World of tank hotline. How to write to technical support here

Won't your store deceive you?

No. It is not profitable for us to deceive you. We look forward to long-term cooperation and every client is dear to us.

By what criteria do you select your sellers?

All our sellers are certified by Webmoney and have been selling their products for several years. If sellers have a lot of bad reviews or there have been attempts to deceive buyers, we stop cooperation.

Where do you get your products from and why are they so cheap?

According to the sellers, all goods are purchased from registrars (if this concerns accounts) or from official distributors of digital products (keys, activation codes).

Can I request a replacement or refund if the item is not as described?

Yes! If the product turns out to be of poor quality or does not correspond to what was stated, you have the right to demand a replacement or a refund of your money.

I bought a product, but there was a problem with it. Where should I go?

First of all, you need to log in to the website using the email you provided when paying. Next, select the problematic product in your personal account. When you go to it, the “Correspondence” tab will open. There you can state the problem. The seller is obliged to respond to it and solve all difficulties that arise.

How quickly does the seller respond?

Usually during the daytime the seller’s response does not keep you waiting (from 1 minute to 2 hours). At night, waiting times may be longer.

I think the seller is trying to deceive me. He requires the negative review to be removed in order to issue a replacement. What to do?

Do not delete your review under any circumstances. This is a violation on the part of the seller of the rules of service. Indicate to him that you are familiar with the rules and are not going to comply with this requirement until the problem is completely resolved.

Do you have discounts, bonuses?

Yes. We have a cumulative discount system. With each purchase, your personal discount grows. In addition, sellers usually give nice gifts for positive feedback on a purchase. To do this, contact your personal correspondence on the website


By purchasing any product in our store, you confirm that you agree to the following rules:

  1. The warranty for digital goods applies in full and the seller bears full responsibility for the goods offered for sale.
  2. In some cases, the seller sets a warranty period, which must be notified to the future buyer in the description of the product.
  3. If the product description does not indicate the warranty period, the buyer has the right to consider the warranty to be unlimited.
  4. If the seller in the description of the product indicated a requirement to record a video from the moment the payment begins until the full check, you are obliged to comply with his requirement. If you do not agree with this, we kindly ask you not to make a purchase.
  5. The buyer is obliged to fully read the description of the product. Pay special attention to the type of product and the method of its delivery.
  6. If problems or questions arise, the buyer is obliged to contact the website only through personal correspondence after purchase. Technical support for buyers is provided by the seller only there.
  7. An employee of the site’s online chat provides only preliminary support, helps the buyer make a choice, or answer questions before purchasing.

On February 13, we launched the updated User Support Center website. These are not cosmetic changes, but a real deep rework. We have made the Support Center as convenient, structured and informative as possible.

Division by game

One of the main features of the new Help Center website is that each game has its own section.

Maximum information about the game

In the section dedicated to each game you will find:

  1. Knowledge base on all issues. To go to it, click on the icon of the desired category.
  2. Technical news on the game. They are now located at the top in the “Frequently Asked Questions” section. By clicking on the name of one of them, you will be taken to a page with all the technical news about the game. They will also be available in the column on the left, in the “Current Issues” section.
  3. Information about the status of game servers .
  4. Your requests to the User Support Center and their status.

Knowledge base

In the left block you will find a list for quick access to each category of the Knowledge Base and the latest technical news in the top column “Current Issues”.

Creating a ticket to the User Support Center and mini-responses

If you have not found a solution to your problem in the Knowledge Base, create a request in the User Support Center by clicking on the special button. You will find it on the main page of each game section under the list of categories, as well as at the end of each Knowledge Base article.

To help you formulate your question or problem as accurately as possible, each request has several additional subcategories. If you make a mistake with your choice, you can always return to the previous step by simply clicking on its name. The screenshot below shows the entire application process.

In most cases, the last step before submitting your application will be a mini-answer - a quick guide or tip with tips and links to Knowledge Base articles related to your problem. Below in the screenshot is a chain of subcategories and a mini-answer to one of the most common financial questions.

User Help Center- Wargaming support service, which will help solve problems related to the game or help block a player who violates the rules of the game.

How to get there?

You can get there using the link at the bottom of the site.

How to write there?

Below are instructions in pictures.

3. Press the button "Create a request".

4. Select any of the 8 categories. Let's say we choose World of Tanks.

5. Select one of 8 subcategories. For example, let's choose "Appealing against punishments".

6. Below you need to write a brief description of the question. Enter and click "Continue".

7. Enter a full description of your question in the input field. For example, this is the case for me. You can enter something completely different, the main thing is not to offend the administration, support service and other players.

8. Click "Continue".

That's it, your application has been created. You can write requests for any problem that you encounter.

Some rules for creating applications.

  • Never insult the administration and support team.
  • If you want to file a complaint against a player, do not forget to take a screenshot of the violation and attach it to the application. Below the input field there is a button “Drag files here or select from your computer”.

Why create requests?

There are different situations in battle: you or someone has been insulted, a player is inactive or deliberately causes damage to allies, behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner, etc. In such cases, it is enough to file a complaint through the complaint functionality directly in battle. But if they write insults to you in the hangar after a battle or offer to buy (exchange, upgrade) an account, you need to take a screenshot and send it to the Control Center in order to punish the offender. There are many different problems regarding World of Tanks and other Wargaming projects. The support team will always support you.

That's all I have. Good luck on the battlefields.

Prepared by: andreyv4

Unfortunately, no game is perfect and World of Tanks is no exception to the rule. Users constantly encounter a number of problems that they cannot solve on their own due to some of the game’s features. In order to solve all the problems that may arise while playing World of Tanks, the user is offered the so-called CPP. If we talk about what “TsPP” is, then this is an abbreviation that stands for "User Support Center". The user can always contact support, which will prompt the actions necessary to resolve the issue.

In addition to contacting technical support, a user who gets to the Center will be able to find answers to frequently asked questions, which is available on almost every resource, not to mention large companies, like the developer of World of Tanks. CPP has the following number of advantages that are available to the user:

  • Live communication. If you contact support, there are no robots, the answers are handled by trained people who will help solve any questions that arise with the game.
  • Quick answers. As a rule, support responds a few hours after the user creates a request. In the worst case, it will take about a day to respond, which by the standards of any support is fast and comfortable for the user.
  • Specifics. Support tries to solve the user's problem as quickly as possible. In case of any questions, the user receives specific and useful advice instead of “water”.

User Help Center- an extremely useful and necessary thing for every player who prefers to spend evenings in the friendly atmosphere of World of Tanks. However, not every user is aware of how to access it and where to find it. The article will tell you about all the nuances of support.

Where can I find the TsP and how to contact World of Tanks support?

User Help Center has always been prominently displayed on the official portal of the World of Tanks developer, that is, Wargaming. You can find support at the very top, it is located on a small black stripe. By selecting the support center, the developer will clarify for the user which game they need help with. It is no secret that Wargaming is the developer of such popular games as World of Warplane and World of Warship, but it will be necessary to select World of Tanks and the user is halfway to the support itself.

Once the user has chosen the game he is interested in, the manipulations do not end there. The user is redirected to select categories:

  • Technical issues. You should go here if the user has any problems with launching the game, errors, or anything else that is somehow related to the technical part of World of Tanks.
  • Financial questions. If the user has a number of questions that are directly related to the economy of World of Tanks or has problems with this aspect, then, of course, it is necessary to select the financial category.
  • Account. It is necessary to go to the account category if the user experiences any problems with his personal profile. Moreover, the problems can be of various kinds, ranging from restoring access to the account, and ending with the desire to unblock the account or find out about the reasons for its blocking.
  • Violations and punishments. If a user violates the agreement or plays with prohibited mods, he will receive a ban. But there are also cases when a user receives a block without any compelling reasons; the punishment section will help you figure it out.
  • A game. In the section you can find help regarding everything related to the gameplay itself. The section also reveals very interesting questions from beginners, which are answered by the developer himself in a detailed format.
  • Sandbox. This section contains help related to the sandbox server in World of Tanks.
  • Support section. This section includes popular questions and answers about the work of the support center for users.

Moreover, it is important to understand that after moving to the section necessary for the user, he will be included in the FAQ. If you look through the “game” section, the user can find dozens of popular questions and detailed answers to them. Thus, a beginner will be able to find out the information he is interested in and gain useful skills for World of Tanks directly from the developer’s lips. If you need help from specialists, you can write to support when choosing any of the questions. At the very bottom there is a yellow “contact support” button. It is the yellow button that you will need to click to communicate.

After pressing the key, the user needs to select the sections again and more specifically identify the problem by clicking another “create request” button. Next, a small questionnaire opens in which you must indicate the following points:

  • Account email. Here you need to write the email to which the user’s World of Tanks account is linked.
  • Contact Email. You will need to write another email in the field, which will receive a response from support.
  • Nickname of the account. You must specify your World of Tanks login, which is linked to the above email.
  • Ask a Question. The main field in which you need to describe the problem that has arisen in as much detail as possible; if possible, also attach screenshots. It is important to understand that the more detailed the user describes the problem, the faster they will help solve it, so there is no need to save space in the field.

After filling out all the items, the user will receive a large inscription "Request received". Immediately after submitting the application, the user will receive an email with the application itself, which must be checked and, if necessary, cancelled. After completing the actions, the user will be added to the database and should wait for a response from the developer’s technical support.

All requests received by the User Support Center are divided into categories depending on the problem encountered by the user. Let's take a brief look at how a person who contacts technical support should behave, depending on the reason.

1. Lost control over the game account

One of the most painful problems. Therefore, let's start with it.
As a rule, loss of control over an account involves hacking of the user's email. In this case, immediately contact technical support of the mail service you are registered with. Restoring control over mail is a vital thing in this case.

At the same time, you need to submit an application to the World of Tanks Project User Support Center. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for filing requests regarding unauthorized access to your account in the knowledge base. Please note that authorization is not required to submit a claim for loss of account control. You are only required to fill out the application form completely. After this, be patient and wait for the specialist’s response. Due to the complexity of the problem, applications in this category are considered within two weeks from the date of submission.

2. You made a payment, but the gold was not credited to your game account

If you deposited money through a payment terminal, then first of all you need to contact the organization that services it. You can find the phone number of this organization on the check that the terminal gave you.

Applications for payments made by other methods are submitted through the form on the World of Tanks project technical support website. You will need to log in, fill out the form and wait for a response from a specialist. You will probably be asked to provide payment information - provide it. The application review period is two days from the date of submission.
You can get additional information on financial issues in this topic.

3. You feel like there's something wrong with your gaming property.

This category includes problems related to the premium account, game gold, credits, experience, equipment, tanks, etc.
Before writing an application, we strongly recommend that you read this article. She can help you figure out for yourself what happened and, importantly, whether it happened at all. If you have read this material, but are still sure that something is wrong with your property, then write to support. The application is reviewed within two days from the date of submission.

4. You are having technical problems

Once logged in to the site, fill out the application form. This should be done in as much detail as possible, but avoiding obviously unnecessary details. If you have captured the problem in a screenshot, you can attach this screenshot to the application.
To help understand the situation, technical support may request you to provide a file called DxDiag. This file includes information about your computer, operating system, drivers, etc.

Attention! The DxDiag file does not collect any personal information and is needed by specialists only to find out which solutions to the problem will be optimal in your case. Instructions for obtaining the DxDiag file are located.

5. The rules of the game were violated against you, or you were a violator and want to appeal the punishment imposed by the project administration

We would like to warn you right away: the support service does not consider requests related to causing damage or destroying allies (team damage and team kill). An automatic system monitors this type of violation. Please note that restrictions imposed on your account by the automatic system cannot be appealed and applications for them will not be considered.

You can read the full list of actions prohibited for World of Tanks players in this topic on the game’s official forum.

An application for a violation of the rules or an appeal against a punishment can only be submitted in the first person. Thus, messages that the rules were violated in relation to your friend and your friend is asking to appeal the punishment will not be considered.

In addition, applications regarding conflicts within clans will not be considered. These are internal affairs in which the administration does not interfere in principle.
The period for consideration of an application for violation of the rules is two days. Applications for appeal are considered on an individual basis, the processing time depends on the complexity of the situation.
A complaint about a violation of the rules can be filed within seven days from the date of violation. Complaints about earlier events will not be considered.
6. Do you have general questions regarding the World of Tanks project?

Before asking support questions, we recommend reading the gaming forum. It is quite possible that the answer to your question has already been given in one of the topics.

If you did submit your application, it will be reviewed within two days.

Remember one more important rule. If you write support requests of the same type, each new request will be merged with the old one, and the review period will be counted from the moment the last one is submitted. Thus, by showing impatience you will only delay the process of solving the problem.

We wish you good luck on the virtual battlefields and a speedy resolution of all emerging difficulties!

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