Iota tariffs and unlimited internet for smartphones. Yota (mobile operator): reviews, tariffs, connection

There are several large mobile operators in Russia, which, in essence, have divided the market among themselves. These are such well-known “giants” of the industry as MTS, Megafon, Tele2, Beeline. It is quite difficult for a new and little-known company entering the market to gain a foothold here due to strong competition. This can only be done through customer loyalty and carefully thought-out tariff plans that are attractive due to their affordability.

This is what the operator Yota did, reviews of which we will publish in this article. In addition, we will tell you basic information about this company - its history, methods of capturing the market and the tariff plans that it offers to its clients.

History and general information

If you have not heard of such a company, then Yota (reviews confirm that many customers did not know about the existence of such an operator) is a relatively young player in the Russian telecommunications market. It was founded in 2007 through the investment of Scartel LLC ( entity, which owns the Yota brand) and Megafon OJSC (a large mobile operator, everyone probably knows it). Thus, we have created a holding company that manages a relatively new mobile operator.

Despite the fact that the company can be said to be a newcomer to the industry, Yota communications (reviews from group representatives confirm this) are distributed in 48 regions of Russia. We are talking about signal transmission in the format of 4G networks that support the distribution of high-speed mobile Internet. If you believe the official information of the operator, back in 2014, among Yota subscribers, whose reviews we will partially cite below, there were more than 1.2 million Russians. This is despite the fact that the first launch of the network took place quite recently - at the end of the summer of 2010. Agree, for mobile company This is very fast development!

main feature

The question arises as to how the Yota operator, about which we will publish user reviews below, was able to overcome such a high threshold in terms of the number of subscribers in such a short time. We can say right away that advertising and the right PR campaign played a certain role in this matter. But do not forget that the costs of other leading operators for media promotion are colossal. It is very difficult to overtake MTS, Megafon and Beeline in the eyes of the consumer! And here we come to the main feature that Yota (mobile operator) has. Reviews indicate that all Internet packages available to subscribers are offered with unlimited traffic. That is, unlike competing companies, Yota does not allocate a fixed number of megabytes available for use. The subscriber can use wireless high-speed online access for as long as he needs. Agree, this cannot but bribe. Of course, every subscriber will think about whether to switch to service from this company.


In addition to the Internet, Yota (reviews confirm this) has other services in its arsenal, the terms of which look tempting compared to other companies. In particular, these are calls both to the numbers of your operator and to the phones of other companies, as well as SMS messages. This package is classic for any mobile operator, only the conditions for receiving services here are actually more favorable than in the plans of competitors.

Internet for smartphone

Of course, one of the main advantages of the company is the Internet, through which its subscribers use its services. At Yota, the Internet (reviews repeatedly confirm this) is provided in unlimited quantities. If we talk about connection for a smartphone, then its cost is 300 rubles per month. This is the basis for the tariff that the subscriber chooses. Other services are provided as options - the ability to receive minutes for calls, SMS, etc.

For tablet

The Internet connection for a tablet computer here is more diverse - the client can choose one of three tariff plans - this is noted even by reviews left about Yota. Mobile network provider is able to provide a connection at a speed of 1 Mbit per second at a price of 390 rubles, 3 Mbit/sec - 590 and at “maximum speed” (as indicated in the tariff description) for 790 rubles per month. Since we are talking about a service for a tablet computer, minutes for calls and SMS messages are not provided according to the terms of the plan.

For computer

Finally, the third tariff is the “Internet for Computer” plan. The conditions here are different from those mentioned above. Firstly, the connection is made via a Yota modem, reviews of which, again, we will leave for last. Secondly, the tariff designer allows the user to independently determine the speed at which the connection will be established. There are several stages provided here: the minimum is a speed of 512 kbit/sec. at a price of 400 rubles/month, and the maximum is a tariff costing 1,400 rubles per month of use. In front of it, a speed of 15 Mbit/second is also provided at a price of 1,350 rubles.

If a subscriber cannot decide which Internet to choose from Yota, reviews note that the company makes concessions and provides the opportunity to conduct a test drive. Also, as indicated on the official website, it is possible to change the tariff at any time.

mobile connection

As we indicated above, in addition to the Internet, the operator provides services mobile communications. It is, of course, only available as part of tariff plan“for a smartphone”, and the subscriber can choose the volume of the service provided in the same way as the Internet - using a special designer on the website. If you believe him, then 100 minutes of calls to other operators within Russia cost 140 rubles, and 1200 minutes - 1290 rubles. The user can choose between 300, 600 and 900 minutes (prices vary accordingly).

Another option is to connect unlimited SMS messages. The service is available for 50 rubles. Thus, after the subscriber finally selects all the options and additions he is interested in, he will be provided with the total cost of services that must be paid. The minimum is 440 rubles per month.

Smartphone YotaPhone2

We know that Yota is a mobile operator. Reviews note that the company is developing smartphones. Widely known Yota phone, it turns out, is not just a “namesake”, but a product of the operator to whom this article is dedicated. A device equipped with two screens - touch and “ink” (the so-called “electronic ink” technology is used - you can see it on portable e-readers). The first serves to perform the functions of a smartphone (by the way, the operating system is installed here Android system). The second is an indicator of charging, hours, missed calls, SMS and other important functions. It can also be used to read books without harming your eyesight.

YotaPhone2 can be purchased at the operator's sales points, which can also be found in your city (they are available throughout the country). The cost of the device on the official website is indicated at 36 thousand rubles (for the white version) and 34 thousand for the black one. You can also purchase accessories for the device here.

Yota modems

Except mobile phone own development, the company is also engaged in selling modems at reduced prices for its subscribers. The choice in the company's catalog is quite wide - you can buy either just a USB modem for receiving a signal using a computer (about a thousand rubles), or a WiFi router that connects to a 4G network and distributes the Internet to nearby devices. The cost of such a model reaches 4-6 thousand rubles, depending on the capabilities and throughput.

For example, there is a Yota Many modem. Reviews about it show that this is a device that accepts wireless signal and capable of distributing it to 8 computers (tablets or phones) simultaneously. Its cost is 4900 rubles. By purchasing this model, you can significantly save on Internet costs by sharing traffic with your neighbors, for example.

As customer reviews about the Yota Many device show, you can order the device on the company’s official website, or at the official point of sale.

How to connect?

If you have read the information about the tariff plans of a given operator and want to connect, it is very easy to do so. It is enough to purchase a starter package at one of the customer service points - at least that’s what reviews about Yota show. Mobile communications from this operator are really inexpensive, and the quality of services is excellent. So why not connect in this case?

“Mobile slavery” has been abolished, long live freedom of choice!” — with approximately these words, tens of thousands of people ran to communication shops to switch from one mobile operator to another. The SIM cards were shuffled between the “big three” and everything remained in place. Those dissatisfied with Megafon went to MTS or Beeline, just as those dissatisfied with the latter went over to Megafon. And everyone is happy. However, in this turmoil, many did not notice the emergence of a new telecom operator - the Yota company, which began distributing its SIM cards to everyone. One of them was me. I’ll tell you now how the transition process went and what happened in the end.


It all started a couple of years ago, when I decided to get myself a mobile router, which I used when traveling. The device has repeatedly come to the rescue in places where mobile operators could not provide high-quality communication. Now this router is in my dacha and works around the clock, providing unlimited Internet to all connected devices. Having learned at the beginning of the year that Yota decided to enter the market cellular communication, I decided to find out more about what the new operator offers and what benefits I will get if I decide to switch to it.

It turned out to be very simple (which cannot be said about the main “players” of the market): you buy as many minutes as you need (from 100 per month) and additionally activate a package of unlimited SMS for a symbolic 50 rubles. Internet is already included in the price and also has no traffic restrictions. One tariff without many options and unclear charges - this was exactly what I needed. “Jumping” every few months from tariff to tariff in search of a more profitable and convenient offer, and even connecting some options, the description of which is even more confusing than the name, is simply tired. And how infuriated I was by messages like “You are approaching the shutdown threshold, because... We've spent all our traffic, now we'll turn everything off for you. Do you want to extend? Send an SMS to the number, wait for confirmation, send a new one...” Therefore, two main factors “for” the transition were fulfilled: a simple tariff, unlimited Internet.

Before connection

Naturally, since all the laws have been adopted and I can keep my “precious” number for myself, I began to find out what I would need for the transition. I had already mentally imagined that paperwork, data reconciliations and other “services” so familiar to Russian people awaited me. Our colleague, Sergey Suyagin, already wrote about this on the pages of Lifehacker, and his material worried me a little. I didn’t want to have conversations for 20 minutes at the point of sale with consultants who often had little understanding of the subject of the conversation. However, in reality everything turned out much simpler.

To connect to Yota you had to download special application for iOS, read about the benefits of connection and... wait for a notification about when you can pick up your new SIM card. And this was, perhaps, the most unpleasant moment in the entire story - I had to wait about a month for the SIM card. Unfortunately, the exact date was not mentioned anywhere, so we had to be patient. Now, I think that the waiting time has decreased, since I was apparently in the first wave when the cards were distributed.

And so, on the cherished day, a notification appeared on the display of my iPhone that I could pick up my SIM card. The newly opened application acquired new functions, where I was shown map issuing points and even asked to get directions to the nearest one, where I went.
It’s worth saying that the SIM card could also be ordered by courier delivery, but I decided to play it safe and go personally, since there were several pick-up points.


Having reached the nearest point of issue and informing the consultants about my choice, I was asked to give a certain confirmation code - a unique identifier that is displayed in the application after the notification that the card can be collected. Having named him and given him my passport, I announced my intention to leave my phone number. They printed out the transfer papers and gave me a package with a SIM card, having previously warned me that the transfer would take 8 days and during this period the balance on the number should remain positive. Having paid 500 rubles, which will go towards the balance (no additional hundred rubles), I said goodbye and went home. The whole procedure took about five minutes.


Throughout the entire period, my number, as described in Sergei’s article, received notifications about the moment at which I could start using the new SIM card (and on the same day my practically former operator turned off my Internet), but for now it was lying on the table. And then you probably wondered: what exactly is the format of the SIM card and will it need to be cut? Nothing supernatural is required from you. There is one card in the package, but depending on the phone model, you pull out the size you need - all the parts are fastened together, so if you need a regular nano-SIM, you pull out the smallest piece, if micro, then medium, and if mini, then the entire card fully. In the photo below you can see that all three parts are fastened together, and you just need to “squeeze out” a piece of the desired size.


Eight days have passed. At exactly midnight on the ninth day, the old SIM card notified me that “No network”. It was time to insert a new SIM card, which I did right away. Initially, even the only tariff that Yota has is not connected to the card; you manage all the communication parameters you need yourself (except for the Internet, it is included right away and you pay a fixed amount for it). In order to start using a SIM card, you need to launch the application and select the package of minutes and SMS that suits you, if necessary. Once this is done, you can start using it.

I really like this approach. You can manage everything you need yourself, and for this you do not need to send various SMS to any number to activate services, everything is done through the application. Yota routers are managed in a similar way: you put a certain amount on your balance and connect the required speed, which can be changed during the period. That is, you do not pay for traffic, but specifically for connection speed.


Now about one of the most important things - the application. There is nothing complicated in it, only what is necessary: ​​the start screen greets us with information about the remaining minutes and connected SMS, information about the balance and a menu of connection conditions. At any time, you can open it and find out about your expenses, and for this, again, you don’t need to send anything or call anywhere - all the information is before your eyes. If you suddenly realize that you do not meet the limit of minutes, you can purchase them directly in the application, as well as top up your balance - for these operations you do not need to look for a terminal or use inconvenient web versions of operator personal accounts, everything is done in a couple of taps on the smartphone display. And since the Internet is unlimited, it is quite difficult to remain without connection. Unfortunately, the application is not yet optimized for iOS 8 - hence, apparently, the sluggish interface and crashes when trying to specify a package of minutes. But, I think, for the official release operating system from Apple this issue will be resolved.

In the same application you can contact the support service via chat, which is also convenient. One click on the button and you will be connected to a specialist who will help with your question.


And in this paragraph they usually write about how bad the support service is. Yes, I myself have spoken and written about this more than once, without even taking into account telecom operators. As a rule, clients are dissatisfied with the level of services provided, and also with the fact that, due to their own inattention or lack of understanding of the subject of the problem, they blame consultants and other service industry workers for everything. To some extent, both are right; on both sides there are people who are incompetent or unwilling to help/explain. And one of the most important problems is insufficient attention to the client and the waiting time in solving his question/problem.

I contacted Yota support many times for various reasons, not only when changing SIM cards and operators. A couple of months ago I started having constant problems connecting my router to the LTE network, which I told the support service about. They took my application into processing, informed me that the base station was overloaded, and promised not only to unload it, but also to sort out the hardware (perhaps it was replacing equipment or upgrading existing equipment). Naturally, it was immediately clear that this would take a lot of time. However, after about four weeks, I received an email notifying me that the problems had been fixed, along with an offer to evaluate the quality of the connection: “Everything is fine” and “No, it’s still not working well.” It is clear that the phrase “Your opinion is very important to us” is for the most part a standard excuse, but in this case I chose the first option, since the connection became more stable a week before the notification.

When I received a new SIM card, I also encountered the problems that I mentioned just above: the application crashed every time I tried to select the appropriate packages of minutes and SMS for myself. Having described the problem in the chat, which is also available on the company’s website, they helped me within 10 minutes, connecting the packages that interested me. I didn’t really count on this approach, but expected to read something like “This OS is not yet supported by the application, so use the current version or wait for optimization for the new one.” Agree, not everyone is the first to install beta versions of a mobile operating system, so I would take this answer quite adequately. But, fortunately for me, the problem was solved without downgrading to stable iOS 7. It should be noted that the operator’s waiting time did not exceed the norm - of all my requests, I only had to wait more than five minutes for an answer.

Connection quality

So far I have only been using the new SIM card for a week, so it is difficult to objectively evaluate the quality in full, but I constantly take speed measurements and their indicators please me: the download speed was about 8 Mbit/s several times (of course, this also depends on your location), but has not yet dropped below 3 Mbit/s. The figure of 3 Mbit/s was the maximum for my previous operator, so quality improvements are immediately visible. As you understand, we are, of course, talking about 3G networks, since I have an iPhone 5 at my disposal, which does not work in our LTE frequencies. But I think there will be no problems with LTE either, but we will check this only after the release of the iPhone 6.
As for voice calls, everything is quite clear: Yota uses its towers to provide the Internet, and Megafon stations for voice calls. Nevertheless, the connection between all three main operators seems to be more or less the same, so at this point there are no revelations. In places where Megafon does not receive reception, Yota will not work either.


Of course, there are disadvantages everywhere, even Yota. There are two of them: when using a smartphone in modem mode, the speed is limited to 64 Kbps, and when downloading torrents – to 32. And if the second limitation is quite reasonable, then I don’t really like the first. In those moments when there is no Wi-Fi connection, the iPhone always came to the rescue, with which you could access the network without any problems. Now this is very inconvenient due to the low speed. I understand perfectly why this was done, but I hope that the company will still reconsider its restrictions and at least double the speed.

What's the result?

But in the end, I got what I wanted: the absence of complicated tariff plans, hundreds of options and constant traffic restrictions. I don’t have a lot of conversations on the phone, so 100 minutes a month should be enough, and if the Internet speed continues to not drop below 3 Mbit/s, I’ll finally be able to use FaceTime for conversations. After all, the sound quality there is much better than over the cellular network. And on long trips around Russia, it will be very helpful because there is no roaming within the country. In any case, Yota for me is, first of all, the Internet, and unlimited, and so far none of the operators can offer this.

This review was prepared based on the use of a SIM card in St. Petersburg. Prices and call quality may vary depending on the region.

Would you like to change your operator or maybe you have already done so? Share your experience in the comments!

Federal operator wireless communication Yota provides mobile communication services and unlimited wireless Internet access. The most important advantage of the operator is that it can offer truly unlimited Internet access, without restrictions on speed and traffic. Yota unlimited internet is available for smartphones, tablets and computers. Yota tariffs provide flexible settings, so each subscriber can create a tariff plan that best suits their needs.

Initially unlimited Internet Yota was available only to subscribers in large regions of Russia, but after the merger of the assets of MegaFon OJSC and Scartel LLC (Yota brand), the situation changed greatly. Currently, the Yota operator operates in the MegaFon network, thanks to which even the most remote regions of Russia can use the services of this operator. If your locality has a MegaFon connection, then you can connect to Yota unlimited internet.

  • Attention
  • Depending on the region, the value subscription fee may vary. The article provides data for Moscow and the Moscow region. You can find out more information relevant to your region on the operator’s website.

Unlimited Yota Internet for smartphones

Yota does not have a large number of tariffs, like MTS, Beeline or MegaFon. The operator provides subscribers with only three tariffs (for smartphones, tablets and computers), however, they provide flexible settings.

The tariff for smartphones from Yota does not have specific conditions. The subscriber can determine the volume of the outgoing minutes package and the amount of the monthly fee. The more services a tariff plan includes, the more expensive it will cost. For example, the cheapest version of the tariff will cost 440 rubles per month, and the most expensive 1890 rubles (prices are lower in most regions). You have the opportunity to choose the number of minutes you need for calls to numbers of other Russian operators (300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000), and also connect to unlimited SMS for 50 rubles. per month or refuse this service. The remaining conditions cannot be changed.

Yota tariff for smartphones includes:

  • Unlimited Mobile Internet(restrictions apply, see below);
  • Unlimited calls within the Yota network throughout Russia;
  • Unlimited SMS to all numbers (for an additional fee of 50 rubles per month);
  • Package of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators (determined by the subscriber independently).

As you can see, the tariff plan provides very good conditions. If you are only interested in unlimited Internet Iota, then you can set the minimum price to 440 rubles per month. At first glance, everything is perfect, but do not forget that we are talking about cellular communication services, which means there are some pitfalls. The Yota tariff for smartphones provides a number of features, many of which can be classified as disadvantages.

Tariff features:

  1. Yota unlimited internet is intended only for smartphones/phones. If the SIM card is used in a modem, router or tablet, the Internet speed will be limited to 64 Kbps.
  2. There is a restriction on using a smartphone as a modem or WI-FI access point (speed is limited to 128 Kbps).
  3. When using file-sharing networks, the speed is limited to 32 Kbps. That is, you will not be able to download even small files through torrent clients.
  4. Minutes from the package are used for outgoing calls to all mobile and landline numbers, including when traveling around the country.
  5. If the subscriber is in another region for a month, the operator will offer other conditions. Previously defined conditions for the home region will no longer be available.

Of course, the tariff also has other disadvantages. We have provided only information that has been officially confirmed. If you believe the reviews of subscribers, then the tariff plan has other problems. However, for a smartphone, Yota’s unlimited internet is quite good and it can compete with the tariff and tariff, which have similar conditions.

Unlimited Internet Yota for tablet

The tariff described earlier is intended only for smartphones, which means it is not suitable for tablet owners. Today tablet computers Many people have it, and the Yota operator could not ignore subscribers who need unlimited Internet for tablets. The tablet tariff also implies fairly flexible settings. You can define the period of Internet access (day, month or year). Unlimited Internet Iota for one day will cost 50 rubles, the monthly subscription fee for using the tariff will be 590 rubles, and for a year you will have to pay 4,500 rubles. By signing up for a yearly tariff you get significant savings.

Regardless of the billing period, the tablet tariff includes:

  • Unlimited Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic at maximum speed (there are restrictions, see below);
  • Single price for trips around the country;
  • The cost of outgoing calls within Russia to all numbers is 3.9 rubles;
  • The cost of outgoing SMS/MMS within Russia is 3.9 rubles.

This tariff plan is attractive only due to the presence of unlimited Internet; it is difficult to highlight other advantages. However, unlimited mobile Internet on this tariff is also not ideal and is not without its pitfalls. There are a number of restrictions that greatly spoil the impression of the tariff plan.

Tariff features:

  1. Unlimited Yota Internet is provided for use only on tablets. When using the SIM card in another device, the speed is limited to 64 Kbps.
  2. The tariff does not provide for the possibility of using file-sharing networks. Downloading/distributing files in torrents is subject to a speed limit of up to 32 kbps.
  3. When distributing the Internet via WI-FI or using the tablet as a modem, the speed is limited to 128 Kbps.
  4. In the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Iota unlimited internet for tablets does not work. Also, in some hard-to-reach settlements, there is an Internet speed limit of up to 64 Kbps (the list of settlements is not announced by the operator).

All these features of the tariff make it less attractive. It is worth noting that Beeline also has a tariff plan with unlimited Internet for tablets. provides for a higher subscription fee, but there is no restriction on the use of file-sharing networks. All other restrictions are present.

Unlimited Internet for computer from Yota

The tariffs described above are not intended for use in a modem or router. Previously, MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Yota had unlimited Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic. At the moment, only Yota provides completely unlimited Internet for a computer; other operators only offer nightly unlimited internet.

Yota not only provides unlimited mobile Internet for your computer, but also allows subscribers to independently choose the Internet speed and the amount of the subscription fee. The monthly fee will vary depending on the region. For example, for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region, Yota unlimited internet for a computer at maximum speed will cost 1,400 rubles per month. You can reduce your subscription fee by reducing your Internet speed. For example, you can set the maximum speed at 5 Mbit/s and pay 900 rubles per month or 512 Kbit/s for 400 rubles. It is also possible to connect a tariff for a day for 150 rubles or for two hours for 50 rubles.

To use Yota's unlimited internet, you need to purchase a mobile or landline modem. You can purchase the device at any communication store or on the official Yota website. A regular 4G modem will cost you 1,900 rubles when purchased on the website. Yota modem with the ability to distribute Internet via Wi-Fi it will cost 2,900 rubles. You can also purchase stationary modems on the operator's website.

The Yota tariff for a computer does not provide for restrictions on the use of file-sharing networks and Internet distribution via Wi-Fi. Although, if you believe the reviews, blocking of p2p protocols, constant network overload and unstable connection are by no means a rare occurrence. Such reviews are not isolated, which means that the quality of the Yota Internet is very different from what was stated. Unfortunately, other operators today do not have tariffs with completely unlimited Internet for a computer.

Mobile operator“Iota” is known for providing Russian subscribers with the most favorable tariffs for telephone calls and unlimited, that is, Iota unlimited Internet, which can be connected to the following devices:

  • smartphones from Apple;
  • Android phones and tablets;
  • computers;
  • devices running OS Windows Phone.

Once connected and after all the settings, you will be able to use the Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic.

What is unlimited Internet from the Yota operator and current tariffs

The advantage of connecting to the Internet from the Iota company is that almost all tariffs provide the opportunity to use the World Wide Web without restrictions. At the moment, the provider offers the following tariffs for its clients:

  1. Tablet.
  2. Mobile.
  3. Personal.

The company makes sure that its customers pay as little as possible for an access point and still receive high-speed Internet. Network tariffs from Yota are advantageous in that they do not impose virtually any restrictions on traffic, with the exception of smartphones.

Important: It is impossible to connect unlimited Internet to a smartphone, since unlimited internet is available only for modems. If you want to use the World Wide Web as much as you need, that is, without limiting yourself, then it is better to buy a SIM card with unlimited Internet. Those who managed to buy them before January 25 of this year already have such SIM cards.

When accessing the Internet via a modem from Yota, you don’t have to pay for using the network at all, since the operator offers the subscriber bonus access to the network at speeds of up to 64 kbit/sec. Plus, each owner of an Iota SIM card can create a personal tariff for themselves.

It should be noted that the company offers several SIM cards, but they all cost 300 rubles.

How to connect the Internet to Yota subscribers?

This is not difficult to do, but still the connection different devices to the network has its own characteristics and nuances. Many Yota subscribers, after receiving settings from the operator on their phones, still cannot activate the Internet. Before purchasing a SIM card or router from a provider, it is important to consider your region of residence and coverage map, it is available on the official website.

You can also connect to the Internet using a modem. The fact is that your location must have a coverage area, since without this area you will not be able to use the Internet from Iota.

Among other things, if you plan to access the network through your phone, then it must support 2/3/4G networks. Please note that during APN (Access Point) setup, Wi-Fi must be disabled.

Ways to disable the Internet

If you decide to no longer enjoy all the benefits of the Internet, you can turn it off at any time. To do this, you must unplug the device.

To perform such a manipulation, you need to go to your profile and go to the “Device Management” section. If necessary, by performing the same actions, the Internet can be restored.

If you want to completely refuse to go online and withdraw all the money from your profile, then you need to write an application, an example of which is available on the company’s website, and send it to the nearest center of the Iota operator.

You can also apply online, but to do this you need to create Personal Area. In it you will learn that the Internet, as the best source of information, can be turned off and on as many times as needed.

How to set up Internet from Yota on different devices?

You can use the Internet from the Iota provider from different devices, but to do this you need to know how to configure internet yota on a computer, tablet and smartphone.

First, you need to buy a SIM card, insert it into the slot and activate it.

After this, you need to choose the most favorable iota tariff for the Internet, while the fee for phone calls may be high, but the Internet will be high quality and fast.

To connect wireless Internet to Android smartphones, you need to create an access point whose name will be “Iota”.

In the mobile phone settings you should specify APN – intermet.yota.

As for the access point type, it is set automatically, and the remaining fields must be left blank. As a rule, on a tablet and smartphone equipped with Android OS, the Internet is configured automatically, but if this does not happen, then you will need manual mode settings.

The same applies to portable devices running Windows Phone or iOS: if the Internet is not automatically configured, then the access point is registered manually.

After this, data transfer is activated, for which you need to go to any website. After waiting for the redirection, you need to register a personal account, that is, create your profile. In it you can not only learn how to set up Iota Unlimited Internet 2017, but also perform a lot of other useful functions:

  • see how much money is on the balance sheet;
  • find out your account balance;
  • contact the operator and find out from him whether it is possible to distribute the Internet to other mobile subscribers;
  • top up your account by bank card and so on.

How to set up Internet on PC?

If you want to work with the Internet via a computer, then you also need to configure it. To do this, we connect the modem, wait for it to connect to the network, and go to the first site we come across. After this, you will be taken to the Iota page, where you will need to create your profile. After registering, you need to top up your account and turn on the Internet. The cost of the service directly depends on the Internet speed you choose.

Activating the Internet on Apple gadgets

Owners of smartphones from the Apple corporation can also set up the Internet from Yota, but ideally, after registering the card, all settings should be automated independently. The only exceptions are iPad devices, namely tablet computers. To configure the connection of gadgets with the Internet, you need to go to “Settings”, select mobile data and specify the APN name.

Next we are interested in the “APN Type” section. It contains the “Supl” and “Default” functions. You need to check the boxes next to them. As soon as a signal appears on your phone, you need to go online and go to any website. After these manipulations, you should be redirected to the company’s website, where you need to create your profile. Here you can choose the Internet speed, and also increase it if the Internet is slow.

APN – intermet.yota

Installing Internet on Android

Users of devices running on the Android OS can install Internet from Yota, which works quickly and without interference. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the gadget settings.
  2. Select "Wireless Networks".
  3. Click on “More”.
  4. Select “Mobile network”.
  5. Now you need to select “Access Point”.
  6. Click on the “Create access point” tab.
  7. You need to enter “internet.yota” in the field that opens.
  8. The remaining fields must be empty.

How to activate the network on Windows Phone?

Similarly, you can connect smartphones that run on Windows Phone.

This is done manually if automatic mode the network has not been configured.

To do this, go to “Settings”, select “Access Point” and create a new APN using the “+” key.

We also enter the name of the new APN (internet.yota) manually.

No signal: why does this situation happen?

Sometimes users of Iota services complain that the Internet does not work. Often, Android gadgets disconnect from the access point on their own, but don’t worry, as the problem can be easily fixed.

There may be no Internet when you leave the coverage area of ​​the Iota provider. This problem can only be solved in one way - return to the access point. This is done like this:

  1. The device reboots.
  2. The “Only 2G networks” section turns on for a couple of seconds, and then immediately turns off.

After these steps, the Internet should work. Such problems most often occur among residents of regions that have a limited coverage area.

Common reasons why the Internet from “Iota” does not work on your phone

There may be no Internet for various reasons, so there are several ways to solve problems.

  1. In case of network failures, you need to call technical support Yota company. To do this you need to do free call to the number 8 800 550 00 07 and explain your situation to the operator.
  2. No signal. This unpleasant situation is due to the fact that the young operator did not manage to set up its network in all regions. To distribute a high-quality signal, you need to create a good coverage area. Among other things, the Internet does not reach the territory of underground parking lots and outside the city.
  3. Adverse weather conditions often create restrictions and interference with Internet use. In this case, you will not be able to solve problems and speed up communication with the network on your own. The Internet will work only after the weather outside returns to normal.
  4. For all mobile services And world wide web in particular, you need to pay on time. If you do not have time to pay for the Internet or there is no money on your balance, then you will not be able to use the Internet, since it will not be available. Only after payment and replenishment of the account will access to the network be resumed.
  5. There may be problems with the equipment itself that distributes the Internet. If there is no network, then you need to check the integrity of the wires and connectors. Also check the antenna, which may fail and require repair.

The most useful USSD commands from Yota

The Yota operator offers its customers many useful services and USSD commands, which are a set of symbols, numbers and letters. USSD commands specially designed for quickly changing the tariff plan, setting up the Internet, managing numbers, as well as activating and deactivating various options. To connect to any service, you just need to dial a certain combination on your phone.

All teams are divided into several types, but these are considered the main ones.

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