How to take a screenshot on Android: a combination of actions for different phone models. How to take a screenshot of the screen on your phone: methods and instructions Take a screenshot on Android

Screenshots are needed for many situations. Sometimes you want to show off your in-game achievement to a friend, you need to save important information, or you just want to take a screenshot for other purposes. Let's look at how you can make a print screen using an Android device.

How to take a screenshot on an Android phone?

There are many ways to take, edit and save screenshots on Android phones. To do this, the built-in functions of smartphones or third-party utilities are used.

Depending on the device model, screenshots are taken differently. Basic method:

  1. Open the required image.
  2. Press and hold the Power and Volume Down keys at the same time for a few seconds.
  3. A notification about the captured photo will appear at the top of the screen.

In order to see the screenshot you just created, swipe the screen from top to bottom to open the notification panel and click on the message with the icon.

Samsung Galaxy

Most Samsung phones work with their own key combination. Basically, just hold down the home key.

On older Samsung models, for example, Galaxy s2 or Galaxy Tab, you need to hold down the power and volume buttons at the same time.


Like Samsung, older models work with a standard combination of the power and volume down keys.

More modern smartphones support a different key combination – “Power” and “Home”.


On phones from this manufacturer there are also 2 options:

  1. Simultaneously press and hold the volume down keys and the button in the form of three stripes (menu).
  2. Open the control panel and click on the Screenshot icon.


LG smartphones have a special built-in program called Quick Memo (QMemo+). It allows you to take screenshots and edit them immediately.

To use Quick Memo, you need to open the notification panel (swipe down) and select the appropriate icon:

Select the QuickMemo icon

This is not the only option for LG - the classic method of taking screenshots is also here.


Lenovo also has its own built-in program. To create a print screen, you will have to use the classic key combination or open the “Drop-down menu” and select the “Screenshot” icon there.

Select “Screenshot” in the notification panel

Asus Zenfone

To add an additional button to the quick menu for instantly taking pictures, you need to open the settings section, find “Asus Individual Settings” in them, and select “Recent Applications Button”.

Now an additional key for the print screen will be added to the bottom quick actions panel.

New key in the quick actions menu

Zenfone 2

Go to the “quick settings menu”, go to the “additional settings” section, in which we mark “screenshots”. We save the action, and the desired key will appear in my quick actions.


Meizu smartphones allow you to use two combinations:

  1. Classic with pressing power and volume.
  2. Press and hold the "power off" and "home" buttons.

Depending on the device version, you can use one of the listed combinations.

Android 2.3 and below

Android version 2.3 does not support the screenshot function. However, this is not a problem. You can solve this problem by obtaining Root rights, which will allow you to install special programs like Screenshot UX.

One of the well-known utilities for obtaining root rights is Baidu Root. Download it and follow the instructions. If it is not available for the device, we simply use similar analogues.

Via PC

There are quite a few applications on the Internet for remotely controlling an Android device via a computer. One of the best for this is MyPhoneExplorer.

You need to install the program on your computer and on the Android device that will be used. This will allow you to connect your smartphone to your PC in three ways - using USB, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

  • Let's launch the program.
  • We establish a connection using the desired method.
  • After detecting the smartphone on the PC, open the “Miscellaneous” tab in MyPhoneExplorer and go to “Phone Keyboard”.

MyPhoneExplorer program

  • Let's open.
  • When the screen view from the smartphone appears on the computer, click on the button to save.

Save the file

Programs from Play Market

There are a huge number of special utilities for taking screenshots in the application store. Of these, we note the two simplest, but at the same time functional utilities.

  1. Screenshot

Program Screenshot

The name of this program explains everything. The application adds a button to the desktop for taking pictures and allows you to use basic functions for editing them. Great for weak devices.

  1. Screen capture

Screen Capture program

This utility allows you to choose your own screen capture methods. For example, you can assign a special key for this, or configure the device so that when you shake it, a screenshot is taken. Does not require root rights for standard functions. To use the full functionality of Screen Capture, you need to have Root.

On almost every phone you can take a screenshot in several ways. Therefore, you can screenshot using either the same classic combination or using third-party utilities.

If the device is very weak, the easiest way is to connect it to a PC and use a special utility.

How to take a screenshot of the screen on a phone is a question that worries many, which prompted us to write this article. In it we will look at the main ways to take a screenshot on an Android phone and other operating systems. Often when working with your smartphone you are faced with the need to take a screenshot of the display, but not everyone understands how to do this. There are several methods, each of which is easy and suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

How to take a screenshot on Android?

If you are wondering how to take a screenshot on an Android phone, then this article is for you. Many manufacturers equip their Android smartphones with a separate key, pressing which takes a picture of the display. It can usually be found on your desktop. When working with this option, all screenshots end up in a separate folder called Screenshots or Screen capture. If, when deciding how to take a screenshot on your phone, you did not find this key, then you can resort to the help of the remaining two methods.

The first one works on most modern devices. If you are thinking about how to take a screenshot of the screen on a Samsung phone or other gadget, then you should press a certain key combination. It can be different, depending on the device manufacturer and the shell on which its interface is built. Most often, a screenshot is taken by pressing the home key and “-” on the volume rocker. But if this key combination does not lead to the desired result, then try the following options:

  • Menu and Lock button;
  • Long press on the “recent documents” key;
  • If you are worried about how to take a screenshot on a Sony phone, you will need to hold down the power key. Next, the corresponding menu will be displayed;
  • In the Samsung Galaxy line, a screenshot is taken by pressing the Menu and Back keys;
  • If you are interested in how to take a screenshot on a Xiaomi phone, you can hold down the Home key and volume down, or do something more cunning by swiping three fingers across the display. The manufacturer also provided a virtual assistant and an additional key, when pressed, a screenshot is taken.

The question of how to take a screenshot of the screen of an Android Samsung phone can be solved not only with a keyboard shortcut, but also thanks to additional programs. Some of them are installed on the PC, for example, Android SDK. We connect the phone to the computer using a USB cable, and then take a photo. But this is a rather inconvenient method, because it is much easier to install the application on the smartphone itself. We recommend paying attention to the following programs: Screenshot It, as well as Screenshot UX and Screenshot ER PRO. But there is one feature: you can take a screenshot using the application only with root rights.

How to take a screenshot on Windows Phone?

The question of how to take a screenshot on Windows Phone is solved quite simply: by pressing the lock and start keys. The screenshot can be found in the photo folder in the display snapshots section. If you couldn’t take a photo this way, you can install the Screen Capture application.

How to take a screenshot on iPhone?

Let's look at how to take a screenshot of the screen on an iPhone. Apple technology has a special function with which you can take a snapshot of the display. When deciding how to take a screenshot on an iPhone 5S, you need to press the Home key and the lock button.

The resulting photo can be found in the folder where all your photos are stored. When deciding how to take a screenshot of the iPhone screen, you can take it in any application and even during a call.

Even more interesting:

For example, if you have a problem with a program, its developers may ask you to take a screenshot and send it to them. And how to do this, even if it is not clear what it is. Today in this short note I will try to be as detailed as possible (for beginners) explain what a screen is, and how is this miracle possible do it yourself using the operating system or special programs. All this is not difficult at all - you just need to receive the appropriate instructions.

What is a screenshot and why might it be needed?

So let's start with what is a screenshot? Essentially, this is a screenshot (this is how this term is translated into Russian, if we take as a basis the word screenshot, from which it comes). Then we are faced with another task - to find out what is a screenshot? Well, this will be easier. In your daily practice, you come across a lot of screens (television, computer, mobile, etc.). So, a screenshot (screen) is an image of what you are currently observing on this very screen.

For example, you are playing a computer game and want to capture an interesting moment or a series of moments. How to do it? Usually, a combination of hot keys is used for this, and the result (screenshots) can then be viewed in a folder specially designated for this or on the clipboard. The same can be done when watching a movie (you can take screenshots in the form of still frames).

But this is not limited to films and games - you can capture anything. On devices that have their own operating system (computers, laptops, smartphones,), as a rule, there are built-in capabilities for taking screenshots (for example, on a computer or laptop you can click on Print Screen or Alt + PrintScreen, and then search for the taken picture in ) or you can use third-party extensions (programs) for this.

Let's summarize. What is a screen? This is the image, which contains displaying what you see on the screen computer or gadget. By the way, the snapshot may not contain the entire contents of the screen, but only a separate application window or a separate area of ​​the screen (selected by you when taking the screenshot). For example, this screenshot was taken while writing this article (do you recognize it?):

Many programs for taking screenshots allow you to process this image - add labels, lines, arrows, highlights and so on. This is exactly what I do when I work on articles on this blog, i.e. I add all sorts of things to the screenshots to emphasize what we are talking about. For example, like this:

Next, the screen can either be saved on your computer or sent to someone by email or via the Internet. To implement the latter feature (quickly share screenshots taken with your opponents), there are a lot of free programs, which will be discussed below. It’s very convenient - you quickly take a screenshot and immediately receive a link to its file (it is automatically sent to the Internet) to send it to your friend, acquaintance, or to the support service of some annoying program. Screenshots are power.

Do you know which one the easiest way to take screenshots comes to mind for novice computer users? That's right, take a picture of the screen using a phone or camera, and then send the resulting file by mail or via mobile phone. Just business. But this, believe me, is not the best way, because the final image will have too many artifacts - glare, distortion, darkening, lightening, etc. In general, it's a complete mess. Moreover, you will make yourself look like a lamer (a person who does not know how to use a computer). Do you need it?

So I think it’s not necessary. Therefore, let’s quickly remember what screenshots are, and we learn to do them once or twice using the simplest instructions described below for all occasions. Don’t blame me, but I’ve already written about all this in some detail, and I won’t describe many points, I’ll just give links to my other articles, where all this is discussed in great detail. Agreed? Well, that's great.

How to make this same screen on a computer, laptop or phone?

Oh, it's very simple. The main thing is to understand what a screenshot is, and there are plenty of ways to take one. So, let's take a closer look at everything first for computers and laptops. Let me put all the material in the form of a list to make it easier to perceive:

  1. The most obvious, but not the most convenient way is to use the key Print Screen(to take a screenshot of the entire screen) or the key combination Alt + PrintScreen (to take a screenshot of only the currently active window in which the cursor is located).

    The screen image itself goes to the clipboard (if you take the next screenshot, the previous one will be deleted from the buffer) and you will need to pull it out from there using any graphic editor installed on your computer (you can use it). In any case, at least you will have a Point. Read all other details here:

  2. In modern versions of Windows, starting with Vista, there is a built-in program called "Scissors"(“Start” - “Programs” - “Accessories” - “Scissors”). What it is? Well, this is a much more advanced tool than the simplest option described above. Here you will have the opportunity to see what you took and, if necessary, add some highlights and inscriptions.

  3. You can install the program on your computer or laptop Snagit, which really costs money. This is what I use to create screenshots, because it is very convenient and functional. If you, like me, need to constantly take and process screenshots, then install it and don’t think about anything, because... This is probably the best option on the market. Moreover, in RuNet there are no problems with paid programs, when every second person has Photoshop, although it costs a thousand evergreen money.

    What are screenshots made in Snagit? These are masterpieces, all without exception. The program is so simple and convenient that it will not allow anyone to spoil anything.

    It can even be useful when recording webinars. See more details here: .

    Modern phones, and especially smartphones, are actually the same computer, and their operating systems allow you to do exactly the same thing as on a computer (to create files displaying what you are currently seeing on the screen). To do this, certain key combinations are used, which may vary depending on the model and type of operating system used on the phone.

    The main operating systems now are iOS (used on iPad and iPhone) and Android (used by the vast majority of smartphone and tablet manufacturers). Yes, there are also Windows Phone phones, but mostly from Nokia. So let's find out for them key combinations for taking screenshots:

    I hope that in this article I was able to clearly explain what a screenshot is in relation to both a computer and a mobile phone. And most importantly, you have stopped being afraid of the unknown and have confidently mastered another layer of computer wisdom, which will certainly be useful to you in the future practice of communicating with these “smart” human friends. Adies, amigos.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    In the modern world, more and more mobile devices and smartphones running on Android are coming into circulation. Many people who have such gadgets do not know how to use them to their fullest potential. Most functions are easy to understand, despite the “apparent” complexity. Below we will look at a useful function - print screen of the screen and we will understand in detail how to take a screen on Android.

    A printscreen is a screenshot taken on a smartphone, mobile, computer or laptop. Simply put, this is a copy of the image that is on the screens of electronic equipment, smartphones and tablets. It could be a painting, a photograph of a computer desktop, a captured image of a frame from a film or cartoon. Device manufacturers have created a convenient feature that allows you to quickly exchange information.

    The picture is used for articles or as an insert into any document. You can write or draw the necessary additions, outlines, underlines on the picture, as well as leave comments and explanations directly on the picture using programs in which you can work with images.

    Standard option

    How to take a screenshot on phone and android. On such gadgets, the picture is created by a combination of various keys. This combination may differ for different companies and smartphone models.
    For smartphones with Android 4 and higher, the button combination will be as follows:

    • “home key” + “off key”.
    • Or the second option is “volume switch” + “power key”.
    • For a positive effect, the keys must be pressed simultaneously.
    • You must hold the buttons for two to three seconds.
    • The sound of the camera shutter will then sound. The photo will go to the gallery in a separate folder where you can view it.

    This combination works in smartphone models such as Lenovo, HTC, ZTE, Samsung, Lg, Asus, BQ, Sony, Acer, Alcatel...

    For Chinese brands with MIUI shell, for example Xiaomi, Umidigi and the like, make a swap with three fingers from top to bottom.

    If pressing the button does not work, you need to look for the correct combination of buttons on your gadget, experiment with different presses and holding times.

    Why are Root rights useful?

    The situation is slightly different for owners of mobile devices with Android version 2.3 and lower. They will need a “Root Agreement” to take a photo. After which users can install any applications on their gadgets, with the help of which they can easily have such a useful function as screen printing.

    In Android tablets, the image is taken using an on-screen icon specially provided for such technology. If it is missing, most tablets have the ability to activate the print screen by combining the “menu” + “lock screen” buttons. After which a window will appear to confirm the operation. The resolution is selected and the copy is sent to the gallery for storage. Just like in smartphones, the keyboard shortcut varies across different tablet models.

    If you still can’t create a photo, then for such cases the developers offer screenshot applications.

    Using apps

    The popular Screenshot Ultimate application, downloaded for free, allows you to quickly and easily master screenshot. This application allows you to shoot using various methods, such as: pressing a special icon, shaking, swiping, voice, power button. Next, the resulting image can be edited, that is, cropped, rotated, etc., using a program designed for image editing.

    Today there are many programs that allow you to make screen. They can be found in any service, be it Google Play or Nine Store. There are programs that combine the functions of a photo and its editing. In such programs it is possible to change the format, remove only part of the display and assign keys for the print screen. Such combinations will be convenient for the user to use.

    How to take a screenshot via computer

    You can make a print screen on a computer or laptop by pressing a button on the SysRq PrtSc keyboard. Next, the image is saved to the clipboard. The copied image must be saved in any text document, drawing and picture editing program, and subsequently used.

    It is also possible to make a print screen on a computer, as well as on mobile devices. They allow you to make print screens of even a piece of the monitor, just the place that needs to be demonstrated. Taking screenshots of the screen in such programs makes it possible to immediately save the images without saving them to the clipboard.

    Take a screenshot on your gadget via your computer, perhaps by connecting them via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or using a USB cable. In this case, you must install the appropriate application on your computer. By going into it, you can manage the process of creating a picture, followed by editing it. Examples of the names of several such programs: My Phone Explorer, Ok Screenshot, Google Play and others.

    What to do if the screen is not saved

    Possible solutions:

    • Try rebooting the gadget, this may be the reason.
    • Update all downloaded files on your phone. And reboot again.
    • Create a screenshot folder in the gallery. The problem may be that there is no folder to save the picture.
    • The user can insert a memory card and then save pictures there. This is done in the settings, set the saving of pictures to the SD card.
    • Perhaps there is not enough space on your phone and the photo simply does not fit in the storage. To solve this problem, you need to clear the internal memory of the phone and try again.
    • Maybe the key on the phone doesn't work.

    In any case, the best solution is instructions. Browse and find a solution specifically for your device.


    The gadget production industry does not stand still. There is an accelerated development of technology and computer communications. Nowadays, the ability to fully use electronic devices is a sign of a modern person. Electronic devices facilitate communication, allow you to earn money from a distance, make purchases without leaving home, find the information you need, monitor your health, and much more.

    In this article, we not only looked at the advantages of one of the functions of modern phones - screenshots, but also learned how to use it, as well as solve problems that arise with its use, and made a little progress in studying mobile devices. Having mastered the screenshot function, additional opportunities open up for any further work with files, texts, and explanations. Helps avoid complex and tedious explanations in words. Shows a clear picture of the action.


    Do screenshot on a mobile device Android is not at all as complicated as it might seem at first glance. In this article you will find step-by-step instructions. Moreover, this does not require any software or additional equipment.

    What is Android

    Android is an operating system specifically designed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android supports many devices, and its main competitor is Apple's iOS operating system. Based on Linux, Android is a mobile and open operating system that uses its own shortcuts to perform computer operations.


    Screenshots are pictures of what you see on the screen of your computer or, in this case, your phone. You can take a screenshot to capture the entire screen or select a specific part of it, and then save it as an image file. It is very practical and can be useful for various purposes.

    Take a screenshot on an Android device

    To take a screenshot, press and hold the buttons simultaneously for a few seconds Home And nutrition (start).

    You will hear the characteristic sound of the camera, indicating that the photo has been taken. The screenshot will then be saved to your Gallery

    On some Android phones such as Nexus 7 and 9 To take a screenshot, you need to press the buttons simultaneously nutrition And volume .

    Take a screenshot on Samsung Galaxy S5

    On a smartphone Galaxy S5 the technology is a little different.

    Go to the menu Settings > Control > Movements and gestures and activate the function Take a screenshot with your palm. You will be shown which direction to move your palm across the screen. Now you can do this gesture every time you need to take a screenshot.

    The pictures will be automatically saved in the section Screenshots Phone galleries.

    Take a screenshot on Samsung Note 4 and Note Edge

    To take a screenshot on Samsung Note 4 or Note Edge, you also need to press the button at the same time Home and a button nutrition. Screenshots will be located in the Gallery or in the Samsung My Files section.
    Image: © Rohit tandon -

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