What is called a social Internet service. Social Internet services

Web 2.0 Principles: Collectivism
User-friendly interface
Ease of use

"Web 1.0"Web 1.0
Instant exchange services
Internet messages (ICQ, Skype)
Web 1.0 technologies One-way services of WEB 1.0 technology Web 2.0 technologies Attracting users to content content Web 2.0 feature Attracting users to content
and multiple verification of content.
This means building on a platform
Internet Web applications, the success of which
depends on how users
participate in filling them with content.
The main role in Web 2.0 is given to people,
not technology. "WEB 2.0"Social networks
Web 2.0
(personal journals)
(simple creation of web pages and sharing
text editing)
(sharing photos, videos,
presentations, etc.)
Storing bookmarks
(links to interesting web pages)
"Effective library management", regional seminar - meeting of heads of library systems, March 27-28, 2013 Differences between Web and Web 2.0 Capabilities of Web 2.0 services Social services Internet WikiWiki (English wiki)
- website, structure and content
which users can
change it yourself using
tools provided by ourselves
website. Text formatting and pasting
various objects in the text are produced with
using wiki markup.
According to: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki wiki technologies allow you to: post in open access various
discuss various issues;
attract users to independently
work on the development of Internet resources;
jointly develop projects,
involving the creation of electronic
materials, their placement and discussion in
Internet networks, etc. Russian Wikipedia (that is, section
Wikipedia in Russian) ranks
7th place in terms of number of articles among
all language sections of Wikipedia
(after English, Swedish, Dutch
Danish, German, French, Varaysk
oh Wikipedia), having today
day contains 1,262,645 articles. Storing authorstream.com resources
Prezen Publii
cation cation
rutube.ru Presentation storage servicesAuthorStream
Presentation hosting
SlideShare (http://www.slideshare.net) is a social
Internet service that is focused on publishing
online slideshow.
You can upload presentations to SlideShare in formats other than
video, and in the “traditional” form - PowerPoint document,Open
Office Impress (volume no more than 30 MB).
A presentation prepared in these editors can be immediately
publish on SlideShare without wasting time on
Text, graphic and video materials in the presentation,
can be easily accompanied by music, sound effects and
comments. AuthorStream (presentation hosting) AuthorSTREAM, http://
www.authorstream.com is a platform for
hosting web PowerPoint presentations.
After creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint
users can download presentations to
authorSTREAM. Presentations are converted to Flash format.
Users can receive a unique Flash presentation code for embedding in blogs and websites. Media storage services RuTube, rutube.ru hosting for videos, main content
which are videos shot and
uploaded by registered
by users who have on the service
your account. Provide an opportunity
viewing, listening and
joining online programs
radio and television.
Ratings, competitions and comments
users. Media file storage servicesYouTube, youtube.com - service,
intended for viewing and
posting videos created on the Internet
users all over the world.
Professionally shot films, clips,
amateur videos, video blogs.
Provides hosting services
video materials. Users can
add, view and comment
video recordings. Media file storage servicesFlickr (Flickr), flickr.com – social
network with photo hosting and video hosting.
One of the first Web 2.0 services and one of the most
popular sites among bloggers for
posting photos and groups for them
Flickr is owned by Yahoo! Users
post videos, create albums, store
their photos, tag them and recognize
opinions about them from all over the world.
Paid accounts have no restrictions on
number of albums and photos. Quantity
photos on the site reached five billion
pictures. Media storage services Picasa, picasaweb.google.com –
editing and organizing
photographs, creation of photo albums,
adding geographical locations, etc.
Free download.
Uploading photos is allowed
up to 20 MB in size.
There are three levels of access: for everyone, only for
owner and entry by invitation. Social networksRanking of social networks by traffic in Russia
Place in the ranking, Name, Address, Attendance in the world (Attendance Rating
In your country; Share of Russian users in the social network).
1. VKontakte, vkontakte.ru, 30/2; 78.8%
Social network leader
2. My world, mail.ru, 31/3; 72.0% exception see below *
Russian-speaking segment
3. Odnoklassniki, odnoklassniki.ru, 86/5; 67.5%
4. YouTube, youtube.com, 4/4; 1.7%
5. Wikipedia, wikipedia.org, 6/6; 3.4% 6. LiveJournal, livejournal.com, 78/10; 34.4%
7. Blogger, blogger.com, 7/8; 1.2%
Social network leader
8. Facebook, facebook.com, 2/3; less than 0.4%
international segment
9. Party Poker, partypoker.com, 137/36; 14.2%
10. Rutube, rutube.ru, 944/40; 68.6%
11. Dairy, diary.ru, 1160/41; 82.1%
12. Mamba, mamba.ru, 1421/63; 64.5%
13. Loveplanet, loveplanet.ru, 1678/65; 79.4%
14. Travian, travian.ru, 1505/69; 70.9%
15. Beon, beon.ru, 1942/69; 77.6%
16. Twitter, twitter.com, 13/13; 0.9%
17. Flickr, flickr.com, 32/21; 1.3%
18. It’s a small world, mirtesen.ru, 2015/90; 69.7%
19. Myspace, myspace.com, 11/5; 0.8%

20. My circle, moikrug.ru, 2636/93; 82.0%
"Trinity Intersettlement
Social networksVKontakte vk.ru
Facebook facebook.com
Summer library school, MUK
"Trinity Intersettlement
Central Library", June 27, 2012 Resources creation services Create your own survey (http://www.anketer.ru) Summer library school, MUK
"Trinity Intersettlement
Central Library", June 27, 2012 Resource creation services Photopeach.com - a service for creating slide shows
The result is a presentation in the form of a slide show with
additional features:
titles on slides,
background music,
the ability to “link” a video.
Two viewing options - slides and
Ability to create on slides
quiz or test (with oral testing in
during viewing).
The main functions of the service are free. Resource creation servicesCalameo.com - a service for instant
creating interactive publications on the Internet
You can create brochures from the file,
presentations, catalogues, reports and
much more.
You can “turn” the pages,
mark interesting places,
zoom in and
Not only.
The service works with PDF format,
but also with Microsoft-Word,Power Point,
Excel, TXT and OpenOffice. Resource Creation Services Prezi.com is a service that allows you to create
interactive presentation with a non-linear structure
You can create new types of presentations
with a nonlinear structure.
The entire presentation can be collapsed into one
picture, and vice versa, each element
presentation can be increased
(emphasized) for more details
studying and attracting attention.
Prezi.com service requires registration on
there are no participants. Registered
the user receives 100 MB of network
space to realize your ideas. Resource creation servicesDipity.com – online service for creating timelines
On the "timeline" are applied
photos (or videos) and text,
telling about various events,
objects or persons.
This way you can trace them
You can change the feed type:
time scale
quick view book
as a list
location of the event on the map Resource creation servicesGLOGSTER is a social service for creating virtual
Glog, glogs (combination of the words Graphic + BLOG, graphica
blogs) is a multimedia web page or
multimedia poster
Glogs are published only on two sites: Glogster
(for personal use) and Glogster EDU (for
educational purposes) - http://www.glogster.com.
You can post your drawings in glogs and
photos at different points on the page, select
sizes of images, their relative orientation,
download music and videos, turn on
multimedia buttons of different players,
insert links to external resources, etc. Prospects for the development of WEB WEB 3.0Web 3.0 is a concept for the development of Internet technologies formulated
Netscape.com CEO Jason
Jason Calacanis
continuation of Tim's Web 2.0 concept
O'Reilly. Its essence is that Web 2.0 is
only a technology platform, and the Web
3.0 will allow on its basis forces
create professionals
high quality content and services. Web 3.0Web 3.0
Web 3.0 refers to the Internet, in which
high quality content is created
professionals, and the highest quality
content is shown based on search queries,
reposts are filtered more effectively and
garbage. “Social search” is introduced, searching
what a specific user needs,
community members can influence results
More details: http
%B1_3.0 NeuroNet, Brainet or Web 4.0 NeuroNet, Brainet or
Web 4.0
one of the supposed stages of development
World Wide Web, in which
interaction of participants (people,
animals, intelligent agents) will
be carried out on the principles
neurocommunications. According to forecasts,
should replace Web 3.0
approximately in 2030-2040. Web 4.0 Mainly in Russia under Neuronet
does not mean a new type of computer, but a future
communication environment that will unite on the basis
neurotechnologies human (and not only) minds,
teams and intelligent agents, allowing them
exchange thoughts, feelings and knowledge,
contained in the inner world of the participants (including
including implicit ones). At the core network package will lie
the principle of direct information impact on
brain centers, bypassing the senses. For building
such a network needs to solve problems of understanding
brain, creating special interfaces and network
protocols. A joke has spread on the Internet reflecting the stages of Web development: Web 0.0 - the user dreams of connecting with someone
or anything;
Web 1.0 - the user receives content;
Web 2.0 - the user creates content;
Web 3.0 - collective creation of content;
Web 4.0 - content thinks for the user;
Web 5.0 - content talks to content;
Web 6.66 - content deletes users, realizing that
they are meaningless.
More details: http
://www.wikireality.ru/wiki/%D0%92%D0%B5%D0%Thank you for
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head. department
documentary technologies
communications KemGIK

Communities, ordinary and virtual There is no single definition of what a community is. “A community is a set of people communicating with each other.” A network or virtual community (Net Community, Virtual Community) refers to people communicating with each other using the Internet information network. People use its resources and capabilities in different life situations and for different purposes. The purpose can be entertaining (game), informational, educational and professional. The term “Virtual Community” was introduced by G. Reingold, a researcher of social relations on the Internet and one of the founders of the WELL community, in 1993 in the book “Virtual Community”

Distinctive features network communities are as follows: Information exchange between community members is supported via the Internet. Digital memory is used to store information among a community. Software agents are used to access information stored by the community.

Networked social communities When a computer network on the Internet connects people or organizations in online communities, we can talk about a social network. A social network consists of many people connected by various social relationships, such as friendship, collaboration, or information exchange. Therefore, online communities can be called online social communities. Services that support social relationships or group interactions are called social services. In other words, social services are network software, supporting group interactions.

These group actions include: personal actions of participants * recording thoughts (blog or WikiWiki) * notes and annotation of other people's texts (blog, Delicious) * posting media files (Flickr, Panoramio, WikiWiki, YouTube) * compilation on one page of a “hodgepodge” ( Erminis) *selection of partners similar in “worldview” (Imagini) 2. communication between participants, that is, messaging (messengers, mail, chat, forum, blog comments)

BeaverGood. Social service BobrDobr (BobrDobr.ru) is a Russian analogue of the Delicious service. Allows users to store a collection of their bookmarks, links to web pages. The name of the service comes from the tongue twister “The beaver is good for the beavers.” Any Internet user can find links to topics of interest on the service using keywords. Storing bookmarks on BobrDobr.ru allows you to conveniently access them from any computer from anywhere in the world. Both to the user himself and to other people, at his request.

Flickr Flickr (is a social service designed for storing and further personal or sharing of digital photos. The Flickr service uses category tags. The service allows all its users to exchange photos, share their photos and tags on photos. Hanging sticker tags on their photos brings immediate benefits - they make photos easier to search.

Chat In the beginning there was IRC - Internet Relay Chat. The prototype of Internet negotiations was most likely the talk command, which allowed two users to carry on a conversation by exchanging messages that immediately appeared on the partners’ screens. A variant of negotiations in which many participants can take part at once was created in 1988 (Jarko Oikarinen). IRC is built on the client-server principle. With the advent of the World Wide Web, many web sites appeared that successfully imitated IRC's ability to maintain a conversation between multiple site visitors. to his simple interface web chats quickly gained popularity among those who like to chat online

Google Earth The Google Earth program allows you to study the Earth's surface at different scales using satellite imagery. Google Earth works ideally in tandem with the social service Panoramio so that you can geotag your photos and link them to specific places on our planet.

LiveJournal Each user or each LiveJournal community creates its own page on which new messages appear. There are various mechanisms for finding friends on LiveJournal. The first is to search for keywords that people indicate as their interests. The second way is to search the list of those whom your friends have already marked as their friends. "My friend's friend is my friend." The third way is for an experienced LJ author to introduce his newbie acquaintance to a group of acquaintances. For this purpose, special messages “Look who came” are published, after which the new LJ member has reader friends and all he has to do is choose mutual friends from among them. Sometimes a group of people unites on the basis of LiveJournal into a community. Membership in the community gives you the opportunity to publish your messages in the general news stream

The web as a medium for communities Today, thanks to digital memory, not only printed texts, but music recordings, television and radio programs become accessible via the Internet and are suitable for secondary use. The important thing is not so much that more information can be stored in digital memory, but that the management of this information can be transferred to the shoulders of software information managers.

Let's list the main actions that personal and collective information managers allow you to do: Flip through documents and move from one document to another, the ability to flip through and move online from one document to another using hypertext links. Search for documents published in repositories. The search capability requires the participation of a special software agent. Most of the digital repositories use their own search agents. Organize found documents into special binders and collections. Comment on published messages. A very important feature that is increasingly being supported online. Create and publish new messages online. Edit the content of already published messages. Currently, only websites with wiki technology support the ability to openly edit all posts.
Blogs (from the English Web log - web log, web protocol) resemble a forum in which the right to administer and publish the first initiating topics of discussion belongs to one person or group of people. A blog can be open to feedback and questions from readers, or it can be closed. Over the past few years, the Internet has appeared great amount communities whose materials are created by their authors using blog technology. The authors publish news and comments on news. In addition to discussion opportunities, readers have the opportunity to evaluate both the quality of the publication and the quality of comments. This group filtering mechanism should ensure high quality content on the site.

A blog can be used not only for individual purposes, but also as a forum for the community. This use of a blog is completely acceptable and justified, since many blogs have additional advantages over forums: the ability to publish multimedia and HTML fragments in the text of a message, the possibility of cross-links between several threads of discussions

Community members inside blogs can do the following: Write their own posts; Read messages published by other authors; Comment on posts by other authors; Reply to comments on messages; Link messages and comments to each other using hypertext links.


1. Communities are regular and virtual

2. Online social communities

3. Network as a medium for communities

4. Analysis of the pedagogical capabilities of online communities

5. Trend in the development of online communities

6. WikiWiki as an environment for collaboration between teachers and students

7. Pedagogical aspects of using the WikiWiki environment

Communities are regular and virtual

There is no single definition of what a community is. Different scientific disciplines formulate different definitions and approaches to the study of this concept. So, J. Dewey writes that: “A community is a lot of people communicating with each other.” In the 14th century, the term was used to refer to people living in the same geographical location. Since the beginning of the 17th century, the meaning of this concept has gradually expanded and it begins to mean not only people united by geographical proximity, but also people who have something in common. Gradually, the term “community” is increasingly separated in its meaning from the word “society”. A sharp separation of these concepts occurs in the 19th century. Which was due to changes in technology and law, as there was a shift from subsistence farming to urban life and factory production.

In the Russian language dictionary S.I. Ozhegov gives the following definition: “A community is an association of people, nations or states that have common interests and goals.”

The term "community" is different from the concept of "group" or "multiple". A set or group is a collection of people united by some common characteristic. For example, they are in the same room, of the same age, enjoy playing checkers, watch TV, use the phone. Unlike a community, a set does not require connections between its members. People don't become a community because they watch the same series. But when they start talking to each other about the show, they form a community. The necessary condition for the universal connectedness of community members imposes quite strict limits on the permissible size of the community. This size cannot exceed 150 people, since a person is not able to maintain a larger number of connections.

A network or virtual community (Net Community, Virtual Community) refers to people communicating with each other using the Internet information network. People use its resources and capabilities in different life situations and for different purposes. The purpose can be entertaining (game), informational, educational and professional.

The term “Virtual Community” was introduced by G. Reingold, a researcher of social relations on the Internet and one of the founders of the WELL community, in 1993 in the book “Virtual Community”. In this book, G. Reingold discusses various examples of communications between members of social groups based on mailing lists, news lists, multi-user communities, and chat.

The distinctive features of online communities are the following:

1. Information exchange between community members is supported via the Internet.

2. Digital memory is used to store information among the community.

3. Software agents are used to access information stored by the community.

Network communities of teachers or teacher associations are a new form of organizing professional activities online. Participation in professional network associations allows teachers living in different parts of the same country and abroad to communicate with each other, solve professional issues and improve their professional level.

The main goal of this community should be to prepare teachers for professional activities on the Internet. Teachers can find recommendations on possible online activities, methodological developments for participating in or conducting various online events (projects, competitions, conferences, forums, etc.). One of the most important factors is that participants in professional network communities have the opportunity to gain new knowledge in the field of their specialty, thereby increasing the level of their professional competence. This is nothing more than an example of Long-life Learning.

Online social communities

When the Internet computer network connects people or organizations in online communities, we can talk about a social network. A social network consists of many people connected by various social relationships, such as friendship, collaboration, or information exchange. Therefore, online communities can be called online social communities.

Services that support social relationships or group interactions are called social services. In other words, social services are network-based software that supports group interactions. These group actions include: 1. personal actions of participants

· records of thoughts (blog or WikiWiki)

· notes and annotation of other people's texts (blog, Delicious)

· placement of media files (Flickr, Panoramio, WikiWiki, YouTube)

· compilation on one page of the “hodgepodge” (Erminis)

· selection of partners similar in “worldview” (Imagini)

2. communications between participants, that is, exchange of messages (messengers, mail, chat, forum, blog comments)

The software supports the spontaneous development of communities, when they are not created by order from above, but are formed from the bottom up from the small efforts of many formally independent participants. Members of the social network can perform simple actions to create or select the most interesting articles, photographs or audio recordings, thus:

Social services + simple actions of participants + messaging = online community

New social security services have made it much easier to create materials and publish them online. Now everyone can not only access digital collections, but also take part in the creation of their own online content. In this case, communication between people can occur not in the form of direct statements, but in the form of mutual (collective, joint) observation of network activities.

Online communities using the example of social services

Membership in the community is voluntary, reputation is based on the trust of community members, and the direction and goals of the community are determined by the behavior of individual members. It is bad for the group if a person uses his mental resources and information services exclusively for personal purposes. In this case, he is busy only with putting in order his own thoughts, notes and bookmarks, to which others do not have access. It’s even worse if a person uses information capabilities only for communications. In this case, he uses his own and others’ mental and time resources only for communication.

Let's look at some social services.

BeaverGood. Social service BobrDobr (BobrDobr.ru) is a Russian analogue of the Delicious service. Allows users to store a collection of their bookmarked links to web pages. The name of the service comes from the tongue twister “The beaver is good for the beavers.” Any Internet user can find links to topics of interest on the service using keywords for searching. Storing bookmarks on BobrDobr.ru allows you to conveniently access them from any computer from anywhere in the world. Both to the user himself and to other people, at his request.

Flickr. Flickr (http://flickr.com/) is a social service designed for storing and further personal or sharing of digital photos. Flickr uses category tags. The service allows all its users to exchange photos, share their photos and tags on photos. Putting sticker tags on your photos has immediate benefits - they make your photos easier to find.

Chat. In the beginning there was IRC - Internet Relay Chat. The prototype of Internet negotiations was most likely the talk command, which allowed two users to carry on a conversation by exchanging messages that immediately appeared on the partners’ screens. A variant of negotiations in which many participants can take part at once was created in 1988 (Jarko Oikarinen). IRC is built on the client-server principle. With the advent of the World Wide Web, many web sites appeared that successfully imitated IRC's ability to maintain a conversation between multiple site visitors. With their simple interface, web chats quickly gained popularity among those who like to chat online.

GPS. Global Positioning System, GPS. The system includes 24 satellites flying at low altitudes in Earth orbit. Special GPS receivers are used to receive GPS signals. Based on signals received from satellites, the device informs the user of the coordinates (latitude, longitude, and altitude) of the point at which he is located. With the advent of GPS devices, various services have emerged that use their capabilities. First of all, the services are related to car travel, when the navigator helps you navigate from point to point. Hikers and nature explorers in forests, mountains, and on water use GPS receivers to identify individual points and put these points into routes.

In addition to business activity, several areas of gaming and educational use of pocket GPS receivers have emerged. First of all, these are areas such as geocaching and geotagging, used in the Letopis educational project.

Google Earth. Google Earth - Google program Earth allows you to study the Earth's surface at different scales using satellite imagery. Google Earth works ideally in tandem with the social service Panoramio so that you can geotag your photos and link them to specific places on our planet.

Livejournal. Live Journal (http://www.livejournal.com/) is an example of successful use of blog technology. The service has gained enormous popularity among the Russian audience. Each user or each LiveJournal community creates its own page on which new messages appear.

There are various mechanisms for finding friends on LiveJournal. The first is to search for keywords that people indicate as their interests. Remember that keywords are the main search mechanism in LiveJournal and they allow people with similar interests to find each other and join groups. The second way is to search the list of those whom your friends have already marked as their friends. "My friend's friend is my friend." The third way is for an experienced LJ author to introduce his newbie acquaintance to a group of acquaintances. For this purpose, special messages “Look who came” are published, after which the new LJ member has reader friends and all he has to do is choose mutual friends from among them. Sometimes a group of people unites on the basis of LiveJournal into a community. Membership in the community gives you the opportunity to publish your messages in the general news stream.

The use of social services in teaching practice

Social services and activities within online communities open up the following opportunities for teaching practice:

2. Independent creation of online educational content. New social security services have radically simplified the process of creating materials and publishing them online. Now everyone can not only access digital collections, but also take part in the creation of their own online content. Today new content created by millions of people. They, like ants in a common anthill, bring new texts, photographs, drawings, and music files to the network.

3. Mastering information concepts, knowledge and skills. The environment of information applications opens up fundamentally new opportunities for activities in which people who do not have any special knowledge in the field of computer science are extremely easily involved. New forms of activity are associated both with searching for information on the Internet and with the creation and editing of one’s own digital objects - texts, photographs, programs, music recordings, video clips. Participation in new forms of activity allows you to master important information skills - reusing texts and codes, using meta tags, etc.

4. Monitoring the activities of community of practice participants. The Internet opens up new opportunities for schoolchildren to participate in professional scientific communities. Digital memory, agents, and the network amazingly expand not only our thinking abilities, but also the scope for collaboration and cooperation with other people.

Communication between people increasingly occurs not in the form of a direct exchange of statements, but in the form of mutual observation of network activities. Just because the number of direct statements addressed from one person to another within a community is gradually decreasing, it does not at all follow that people communicate less. It’s just that this communication now occurs with the help of building blocks, which also serve as new “virtual signs” that they exchange. These new virtual signs include articles, bookmarks, edits, tags, photographs and notes in the margins. New network services create a new communication environment in which the importance of direct message exchange is noticeably reduced. In order to find out what a person does, what actions he performs, there is no need to ask him about it. To do this, simply monitor his network activities. New information Technology have had a significant impact on the way we communicate, think and act together. Our language and our thinking are gradually expanded and supplemented with new words and tools.

The Flickr social service can be used in teaching practice as follows:

1. Source of educational media materials. Most photos are hosted on the server under a Creative Commons license. This license means you can further use the images for creative, non-commercial purposes.

2. Storage of educational materials, archives of photographs and creative works of students. A registered user of the system can upload 20 MB of photos to a remote server monthly.

3. A tool for solving classification problems. The owner can add a title to each photo, short description and keywords, category tags - for further search.

4. A tool for studying knowledge maps. You can also take notes on the photos themselves. If the photo shows several objects (for example, several buildings), then you can select any of the objects and add a description to it. A drawing or photograph in this case serves as a map, to which one or more students make explanations.

5. A means for joint learning activities among students from several schools or cities. For example, collecting a collection of digital photographs and stories representing Russian cities. The collection is replenished by teachers and schoolchildren.

6. Introduction to databases and mobile GPS receivers. If for the place where the photograph was taken, accurate GPS coordinates, then they can also be added as marks.

The social service LiveJournal can be used in teaching practice as follows:

1. Platform for pedagogical discussions. The LJ community can serve as an open or closed environment for organizing pedagogical discussions.

2. Opportunity for consultations and obtaining additional knowledge. Due to its open nature, the community of practice in LiveJournal is accessible not only to specialists, but also to teachers and students.

3. Platform for organizing remote training course. For example, when a teacher publishes educational assignments for his students on his blog, and then checks and comments on their answers.

4. Working and not-so-working notes from directors and teachers. Typically, students and teachers meet each other in a compulsory school environment, where both perform socially prescribed ritual actions. What worries teachers and school principals in ordinary, real life outside the school walls? Through LJ technology, the teacher and director can give students and their parents access to the world of informal learning.

5. School diaries of the 21st century. For many schoolchildren, keeping online diaries has become a common practice. And this is a very important opportunity for the teacher to see what is happening in the world of the students?

The Network as a Community Environment

The study of the network as an environment for the community and as an independent object of research was dictated, first of all, by the development of the Internet computer network. Further growth in the popularity of the network was associated with the creation of the World Wide Web, a worldwide collection of interconnected hypertext documents.

An important trend for the activities of online communities is that more and more resources are becoming open and available for free use, primarily for educational purposes. Records of digital collections can be considered open resources if the rules for their use permit free inclusion of these records in teaching and research projects. This practice is now becoming more widespread and legal. More and more open collections are appearing in digital memory that can be used in education, complementing and enriching the text of the educational message. Today, thanks to digital memory, not only printed texts, but music recordings, television and radio programs become accessible via the Internet and are suitable for secondary use.

The important thing is not so much that more information can be stored in digital memory, but that the management of this information can be transferred to the shoulders of software information managers. Let's list the main actions that personal and collective information managers allow you to do:

1. Flip through documents and move from one document to another, the ability to flip through and move online from one document to another using hypertext links.

2. Search for documents published in repositories. The search capability requires the participation of a special software agent. Most of the digital repositories use their own search agents. In 2004, a corporate project was launched, within the framework of which search system Google and several major publishers, including ACM, have combined search capabilities across multiple repositories.

3. Organize found documents into special binders and collections. Sometimes these collections are made by hand, in which case they are personal or online bookmarks. Today, it is increasingly possible to delegate an order for filing materials to a software agent by setting search conditions and making a selection from materials prepared by other people.

5. Create and publish new messages online. Edit the content of already published messages. Usually this opportunity is given to a limited number of people. Broad delegation of editing capabilities is a fairly rare opportunity. Currently, only websites with wiki technology support the ability to openly edit all posts.

Due to possible reuse digital materials New prospects are opening up for education. One of the most promising technologies among the new generation of teaching aids is the technology of “learning objects”. The very idea of ​​a learning object is related to the object-oriented approach. Within this approach, it is common to create program components - “objects”. Such objects can be further used in various situations. In order to Announcement, be it a book, computer program, musical composition or a film have turned into a digital object, it is necessary not only to convert them into digital form, but also to publish them online.

The second trend in network development that is significant for communities is related to the fact that Memory Institutions are increasingly organizing communication between their visitors on the basis of digital resources. The important function of socialization is increasingly implemented on the basis of digital libraries and media libraries. In order to support public relations related to the use of collections, Memory Institutions use various technologies:

· virtual cafes where visitors can communicate with each other and with library staff;

· multiplayer worlds where visitors can move from one room to another and communicate with each other in a playful way

· personal literary diaries kept by library workers

By opening access to the materials of their collections and establishing communication between visitors, many Memory Institutions are taking the next natural step towards educational activities. In this case, they provide their visitors with the opportunity not only to take and use materials from digital repositories, but also to place their own documents in the digital space.

Let's look at the most commonly used forms of organizing communication on the Internet.

Modern means of communication on the Internet

New network services create a new communication environment in which the importance of direct message exchange is noticeably reduced. In order to find out what a person does, what actions he performs, there is no need to ask him about it. To do this, simply monitor his network activities.

The most common forms of organizing communication on the Internet:

1. Guest books. The first and most simple form organizing communication in the form of web applications. A simple guestbook is a list of messages, shown from latest to first. Each visitor can leave a message.

2. Forums. This form of communication is an almost direct implementation of the teleconference ideology. Teleconferences are a type of network service that allows user messages, called articles, to be sent to the computers of all participants. User messages in forums are grouped by topic, all visitors can see the topic and post their message. Historically, the first forums appeared as improved guest books and organized messages into threads - just like in newsgroups. As a rule, topics are grouped into thematic forums, and the system is managed by administrators and moderators.

3. Blogs (from the English Web log - web log, web protocol) resemble a forum in which the right to administer and publish the first initiating topics of discussion belongs to one person or group of people. A blog can be open to feedback and questions from readers, or it can be closed. Over the past few years, a huge number of communities have appeared on the Internet, the materials of which are created by their authors using blog technology. The authors publish news and comments on news. In addition to discussion opportunities, readers have the opportunity to evaluate both the quality of the publication and the quality of comments. This group filtering mechanism should ensure high quality content on the site. A blog can be used not only for individual purposes, but also as a forum for the community. This use of a blog is quite acceptable and justified, since many blogs have additional advantages over forums: the ability to publish multimedia and HTML fragments in the text of a message, the possibility of cross-links between several threads of discussions.

An analysis of the development of forms of network communication shows that they are either integrated into the World Wide Web, as is the case with mailing lists and teleconferences, or come to an end, as is, unfortunately, the case with multi-user worlds. What matters is whether individual messages created using a given form have the status of a network document or digital object or not. It is important to the online community whether we can link to such a message. For example, statements within communications such as forums and chats do not have the status of a network document. From the point of view of information support, this is a serious omission; in the worst case, chats and forums will soon be replaced by other forms of communication. Today, collective blogs and Wikis are seriously claiming the role of such new forms of network communication, and the most popular form of using these tools is collective.

Community members within blogs can do the following:

· Write your own messages;

· Reply to comments on messages;

· Link messages and comments to each other using hypertext links.

The ease of publication and the clear metaphor of daily entries in an online diary ensured an influx of new authors. The clarity and accessibility of the blog is of interest to many researchers who consider it as an option for a personal, educational space.

With the spread of these forms, social media– that is, a set of participants united by a communication environment. The content of which is formed not by a clearly defined group of people, but by all network participants.

Analysis of the pedagogical capabilities of online communities

Let's consider the possibilities of online communities for education. Discussions about the pedagogical potential of online communities and contributions to education began long before the advent of the Internet.

There is a need to create a space on the Internet that would enable teachers to find answers to many of their professional questions, show their activity and improve their professional training. The main goal of this community should be to prepare teachers for professional activities on the Internet. Teachers can find recommendations on possible online activities, methodological developments for participating in or conducting various online events (projects, competitions, conferences, forums, etc.). One of the most important factors is that participants in professional network communities have the opportunity to gain new knowledge in the field of their specialty, thereby increasing the level of their professional competence. This is nothing more than an example of Long-life Learning.

E-learning is not limited to obtaining information via the network, as is typical for distance learning, or searching for information on the network, as is typical for research learning. Learning communities place the greatest emphasis on how people share their knowledge. Communication is key to building a community. People live in a community thanks to the commonality that exists between them, and communication is the way through which they gain this commonality. J. Dewey emphasized that all types of human communities contain a learning function. He even developed criteria to determine the measure of the pedagogical value of any type of socialization of a particular community. The first attempts to analyze means of communication, from the point of view of their suitability for use in the pedagogical process within the educational community, can be found in the works of the French teacher Celestine Frenet, who developed and organized a school correspondent network. As part of this network, schoolchildren exchanged texts and pictures. S. Frenet considered communication opportunities - musical recordings, photographs, telephone conversations, radio, films and television programs - primarily as a means for the student to develop his own language, with the help of which he could communicate with other people. The knowledge sharing community that S. Frenet built at his school was based not just on the exchange of messages, but on printed documents- publications. When analyzing a technical tool, Frenet paid attention, first of all, to how a student could use it to communicate with other children. The key question for Frenet was whether it was possible to this tool create a new message and place this message in the school newspaper? A typewriter, a tape recorder, a movie camera - all these tools for Frenet open up new opportunities for independent research and independent creativity. Based on this approach, Frenet completely ruled out the possibility of using contemporary radio in educational activities, as it was absolutely not consistent with his methods. Frenet was convinced that radio, cinema, and television have rich possibilities and must be used in the educational process. However, at that time there was no environment in which students and teachers could use recordings from radio and television collections in the way they would like.

The book “Society Without Schools” by I. Illich, who was interested not so much in the goals of education as in the content of the learning environment, was of great importance for network education. Illich believed that a person naturally strives to independently choose the best ways of learning and it is only necessary to determine what components must be present in the learning environment for learning to take place comfortably and effectively. Illich tried to find answers to this question in the sixth chapter, which was called “The Educational Web.” In this chapter, Illich listed and discussed in detail the resources and services necessary for the successful functioning of an online learning community. I. Illich believed that the following components are necessary for study:

1. Learning resources and a help system to help you find those resources.

2. Role models and a system that supports the sharing of skills and abilities.

3. Partners with whom you could compete, collaborate, argue and speak the same language.

In addition to the listed components required for study, Illich hoped for the participation of experts who could evaluate the results of educational activities.

Illich's philosophy had a significant influence on the development of education and on the process of introducing information tools into education. The key question is “what people and what things should surround a person in order for him to study well?” has remained relevant today.

One of the main principles on which community of practice theory is based is that knowledge is always acquired in a specific context. To master knowledge, it is very important to ensure the participation of the beginner in real activities. Newcomers, once inside the community, have a legitimate opportunity to participate in community activities. By participating in these activities, people acquire new knowledge in the context of a given professional community. Learning occurs not so much through mastering a course, but through participation in joint activities. In many cases, an individual's personal growth trajectory within a community can be viewed as a learning process. In recent years, much has been done to use the experience of knowledge sharing communities in teaching and to attract schoolchildren, students, and teachers to participate in the life of those real knowledge sharing communities that exist on the basis of centers of science, art and health care.

In Russia, virtual associations of subject teachers are currently operating successfully. One of the well-known school websites is “School Sector” (www.school-sector.relarn.ru). This is a community of teachers and students, the main objectives of which are to carry out constant interaction with schools to accumulate and exchange network experience educational activities, information and methodological support for school teachers. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Internet Education Federation offer another form of communication for educators. On the eve of the new school year, the Internet annually invites all teachers and education workers to the All-Russian traditional virtual pedagogical council (http://pedsovet.alledu.ru). The Internet teacher council is a limitless space for teachers to communicate at a distance, one of the forms of distance learning and an opportunity to improve professional qualifications. Every year the number of participants increases, teachers from different cities and villages share their work experience, discuss issues that concern them, and have the opportunity to communicate directly with textbook authors, scientists, and education system specialists.

Another example of a network community of Russian teachers is the project “Internet State of Teachers” (InterGuru htth://www.intergu.ru), a project of the Ministry of Education of Russia, full name, publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”. The main goal of the project is to create a network community of creative teachers. InterGuru is an open system of independent network projects interconnected by a game economic scheme. The main activities of the “Internet State of Teachers” involve introducing participants to educational resources, discussing educational problems, sharing work experience, consulting with experts, testing in various areas of knowledge, creating their own tests and methodological assistance to teachers.

The teacher’s task is to create conditions that would allow each student to demonstrate their activity, skills, and creativity. Computer technology in the classroom is the use of computer training programs and Internet resources. Multimedia programs allow you to organize independent actions for everyone. The colorful and exciting nature of the programs arouses great interest among students and increases the effectiveness of the lesson. What is the professional activity of teachers online? This is an activity aimed at increasing students’ interest in the subject, developing their thinking, creativity, and collectivism. Another direction is activities aimed at self-education of teachers themselves, activities related to professional development. Information and communication technologies influence the professional activity of a teacher, significantly expanding the scope of his activities. It is ICT that becomes the basis for the modernization of the education system in the 21st century. A professional network community for teachers must meet the specifics of activities in the field of education. It is necessary to take into account the experience of domestic and foreign online communities. The diagram shows an example of the pedagogical activity of a teacher who is a participant in a professional network community.

The professional activity of a teacher is aimed, on the one hand, at the student, and on the other hand, at himself. By participating in the activities of a professional network community, a teacher expands his knowledge in pedagogy, methodology, etc., thereby increasing the level of his professional competence (Scheme 1).

Information about conferences or other events, the arrival of new lesson developments and documents is given in the “Announcements” section. Problem advice is very important, where you can discuss and find a solution in conflict situations. Interest groups can be formed within the online community. For example, participants who are interested in art or music can share their experience of teaching lessons on this topic, etc.

The advent of the Internet has opened up boundaries for communication between foreign language teachers and colleagues from other countries, which helps them improve their knowledge of a foreign language, exchange work experience, thereby improving their professional skills. Involving students in communicating with foreign peers using communication technologies makes it possible to solve problems of intercultural communication and personality-oriented learning. The professional network community of teachers (Net Community) is a base of educational information resources, this is a place for professional communication, exchange of experience and advanced training.

2.5 Social services that allow you to organize collaboration with various types of documents

Social services that allow you to organize collaboration with various types of documents - integrated Internet services focused on organizing collaboration with text, spreadsheet documents, planners, and other corporate tasks.

Website addresses:

· http://docs.google.com - Google Docs. All of the services listed and many others (photos, blogs, news, etc.) are united by a single interface and are accessible through links like home page www.google.com, and from any page of all subsidiary services.

Http://gmail.com - email (Gmail) with an intelligent interface, built-in chat, powerful anti-spam protection, and web access.

Http://docs.google.ru - documents and tables (Google Docs and tables) - ability to store on the Internet text documents and spreadsheets of most known formats, edit them jointly by several users, publish them in the public domain with a URL, view all versions of document changes, save the modified document in any of the most popular text formats.

Http://www.google.com/calendar/ - calendar (Google calendar) is an event scheduler located on the Internet, access to which can be opened to a certain circle of users with access rights determined by the owner of the calendar. At the same time, this service allows you to have several calendars, and the system can demonstrate to the viewer the combination of events from different calendars, which undoubtedly helps in planning the activities of one person or a group of people working together.

Http://groups.google.ru - groups (Google Groups) - the ability to organize a website on the Internet - a representation of the community. In this case, the group owner gets the opportunity to change the site interface, invite users to the group, and grant them various rights. Group members, depending on the rights granted to them, can create new pages (there is a primitive text editor and HTML editor), upload files of any type (texts, tables, presentations, images), participate in discussions, create personal business cards, etc. Automatically when a group is created, the group's community site receives a URL and email address mailing list.

Conclusion. In RuNet, at the moment, there are many different social services designed to help both beginners and experienced users in quickly and comfortably finding the necessary information.

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“A network community is a group of people who communicate and conduct joint activities using computer network tools”

Computer network (Internet), document network ( The World Wide Web) and software (social services) connect not only computers and documents, but also the people who use these computers, documents and services. Thanks to network connections, new social associations spontaneously form. Communities of this kind cannot be specially designed, organized or created by order. We can only create conditions that would facilitate the formation of such communities. Networking provides new opportunities for knowledge sharing communities to present their digital archives and attract new members. With the development of computer technology, knowledge sharing communities have new forms for storing knowledge and new software services that facilitate the management of knowledge and the use of this knowledge by newcomers located on the periphery of the community. “We can derive the formula for an online community: Online community = simple actions of participants + messaging + social services. »

Users suffer from an excess of information: on any issue, much more information is now available than a person can perceive. As a result, people rely on other people's knowledge. Among the typical questions "like what?" And "Why?" the key question is "Who"(and, accordingly, the answer to it). This entails the need to get to know and maintain contact with people who can help in each specific case.

Computer communications today form a new field of information culture in which activities are carried out modern society. It is networks that constitute the new social morphology of our societies, and the spread of “network” logic significantly affects the course and results of processes related to production, everyday life, culture and power. In this regard, this topic is relevant.

An object: studying the functions and capabilities of the Russian part of the Internet.

Item: analysis of Web 2.0 services in Russian social networks.

Goal of the work: review and comparative analysis of the goals, functions and capabilities of various social networks.


· Search the Russian part of the Internet for information on the topic.

· Review and comparative analysis of the goals, functions and capabilities for the user in various social networks.

· Review of used Web 2.0 social services in various social networks.

AJAX is an approach to building interactive user interfaces for web applications. When using AJAX, the web page does not completely reload in response to each user action. Instead, only the data the user needs is downloaded from the web server.

AJAX technology is based on two main principles:

· using DHTML to dynamically change page content;

· use of technology for dynamically accessing the server “on the fly”, without reloading the entire page, for example:

o using XMLHttpRequest;

o through the dynamic creation of child frames;

o through dynamic tag creation

Using these two principles allows you to create much more convenient web user interfaces on those website pages where active user interaction is required.

RSS is a standard for publishing updated information on websites. RSS is one of the first XML applications that quickly gained widespread popularity.

RSS allows you to not only link to a page, but to subscribe to it, receiving an alert every time the page changes. It was not the pages that became dynamic, but the links to them. By linking to a weblog, you are linking to a page of ever-changing content that contains permalinks for each individual post and reminds you of each change.

Thanks to this technology, it becomes possible to read news or a blog of interest without even visiting its page. That is, when working with RSS feed You can only view news headlines and a short announcement. By quickly viewing the feed, clicking on the title you are interested in, you can get the full text of the article.

Another interesting feature of RSS is news subscription. “Although subscriptions existed before, for example, in the form of mailing lists, they have a number of drawbacks. For example, when mailing list you have to “expose” your email address, which may well fall into the hands of spammers... In the case of RSS, everything is much simpler - no personal data, you just need to add desired channel to your personal library.

The main advantage of RSS is its versatility. Since the PSS channel is based “Almost any online resource can be used: website, blog, forum, price list of a chain store, etc.”

1.3 Open public web services

Open public web services are modern tools, network software that supports group interactions. These group actions include:

Personal actions of participants: recording thoughts, taking notes and annotating other people’s texts, posting multimedia files;

Communication between participants (messengers, mail, chat, forum).

Due to the rapid development of social services on the Internet, the emergence of diverse sites providing different services and opportunities for free collective creativity and interaction. Active users have a problem remembering usernames and passwords to access these sites. Besides different system navigation and service interface also do not facilitate human activity on the network.

For these reasons, large companies providing Internet services began to integrate social offers of various types “under one roof” on their websites (portals). At the same time, companies strive to provide the most friendly and user-friendly interface, single sign-on and access to all services under one login and password (single account).

Among the most successful services in this area are the Russian Mail . ru(services Email, photo, video service, search engine, blogs, news feed, etc.), international Google .

Conclusion. The essence of the idea of ​​Web 2.0 is the blurring of boundaries between the author and the reader, between communication and creativity, between observation and participation. Web 2.0 is a community of equals, each of whom can contribute to the construction of a single building.

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