Issa Welcome ( - personal account. Full list of USSD requests for A1 (velcom) subscribers Velcom communications in Belarus

Telecom operator and Internet provider Velcom is one of the largest companies in the country. Its official website is located at and provides a full list of mobile and home services, providing customers with a full range of options necessary for communication over the Internet and telephone. Let's take a closer look at the company's capabilities and tariff plans.

The operator works in Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Mogilev, Minsk and many other cities of the country. All are presented on the company's website available services operator and reflects the functionality of a standard user personal account. The platform is located at

In addition to the main resource, the provider has its own online store.

Using the personal account, subscribers can independently manage their active SIM card and all services connected to the number. Registration in the account is carried out using a special form.

After this, the subscriber gets access to the operator’s automated services and can completely exclude his participation in managing services, options and tariff plan.

Services Welcome By

The Belarusian operator provides services:

The company provides subscribers with a range of services covering the needs of communication over cellular networks and using an Internet connection. Velcom provides regular and interactive online television using VOKA TV.

Having its own resources, the company is an individual entrepreneur, that is, a private provider, one of the largest in Belarus.

In addition to the main services, the official website provides the following options:

  • roaming and international calls;
  • statistical IP address, Internet protection, Anti-Virus, Firewall, block list, etc.;
  • video calls, voice mail;
  • services for business - SIMid, Mobile call center, M2M coordinator;
  • satellite and SMS monitoring;
  • entertainment subscriptions.


The operator offers several categories at once tariff plans for phone. Among them are the following lines:

  • “Comfort” - the maximum number of options included in one package, suitable for young subscribers who use all the capabilities of modern smartphones;
  • “Smart Infinite” and “Business Class” - all-inclusive packages aimed at business people;
  • “Unlim” is a line that provides only Internet traffic;
  • "Hello" - tariffs without subscription fee, are paid according to the type of subscriptions for a weekly or monthly period, include various options for communicating by phone, Internet, etc.;
  • “For communication” - the line is focused on providing mobile communication services;
  • “Pension”, “Social”, “Victory”, “Data transfer”;
  • “Starter” is a standard tariff plan that allows you to get acquainted with the services and capabilities of the operator.

Below are the tariffs of the Comfort line:

Comparative description of “Smart Infinite” and “Business Class”:

Unlim service packages:

Features of the “Hello”, “For communication” and “Start” tariffs:

NameWhat is included in the tariffAdditionallyCost (Belarusian rubles/month)
Starting500 MB of traffic and unlimited outgoing calls within the networkWhen the main Internet package is exhausted at 1 kopeck/MB + it is possible to connect “Unlimited for a day”7.90 (promotional price - 5.90)
Hello. Calls+InternetUnlimited outgoing calls within the network, 100 MB of traffic,After the main package is exhausted, 0.05 rubles. for 1 MBsubscription 7 days - 2.90

subscription 30 days - 8.90

Hello. CallsUnlimited calls within the network + 150 MB of traffic with a monthly subscriptionThere is a subscription for 1 day - 0.35 rubles.subscription 7 days - 1.90

subscription 30 days - 6.90

Hello. Internet500 MB for 15 days for each account replenishment from 5 rubles.Internet onlyactivation - 5
Hello touristCalls within the network and to other numbers 50 min. + 50 SMS, 5 GB of trafficTariff for guests of the country

After the package is exhausted, traffic is 7 kopecks/MB

subscription 7 days -

subscription 30 days -

For communication SUnlimited for 5 favorite numbers + 100 MB trafficThe cost of traffic after the main package is exhausted is 3.39 kopecks/MB

An advance payment of 5 rubles is required.

For communication M1000 min. to outgoing Velcom in 2G/3G network + 100 MB of traffic9,77
For communication LUnlimited to 5 favorite numbers, 200 min. to outgoing Velcom in 2G/3G network + 100 MB of traffic13,89

Group of social tariffs:

Service packages cover the different needs of subscribers, including pensioners and clients belonging to socially vulnerable categories of citizens. Mobile Internet is included in tariff plans and is provided in the form of additional unlimited packages, which can be activated for an additional fee.

Home Internet is provided mainly with VOKA television. Home Internet without television is represented by one tariff, which assumes exclusively a network access point - “Internet 50”.

Comparative description of home Internet tariff plans:

Legal entities can connect to Velcom services under special conditions. To activate any tariff plan, fill out an application in the form provided on the website.

Welkom coverage area

The company provides services based on GSM (GPRS, EDGE), UMTS (HSDPA, HSUPA), HSPA+ technologies, providing subscribers with a 4G network throughout the country. The operator's subscribers are 4.86 million people, including representatives of small and medium-sized businesses and corporate clients.

The company is one of the largest in the Republic of Belarus, providing subscribers with stable communications and Internet connections, both mobile and home. The provider attracts different categories of clients because it provides services to different groups - children's, youth, social. Among the operator's subscribers there are business clients using affordable tariff plans for legal entities.

USSD requests are simple and quick way obtain the necessary information from your mobile operator. All you have to do is enter the required request on your phone. However, it is simply impossible to remember them all. So save and use the HF directory with all USSD requests for velcom subscribers.

General information:

Information about the balance status at the time of request

Information about the remaining minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in the subscription fee

Information on the amount of the monthly payment, the remaining amount to pay for the goods in installments and the date of completion of the write-off of contributions

The balance of included minutes of the velcom international service is 100/250, the balance of Internet traffic of the “ITV velcom” service package

Information about the amount payable according to the last invoice issued, for clients working without prepayment

Information on the number of minutes of outgoing calls made within a Closed Subscriber Group (CLG)

The total number of minutes used when calling a “favorite” number (tariff plans “Pair”, “Time for pairs”)

Possibility of quickly disconnecting communication services in case of debt

Registration of an unconfirmed payment

Checking the balance of a subscriber of the Privetik tariff plan (available to velcom subscribers whose number is assigned as a “favorite” by the subscriber of the Privetik tariff plan)

*101*Privetik subscriber number#

“Waiting for a call”: the subscriber whose number was specified will receive an SMS notification asking them to call you back indicating your number.

*131*company subscriber number#

Top up your account with an express payment card

Changing the mailing address for invoice delivery to e-mail

Repeat invoice for a closed period by e-mail

Opting out of receiving invoices

Information and service management:


USSD request

Information about the subscriber's connected services

Information about the list of services available for connection

Phone number and tariff plan information

Changing tariff plan

Information about your number in international format

Setting/cancelling a ban on listening to ACCA news

Receiving USSD messages in transliteration

Receiving USSD messages in Russian

Setting/cancelling a ban on the use of conditional forwarding in roaming

Connecting packages of minutes to all networks

“Back in touch”: all velcom subscribers who called you while you were unavailable or your phone was busy will receive an SMS notification when you are in touch again

Providing the opportunity to work without prepayment

Switching to prepaid work

Connecting/disabling the “Stopitsot” service (available to subscribers of the “Kedy” and “Polukedy” tariff plans)

Connecting/disabling the “Anti-identifier” service

Connecting/disabling the Melofon service

Connecting/changing your “favorite” number (not available on tariff plans “Own network”, “BUSINESS.PRO”, “BUSINESS.PRO.WEB”)

Connecting/disabling the Pause service

Connecting/disconnecting ISSA

Obtaining an ISSA password

Connecting/disconnecting/changing a package within the “Director’s package” service for the Manager+ tariff plan

USSD help.

Mobile Internet and MMS:


USSD request

Receiving settings for the Mobile Internet service, MMS, streaming video(“Mobile TV”), all available

Receiving a test MMS

Connecting/disabling the Mobile Internet service, changing the Mobile Internet service package, changing/deleting an application to change the Mobile Internet service package

Connect/disconnect MMS

Information about the connected Mobile Internet service package and access point

Information about the activated package of the Mobile Internet service, the cost of the package and the date of the next write-off of the package cost

Information about the provided static IP address

Connecting/disabling the Anti-Virus service

Connecting/disabling the Firewall service

Connecting/disabling the “Children’s Internet” service

Connection additional traffic on WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16

Connection to the services “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business”

Disabling the services “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business”

Information about roaming partners

Validity period of the services “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business”

Mobile operator Velcom Belarus is a reliable company that offers its customers optimal service conditions at a competitive price. Having studied the existing Velcom tariffs, each subscriber can choose the one that best suits his needs and lifestyle. Tariff plans from Velcom include in their description the most clear and transparent connection conditions - here you cannot encounter hidden additional fees or unexpected debits from your phone balance.

The “Comfort” tariff offer from Velcom was developed and announced back in 2016. This is due to the constantly growing need of modern subscribers for unlimited and stable Internet access. The use of social networks, instant messengers and other services installed on the phone is the reason for the rapid disappearance of traffic and the burning of gigabytes.

Velcom’s “Comfort” tariffs are a redesigned line called “Smart” that the provider previously had. The purpose of creating the offer is to maximally satisfy the needs of Velcom customers in Internet traffic, as well as the opportunity to significantly save on voice communications. Calls made within the 3G network are not subject to tariffs. The main condition is mobile device 3G type communication must be supported.

The line includes several tariffs, which will be discussed below.

Suitable for those who surf the Internet not too little, but also infrequently, for example, mainly communicate on social networks. One gigabyte of traffic can be used to navigate online maps, play online games and view photos. The “Comfort” tariff from Velcom includes an unlimited amount of communication within the 3G network, 100 minutes for other subscribers and a gigabyte of Internet.

A subscriber using Comfort 2 has access to expanded capabilities, a larger volume of traffic, and therefore a greater number of options for spending time on the Internet. This tariff from Velcom with two gigabytes allows you to watch videos, download photos and listen to music. It includes: unlimited communication on the 3G network, 200 minutes for communication with clients of other companies and two gigabytes of Internet traffic.

Suitable for active Internet users who often use social networks and video hosting sites. A Velcom client receives a large amount of traffic and included minutes in addition to unlimited 3G communications. The tariff includes: unlimited communication in Velcom space, 300 minutes of communication with subscribers of other operators and four gigabytes of the Internet.

Another proposal that cannot be ignored. Will appeal to Velcom subscribers who regularly use mobile internet and constantly downloading applications, music and videos. This includes: unlimited communication in the Velcom 3G space, 400 minutes of communication with other subscribers and eight gigabytes of network traffic.

Tariff Lemon

In 2019, the operator Velcom launched a new youth tariff plan called Lemon. Its main feature is unlimited use social networks, as well as the ability to transfer included traffic to the next month. For customers over eight and under ten years old, connecting to the Lemon tariff will cost nine rubles and ninety kopecks per month.

Unlimited traffic on the Internet allows subscribers to constantly be online in networks such as Instagram, Vkontakte, Viber, as well as game World of Tanks Blitz. In addition, the tariff includes four gigabytes of traffic for all other online activities (it can be accumulated and transferred to the next month). A nice bonus is the provision of 100 minutes for calls to subscribers of other networks and free digital television Voca.

Velcom clients who have subscribed to the Lemon tariff may not even think about possible traffic overruns. If it is reset, the system will send a corresponding notification, after which the user will be able to receive an additional package (its cost is 2.5 rubles per gigabyte).

A person who has reached the age of majority can independently connect Lemon at any Velcom service point. You can also make an offer for a younger client; this requires his passport and the presence of one parent (guardian) during the procedure.

Smart and Business class

Velcom has two more advantageous tariff offers for active and business subscribers, which should be mentioned.

Business Class

This is a premium tariff from Velcom, profitable and convenient for those who are used to always having access to stable communications and quality service. A user who subscribes to “Business Class” receives an unlimited number of minutes for voice communication and fast, reliable Internet. The only drawback of the offer is the rather high cost.

“Business class” will be appreciated by subscribers who have an active lifestyle and the need to always be in touch. The tariff includes unlimited communication on the network and sending messages in any volume, as well as minutes for communication with subscribers of other Belarusian operators and international calls.

Conditions of the Business Class tariff on Velcom:

No restrictions on the amount of traffic on the Internet at 3G speed;

Unlimited calls within your region;

Unlimited sending SMS via Velcom network;

Message for 4.36 rubles to phones of other operators;

MMS for 16.35 rubles;

300 minutes for calls (package for the CIS and European countries);

Benefits for roaming and long-distance calls.

The described fare offer is as convenient as business class when flying on international airlines. It is able to satisfy the most demanding needs of subscribers who have the right to call various numbers without thinking about the cost of the service. This becomes most relevant in roaming, when the price of incoming and outgoing calls increases significantly. Mobile Internet here is also excellent - it is unlimited and has excellent speed.

The monthly subscription fee for using “Business Class” from Velcom is 108.89 rubles. The day the payment is debited is set in accordance with the tariff activation date. When concluding an agreement with Velcom, the client must make an advance payment.

Premium tariff users can take advantage of a bonus: they can choose whatever they like telephone number with a good discount. The numbers can be platinum (five identical digits in a row), diamond (last four digits) or gold (alternating six digits).

The tariff plan called “Smart” is one of the most advantageous offers from Velcom. The monthly fee is fifty-five rubles. By paying this amount, the subscriber can use the following services:

Unlimited Internet traffic;

Free communication in the Welkom network;

Free sending of SMS messages to other Velcom clients;

Free SMS sending via the Velcom network;

1000 minutes to communicate with subscribers of other Belarusian operators.

Additional costs for customers who have connected Smart:

The cost of connection is forty rubles (when purchasing a new SIM card or changing the tariff);

Video communication (outgoing calls) – ten kopecks;

Messages to subscribers of other operators in Belarus - five kopecks;

MMS within the country - six kopecks, abroad - twenty-seven kopecks.

The tariff has some features that you should find out about in advance, so as not to waste time solving problems and finding out unexpected information:

Forty rubles will have to be paid to the person who buys a SIM card, changes the tariff or restores service by Velcom;

The subscription fee is debited daily - thanks to this, subscribers avoid overpaying for communications if they connected at the end of the current month;

For the first time, the daily fee is debited from the account on the next day after “Smart” Velcom was connected.

Internet only

The provider Velcom offers customers two categories of tariff plans intended only for Internet use: for phones and for tablets.

“Easy” – no prepayment, monthly fee is 1.63 rubles;

“250” for 2.72 rubles;

“350” – one month for 3.16 rubles;

“750” – only the amount of payment changes, it is equal to 5.12 rubles;

“1000” – 6.21 rubles are written off every month;

“1500” for 8.61 rubles;

“3000” – three gigabytes of high-speed Internet for 15.8 rubles.

The last two items on the list are tariffs that can be connected together with Voka TV. Watching your favorite films and TV shows will cost almost fourteen rubles per month.

Mobile Internet offers for tablets:

“WEB Easy” – without the included amount of information, monthly fee – 1.85 rubles;

“Start” – five hundred megabytes for 3.16 rubles per month;

“4” – four gigabytes, allowing you to fully work online, will cost 8.17 rubles;

“Tankers” is a widely advertised tariff for those who like to play online games. There are no restrictions or limits here, and two gigabytes are given for the use of additional services. The tariff will cost 10.57 rubles monthly fee;

“8” – standard offer for twelve rubles per month;

“10 Voka” – television and high-speed Internet for 15.15 rubles;

“No obligation” – included in the tariffs without a subscription fee; you must pay for the provision of the service upon delivery.

Tariffs that include paid traffic are activated with a discount of 50% of the total amount.

New customers are eligible to receive a promotional code valid for three months.

Easy tariffs

Social and special

Less popular tariff plans among Velcom clients. They include a sufficient number of minutes, as well as the ability to create “favorite” numbers and Internet traffic. Convenient to use as intended.


Velcom tariff for constant communication with family and friends, suitable for pensioners. It includes outgoing calls to “favorite numbers”, as well as the described option itself.

The monthly subscription fee for Pension is 3.60 rubles. An additional Internet package is also available, connected through your Personal Account or using the USSD command *135*1#.

Calls to five designated “favorite numbers” will cost 1.54 rubles.


A tariff plan that allows you to always stay in touch with loved ones. Includes “favorite numbers” and outgoing calls to Velcom subscribers.

Subscription fee – 1.54 rubles.

Additional features of “Social”:

1.03 rubles for calls to one “favorite number”;

Additional Internet provision.

Issa Welkom company operates in the Belarusian market cellular communication since 1999. The list of services provided by the operator includes mobile communications, Internet, calls to landline telephone numbers. The company strives for continuous development and expansion of the list of convenient services.

Each SIM card owner mobile operator access to your Personal Account opens. Using the Velcom Voka Personal Account (since 2019, the subscriber gets the opportunity to manage services and receive up-to-date information from the mobile operator.

Access to the personal account allows the client to independently change the tariff plan, obtain information on the personal account and perform other actions.

Follow the link to log in or register in your account - REGISTRATION and LOGIN

Click on the “Register” button and follow the instructions.

  • by mobile number;
  • USSD;
  • PUK-1.

SMS message

In the form on the page that opens, enter your mobile phone number, then click on the “Send confirmation code” link directly below the input field. Then a message containing an SMS code is sent to the cell phone. The numbers must be entered into the form field of the same name. Re-requesting the code is allowed only after 3 minutes. The next step is to enter the field twice and then press the registration button.


By selecting this item, you go to a page containing a small guide to action. You will need to send a request from your mobile phone *141*0#.

You should respond to an SMS message received on your phone by indicating a password of 5-10 alphabetic and numeric characters in the text. The procedure is completed after receiving notification of successful registration in the system.

The indicated method is considered the most convenient of the existing ones.


Using the specified identification method requires activation of the corresponding service.

To complete the procedure, you will need to contact a Velcom sales or service point in Lytkarino, Vitebsk or another city in Belarus.

Login to your velcom personal account (

You can log into your account without any problems:

Features of the subscriber's personal account

Immediately after registration and authorization on the site, you can access the client’s personal profile in the A1 company. It is convenient to use to manage your number and track the status of your personal account. The list of operations performed through the self-service account includes:

  • balance check;
  • clarification of information about the tariff plan;
  • connecting or disconnecting number service;
  • activation and deactivation additional services: voice mail, call forwarding, etc.

The financial section of the personal account allows you to obtain information regarding installment plans, payments made, and cope with paying for cellular communication services using bank card. The subscriber is given the opportunity to cancel an erroneously made payment.

You can also contact support using Feedback to resolve important issues.

User manual - main page and main sections

Upon completion of the identification procedure using any of the above methods, the home page personal account A1 by.

The left column is a short menu. The main part of the window is occupied by a duplicate menu with detailed description each of the points. At the top of the page there is user data indicating full name. and mobile phone numbers.

Information about the selected tariff plan is displayed here, indicating the amount of funds remaining in the account. Also in this section you can get information about available benefits, methods of making payments to the operator, and assigned subscriber status.

This section contains PIN, PUK codes, and date of registration in the system.

Tab " Detailed information» contains information:

  • Subscriber ID number;
  • number and date of creation of the personal account;
  • transactions for the previous month;
  • selected payment method;
  • the number of minutes remaining within the promotional offer.


This section contains the data required by home TV and Internet subscribers for timely payment for the services received. Here you can find a detailed history of completed payments along with advice regarding payment; the option of replenishing the balance with a special card is available.

Installment information

This section contains information about the number of remaining payments for the purchased equipment along with the payment amount and repayment period.

For the convenience of customers, it is possible to write off payments independently - there is no need to seek help from points of sale and service. All you need to do is deposit the required amount Money on account.

In this section, A1 (Velcom) subscribers in Gomel, Vitebsk and other cities of Belarus have access to information about the amount currently on their personal account balance. You can also study information regarding payments credited for a 2-month period. For each of them the following information is provided:

History of unconfirmed payments

Your personal account contains a section with a list of completed transactions to register payment. The user also has the option to view the status of each payment made.

You can register payment for an amount within 3 Belarusian rubles. The validity period is 3 days.

Payment by EO card

This section allows Velcom subscribers to pay for home TV and Internet using a special card.

To complete the operation, you will need to specify a 14-digit code. The necessary information is provided on the express payment card.

Wrong payment

The A1 by personal account provides the opportunity for every subscriber of digital TV, mobile communications and home Internet to return an erroneously made payment. You can use this option if an error was made in the entered cell phone number. The procedure for reviewing a submitted application for a refund takes within 3 days.

Notification of the results comes in the form of an SMS message to your mobile phone number.

The following conditions will need to be met:

  • the amount of the payment made is within 30 Belarusian rubles;
  • up to 2 weeks have passed since the date of the operation;
  • the number of incorrectly entered digits in the number is no more than 2.

Also, refunding money when paying to a PRIVET subscriber number is allowed only when the declared amount of funds remained unused in the account on the date of processing the application.

In other situations, you should use the help of employees of Welkom cool points or the operator to whose account the funds were mistakenly deposited.

The application form contains the following items:

  • the amount of funds is within the specified limit;
  • number to which funds were sent by mistake;
  • the correct number where the money should be credited;
  • date in standard format DD.MM.YYYY.

Numbers mobile phones should be specified in the generally accepted format YYXXXXXXXX.

You will also need to confirm your agreement to the terms of the refund and the correctness of the information entered.

Accounts, details

The section contains all data regarding subscriber accounts. The user has access to detailed information on the account and information on accruals made within six months and for the current period - the previous day.

You can also place an order for an invoice sent to an e-mail address, adjust the entered address, and the invoice delivery method. However, you need to take into account that the service becomes unavailable during the period of preparing the invoice for the services provided - from the 1st to the 3rd of each month.

Accruals for the current period

The section allows you to study information regarding how much home Internet and TV services cost. This takes into account the subscription fee and VAT. The cost of services is given for the current calendar period - month.

The account balance at the beginning of the period, the amount of payments made, and their amount are indicated.

By clicking on the “Details” button under the specified information, you can request detailed information regarding the cost of home Internet and TV services, the amount of the subscription fee and VAT. The information is displayed on the screen in a small table format.

View details

By going to the specified section, you can request detailed information on calls and SMS messages made. Information is available for each month of the past six months, as well as for the current period.

The information displayed on the screen is grouped into categories:

  • incoming;
  • outgoing.

After filling out a short form, you must indicate the information you are interested in, and then click the “Next” button. The M-code will be sent to cellular telephone in SMS format. The specified information should be entered in the appropriate field.

Order an invoice by e-mail

Each subscriber has the option of re-ordering an invoice for the provided communication services.

The information is sent to the e-mail address specified by the client during the signing of the contract.

If the subscriber changes the billing address many times during the month, the information in automatic mode are sent to the address recorded in the system at the time of preparation of the invoice for the past billing period.

To order an invoice by email, you will need to make adjustments to the delivery method in the appropriate section of your Personal Account.

Invoice delivery history

Here you can find information regarding the date of sending regular invoices for communication services provided by Velcom. However, the information may not be available if the user has selected the "Pick Up" delivery type.

How to change your delivery address

The procedure for changing the invoice sending address is as follows:

  1. You will need to select an e-mail from the options offered in the corresponding section of your Personal Account.
  2. Then you must enter the address Email in the appropriate field of the form. You can enter several at once, separating them with a comma. When you select the specified invoice delivery method, the information will be issued in PDF format. You can also specify additional Excel media to receive information in a convenient Excel table format. You need to select the appropriate invoice format using the drop-down list.
  3. The final step is to click the “Next” button. You will be redirected to a confirmation page.

Subscriber services

You can find out which services are currently active in this section of your Personal Account.

Here is a list of connected options in a convenient table format:

  • Name of service;
  • activation date;
  • service status;
  • reason for status.

You can activate or deactivate the options of interest within the selected tariff plan: 3G-unlimited to all networks, Melofon, MMS, Conference calling, etc.

Transactions with tariff plan

The tariff plan can be adjusted at the subscriber's discretion. Within the framework of this section, it is allowed to enable or disable individual options and suspend the service of a telephone number. Here you can get detailed information regarding all the tariff plans that Velcom has with a description of each of them. You are given the opportunity to tailor the TP to suit your personal needs.

Change of number

The cost of the first number change during a calendar month with a reduction in the monthly fee should be clarified at the time of the transaction; if an increase in the monthly fee is expected, the service is provided free of charge.

The subsequent change of number is in any case a plane tree. In this case, the account balance must contain an amount of money that is enough to pay for the service. Specific conditions for changing your number are described on the corresponding page. To do this, you will need to click on the link leading to a description of the terms of service.

The procedure for changing your number is carried out by filling out the appropriate application. The form contains the following fields:

  • number mask – 9 last digital values;
  • room category:
  • platinum;
  • diamond;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • bronze;
  • simple.

By setting the specified parameters, the subscriber can change the number online.

Mobile Internet

In this case, calls can be redirected to a cell phone or landline. It is suggested to set the appropriate type of action for different phone states: busy, not responding, out of network coverage. You should go to this section of your Personal Account and enable the service for required types calls:

  • If there is no opportunity or desire to pick up the phone, the subscriber does not answer.
  • Line busy – The subscriber is busy.
  • Staying outside the access area or the device is turned off - the subscriber is unreachable.

Unconditional forwarding allows you to immediately redirect all incoming calls to the specified phone number.

Voice mail (plus package)

In this section of the Personal Account, the subscriber is offered the opportunity to connect or disconnect the “Plus” voice mail service.

The option works as a personal mobile answering machine. You can also assign an email address to which all incoming voicemails will be sent.


There is a form on the website feedback. You can fill it out to submit your application. As soon as possible – within 24 hours – specialists will consider the received application.

You can ask a question from your Personal Account. The received response is posted in the “View History” section.

Suspension of services

When you go to this section of your Welcome By personal account, you can pause the use of communication services. When this option is enabled, a corresponding notification is displayed.

Publications on the topic