Smartphone remote control. Remote control of Android, from a computer, including: overview of applications

The ability to remotely control Android in the modern world has long been an everyday procedure, and not a mythical fairy tale. It didn't take long before people replaced landline phones with compact multifunctional smartphones with a camera, voice recorder, and access to World Wide Web and other benefits that make life easier.

Purposes of using remote access

Remote access to an Android phone is the most common function; you just need to carefully read the instructions for use. This function is carried out using special assistant programs that make it possible remote control Android tablet. The effectiveness of these utilities is determined by the following criteria:

  • ease of use of the application (no one should experience difficulties understanding its structure);
  • accessibility of the application (the application must be free or have a purely symbolic price, and also be easy to distribute for quick downloading);
  • reliability of the utility (the program must have a stable status, accurately and quickly cope with the assigned functions, and not require paging of any additional downloaded tools).

Remote control of an Android tablet is not only a new and popular smart function. It gives the user the following options:

  • in case of theft or loss of the device, activate remote blocking of personal information and capture the thief on the front camera;
  • transfer images and other data from your mobile phone to desktop computer or vice versa, without connecting them using a USB cable;
  • identify the child’s location via a smartphone or tablet, use the camera as a tracking tool;
  • the phone can be used instead of a mouse to manipulate the computer; it contains special combinations of shortcut buttons;
  • obtaining full control over the phone's actions while at a desktop computer;
  • direct control of certain types of applications (for example, control over the camera or the function of sending and receiving SMS).

AirDroid program

One of the programs that allows you to carry out the necessary action is AirDroid. This is actually a multifunctional and easy-to-use program. With its help, you can easily access your computer through special mechanics that work like a browser.

The developers have invested a lot of time and effort into this project. There are many extremely useful tasks you can perform in the app. Program features:

  • transferring images from the gadget screen to a monitor connected to a computer;
  • absolutely free distribution;
  • high quality program implementation;
  • a unique ability to manage various types of documents and saved contacts from a distance;
  • Learning to use the application takes little time because it is intuitive.

To access all functions of AirDroid, you must register on the licensed website of the creators of the utility. The site is easy to find with a simple Google search. After this, you need to download the program to your smartphone from special application Google Play, install and enable.

Immediately after launch it will be displayed home page applications. In it you need to enter your login and password, through which you will log in to the system in the future. They are copied from the account created on the developers’ website during the first registration. After these manipulations, the phone should be connected to the desktop computer. Now all that remains is to go into Personal Area and deploy remote activities.

Airmore utility

Airmore program is designed to provide remote control Android gadget from a PC or laptop. This type of connection does not require account information; the connection is made using a QR code. The advantages of the application are the free distribution of the program, no limit on the size of transferred files and a simple installation process. The downside for many will be the lack of a version adapted for a Russian-speaking audience.

Installation is not difficult: download and install on your computer from a browser, then press the camera key and scan the graphic code from the monitor screen. Next, you need to download the application from Google Play and install it on your phone. Possibilities software:

  • open access to the entire set of files, contacts and SMS;
  • implementation of instant notifications on PCs and smartphones;
  • the ability to control cameras and screen locks;
  • geolocation of an electronic device via satellite communication;
  • implementation Reserve copy, transferring objects in unlimited size.

Mobizen Mirroring App

A very powerful platform with high performance that remotely controls an Android smartphone. For this to become real, you will have to download the program to your phone, and to it special utility for a computer from a licensed site. Next you need:

  1. Install the application on your smartphone.
  2. Select address Email and create a complex password.
  3. Install the Mobizen utility on your computer or laptop.
  4. Start launching the program, and then press the “Verification” button.
  5. Get the six-digit code and enter it into the application context window that opens.

Using this application, you can take a screenshot of the display, after which you will have access to all file systems smartphone. The difference between the basic version of the program is that the functionality of the application is limited and items such as managing a mobile device can only be performed with a USB connection.

To get all the privileges that come with full access, remote control will have to purchase the pro version, which costs about $48 for two years of use.

Management via Google Account

One of the simplest and most popular ways to remotely control Android via Google for non-advanced users is to use personal account Google.

With the assistance of a Google account, the ability to control your mobile phone both through a personal computer and through another electronic device.

Problems and difficulties usually do not arise in this process. An additional advantage is that while working with a computer, a person is allowed not to download or install unnecessary software, which incredibly simplifies the task.

To set up Google remote control for Android on your phone using a personal Google account, you need to perform several simple manipulations:

  1. Go to Google service link and log in with your Google account (it is authorized on the phone).
  2. If a device running the Android operating system was previously connected to a Google account, then immediately after logging in, a special window will appear on the computer or laptop monitor. It will contain information about the phone model and a mark indicating its location (a special interactive map was created for this purpose). This will open the functions of blocking, the process of clearing space and ringing under the guise of the corresponding keys.

Applications that provide remote access functions greatly make people's lives easier in cases where the capabilities of the device are limited and need to be expanded. For this, there are special extensions that perform a remote search for Android and allow you to connect to it via a desktop computer, laptop or other means.

Greetings to all readers!
Smartphone thefts have become commonplace these days. But what’s more sad is not that it could be stolen, but that the police have no interest in such problems - such cases are almost never solved, so most often a criminal case is not even opened. Therefore, we again have to rely only on our own strength. Today we will find out how you can organize remote access to smartphone or a tablet based on Android OS, how to monitor your phone using certain programs and services.

How to track the location of a phone?

Today we’ll play a little secret agent and install certain software into our smartphone, with which we can do a little spying on the phone and its owner. Yes, yes, for smartphones and tablets running the Android system, as well as for the iPhone, there are applications with which via wifi you can not only work remotely with files and folders of your phone, but also track its movement on an interactive map. The most convenient of them is AirDroid (download). To use it fully, your phone must have ROOT access, that is, full control over the entire system.

I just want to warn you that after opening all access rights, your phone will lose the factory warranty, so do it at your own peril and risk.

If this is the first time you've heard this concept, then your device most likely does not have root access. Obtaining superuser rights is a separate big topic on which I will write an article in the future, but for now, watch the video at the end of the article, which I used to root my Samsung Galaxy Tab and Galaxy S2, as well as my detailed video tutorial on the Airdroid service.

For other devices it is also easy to find videos on YouTube.

So, download and install from Google Play Store AirDroid application and launch it on Android.
The program has two modes of operation - through home wifi network or via the Internet.

Let's start with local. Go to your computer at The phone will display a request to allow the connection - allow it.

After this, the main screen with various program features will open on the PC. In the right window there is information about the mobile phone, in the left there are icons that you can use to control the phone, namely, transfer files, play music, movies, pictures, use the phone camera (by the way, this is a good way to use your device in a video surveillance system). There is no point in going into detail about each, but the most interesting properties are remote writing and sending SMS directly from the computer, as well as monitoring the mobile monitor (menu item “Screenshot”).

If you want to have access to the gadget via the Internet, then go to Here we will need to register in the service - the process is familiar and uncomplicated.

After registration and authorization, we will be asked to register the phone in this service. To do this, take the phone again, go to the application and click on the figure icon in the upper right corner.
Enter your account information here.
In the next window, click “OK”. Then “Enable” - we allow the application all administrative functions.

We return to the computer, log in again or simply refresh the page and get the same access as in the case of a local connection. There is only one small BUT - when working with an Internet connection through the AirDroid service, you have a limit that limits the amount of data transferred. At the time of writing, it is 100 MB.

But this type also has undeniable advantages. For example, the phone search function - if you suddenly lost it, or it was stolen, or it is a child’s phone, and you want to track where it is at the moment, then the location of your device will be shown on the map (provided it is connected to the Internet via wifi or Mobile Internet).

That's all for now! We will get to know some other programs in detail in future articles, so subscribe to the blog update feed - it will be interesting!

Android Remote Control

It’s as if, after learning that I was writing this article, Google literally just launched a new, very convenient and useful service for owners operating system Android, which allows you to monitor your phone in real time on an interactive map. Until recently, such a feature was only available for Apple owners - now we don’t have to feel deprived. And the benefits from of this service The point is that if your phone is stolen or you lose it, its location can be easily determined. It is also very convenient to monitor your child’s movements through the phone. Previously, this option was available during installation. third party applications, which required root access to the phone, which I just wrote about above (about AirDroid), but now you don’t need to install anything additional to track the location of your mobile phone.

First of all, you need to attach your phone to this account. If you didn’t do this the first time you turned on the phone, when you were asked to create accounts in Google and Samsung/HTC/LG (or whatever you have), then you need to do it now.

Go to the mobile phone and go to the “Settings> Add” section account»

Select “Google” here

If you are registering on Google for the first time, then select “New”; if you already have mail and an account, then you can connect an existing one. I will select “Existing”, enter the login in the form of an address mailbox to Gmail and its password.

After that, on the phone, pull down the top notification panel and open what you just received from Google and activate the remote device manager.

We return to the website, refresh the page and get a map with a point indicating the location of your phone.

That's all - to consolidate your knowledge, I advise you to watch the video tutorial. This concludes our phone surveillance - I hope you found it interesting!

AirDroid review

There are several ways to control your tablet from your PC. It all depends on what is more convenient for you, and for what purpose you need to access the tablet from your computer. The first way is to install the program on the tablet and connect to it through your computer’s web browser by entering a special address in the address bar.


There is one very interesting service - AirDroid. With it, you can manage files on your tablet, copy, move them. You can also install and uninstall applications on your device, receive incoming SMS on your computer, view and edit contacts, and much more. In a word, if you are too lazy to do all this on a tablet, and for some reason it is more convenient on a computer, this is one of the best services for similar purposes.

To work, you need to do 4 things: create an account on the official website, download the application to your tablet, launch this application, and enter your credentials (login and password that you registered on the AirDroid service website). Then on the same website we enter your personal account. It is through it that we will control the tablet from the browser. To ensure that the connection with the tablet is not lost, the program on it must be running and not minimized. In addition, the tablet must be connected to the Internet.


But the TeamViewer program allows you to truly gain complete control over your tablet. You will be able to see everything that is happening on the tablet on the computer screen, control it with the mouse, open programs, configure it, etc. This method can be useful for those who have to help their dear relatives who bought a tablet for themselves and use They don't know how. For example, using this program you can connect to your tablet from a computer, make the necessary assistance and settings, install or remove applications.

For this you will need:

— Install the TeamViewer program for your OS on your computer;

— Install the mobile version of the program on the tablet;

— Get an account in TeamViewer from your computer;

— Launch both programs and establish communication between devices.

The connection is set up by entering device IDs and a special code that only you and the person you want to connect to know (you can also connect to your own device). After this, using a computer you will be able to see and control absolutely everything that happens on the tablet’s display. If you are helping another person who is having problems with their tablet, you can write a message in the built-in chat window that will appear on their tablet. Naturally, he will be able to write an answer. And yes, for this both the tablet and the computer must be connected to the Internet.

Read how to control Android via a computer with installed Windows. A modern user often has a whole bunch of electronics in his arsenal, from a personal computer to today’s popular smart watch. And keeping track of all the gadgets can be very difficult! We are sure that almost every owner of Android devices has at least once thought about remotely controlling a tablet or smartphone from their computer.

There are different situations: you forgot your smartphone at work, and at home you needed to look up someone’s number, you lost it, you just sit at your desk, and the gadget is in another room. Users who have already tried the capabilities of Android remote control know how to analyze its status from a computer. Today we will tell you everything about this useful option.

Android via computer - Google as a universal tool for remote control

Many users, looking for a way to remotely control their smartphone or tablet, immediately consider third-party options, forgetting that the company that develops Android also offers tools for these purposes. Moreover, in this case you will not have to download, buy or install anything on your personal computer. True, the functions of Google’s tool come down to the bare essentials – viewing the device’s status, displaying it on a map, and blocking it. Despite the small number of options, Google remote control will help you find a lost or stolen smartphone.

So what do we need:

  • Firstly, a single one to which the smartphone must be connected. It will also be used for its remote control.
  • Secondly, the device from which we will remotely control Android. Absolutely anything with the ability to access the Internet; an application is also available for Android on Google Play.
  • Thirdly, the following conditions must be met for the device that you are going to remotely control: active, geodata transfer enabled, the “Find device” function or another with a similar name is active.
Browser control

Remote control, as already noted, can be done directly from the browser ( or a special application available on Google Play. In both cases, you need to log in to your Google account, indicating the data used on the smartphone or tablet that we will manage. After this, you will be offered a list of devices that are connected to this account, indicating the date of last activity. The following options are available to us:

  • Call. Don't know where your smartphone went? The “Ring” function activates a loud sound signal on it (even if the sound is muted), which will be heard for 5 minutes.
  • Find. Using this option, you can find out where your device is located remotely. The approximate location will be displayed on the map. To use this feature on a smartphone or tabletNecessarily Geolocation must be enabled.
  • Log out of your accountGoogle. The option disconnects the device from the account so that attackers cannot access it.
  • Block your phone. A very useful feature that can help you return a lost or stolen smartphone. Right in the browser, you can set a password for the device, set the text of the message so that the phone that finds it will read it, and also indicate the number at which you can be contacted.
  • Delete all data from the device. Function for radical measures. If you are sure that the phone was stolen or lost somewhere, then you can completely clear its memory (some files from the memory card may not be deleted).

It seems that this method has few possibilities, but for most users it will be sufficient. In addition, remote control using a Google account is provided free of charge, is very simply implemented and has all the necessary options.

Programs for remote control of Android from a computer

Whatever one may say, third-party software is ready to provide greater functionality than the service from Google. If, thanks to him, we could only perform actions that would protect the device from intruders, then special programs allow you to gain direct access to individual functions, and often to the entire device interface.

Today there are a great variety of programs for remote control of Android from a PC, most of them are free, some require payment for additional options. We have selected the most popular, functional and convenient options.


Perhaps it’s worth starting with this tool, which is used by millions of users around the world. Its main feature is cross-platform. That is, you can use it not only to control Android phone from a computer, but also vice versa, or even gain access to another computer on Windows, Linux or Mac OS. In addition, it is designed to be as simple as possible so that every user can understand the interface and controls.

What you will need:

  • Install the TeamViewer program on your personal computer (, using the link you can download the official and most current version for free.
  • Install official application TeamViewer QuickSupport on Android from the Google Play store (QuickSupport, which is designed specifically for remote control of Android from a PC).

After the necessary software is installed, you can proceed to connecting devices.

  1. run the program on your PC and Android device;
  2. wait until TeamViewer QuickSupport is activated on your smartphone and offers you an ID (nine-digit number);
  3. We indicate the received ID in the partner ID window in the running program on the computer;
  4. Below we choose how we will use the program: “Remote control” or “File transfer”;
  5. Click the “Connect to partner” button;
  6. We wait for the reaction of the Android device, on which a window should appear asking for permission to connect to the computer, click “Allow”;
  7. The interface of your Android device will appear on the computer screen, which you can now control.

Now we can control a smartphone or tablet using the mouse, moving desktops, opening folders, going into settings, and so on. The program also has separate areas that display the battery percentage and even workload random access memory. In addition, you can remotely delete applications from Android, transfer files between devices and write chat messages, which will be very useful if you are helping a friend with some settings.

On some devices, remote control is not available - only the screen sharing function is supported. In this case, you need to download TeamViewer QuickSupport specifically for your device brand.

TeamViewer is deservedly one of the best tools for remote management of the most different devices. It offers full interface control with the ability to launch applications, and also allows you to monitor the device’s status in real time. Constantly receives updates that correct shortcomings of previous versions. In addition to this, flexible settings can be praised.

This is already a tool exclusively for comfortable Android control-devices at a distance. It differs from TeamViewer in that it does not have the function of direct interface control, that is, it will not be possible to launch applications freely. However, you can work with all popular functions. In addition, AirDroid has a web interface, which eliminates the need to install programs on a personal computer. You can connect devices in two ways:

  • Through different networks. In this case, the PC and smartphone may be located very far from each other; registration with the service will be required. A notable drawback is the slow connection speed.
  • Through one network. Devices can be connected on the same network, which will provide high access speed. In addition, registration is not necessary, you can simply download it from Android client AirDroid, with which to connect.
So, instructions for establishing a connection:
  1. download the AirDroid application for Android from Google Play;
  2. on your computer, open the AirDroid website ( and click “Start”;
  3. in the Android application, use the QR code scanning function (icon in the upper right corner);
  4. Click "Login" to start using the service.

After this, you will have access to a very nice web interface on your computer, with which you can remotely control your device. What you can do here:

  • find out the amount of memory of the device;
  • send a file or application;
  • write SMS/MMS or call;
  • view list installed applications, and indicating the size and date of loading, they can also be remotely erased;
  • gain access to messages, contacts, files, images, call log;
  • find phone remotely;
  • take a photo, and the smartphone screen will be inactive.

There are really a lot of possibilities, and using them is very simple. To expand the list of functions, you can register with the service (you can use Google account). And all this is available absolutely free.


A tool with a similar name, but with a slightly different implementation. AirMore, like AirDroid, is presented with a web interface, which eliminates the need to install software on a PC. The tool allows you to display personal computer smartphone desktop, take screenshots. AirMore is distributed free of charge, is highly rated by users, and also has simple and intuitive settings.

What you will need:
  • download the AirMore application for Android from Google Play;
  • Using a computer, open the official website of the service (

Instructions for establishing connection and use are elementary:

  1. on the official website, click the “Launch AirMore Web to Connect” button;
  2. You will be offered two connection options to choose from: using a QR code or using Wi-Fi;
  3. After launching the AirMore application on Android, select “Scanner”;
  4. Scan the QR code from your computer screen and allow the app on your phone to access various functions.

After this, all information about your device will appear in the web interface: name, OS version, storage capacity, battery charge level, and more. In addition, you can transfer files between devices, a set of tools is available that allows you to take screenshots and record video from the screen, and it is possible to display a list of contacts and messages.

AirMore has performed well in its work, but it lacks the Russian language service that its main competitor, AirDroid, has. However, developers are constantly updating and improving their product, making it more and more convenient.

A powerful tool that is suitable not only for remote control of Android via a computer, but also for synchronizing accounts, message contacts, and will also be an excellent tool for quickly creating backup copies. There is no possibility of direct access to the screen of a smartphone or tablet, but other functions are in perfect order, and there is support for the Russian language.

What we need:
  • The MyPhoneExplorer program itself, which must be installed on your computer and Android device;
  • choose a connection method, there are three to choose from: wired via a USB cable or wireless via Wi-Fi/Bluetooth.

The program is available for download absolutely free of charge, and also does not have built-in advertising, which the developer himself refused - it receives income from donations from satisfied users.

Connection takes place in a few simple steps:
  1. we connect both devices to the same Wi-Fi or Bluetooth network (or via wire);
  2. launch the MyPhoneExplorer program on your PC and Android device;
  3. follow the assistant's prompts.

The first time you connect, contacts, SMS, applications and accounts are synchronized so that you can work with them on your personal computer. Also in the application, a separate tab displays information about the status of the phone: charge level, volume free memory, RAM load, temperature and so on.

MyPhoneExplorer is an interesting tool that will appeal to users who like to plan their calendar while sitting at a PC, sort through a bunch of SMS messages and download a couple of new games to their phone. The program is somewhat different from the same TeamViewer, as it does not provide full access to the smartphone interface. However, it is quite suitable for remote control.

And finally, another good tool for remote control of Android via a computer, which is less widespread than its analogues, but this does not negate its extensive capabilities. MobileGo is distributed free of charge, has synchronization options, a video converter and a good manager with which you can even remotely clear your smartphone’s memory.

To work, you need to download the official MobileGo tool to your Android and computer. The connection can be made using a wire or network. In the first case, you just need to connect the two devices with a cable. Each time the program is connected, it will do backup copy, and synchronize basic settings. To connect via Wi-Fi, you need to use the QR code scanner, which is available in the Android application.

After connecting you will be able to:
  • view information about the smartphone;
  • view your contact list, call log, SMS messages and installed applications;
  • transfer files;
  • delete photos, videos, applications and more.

One of the disadvantages of MobileGo is the lack of Russian language, although everything is quite clear without it. The program is not inferior in functionality to most analogues, so we can only recommend it for review.


Well, we told you about the most popular ways to get remote access from a computer to an Android device. I am glad that technology does not stand still, giving us such convenient tools that significantly simplify interaction with a bunch of gadgets. Remote control provides a bunch of new features, from the simplest, like tracking the status of a smartphone on the screen of a personal computer, to such useful ones as locking the device and direct access to the interface. Do you use similar programs?

Despite the active development of mobile devices, tablets and smartphones are still not able to replace computers in solving many problems. However modern technologies allow mobile devices to become a tool for interacting with a computer.

Remote access is a feature that can be used in many ways. Many computer users know that you can connect remotely to another PC, for example, through the TeamViewer program. A similar remote control option is also available on mobile devices. In this article, we will look at two solutions for remote computer control from smartphones and tablets, each of which has its own pros and cons.

Why do you need remote access to your computer?

Remote access to a PC via a mobile device greatly simplifies the life of the user who uses the computer as the main tool for work. There are several scenarios for using remote access to a computer from a smartphone or tablet:

  • The need to access files or programs on the computer;
  • The desire to control the process of completing a task. For example, downloading something from the Internet;
  • Need for mobility;
  • The ability to control the execution of tasks on the computer by another person.

You can give “everyday” examples of the convenience of using remote computer control within the same Wi-Fi network. For example, if a movie or TV series is downloaded to your computer, you can connect to it and watch it through your mobile device or use it as a remote control. If viewing was started on a PC, remote access allows you to connect from mobile device and continue browsing there.

How to set up remote computer control from a smartphone

There are many programs that allow you to remotely connect to a computer from a mobile device. In this article, we will look at how to do this using two programs - Splashtop and TeamViewer. Each of them has its own advantages.

Setting up Splashtop

The Splashtop program has many advantages over its competitors:

For the Splashtop application to work, you need to download the “output” client to the computer from which the broadcast will be broadcast, and the “receive” client to the mobile device. After this, you will need to register in the application and you can start broadcasting.

Let's take a closer look at setting up remote control via Splashtop:

It is worth noting that the Splashtop application is convenient to use when you need to interact with a computer on the same Wi-Fi network. At the same time, the functionality of remote connection from a mobile device to a PC via Splashtop is beyond Wi-fi networks is paid, and in such situations you can use TeamViewer for free.

Setting up TeamViewer

The TeamViewer application is well known to computer users. It allows you to connect remotely from one PC to another. For some time now App Store and Google Play there are mobile versions of the application. With their help, you can connect to a computer on the same Wi-Fi network or remotely via the Internet. At the moment, in terms of interface convenience and quality of information transfer, mobile versions of the TeamViewer program are inferior to the Splashtop application. But if you need to connect to a computer outside the Wi-Fi network for free, it can be used for this purpose. In addition, through TeamViewer, unlike Splashtop, you can connect to third-party computers remotely from a mobile device, as well as transfer files.

Setting up remote computer control via mobile version TeamViewer goes like this:

Note: If you need to connect to to a third party computer through TeamViewer, just enter its ID and password, which the computer user can see in the application after downloading and installing it.

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