case, you can try turning off the device and starting it again. The reason for incorrect reading of information can also be the accumulation of dust on the read-write elements.
  • If, when you turn on the PC, the hard drive does not make any sounds, this may indicate damage to the batteries. Such malfunctions occur due to voltage surges, but modern devices are equipped with protection against power surges. But if this happens, then everything can be easily eliminated by replacing the fuse. Also, the reason why the hard drive does not make any sounds may be stuck heads.
  • The appearance of such an inscription on the screen as “disk or device not found” indicates that the hard drive has failed. You can find out exactly what faults are present using special diagnostic programs.
  • Modern storage devices are more resistant to overheating than older models. But this still happens, and excessive heating of the electronic boards is a sign that the drive is broken. Determining the presence of such a malfunction is very simple. It is enough to know that the maximum permissible temperature for hard drive operation is 50, and touching a working device with your hand will not cause discomfort. If the temperature is higher than normal, you will feel it.
  • You can determine that the hard drive is broken by the time it takes to access files. If there is a malfunction, then such a standard procedure as emptying the recycle bin can take several hours.
  • A signal that the hard drive is broken is provided by such signs as damage and disappearance of files, and program malfunctions.

How to tell if your hard drive is broken

Modern hard drives have built-in programs to monitor its condition. To find out about possible problems and malfunctions, you need to decrypt the data collected by the system. There are special programs for this. Some are designed to provide real-time diagnostics and send status data via email.

If the hard drive is broken, then first of all you need to take care of saving the data. Even the possibility that the hard drive will work for some time makes storing important information on it very risky.

Harbingers of failure

Before the hard drive finally fails, there are signs indicating this:

  • Slowdown of the computer is reflected in the system startup. PC performance is decreasing and this is a reason to check the hard drive.
  • If your computer constantly restarts, one of the reasons may be a problem with the hard drive.

If any malfunctions are detected in the computer, the best option is to turn it off. If the hard drive is broken, then prolonged use of the PC will lead to irreversible consequences. The storage area will become inaccessible and data will be completely lost. You can find and fix the problem yourself, but it is better to seek help from specialized computer equipment repair services.

Data recovery

If your hard drive breaks, then almost everyone asks the question of how to recover data. Today, you can return lost files yourself, without the help of specialists. There are recovery programs for this, but they do not provide a complete guarantee. If all the nuances are followed, it is possible to return most of the stored information.

The principle of operation of the programs is to scan the surface of the storage device. In this case, some files are only partially restored, their name and location are lost.

Popular data recovery programs:

  • R-Studio is one of the most famous programs for recovering deleted information. With certain settings, disk scanning is reduced and it is possible to set the recovery area of ​​the hard drive. The program is available in Russian, which makes working with it very easy.
  • Minitool Power Data performs a deep scan, making it possible to recover files that other similar programs ignore. The advantage of this utility is the ability to revive the entire disk.
  • Rekuva is an easy to use program with a wide range of features. Allows you to restore information by setting the search area.

Hard drive problems on a laptop

If the hard drive on a laptop breaks down, it stops working and there is a possibility of losing all saved data. The signs of failure are the same as on a PC. But mechanical damage is not always the cause of hard drive failure:

  • There are virus programs that can encrypt stored information.
  • Malicious programs that damage operating system boot loaders.

How to minimize the risk of hard drive failure

The storage device will work much longer if you follow simple rules:

  • The hard drive is poorly protected from power surges, so a high-quality power supply will be the key to its stable operation.
  • To prevent the hard drive from breaking, it must be protected from falling and shaking. Mechanical impact can damage moving parts and render the device inoperable. Even a small blow is enough for this.
  • Maintaining a certain temperature that is comfortable for the operation of computer components, including the hard drive. To do this, you need air flow through the PC case using fans.
  • Cleaning computer components from dust using a can of compressed air. This will prevent the chips from overheating.
  • It is not recommended to turn the PC on and off within a short period of time, as this will greatly affect the hard drive. If you need to take a break from your computer for several hours, it is better to put it in standby mode.
  • To increase the performance of the hard drive, you should defragment it. This will speed up your computer.
  • The drive on a laptop often suffers from temperature changes. Do not take the device outside at low temperatures.
  • Laptops are more susceptible to dust clogging than computers. Therefore, to avoid overheating of the hard drive, you need to monitor the condition of the device.
  • Make sure that the ide contact does not break when connecting the hard drive. One of the signs of a breakdown will be slow loading of files or complete inoperability of the computer. In special computer equipment repair services, such a breakdown can be repaired.

Have a great day!

Nothing lasts forever under the moon - even mountains and continents are destroyed, so the fact that fragile computers, often working in inappropriate conditions, do not break down for years can safely be considered a miracle. However, they also break, and at the most unnecessary time. In the event of a breakdown, you can only hope that it is not the entire computer that “dies,” but only a part of it, often one of the components that can be replaced.

The issue of determining whether a computer is broken can be taken beyond the scope of this article, although interested parties can be told how this is done. Whether at home or in a workshop, the process is the same: the computer is disassembled into components, and each of them is tested in a known-good computer. Repairing a faulty component is another matter, and here the home mechanic has almost no chance - he does not have a repair base and the appropriate tools, so at home or on the road, he can only diagnose the fault and replace faulty components. Accordingly, computer repair is reserved only for professionals who really don’t like to work cheaply. This results in most failed components being sent to landfill or recycling, even though there is a very good chance they can be repaired. The answer is simple - it is unprofitable. For example, what is the point of a specialist losing a whole day when he is looking for a burnt-out power supply unit that will cost the client two hundred rubles? And at the same time, a new power supply will cost only 2-3 times more and replacing it is a matter of minutes...

In general, this kind of mathematics has begun to reach customers - if repairs cost more than 30% of the price of a new device, then there is no point in repairing it. And it’s not even a matter of snobbery, there are more serious reasons here: the new device will clearly be more modern and efficient, and there is no hope for a long life of the device after repair. After all, even the most experienced technician will not be able to determine which microcircuit was “on the verge of life” as a result of the accident.

As a result, repairing computer equipment today is an interesting thing: you can repair anything at home - for a home craftsman this is an excellent experience in working with electronics. If we are talking about a workshop, then almost all computer parts cannot be repaired, or they charge a lot of money for its repair.

  • Case and power supply. Broken or burning wires, deformation of the housing and chassis of devices. Only elite power supplies are accepted for repair - from $50 or more.
  • Motherboard. There is no point in soldering parts, but they can take on stickers/replacement of radiators, as well as changing batteries, flashing EPROM, cleaning dust, replacing interfaces of expansion boards, capacitors and resistors.
  • CPU. Cannot be repaired, only thermal overheating is eliminated.
  • Coolers. They can “start it up” with lubricant, but it won’t last long. Better to replace it.
  • CD/DVD. They don't fix it.
  • Hard disks. There are many repair options, but all of them are aimed only at removing information, and this costs more than the media itself.
  • Keyboards and mice. Only to the landfill.
  • MFP. They fix, refill, repair with pleasure, since it costs almost the price of a new device. They also repair scanners, printers and photocopiers.
  • USB, modems, wireless devices - just replacing the firmware, nothing more.
  • Video cards – replacement of memory, coolers. And this is provided that the cards are expensive. Network cards, for example, are destined for the trash heap.
  • Speakers - if they are expensive, but “stereo tweeters” have no chance.
  • Monitors – the situation here is ambiguous. If the problem is in the power supply, then they will undertake to fix it, but if the matrix is ​​broken, then you yourself will not want to pay the amount. Better to buy a new one.

Take care of your computer - if it breaks, it can cost your wallet too much.

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