Firefox how to install the Microsoft Silverlight plugin. Using the Silverlight plugin to play audio and video Silverlight plugin under a user with limited rights

This article is no longer maintained and its content may be out of date.

Microsoft Silverlight is a plugin used by some websites to display multimedia content. This article describes how to verify that you have Silverlight installed and how to install or update it.

Checking for Silverlight Availability

To determine if you have the Silverlight plugin installed, visit the page on the Microsoft website. If Silverlight is installed, you will see a message about your version of Silverlight.

Installing Silverlight

If you do not have Silverlight installed, follow the "Installation Instructions" page on the Microsoft website.

Silverlight update

If Silverlight is installed but its version is outdated, the page will show installed version and the current version of Silverlight.

Note: Silverlight has a feature automatic update, so manual updating may not be necessary. Read the Microsoft article Silverlight Preferences Dialog for more information.

Uninstall Silverlight

To uninstall Silverlight, follow the instructions for "Uninstalling Silverlight" on the Microsoft Silverlight Downloads page on the Microsoft website.

Silverlight installed but not working

Mozilla blocks outdated versions of Silverlight, causing sites like Netfix to display a message asking you to install Silverlight. To fix this please update your Silverlight installation to the latest version by visiting the page on the Microsoft website.

Setting Permissions

Trust-rich applications are a special type of application that runs outside the browser. They differ from regular ones in that they have an impressive set of additional privileges. These privileges are not the same as those of traditional desktop applications, but they do allow a number of potentially dangerous actions, such as activating third party programs and direct access to the file system.

For this reason, trusted applications are recommended to be used only in a tightly controlled environment, such as a corporate network, where users know their applications well and trust the developers.

In many cases, users are very reluctant to grant additional privileges required by high-trust applications. Sometimes they refuse to install them at all. In addition, the system administrator can configure computers to prevent the installation or execution of non-browser applications that require increased trust.

Before you begin developing a high-confidence Silverlight application, consider whether a full-featured Silverlight application would be suitable for the task. desktop application WPF. WPF fully supports the .NET Framework. Like Silverlight, WPF applications can be installed from the Internet, but unlike Silverlight, WPF applications only run on Windows applications.

Installing an application with increased confidence

To specify that an application should require elevated trust, open the Out-of-Browser Settings window and select the Require elevated trust check box:

To start the installation process, open the Silverlight context menu or call the Application.Install() method. A window with a security message will appear on the screen. Click the Install button.

You can sign the application with an X.509 digital certificate. Then the warning in the security system window will be less threatening, Exclamation point will be replaced by a question and the publisher's name will be displayed.

Trusted Application Capabilities

What can a trusted application do that a normal Silverlight application can't? Let's take a closer look:

    Access to the computer file system. An application with increased trust can work with the same parts file system, as the current user. This feature is especially useful when you need to read and write files in the current user's Documents folder. You can also add files to your desktop or create your own folder structure.

    Unlimited full screen support. When switching a high-confidence application to full-screen mode, the "Press Esc to exit full-screen mode" notification does not appear. Keystroke does not exit full screen mode. But the most important thing is that the application in full screen mode continues to accept keystrokes.

    No cross-domain access restrictions. An application with increased trust is allowed to download content from any website, call web services on any website, open socket connections to any server, i.e. perform all operations available for desktop applications.

    Fewer operations that require user permission. There are many situations in which a typical Silverlight application must ask the user for permission, such as to access the clipboard, save a file to isolated storage, configure full-screen mode when focus is lost, and so on.

    In high-trust applications, these restrictions are removed (with the exception of access to audio and video recording devices). Additionally, in a typical application there are many operations that can only be performed in response to user action (switching to full screen mode, using the clipboard, manipulating the main window, etc.). In a trusted application, these operations can be performed at any time without user interaction.

    Window settings. If you don't like the standard frame and window controls provided operating system, remove them from your trusted application and draw your own using standard Silverlight elements.

    Child windows. An application with increased trust can create child windows at any time.

    Intertask interaction with COM components. An application with increased confidence can use function libraries provided by the operating system. Windows system via COM. For example, you can interact with Outlook and Office applications, as well as built-in Windows components such as Script Host and WMI.

    P/Invoke calls. An application with increased confidence can execute code from system DLLs on Windows computers and access Windows API functions using platform P/Invoke calls.

Before you use any of these tools, be sure to set the Application.HasElevatedPermissions property to true. Otherwise, the application will run in normal low-trust mode.

Window settings

A typical application running outside the browser displays a standard window frame provided by the operating system. It is equipped with the well-known buttons for minimizing, maximizing and closing the window. The color, style, shading, and transparency of the frame are controlled by the operating system. This model is fine for most cases, however, if you want your application to look stylish and professional, you can customize the appearance of the window frame and equip it with hand-crafted buttons.

Setting the window frame is a two-step process. First - complete removal standard frame. To do this, in Solution Explorer, double-click the Properties node. Open the Silverlight tab and click on the Out-of-Browser Settings button. Select one of the Window Style list items.

If you select Default, the standard window frame will be displayed. Selecting the second value, No Border, will remove the standard window frame and leave a standard floating rectangle containing the user control's contents. When set to Borderless Round Corners, the standard window frame will be removed and the corners of the application window will be rounded. The difference between the second and third options is purely “cosmetic”; in any of these cases the standard window frame is removed. The figure below shows an example:

The second step in setting up a window frame is to draw a new frame and add basic controls for closing, resizing, changing state, and dragging the window. To ensure cross-platform compatibility, Silverlight does not allow the programmer to modify the standard operating system window frame. He must draw the window frame himself using suitable graphics or Silverlight controls.

For example, you can place the main content in a single-cell Grid container and overlay another Silverlight element (Rectangle or Image) on top of it. You can also wrap a Border root user control like this:

IN in this example Project Options is set to Borderless Round Corners. An external margin (Margin) of 1 pixel width on the right and bottom ensures that the frame is displayed in the correct position. A CornerRadius value of 2 aligns the corner with the window area:

The Silverlight platform does not support setting an arbitrary shape as a window frame. Therefore, you can only use a rectangle or a rounded rectangle as the frame defining the main window. The important thing is that Silverlight gives you this rectangle, and all you have to do is fill it with its contents. In addition, Silverlight cannot create a transparent or partially transparent area that would allow screen content to be seen through the application window.

Of course, adding a Border improves the appearance of the window, but one important problem remains. Without the frame provided by the operating system, the user cannot resize the window, move it, minimize, maximize, or close it. If you want the user to be able to perform these operations, you need to program them into the main window customization code. Fortunately, the tools built into the Window class make this task much easier.

The first step is to create the window's title bar. The title bar plays three roles: it contains title text, it serves as a place where the user can grab onto the window and drag it, and finally it contains buttons for minimizing, maximizing, and closing the window. In the example below, the markup creates a basic title bar. Collapse, maximize, and close button shapes are drawn using Path and Rectangle elements.

The second step is to add a way to resize the window by dragging its edges. The easiest way to implement this is to wrap the entire window in a Grid container that uses an invisible Rectangle element. You'll need eight Rectangle elements: one for each side and each corner:

Below is the layout and code of the window with these features added:

Title text Contents of the modified window.

Public partial class CustomWindow: UserControl ( public CustomWindow() ( InitializeComponent(); ) // Link to the window private Window CurrentWindow ( get ( return Application.Current.MainWindow; ) ) // Drag the window private void titleBar_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System. Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) ( CurrentWindow.DragMove(); ) // Resizing the window using buttons private void cmdMinimize_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) ( CurrentWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized; ) private void cmdMaximize_Click (object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) ( if (CurrentWindow.WindowState == WindowState.Normal) ( CurrentWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; ) else ( CurrentWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; ) ) // Closing the window private void cmdClose_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) ( CurrentWindow.Close(); ) // Resize the window using the mouse cursor private void rect_Resize(System.Object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) ( if (sender == rect_TopLeftCorner) ( CurrentWindow.DragResize(WindowResizeEdge.TopLeft);

) else if (sender == rect_TopEdge) ( CurrentWindow.DragResize(WindowResizeEdge.Top); ) else if (sender == rect_TopRightCorner) ( CurrentWindow.DragResize(WindowResizeEdge.TopRight); ) else if (sender == rect_LeftEdge) ( CurrentWindow. Dragresize (WindowReSizedge.left);) Else if (Sender == Rect_rightedge) (Currentwindow.DragReSize Tcorner) (Currentwindow.dragresize (WindowResizeedge.bottomleft);) Else if (Sender == rect_BottomEdge) ( CurrentWindow.DragResize(WindowResizeEdge.Bottom); ) else if (sender == rect_BottomRightCorner) ( CurrentWindow.DragResize(WindowResizeEdge.BottomRight); ) ) ) The above describes all the infrastructure required to create a custom window. Once all the components (title bar, window buttons, resizers and drag-and-drop tools) are installed, you can begin customizing appearance

windows using images and Silverlight elements to achieve the desired effect. Hello everyone Today I will tell you about a plugin called Microsoft Silverlight, which is needed for any multimedia to work on a website. Well, that is, some kind of animation, audio and video playback, in general, Microsoft Silverlight is needed for all this! But what’s interesting is, as I understand it, it’s something like Adobe, only from Microsoft, now that’s interesting! That is, with the help of this Silverlight, a video can be played on a website without using regular Flash!

Here's an unexpected joke, that's what I found out. So I don’t know whether you know it or not, but I will write - in 2015, support for NPAPI format plugins was disabled in many browsers. And that's why Microsoft Silverlight no longer works in browsers like Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome! Because of which there was a mountain of dissatisfaction on the Internet and all that, many users began to look for an option on how to enable NPAPI, but alas, this is no longer possible. However, you can use old version, for example, I used an old version of Chrome and there you can enable NPAPI! If you're interested, I wrote about this.

Microsoft Silverlight - Debriefing

Some users write that they installed Microsoft Silverlight and their browser stopped lagging when playing videos. I don’t know how true this is, but I think it’s quite possible. However, many users still write that this thing is of zero use, they downloaded it, installed it and didn’t notice the difference. Well, I understand all this, especially considering that Microsoft Silverlight no longer works in many browsers..

I also read one comment that the browser may freeze due to a site that uses Microsoft Silverlight, and all because the browser no longer supports this thing! Maybe this is why it freezes, because there is something on the site that the browser does not support. Well, this is logical...

As I understand it, at the moment Microsoft Silverlight only works in the browser Internet Explorer. If you use this browser, then you may not need to remove Microsoft Silverlight, but if you don’t use it, then I think you can remove it. Well, think for yourself, this thing is no longer supported by popular browsers, but YouTube generally wants to switch to a format WITHOUT Flash, using only HTML5 for video.. That’s how things are..

I also have this Microsoft Silverlight, and not just, but three pieces - regular, version 4 SDK and version 5 SDK. I don’t know where it came from, I definitely didn’t install this thing myself..

In general, I don’t know about you, but I’ll delete this thing

So, as I understand it, this thing is installed in these folders:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\Silverlight\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\RIA Services\v1.0\Libraries\Silverlight\

In general, not only in these folders, maybe somewhere else. To check, open the system drive and where the search field is, that is, in the upper right corner, then write the word Silverlight there and you will see a lot of things, this is what I have:

A few thoughts out loud. It may be worth searching not by the word Silverlight, but by the phrase Microsoft Silverlight. I think so because maybe Microsoft program Silverlight is one thing, but there may be another one, the name of which includes the word Silverlight... Therefore, to be more precise, it is better to use the full name, that is, Microsoft Silverlight!

How to completely remove Microsoft Silverlight from your computer?

So, now about the removal. You can delete it either simply or using a certain deleter. I mean with the help of , its trick is that it will help you remove the program and will also help you remove the remnants of the program in Windows. In general, it removes and cleans it later. But today I’ll show you how to remove it manually and then how to manually clean Windows from residues..

Now just a moment. In general, I advise you to make a restore point before deleting. This is not difficult, in the end you will protect yourself from glitches, this is, so to speak, a good insurance policy in case something goes wrong. I already wrote how to do it in an article about it, I advise you to look at it.

So, to uninstall you need to click Start and select Control Panel there:

If you have Windows 10, then cool, no doubt, but there this item is in another menu, to call it, press the Win + X buttons!

Then we find the Programs and Features icon there, here it is, launch it:

A window will open with everyone installed programs, you don’t just delete anything here! Well, that is, don’t delete just anything, because there may be glitches and all sorts of mistakes! In this list, find Microsoft Silverlight, right-click and select Uninstall:

Then the following message will pop up, here you click Yes (well, if you haven’t changed your mind, of course):

Then the following window will appear:

The entire removal probably took me about ten seconds. But, in the window, well, where the list of software is, I personally still have Microsoft Silverlight versions 4 SDK and 5 SDK:

They also need to be removed, but they are removed in the same way as the first version, where there is no SDK. In general, I think that you will not have problems with this

How to clean Windows after uninstalling Microsoft Silverlight?

In general, you uninstalled Microsoft Silverlight, but it is possible that there are remnants of this program in Windows. You can clean Windows of these residues, see how to do it. So first I'll show you how to remove file junk. This means you open the system drive and there in the upper right in the search field write the name of the program, that is, Microsoft Silverlight (if you just use the word Silverlight, the results will be less accurate):

You will find folders of files that belong to the Microsoft Silverlight component, although we have already removed it. All this CAN be deleted, BUT before that, make a checkpoint, here’s a look at how to create it. Whether to create it or not is up to you; there may be jambs after removing the remains, but this is rare. But if anything happens, then using a previously created restore point, you can return everything to the way it was. In general, guys, I warned you!

Well, here’s everything that was found on your system disk, all of it relates to Microsoft Silverlight and it can be deleted. To immediately save yourself from the problems of one being deleted and the other not, I suggest you install the utility. This utility helps you delete even things that you don’t want to be deleted. But you can also delete it in a simple way by simply selecting Delete from the menu. In general, I selected all the folders, well, I completely forgot to select all the bottom two, and then I right-clicked on them and selected the Unlocker option (I already have the utility installed):

Then I select Delete from the menu and click OK:

Unlocker started deleting everything that I had selected and, to be honest, it was a little scary, because even this message popped up, then I clicked Yes:

In general, it deleted a lot of things, I really felt like all the roots of Microsoft Silverlight were being torn out of Windows... The fear still did not leave me, because for some reason I advised you to make a restore point, but I didn’t do it myself... Well, that’s it...

This is how it was removed for about five minutes:

In general, everything went well, now I’ll do a reboot to check later that there will be no glitches and jambs in Windows... I did a short reboot, launched the browsers and everything seems to be working fine. There were no errors, folders opened normally, in general Windows worked fine

So I won’t be 100% sure, but deleting file junk seems to be safe!

Now I will show you how to remove junk from the registry that is left over from Microsoft Silverlight

So look, hold down the Win + R buttons and write the following command there:

And click OK:

The registry editor will open; do not delete anything there for no reason. This is where we will look for garbage. To do this, hold down the Ctrl + F buttons and write there something like:

Microsoft Silverlight

In principle, you can just use the word Silverlight.. But with the full name the accuracy will be higher..

That's it, after this the search will begin. Anything that is selected later can be deleted. These can be either folders (on the left) or keys (on the right). Right-click on them and select Delete. Then press the F3 button to continue the search and so on until there is a message that the search is over! For example, I found some DisplayName key, if you double-click on it, you will see this:

That is, you see, even if there is not a word about Microsoft Silverlight in the name, it will still be inside! What I mean is that they are searched not only by name, but also by content, so rest assured that everything that is found is definitely Silverlight and can be deleted! In general, here is an example of how to delete a key:

I didn’t find any trash folders, but deleting it is just as easy, right-click on it and select Delete!

As you can see, everything is simple. If you do everything exactly as I wrote, then there will be no errors. Well, if you have doubts, then it’s better not to do anything at all, the stability of Windows is more important! But the most ideal option is to make a recovery checkpoint! Let me remind you once again that I wrote about this!

By the way, this way I also removed the Avast antivirus and cleaned out the trash can after it, if you’re interested!

Well, all the guys, good luck to you, I wish you a good mood and that you don’t have any problems!


Modules expand the functional boundaries of browsers, including Yandex. By default, many of them are activated, but there are times when the plugin is disabled due to some kind of failure, which affects its operation. Let's look at how to enable the plugin in Yandex Browser.

Briefly about plugins

In another way, plugins are also called modules. These are small programs that, like add-ons, are built into the browser to expand it. functionality. The difference between them is that plugins do not have their own interface.

What exactly do they give?

  • Ability to watch videos and listen to music.
  • Improving the performance of web services.
  • View files in PDF format and much more.

The user can update, remove, disable or enable plugins provided by the browser. In this case, plugins in Yandex Browser will be considered.

Where can I find modules?

Before you do anything with plugins, you need to know where they are located. There are two ways to open them.

Method No. 1

1.Go to Settings through the browser menu (icon with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner). Go to the end of the page and open the “Show” section additional settings", which will be highlighted in blue.

2. In the “Personal Data” block, click on the first button “Content Settings”.

3. Go to the “Plugins” section, and then follow the “Manage individual plugins” link.

A new tab will open where you will see the installed plugins.

4. To find out more information about the module, click on the “Details” button.

Method number 2

To quickly go to the page where you can view plugins, enter the address in the browser line: browser://plugins. In this way, you can immediately get to the window with a list of plugins in Yandex Browser.

Download and install

When you need a certain plugin to view the contents of a page or update an outdated module, the browser itself will notify you about this, offering to download and install it immediately.

One of the main plugins is Flash Player. You need to download it from the official resource, like all other programs. The system itself will transfer you to a secure site. You just need to click on the “Install” button.

If the system needs to update a module, you will see an alert at the top of the screen:

Click on "Update module". It is better to do this as early as possible so that the browser can continue to function as before.

Enable and disable

What should you do if suddenly there is an urgent need to enable certain plugins in Yandex? Is it possible, on the contrary, to disable plugins that slow down the browser? It's easy to do all this.

  1. Go to the plugins menu using any of the methods indicated above.
  2. Click “Enable” if the plugin is not working, or “Disable” if you need to pause its operation.

You can disable the module, but it is important to remember that by stopping its operation, the user deprives the browser of the ability to perform certain actions with the media. It is likely that you may stop loading videos on websites. This applies to plugins, not extensions. The first can be called service browser add-ons, and the second can be called user add-ons, that is, optional or optional.

However, some extensions, for example, a translator in Yandex Browser, are already built into the system, that is, they do not require additional downloading.

How to delete?

The question should be different: is it possible to remove a module? The user does not have this option. Removing modules from the browser system is a matter for developers. This usually happens due to the fact that plugins become outdated. Instead, more modern solutions are appearing. For example, NPAPI. This plugin is no longer supported. Now, instead of it, they use its improved version - PPAPI.

One more example - . This module can no longer be connected to Yandex Browser as an add-on or activated in the options as an integrated module.

Plugins and ad blocking

Yandex Browser launched a new test feature in Android versions last year. Every user mobile browser will find the line “Hide annoying ads” in the settings.

In Yandex Browser Add-ons you will also find the “Blocking Flash Banners and Videos” extension. Setting up these add-ons comes down to changing the list of filters, as well as disabling and enabling them on certain pages.

However, use just one plugin, otherwise the program will freeze.

Bypass blocking on sites with FriGate

Some resources may not be available to users for one reason or another. We will not go deeper into them. Let's just say one thing: the blocking can be easily bypassed with a plugin already built into the updated Yandex Browser called FriGate. It uses a proxy server to access restricted sites.

Open the “Add-ons” tab. We look for the extension and set it to “On”.

Plugin errors

As we have already emphasized, the main module in the browser is Flash Player. Without it there would be no video playback.

No matter how reliable Yandex.Browser is, glitches also occur in its operation. One of the common problems is the flash error. Sometimes when you try to launch a video or game in the browser, a gray window appears with a notification that the plugin could not be loaded. Why is this happening?

The problem is most likely due to the fact that your computer already has another Flash Player ( outdated version, which was installed for other browsers to work). There is a conflict between two players running at the same time. What to do in such a situation?

Check if you have current version
1.Go to the Menu and click on the “Advanced” item in the drop-down list.

3.If there is an “Update” button in the tab, then click on it. This means that you have an outdated browser version. This can naturally cause problems with other modules. The update downloads quickly and installs immediately.

4.Click on “Restart”.

Since Yandex Browser is now updated automatically, there may be a message: “You are using latest version Yandex.Browser". In this case, it's not a matter of updating. Remove the second outdated player.

Getting rid of an outdated plugin

If you only use Yandex on your PC, you have the right to remove the plugin Adobe Flash Player installed previously.

1.Launch Control Panel via Start or otherwise.

2.Find the “Uninstall programs” section.

3. Find Adobe Flash Player and remove it. Restart the browser.

Clear cache and browser history

Often plugins for Yandex Browser do not run properly on the site due to a full cache. You can clean it using special programs, for example, CCleaner, or through the tools of the browser itself. Let's consider the second option.

1.Go to Browser Settings.

2.Go to the end of the page and click on the “Show additional settings” button.

3.Click on the second button “Clear download history”.

4.Set the “All time” parameter.

5.Leave all the marked items as they are and click on “Clear history”.

If the problem continues to bother you from time to time, you can use the following trick: disable the built-in module and install the Adobe Flash Player plugin from the official resource.

Plugins are an integral part of browsers. It is highly not recommended to disable them yourself if the browser is working stably. Also make sure your browser receives regular updates.

Like most other web browsers, Yandex supports a modular architecture, that is, it allows you to connect a variety of plugins to expand the standard functionality. Installed add-ons can change the basic interface or add new tools to improve your browsing experience. In addition, there are special service plugins that allow some important services to work in the browser. This article describes how to configure extensions: where to find them, how to enable or disable a new plugin in the Yandex browser.

If you want to enable any plugin, you must install it on the Yandex browser. To do this, you can use catalogs from Yandex or Google, or download the add-on from the website dedicated to it. In this guide, installing extensions is discussed using the example of AdBlock, a blocking plugin. advertising banners on website pages.

Firstly, users can open the official Russian-language website of the application at Here you can select the version for the browser from Yandex and click on the “Install” button. After this, the addon will be added to the program toolkit, and its functions will be available to you.

The second way is to visit the Google extensions web catalog and open the link IN search bar On the left, enter the name of the extension – AdBlock, and press Enter. Select the distribution you are interested in and click on the “Install” button next to its name.

You can work with the Yandex catalog in a similar way. Go to the page, enter the name desired application to the search form and press Enter. After this, all you have to do is click on the green “Add to Yandex Browser” button - and the plugin will be connected.

How to disable and enable plugins

As a rule, after successful installation, extensions are activated automatically and start working immediately. If you don’t need it to work at the moment, it is recommended to disable it in order to save system resources and increase the performance of the Yandex browser:

If you want to delete an unnecessary plugin, you need to hover over the “enable/disable” switch, after which a “Delete” button will appear to the right of it, which you need to click on. Please note that you cannot remove extensions that are pre-installed in the Yandex browser, such as “Turbo” or “Yandex.Weather”.

Setting up add-ons

Centralized interface for changing configurations installed extensions There is no Yandex browser. Instead, each plugin has its own menu through which it can be configured. Typically, installed addons create special icons in the panel, which is located to the right of the address bar. If you click on this icon with the left and right (depending on the plugin) mouse button, a drop-down control menu will open.

Using this menu, users can work with the application, temporarily enable or disable its functions, and configure its settings. In this article, the settings are described using the example of the DotVPN add-on, an anonymizer for Internet browsers:

Service plugins

To play video content, work with documents, or PDF files, displaying three-dimensional graphics and other similar functions, the Yandex browser also uses additional applications. As a rule, they are installed and updated automatically, so the average user does not need to deal with them.

However, if any of these plugins freezes and stops updating on its own, it can cause constant errors and crashes of the entire program. In this case, it is recommended to disable it and update it manually.

To prevent inexperienced users from accidentally disrupting the correct operation of the browser, these service extensions are not displayed on the page of regular addons. They have their own page in the interface, which can be accessed at “browser://plugins/” or “about://plugins/”.

Publications on the topic