Access to the Internet dns probe. Error "DNS PROBE FINISHED NO INTERNET"

When working with websites on the network, an error like DNS Probe Finished no Internet (bad config) may often appear. If you read additional information about the problem, it will become clear that the personal computer cannot properly resolve the DNS address of the server on which, in fact, the site itself is located. It should be noted that such a problem may occur as a result of certain system transformations, for example, installations of various types software, when antivirus utilities are deactivated, malware appears, etc.

It should be said right away that the appearance of a DNS Probe Finished error does not always mean that you are faced with a large number of problems with your personal computer. In some cases, the problem may appear when trying to access one site, but not when accessing others. Then it is likely that restoration work is being carried out on the resource or modification is being carried out. In some cases, clearing the DNS cache can solve the problem, which can be done using a special command in the command line.

To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Activate command line with administrator rights.
  2. Enter the command ipconfig/flushdns in the field.
  3. Wait for the cleaning procedure to complete.

Also, it should first be said that if you see an error like DNS Probe Finished NXDomain, the cause of the problem probably lies in the router you are using. Perhaps its bandwidth does not allow it to handle the volumes of information you are trying to work with. At the same time, the connection may appear active on the taskbar.

To solve the DNS Probe Finished NXDomain problem, just reconnect to the network you are using. It can be corrected only for a certain period of time, but it will repeat itself again. The only way to solve the problem is to buy a new router to connect to wireless network Wi-Fi.

Don’t forget that the transfer speed is directly affected by the amount of content built into the site. This applies not only to multimedia data, such as videos, photographs and styles, but also to metrics, tools for obtaining statistics about visitors, and much more.

Using Google Public DNS

If you are faced with the DNS Probe Finished problem, then using third-party DNS addresses may help resolve it. However, it should be immediately noted that using unknown addresses is not recommended. It is better to use well-known ones, in particular those supplied by Google - Google Public DNS.

The corporation's servers allow you to significantly increase the speed of information transfer on your web browser due to the use of more efficient caching systems.

Also, there is good protection against IP attacks and much more.

You can change the DNS address settings using the network connection settings. The addresses themselves can be easily found on the vastness of the global network by entering the appropriate request in search engine. So, to change the DNS address, you need:

  1. Open Network and Sharing Center.
  2. Select the "Change adapter settings" option.
  3. Right-click to select the Internet connection you are using.
  4. Go to the “General” tab.

In the second section, you need to move the checkbox to the “Use the following DNS server addresses” option. Specify the required address and save changes. This will fix the problem.

Problems with the client

It's no secret that an error that appears once can lead to problems in other elements of the system. Thus, it is likely that the reason for the appearance of the DNS Probe Finished no Internet (bad config) error is a malfunction of the client itself. The DNS client has probably been disabled, which can also happen when a personal computer is infected with malware.

You can troubleshoot the problem as follows:

  1. Enter the “Control Panel” section.
  2. Change the way icons are displayed “by groups”.
  3. Open the Administrative Tools option and select Services.

Actually, you will have to work with the services, namely the DNS client. Find this service in the displayed list and activate the properties of this element.

A new window will appear with a lot of different information. We are only interested in the “Startup type” parameter. It is imperative to set the value to “Automatic”, otherwise the device will not work correctly, and you will regularly see an error like DNS Probe Finished no Internet (bad config). After changing the activation type, do not forget to click on the “Launch” button.

All that remains is to save the changes made and check the device’s functionality to see if the DNS Probe Finished no Internet (bad config) error appears again. This should help fix the error.

Working with the TCP/IP protocol

In some cases, changing, or rather resetting, the TCP/IP protocol parameters can help get rid of the problem. Such manipulations can be performed either using specialized software or built-in tools operating system Windows family.

In the first case, you will need to use the Microsoft Fix It utility. It is enough to install it on Personal Computer. The user will not be required to do anything else, just restart the personal computer.

In the second case, you also need to enter the “Adapter Settings”. Open the properties of the wireless network connection you are using. Open the Network tab, which will display a list of various options used to connect. In our case, we need to find the parameter “Internet Protocol TCP/IP version 6”. Uncheck the box next to it and save the changes.

Try to log on to the network again and go to any address. If the DNS Probe Finished no Internet (bad config) error persists, check the box again and log into the website again.

The crash most often occurs when using a browser Google Chrome , the site does not open, but appears in the browser workspace message, similar to the following:

DNS server is not responding or is unavailable. That is, the problem is not on your side, but on the side provider– update frequency DNS server The provider's information is insufficient. In more rare cases, the problem is related to website– repair work, server change, etc.

What to do first

In general, in this case you just need wait until the DNS server is completely updated. Check accurately, whether there is an error in the entered resource address. Then it won't be amiss clear DNS cache. To do this, launch the command line ( Win+R, in the Run window enter “ cmd»).

In the command interpreter window, type “ ipconfig/flushdns».

Let's try reboot page in the browser.

If you using a connection With using Wi-Fi router - try it reboot, at the same time you can restart the PC - it may help.

Using Google Public DNS

If you don't want to wait for your DNS provider to update, you can choose alternative servers, in particular Google Public DNS. They are updated much more often, caching is performed more effectively, using advanced methods of data processing and encryption.

Checking the DNS client

If you can’t go to any site at all, you watch everywhere the specified error, then most likely you have disabled DNS client. Will need start Services, via Start / Control Panel / Administrative Tools.

Looking for in the list of services DNS client we launch it for execution with the launch type " Automatically».

Reset TCP/IP

Did the previous tips not help? Can reset TCP/IP protocol settings. Will need special utility Microsoft Fix It for Windows. You download, unpack, launch - then the program will do everything for you. After clearing the protocol restart PC.

Checking your PC for viruses

The last option is that a virus has entered your system. Check and eliminate the threat with a high-quality antivirus.

Some users may encounter a "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET" error when trying to connect to the Internet, which is due to a situation in which your computer's name resolution service (DNS) was unable to establish a connection with external DNS servers. In this article I will tell you what kind of error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET the Internet connection is lost, what are the reasons for its occurrence, and how to fix the error on your PC.


Before answering the question of how to fix the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED error, it is necessary to understand the essence and causes of this phenomenon. Translated, this message sounds like “DNS research completed, no Internet detected” and means a situation in which the DNS service on your PC was unable to establish contact with external DNS servers (their addresses are usually provided by the provider). The reasons for this phenomenon may be the following:

  • Random PC crash;
  • Unstable (poor quality) Internet connection (including due to problems with the provider);
  • Problem with drivers (especially network card drivers);
  • Antivirus blocking effect;
  • Errors or ;
  • Malicious action of virus programs;
  • Hardware and software failures in the router;
  • Blocking action of extensions and add-ons to various sites.

After we have identified the causes of the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED problem, we will consider options for solving it.

DNS_PROBE_FINISHED - fixing the problem

After we have determined the reasons for this error, it is worth understanding the answer to the question “how to get rid of the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED error?” I would recommend doing the following:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /all
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
netsh int ip set dns
netsh winsock reset

After executing all these commands reboot the computer;

Video instruction

Above, I looked at what kind of error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET the connection to the Internet was lost, what are its causes and how to fix it. The most effective mechanism to combat this dysfunction is to execute the above commands on the command line, as well as use alternative DNS settings, courtesy of Google Corporation. If you encounter this error, then the tips I have proposed will allow you to effectively fix this problem and once again enjoy the stable and reliable operation of your PC.

In contact with

When opening websites in Google Chrome, you may encounter the “No Internet connection” error with the code DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET, and sometimes this error can occur even in cases where there is an Internet connection (for example, instant messengers or other programs that require a connection are running) .

This manual provides step-by-step information about possible ways fix an error in Google Chrome and restore access to sites through the browser in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7.

However, before proceeding with the fix, I recommend making sure that you really have access to the Internet, while taking into account the following important points:

  1. Availability of connection to Wi-Fi router(i.e. an active wireless connection) does not mean that “the Internet is available” - for example, if the provider has some problems or the provider cable fell out of the router, you will receive the same error. The main symptom is that there is no Internet on any device connected to the router.
  2. If no programs or browsers from any of the computers or mobile devices do not open sites and do not connect with the message DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET, while the Internet connection is active, this may, again, indicate problems on the side of your provider or a connection failure. Try rebooting the router (if connected through it) or disconnecting the connection via local network and turn it back on.
  3. Sometimes an error can occur if something is actively downloading on another device connected to the same network (for example, through a torrent client).

If there are no signs of problems with the Internet, except for the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET error in Chrome on one single computer or laptop, then you should try using the following methods to fix the problem.


If you have already tried rebooting the router or disconnecting from the Internet and connecting again, but this did not help, and by all indications the Internet should be working, try the following methods to fix the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET error

If you have reached this stage and the problem still persists, try this option:

  1. Launch Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following commands in order
  2. netsh winsock reset
  3. ipconfig /release
  4. ipconfig /renew
  5. ipconfig /flushdns
  6. If the problem is not resolved, also restart your computer.

If none of the methods helps, describe the situation in detail in the comments: does the error appear on all devices, what type of connection is used, and then the problem arose. Perhaps I can help solve the problem.

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