Departments - Useful information - MAI - Catalog of articles - FRELA. Moscow Aviation Institute Phase tracking radar

Departments teaching students of the faculty of AC

Departments of the University graduating from the Academy of Sciences

   By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1995, Moscow State Technical University (MSTU) named after N. E. Bauman was included in the state list of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

   All departments teaching students of the faculty of AC are located on the main territory of the university. They are located in different buildings: in the main academic building (GUK), in the educational and laboratory building (ULK), in the buildings of the Scientific and Educational Complex (NUK) “Special Mechanical Engineering” (SM), NUK “Power Engineering” (E), NUK “ Mechanical Engineering Technologies" (MT). There are all the department laboratories where our students study.

Main educational building (GUK). 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5

Educational and laboratory building (ULK). Rubtsovskaya embankment, 2/18

   Many classes of the department are conducted on the main territory of the University. Specialized classrooms and laboratories of the departments are well equipped with samples of equipment and laboratory installations. The SM-2 department, for example, was equipped by the NPO Mechanical Engineering on the instructions and under the leadership of Academician V. N. Chelomey.

   On the territory of the university there is a scientific and technical library (one of the largest technical libraries in Russia), and a palace of culture with one of the best concert halls Moscow, and a large sports complex, a well-equipped clinic, an excellent food complex and much more. All this is the property of every student of MSTU and, of course, students of the Faculty of AK.

RK Faculty of Robotics and Complex Automation
RK-1 Engineering graphics (ULK: 1122, 1124)
RK-2 Theory of mechanisms and machines (GUK: 314, 315)
RK-3 Fundamentals of machine design (GUK: 312, 86)
RK-5 Applied mechanics (GUK: 288, 284)
RK-6 Automatic design systems (GUK: 415, 413)
RL Faculty of Radioelectronics and Laser Technology
RL-1 Radio-electronic systems and devices (GUK: 1106)
RL-2 Laser and optical-electronic systems (GUK: 264)
RL-4 Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering (GUK: 14yu, 18yu)
RL-5 Elements of instrument devices (GUK: 512yu, 514yu)
RL-6 Instrumentation technologies (GUK: 280, 282)
PS Faculty of Computer Science and Control Systems
IU-1 Automatic control systems (GUK: 606) - graduating department of the AK4 group
IU-2 Instruments and systems for orientation, stabilization and navigation (GUK: 1009)
IU-4 Design and production technology of electronic equipment (GUK: 275/3, 275/5)
IU-6 Computer systems and networks (GUK: 802, 808) - graduating department of the AK5 group
IU-7 Software computer and information Technology(ULK: 501, 502)
IU-8 Information Security(GUK: 500ayu)
IN AND “Military Institute” (at the request of the student on a contract basis)
IN Faculty of Military Training (GUK: 224yu)
VP Departments of military training
SGBN Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
SGN-1 History (ULK: 721, 719)
SGN-2 Sociology and cultural studies (ULK: 724, 723)
SGN-3 Political Science (ULK: 721a, 722)
SGN-4 Philosophy (GUK: 336yu)
YR Jurisprudence (GUK: 407, 409)
FN Faculty of Basic Sciences
FN-3 Theoretical mechanics (ULK: 807, 802)
FN-4 Physics (GUK: 400)
FN-5 Chemistry (GUK: 241b., 247b.)
FN-7 Electrical engineering and industrial electronics (GUK: 242, 9)
FN-11 Computational mathematics and mathematical physics (ULK: 927, 931) - graduating department of the AK3 group
FL Faculty of Linguistics
FL-1 Russian language (ULK: 602, 601)
FL-2 English language(ULK: 427, 419, 409)

Housing SM. Gospitalny lane, 10

Building E. Lefortovo embankment, 1

Ciphers Names of faculties and department (room numbers)
MT Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technologies
MT-4 Metrology and interchangeability (T: 221, 220, 225)
MT-8 Materials Science (T: 314, GUK: 10)
MT-13 Materials processing technologies (T: 111, 112)
IBM Faculty of Engineering Business and Management
IBM-1 Economic theory (GUK: 414yua)
IBM-2 Economics and organization of production (T: 521, 520)
IBM-3 Industrial logistics (T: 406)
IBM-4 Management (T: 401, 403) - the department provides specialization "Project management and marketing of aerospace
equipment" in the AK1 group
IBM-6 Entrepreneurship and foreign economic activity (T: 514, 515)
CM Faculty of Special Mechanical Engineering
SM-2 Aerospace systems (SM: 310) - graduating department of groups AK1 and AK2
SM-3 Ballistics and aerodynamics (SM: 106)
SM-12 Technologies of rocket and space engineering (SM: 119)
E Faculty of Power Engineering
E-1 Rocket engines(GUK: 4, 317, 320)
E-6 Thermophysics (ULK: 550)
E-9 Ecology and industrial safety (E: 513, 515, 517)

Closely connected with the names: A.I. Berga (deputy chairman of the radar council at the State Defense Committee, admiral engineer), G.A Levina (professor, head of the department in the period 1944–1946), A.G. Saibel (professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, head of the department from 1946 to 1978), who laid its scientific foundation and created the face of the department. Thanks to them, the department began the first scientific research and created training courses on radio navigation and radar issues.

The date of creation of the department is considered to be December 16, 1944, when by the Order of the GUUZ NKAP (Main Directorate of Educational Institutions of the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry) the Department of Radiolocation was organized at the Moscow Aviation Institute. The following departments emerged from the department: radio transmitting devices (1946), radio receiving devices (1947), radio control (1952), radio navigation (1951).

In 1978, the department was headed by P.A. Bakulev (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR), who successfully led it until 2003. At different times the following worked at the department: O.V. Belavin, A.S. Bochkarev, B.A. Voynich, R.L. Kaminsky, Yu.N. Kalashnikov, N.G. Krysov, V.A. Likharev, M.S. Malashin, V.V. Novikov, A.A. Sosnovsky, I.A. Sklyarov, A.E. Kharybin, who left a noticeable mark in the training of young radio engineers.

The basis training courses The department published textbooks written by its employees: Saibel A.G. Basics of radar. – M.: Soviet radio, 1961; Belavin O.V. Basics of radio navigation. – M.: Soviet radio, 1967; Kalashnikov Yu.N., Fedotov L.M. Radio equipment repair technology aircraft. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1979.

Graduates of the department are famous scientists: Tamerlan Osmanovich Bekirbaev (graduate of the department in 1958) - Chief designer of weapons control systems for military aircraft. Under his leadership, radars were developed for the Su-27M, Su-30MKI, Su-35 aircraft. Currently, he is the head of the research and development department of JSC NII-Priborostroeniya. Pigin Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (graduate of the department in 1958) – Chief designer of air defense systems. Under his leadership, the development of air defense systems of the “Cube” and “Buk” series was carried out. Currently, he is the head of the research and development department of JSC NII-Priborostroeniya. Yuri Nikolaevich Guskov (graduate of the department in 1967) – Chief Designer, Deputy General Director of OJSC Fazotron-NIIR Corporation. Head of development of radar systems for fighter aircraft of the Spear and Zhuk series. Bogatsky Vladimir Grigorievich (graduate of the department in 1970) – Chief Designer, First Deputy General Director of the State Design Bureau “Vympel”. He led the development of the seeker for air-to-air guided missiles - R-24, R-33, R-27, R-77.

The department has close ties with leading research institutes and design bureaus of the aerospace and radio-electronic industry, such as Almaz, JSC Corporation Phazotron NIIR, NIIP named after. V.V. Tikhomirov, Design Bureau named after. BY. Sukhoi, Lianozovsky Mechanical Plant, Polet Research Institute and many others.

History of the department: and author DaGama, 12/08/2006 (

Special thanks for the help to candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department Alexander Vladimirovich Brukhansky.





Textbook for course design


1.1 Selection of block diagrams 3

1.2. Calculation of target parameters 8

1.3. Calculation of wavelength and phased array parameters. 9

1.4. Calculation of signal parameters 10

1.5. Calculation of the bandwidth of the amplifier 11

1.6. Error calculation 11

1.7. Calculation of energy parameters 17

1.8. Calculation of auxiliary parameters 18


2.1. Selection of block diagrams 22

2.2.Calculation of wavelength and parameters of phased array 27

2.3. Calculation of signal parameters 27

2.4. Selecting parameters for signal processing devices 28

2.5. Error calculation 28

2.6. Calculation of energy parameters 31

2.7. Calculation of auxiliary parameters 33


3.1. Selection of block diagrams 35

3.2. Calculation of wavelength and parameters of phased arrays 38

3.3. Calculation of signal parameters 39

3.4. Selecting signal processing device parameters 39

3.5. Calculation of errors 40

3.7. Calculation of auxiliary parameters 43


4.1. Selection of block diagrams 44

4.2. Calculation of wavelength and parameters of phased arrays 48

4.3. Calculation of signal parameters 49

4.4. Selecting parameters for signal processing devices 49

4.5. Calculation of errors 50

4.6. Calculation of energy parameters 53

4.7. Calculation of auxiliary parameters. 54

1. Phase tracking radar

The phase tracking radar (RL) under consideration is part of a ground-based system for early detection of objects (targets) flying at altitudes of the order of hundreds of kilometers above the Earth. For detailed development, an elevation channel of this radar is proposed, which is a phase-phase monopulse radio direction finder.

The tactical situation corresponding to this task is shown in Fig. 1.1. The working area of ​​a ground-based NRL radar in the elevation plane (shaded) is limited by the possible viewing sector in a given radar in terms of elevation from
and two circles with radii
. Meaning
are chosen so that the radar can track targets with the minimum flight altitude acceptable for a given class of targets. Maximum range
should be equal to the line-of-sight range of the target C from the installation point of the radar antenna. Line of sight range (in kilometers) taking into account atmospheric refraction at
, Where And - the elevation height of the radar antenna and the flight altitude of the target, respectively, are determined by the known relationship:


Where expressed in kilometers. Calculation
is performed for the maximum flight altitude of the target (during design it is assumed that

Trajectory of target movement (dashed curve in Fig. 1.1) at constant target speed , is part of a circular orbit having a radius
, Where - radius of the Earth. The intersection of the target's flight path with the boundary of the working area corresponding to
, determines the minimum measurable target range

When designing a phase tracking radar and its elevation channel (EMC), it is necessary to take into account the following:

I. The solution to the tasks assigned to the radar involves the inclusion in the radar of channels for measuring range, speed and two angular coordinates (azimuth and elevation) of the target.

2. It is advisable to measure the range using the pulse method, which simplifies the construction of the radar and makes it possible to use a common antenna for both transmitting and receiving signals. In this case, the duration of the probing pulse can be increased to a value determined
, which helps to increase the potential of the radar.

3. Range of measured target ranges from
determined by a given viewing sector by elevation angle (
), and
usually more
, set, as indicated, for tactical reasons.

4. The accuracy of determining the coordinates and speed of the target is affected by the tropospheric refraction of radio waves, and the degree of this influence increases with the path of radio waves in the lower layers of the atmosphere.

5. At a constant linear speed of the target angular velocity depends on the distance to the target

where is the angular velocity
It is recommended to express it in deg/s.

Linear velocity should be expressed in SI units using the relation

Publications on the topic