What is the warranty case for an iPhone? How does the Apple warranty work in Russia when replacing an iPhone?

Few device owners are interested in the warranty conditions for their gadgets. Some people initially consider this possibility a utopia, while others, on the contrary, have experience with warranty repairs, but only negative experience. However, in the case of Apple equipment, the warranty is not a myth, and it is still worth applying for warranty service. A much bigger myth is the stereotype that Apple gadgets don’t break: they break, of course! This is probably why the company provides not only warranty repairs for its devices, but also - don’t be surprised - their complete replacement.

Conditions under which an iPhone can be replaced under warranty

Indeed, if the device functions poorly (there are gaps, the camera does not work well, the network disappears, etc.), and this is not the owner’s fault, the iPhone can be used without special problems exchange for a new one. You may qualify for such a replacement if:

  • you have been using the gadget for less than a year;
  • it has never been repaired;
  • carefully used (the phone has no mechanical damage, signs of flooding, etc.);
  • There is no unlicensed software installed on the phone.
  • The device has Russian certification.

As for the last point, the fact is that only equipment with PCT certification is covered under warranty service in our country. “American” iPhones are clearly deprived of the right to warranty service; the situation with “European” devices is not so simple: the service center can take them for service if it has its good will, but it is not obliged to do this.

Finding out whether your iPhone is covered by warranty is easy and simple: just find the “About this device” item in “Settings” and enter the serial number indicated there on the Apple website. In response, the system will inform you about the presence of a warranty and its duration, or about the reasons why it does not apply to your device, for example, if it was purchased outside of Russia.

Possibility of paid warranty replacement

Even if your gadget falls under these restrictions, say, its operation was far from careful and was accompanied by depressing falls, swims and other extreme adventures, you still have the opportunity to profitably exchange it for a new one for an additional fee. This service from Apple will help out in situations where the cost of repairs is comparable to the cost of a new device. The only requirement is that the gadget should not have been repaired before.

Should I keep the receipt for the purchased iPhone?

The peculiarity of Apple technology is that when purchasing any device with the Apple logo, you do not need either receipts or warranty cards for warranty service - you just need to know the serial number. However, it is still worth keeping the cash receipt, since it serves as confirmation of the purchase and a compelling reason for a particular store to accept the device for service. In addition, a check will be required for iPhone unlocking, if you accidentally forget your password, answers to verification questions, or the information you provided when you signed up for iCloud.

Speaking of receipts: Apple devices fall into one of two groups according to the type of warranty. The first one is subject to the so-called receipt guarantee (iPad, iPod, Mac, and also Apple Watch and Apple TV), for the second - a guarantee from the moment of activation (iPhone). At the same time, not only the device itself, but also all its components are covered by the warranty, which means that junk headphones, for example, can also be easily replaced with new and working ones.

Still, the main way to avoid problems with warranty service for Apple equipment is to choose the right place of purchase. Only from a trusted seller will you purchase the most trouble-free device, reducing the number of possible “ weak points"before the manufacturing defect.

Despite the high quality of Apple devices, you still need to know this.

Apple is passionate about the quality of its devices. An example of this is not only increased requirements for component suppliers, but also for the recall of products that have technical problems.

Of course, with the growing popularity of “apple” products, the number has increased. It’s understandable, more devices means more, and it’s more difficult to monitor the quality of incoming components and production processes.

And so, trouble happened - one or another device malfunctioned. First of all, need to decide does it come with a limited one year warranty or in case you purchased a package AppleCare- three years old.

This is quite simple to do - just go to this address and enter the serial number of the device for which you want to receive support.

1. Warranty has expired

Although this is sad, it is not critical - help is nearby! All you need is to choose a quality service with a good reputation. You can find an authorized service.

2. Warranty valid

First of all, we need to say hooray! We no longer “get” extra money, however, there are some issues. Firstly, we are already saying that in the event of a breakdown of the warranty device, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, you have the right to replace the low-quality device or return the money paid for it Money.

Secondly, there are restrictions set by Apple for authorized service centers. We are talking about those cases in which you will be denied free warranty service, namely:

  • damage resulting from accidents, abuse, misuse, contact with water, fire, earthquake or other external influences;
  • Damage was caused by using the device in a manner inconsistent with the user manual, technical specifications, or other published guidelines from Apple;
  • Damage resulted from service (including upgrades and extensions) performed outside an authorized service center;
  • the serial number has been removed or damaged;
  • the device is stolen.

Lifehack. Not many people know about this, but in accordance with the legislation in force in the European Union, the minimum acceptable warranty period for technically complex devices is 2 years. Thus, if your Rostest or Eurotest is broken, you have every right to free warranty repairs in any EU state. To do this, it is enough to submit an application to Apple Store. In case of refusal, you have every right to defend your interests in court.

Moreover, according to Apple instructions, which are used by authorized service centers, the device will not be accepted for free warranty repair if it is not certified for use in Russia.

However actually not accepted only iPhone, as well as iPad, the latter starting with iPad 4.

This ban does not apply to the so-called “Eurotest” - that is, devices intended for sale in European countries.

To others interesting fact is how it is applied in practice prohibition on unauthorized opening of devices. Due to the fact that authorized service centers have repeatedly recorded the presence of handprints inside brand new devices, this criterion is no longer a reason for denial of warranty. Thanks to our Chinese friends - apparently there aren't enough gloves for everyone.

As for the ground off bolts, erased notches and other traces of tampering, then everything is the same as before - WARRANTY DISCLAIMED.

If your device does not fall within these restrictions, you have full rights to warranty service. All that remains to be done is to contact the service Apple support or, directly to an authorized service center, which can be found.

Why contact support? There are several reasons. Firstly, specialists will be able to test your device remotely - perhaps this will resolve the problem.

Secondly, Apple has a concept of “do-it-yourself repair.” In this case, instead of the broken one, you will be sent another component and you can connect it yourself. Do not worry, motherboard They definitely won't give it. DIY includes Magic Mouse, Apple Keyboard and other similar gadgets.

Third, if the support representative decides that the device needs to be sent to Apple, the company will send you already paid shipping invoices, and, if necessary, packaging materials. All that remains for you to do is to pack the problematic device and call a courier who will deliver it to Apple or an authorized service center.

Result of warranty service

With warranty service provided under a limited one-year warranty (or, as we already know, not quite an annual one), Apple can:

  • repair the device using new or similar components;
  • replace the device with a new one that uses new or used spare parts that are equivalent to new ones in terms of performance and reliability;
  • – subject to the return of the gadget.

I hope you never need these tips, but it's worth knowing.

Hello! We are completing the series of articles (at least for a while) about service centers and various nuances of iPhone warranty service. We have already figured out (completely new or refurbished?) and what happens to (extended, starts over or completely disappears?) on this very iPhone. And, it would seem, there is nothing more to talk about... nothing like that!

We still have one (but very important!) question left, which we clearly need to understand in more detail. It sounds like this - is it necessary for service centers (if you have a valid warranty and after diagnostics) to exchange your iPhone for a new one? Or is repair still possible and they will give you your old device?

We’ll talk about this today, let’s go!

Once again I would like to note that we are talking specifically about official repair shops authorized by Apple (list). Naturally, no one will change anything at the market or in a tent near the market (IP Uncle Vasya). They will repair it anyhow and let you go in peace. In general, it is better to avoid such places - they will do it cheaply, but not for long.

So, your iPhone is broken, you turned to a service center for help, and there are two options:

  • You will be repaired using new or used parts that are equivalent to new in performance and reliability.
  • Will be replaced with a product that is at least functionally identical to the product being replaced.

Lest you think I made this all up, here's a screenshot of the limited warranty provisions from Apple's website.

Thus, it turns out that Apple can choose at its discretion - either repair your iPhone (using both new and used parts :)), or replace it with a similar product (which, by the way, can also be assembled from new and used \at the details :)). But what actually happens in Russian service centers - exchange or repair?

Who can best answer this question? That's right, Apple itself, represented by technical support. Let's ask them...

As we see, in Russia iPhone They can either repair it under warranty or replace it. How so? After all, they write everywhere that since Apple does not supply original parts to Russia, the only way to repair a defective iPhone should be to replace it! I also asked about this in the chat...

As you can see, Apple sends certified spare parts to Russia so that authorized service centers can repair your iPhone. The only exception is displays, since original screens are not supplied to the Russian Federation.

So what now, if it’s a defect, then just repairs and that’s it? But no, because in reality everything happens exactly the opposite. In most cases that I have heard (read, been told about) everything happens differently. In case of absolutely any manufacturing defect, an authorized service center will rather replace your iPhone with a new one than repair it.

Honestly, I don’t know why this happens - there are spare parts, there are people, is it really cheaper and easier to just replace the device? I don’t have an answer, if you have ideas, write in the comments.


  • iPhone repairs under warranty are possible; Apple supplies spare parts to Russia for this (except for displays).
  • Despite this, in most cases (in fact, in all of which I have heard of), ASCs issue a brand new iPhone instead of a defective one.

Is it really new? I have already written about this, the link is at the beginning of the article - read it, there is a lot of interesting information.

Updated or new total:

  • Starting in the spring of 2017 (thanks to the FAS order), Apple began supplying repair components to Russia iPhone displays. Now official service centers have absolutely all spare parts for warranty repairs.
  • I don’t know whether this is related to the previous point or not, but the fact remains that users are increasingly writing in the comments that their iPhone was repaired and not replaced with a new one.

P.S. I look forward to your opinions and questions.

An iPhone is a desired acquisition for millions of Russians. But even a high-quality product can have a manufacturing defect. For example, you need to replace the device's battery with a new one before the end of the warranty period. How to do this and where to go is in the material below.

iPhone 6s battery replacement under warranty

If your iPhone battery has become faulty for some reason, there is no need to run to the store for a new one or order it through dubious sites. It is enough to contact the service center or store where the purchase was made.

Replacement with a new battery under warranty can be done free of charge at an Apple service center, if the service warranty period is valid. To do this, you need to prepare the device and provide a standard package of documents.

Before any action is taken, the iPhone will be checked for the causes of the malfunction. If damage is found that makes changing the battery difficult, you must repair the damage and then install a new battery. For example, replacing a cracked screen or external panel of the device.

How do you know if your iPhone 6s battery needs to be replaced?

You can find out whether it is possible to replace your battery with a new one for free on your own. To do this you need to go to the section “Settings” - “Basic” “Device information”. And study the section where the serial number of the device is indicated.

There should be the following Latin letters and numbers: q3-q9 qc, qd, qf, qg, qh, qj. If available in serial number(not to be confused with IMEI), one of the specified combinations, you can contact the warranty service center or official representative office (store) Apple, asking to change the battery. After a service check, if the battery is confirmed to be unusable, it is replaced with a new one free of charge.

How is the battery replaced?

How to prepare the device for changing the battery, and where should I go for this procedure?

  • Save data using iTunes or iCloud (iTunes or iCloud);
  • Disable the Search iPhone option;
  • Erase all information and personal settings from the iPhone. (Settings – General – Reset – Delete data and options (settings).

Next, contact an official Apple device repair and service center. The addresses are on the company's official website. Contact the center operator by phone to clarify the timing of the battery change (optimally immediately, on the day of your call).

Replacing an iPhone with a new one under warranty

Is it possible to replace an iPhone under warranty? According to established rules, the company does not repair, but replaces unusable devices with new ones if there is a manufacturing defect.

The iPhone is a product certified on the Russian market and belongs to the list of technically complex ones. In the event of a breakdown not related to the user's actions during the warranty period, the company is obliged to replace the device with a similar one free of charge.

The warranty period (valid by law) for a new product is 365 days from the date of registration of the replacement. Thus, even if your iPhone 6s has a few days left in its warranty, after replacement, the warranty period is extended by a year.

If an iPhone breaks under warranty, can they replace it?

What to do if it's broken new iPhone 6s? A consumer, having discovered a malfunction in his iPhone before the expiration of the warranty period, has the right to demand that the product be replaced with a new one, in accordance with the consumer protection law.

To do this, you need to provide the service center or store with a purchase receipt, packaging, service coupon and make a written claim in free form indicating a request to replace the product with a new one, in accordance with Apple regulations. In case of refusal, the client has the right to file a claim in court.

Remember: if you are denied repairs on the grounds that the phone was not purchased in Russia, you can also file a claim.

(1 ratings, average: 3,00 out of 5)

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A warranty period is assigned for all technically complex products. This time is especially relevant for those products that are expensive, such as, for example, Cell phones Iphone.

Apple undoubtedly values ​​its name, and therefore is concerned not only with the release of high-quality products, but also with their timely warranty service. The purchased iPhone comes with a one-year warranty.

To contact service centers, you need to know not only the repair period, but also the rules that allow you to do it for free. The manufacturer sets a number of requirements for consumers that must be adhered to.

The day the product is sold is considered the beginning of the warranty period. If the date of acquisition cannot be proven, then it begins from the date of manufacture of the product. With iPhones, things are completely different. Each Apple gadget has its own unique number, and upon initial activation it is registered online. Therefore, the warranty begins from the moment the phone is activated. This is extremely convenient, since the registration date can subsequently be viewed online and no supporting documents are required.

Please note that the warranty for iPhones has a territorial limitation. The service life of devices purchased in the Russian Federation is two years, because this is the minimum service period for technically complex goods according to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1 of 02/07/1992. But in the USA and other countries, only 12 months are guaranteed, since their legislation allows this. Although when purchasing a gadget, a standard year will be specified in the documents, the right to service for Russians is extended for the same period.

The warranty only applies to damage resulting from improper factory assembly or transportation. If the phone is used carelessly, the owner will not be able to count on free service.

Buying a defective phone

Apple advertises its products as ultra-reliable, capable of providing trouble-free operation for several years. The popularity of this company’s gadgets really speaks to the mass recognition of quality. Despite the high prices for iPhones, they are purchased by different segments of the population. But you shouldn't think that this type equipment cannot have a manufacturing defect. As practice shows, in recent years the number of factory breakdowns has increased, this is probably due to increasing production.

Buying a phone with a defect is not uncommon. Many models have recurring problems that most buyers come across. iPhone 6 Plus owners often complain about the lack of focus, and the iPhone 5s RFB often lacks network. Moved out front-camera and display play can be registered in many models. Buyers should be aware that any detected error can only be corrected by service centers. You should not carry out even minor repairs yourself. iPhone manufacturers are also jealous of any system interventions. The owner is recommended to use certified updates IOS version, otherwise the phone may simply be refused service.

Warranty service

Apple warranty service is provided only in the country where it was purchased. This condition is not a whim, but has serious reasons. Each country introduces its own quality standards, the application of which is mandatory for goods sold on its territory. Service centers, located in Russia, allow us to service exactly those models of devices that are sold here. An American gadget can only be repaired in the USA.

Speaking about the guarantee, do not forget that it applies only to those devices that are officially imported into Russia and certified in the prescribed manner. Such gadgets have a PCT sign, which means the following: the iPhone has passed RosTest and meets quality standards in all respects.

When contacting the service with a problem with the phone, the consumer can count on:

  1. Complete replacement of the device with a new one.
  2. Fault repair.
  3. Partial or full refund of the phone.

The choice of warranty service conditions is, in theory, the responsibility of the buyer, but the final result depends more on the causes of the breakdown than on the wishes of the owner himself.

Replacement with a new gadget

Apple's manufacturer's policy is aimed at reducing conflict situations, and therefore, most often, if a manufacturing defect is detected, the iPhone is easily replaced with a new device. old phone sent to the factory, where all the shortcomings are eliminated and it goes on sale in an already updated form.

You can return the gadget if, after checking it at the service center, it was found that the cause of unsatisfactory performance was a manufacturing defect, and not poor care of the product. To return an item, please contact the place where it was purchased. After submitting a claim to the store, take the iPhone to a service center, where a specialist will perform an inspection and issue a conclusion.

You can exchange your phone even if it was broken due to the fault of the owner. Such an exchange is carried out subject to the fulfillment of two mandatory conditions:

  1. The old phone is for rent.
  2. An additional payment is made for a new device, usually it is 50% of its cost or a little more.

Therefore, if your iPhone breaks down, do not rush to send it for paid repairs; weigh the pros and cons; perhaps replacing it will be more profitable than repairing it.

Device repair

Free repair of a broken iPhone in service centers is carried out only if:

  1. The warranty is still valid. If the owner does not know exactly the operating time of the device, then he can check this by going to the “Settings” option and selecting the “Basic” - “About this device” tab.
  2. It shows no obvious signs of abuse by the owner.
  3. The phone system corresponds to the factory one - IOS.

You can contact any service center that is geographically convenient for visiting. If one of them refuses to repair, you can contact the next one. After visiting several services, it is quite possible to find one that will take on the problem.

Before sending the device for repair, you should copy all personal data from there, because all information is usually erased when the system is rebooted, and it is not always possible to restore it.

Receiving the money

It is not possible to demand money back from the seller for a previously purchased mobile phone in all cases.

Based on the STD Law, many buyers have convinced themselves that any purchase can be returned to the store within the first 14 days if the size, color or other external parameters do not fit. This is only partially true; indeed, there are a number of products that are subject to such replacement, but mobile phones are not included in this list. This gadget is a technically complex product that cannot be replaced on the basis that the buyer has simply changed his mind.

Receipt of paid funds is possible for the following reasons:

  1. The serial number of the product on the device and the box is different. This means that the phone has been replaced and is possibly counterfeit.
  2. A manufacturing defect has been detected.
  3. The seller hid essential information about the product, for example, the fact that it was being repaired.

You can only get your money back if the phone is returned to the store within the first two weeks. If you contact us later, you can only count on repairs and replacements. But if the service keeps the iPhone for more than 45 days, then by law the owner can insist on receiving the money spent.

Procedure for returning goods

When buying an Apple phone, few people think about the possibility of a return, but such a possibility exists. To further exercise your consumer and warranty rights, you must:

  1. Save your purchase receipts. In most countries, this document is not needed to return iPhones, but in Russia it is still an essential necessity. The receipt, first of all, proves the purchase of the gadget in a specific store, because another seller will not accept a broken phone. When going to court, it is this receipt that allows you to substantiate your claims, indicating how much the device cost.
  2. Do not throw away the box until the end of the warranty period. You will need it when exchanging a product for a new one or receiving money back.

Any problems with the functioning of the gadget must be expressed in writing.

This paper is drawn up by the buyer in duplicate and submitted to the store. One application remains with the seller, and the second is marked by the seller that the buyer’s claims have been accepted for consideration.

The application form must clearly state the complaints that have arisen and the problems discovered and indicate the method of solving it that will suit the applicant. The claim is considered within 20 days, and along with its acceptance, the iPhone is sent for examination to obtain an authoritative opinion on its condition.

It is most profitable for the consumer to buy a phone on the official Apple website. This online store offers its extended return guarantee. Within 14 days, gadgets purchased through www.apple.com can be returned without explanation. There is no need to prove the existence of a marriage or other nuances; in this case, even a change of opinion may be the basis.

Procedure and deadline for refund

The easiest way to get a refund is available to those who used the services of the official website. After the courier picks up the unwanted device and delivers it to the warehouse, the funds will be returned to the buyer within 3-10 days. They are credited to the same account from which they were written off. When returning the iPhone to the store, you will also have to wait up to 10 days, which is exactly how long the seller is legally allotted for the return operation of crediting the money.

The most difficult case is buying a gadget on credit. You can proceed with this registration in different ways, but it all depends on whether the first payments have already been made. If the cost is partially paid, then it will need to be divided into two components - the one that will be transferred to the buyer, and the one that must be returned to the bank. The seller is obliged to return all money paid, including those taken to obtain the loan and insurance. If you refuse to resolve the problem voluntarily, you can go to court.

Refusal of warranty service

Service centers do not accept phones for service for all iPhone owners. Apple sets quite strict requirements for users, and violation of them threatens to be denied free repairs. One of the pitfalls for buyers is installed jailbreak. Not everyone knows that unauthorized interference with a gadget’s systems is regarded as hacking, and therefore warranty service will be denied. A positive point is the fact that it is quite easy to remove traces of installation; you just need to reinstall the system to the “native” one. It is worth doing this before filing a claim, because after the correction they will not allow you to restore the warranty.

Warranty repairs are not carried out for those devices that have been damaged due to poor handling. If the phone has chips, dents, cracks, or broken glass, then there can be no talk of free service. And, conversely, if you handle the iPhone carefully, identified problems can be classified as a manufacturing defect even after a long period of use.

Possible reasons

When contacting a service center, be prepared for the fact that you may be denied repairs and maintenance for the following reasons:

  1. The phone was purchased outside the Russian Federation.
  2. The device is not certified by RosTest, which means it does not fall under the standard protection scheme.
  3. There are clear signs of impacts on the outer sides of the gadget.
  4. The product has leaks from the external or internal sides, which indicates moisture has entered it.
  5. System updates were made using uncertified programs.

It should be remembered that the absence of a receipt or box cannot in any way affect the decision to repair and service, since you can check the warranty period in other ways.

Regional features of service

There is an opinion among consumers that iPhones sold in the United States are better equipped and therefore of higher quality. This is a common fake that is absolutely not true. Any device can break down, regardless of where it was purchased. But it will not be possible to exchange, repair or return an iPhone that was purchased abroad in Russia. There are serious reasons for this, which have nothing to do with the desire to deceive the buyer.

Carrying out service maintenance for such complex gadgets as the iPhone is quite difficult. Not only that, you should recruit specialists who clearly understand the configuration of these models. Service centers must be provided with sufficient software equipment and replacement spare parts. Accordingly, on the territory of the Russian Federation, services allow repairing only those models and those equipment that are certified in the country. Therefore, when purchasing a phone, think about where and how you can service it.

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