Playing aircraft carriers in World of Warships: the basics of control, attack and defense. Controlling an aircraft carrier is not easy, but effective Controlling aviation in world of warships games

Perhaps the most specific class of ships are aircraft carriers. On the one hand, this is a very dangerous ship, and on the other, the most helpless. For novice players it is not at all clear how to play it.

Equipment and modules

First, we prepare the ship for battle. To do this, first of all, we upgrade top aircraft. You can even, at first, not download anything else if you don’t have enough experience. Next you need to go into equipment and buy a repair team. In the modernization tab, select reinforced rifle groups. They are located not only on the ship itself, as air defense, but also on torpedo bombers and bombers. In the second slot we put an air group, which strengthens fighters, if any. If they are not there, then we set the planes to reload. It is better to choose the fight for survivability in the third slot. It is more useful to choose a camouflage that will reduce your visibility.

Battle tactics and features

When you enter a battle, you need to evaluate the features of the map and become competent. A good option is to stand behind a large island, because it will be more difficult for destroyers to throw torpedoes. They usually just quickly approach within firing range and fire a salvo roughly at the aircraft carrier, but in this case the torpedoes will simply hit the island. Constantly monitor the mini map to see in time where your and enemy planes are flying. They need to be constantly monitored. Launch the fighters first. They will scout the map and protect your strike groups. You can also protect an allied ship. If the enemy has more fighters than you, then you need to bring them to your ships, preferably to a cruiser.

Aircraft control

To learn how to play an aircraft carrier in World of Warships, pay special attention to aircraft. For strike teams, the sweet spot is the enemy, but there is no need to waste ammunition on an almost dead enemy. By the way, torpedoes need to be dropped as close to the enemy as possible from the side, but so that the torpedoes have time to cock. It is recommended to first attack the enemy ship with bombs to cause a fire on board. This will force him to use the repair kit. In this case, it is better to launch dive bombers from the stern. Then they will fly in the direction of the enemy's movement, which will increase the chance of a hit. After this, we attack with torpedo bombers, and the enemy gets flooded or fires again, but can no longer be repaired immediately. From such a combined attack, the enemy ship can easily sink. You can generally attack the enemy simultaneously in groups from both sides with torpedoes, so that he has nowhere to dodge.

Ship control

The ship itself is also a combat unit. It is advisable to move it approximately 20 km from the battle formation of allied ships. The ship is a desirable prey for enemies and is almost helpless against them in close combat. So if you are attacked, you can get away from the attack in a cunning way: just rest against the edge of the map and drift sideways, turning the ship at an angle. This will make it harder for you to get hit.

Priority assignment

When enemy torpedo bombers approach you, you need to position them so that your air defense attacks them first. And if an enemy fighter is trying to shoot down our planes, then he will not be able to attack him in the first place. You can also prioritize an enemy ship in order to attack it with your auxiliary cannons as it approaches.

Now you've learned how to properly play an aircraft carrier in World of Warships, but remember that each individual ship has its own unique features. And note that this may not be all the fun in controlling an aircraft carrier, but you can discover the rest on your own.

How to play the Japanese aircraft carrier Hosho in the game World of warships guide to the aircraft carrier in wows Subscribe to the channel! : The Japanese aircraft carrier Hosho in the game World of warships is at level 4 Download the game: Link to video: Hosho is the first Japanese aircraft carrier in the World of warships game. It is on it that you will learn to play on aircraft carriers in the game World of warships. By playing on the Japanese aircraft carrier level 4 Hosho you will learn how to use wide and narrow torpedo launch fans in the game World of warships. How to properly play an aircraft carrier in the game World of warships The Japanese aircraft carrier Hosho in the wows game has two squadrons of torpedo bombers and one squadron of fighters with four aircraft in each squadron. Hosho (Japanese: 鳳翔 flying phoenix) is a light aircraft carrier of the Japanese Imperial Navy. The project of the aircraft-carrying ship was developed in 1918-1919 under the leadership of engineers Yasuji Taji and Teiji Kawai, its construction was carried out in 1920-1922 jointly by the Asano shipyard in Tsurumi and the Fleet Arsenal in Yokosuka. Having entered service on December 27, 1922, Hosho became the world's first specially built aircraft carrier, six months ahead of the similar Hermes laid down earlier in the UK. My group in Contacts: My Facebook page: You will see in video world of warships, learn how to play world of warships, learn about world of warships gameplay, where to download world of warships, get acquainted with American and Japanese ships world of warships, watch other world of warships gameplay videos on the TV world of warships channel, check out with world of warships classes, learn about world of warships game release date, weekly releases of world of warships developer diaries, a lot of tips for world of warships for beginners, all the most interesting things in world of warships diaries, teaching world of warships players how to play, parsing world games of warships on a cruiser, get acquainted with the ships of world of warships aponia, and also get acquainted with American ships world of warships, learn world of warships how to start playing, world of warships how to play you will find, world of warships battleships, the answer is in this video, world of warships battleship ships in the game, world of warships mods better use, world of warships aircraft carriers, destroyers, cruisers are classes of ships in the game World of warships. You will see on the channel a video about the world of warships guide on cruisers, world of warships guide on destroyers, world of warships shooting guide, world of warships aircraft carrier guide, world of warships USSR branch. wows aircraft carriers in the game with wows topedo carriers. Torpedoes are launched into wows in a narrow fan using ALT manually or automatic in the wows game. JOIN VSP GROUP PARTNER PROGRAM.

They are considered the most extraordinary class of technology. They are deprived of main-caliber guns, but they carry weapons on their decks that can send any ship in the game to the bottom in one go - entire air groups, represented by fighter and strike aircraft. This is a self-sufficient class of equipment, capable of performing a wide range of tasks: sinking enemy ships, covering allied equipment from enemy aircraft, providing light anywhere on the map.

Control Features

Many players who play on an aircraft carrier for the first time draw parallels with another formidable weapon from World of Tanks - self-propelled guns. But this opinion is erroneous, and it is based only on the similarity in the picture that the artilleryman and the aircraft pilot see in front of him. In other aspects, only differences appear that make the gameplay on aircraft carriers unique and exciting.

Buttons 1 to 9 on the keyboard are used to control the aircraft carrier itself and its air groups. As the level increases, the number of air groups will increase, which will require the proper microcontrol skills from the air operator. All the necessary control commands are displayed in the interface, so figuring out which button to press is not difficult.

As a rule, an aircraft carrier is given a route for its movement. By holding down the Shift key, you can mark up to 5 control points. General rule for all classes of ships: movement is life. Of course, sometimes it is useful to hide behind an island for a while, or even for the entire battle. But be prepared for the fact that if a destroyer approaches you unnoticed, the chances of survival are close to zero.

We attack correctly: fighters, torpedo bombers, bombers

Based on the title, it already becomes clear that the aircraft carrier carries 3 types of winged equipment. It is necessary to attack enemy ships with torpedo bombers and bombers, and cover your air groups and allied ships with fighters. All three types of aircraft perform reconnaissance functions, highlighting ships on the battle screen and mini-map. Details about the attack of each type of aircraft.

Attack by torpedo bombers

The priority target of aircraft carriers is battleships. They are slow, clumsy, and their air defense weapons are ineffective in most cases. The hardest thing to attack is destroyers, because... they are small, fast and the most maneuverable in the game.

For all aviation, two types of attack are implemented.

Standard – designed for quickly mastering the game on an aircraft carrier. Select a group of torpedo bombers and left-click on the enemy ship. As a result, a green torpedo movement zone is displayed on the screen. To adjust the direction of the attack, you need to drag the icon along the outline of the circle.

Alternative attack - used for precise aiming. In this mode, you need to manually specify the torpedo release sector by holding down the “Alt” button. This type of attack is more difficult, but the effectiveness is significantly higher.

Bomber attack

The procedure is similar to the previous class of aircraft in both conventional and alternative bomb-dropping modes. To increase the chance of hitting the target, you should place a green bomb release sector along the attacked ship.

Fighter attack

Air targets can be attacked by simply pressing LMB on an enemy air group, as well as through “Alt”. In the second case, a green sector of fighter movement will appear on the screen. Air groups that find themselves in the affected area suffer heavy losses, both enemy and allied.

Keep in mind that each class of ship has a point of no return, after which it will be impossible to cancel or correct the attack. The supply of air groups is also limited, so you should not approach ships with high level Air defense.

Aircraft carrier protective equipment

An aircraft carrier can defend itself from enemy air groups not only with fighters, but also with air defense guns. Their effectiveness varies depending on the ship’s level, and starting from level 8, aircraft carriers have access to the “Defensive Fire” consumable, which increases the effectiveness of air defense and also disrupts the targeting of air groups.

In some cases, an anti-mine caliber (MMC) can protect against destroyers. You shouldn't count on it too much, because... The effectiveness of the auxiliary caliber is low, so a ship can be destroyed with a secondary gun only if it has a small reserve of hit points left.

Air groups are the main weapon of all aircraft carriers. And the game on this class of ships mainly consists of controlling the aircraft, and not the ship itself. All aircraft located on aircraft carriers are divided into three types according to their armament: torpedo bombers, bombers and attack aircraft. There are also fighters and spotters related to the equipment, and the former can be present on ships of all types except destroyers.

general information

At the same time, the visibility of aircraft can be reduced by 10% after learning the “Master of Camouflage” ship commander skill and by 10% after installing the “Cloaking System Modification 1” upgrade.

Also, the talents of some unique ship commanders can reduce aircraft preparation time.

Aircraft speed

Application of afterburner

If a strike group flies without ammunition, its flight speed is higher than the flight speed with full ammunition. An empty group's speed is equal to the base speed plus 25%. If a group of fighters lands on the strike group’s tail, the speed of the strike group slows down, and the speed does not depend on whether the group has full ammunition or empty. The speed of the strike group in this case is equal to the base speed minus 25%.

At the same time, the constant flight speed can be increased by 2.5% by studying the “Improved Engines” skill of the ship commander.

But airplanes have afterburner, which can briefly increase speed (you must press the [W] key). It provides:

  • increase in cruising speed without taking into account skills and upgrades at all levels except for the exceptions below - 35 knots;
  • increase in cruising speed without taking into account skills and upgrades for Japanese aircraft, German Tier VIII aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin and attack aircraft of all nations - 40 knots;

For his quick recovery can be used with the Engine Cooling equipment. The afterburner duration can be increased by 10% with the “Improved Afterburner” skill. And the “Last Jerk” skill completely restores it for the last strike element of the aircraft carrier.

You can reduce the speed of aircraft by pressing the [S] key:

  • aircraft deceleration when pressing S at all levels - 26.25 knots;
  • slowing down Japanese aircraft, the aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin and attack aircraft of all nations when pressing the S key - 30 knots.

The return speed can be increased by 20% by installing the Air Group Modification 1 upgrade.

Also, the special skills of some unique commanders can increase the duration of the afterburner.

Aircraft combat capability

Displaying the combat capability of squadron aircraft

Each aircraft has its own reserve of combat effectiveness and loses it under air defense fire. You can monitor the status of your squadron on the combat capability bar at the bottom of the screen. The combat capability bar is divided into cells, the number of which is equal to the number of aircraft. The cells have the following states and color indication:

  • green - the plane is OK;
  • yellow - the plane is damaged;
  • red - the plane is heavily damaged;
  • black - the plane has been shot down, is returning to the aircraft carrier, or the squadron has taken off with incomplete strength.

It can be increased using:

  • for all aircraft:
    • ship commander skill “Master of the fight for survivability” - plus 15 aircraft combat capability points for each ship level;
    • modernization of the “Air Group Modification 2” - plus +7.5% to the survivability of aircraft.
  • for aircraft types - the corresponding upgrade in the fourth slot.

Well, the talents of some unique ship commanders can increase the combat effectiveness of aircraft.

You can also reduce air defense damage by 10% by learning the commander skill “Aircraft Armor”.

And torpedo bombers on Tier VIII and X aircraft carriers have the “Repair” consumable, which restores 10% of their combat effectiveness. At the same time, you can increase the number of combat effectiveness points by 5% if you use the India Delta flag signal.

Aircraft control

To select a squadron, press the , or key. Pressing it again will lift the selected squadron into the air. will take into the air a new type of aircraft - attack aircraft, - torpedo bombers, and - bombers. The squadron taken into the air will consist of only one type of aircraft.

The speed of the squadron can be controlled using the [W] and [S] keys, which increase or decrease the speed of the aircraft by consuming afterburner. Turns are performed using the [A] and [D] keys. In addition, you can use the mouse for more convenient aiming.

Attack Mode

To start an attack, you need to press the left mouse button to separate the flight from the squadron and begin the attack. Depending on the type of squadron, an ellipse for firing missiles or dropping bombs or a torpedo sight for attacking with torpedoes will be visible. At this moment, the sight will turn yellow, and a special timer will indicate that it is ready to carry out an attack. When planes are ready to attack, the crosshair turns green.

The aiming speed can be increased by learning the “Sight Stabilization” skill:

  • +7.5% to attack speed for attack aircraft;
  • +7.5% to the aiming speed of torpedo bombers;
  • +15% to the aiming speed of bombers.

To attack, you need to press the left mouse button again.

And during an attack, the main role is played by the correct lead, which must be chosen taking into account the size, speed and maneuverability of the ship.

The rest of the squadron's aircraft leave the player's control, follow the attacking flight and return to control after the attack is completed. The attacking aircraft return to the aircraft carrier to replenish their ammunition. If during an attack an aircraft in the attacking flight is shot down, it will be replaced by another aircraft from the squadron.

If, while in attack mode, you do not carry out an attack within the allotted time, then all aircraft of the attacking flight will return to the squadron, and you can approach the target.

You can look around and understand what the selected target is doing now using the overview camera. It is activated by pressing the right mouse button. In this case, the planes will not deviate from the current course.

Torpedo bombers carry specific torpedoes depending on the aircraft level (one or two), which are characterized by:

  • damage;
  • travel speed;
  • range;
  • visibility;
  • probability of flooding;
  • cocking time.

The range is short in most cases, so it is best to attack closer to the target.

The characteristics of torpedoes can be improved:

  • the ship commander’s skill “Torpedo Acceleration” - the speed of torpedoes will increase by 5 knots, but reduce the range by 20%;
  • flag signals that increase the likelihood of flooding:
    • Victor Lima - by 4%;
    • Juliet Whiskey Unaone - by 15%.

Torpedo bombers are the main striking force of an aircraft carrier and can hit ships of all types, but against maneuverable targets it is necessary to more carefully launch aircraft onto them or use the cross-drop of two or more torpedo fans (the “Hammer and Anvil” method).

The most effective is to drop torpedoes at the side of an enemy ship. In this case, the affected area is maximum and the torpedo attack is considered most effective.

Depending on the aircraft, in preparation for an attack, the torpedo fan begins to narrow during, as well as after, descent. The fan is divided into sectors according to the number of torpedoes ready to be dropped by your aircraft. You can drop torpedoes immediately when they are ready, but it is better to wait so that they go out in a narrower fan and are more likely to hit the enemy.

Remember, torpedoes take time to arm and successfully hit their target. For convenience, the torpedo arming distance is highlighted in yellow, and the range is highlighted in green.

To carry out an effective attack with torpedo bombers, you need to switch to attack mode at a considerable distance from the target, not forgetting about anticipation and the enemy’s potential attempt to evade your attack.

Torpedo bombers by country

ShipConf. Maximum torpedo damage
Cruising speed
Combat capability
AlbacoreFuriousdrain5200 112 1870 0 300 000
Barracuda MkIIFurioustop5200 122 1970 7000 750 000
Barracuda MkVImplacabledrain5933 127 2060 0 600 000
SpearfishImplacabletop5933 133 2150 18 000 1 500 000
AlbacoreHermesdrain5200 97 1780 0 50 000
FirebrandAudaciousdrain5933 136 2250 0 1 000 000
WyvernAudacioustop5933 142 2340 38 000 2 500 000
SwordfishArk Royaldrain5200 98 1500 0 0
Extra options
Torpedo type View Travel speed, knots Travel range, km Probability of flooding, % Cocking time, s Ships using it
Mark VIII Standard 35 2,4 45 3 Hermes
Mark VIII Standard 35 2,4 45 3,5 Ark Royal, Furious (stock)
Mark XII Standard 35 2,4 45 4 Furious (top)
Mark XII Standard 35 2,4 51 4,33 Implacable (stock)
Mark XV Standard 35 2,4 51 4,66 Implacable (top)
Mark XVII Standard 35 2,4 51 5 Audacious (stock)
Mark XVII Standard 35 2,4 51 5,25 Audacious (top)
ShipConf. Maximum torpedo damage
Cruising speed
Combat capability
T4MLangleydrain4233 88 1550 0 50 000
T4MRangerdrain5567 101 1630 0 300 000
TBD DevastatorRangertop5567 112 1710 7000 750 000
TBF AvengerLexingtondrain6467 120 1800 0 600 000
SB2C HelldiverLexingtontop6467 125 1880 18 000 1 500 000
AD-1 SkyraiderMidwaydrain5067 128 1960 0 1 000 000
BTD DestroyerMidwaytop5067 131 2040 38 000 2 500 000
TBF AvengerEnterprisedrain6467 120 1800 0 0
BTD DestroyerSaipandrain6467 131 2040 0 0
Extra options
Torpedo type View Travel speed, knots Travel range, km Probability of flooding, % Cocking time, s Ships using it
Mk.7D Standard 35 3 33 3 Langley (stock)
Mk.7D Standard 35 3 45 3,33 Ranger (stock)
Mk.7D Standard 35 3 45 3,66 Ranger (top)
Mk.13-2 Standard 35 3,5 52 4 Lexington (stock), Enterprise
Mk.13-2 Standard 35 3,5 52 4,5 Lexington (top)
Mk.13-2 Standard 35 3,5 52 5 Saipan
Mk.7D Standard 35 4 42 5 Midway (stock)
Mk.7D Standard 35 4 42 5,5 Midway (top)
ShipConf. Maximum torpedo damage
Cruising speed
Combat capability
B4Y JeanHōshōdrain5400 97 1380 0 50 000
B4Y JeanRyūjōdrain5400 120 1460 0 300 000
B5N2 KateRyūjōtop6500 128 1530 7000 750 000
B6N TenzanShōkakudrain7233 133 1600 0 600 000
B7A RyūseiShōkakutop7233 137 1670 18 000 1 500 000
C6N SaiunHakuryūdrain9333 141 1750 0 1 000 000
J5N Tenrai Type 91 mod. 7Hakuryūtop9333 145 1820 38 000 2 500 000
B6N TenzanKagadrain5400 133 1600 0 0
Extra options
Torpedo type View Travel speed, knots Travel range, km Probability of flooding, % Cocking time, s Ships using it
Type 91 mod. 1 Standard 50 3 30 3 Hosho
Type 91 mod. 1 Standard 50 3 30 3,33 Ryujo (stock)
Type 91 mod. 2 Standard 50 4 36 3,66 Ryujo (top)
Type 91 mod. 3 Standard 50 5 40 4 Shokaku
Type 91 mod. 3 Standard 50 5 30 6 Kaga
Type 91 mod. 7 Standard 50 6 40 5 Hakuryu (stock and pretop)
Type 91 mod. 8 Standard 40 8 40 11 Hakuryu (top)

Bombers can carry the following types of bombs:

  • high-explosive fragmentation;
  • armor-piercing.

Aircraft of this type additionally characterized in the bomb part:

  • armor penetration;
  • bomb damage.

In addition, high-explosive fragmentation bombs can cause a fire on an enemy ship. The likelihood of fire can be increased by using the following modifiers:

  • flag signals Victor Lima and India X-Ray (+1%);

Moreover, some planes carry not one, but several bombs.

The sight of bombers looks different from that of torpedo bombers. The affected area is an oval, so an attack from the stern or bow is most effective. In this case, the affected area is maximum and the probability of a successful hit increases.

The distance of the sight depends on the current speed of the aircraft, its altitude and pitch. It must be taken into account that the sight of dive bombers moves quite slowly when climbing and diving and accelerates when approaching the target.

British bombers drop bombs differently: in larger numbers and in horizontal flight. The dispersion ellipse is elongated in the direction of movement of the squadron and is larger than that of bombers of other nations. If the target is successfully approached, this feature will allow you to inflict significant damage on the enemy ship.

It is also worth remembering that armor-piercing bombs are a special type of weapon - they can penetrate the deck, but at a certain angle: otherwise there will be a ricochet.

The angle at which the bomb hits the target depends on the aircraft's pitch. And it, in turn, depends on the time of approach to the target - when the sight appears and the countdown to exiting the attack begins, the angle of impact of the bomb will change towards a decrease.

By dropping a bomb at the highest point of the trajectory, when the plane goes into a dive after a “slide” (climb), it will fall perpendicular to the plane, which is ideal against very thick armor. If you drop the bomb at the last moment, when the dive is over and the plane is simply flying parallel to the water, the angle of incidence will be very small, which will allow the bomb to arm itself when it hits a weakly armored target. However, it must be taken into account that with such a discharge there will be no chance of causing serious damage to ships with more serious deck armor due to ricochet.

As soon as the bomb makes contact with the armor, the usual mechanics of armor-piercing shells are triggered - normalization, checking for ricochet, armor penetration and cocking.

After arming, the bomb (which is already mechanically identical to an armor-piercing projectile) continues its path inside the ship, but after each encounter with an obstacle its speed and, accordingly, the remaining penetration are recalculated. And so on for every obstacle encountered by the bomb.

Bombers by country

ShipConf. Maximum Bomb Damage
Cruising speed
Combat capability
SkuaFuriousdrain4700 121 1940 0 300 000
Barracuda MkIIFurioustop4700 122 2030 7000 750 000
Barracuda MkVImplacabledrain4700 126 2130 0 600 000
SpearfishImplacabletop4700 130 2230 18 000 1 500 000
SwordfishHermesdrain2300 98 1840 0 50 000
FirebrandAudaciousdrain6000 134 2320 0 1 000 000
WyvernAudacioustop6000 142 2420 38 000 2 500 000
Sea HornetIndomitabledrain4700 182 2590 0 0
SwordfishArk Royaldrain2300 98 1550 0 0
ShipConf. Maximum Bomb Damage
Cruising speed
Combat capability
SBU CorsairLangleydrain7300 99 1630 0 50 000
SBC HelldiverRangerdrain9200 116 1720 0 300 000
SB2U VindicatorRangertop9200 117 1810 7000 750 000
SBD DauntlessLexingtondrain9200 122 1890 0 600 000
SB2C HelldiverLexingtontop9200 125 1980 18 000 1 500 000
AD-1 SkyraiderMidwaydrain11 200 128 2060 0 1 000 000
BTD DestroyerMidwaytop11 200 131 2150 38 000 2 500 000
SB2C HelldiverEnterprisedrain5900 125 1980 0 0
BTD DestroyerSaipandrain11 200 131 2150 0 0
Bomb type View Chance of arson, % Ships using it
AN-M65 High explosive 41 Langley
AN-M65 High explosive 52 Ranger, Lexington
AN-M62 Armor-piercing 0 Enterprise
AN-M66 High explosive 64 Saipan, Midway
ShipConf. Maximum Bomb Damage
Cruising speed
Combat capability
D1A SusieHōshōdrain3000 98 1360 0 50 000
D3A ValRyūjōdrain5500 133 1430 0 300 000
D4Y2 SuiseiRyūjōtop6100 137 1500 7000 750 000
D4Y3 SuiseiShōkakudrain6100 142 1580 0 600 000
B7A RyūseiShōkakutop7600 145 1650 18 000 1 500 000
A7M RepūHakuryūdrain8500 148 1720 0 1 000 000
J5N TenraiHakuryūtop8500 152 1790 38 000 2 500 000
D4Y3 SuiseiKagadrain8800 142 1580 0 0
Additional parameters of air bombs
Bomb type View Chance of arson, % Ships using it
Type 3 no. 25 Armor-piercing 0 Hosho
Type 3 no. 25 mod. 1 Armor-piercing 0 Ryujo (stock)
Type 3 no. 25 Mk. 4 Armor-piercing 0 Ryujo (top), Shokaku (stock)
Type 90 no. 50 Mk. 2 High explosive 50 Kaga
Type 99 no. 80 Mk. 5 Armor-piercing 0 Shokaku (top), Hakuryu


Stormtroopers are armed with unguided rockets. These rounds are very effective against lightly armored targets and are fairly easy to hit. Rockets can also cause fires.

There are two types of missiles:

  • with slight penetration;
  • with great penetration.

The latter can only be on a number of ships at levels VIII÷X, but the aircraft carries a much smaller number of them.

The missiles have the following performance characteristics:

  • maximum damage;
  • armor penetration;
  • possibility of arson.

The likelihood of fire can be increased by using the following modifiers:

  • flag signals Victor Lima and India X-Ray (+1%);
  • skill of the ship commander “Explosive Engineer” (+2%).

Most often, this type of aircraft has high speed and can reach desired point in a short period of time. The sight of attack aircraft is an ellipse or circle, inside of which special marks are displayed showing the spread at maximum convergence. The ellipse is reduced to an ideal radius if the aircraft does not make sharp maneuvers.

Aircraft carrier– the most extraordinary representative of the class of heavy ships in the game. It does not have serious artillery installations, but it does have deadly weapons - air groups.

A successful strategy and well-thought-out tactics can turn opposing ships into pieces. Now let's talk about how to play an aircraft carrier in World of Warships.

Features of aircraft carrier control

First of all, press the “1” key on the keyboard. A top view of the map will open. Here you can set a specific route that the ship will follow. If there is a need to set an arbitrary route, hold down the “Shift” key and mark all control points on the map.

Features of air group management

To get started play on an aircraft carrier in World of Warships– you must press the “2”, “3” and “4” keys on the keyboard.
  • To activate the fighter, press “2” or “3”;
  • Torpedo bombers are controlled using the “3” or “4” keys;
  • Calling bombers – key “5”.

Once the desired air group is activated, you should set a trajectory for the aircraft. To do this, left-click on the playing field and mark the targets on the map. If there is a need to lay out an expanded route in order to hit several targets, hold down the “Shift” key and left-click on all strategic objects.

In order to carry out successful attacks on enemy ships, it is necessary to take care of every combat air unit. If the entire air group is lost, you can use reserve equipment. However, this must be done wisely. After all, the emergency supply of aircraft is limited.

How to properly attack enemy ships with air groups?

In order to attack an enemy ship, you must select the desired type of air group by pressing the “2”, “3”, “4” or “5” keys.

Attack by torpedo bombers

Select a group of torpedo bombers by pressing the appropriate key. After this, move the cursor over the opponent’s ship and press the left mouse button. As a result, the active zone of torpedoes will be highlighted in green. The direction of the attack is easy to change; to do this, simply drag the icon along the outline of the circle.

If more precise aiming is required, then press the “Alt” key. In this mode, you can manually specify the torpedo drop location.

Bomber attack

We call the air group the right type. And mark the goals on the map. The entire procedure is similar to the previous class of aircraft. Therefore, no difficulty will arise.

In order to start winning regularly and stay afloat for as long as possible, you must always be in the shadows, invisible. This is very important, because an aircraft carrier is absolutely helpless when detected by enemy cruisers and destroyers. This requires discussing in detail the tactical and strategic aspects of the upcoming battle with other members of your team.

Publications on the topic