Filtering content on YouTube and blocking individual channels in the browser. How to block YouTube from children - little tricks How to block channels or videos on YouTube

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today you and I will protect our children, as well as sisters and brothers, from bad videos that could affect their development in the future. And in the article I will tell you in detail how to block a YouTube channel from children with prohibited content. I hope the material will be useful in practice.

In the modern world, a lot of different information is available on the Internet. Children at a young age are inquisitive and impressionable, so scenes of beating or insult can have a devastating effect on the unformed psyche. The younger generation likes to spend most of their time watching cartoons and video blogs. The largest collection of media content is Youtube; here you can find any information.

Despite this excellent library of knowledge, the service contains many stupid, pointless and cruel videos. If a child or teenager sees this, the information will certainly be imprinted in his memory and in the future will affect the person’s character and his thinking.

It is best to completely block YouTube, and provide access only in the presence of adults, and whenever possible. In this case, no one will be able to access the site until the protection is removed. The disadvantage of this method is that it is easy to bypass. You need to find out the password or cancel the changes made.

How to block a YouTube channel from children

You can prevent visits to a resource directly from the device. However, it is quite easy to bypass such restrictions; to do this, you can launch an additional OS, log in from your phone, or delete the program from the device. Therefore, it is recommended to limit traffic at the level of the router that is connected to the Internet. In such a situation, it is much more difficult to bypass the protection. But in this situation, the blocking applies to the entire service, and not just to one video blogger.

Blocking video on your computer

The easiest way to protect yourself from viewing harmful content is to install the Video Blocker extension in your browser. This add-on was originally created for Google Chrome, but was later adapted for other software.

You can find and download the current version on these sites. An example is given for 4 popular browsers:

  • Chrome -
  • Firefox -
  • Opera and Yandex Browser –

Using the software is easy:

  • Open Youtube and find a video from an unwanted blogger. You just need to find out the name of the channel.

  • Copy and add the name to the blacklist.

  • You can also hover over and click " block video from this channel».

Now, when trying to play content from a blocked author, the viewer will be automatically transferred to the main page of the video hosting. Using this method, you can limit viewing of all unwanted video bloggers. This add-on works best on Google Chrome.

Videos are limited exclusively to YouTube and, if desired, can be found on third-party services. The child just needs to change the device or browser and eventually all the videos will be available for viewing again. In addition, if the child already knows how to work with browsers, then he can remove the add-on or change its settings.

It is also recommended to enable age restrictions. There is a separate setting for this at the bottom of the page. In it, enable the “Safe Mode” item. Blocking in this way allows you to automatically remove adult content. The changes introduced only work for the desktop browser.

Restricting a site through auxiliary programs and hosts

Although the supplements are effective, this protection is easy to bypass. The most effective are local utilities that scan all information for unwanted requests before sending data to the Internet. If they are found, the connection is reset and it is impossible to get to the server page. Thanks to this, you can prevent the display of not only video content, but also other Internet forums, blogs, etc.

If you want to block not an individual blogger, but the entire site, you can use one of the following programs. Among the most common free software, the ones that have proven themselves best are:

  • K9 Web Protection;
  • Internet Censor (Internet censor);
  • Any Weblock;
  • Madly Internet.

Using the software described above, you can block all unwanted resources containing porn, extremism, hacker topics, etc. So that the user does not have to independently create a huge database, K9 checks its data on the server, so the protection is complete and comprehensively targeted.

The last two utilities mainly work only with the Hosts file and make changes to it. But these modifications can be performed independently. For this:

  • Open the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

  • Select the hosts file and open it with notepad. To do this, double-click on the document and select “notepad” in the window that appears.

  • On the left, write IP, press TAB and enter the name of the site with the domain.

Hosts is used by the computer as local DNS. Therefore, all requests are first viewed in it, and only then sent to external servers to obtain an IP.

This method will block access to YouTube entirely. The option of modifying hosts is suitable for completely removing a child from video hosting, which is recommended, since blocking millions of channels is quite long and, as a rule, pointless, because instead of a closed channel there is a similar alternative and therefore it is best to write to support so that they can help forever.

How to block a channel on an iPad or iPhone

The modern world is filled with Apple technology; iPads and iPhones are used by many everywhere. Therefore, the question of how to block a YouTube channel from children on an iPad remains relevant. Unlike other operating systems, iOS supports built-in access blocking settings. To activate it follow the instructions:

  • Open Settings.
  • Select "Main".
  • Search for "Restrictions".
  • The user will be required to create a security password; this is used to prevent unexpected changes to settings.
  • In the list of installed applications, find the Youtube icon and opposite it, move the slider to the “disabled” position.

You can customize not only apps, but also TV shows, movies, books, music, and websites. In addition, it is possible to establish an age censor. To block the use of Youtube, go to the site restrictions settings section and add a new item to the “never allow” section.

After these steps, a setting will appear in the device’s memory stating that when you try to open a Youtube application or website, you will be asked for a password. Access to the content becomes available only after entering the correct security code. In fact, access restriction for sites is carried out using a similar method as on Windows: first, the system accesses the local DNS and if the desired information is not found in the file, then the system goes to the Internet for an IP address.

Now a child will be able to watch cartoons from an iPad or iPhone only in front of their parents. But unwanted videos will still fall into the baby’s eyes. To prevent this, constant parental control will be required; the easiest option is to watch cartoons and programs with your baby.

How to block content on Android devices

Android is the most popular OS in the smartphone market. Due to its prevalence, many different programs have been written for this system. Therefore, you need to consider the question of how to block a YouTube channel from children via Android.

When you enter the phrase “block YouTube channels” into Google Play, the first application in the search results is the “YouTube Kids” application. It was released by Google specifically so that children do not have to watch videos for the adult category.

To install the program, follow the instructions:

  • Enter the name of the application in PlayMarket.

  • Go to the download page and click "install".
  • Wait for the installation to complete, then launch the application. When first launched, the user is shown instructions for use.

  • After viewing the settings, the adult is asked to undergo a simple test. You need to enter a simple password. Every time you want to change program parameters, a window appears in which you need to pass a check.

  • After entering the access code, you can change the YouTube Kids settings. Here you can set a permanent security code, edit the age category of the selection, enable subtitles, etc.

This application is effective in combination with parental controls on the device; it is enough to set a strong password to access browsers and other programs.

On the main screen there are several icons in the form of icons, through which the child selects a video category to watch (shows, games, programs, music, training, kaleidoscope). When turned on, a melody will play in the background, and interesting sounds will be played during touches. Such effects captivate the child and add interest to viewing. If desired, these features can be disabled in the settings.

Thanks to “YouTube for children,” parents can be sure that their child, when visiting a popular video hosting site, will not be exposed to unwanted content that could damage the child’s psyche.

IMPORTANT: If you are not strong in computer software, then be sure to pay attention to various applications installed on children's computers to bypass protection like or, allowing you to visit various websites and social networks incognito.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

YouTube is an open video hosting site where anyone can upload any videos that comply with the company's rules. However, despite strict controls, some videos may be inappropriate for children to see. In this article we will look at several ways to restrict partial or complete access to YouTube.

Unfortunately, the service itself does not have any means to restrict access to the site from certain computers or accounts, so completely blocking access is only possible using additional software or changing operating system settings. Let's take a closer look at each method.

Method 1: Enable Safe Mode

If you want to protect your child from adult or shocking content, without blocking YouTube, then the built-in function will help you here "Safe mode" or additional browser extension Video Blocker. This method will only limit access to some videos, but complete exclusion of shocking content is not guaranteed. Read more about enabling safe mode in our article.

Method 2: Lock on one computer

The Windows operating system allows you to block certain resources by changing the contents of a single file. By using this method, you will ensure that the YouTube website will not open at all in any browser on your PC. Blocking is carried out in just a few simple steps:

Method 3: Programs for blocking sites

Another way to completely restrict access to YouTube is to use specialized software. There is special software that allows you to block specific sites on a specific computer or several devices at once. Let's take a closer look at several representatives and get acquainted with the principle of work in them.

Kaspersky Lab is actively developing software to protect users while working on a computer. Kaspersky Internet Security can restrict access to certain Internet resources. To block YouTube using this software, you will need:

Kaspersky Internet Security also provides a large number of different tools that users do not always need. Therefore, let's look at another representative, whose functionality is focused specifically on blocking certain sites.

There are also a number of other programs that allow you to block certain resources. Read more about them in our article.

In this article, we examined in detail several ways to partially or completely block YouTube video hosting from a child. Check out all of them and choose the one that suits you best. Once again, we would like to point out that enabling safe search on YouTube does not guarantee the complete disappearance of shocking content.

In general, today there are a lot of good, educational videos on YouTube. However, some or random onlookers often upload inappropriate content that should never be shown to children.

In this article we will look at the 5 most popular and reliable blocking methods. We will learn not only how to block prohibited content, but we will also figure out how to permanently hide your child from a specific character on YouTube.

So, first, let's study the standard methods that are available to anyone with a computer or laptop. Then we’ll move on to special cases and learn how to block everyone from a phone or tablet.

We block the channel and video on the computer and through the browser

The first method is age settings
The easiest way to protect children from viewing inappropriate material is to set it up in your account. Then he will automatically not be able to watch programs that have age markings.

This is what the page for which you need to confirm your age will look like:

The second way is the report button
If the video contains negative content, such as violence, discrimination, eroticism and everything like that, then you can complain about this video and then, after verification, the YouTube administration will delete it or prohibit it from being shown to people under 18 years of age.

To report a specific video, first log in to YouTube. Next, go to the page with this video and select “ Complain».

Method three – browser plugin
For Chrome browser, just download the plugin Video Blocker. With its help, you can block videos on YouTube in just one click.

Click the button Install", then confirm by clicking on " Install extension" and activate it. Great, the plugin is installed.

Now go to YouTube and in the general list select the video that we want to block and click on its name right click. Here we select “ Block videos from this channel" and it will disappear from the list and will no longer be shown.

By fulfilling these conditions, you will already protect your child from 80% of unwanted videos. But it happens that negative content is posted by a specific person. And, ironically, children most often watch these. Let's block him.

How to block a specific person on YouTube forever?

Go to the channel of the unwanted author and select the item “ About the channel" Here we click on “ checkbox" on the right and select " Block user" That's it, now access to a specific person, his channel and video is blocked.

The main thing to remember is that these were individual settings for your account. Be sure to make sure that children do not log in from another profile.

Block channel and video on tablet and phone (Android, iOS)

If it is impossible to complete all the above steps on a PC, let's figure out how this can be done on a tablet and phone.

First of all, you need to download several popular applications, such as: AdGuard, Dr.Web and other mobile antiviruses. In the settings you can easily find ways to block both individual programs and specific sites.

Most modern applications are adapted for Android, iPhone and iPad. Now you can breathe out and know for sure that your child will be protected. But still, don’t lose sight of what he watches on the Internet.

Everything about blocking on YouTube

To consolidate all the knowledge you have gained, watch a video about general information about blocking on YouTube. Also, the video clearly presents these and other possibilities. We wish you good luck, come visit us again!

Modern technologies, gadgets, and the Internet have taken a very serious place in our lives and the lives of our children. However, not all videos that we can watch are informationally useful. Every year the desire to make money using the Internet grows, and at the same time an unnecessary stream of dirt accumulates. Every parent tries in one way or another to protect their child from stupid and unnecessary information. Also, video hosting sites that value their reputation do not allow the spread of so-called garbage. One of these channels is YouTube. That is why there is information on how to block a YouTube channel.

In order not to stumble upon various videos and comments with obscene language, you need to eliminate this problem. There are several ways.

The first way to block a YouTube channel

The easiest way to block unnecessary information is on video hosting. This method can block not only the channel, but also its creator. To do this, you need to go to the section about the channel itself. A menu will open there with a checkbox drawn on the tab. In it, select the “block user” option.

The second way to block using a browser

If the first method did not bring the desired results, you can try the second using. The first step is to install the Video Blocker extension.

Install Video Blocker for Google Chrome and Yandex Browser
Install Video Blocker for Mozilla

The good thing about it is that there is no need for any settings; you just need to restart your browser on your computer and all functions will start working. By installing it, you can make any blocking of the videos you need without restrictions. To do this, you just need to hover your mouse over the video you want to block and click on the right button. You will see a menu with an item labeled Block videos From this Channel.

By choosing it, you place a block on the system. For the changed settings to become active, restart the computer. Today, this application also works for other browsers.

Method number 3

The creators of YouTube have provided for this. It can be used to block curious kids who have access to the Internet. In this mode, all unnecessary material that could harm the child is removed. Manipulations are performed on any page of the site, going down to the very bottom, where there will be a button labeled “safe mode”. It must be enabled and the settings saved.

Upon completion, you can freely let your child visit. All comments and videos that popped up and caught your eye in the first place, as well as adult videos, will be hidden. The search engine format will also change. When you search for your query, harmful videos will not pop up. Will be aware that Safe Mode is enabled. It will also apply to those channels to which you have already been subscribed.

You can block a YouTube channel from children, but is it possible for a child to remove this mode on his own? Of course yes, and it won't be difficult. In this case, each parent can set a ban on disabling safe mode with a secret code. In your browser, you should open the menu where there is an option to “set a restriction on disabling safe mode.” A window will appear asking you to enter a password, where you must enter and save it.

Can I put the block in the tablet?

If your child has a tablet, which is more mobile and easier to use than a computer, then it is necessary to block some unnecessary videos and images. The issue of safe use is resolved simply. There is a parental control app. Having installed it in the gadget settings, you need to specify everything that you want to hide.

However, this is protection in most cases from sites, but not from general channel information. Some also work according to the same scheme. The problem can be radically solved only by blocking the hosting.

How to block YouTube on iPad

In order to block YouTube on the iPad, you need to open the “settings” item. In the “main” menu we find the list, and then select restrictions from the one provided. A window opens with the requested lock code. You will also need a password when you change restrictions in the settings. Find YouTube in the list of your applications and disable it. After these manipulations, the application icon will remain in . You can restore it to work in the same way, but taking into account the installed code. However, you won’t be able to hide everything; those videos that were added after blocking may still catch your child’s eye.

From the above we can conclude that the best control is live observation of your child. Give your child the opportunity to play and develop through interesting activities, and then there will be no time to watch unnecessary videos. The question of how to block a YouTube channel can only be resolved with the help of parents. It's up to you to decide which method is more convenient.

There are several effective ways to block a YouTube channel. But before I talk about them, I want to warn you that you can only block channels that post prohibited content, violate your copyrights, or violate the law. Responsibility is provided for illegal blocking of a channel.

Here are the main ways to block a channel:

  • Sending 3 or more strikes to .
  • By the tribunal's decision.

Sending 3 or more strikes for copyright infringement.

If a video on any channel violates your copyright (it uses materials for which you have the exclusive right), you can send a strike to such a video.

Sending 3 or more strikes to different videos results in the channel being blocked.

To send a strike on a video, use this form:

Reporting violations of YouTube's Community Guidelines.

If the video contains 18+ content, scenes of violence, cruelty or intolerance towards other peoples, or insults, then you can send a complaint about violation of the YouTube community guidelines.

You can also file a complaint for spam in the title, description or tags of the video.

Often the channel is blocked for 1 such complaint.

There is a checkbox next to each video on YouTube, click on it and select “Report”:

After this, select the most suitable violation option and explain it with text:

After filling out the form, click on the “Submit” button.

Important: Send complaints only if there is a violation in the video. One complaint may not have an effect, but a hundred complaints from different accounts will definitely have an effect.

A channel may receive a strike for violating community guidelines and then be blocked.

Here are the instructions in the video on how to report a video and block a channel:

Sending a letter claiming copyright infringement by email [email protected].

You, as the copyright holder, can write directly to [email protected] and your claim of copyright infringement will be reviewed.

Please provide detailed information in your application:

  • Own name
  • Data about your video that was violated
  • Link to your video that was stolen
  • Your address, telephone
  • Link to a video that violates your copyright
  • Additional information about the situation.

You can send information about all cases of copyright infringement by mail, but applications through the form described above are faster.

Notification that the channel is impersonating another person.

If someone has copied your brand or is impersonating you, you can submit a complaint.

You can submit a complaint via the form

Be prepared to prove your identity with documents.

If someone is illegally using your trademark or trademark, you can also file a complaint:

Blocking of the channel by court decision.

If you represent a serious company and there is a channel that discredits your reputation, misleads viewers, and also copies your copyrighted materials, you can go to court and demand that such a channel be closed.

Choose the most suitable method to understand how to block a YouTube channel.

    It’s a strange system. For example, scenes of dismemberment in games repulse me. What item should I choose in a complaint? Nothing that exists is suitable, it’s some kind of nonsense.

    Hello, please tell me, I want to complain about the person who runs the group and supports the YouTube channel, he deceives people and at the same time there are screenshots of insults

    • To complain about scammers on YouTube, there is also a report button and you can also write feedback.
      If the named “group” is in VK, accordingly, write to the VK administration.
      You can also contact the police (if there are facts). Such situations should be discussed in more detail with a lawyer.

    Tell me, what should I do if my name is being defamed, insulted, or intimidated on the channel? Threats and insults come in the comments. My exhortations yielded no results, the insults continue. Contacting the author of the video blog also did not bring any results. It seems that the author himself is the offender, going under a different nickname. For two days I clicked on the “Complain” sign, both on the person insulting me and on the channel. BUT there is no result! Is it really impossible to find a way to pacify and bring the hooligans to their senses? What to do in this case?!
    Insults come in the comments. Help me please!

    • If they insult you on the Internet and the criticism is not constructive, you can block, delete, or simply not respond. You can complain about a comment or video (where there are insults). If everything is serious, then you can go to court, just be prepared for legal costs. Here you need to clarify the information with a lawyer in more detail.

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