How to change your Skype account name. Changing your Skype account - exit, re-register

Need to change account on Skype? Don't know how to do this? Once you know the options available, you will quickly learn this simple procedure.

Skype is a common program for making voice and video calls. Sometimes you may need to change your Skype account. In what ways can this be done?

Changing your account means you want to do one of two things:

  • Do you want to change your login in the program?
  • Do you want to delete your account and change it to a new one;
  • Do you want to change the account that will be automatically loaded when you log into the application.

Changing your Skype login

It’s worth saying right away that you won’t be able to change the login in your account. Skype simply does not provide such a function. However, you can change the display name, as a result of which the login you do not like will be required only for login. And users will “see” you under the correct name.

Setting up automatic login

you can configure Skype in such a way that you will not be required to enter an unnecessary nickname even during authorization. To do this, open Skype and find the “Automatic” item at the bottom of the window. Sign in when you launch Skype." Place a bird there. Now authorization will be performed automatically, that is, you will not need to enter your login and password at all.

If the window prompting you to log in automatically does not appear, it means that the checkbox is already there and the program will load on its own. However, you should not completely forget your login and password.

Setting up a new login

To set the desired nickname, you need to go into the program and find where your login is written there. It is located at the top, next to your status indicator. Further sequence of actions:

  • Click on the nickname, on the right you will see your personal information;
  • Click on the “Enter full name” item (in the program it is located slightly higher than the login itself);
  • In the window that opens, specify the desired name;
  • Click Enter.

Now Skype will display the login you need.

There is one caveat here. If you previously combined Skype with your account Microsoft entry, then the program will display the nickname specified in Microsoft system. And you won't be able to change it.

But before you start changing your nickname, think about whether you really need it? The fact is that the users who are in your contacts can call your account by any name convenient for THEMSELVES. For example, it is inconvenient for a person to remember you by the nickname you specified. He may well change it to another. To the one with which he will associate you more. At the same time, it is clear that your nickname will not change in any way, you will not even know that the person called you something else. And if you change your nickname in the system (at least ten times), then that user will remain with the same name.

Registration on Skype

If you want to change your account, that is, you no longer want to use this profile, then you can register on Skype a second time. For this:

  • First, log out of your profile: click the Skype icon, then “Log out”;
  • You will see a program login window. Click on the line “You don’t have a login?”;
  • A new account registration window will appear. Enter all required data;
  • Click "Create an account";
  • Then you can log into Skype using your new username and password.

But the problem here is that important contacts may remain in the old account. To save them there are two ways:

  • Rewrite them and then ask for authorization from the new account;
  • Use the redirect method.

This method is very convenient, although many people don’t know about it, and they agonize over how to change their account and save all their contacts. To perform an implicit redirect, do the following:

  • Log in to Skype using your old login;
  • Go to “Personal Data” by clicking on the login icon at the top of the window;
  • In the “Name” field, enter: this profile is blocked (or closed);
  • In the “Region” field: Use this nickname (and enter a new login).

That's all. Users will now see that you now have a different active Skype profile.

Changing the automatically downloaded profile

If one account is activated by default, and you want another to start when you sign in, follow these steps:

  • Open Skype;
  • Click on the “Skype” icon (it is located at the top of the taskbar, on the left);
  • A new window will open, in which click “Exit”;
  • You will be logged out of your profile and a login form will appear. Enter the nickname (and password) under which the automatic launch should occur;
  • Click on the "Enter" key.

Now the system will remember exactly this data. If you use Skype on another computer, for example, from work, check the box under the login form so that the system does not remember your login and password. And when you exit, don’t just close the Skype window (which simply minimizes it and does not close the program) - click the “Skype” icon and then “Exit”.

Changing your Skype account is possible in any way, unless you need to completely change your login. The developer does not provide for such a procedure. Everything else can be done. By registering in the program in a couple of minutes, you will have virtual access to anywhere in the world. You'll quickly appreciate the full potential of Skype and be able to learn and develop from anywhere in the world.

To interact with almost any software you need to go through. Its nuances require entering personal information, login and address Email(used for user authorization). However, there comes a time when the data is outdated and requires updating. Today we will talk about how to change skype account, consider the characteristic features of the procedure.

Changing your Skype account

Sooner or later there comes a time when you need to provide new information about your account and user. The system does not require such actions, but life situations sometimes present surprises.

In the course of the story, we will look at the main reasons for interacting with user settings.

How to change your email address on Skype

A project participant has the right to change his email address on Skype, without specifying the reason for such actions. To put your plans into practice, just follow the steps step by step instructions presented below:

Is it possible to change the username on Skype?

The system does not provide a login correction procedure, but the user can change the name displayed to other project users.

To do this, follow the following instructions:

The procedure for changing your Skype login does not cause any difficulties, but has several nuances: linking the messenger to a Microsoft “account” automatically determines the user name.

Changing your full name

It turns out that our passport data has an expiration date and tends to change. Therefore, it is important to update personal data not only in the real world, but also on the World Wide Web.

The following step-by-step instructions will tell you how to change your first and last name on Skype:

How to change your phone number on Skype

As mentioned earlier, project participants can make calls not only within the network, but also outside it. Therefore, it is important to keep your personal information up to date and know how to change your phone number on Skype:

This procedure is necessary so that if you call or send SMS to mobile phone Your specified phone number was displayed. If you want to add a number just so that it will be displayed in your profile, then you need to:

How to hide your date of birth on Skype

To hide your date of birth on Skype, you don’t have to look for tricks - just don’t indicate it in your personal information when registering. But if it was still indicated.

Skype allows you to edit your current account. The user can change the display name, add personal data, synchronize the profile with Microsoft services and a number of other functions. But there is one limitation - you cannot change your login login, but there is a way to bypass it. So how to change Skype? Let's look at everything in order.

Editing a Password

A password is required to log into your Skype account; it determines the security of your profile. For a number of reasons, there may be a need to change it. And Skype provides such an opportunity.( .)

To get started, launch the program. In the window, select “Skype” and there click on edit password. A browser page will open where you need to log into your profile. The system will redirect to the Microsoft website. There will be a form on the page where you need to enter Old Password, indicate new twice and confirm them. Now all that remains is to re-enter your account with the edited data on all devices.

Change of personal data

Many users are interested in how to change their name on Skype. It is not tied to a login, so it can be easily edited. As in the previous point, everything is done in the browser, but first you need to open the program itself. Select the Skype menu and click on “My Account...”.

The page will open in the browser. There you need to find the data editing button.
You will have access to change your profile. You can set a nickname that will be displayed for all users, country of residence, year of birth and all related information. The avatar changes directly in the Skype. Don't forget to save your changes before closing the browser page.

Setting up a new login

The Skype login itself cannot be edited. But to login you can use email address from Microsoft. To do this, you need to upgrade your account. Go to the site. There, log into your Skype profile. The system itself will prompt you to merge your account with Microsoft. In this case, you can enter your email address and password to enter the program. There are no other options for changing your login.

How to change your Skype username? Is it even possible to do this? It is not possible in an existing account. After all, it is the login, and only it, that is your identifier in the system. There are no two identical nicknames, so it is impossible during using Skype change such an “identifier” to another.

If for some reason you want to change your name in the Skype communication program, you don’t have to create another account or get nervous every time you launch the messenger. There is another way out. The next time you enter the program (when you enter your name and password), check the box next to “Automatic authorization at startup...”. What will this give you? It’s just that you will never see the hated login again, since when entering the program you will not need to enter personal data, including your login.

In any case, your Skype interlocutors can assign you any name they want in their program and you won’t even know about it. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much about an unsightly login.

Let us repeat that if the account is linked to Microsoft, then the login displayed when logging in will be taken from there. And the only way to change it is to change your Microsoft account.


Let's reveal a little secret: the Skype program has not only a name written in Latin (this is entered when entering the program), but also two other columns that display your first and last name. These are the ones you see when communicating with another person on Skype on a computer or phone (Android or other OS).

To change the last name and first name that will be displayed in the program, you need to:

  1. Log in to Skype.
  2. Look for the Skype branding at the top left. To the left of it, next to the status, is your name. This is what can be changed. And don’t be confused by the fact that it can be the same as the login. This is often observed during urgent registration.
  3. Click on this name.
  4. Next - “Add a new name”.
  5. Enter your new first and last name and press Enter.

If this method of solving the problem does not suit you, you will have to create a new account in the program.

If someone used your computer...

If someone logged into Skype using your computer (laptop, phone) and now someone else’s nickname is saved there, you need to change it to yours. This is done like this:

  1. Log in to Skype.
  2. Select the menu called "File" (or the "Skype" menu).
  3. Find and click on the sub-item “Log off the network...”.
  4. Log in again by entering your nickname and password. If you check the “Save password” checkbox, you will not need to enter the data again next time.

New account

If the above solutions to the problem do not work, you need to start new account in Skype, because there is no other way to change the login used to log into the program. To create an account from scratch, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the official Skype website at
  2. Find “Download Skype” at the top right and click.
  3. In a new window you will need to start installing the program and wait a bit.
  4. Now by clicking the “Join” button, you can start a new registration (it is located in the upper right corner).
  5. In the window that opens, designed for registering a new user, you can change all the data, and especially carefully consider what your login and password will look like.
  6. You can register without visiting the site - just the next time you log into the program, click on the “Create an account” link and fill out all the fields.

Yes, it may cause some confusion, but you will be able to explain everything to them. You will need to do this first backup copy all contact details. To do this, you should: 1.Open the menu with contacts in the old Skype.

2.Select “Advanced...”.

3.You need to click on the “Back up your contact list” item.

4.When you need to restore all these contacts in a new account, open the “Contacts” menu in the new account, select “Advanced...” again, and then “Restore contact list from backup file.”

To change your Skype login, you can create a new account or change the name that is displayed when communicating in this messenger. Also use the function of automatically entering your password and your nickname so you don’t have to enter it every time.

This article will discuss how change displayed Name in Skype, and at the same time your last name, date of birth and other account settings. Let us add that the program developers did not foresee change login login, so if you want to become the owner of a different login you will have to re-register and select it during registration if it is free.

Changing your name is very easy and simple; no one should have any difficulties here.

So, first you should run Skype program And log in– enter your username and password.

In the top menu click the button Skype, select from the drop-down list Personal data, and then Edit my details.

In the window that opens you can change name by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

We change on any you like and click Enter- all is ready.

Another way to click link under name account Control.

Let's go to the section of the site, containing information about your profile.

Here we press the button Edit profile.

The fields for changing data will become editable.

Here can change not only first and last name, but also gender, date of birth, language, city, country, and personal information"About me".

After entering the changed data, click Save. As an example, we introduced the abstract “Vasya Pupkin”.

Now this nickname will be displayed in your profile and in the contact lists of your friends.

After an entry change, uninformed friends in your contact list may be confused about who the new character is. We'll have to tell everyone about it notify or answer questions like: “Who are you?”

Note that users from this list can select different display name Your contact, which may not match the one you entered. Perhaps they have already become accustomed to the old nickname, by which it is easier to identify you.

One more point - if you use Microsoft account linked to Skype, then friends will see exactly your login– Microsoft account name. In this case, to change it you will have to create a new account– this option is not very acceptable for many. Then you will need to transfer your usual list of contacts to the new account and again send an authorization request to each of them.

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